Agamas About Women
Agamas About Women
Agamas About Women
He who knows the Heart of Kalika and is submerged in sadhana with a woman,
becomes Godlike and attains the eternal Liberation.
(Kali-tantra 9.23)
See the woman, touch her and join with her, especially with blessed one born in
(Kali-tantra 8.15; Kaulavali-nairnaya 10.92)
Never theres Attainment without a woman, therefore give yourself to her!
A man can be perfect only by joining with a woman and not otherwise.
(Guptasadhana-tantra 3.9)
Siva said:
Woman is the Essence of the whole world, woman is the essence of highest tapas.
Take a refuge in woman...
Woman revered by a sadhaka is a cause of his Jnana. So he enjoying the happiness
in this world gets submerged in the Body of Goddess. Such best sadhaka attains a
great siddhi and goes to the world of Hari. That is why he should worship a
woman with the 5 ma-karas [through panchatattva, in maithuna].
(Guptasadhana-tantra 1.9-11)
Useless is nyasa, useless is puja, useless are japa and prayers, useless are
homa and dakshina if a sadhaka doesnt please a woman!
(Maya-tantra 11.34)
Woman is the root of sadhana, woman is the base of japa etc, woman is the
Essence of the Way, woman is the essence of life. Woman is the cause of benefits
in this world and woman is the cause of Salvation.
(Kamakhya-tantra 3.41-42)