Pump Foundation

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Foundation Design Philosophy for

Rotating Equipment
References has been taken from,
1. Design of structures and foundations for vibrating machines by S. Arya, M.
O'Neill and G. Pincus
2. Foundation analysis and design by J. E. Bowels
3. Dynamics of bases and foundations by D. Barkan
4. Design of Machine Foundations - Lecture Notes of Professor M.H. El
Naggar, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B9
In this page I will talk about the rigid block foundation for Centrifugal (Pump) and
Reciprocating machines (Compressor). We are considering the concrete block is
infinitely rigid and thus a lump mass model can be considered in computer 3D
modelling. To start the design of a block foundation, we need to follow the following
steps to collect the design data:
Step-1 : Review of pump / compressor drawing (Vendor Equipment Drawing)
The machine data pertinent to the dynamic analysis and design of the block
foundation should be obtained from vendors.

Plan dimension of pump / compressor base frame

Height of rotor / shaft center line from the bottom of skid
Anchor bolt location, size and embedment depth
Weight of machine parts and the rotor parts (pump / compressor rotor
and motor rotor)
Location of center of gravity both vertically and horizontally
Operating speed of machines and power rating of motor (RPM)
Magnitude and direction of unbalanced forces.
For reciprocating machines both primary and secondary unbalanced
forces and couples and respective CG locations needs to be checked.
Limit of deflection and vibration amplitudes at center line of rotor.

Step-2 : Collection of Geotechnical / soil data (Pl discuss with soil consultant and look
into project design criteria)
The Geotechnical data are used for evaluating the soil / pile stiffness and damping
coefficients, and are required for both static and dynamic design and analysis of of
block foundations. Following soil parameters are required:

Soil weight density

Poisson's ratio

Dynamic shear modulus (G)

Shear wave velocity (vs)
Dynamic modulus of sub-grade reaction (ks)
Allowable soil bearing pressure or pile load carrying capacity for design
of foundation

Step-3 : Categorization of rotating machines based on machine speed:

Therotating machines are categorized based on machine speed. Following are
different categories of machines:

Low Speed machine: The low speed machines operate at a speed

range of less than 500 RPM. High tuned foundations, having first
natural frequency more than machine's operating speed, should be
designed for this type of machines. In this case machine do not pass
the resonance during machine start up and coast down condition.
Intermediate speed machine: The intermediate speed machines
operate at a speed range 500 RPM to 1000 RPM. Foundations should
be designed for this type of machines high tuned or low tuned side
whchever more practical. If the foundation is low tuned, dynamic
amplitude shall be checked during start up and coast down condition.
High Speed machine: The high speed machines operate at a speed
range of more than 1000 RPM. Low tuned foundations, having first
natural frequency less than machine's operating speed, should be
designed for this type of machines. In this case machine will pass the
resonance during machine start up and coast down condition.
Dynamic amplitude shall be checked during start up and coast down
condition. You need to ensure that there is no adverse effect to
machine operation during the resonant conditions.
Variable Speed machine: The variable speed machines operate at a
speed range as prescribed by vendor. Foundations should be
designed for this type of machines high tuned or low tuned side
whchever more practical. A detail dynamic analysis of foundation is
required for a range of machine operating speeds to ensure that the
dynamic design criteria are met.

Step-4 : Preliminary sizing of foundations:

A block foundation consists of massive concrete blocks, piers and mat foundation.
The preliminary sizinng of block should be based on the following:

Weight of the block foundation should be at least 4 times the weight of

reciprocating machines and 3 times the weight of centrifugal
The width of foundation should be at least 1.5 times the vertical
distance from the bottom of foundation to the center line of the shaft /

The center of mass of machine foundation (machine+foundation

system) should coincide with the centroid of the soil foundation or pile
group resistance. Horizontal eccentricity should be limited to 5% of the
corresponding foundation dimension.
For a rigid mat, following criteria to be followed:
Minimum thickness of the mat will be 600 mm or 1/5 th of least
foundation dimensions or 1/10 th of largest foundation
dimensions, whichever is greater .
o Maximum thickness of the mat will be 1500 mm
4 1/3
o Minimum thickness of mat, t = 0.0012 x (ks x (a) ) ft, ks= soil
dynamic modulus of subgrade reaction, lbs/in3, from soil report,
a= maximum cantilever projection (inches), measured from
face of block (Refer: Foundation analysis and design by J E

Step-5 : Requirement for dynamic analysis of foundations:

Dynamic analysis of concrete foundations are not required for all the foundations
supporting rotating equipment. You need to refer your project design criteria for the
conditions for dynamic analysis. Following are the general criteria for not
performing any dynamic analysis of foundation supporting rotating equipment:

Dynamic analysis is not required if the weight of machine is less than

Dynamic analysis is not required if the power rating of motor is less
than 200hp.

If you are not doing any dynamic analysis of concrete block foundation, then follow
Step-4 for foundation sizing and put it into 3D model for any interference check.
If you are doing the dynamic analysis of concrete block, then follow the following

Step-6 : Calculation of un-balanced forces for dynamic analysis of foundations:

If unbalance force is not mentioned in the Vendor equipment drawing, then you will
calculate the force as follows:
Un-balance force for pump: Fpump = mp-rotor x e x w2
Un-balance force for motor: Fmotor = mm-rotor x e x w2
Where, mp-rotor = weight of pump rotor, mm-rotor = weight of motor rotor

w = circular frequency = 2 x pi x (f / 60), f = speed of machine from vendor drawing

e = rotor eccentricity, depends on machine speed
Eccentricity Table ( Refer reference -1)


Operating Speed (f in RPM)

Eccentricity e (mils)

Pump / compressor


(1.8-107) / (f)2

Pump / compressor

f> 3000






1500< f <3000




Now you are having all the information to start the foundation analysis and design.
You can put all the above data in any computer software program (say - Dyna5) or
use any text books to calculated the natural frequencies of foundation. You can
also use the different tables that I have attached here (click for the table).
Natural frequency analysis of foundation:
This rigid block has six degree of freedom. So, you will calculate all the following
uncouple natural frequencies:


Sliding Frequency along horizontal X-direction

Sliding Frequency along horizontal Y-direction
Sliding Frequency along vertical Z-direction
Rocking Frequency about X, rotational mode
Rocking Frequency about Y, rotational mode
Rocking Frequency about Z, rotational mode

When the CG of foundation system is far above the foundation base, coupling
effect needs to be considered to calculate the foundation natural frequency. In this
case sliding mode and rocking mode frequencies overlap each other and as a
result foundation dynamic analysis may be more critical. You can calculate the
coupled natural frequency using the formula mentioned in the table.
Coupled condition: 1. Sliding along X & Rocking about-Y and 2. Sliding along Y &
Rocking about X
Once, analysis is completed, please check the foundation for the following
Resonance Frequency Check:
Calculate resonanace frequency and check that the ratio of machine frequency
vsresonance frequency (f / fd) is either less than 0.8 or greater than 1.2 in all six

degrees of freedom.
Resonance frequency can be calculated as follows: fd = fn / (1-2 x D2)
where, fn = foundation natural frequency, D = Damping ration (see table 5 and 12)
Soil Bearing Pressure / Pile Capacity Check
Soil bearing pressure or pile load should not exceed 75% of the allowable. Please
avoid any foundation upliftment in seismic / wind condition.
Maximum Velocity check:
Maximum velocity should fall in "Good Condition" per table-1 of attached table
Environmental condition
Maximum displacement amplitude of vibration at foundation level should lie within
or below "Zone-B" of figure -1 and it should fall below the Zone "Troublesome to
persons" of figure -2 in the attached table.
Reinforcement shall be provided per project approved design code. However, you
can use minimum reinforcement as follows:
0.2% rebar on all face of concrete block and mat.
1% rebar for all concrete pedestal.
Rebar spacing should not be more than 300 mm.

Anchor Bolt:
Anchor bolt shall be checked for start-up and coast down contion.
For a typical pump foundation drawing click here
I hope this page will be very helpful to you to understand the basic design of a
Pump foundation.

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