Chemical Process Industries
Chemical Process Industries
Chemical Process Industries
Definition: Any definition and description of the chemical process industries is bound
to be incomplete. Most processes in the chemical industries involve a chemical
change. The term chemical change should be interpreted to include not only
chemical reactions but also biochemical reactions and physicochemical changes, as
the separation and purification of the components of a mixture like petroleum crude in
the refinery. Purely mechanical changes are usually not considered part of the
chemical process, unless they are essential to later chemical/biochemical changes.
Perhaps a satisfactory definition of a chemical process industry is an industry
whose principal products are manufactured by processes based upon the
chemical/biochemical and physical principles included in the field of chemical
engineering. Basic purpose of chemical process industries is to start from an ore/raw
material and end up with a product through a series of chemical/ biochemical and
physical changes.
Origin and growth: The chemical process industries date back to pre-historic
period when man first attempted to control and modify his environment. Its growth
can be divided into two periods. Pre-scientific period which extended to the end of the
eighteenth century which was largely empirical, with little understanding of the basic
chemistry. In the scientific period of the last 200 years, the chemical process
industries have made phenomenal growth based upon the sound and organized
knowledge of chemical, biological and physical sciences.
Pre-scientific Chemical Industries:
The first metal extracted from its ore was copper in Egypt and Mesopotamia
about 3500 B.C.
Vinegar( dilute acetic acid) was the earliest known acid formed on the oxidation
of fermented liquor
Nitric acid was made from saltpeter (KNO3) and ferrous sulfate by heating the
mixture and condensing the the distilled nitric acid.
Alkali found in ash was used as cleansing agent.
Soap was probably made by boiling ashes with a natural oil or fat.