Lozano vs. Martinez

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Case Digest


THE HONORABLE ANTONIO M. MARTINEZ, in his capacity as Presiding Judge, Regional
Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Branch XX, Manila, and the HONORA
BLE JOSE B. FLAMINIANO, in his capacity as City Fiscal of Manila, respondents.
Among the constitutional objections raised against BP 22, the most serious is th
e alleged conflict between the statute and the constitutional provision forbiddi
ng imprisonment for debt. It is contended that the statute runs counter to the i
nhibition in the Bill of Rights which states, "No person shall be imprisoned for
debt or non-payment of a poll tax." Petitioners insist that, since the offense
under BP 22 is consummated only upon the dishonor or non-payment of the check wh
en it is presented to the drawee bank, the statute is really a "bad debt law" ra
ther than a "bad check law." What it punishes is the non-payment of the check, n
ot the act of issuing it. The statute, it is claimed, is nothing more than a vei
led device to coerce payment of a debt under the threat of penal sanction.

Whether or not BP 22 transgressed the constitutional inhibition against imprison

ment for debt.

BP 22 does not conflict with the constitutional inhibition against imprisonment
for debt.
The gravamen of the offense punished by BP 22 is the act of making and issuing a
worthless check or a check that is dishonored upon its presentation for payment
. It is not the non-payment of an obligation which the law punishes. The law is
not intended or designed to coerce a debtor to pay his debt. The thrust of the l
aw is to prohibit, under pain of penal sanctions, the making of worthless checks
and putting them in circulation. Because of its deleterious effects on the publ
ic interest, the practice is proscribed by the law. The law punishes the act not
as an offense against property, but an offense against public order.
Checks have become widely accepted as a medium of payment in trade and commerce.
Although not legal tender, checks have come to be perceived as convenient subst
itutes for currency in commercial and financial transactions. The basis or found
ation of such perception is confidence. If such confidence is shakes the usefuln
ess of checks as currency substitutes would be greatly diminished. Any practice
therefore tending to destroy that confidence should be deterred for the prolifer
ation of worthless checks can only create havoc in trade circles and the banking

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