Questions HAAD
Questions HAAD
Questions HAAD
10. What additional laboratory test should be performed on any African American
client who sustains a serious burn injury?
A. Total protein
B. Tissue type antigens
C. Prostate specific antigen
D. Hemoglobin S electrophoresis
11. Which type of fluid should the nurse expect to prepare and administer as flu
id resuscitation during the emergent phase of burn recovery?
A. Colloids
B. Crystalloids
C. Fresh-frozen plasma
D. Packed red blood cells
12. The client with a dressing covering the neck is experiencing some respirator
y difficulty. What is the nurse s best first action?
A. Administer oxygen.
B. Loosen the dressing.
C. Notify the emergency team.
D. Document the observation as the only action.
13. The client who experienced an inhalation injury 6 hours ago has been wheezin
g. When the client is assessed, wheezes are no longer heard. What is the nurse s b
est action?
A. Raise the head of the bed.
B. Notify the emergency team.
C. Loosen the dressings on the chest.
D. Document the findings as the only action.
14. Ten hours after the client with 50% burns is admitted, her blood glucose lev
el is 90 mg/dL. What is the nurse s best action?
A. Notify the emergency team.
B. Document the finding as the only action.
C. Ask the client if anyone in her family has diabetes mellitus.
D. Slow the intravenous infusion of dextrose 5% in Ringer s lactate.
15. On admission to the emergency department the burned client s blood pressure is
90/60, with an apical pulse rate of 122. These findings are an expected result
of what thermal injury related response?
A. Fluid shift
B. Intense pain
C. Hemorrhage
D. Carbon monoxide poisoning
16. Twelve hours after the client was initially burned, bowel sounds are absent
in all four abdominal quadrants. What is the nurse s best action?
A. Reposition the client onto the right side.
B. Document the finding as the only action.
C. Notify the emergency team.
D. Increase the IV flow rate.
17. Which clinical manifestation indicates that the burned client is moving into
the fluid remobilization phase of recovery?
A. Increased urine output, decreased urine specific gravity
B. Increased peripheral edema, decreased blood pressure
C. Decreased peripheral pulses, slow capillary refill
D. Decreased serum sodium level, increased hematocrit
18. What is the priority nursing diagnosis during the first 24 hours for a clien
t with full-thickness chemical burns on the anterior neck, chest, and all surfac
es of the left arm?
A. Risk for Ineffective Breathing Pattern
B. Decreased Tissue Perfusion
C. Risk for Disuse Syndrome
D. Disturbed Body Image
19. All of the following laboratory test results on a burned client s blood are pr
esent during the emergent phase. Which result should the nurse report to the phy
sician immediately?
All these findings are abnormal; however, only the serum potassium level is chan
ged to the degree that serious, life-threatening responses could result. With su
ch a rapid rise in the potassium level, the client is at high risk for experienc
ing severe cardiac dysrhythmias and death.
20. Answer: B
The airway is not at any particular risk with this injury. Electric current trav
els through the body from the entrance site to the exit site and can seriously d
amage all tissues between the two sites. Early cardiac damage from electrical in
jury includes irregular heart rate, rhythm, and ECG changes.
21. Answer: D
The risk for inhalation injury is greatest when flame burns occur indoors in sma
ll, poorly ventilated rooms. although smoking increases the risk for some proble
ms, it does not predispose the client for an inhalation injury.
22. Answer: C
Clients may have ineffective respiratory efforts and gas exchange even though th
ey are able to talk, have good respiratory movement, and are alert. The best ind
icator for respiratory effectiveness is the maintenance of oxygen saturation wit
hin the normal range.
23. Answer: C
Clients may have ineffective respiratory efforts and gas exchange even though th
ey are able to talk, have good respiratory movement, and are alert. The best ind
icator for respiratory effectiveness is the maintenance of oxygen saturation wit
hin the normal range.
24. Answer: B
Intact skin is a major barrier to infection and other disruptions in homeostasis
. No matter how much time has passed since the burn injury, the client remains a
t great risk for infection as long as any area of skin is open.
25. Answer: C
It is likely the client has a diminished cardiac output as a result of the old M
I and would be at greater risk for the development of congestive heart failure a
pulmonary edema during fluid resuscitation.
26. Answer: C
Difficulty swallowing and drooling are indications of oropharyngeal edema and ca
n precede pulmonary failure. The client s airway is in severe jeopardy and intubat
ion is highly likely to be needed shortly.
27. Answer: A
Cross-contamination occurs when microorganisms from another person or the enviro
nment are transferred to the client. Although all the interventions listed above
can help reduce the risk for infection, only handwashing can prevent crossconta
28. Answer: C
Normally, the mature segmented neutrophils ( segs ) are the major population of circ
ulating leukocytes, constituting 55% to 70% of the total white blood count. Fewe
r than 3% to 5% of the circulating white blood cells should be the less mature ba
nd neutrophils. A left shift occurs when the bone marrow releases more immature n
eutrophils than mature neutrophils. Such a shift indicates severe infection or s
epsis, in which the client s immune system cannot keep pace with the infectious pr
29. Answer: C
The function that would be disrupted by a contracture to the posterior neck is f
lexion. Moving the head from side to side prevents such a loss of flexion.
30. Answer: D
Maximum function for ambulation occurs when the hip and leg are maintained at fu
ll extension with neutral rotation. Although the client does not have to spend 2
hours at a time in this position, he or she should be in this position (in bed o
r standing) more of the time than with the hip in any degree of flexion.
31. Answer: D
Gentamicin does not stimulate pain in the wound. The small, pale pink bumps in t
he wound bed are areas of re-epithelialization and not an adverse reaction. Gent
amicin is nephrotoxic and sufficient amounts can be absorbed through burn wounds
to affect kidney function. Any client receiving gentamicin by any route should
have kidney function monitored.
32. Answer: D
These findings are associated with systemic gram-negative infection and sepsis.
This is a medical emergency and requires prompt attention.
33. Answer: A
Autocontamination is the transfer of microorganisms from one area to another are
a of the same client s body, causing infection of a previously uninfected area. Al
though all techniques listed can help reduce the risk for infection, only changi
ng gloves between carrying out wound care on difference parts of the client s body
can prevent autocontamination.
34. Answer: D
Regular, progressive ambulation is initiated for all burn clients who do not hav
e contraindicating concomitant injuries as soon as the fluid shift resolves. Cli
ents can be ambulated with extensive dressings, open wounds, and nearly any type
of attached lines, tubing, and other equipment.
35. Answer: B
Factors other than tissue type, such as circulation and infection, influence whe
ther and how well a graft takes. The client should be prepared for the possibility
that not all grafting procedures will be successful.
36. Answer: D
Although a return to preburn functional levels is rarely possible, burned client
s are considered fully recovered or rehabilitated when they have achieved their
highest possible level of physical, social, and emotional functioning.
37. Answer: D
The purpose of wearing the pressure garment over burn injuries for up to 1 year
is to prevent hypertrophic scarring and contractures from forming. Scars will st
ill be present. Although the mask does provide protection of sensitive newly hea
led skin and grafts from sun exposure, this is not the purpose of wearing the ma
sk. The pressure garment will not change the angle of ear attachment to the head
38. Answer: B
Recovery from a burn injury requires a lot of work on the part of the client and
significant others. Seldom is the client restored to the preburn level of funct
ioning. Adjustments to changes in appearance, family structure, employment oppor
tunities, role, and functional limitations are only a few of the numerous life-c
hanging alterations that must be made or overcome by the client. By the rehabili
tation phase, acute pain from the injury or its treatment is no longer a problem
39. Answer: C
In burn, the capillaries and small vessels dilate, and cell damage cause the rel
ease of a histamine-like substance. The substance causes the capillary walls to
become more permeable and significant quantities of fluid are lost.
40. Answer: C
A Client with burns is very sensitive to temperature changes because heat is los
s in the burn areas.