Mechanics: Module V: Concept of Stress and Strain

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Module V: Concept of Stress and Strain

Lesson 23: Introduction to Strain and Hookes Law

When a bar is subjected to axial tensile/compressive force, its length is
observed to change. This change in length is found to be proportional to the
length of the bar. Therefore, it is fundamental to define the change of length
in terms of the quantity = (LL0)/L0 = L/L known as the normal strain,
where L0 is the original length, and L is the new length. Normal strain is
thus a non-dimensional measure of the change in length. It is customary to
refer to strain with units mm/mm or m/m (micro-strain) etc. The normal
strain can be measured using a strain gauge which relies on the principle of
change of resistance of a wire with change in its length.

Stress-Strain Relation: Hookes law

In order to understand the mechanical behaviour of materials under load,

we relate the normal strain produced in a bar to the normal stress applied
(rather than the force applied). The normal stress is more fundamental than
the applied force since, if we consider the atomic/molecular bonding forces
resisting the deformation, stress reflects the force per bond. For a given ma-

Figure 1:

terial, the bond number density and strength are fixed quantities. Hence the
stress-strain relation will become a fundamental property of a given material,
and will not depend on the size of the sample used to determine it. This relation is also known as the constitutive relation of a material. The stress-strain
behaviour for certain materials is shown qualitatively in Fig. 1.
The curves for different materials are qualitatively and quantitatively very
different. It is observed that, for small strains, commonly used structural
materials exhibit a linear stress strain relation of the form = E, where E
is known as the Youngs modulus, or modulus of elasticity. This relation is
known as the Hookes law. The elastic modulus is a property of a material,
and has the same dimension as stress. In SI units, the units N/m2 or Pa
(Pascal) are typically used. Approximate values of Youngs modulus of some
common materials is given in Table 1.

Beyond the linear stress-strain relation regime, structural materials (such

as steels) undergo plastic deformation at almost a constant stress. This phenomenon is known as yielding, and the corresponding stress value is known
as the yield strength of the material. Once a material enters this regime, it
suffers permanent set, which is the residual strain in the material that remains even after complete unloading. Hence, the material cannot regain its
initial geometric dimensions. The value of stress at which the curve terminates is known as the ultimate strength of the material. A large number of
engineering components are designed and used within the linear regime of
the stress-strain relation by restricting the stress levels in the components up
to the yield strength of the material.
Problem 1
A steel rod of length 10 m is to transmit a force of 5 kN without stretching
more than 3 mm or exceeding an allowable stress of 150 MPa. What should
be the diameter of the rod if the Youngs modulus E = 200 GPa?

Considering maximum deflection,
max =

= 3 103 max = Emax = 60 MPa.

Since the stress at maximum strain is below the allowable stress limit of 150
MPa, the design in this case is guided by the maximum deflection.
Now, max = P/A 60 MPa. Hence, if d is the diameter of the rod,
m2 d 10.3 103 m.
60 10
Problem 2
A steel bar of 13 mm diameter was subjected to a load of 29.5 kN. The
elongation in a 200 mm gauge length was observed was 0.8 mm. Determine
the Youngs modulus and the length of the bar.
Strain in the bar =

2.22 mm
200 mm

= 1.1 103. Now,


L 0.8 mm

L = 727 mm
From Hookes law

29.5 103 N
= 202 109 N/m2.

A (0.0065) 1.1 10 m

Problem 3
A solid cylinder of 50 mm diameter and 900 mm length is subjected to a

120 kN tensile force. One part of the cylinder of length L1 is made of steel
(Es = 200 GPa) and the other part is made of Aluminium (Ea = 70 GPa).
What should be L1 so that the elongations are same for both the steel and
Aluminium parts. Also determine the total elongation of the cylinder.
Stress in the bar (same for the steel and Aluminium parts) =

120103 kN
0.0252 m2

61.1 MPa. Strains in the respective parts are obtained from Hookes law as

= 0.3 103

a =
= 0.87 103
s =

Hence, elongation in the two parts are

Ls = s L1,

La = a (0.9 L1).

Since the elongations should be the same

s L1 = a (0.9 L1) L1 = 0.667 m
Therefore, the total elongation of the bar is L = 2s L1 = 4 104 m.

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