GL Offshore Wind Turbine Jacket Design Paper
GL Offshore Wind Turbine Jacket Design Paper
GL Offshore Wind Turbine Jacket Design Paper
The paper presents results of an integrated analysis of wind turbine
behaviour and structural dynamics of a complex support structure
(jacket) under combined wind and wave loads in the time domain. This
work will be compared to more simplified state-of-the-art approaches
using separated analysis of wind turbine and structure. First results will
be presented in the paper and possible optimization discussed.
A second focus is put on the detailed fatigue analysis of the tubular
nodes of the jacket using the loading derived by integrated analysis.
Here again, the authors expect a high potential of optimization by using
sophisticated analysis tools such as 3D-FE calculations.
Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) could be regarded as minimal and
unmanned offshore structures deployed in large numbers. This is true
when looking on the principals of loading and structural analysis, but
the complexity and specialized issues of OWT design do not allow a
direct application of offshore oil and gas industry design principles. In
contrast the assumption that OWTs are like their onshore pendants
having only wet feet does not hold, too. Hydrodynamic, material,
soil, operation and maintenance issues require a special engineering
A typical difference in approach of the two industries is, that wind
turbines are standardized products while offshore structures are usually
custom made. OWTs and wind farms are in between. Within a wind
farm the turbine structure will experience the same wind and almost the
same wave conditions, while water depth and soil conditions may vary
significantly. Even between the different wind farms in a greater area
(e.g. North Sea) the wind conditions will not vary significantly or be a
function of simple parameters as distance to shore, height etc. It can be
shown, that the influence of site specific parameters, like water depth,
wave height and soil conditions, on the support structure (foundation
and tower) are significant, resulting in site specific designs. Conversely
it can be shown that the influence of the site parameters (except wind)
on the machinery design (above yaw bearing) is limited, allowing type
When performing a load analysis it has to be recognized, that a wind
turbine, and especially an OWT is a highly non linear and elastic
system. As a result load analysis for wind turbines is usually performed
in the time domain considering the systems elastic response (aeroelastic
coupling). The main reasons for non-linearity are:
Tower base
Sample node
Member 6 (Column)
Node 15
Member 57 (Brace)
Node 29
Node 1
Node 43
Time [s]
Node 29
Tower Fx [kN]
Node 15
Node 43
Node 1
Time [s]
Figure 6 shows sample time series at the jacket column bottom and
figure 7 the resulting load spectra at the same node.
wind and wave
wave only
wind only
Tower Fx [kN]
Time [s]
Fig. 6: Sample normal force time series at the jacket column bottom
due to wind, waves and wind and waves loading
Fig. 8: Normal force load spectra for direction of 0 and -45 at the Knode, column member 6 and diagonal member 57.
wave only
wind only
Fig. 7: Normal force load range spectra at the jacket column bottom.
From the results it can clearly be seen that the wind load is the
dominating load source. This is surprising considering the high water
depth but easy understandable. Due to the low hydrodynamic load on
the support structure and the huge size of the wind turbine the wind
loads are clearly dominating. It has to be kept in mind that the
horizontal displacement of the jacket is less then a quarter compared to
the displacement of a monopile for an equivalent turbine at similar
water depths. Since fatigue wave loads are inertia dominated it can be
assumed that corresponding wave load is direct proportional to the
Of further interest, is the influence of the directionality on the load of
the different members. Figures 8 and 9 show the load spectra for a wind
and wave direction of 0 (over the diagonals) to that over the flat side (45) for the K-node members at -30m water depth. It can be seen, that
the columns take most of the aerodynamic force and directionality has
10 mm
50 mm
580 mm
870 mm
462 mm
Due to the results of the load analysis showing that the wind load
would govern the fatigue loads as described above, only the combined
loads (upper line in Fig.7) were used for the sample calculation.
Regarding the last point, the easiest approach uses damage equivalent
loads (DEL). This is a method commonly used in wind energy
engineering for fast and easy comparisons of fatigue load spectra. It
requires a constant slope of the design S-N curve in order to transfer the
load spectra to a one-step rectangular load spectrum for a defined
reference number of load cycles (see Fig. 12). Usually, m = 4 is chosen
for welded steel structures, intersecting the m=3 branch of the S-N
curve at N = 1 x 106.
More information is included in the combined load spectra (see Fig.
12). For the load spectra the bi-linear S-N curve with m=3 and 5 is
In case that the mean level of the oscillation is required, e.g. in case of
cast components, Markov or rainflow matrices are required.
Both contain similar information, but the Markov matrix gives range
and mean values of oscillations together with the respective number of
cycles while the rainflow matrix uses upper and lower border of the
The most accurate analysis could be done by using the time series
directly. Here, all load components are combined simultaneously. This
procedure is considered to be most accurate with the least
conservatism, but requires high efforts on computation.
+ ( SCFIPB IBP ) 2 + ( SCFOPB OBP ) 2
where SCF are the stress concentration factors for axial forces (AX), inplane bending (IPB) and out-of-plane bending (OPB), N and M are the
respective section forces and moments and A and W are the crosssection area and the section modulus respectively.
As a result, the calculated damage at the brace results as D = 3.87 with
DEL and D = 3.82 with the combined load spectra, i.e. the lifetime
would be reduced to approximately 5 years. This includes a safety
factor of M = 1.25 for underwater structures according to the GL
guideline. Both results are in the same order, i.e. the DEL matches the
criterion of being damage equivalent quite well. As the S/N curve
does not consider effects of the mean value, the use of Markov matrices
would not show any change.
Second, it can be seen that the required lifetime of 20 years is not
reached. Therefore it would be necessary to proceed with a more
accurate calculation approach.
Especially, the procedure of adding stress ranges is highly conservative.
The design engineer of the demonstrator structures used a more
sophisticated approach similar to the one described below and achieved
acceptable results (cf. Seidel).
This will include the consideration of the wind direction distribution. In
the previous damage calculation, it had been assumed conservatively
that the loads would act in the same direction all the time.
Design Approaches
For wind turbines that are built for onshore applications, 20 years of
experience have been gathered regarding the design procedures. In
Germany, more than 20,000 turbines have been set up so far. Many of
them, especially in the windy coastal areas of the northern parts are
founded on pile foundations. The basic requirements have been
implemented in the guideline of the DIBt. Based on the knowledge
described in the previous paragraph, it was decided that cyclic loading
of the piles shall not be allowed under cyclic loads derived from typical
turbine operation such as full load operation at nominal wind speed
(Design Load Case DLC1.1).
This approach has been followed as well for GLs Offshore Wind
Guideline which has been published in 2005.
Until now, this has not been used for OWTs with jacket structures so
far, but it may be expected that this requirement may become designrelevant when very light-weight strutures are to be used. Tension loads
in jacket piles could either be reduced by additional deadweight or by
increasing the overall width of the jacket.
Therefore it could be necessary to look for more sophisticated design
approaches regarding the soils capacity e.g. if an existing jacket design
should be used for a location with higher loads on the structure.
The procedure as described above is based on experience and
simplified engineering approaches for practical applications. It shall be
noted in this context that the DLC 1.1 does not represent the highest
fatigue load occuring during the turbines lifetime.
Another engineering estimation is given in DIN 1054. There, it is
mentioned that a significant reduction of the bearing capacity of the
pile should be expected if the cyclic loads would be in the order of
more than 20% of the static bearing capacity.
The API guideline for the design of offshore platforms of the oil & gas
industry gives an explicite procedure for the verification of piles against
cyclic fatigue loads. Here, the same procedure as for static loads is used
implementation of the soil behaviour as non-linear springs (t-z and Qz-curves). It is stated that cyclic loading may lead to accumulated
deformations or decrease in loading carrying resistance. For detailed
investigations, discrete element models and continuum models are
Parts of the investigations described in this paper were investigated
within the EU-funded research project DOWNVInD.
Many sources were consulted during the preparation of this paper.
Especially, the authors gratefully acknowledge the continuously good
cooperation with all our colleagues at GL.
Argyriadis, K, Klose, M (2006), Interaction of Load Analysis and
Structural Design of Offshore Wind Turbines, Proceedings of
OMAE2006, 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics
and Arctic Engineering, Hamburg, Germany
Bossanyi, e, A, Bladed Theory Manual, Garrad Hassan, Document
282/BR/009, Issue 16, June 2006.
EN 1993-1-9:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures, Part 1-9:
Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH (2005), "Guideline for the
Certification of Offshore Wind Turbines", Hamburg