Philosophy and Physicists Dreams of Unification.: Periodic Table of Elements Standard Model
Philosophy and Physicists Dreams of Unification.: Periodic Table of Elements Standard Model
Philosophy and Physicists Dreams of Unification.: Periodic Table of Elements Standard Model
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This evolution towards the unification of forces may actually come to be understood following two
different approaches:
the synthetic approach: the interactions observable by physicists would be nothing but different
aspects of a single and same original force (the Superforce!)
the historical approach: All of the interactions being unified at the birth of the Universe (the famous
big bang), but having differentiated themselves since then.
In reality, these two approaches come together: Why? Because at the origin of the Universe, the density of
energy was such that all of the interactions where effectively unified.
We are going to discover the different stages of this unification of forces, then discover with wonder, the
birth of the Universe with the big bang...
In 1979, two American physicists (Sheldon Lee Glashow and Steven Weinberg) and a pakistani physicist
(Abdus Salam) received the Nobel Physics Prize for their theoretical work which in 1967 unified the weak
and electromagnetic interactions.
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The interactions are modelled mathematically in the form of a field of forces having a "gauge symmetry".
Without going into the detail and to spare you a good migraine, we can say that this gauge symmetry
is "a group of mathematical transformations for which the dynamic of particles is invariant".
The important thing to understand here is that our Nobel Physics prize winners demonstrated that the
gauge field from the weak interaction was structurally identical to the electromagnetic field. Now the
symmetry which invoked the weak electric theory imposed 4 mediator bosons of null mass: the photon,
the Zo and the two W.
This is in contradiction to the facts. In 1983, Carlo Rubbia at CERN had discovered the bosons Zo and W
predicted by the theory, but these had a mass (anticipated!), and even an enormous mass in the order of 90
times that of the proton!
How from here do we reconcile this mass of the Zo and W with the electroweak theory?
Physicists are cunning, and they simply invented a new force field called the Higgs field (the name of the
Scottish physicist Peter Higgs) which manifests itself by the intermediary of a mysterious boson evidently
called the Higgs boson. This field only exists with the intermediary bosons Zo, W- and W+ to give them a
mass, but which does not pair with the photon, preserving therefore its null mass. Once the Higgs field
manifests itself, the two interactions, electromagnetic and weak, distinguish themselves from one another.
We say that there is a break of symmetry.
From the moment that the Higgs mechanism is introduced into the equations, the electroweak theory
functions perfectly well. It has permitted to be predicted, with precision, the mass of intermediary bosons
well before their discovery by Rubbia.
Only weak point: the Higgs boson has never yet been detected and its existence is
indespensible to validate the electroweak theory. We hope for its discovery thanks
to the LHC hadron supercollider of CERN, operational in 2005.
The discovery of the Higgs boson will require enormous energies in the order of
100 GeV (GigaelectronVolts). Only the future LHC will be capable of recreating in
its womb an environment of such energy density. Now it is at this energetic scale
that physicists could maybe observe the appearance of the Higgs boson, because
these 100 GeV correspond with its estimated mass (don't forget E = mc !).
This theory was proposed for the first time by Sheldon Glashow (him again) and Howard Georgi in 1973.
Other versions have been proposed since: the one the most in vogue at present bears the subdued name of
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SU(5). This interaction is only possible at levels of enormous energy (more than 1016 GeV for the
connoisseurs!), conditions which only existed at the very start of the big bang.
The GUT theory could then unify all interactions except gravitation.
The theory which includes gravitation in one superforce exists: it is called the "theory of Everyhing". Lest
look at this physicists dream...
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