Lab 1 Introduction To Data
Lab 1 Introduction To Data
Lab 1 Introduction To Data
Getting Started
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual telephone survey of 350,000
people in the United States. As its name implies, the BRFSS is designed to identify risk factors in
the adult population and report emerging health trends. For example, respondents are asked about their
diet and weekly physical activity, their HIV/AIDS status, possible tobacco use, and even their level of
health care coverage. The BRFSS website ( brfss) contains a complete description
of the survey, including the research questions that motivate the study and many interesting results
derived from the data.
We will focus on a random sample of 20,000 people from the BRFSS survey conducted in 2000. There are
over 200 variables in this data set, but we will work with a small subset.
If you are using SAS University Edition, you need to ensure that interactive mode is turned off.
To do this, click the button to the right of Sign Out in the upper right corner of the window and
then click Preferences. In the Preferences window, on the General tab, the bottom check box
(located next to the text Start new programs in interactive mode) should not be selected. If the
box is selected, you need to clear it and save your change.
We begin by loading the data set of 20,000 observations into SAS. After launching SAS, submit the
following code:
filename cdc url '';
proc import datafile=cdc
The data set cdc is created from a comma-separated file (.CSV) in the work library. PROC IMPORT
creates a version of the data in a format that SAS DATA steps and procedures (PROCs) can use. If you
view the data set, it will be represented by rows and columns. Rows represent cases or observations and
columns represent variables.
This is a product of OpenIntro that is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
(http:// licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0). This lab was adapted for OpenIntro by Andrew Bray and Mine C
etinkaya-Rundel from a
lab written by Mark Hansen of UCLA Statistics. The lab was then modified by SAS Institute Inc. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product
or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries ( indicates USA registration) and
are not included under the CC-BY-SA license.
To view the names of the variables other information about the data set, use this code:
proc contents data=work.cdc short;
The last table in the output shows the list of variables, along with their positions in the data set. Each one
of these variables corresponds to a question that was asked in the survey. For example, for genhlth,
respondents were asked to evaluate their general health, responding either excellent, very good, good,
fair, or poor. The exerany variable indicates whether the respondent exercised in the past month (1) or
did not (0). Likewise, hlthplan indicates whether the respondent had some form of health coverage
(1) or did not (0). The smoke100 variable indicates whether the respondent had smoked at least 100
cigarettes in his or her lifetime. The other variables record the respondents height in inches and weight
in pounds, as well as their desired weight (wtdesire), age in years, and gender. The VAR1 variable
corresponds to a row number column in the .CSV file. It can be used as an ID variable.
Exercise 1: How many cases are there in this data set? How many variables? For each variable, identify
its data type (for example, categorical, numeric).
We can have a look at the first few rows of our data with this code:
proc print data=work.cdc (obs=10);
You could also look at all of the data set at once by excluding the OBS=10 option, but that might be
unwise here. We know that cdc has 20,000 rows, so viewing the entire data set would mean flooding
your screen. Its better to take small peeks at the data.
We can see the first 10 values in the data portion by submitting this code:
proc print data=work.cdc (obs=10);
We can see the descriptor portion of the information about the size of the data set, the number of
observations and variables, as well as additional information such as the names, types, and lengths of the
variables by submitting this code:
proc contents data=work.cdc;
SAS variables are one of two types: character or numeric. Character variables can contain any letter,
number, or symbol that can be typed on the keyboard. They vary from 1 to 32,767 bytes in length.
Numeric variables can contain only numbers (0-9), a decimal point (.), a negative sign (-), and the letter E
to indicate scientific notation. All SAS numeric are stored in 8 bytes by default. SAS date values are
stored as the number of days since January 1, 1960, so you can manipulate date values, too.
SAS steps are sequences of one or more SAS statements. SAS has two kinds of steps: DATA and PROC.
Procedures (PROC steps) are canned routines that read SAS data sets and generally produce a report as
output. DATA steps read data to create SAS data sets as output and can modify existing variables or
create new variables.
SAS statements usually start with an identifying keyword and always end with a semicolon. The DATA
step starts with a DATA statement and ends with a RUN statement.
data work.newcdc;
set work.cdc;
<more SAS statements>
The DATA step names the new SAS data set (newcdc), identifies the input data (cdc), processes the data,
and writes the processed data to the SAS data set as a new observation.
SAS steps process the data in two phases: compile and execute. During compilation, the SAS statements
are checked for syntax errors and the English-like program code is translated to machine code. When a
RUN statement or the start of another DATA or PROC step (step boundary) is encountered, compilation
stops, and the machine code is submitted for execution.
SAS processes data one step at a time. In this case, the DATA step processes cdc completely to create
newcdc, and then reads newcdc to execute the PROC PRINT step.
data work.newcdc;
set work.cdc;
if gender="m" and age>30;
proc print data=work.newcdc (obs=10);
1 good
77 m
2 very good
31 m
3 very good
45 m
4 good
44 m
5 excellent
46 m
6 fair
62 m
7 excellent
69 m
8 good
79 m
9 good
47 m
76 m
10 fair
SAS DATA steps process data sequentially from top to bottom by default. The SET statement reads the
first observation in cdc into memory. The subsequent statements in the DATA step are executed
sequentially. And when the RUN statement at the bottom of the DATA step is executed, the current
values of the variables in memory are written out as the first observation in the newcdc data set.
Control returns to the top of the DATA step. The second observation is read from cdc into memory,
subsequent statements are executed, and the current values of the variables are written out as the second
observation, and so forth. Execution continues until the last observation in newcdc is read and processed.
Control then returns to the compiler, which processes the next steps statements. This compile and
execute stepwise program flow continues until all SAS statements have been executed and the end of the
program file is reached.
You can create new variables or change the values of existing variables by using an assignment statement
in a DATA step:
You name the new or existing variable (wtdiff), type an equal sign (=), and then type the expression you
want evaluated to populate the variable (weight-wtdesire).
There are many SAS functions (mini-routines) to use in expressions that will calculate statistics:
Or manipulate character values:
Or manipulate SAS date values:
A partial listing of the resulting cdc data set has these values:
exerany hlthplan smoke100 height weight wtdesire age gender
175 77 m
115 33 f
105 49 f
124 42 f
Very Good
130 55 f
will include observations of people who are men or anyone over the age of 30 in the subset.
data work.newcdc;
set work.cdc;
if gender="m" and age>30;
Running PROC PRINT on the first few observations shows that only males over the age of 30 are in the
new data set, newcdc.
proc print data=work.newcdc (obs=10);
1 1
77 m
2 7
very good
31 m
3 8
very good
45 m
4 10
44 m
5 11
46 m
6 12
62 m
7 14
69 m
8 16
79 m
9 17
47 m
76 m
10 18
In principle, you can use as many AND and OR clauses as you want when forming a subset. ANDs are
evaluated before ORs, but you can use parentheses to control the order of processing.
The statement
if gender="m" or (gender="f" and age>30);
will give you the data for all men and women over the age of 30.
Why are there two methods of subsetting data in SAS? Its partly due to the difference between the
subsetting IF and WHERE statements. In order to use a WHERE statement, the variables you are testing
must already exist in all the SAS data sets you are reading. In order to test a new variable created in the
current step (such as the result of an assignment statement in the DATA step), you must use a subsetting
IF statement.
Exercise 4: Create a new data set named under23smoke that contains all observations of respondents
under the age of 23 that have smoked 100 cigarettes in their lifetime. Write the programming statements
you used to create the new data set as the answer to this exercise.
Quantitative Data
Weve already looked at categorical data such as smoke100 and gender, so now lets turn our attention to
quantitative data. Two common ways to visualize quantitative data are with box plots and histograms.
There are several PROCs in SAS that can produce these plots, but lets use the PROC that weve
already been using in this lesson: PROC UNIVARIATE. We can construct a panel of plots, including a
box-and-whisker plot and a histogram, as well as a normal probability plot (which will be described in a
later lesson) by adding one word to the PROC UNIVARIATE code that you have already seen.
ods graphics;
proc univariate data=work.cdc plots;
var weight;
The PLOTS option is all that is needed.
If ODS graphics are not turned on, the plots produced will be very different from those that are
produced here.
You can analyze the locations of the components of the box by examining the quantiles table in the
Confirm that the median and upper and lower quartiles reported in the numerical summary match those
in the graph. The purpose of a box plot is to provide a thumbnail sketch of a variable for the purpose
of comparing across several categories. For example, we can, compare the heights of men and women
using this code:
ods graphics;
proc univariate data=work.cdc plots;
class gender;
var Weight;
The notation here is new. The CLASS statement has the effect of subsetting the output of the PROC
without having to first subset the data in a DATA step. A similar subsetting could be performed using a
BY statement, but that would require that the input data set first be sorted using PROC SORT.
proc sort data=work.cdc;
by gender;
ods graphics;
proc univariate data=work.cdc plots;
by gender;
var Weight;
Run the previous code and see how the output differs from that obtained using the CLASS statement.
Next lets consider a new variable that doesnt show up directly in this data set: body mass index
(BMI). BMI is a weight to height ratio and can be calculated as.
weight (lb)
BM I =
height (in)2
The following DATA step first creates a new data set with a new variable named bmi, and then PROC
SGPLOT produces the box-and-whisker plots this time. Separate plots are created for each value of the
variable genhlth.
data work.cdcbmi;
set work.cdc;
bmi=(weight/height**2) * 703;
Notice that the statement that creates the bmi variable above is just some arithmetic, but its applied to
all 20,000 numbers in the cdcbmi data set. That is, for each of the 20,000 participants, we take their
weight, divide by their height-squared, and then multiply by 703. The result is a new data set with
20,000 bmi values, one for each respondent. This is one reason why we like SAS: it lets us perform
computations like this using very simple expressions.
proc sgplot data=work.cdcbmi;
vbox bmi / group=genhlth;
The SGPLOT procedure is an alternative method to producing box-and-whisker plots. PROC SGPLOT
can be used to create all kinds of statistical plots, including scatter plots, histograms, and dot plots.
However, here we will stick to box-and-whisker plots. You have the option in PROC SGPLT to orient
your box-and-whisker plots either vertically or horizontally. The HBOX statement requests horizontal
In SAS, options in statements generally appear after a slash /. The GROUP= option in the VBOX
statement requests that side-by-side box plots be created, subsetting by levels of the genhlth variable.
Exercise 5: What does this box plot show? Pick another categorical variable from the data set and see
how it relates to BMI. List the variable you chose, why you might think it would have a relationship to
BMI, and indicate what the figure seems to suggest.
Finally, lets make some histograms. We can look at the histogram for the age of our respondents with the
HISTOGRAM statement in PROC UNIVARIATE. As mentioned, PROC SGPLOT can also be used to
produce histograms, but PROC UNIVARIATE has a lot more options for dressing up the plot with
statistical information. A generic request for a histogram in PROC UNIVARIATE looks like this:
proc univariate data=work.cdcbmi;
var bmi;
histogram bmi;
Histograms are generally a very good way to see the shape of a single distribution, but that shape can
change depending on how the data is split between the different bins. You can control the number of bins
by adding an argument to the command. In the next program, we create a histogram of bmi with 50
bins. That is accomplished using the NMIDPOINTS= option in the HISTOGRAM statement.
proc univariate data=work.cdcbmi;
var bmi;
histogram bmi / nmidpoints=50;
We can also request that some summary statistics are printed within the graph itself using an INSET
statement, which must immediately follow the HISTOGRAM statement. The INSET requests the mean,
standard deviation, and median, but many other statistics can be included using appropriate keywords. In
addition, we can position the inset anywhere around the plot using a POSITION option in the INSET
statement. You can choose geographical directional indicators.
ods graphics;
proc univariate data=work.cdc;
var age;
histogram age / nmidpoints=50;
inset mean std median / position=NE;
How do these histograms compare?
At this point, weve done a good first pass at analyzing the information in the BRFSS questionnaire.
Weve found an interesting association between smoking and gender, and we can say something about the
relationship between peoples assessment of their general health and their own BMI. Weve also picked
up essential computing tools (summary statistics, subsetting, and plots) that will serve us well throughout
this course.
On Your Own
1. Make a scatter plot of weight versus desired weight. (Hint: Use the SCATTER statement in PROC
SGPLOT). Describe the relationship between these two variables.
2. Lets consider a new variable: the difference between desired weight (wtdesire) and current weight
(weight). Create this new variable by subtracting the two columns in the new data set and
assigning them to a new object named wdiff.
3. What type of variable is wdiff? If an observation for wdiff is 0, what does this mean about the
persons weight and desired weight. What if wdiff is positive or negative?
4. Describe the distribution of wdiff in terms of its center, shape, and spread, including any plots you
use. What does this tell us about how people feel about their current weight?
5. Using numerical summaries and a side-by-side box plot, determine whether men tend to view their
weight differently than women.
6. Now its time to get creative. Find the mean and standard deviation of weight and determine what
proportion of the weights is within one standard deviation of the mean.
7. What concepts from the textbook are covered in this lab? What concepts, if any, are not covered in
the textbook? Have you seen these concepts elsewhere (for example, lecture, discussion section,
previous labs, or homework problems)? Be specific in your answer.