A Medical College
A Medical College
A Medical College
2. Standards
3. Requirement list
Every medical college and Medical Institution for 100 M.B.B.S admissions
annually shall have the following departments, namely :-
Administrative block.
Separate common room for Male and Female students with attached toilets (30
Seating arrangement - at least 100 students for reading and having good lighting
and ventilation and space for stocking and display of books and journals.
e) Journal room;
Lecture theatre
Lecture theatres of gallery type - 4nos.(Three with seating capacity for 120
students and one with seating capacity for 250 students)With good
acoustics,Lecture theatres shall be provided with necessary independent audio
visual aids including over-head projector, slide projector and a microphone.
These lecture theatres are to be shared by various departments.
Auditorium/Examination Hall:
Central Workshop:
Animal house
There shall be a Central incineration plant commensurate with the hospital bed
Gas Plant:
Statistical Unit
Research work:
Intercom Network:
There shall be a play ground and Gymnasium for the staff and students. A
qualified physical education instructor shall look after the sports activities and
There shall be continuous electricity supply, with adequate number of, as well as
standby UPS or Generator arrangements must be made so that electricians are
available round the clock.
Adequate sanitary facilities (toilets and bathrooms – Separately for women) and
safe continuous drinking water facilities must be provided for the teaching staff,
students (men and women), technical and other staff in all sections as required.
1. Lecture theatre -
Lecture theatres of gallery type - 4nos.(Three with seating capacity for 120
students and one with seating capacity for 250 students)With good
acoustics,Lecture theatres shall be provided with necessary independent audio
visual aids including over-head projector, slide projector and a microphone.
2. Demonstration Room - 2nos - 45sqm each. for 50- 60 students.( fitted with
strip chairs, Over Head Projector, Slide Projector, Television, Video and other
audiovisual aids,)
An embalming room (12 sq.m.area), space for 3 storage tanks (one of 3 sq.m. &
two of 1.5sq.m.each) and cold storage room with space for 10-12 dead bodies
(18 sq.m.area) or cooling cabinets.
7. Departmental Library-
5. Department office cum Clerical room - one room (12 Sq.m.area); and
(A) Lecture Theatre – Lecture theatres of gallery type - 4nos.(Three with seating
capacity for 120 students and one with seating capacity for 250 students)With
good acoustics,Lecture theatres shall be provided with necessary independent
(E) Research - There shall be one research laboratory (50 Sq.m.area) for
research purposes.
There shall be a laboratory (150 Sq.m.) with benches fitted with shelves and
cupboards, water taps, sinks, electric and gas connections so as to
accommodate 60 students. Two Ante rooms (14 Sq.m. area) each for
technicians, stores, preparation room, balance and distillation apparatus shall
also be provided
(E) Research - There shall be one research laboratory (50 Sq.m.area) for
research purposes.
5. Department office cum Clerical room - one room (12 Sq.m.area); and
(B) Demonstration room-There shall be one demonstration room (45 Sq. mt.)
fitted with Over Head Projector, Slide projector, Television Video and other
audiovisual aids, to accommodate at least 50-60 students.
(D) There shall be a separate service laboratory each (25 Sq.mt.) for
histopatholgy, cytopathology, Haematology and other specialised work in the
hospital suitably equipped.
In addition there shall be a balance room (14 Sq. mt.), store room (14 sq.mt.)
and special room for high speed centrifuge (14 sq.mt.) and a wash room (14
sq.mt.) with continuous water supply.
(E) Museum-There shall be a museum (60 Sq.mt.) for specimens, charts, models
with a sitting capacity of atleast 25 students. All the specimens shall be labelled
and at least 10 copies of catalogues for student use be provided. In addition,
there shall be an ante room.
(F) Autopsy Block- There shall be an Autopsy room (approx. 400 sq.mt. area)
with facilities for cold storage, for cadavers, ante-rooms, washing facilities, with
an accommodation capacityof 20-25 students, waiting hall and office. The
location of mortuary and autopsy block should be either in the hospital or
adjacent to the hospital in a separate structure and may be shared with the
department of Forensic Medicine.
5. Department office cum Clerical room - one room (12 Sq.m.area); and
There shall be an airconditioned Blood Bank 9100 Sq. mt. Area) and shall
(d) Room for Laboratory for Transmissible diseases like hepatitis, syphillis,
Malaria, HIV antibodies etc;
(B) Demonstration room-there shall be one demonstration room (45 Sq. mt.)
fitted with Over Head Projector, Slide projector, Television Video and other
audiovisual aids, to accommodate at least 50-60 students.
(C) Practical laboratories-there shall be a Practical laboratory (150 sq. mt. Area)
with benches fitted with shelves, cupboards, sinks, water taps, light for
microscopy and burners for 60 students (150 sq. m. area) with laboratory
benches, gas, water and electric points, microscopes and light with a
preparation room (14 sq. m. area)
(D) There shall be a separate service laboratory each for (1) Bacteriology
including anaerobic; (2) Serology; (3) Virology; ® Parasitology; (5) Mycology; (6)
Tuberculosis; and (7) immunology.
Area for each service laboratory shall be 25 Sq.m. Separate accommodation for
(1) media preparation and storage (20 Sq.m.area) (2) Auto Claving (12 Sq.m.
area) (3) Washing & drying room with regular and continuous water supply (12
sq.m.area) for contaminated culture plates, test tubes and glassware shall be
(D) Museum- There shall be a museum (60 Sq. mt.) for specimens, charts,
models, with a seating capacity of at least 25 students. All the specimens shall
be labelled and atleast 10 copies of catalogues for students use be provided
(B) Demonstration room-There shall be one demonstration room (45 Sq. mt.)
fitted with Over Head Projector, Slide projector,Television Video and other
audiovisual aids, to accommodate at least 50-60 students.
ii) Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy (150 sq.m.area) with one anti-room (14
sq.m. area) for technicians, storage of equipment and appliances and
preparation room..
(D) Museum- There shall be a museum (100 Sq. mt.) for specimens, charts,
models, with a separate section depicting "History of Medicine", with a seating
capacity of at least 25 students. All the specimens shall be labelled and atleast
10 copies of catalogue for students use be provided
(F) Research: There shall be one research laboratory (50 Sq.m.area) for
research purposes.
5. Department office cum Clerical room - one room (12 Sq.m.area); and
(B) Demonstration room – there shall be one demonstration room at least (45
sq.mt.) fitted with strip chairs, Over Head Projector, Slide projector, Television,
Video and other audiovisual aids, to accommodate at least 50-60 students.
(D) There shall be a laboratory (150 Sq. m. area) for examination of specimens,
tests and Forensic histopathology, Serology, anthropology and toxicology.
(E) Autopsy Block – there shall be an Autopsy room (approx.400 sq. mt. area)
with facilities for cold storage, for cadavers, ante-rooms,washing facilities, with
an accommodation capacity of 20-25 students, waiting hall, office tc. The
location of mortuary/autopsy block should be either in the hospital or adjacent
to the hospital in a separate structure and may be shared with the department
of Pathology.
(G) Research – There shall be one research laboratory (50 Sq.m.area) for
research purposes.
(C) There shall be a laboratory (150 Sq.m.area) with facilities for purposes of
demonstration of various laboratory practicals.
(D) Museum-There shall be a museum (100 Sq.m.area) for the display of models,
charts, specimens and other material concerning communicable diseases,
Community Health, Family Welfare planning, Biostatics, Sociology, National
Health Programmes, Environmental Sanitation etc.
(d) In ENT Section: Sound proof audiometry Room, ENG laboratory and speech
therapy facilities.
A casualty ward with at least twenty beds is also necessary. Accommodation for
staff on duty (Doctors, Nurses, Students and others) shall be provided.
4. Dispensary.
(a) In Surgery & its specialities: Dressing room for men and women patients
respectively. Operation theatre for out patient surgery.
(b) In Ophthalmic Section: Refraction rooms, dark rooms, dressing rooms etc.
It shall have qualified pharmacist incharge and other staff certified by statutory
authorities to dispense the drugs.
The Central Kitchen shall be commodious, airy, sunny, clean with proper flooring
with exhaust system. The cooking should be done either by electricity or by gas.
It should be provided with proper and clean working platforms. A separate store
area with proper storage facilities should also be provided. The services trolleys
for food should be hot and closed stainless steelones.
There shall be sufficient number of quarters for covering at least 50% of the
teaching staff and class IV strength.
There shall be a central hospital stores for stocking & supply of drugs,
equipments etc.