Fleet MGMT Manual
Fleet MGMT Manual
Fleet MGMT Manual
July 2010
Table of Contents
Definitions ......................................................................................................... 1-3
INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................
Scope ....................................................................................................
Exceptions .............................................................................................
Failure to Comply with the Policies and Procedures .............................
COMMUTE. . .................................................................................................... 11
Exemptions ........................................................................................... . 11
Commute Charge Form ........................................................................ . 12
Commute Reimbursement Rate............................................................ . 12
Commute Refund Policy ....................................................................... . 13
Commute Records ................................................................................ . 13
Commute in Non-Assigned Vehicles..................................................... . 14
July 2010
July 2010
Appendices 29
1 - Policies and Procedures Acknowledgement Statement .............................. 30
2 - Vehicle Mileage Log .................................................................................... 31
3 - MFOMS-18 Certificate of Exemption........................................................... 32-33
4 - MFOMS-17 State Auto Commute Charge................................................... 34
5 - Sample Auto Fringe Value Calculation/Reporting Form ............................. 35
6 - Accident Control, Reporting and Corrective Action ..................................... 36-61
7 - Agency Remedial Fleet Safety Training Activity Report .............................. 62
8 - Vehicle Inspection Report ........................................................................... 63
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
AFV: An alternative fuel vehicle, either dedicated or dual-fueled, that can operate on fuel other
than gasoline or diesel, i.e., a vehicle that can run on alternative fuel. For EPAct purposes,
gasoline/electric fuel system is not considered an alternative fuel vehicle.
ARB: Accident Review BoardBoard made up of agency personnel to review all accidents
involving those agencies vehicles.
AGENCY: A unit of the Executive Branch of State Government. Agency does not include the
Insured Workers Insurance Fund
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund
Maryland Food Center Authority
Morgan State University
Register of Wills
St. Marys College
University System of Maryland
AGENCY HEAD: The chief executive officer at the Agency, or the officers designee.
ALTERNATIVE FUEL: Fuel other than gasoline or diesel such as methanol ethanol and other
alcohols; mixtures of 85% or more of these other alcohols with other fuels such as gasoline;
natural gas; liquefied petroleum gas; hydrogen; coal-derived liquid fuels; fuels derived from
biological materials, electricity, etc.
ASSIGNED VEHICLE: Any State vehicle assigned to an individual in accordance with the DBM
assignment criteria.
AUTHORIZED DRIVER: A State employee who meets the eligibility criteria to drive a State vehicle
as set forth in the Policies and Procedures for Drivers of State Vehicles, and has certified an
understanding of the rules by signing the Acknowledgement Statement.
BI-FUEL VEHICLE: Vehicles that have two fuel systems, one with an alternative fuel and one with
a conventional fuel, and which may operate on one fuel at a time, or, in some medium- and
heavy-duty systems, a combination of the alternative and conventional fuels.
BPW: The Maryland Board of Public Works
CENTRALLY FUELED: For purposes of the EPAct, a vehicle is considered centrally fueled when it
can be refueled at least 75% of the time at a location that is owned, operated, or controlled by
the individual fleet agency or one of the statewide refueling locations.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
COMMUTE MILES: Distance traveled between drivers home and the drivers assigned office
COMMUTE CHARGE : A bi-weekly charge assessed to non-exempt authorized drivers for use of
a State vehicle for commuting privileges.
COVERED AREAS: The following 14 jurisdictions within the State of Maryland have been
identified as areas covered by EPAct:
Anne Arundel
Baltimore City
Prince Georges
Queen Annes
COVERED FLEET: For purposes of compliance with EPAct regulations, a covered fleet is an
independent fleet of 50 or more non-excluded light duty vehicles (LDVs) owned and operated by
the same Agency and of which at least 20 LDVs are operated primarily in a covered area and
can be centrally fueled.
DBM: The Department of Budget and Management
DEPARTMENT: Department of Budget and Management (DBM).
DOE: The United States Department of Energy.
EPACT: The Energy Policy Act of 1992 administered by the Alternative Fuel Transportation
Program within the DOE.
EXCESS MOTOR VEHICLE: A motor vehicle that is declared by DBM as not necessary to the
current or projected needs of the Agency to which the vehicle is assigned.
contract to provide Statewide Fleet Maintenance and Repair Services for those State vehicles
enrolled with the Contractor.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
These policies and procedures apply to all State-owned or leased motor vehicles used for
official State business within the Executive Branch of the State Government. These policies
and procedures are adopted pursuant to State Finance and Procurement Article 3-503 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland. Unless otherwise provided, all requests, reports and forms
required by these policies are to be submitted to the State Fleet Administrator in the DBM Fleet
Administration Unit.
These policies and procedures are designed as minimal requirements and do not prohibit
agencies from establishing and enforcing more stringent requirements within their own
jurisdiction. State agencies shall establish necessary procedures to ensure compliance with
established policies and procedures.
The Maryland Port Administration is exempt for purposes of purchase, lease or rental of
vehicles only.
Exceptions to any of the provisions of the Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet
Management, in addition to those specifically provided within the procedures, require written
authorization from the Secretary.
Failure to comply with these policies and procedures may subject an employee to disciplinary
action, including termination.
Only authorized drivers are eligible to drive a State vehicle. The privilege to drive a State vehicle
is contingent upon compliance with the Policies and Procedures for Drivers of State Vehicles.
Prior to driving a State vehicle, the driver shall sign the Policies and Procedures
Acknowledgement Statement (Appendix 1). A copy of the signed Acknowledgement Statement
shall be kept on file with the Agency fleet manager. Drivers who do not sign the
Acknowledgement Statement are NOT authorized to drive State vehicles.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
In order to be eligible to drive a State vehicle a driver must have a drivers license valid in the
State of Maryland and appropriate for the class of vehicle driven and have five (5) or fewer
points on his/her current driving record.
Eligibility shall be immediately suspended for a driver who, while driving a State vehicle, is
charged with any motor vehicle violation for which a penalty of incarceration is possible. Motor
vehicle citations for these violations will indicate that the violation is a Must Appear violation
and that the driver must appear when notified by the Court. If you have any questions regarding
violations for which a penalty of incarceration is possible, information is available on the Court
website www.courts.state.md.us/district/forms/criminal/dccr090.pdf. Eligibility shall remain
suspended until the Agencys Accident Review Board has reviewed the occurrence, and a
decision regarding further action is made.
Drivers who have had their driving privilege suspended as a result of point accumulation, being
charged while driving a State vehicle with any violation for which a penalty of incarceration is
possible, or a determination of a preventable accident by the Accident Review Board or Agency
Head shall be reimbursed for use of a private vehicle at no more than one-half of the effective
State reimbursement rate.
The driving record of each authorized driver will be reviewed by the Agency when the driver
signs the Acknowledgement Statement and when information is received pertaining to an
authorized drivers accumulation of points from the MVAs License Monitoring System (LMS) or
Direct Access Records System (DARS), or otherwise affecting driver eligibility.
All State agencies are to utilize the MVAs LMS and/or DARS systems as a resource to perform
the driver record review function. While these services are free of charge, they do require
For more information, please contact:
July 2010
Drivers with out-of-state drivers licenses must provide a certified copy of their driver record to
the Agency when they sign the Acknowledgement Statement, and annually thereafter. Drivers
with out-of-state drivers licenses must notify their Agency fleet manager in the event they
accumulate more than five (5) points on their driving record. This notification must occur within
ten (10) days of the points being assessed.
Accessing driver records other than as provided for above is not authorized and may result
in disciplinary action.
State vehicles are to be used to conduct official State business. Whenever possible, trips should
be planned to coincide with other authorized driver travel requirements so that vehicles are
used efficiently and economically.
a. Except in the case of State Officials who receive Executive Protection from and are
provided driver services by the Maryland State Police, State vehicles shall not be
used for personal reasons, including to transport friends or members of the family
(e.g., transporting children to and from school).
b. Passengers in State automobiles are limited to persons being transported in
connection with State business, except as provided in (a) above,
c. There shall be no smoking in State vehicles.
The Superintendent of Maryland State Police may grant permission to off-duty State Police
officers to use police vehicles during off-duty hours. Only the officers to whom permission has
been granted may operate the vehicles while off-duty and only when these vehicles are not
needed by on-duty officers.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
All drivers shall operate State vehicles in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Laws of the
jurisdiction in which vehicle is being driven and in a manner that reflects concern for safety and
courtesy towards the public.
a. An authorized driver shall operate a State vehicle in accordance with any license
requirements or restrictions, such as corrective lenses, daytime only, etc.
b. The driver of a State vehicle should take every precaution to ensure the safety of
passengers. No person may ride in a State vehicle unless properly restrained by a seat
belt or, in the case of children, an appropriate child safety seat. It shall be the drivers
responsibility to ensure that all passengers are properly restrained.
c. All traffic and parking laws are to be obeyed. Posted speed limits are not to be
exceeded, nor is the vehicle to be operated above safe driving speeds for road
conditions. All traffic and parking violations and fines, including any late fees or
penalties, are the responsibility of the driver involved. Failure to promptly pay a violation
or fine may result in disciplinary action.
d. Employees driving State vehicles are required to comply with all State and local laws
regarding the use of mobile communications devices while driving. If a mobile
communications device must be used by an employee while driving a State vehicle, a
hands-free device must be used. Drivers are encouraged to keep mobile
communications device use to a minimum. Whenever possible, employees should not
make or receive calls while driving. Only in the case of an emergency is the use of a
hand-held mobile communications device without a hands-free device permitted.
This policy does not apply to law enforcement officers or operators of authorized
emergency vehicles.
e. The driver of a State vehicle shall take every precaution to ensure the safety of the
vehicle and its contents. The driver shall lock the vehicle and take the keys except in
those instances when a commercial parking garage requires the keys be left with the
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Authorized drivers of State vehicles are personally responsible for vehicles operated by
them. If a State vehicle is damaged as a result of misuse or gross negligence, the
operator of the vehicle may be required to make restitution to the State. If a State
vehicle is damaged beyond repair as a result of misuse or gross negligence, the
operator of the vehicle may be required to make restitution of the difference between the
amount obtained as salvage value and the amount of the then current wholesale value
of the vehicle as reported in the National Auto Research Black Book Used Car Market
Guide, MD Edition.
An authorized driver, including an Agency Head, charged with a moving violation or a must
appear violation while driving a State vehicle shall notify his/her Agency fleet manager
immediately, and in no case later than the following business day. In turn, the Agency shall
notify DBM in writing within two business days of receiving notice of the charge. Failure to
timely report the receipt of a moving violation may result in disciplinary action.
Agencies shall maintain a copy of the States Accident Guidelines (Section A of Appendix 7) in
the mileage log folder for each State vehicle.
Authorized drivers should familiarize themselves with the States Accident Guidelines, which are
to be provided to the driver along with a copy of the Policies and Procedures for Drivers of State
Vehicles. In the event there is an accident involving a State vehicle, the Guidelines should be
An authorized driver, including an Agency Head, who is involved in an accident while driving a
State vehicle, shall report the accident to their Agency fleet manager immediately and in no
case later than one business day after the accident, even if no other vehicle is involved or there
are no apparent injuries or damages.
Accidents involving State vehicles being driven by an Agency Head or accidents where there
was loss of life as a result of the accident must be reported to DBM FAU immediately.
July 2010
2. Obtain a signed Acknowledgement Statement that the driver has read the Policies
and Procedures for Drivers of State Vehicles.
3. Check the individuals driving record through the MVAs License Monitoring System
(LMS) or Direct Access Records System (DARS) that the driver is eligible to drive a
State vehicle. For drivers with out-of-state licenses, check the certified driver record
provided by the employee to ensure that the driver is eligible to drive a State vehicle.
4. Ensure that a copy of the States Accident Guidelines and current vehicle log are
included in each vehicles Mileage Log folder.
5. Ensure that drivers who are assigned a vehicle complete either an MFOMS 17 or 18.
6. Ensure that all vehicle assignments and the status of commute
payments/exemptions are recorded in WebFleetMaster at the time of the
Whenever practicable, Agencies shall pool State vehicles to increase utilization of vehicles and
promote flexibility of driver transportation. When an Agency decides that it is in the best interest
of the State, individual authorized drivers may be assigned a State vehicle. Other than as
provided in Section 4.3 below, assignment of vehicles shall be based in the following criteria:
1. State vehicles should only be assigned by Agencies to those authorized drivers who
travel the greatest number of official miles per year; unless the Agency and DBM
determine that the use of a State vehicle is required for the efficient operation of a
State program regardless of the miles traveled.
2. State vehicles may be assigned by Agencies to those authorized drivers that have
specific field assignments when it is in the States best interest.
3. State vehicles may be assigned by Agencies to those authorized drivers who have a
need for specialized vehicle equipment in the performance of the drivers job.
4. State vehicles shall not be assigned to an individual whose driving record indicates
the inability to operate a vehicle in a safe or responsible manner.
Every authorized driver who is assigned a State vehicle and who is not exempted by DBM must
pay a commute charge. Agencies must document the vehicle assignment as well as the
commute status or exemption of the assigned driver on WebFleetMaster at the time of vehicle
Assigned vehicles shall not transfer with authorized drivers who move to another position.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
When a vehicle assignment is terminated, the assigned driver may be given up to 30 days after
notice of vehicle assignment termination to make other arrangements for transportation. Upon
vacancy, the positions that are assigned vehicles shall be re-evaluated by the Agency to
determine the continued need to assign a State vehicle to the position.
Passenger vehicles for authorized drivers other than law enforcement and those drivers
identified in Section 4.3 below will comply with the appropriate standard specifications.
Agencies shall monitor usage of each State vehicle to ensure that vehicles failing to accumulate
at least 10,000 official miles annually are still required for State Agency operations and are
assigned to assure the most efficient and effective use of the vehicle.
DBM may notify an Agency that a vehicle must be reassigned due to improper or inefficient
assignment. Upon notification, the Agency shall reassign the vehicle within thirty (30) days.
Subject to the Secretarys approval, Cabinet Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, and Heads of
major independent Agencies not under a Secretariat shall be eligible for an executive type State
Elected Officials are eligible for upgraded executive sedans.
The Department, upon written request from the affected Agency, may authorize drivers not
employed by the State to operate State vehicles for official State business. Examples of such
situations might include local government employees assigned to a State Agency or student
volunteers engaged in approved institutional activities. The request shall include:
July 2010
Non-State employed authorized drivers approved to use a State vehicle are bound by the same
policies and procedures as any authorized driver.
Authorization by DBM for individuals to operate a State vehicle does not automatically include
that individual under State insurance coverage and/or the protections of the Maryland Tort
Claims Act. Agencies with specific concerns should contact their Agency Insurance Coordinator
or the Agencys Attorney Generals office.
County employees who are assigned to a local Department of Social Services or local Health
Department to carry out State programs, and who meet all requirements of the State of
Maryland Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management, are not required to obtain
authorization from DBM in order to drive a State vehicle.
Except as otherwise provided in 5.1 below, an assigned driver who is authorized to use a State
vehicle for commuting purposes shall be subject to a commute charge to be collected by payroll
deduction each pay period. Assigned drivers who pay commute charges as well as those who
are exempt from paying commute charges may still incur tax liabilities. Each employee or
official is responsible for compliance with State and Federal income tax laws relating to the use
of motor vehicles as discussed in Section 6.
Lieutenant Governor
Attorney General
All other assigned drivers will be subject to the commute charge except those exempted by
DBM. These exemptions may be made only if the exemption, on balance, serves to benefit the
State and not the individual driver, and only after the Agency Head and DBM have made a
determination that the vehicle assignment comes within any of the following conditions:
1. Assigned vehicle is not used to commute but remains parked overnight at the authorized
drivers assigned office. Vehicles that are driven by authorized drivers from their
assigned office to a regional office, branch, or any other type of sub-unit of the State and
parked overnight do not qualify under this exemption.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
2. Vehicle is assigned to an authorized driver whose duties are primarily field assignments
and who reports to the designated office on an average of once a week or less as
certified by the Agency Head. An authorized driver whose designated office is a
regional or branch office must use his or her designated office for purposes of
determining exemption eligibility. Authorized drivers shall not selectively choose a
designated office site for purposes of qualifying for a commute exemption.
3. Vehicle is assigned to a Law Enforcement Officer.
4. Vehicle is equipped with highly specialized, affixed or bulky equipment necessary to
respond to emergency needs, and the assigned driver is subject to emergency call-out
at times other than scheduled working hours. Examples of vehicle types are bomb
disposal trucks, haz-mat response trucks, and traffic signal repair trucks. Vehicles must
be specifically designed and used to carry and store the highly specialized emergency
equipment. Equipment that easily can be transported in any vehicle, such as two-way
radios, emergency lights, and other job-incidental ancillary equipment, does not qualify
as highly specialized.
Exemptions must be documented on the MFOMS-18 Certification of Exemption, State Motor
Vehicle Commute Charge approved by the Agency Head and DBM (Appendix 3). These
exemptions shall be subject to audit.
The Agency is responsible for reporting driver commute exemption status on DBMs
WebFleetMaster Information System when the exemption is approved by DBM.
A State Auto Commute Charge Form MFOMS-17 (Appendix 4) shall be completed by the
Agency for each assigned driver who does not have a DBM-approved MFOMS-18 exemption.
Agencies are responsible for verifying the accuracy of the information provided on the MFOMS17. Completed MFOMS-17s shall be forwarded to DBM for processing. These forms shall be
returned to the Agency after processing. Agencies shall maintain files containing all completed
The Agency is responsible for reporting driver commute status information on DBMs
WebFleetMaster Information System when the driver is assigned a vehicle.
The commute reimbursement rate shall be established by DBM. The current commute
reimbursement rate deduction table is available on the DBM website at
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Commute charges paid via payroll deduction by an authorized driver for use of a State vehicle
to commute will be credited by Central Payroll directly to the respective Agencys Object .07
account. Any refunds to authorized drivers for the commute program will be paid from the
Agencys Object .07 via a State of Maryland Expense Account (COT/GAD Form X-5).
Drivers who have paid commute charges may be eligible to receive refunds of commute
charges under the following conditions.
If the driver has been absent from work on State holidays or leave (i.e. sick,
annual, personal or leave without pay) or any combination thereof, in excess of
five (5) consecutive working days, that driver is eligible to receive a refund of
commute charges paid. The refund shall be calculated on a per diem basis and
only for those days absent in excess of five (5) consecutive working days.
A driver is eligible for a refund if the driver has moved and the move results in a
reduction of commute miles. The refund shall be calculated based on the difference
between what was paid and what should have been paid from the time the change
becomes effective until the time the change is reflected in the payroll deduction. For
changes occurring during a pay period, the refund shall be calculated on a pro-rata
basis for that pay period.
All commute miles shall be recorded in the Vehicle Mileage Log. If an authorized driver leaves
home in a State vehicle and reports to the assigned office any time during the day, the normal
one-way commute mileage shall be recorded on the Vehicle Mileage Log. If the authorized
driver returns home that same day, a normal two-way commute shall be recorded on the
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Vehicle Mileage Log. However, if an authorized driver leaves home and conducts business
without stopping at the assigned office, mileage up to the drivers normal round trip commute is
to be recorded as commute miles on the Vehicle Mileage Log, and only those miles in excess of
the drivers normal commute are to be recorded as official miles on the Vehicle Mileage Log.
Authorized drivers whose duties are primarily field assignments and who report to the
designated office on an average of once a week or less and have a DBM-approved commute
exemption (see Section 5.1) are required to record commute miles. Commute miles includes
the mileage from your home to your first work location of the day and the mileage from your last
work location of the day to your home.
As provided in Section 2.4, Elected Officials, Department Secretaries and heads of independent
Agencies are exempt from this requirement.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Every individual who commutes in a State-owned or -leased motor vehicle is required to report
the use of the vehicle as a fringe benefit for income tax purposes. This requirement applies to
authorized drivers who pay the State commute charge as well as those who the State exempts
from paying commute charge. The exception is those employees who commute on an
occasional or infrequent basis (once a month or less) or commute in a qualified nonpersonaluse vehicle as defined by the IRS and documented by the agency. In both cases, exceptions
must be determined by the agency.
Each individual is personally responsible to the IRS for the submission of accurate information
to his employer. The taxable fringe benefit will be calculated based on IRS guidelines, and
reported annually on an Auto Fringe Value Calculation/Reporting Form (see Appendix 5 for a
sample Reporting Form). For certain reporting categories, these benefits include all capital
costs and expenses incidental to the operation of the motor vehicle, including all salaries, fringe
benefits and other expenses of a chauffeur less the amount paid to the State for use of a
DBM will annually notify agencies of reporting requirements.
Agencies must keep records that are sufficient to identify individuals who commute in State
vehicles more than once a month and the mileage driven for such commute usage. This
information should be available from the Vehicle Mileage Logs.
Agencies shall ensure that those individuals who commute in a State vehicle more than once a
month receive reporting instructions and submit an Auto Fringe Value Calculation/Reporting
Form. Prior to submitting the forms to DBM, agencies will review the forms for accuracy.
Agencies, based on guidance from DBM, must identify those vehicles within their fleets that
qualify as nonpersonal-use for IRS reporting. Those vehicles determined to be nonpersonal-use
vehicles must be documented in WebFleetMaster, and detailed documentation for these
determinations must be kept on file at the Agency.
The State of Maryland does not deduct and withhold Federal and State income taxes with
respect to the non-cash fringe benefits attributable to an individuals personal use of a State
vehicle provided by the State. Instead, State employees who commute in a State vehicle are
required to file an Auto Fringe Value Report annually and the value of the fringe benefit will be
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
included on the individuals last two bi-weekly earnings statements of the year and on the
annual Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2) and all applicable taxes will be withheld at that
More information concerning the fringe benefit program is available on the DBM website at
Agencies shall identify a Fleet Safety Coordinator. The Fleet Safety Coordinator shall:
1. Promote and coordinate Agency vehicle safety.
2. Encourage authorized drivers to take the Driver Improvement Training program
which can be accessed at:
3. Participate on the Agencys Accident Review Board.
4. Coordinate with the State Treasurers Office Insurance Manager and/or the Agency
insurance coordinator concerning Agency vehicle accidents.
5. For each accident involving a State vehicle, ensure and coordinate appropriate
completion (see Appendix 6) of the:
Agencies are required to notify DBM in writing within two (2) business days of receiving notice
of any moving violation committed by a driver of a State vehicle.
All vehicle accidents are to be reported to the States Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
contractor. Agency accident/control/reporting procedures are listed in Appendix 6 of this
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Agencies shall provide remedial driver training to those employees identified by the Agency
Accident Review Board as needing such training. At a minimum, training shall include:
1. Safe vehicle operation
2. Defensive driving techniques
3. Preventable accidents and Accident Prevention
Agencies shall establish an Agency Accident Review Board. The Board shall:
1. Review Agency vehicle accidents to determine:
Driver history/performance.
Accident cause(s)/conditions.
Accident preventability.
Necessary driver corrective action.
The Board shall provide a summary of findings and recommendations to the Agency
Head or designee. If the accident is found preventable, the Board shall recommend
driver corrective action (see Appendix 6).
2. Review all incidents involving must appear violations, including the court determination,
and make recommendations for appropriate action.
3. Provide recommendations as appropriate to the Agency Head, or designee, for the
overall safe operation of the fleet.
The Agency Head, or designee, shall review Accident Review Board findings and
recommendations. Approved recommendations shall be returned to the appropriate supervisor
for action.
A State Accident Review Board shall be appointed by the Secretary to review accidents and
must appear violations where a State Agency Head is the driver.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
State employees shall be reimbursed for legitimate and documented parking and toll expenses
incurred while conducting State business.
A State employee may be required to use his or her privately owned vehicle in order to carry out
assigned duties if a State vehicle is not available or if the State employee does not satisfy the
eligibility criteria or if his or her privilege to drive a State vehicle is suspended. The State is not
required to provide a State vehicle to employees who refuse to use their private vehicles to
perform their assigned duties.
Authorized drivers who use privately owned vehicles for official State business should be
reimbursed in accordance with the DBM approved rate, except as noted below.
1. An authorized driver who chooses to use a privately owned vehicle for official business
when a State vehicle is available shall be reimbursed at one-half the ordinary standard
rate for the use of privately owned vehicles.
2. A driver who does not meet assignment criteria or whose privilege to drive a State
vehicle has been suspended by the Agency shall be reimbursed at one-half the ordinary
standard rate for the use of privately owned vehicles.
The mileage reimbursement rate includes reimbursement for the cost of insurance. Therefore,
the State shall not reimburse authorized drivers for any increased insurance premiums
attributable to the use of their vehicles for State business.
The current private mileage reimbursement rate is available on the DBM website at
These policies apply to any day in which the driver travels in a privately owned vehicle to
conduct State business. Reimbursement shall be as follows:
1. A driver who leaves the office to conduct business in the field and returns to the office
may be reimbursed for all mileage directly connected with the business trip (i.e., mileage
from the office to the field site and back to the office) because the driver will have driven
his normal daily commute to and from the office by the end of day.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
2. A driver who conducts State business prior to coming into the assigned office or on the
way home from the assigned office may be reimbursed for all mileage in excess of the
daily round-trip commute miles normally traveled.
3. A driver who leaves home to conduct business and returns home without stopping at the
assigned office may be reimbursed for all mileage directly connected with the business
trip in excess of the round-trip commute miles normally traveled.
4. In no event shall a driver be reimbursed for commuting to and from his or her assigned
The Agency is responsible for ensuring that reimbursement of authorized drivers for the use of
privately owned vehicles is controlled and authorized only in the States interest. The Agency is
also responsible for reporting private mileage reimbursement information in WebFleetMaster
(also see Section 15).
State automobiles, light trucks and vans are purchased in accordance with specifications
developed by DBM and approved by the Board of Public Works. The Department of General
Services is the procuring Agency.
Acquisitions of all motor vehicles (including new, used, gift, surplus or leased) must be
approved by DBM before the Agency enters into a contract for or makes use of the vehicle. The
sole exception to this policy is for passenger vehicles rented through the travel services
contractor for employees in travel status. (See Standard Travel Regulations COMAR 23.02.01
http://dbm.maryland.gov/Pages/TravelRegulations.aspx .)
Agency vehicle acquisition and related expense and performance data shall be reported in
At least 75% of the non-excluded LDVs purchased by an Agency fleet covered by EPAct
regulations during the annual reporting period shall consist of AFVs. Federal EPAct regulations
define a covered fleet as a fleet that meets the following criteria:
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Any time a vehicle is purchased or otherwise acquired, the Agency shall present the Certificate
of Origin, application for New Vehicle Title and application for transfer of old, or issuance of
new, tags to MVA for processing.
Except as provided in Section 9.3.2, a special license tag reflecting that the vehicle is a State
vehicle shall identify all State vehicles.
Statewide Elected Officials and members of their staff as designated by the Elected Official,
Department Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries are exempt from this requirement.
The Department may approve requests for unmarked license tags for State vehicles. Such
requests shall be submitted by the Agency Head in writing to DBM.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Unmarked license tags on State vehicles may be permitted for the following:
1. Executive appointees requiring legislative consent of appointment.
2. Heads of major independent agencies not under a Secretariat.
3. Vehicles used for undercover law enforcement assignments.
4. Vehicles used by other State personnel in the performance of their official duties, if the
identification of such vehicles would not be in the best interests of the State.
Unmarked license plates as permitted under this section shall not be transferred to another
State vehicle without written approval from DBM.
A record of all State vehicles with unmarked license plates and the reasons therefore shall be
filed with the MVA at the time application is made for tag renewal or new tags.
Transfers of State vehicles shall not be permitted between or among State agencies that are not
responsible to a common administrative head, except as approved by DBM as being in the best
interests of the State.
All temporary vehicle reassignments or loans between State Agencies require the written
approval of DBM prior to movement of the vehicle.
When a Department or Agency determines that it no longer requires a vehicle nor does another
unit reporting to the same administrative head, the vehicle shall be declared excess.
The Agency transferring the vehicle shall complete a DGS Excess Property Declaration (EPD)
form and submit the form to DBM for approval. The Department will return the EPD form to the
Agency, indicating approval or disapproval. For approvals, the Agency is responsible for
transmitting the original approved EPD form to DGS.
An Agency Head may request assignment of vehicles declared excess by another Agency.
Requests shall be made in writing to DBM, and DBM will notify the requesting Agency in writing
of the decision.
An Agency must obtain approval from DBM prior to disposing of a State vehicle.
The method of disposition shall be determined by DGS. Procedures are addressed in the
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Written approval is required from DBM for all motor vehicle leases/rentals, other than passenger
vehicles rented through the travel services contractor for employees in travel status (see
Standard Travel Regulations COMAR 23.02.01). Vehicle leases/rentals exceeding $10,000
require Board of Public Works approval.
Upon receiving written approval from the DBM Fleet Administration Unit to lease/rent a motor
vehicle, the Agency is to follow State procurement law (State Finance and Procurement Article,
Division II and COMAR Title 21). Agencies specifically exempt from the State procurement law
shall follow their approved procurement policies and procedures but are otherwise subject to
these requirements.
Detailed procedures for motor vehicle leasing/rental are found on the DBM website at
The vehicle is at least 10 years old and DBM determines that it is appropriate to replace;
DBM determines that the repair expenses for a particular vehicle have exceeded
acceptable parameters.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
If an Agency requisitions a motor vehicle as a replacement for an existing motor vehicle, the
vehicle for which replacement is being requested shall be declared excess personal property
unless waived by DBM.
Executive cars eligible for replacement must be declared excess property unless reassigned
internally to an eligible executive as a replacement vehicle.
If an Agency desires to retain, for any reason including use for spare parts, a motor vehicle for
which a replacement is requested, a written request for a waiver shall be attached to the
applicable purchase requisition. DBM will review the request and approve or disapprove it.
All Agency fleet managers shall assure that vehicles to be replaced are clean (inside and out)
when traded in for replacement.
Modifications to State vehicles for personal reasons are prohibited. If necessary for official State
business, an Agency may approve the modification of a State vehicle, including the addition of
accessories such as hitches, racks, electronic devices, and signs. Bumper stickers are
Section 11-118 of the Transportation Article limits the use of emergency lights to emergency
vehicles that are so designated by the Motor Vehicle Administration. Agencies shall not add
emergency lights to any State vehicle that has not been designated as an emergency vehicle by
the Motor Vehicle Administration.
The following types of vehicles are designated as emergency vehicles:
1. Law enforcement vehicles
2. Fire and rescue vehicles
3. Vehicles responding to hazardous materials spills
4. Division of Correction Emergency vehicles
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
5. Ambulances
6. Special vehicles used for emergency or rescue purposes
Agencies with State vehicles that meet the definition of an emergency vehicle shall apply for
approval to use emergency lights by contacting the Motor Vehicle Administration and requesting
an Application for Approval of Emergency Vehicles or Service Vehicles.
State vehicles shall obtain fuel from the Statewide Automated Fuel Dispensing and
Management System except for emergencies or rare and unusual instances when such use is
not possible. Access/payment for using the Statewide Automated Fuel Dispensing System is
accomplished using fuel service cards. Arrangements for fuel service cards are to be made by
the Agencys fleet manager/coordinator. Agency fleet managers/coordinators may contact the
DGS Inventory Standards and Support Service Division for information.
Agencies that procure their own fuel and oil in bulk from DGS contracts may use these supplies
in lieu of the Statewide Automated Fuel Dispensing and Management System. Fuel and oil
obtained in this manner must be recorded in WebFleetMaster by vehicle.
Fuel obtained from commercial sources during emergency or unusual circumstances shall be
from locations offering the lowest price possible. The amount and value of all vehicle fuel
purchased outside of the State fueling system shall be entered into WebFleetMaster by the
Managers of Agency fleets operating bi-fuel or flexible-fuel vehicles shall instruct drivers to use
alternative fuel when available.
Agencies without in-house maintenance and repair capabilities have the option of obtaining
tires and batteries using the existing State contract for vehicle maintenance and repair services
or, if available, the DGS tire and battery contract. Agencies with in-house maintenance and
repair capabilities shall continue to use the DGS tire and batteries contract, if available.
Agencies are to properly maintain all State vehicles in accordance with COMAR
Agencies are to be guided by oil change, lubrication and maintenance recommendations of the
manufacturer. All vehicle warranties are to be utilized. Agencies without in-house maintenance
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
capabilities shall use vendors approved by the Fleet Maintenance and Repair Services
Contractor to address their maintenance and repair needs.
Authorized drivers who are assigned a vehicle, share responsibility for assuring that their
assigned vehicle are properly maintained. Agency fleet managers shall discuss the
maintenance requirements, procedures, and the drivers specific responsibilities for
maintenance with authorized drivers assigned a vehicle.
Authorized drivers of pool vehicles are responsible for reporting observed mechanical problems
to the Agency fleet manager or designee.
Agencies shall use the existing contract for maintenance and repair services for all sedans, light
trucks and vans with the exception of:
Emergency conditions when the vehicle cannot be safely driven or towed to a Network
Service vendor.
Unless the Agency is exempt from use of the State contract for maintenance and repair services
the Agency shall enroll its sedans and LTVs with the contractor per the established procedures.
Maintenance and repair services are available through a network of authorized facilities,
dealerships, and national fleet service providers throughout the State. A current listing of
participating vendors is available in WebFleetMaster.
Although some national fleet service providers offer standardized pricing, agencies are
encouraged to comparison shop among network providers when time allows. Occasionally,
prices may vary as a result of specials or sales offered by the various network participants, and
it is always in the best interest of the State to obtain the most competitive prices.
Agency fleet managers shall consult with the State maintenance and repair contractor
automotive specialists prior to having repairs performed that are expected to exceed the
established threshold. Agency fleet managers have the option of consulting with the contractor
automotive specialists for repairs that are expected to be less than the established threshold.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Repairs, which are estimated to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the current market value of the
motor vehicle, may not be made unless approved in writing by DBM.
Upon completion of the Agency vehicle enrollment process, the State fleet maintenance and
repair contractor will issue Maintenance Service Coupons to Agencies for each vehicle enrolled.
The Maintenance Service Coupons allow authorized Agency drivers to obtain routine
maintenance services at approved network vendors. Maintenance Service Coupons may only
be used for expenses related to State vehicles.
In the event that a Maintenance Service Coupon or coupon book is lost or stolen the Agency
shall immediately notify the contractor so that the coupon book can be cancelled and a new
coupon book can be issued.
The States fleet maintenance and repair services contractor will compile and forward the
invoices and billing statements to each Agency for payment.
The Agency is responsible for reviewing, approving and paying invoices for services provided
through the contract. The Agency will normally deal directly with the contractors account
representative to resolve any billing discrepancies improper charges or service problems that
may occur. The DBM Fleet Administration Unit may be contacted if unsuccessful problem
resolution continues to occur with the contractor.
All State Agencies must have a formal in-house inspection program for State vehicles to assure
that vehicles are clean, properly equipped, maintained, and in good repair. The inspection
program shall provide:
1. A responsible staff member is to be designated to implement the program;
2. Each vehicle shall be inspected annually and a copy of the vehicle inspection form will
be completed (Appendix 8);
3. Inspection records are to be kept on file at Agency headquarters and shall be available
for audit; and
4. Unsatisfactory conditions shall be corrected within seven (7) days and such action
recorded on the inspection sheet.
July 2010
WebFleetMaster is the official record and reporting method for State sedans/LTVs. All
agencies shall comply with the requirements of the WebFleetMaster reporting system.
Each Agency shall maintain a copy of the WebFleetMaster Users Manual. This manual
provides specific instructions for entering data, up-line reporting, and utilizing WebFleetMaster
capabilities in support of Agency fleet management activities. A copy of the WebFleetMaster
Users Manual is available in the help section of WebFleetMaster.
The Agency shall be responsible for the timeliness and accuracy of data entry for
WebFleetMaster, and up-line data submission to DBM.
Data entry requirements for State Agencies include:
Vehicle Assignments
Driver Commute Pay or Exemption Status
Private Mileage Reimbursement
Fuel and Maintenance Expenses not captured by States Central Reporting Systems
Vehicle Mileage
Vehicle Acquisition/Disposition
The Agency shall complete on-line reporting to DBM by the 10th of each month. Support
documentation for data entry shall be maintained on file in the Agency for audit and
management control purposes.
The Agency shall be responsible for analyzing the WebFleetMaster management reports
supplied by WebFleetMaster to optimize Agency fleet management effectiveness and economy.
Agencies requiring training on WebFleetMaster should contact DBM.
4. All temporary reassignments or loans of vehicles from one State Agency to another.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Appendix 1
The undersigned certifies he/she has read the Policies and Procedures for Drivers of State
I am aware that a violation of these rules would be cause for disciplinary action.
SIGNED: ______________________________________________
NAME: _______________________________________________
AGENCY: _____________________________________________
CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________
DATE: ________________________________________________
(Please print or type all information)
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Appendix 2
Vehicle Mileage Log
License Tag:
Beginning Odometer:
Commute Miles
Ending Odometer
Drivers Name
Appendix 3
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
(Sedan, Van, Pickup, Sports Utility)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Briefly describe the duties of this position:
The undersigned certify above statements are accurate and agree to make proper notification to
the Department of Budget and Management in the event that a change in assignment or job
function occurs which nullifies the accuracy of this certification. If there is a change in drivers
job functions or assignment, a new MFOMS-18 must be completed and maintained on file at the
The State-owned motor vehicle and assigned driver listed on the reverse are certified to be
exempt from the State Vehicle Commute Charge by reason of the following: (Please provide
any additional information noted below)
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
EXEMPTION 1: Assigned vehicle is not used to commute but remains garaged overnight at the
authorized drivers assigned office. Vehicles that are driven by authorized drivers from their
assigned office to a regional office, branch, or any other type of sub-unit of the State and parked
overnight do not qualify under this exemption.
EXEMPTION 2: Vehicle is assigned to an authorized driver whose duties are primarily field
assignments and who reports to the designated office on an average of once a week or less as
certified by the Agency Head. Authorized drivers assigned to regional offices, branches, or any
other type of sub-unit in lieu of headquarters do not qualify under this exemption.
Describe the authorized drivers usual assignment and normal office visits in accordance with
Fleet Policy as shown on the mileage log for 12 previous months:
EXEMPTION 3: Vehicle is assigned to a Law Enforcement Officer
EXEMPTION 4: Vehicle is modified and equipped with highly specialized equipment necessary
to respond to emergency needs and the assigned driver is subject to emergency call out at
times other than scheduled working hours. Examples of vehicle types are bomb disposal
trucks, haz-mat response trucks, and traffic signal repair trucks. Vehicles must be specifically
designed and used to carry and store the highly specialized emergency equipment. Two-way
radios, emergency lights, and other job incidental ancillary equipment do not qualify as highly
List vehicle type, modifications, and specialized equipment:
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Appendix 4
(Revised 3/2009)
Agency Name:
Agency Appropriation Code:
Drivers Social Security No.:
Drivers Home Address (include Street, City, State, Zip):
Drivers Assigned Office (include Street, City, State, Zip):
Purpose Code (Circle One):
1. Initiate Commute Charge for this Authorized Driver
2. Cancel Commute Charge for this Authorized Driver
3. Change Commute Charge for this Authorized Driver, i.e. change in commute miles, change in vehicle
Biweekly Deduction
Please read the following statement before completing this form. I solemnly declare under
penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the contents of
this form are true. I agree to make proper notification to the Department of Budget &
Management in the event of any change, which affects the accuracy of this form.
Employee Name (Print)
Supervisor Name
Date Signed
An original of this form is to be forwarded to the State Fleet Administration Unit for processing. Make
a copy for your records. For further information please see Section 5.2.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Appendix 5
Last Name
First Name
Work Phone
Agency Code
Number of one-way commute trips from home to office or first work location of the day during the reporting period.
Number of one-way commute trips to home from office or last work location of the day during the reporting period.
Multiply line 3 total by $1.50 and enter result here and on line 19.
Multiply line 5 by (current POV Reimbursement Rate i.e. $0.585) and enter here.
Multiply line 6 by (current POV Reimbursement Rate i.e. $0.550) and enter here.
Enter salary and fringe benefits paid by the State for a State-provided chauffeur.
10. Add lines 7, 8, and 9 and enter sum here and on line 20.
11. Annual lease value amount (from IRS table).
12. Total number of miles driven.
13. Total number of commute/personal use miles.
14. Percentage of personal to total miles (line 13 divided by line 12.)
15. Multiply line 11 by line 14 and enter here.
16. Employer-paid fuel multiply line 13 by 5.5 cents and enter here.
17. Enter salary and fringe benefits paid by the State for a State-provided chauffeur.
18. Add line 15, 16 and 17 and enter sum here and on line 21.
19. Enter total from SECTION I, line 4 here.
20. Enter total from SECTION II, line 10 here.
21. Enter total from SECTION III, line 18 here.
22. Enter total commute payments to State for use of a State vehicle.
23. Subtract line 22 from line 19, 20, or 21; enter here and in section marked AUTO FRINGE VALUE above (do not enter
value less than 0).
I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the information on this sheet is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. Signature MUST be on this form. Separate sheets with signature will not be accepted.
July 2010
Appendix 6
Accident Control, Reporting and Corrective Action
Section A
General Guidelines When Involved In an Accident
Section B
Reporting an Accident or Loss (Automobile Loss Report)
Section C
Instructions for Completing
Motor Vehicle Accident Investigation Guide (FS-1)
Section D
Accident Review Board Work-Sheet (FS-2)
Section E
Driver Corrective Action Program (FS-3)
Section F
General Insurance Information
Section G
Accident Definitions
Preventable Accident Guidelines
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Section A
Stop as near to the scene as is safely practical; avoid blocking traffic and otherwise
minimize potential danger to others.
Make every effort to have a police officer respond to the accident scene. The officer
must be requested to make a formal report. Failure to follow this procedure must be
fully explained in writing (Attach to AUTO LOSS REPORT).
Obtain drivers license and insurance information from other involved parties.
Agency representative should contact the States maintenance and repair contractor to
report the accident and complete the Auto Loss Report Form.
The State agency should advise the claimant/attorney to contact the Insurance Division
of the State Treasurers Office with questions at 410-260-7684 or 800-942-0162.
The Insurance Division personnel will instruct the claimant/attorney as to the proper
procedure for filing a formal notice of claim.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Section B
State Vehicle Accidents Involving vehicles, property and personal injury with non-State
When a State vehicle is involved in an accident, the designated Insurance Coordinator
or fleet manager must contact the States maintenance and repair contractor to complete
the AUTO LOSS REPORT form. The form will be completed by the contractor and
copies sent to the Agency and the Insurance Division, Office of the State Treasurer.
If the accident is caused by the other partys negligence, the State will make a claim
directly against the other party and/or insurance company.
Please follow these procedures:
A copy of the Auto Loss Report Form will be sent to the reporting Agency
and the Insurance Division of the State Treasurers Office.
If the State vehicle is not operable, notify the States maintenance and
repair contractor of the vehicles location immediately by phone. The
vehicles location must also be shown on the AUTO LOSS REPORT
If more than two (2) vehicles or two (2) injured parties are involved, use additional AUTO
LOSS REPORT forms as necessary.
AUTO LOSS REPORT forms are not to be placed in the State vehicle.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
State vehicle identification number (serial or VIN#) and license plate (tag) number.
Identify all witnesses to the accident. Give names, addresses, and phone numbers. It
is imperative that all pertinent information be given. Prompt, accurate and complete
information is essential to efficient claim adjustments.
Reports of incidents or accidents are to be submitted even if the individual(s)
involved indicate they were not injured and no damage was done.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Auto Loss Report forms can be obtained from the State Treasurers Office website at
www.treasurer.state.md.us. Click on the Insurance icon from the home page, and then locate
the Related Links box. Select the Auto Loss Form. The form can be printed, completed and
then faxed or mailed to the address above.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Phone #
Date of Accident:
Location of Accident:
Description of Accident:
Phone #
Date of Birth:
Phone #:
Phone #
Describe Vehicle Damage:
Phone #
Injured Persons:
Name & Address:
Phone #
Tag #:
Phone #
Witnesses or Passengers:
Name & Address:
Phone #
Reported by (Please Print or Type Name)
Phone #
Phone #
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Section C
A Motor Vehicle Accident Investigation Guide (FS-1) is completed each time an AUTO LOSS
REPORT form is completed and submitted to the Insurance Coordinator. The driver completes
the first page of the form. The second page is then completed and reviewed by the supervisor
and subsequently by the agency Accident Review Board with the appropriate comments
entered into the spaces provided. PLEASE DO NOT DELAY THE SUBMISSION OF THE
The Motor Vehicle Accident Investigation Guide (FS-1 is attached) must be completed by the
driver within 48 hours of the incident and reviewed by the drivers supervisor for accuracy
and completeness within 72 hours.
Upon completion of the drivers section, the supervisor reviews this information and completes
the Accident Review by Supervisor section of the FS-1. For interpretations of preventable
accidents, please refer to the Accident Definitions located in Section G of this Appendix. After
the completion of the drivers section and the supervisors section the FS-1 is forwarded to your
agencys Insurance Coordinator and Accident Review Board for processing.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Severe Wind
Vehicle Defect Specify: _____
( ) Yes
( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) No
( ) No
( ) No
( ) Yes
( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) No
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Section D
Documentation of Accident Review Board and agency determinations are to be maintained on
the Accident Review Board Work Sheet found at the end of this section. Completed work
sheets with copies of the appropriate AUTO LOSS REPORT form, FS-1 and FS-3 forms are to
be maintained on file by the agency.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Section E
1. General
The Corrective Action Program identifies corrective action to be taken. Agency Accident
Review Boards may exercise other corrective action when, in their judgment, documented
circumstances warrant.
Corrective actions are applied based on point totals listed on the Driver Evaluation Point
System, Form FS-3 provided at the end of this section. This form is to be completed by the
Accident Review Board of each agency as part of the accident review process when
accidents are found to be preventable.
The Point Evaluation System takes into account two factors related to the driving history of
the individual:
45 to 64
65 to 114
July 2010
115 to 199
200 to 225
Suspension of Driving Privileges: - The operators privilege to operate Stateowned vehicles or equipment shall be denied for a minimum of 6 months. At the
end of this time, and upon completion of a drivers improvement serious
offender training program, and appropriate in-car evaluation by Agency
management, the operator may apply to the agency Accident Review Board for
reinstatement of his/her driving privileges. If in the opinion of the Agency
Accident Review Board, and as approved by the Agency Head, this action is in
the best interest of the State; the operators privileges may be reinstated. The
operator shall also be assessed for damages to the State-owned property and
may receive a written reprimand as above.
226 to 270
Removal of Driving Privileges: - The operators privilege of operating Stateowned vehicles shall be removed with no right of reinstatement for a period of 3
years. At the end of that time, and upon completion of a driver improvement
serious offender training program and appropriate in-car evaluation by Agency
management, the driver may reapply to the Agency Accident Review Board for
reinstatement as above. The operator may also be suspended without pay in
accordance with DBM regulations, receive a written reprimand, and be assessed
for damages to the State-owned property.
Must Appear Violations: - Operators charged with such violations shall have the privilege of
operating State vehicles or equipment suspended immediately regardless of the total point
value determined by the Driver Evaluation Point System. The suspension shall remain in effect
until such time as the individual has completed such instruction or action as recommended by
the Agency Accident Review Board and approved by the Agency head. The agency will notify
DBM of the action taken.
In addition, the Agency Accident Review Board will determine such other corrective action as
will apply to the operator, such as assessment for damages to the State-owned property or
vehicles under the rules outlined above.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
3. Example
At 2:35 p.m. on May 27, 1990, a clear sunny day, a Parole and Probation Agent returning
from a visit to a probationers place of employment was traveling in a State vehicle north on
U.S. Route 1 in the fast lane. Upon approaching the intersection of U.S. Route 1 and
Elkridge Landing Road, the State driver was unable to stop for a vehicle that had slowed to
make a left turn onto Elkridge Landing Road. The State driver ran into the rear of the
slowing vehicle.
The State drivers motor vehicle record shows 3 current points for speeding in the last 3
years. Police accident investigation reports indicate no drugs or alcohol were involved, but
speed on the part of the State driver was a factor in the accident. The driver of the stopped
vehicle sustained a neck injury with no injuries sustained by the State driver. There was
approximately $835 damage to the State vehicle. The State driver was not wearing the
vehicle restraint device. A check of agency records reveals that the State driver has no
prior preventable accidents.
Agency Action:
The Agency Accident Review Board was convened and reviewed the described accident.
The Board findings were that the accident was a preventable accident. The Board then
completed the evaluation sheet to determine appropriate corrective action recommend for
the driver. (See attached FS-3)
Disciplinary Results:
The points assigned total 55 (i.e., 25 + 10 + 20). The State driver will be assigned to a
driver improvement training class and a letter of reprimand will be placed in the drivers
personnel file. The reprimand will also note that the State driver did not use the vehicles
restraint device.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
2) Preventable
Accident History ACCIDENT(S) 1ST
(State Vehicles)
Last 3 Years Only VALUE 10 PTS 40 PTS 100 PTS 200 PTS 300 PTS _______
3) Speed Indicated as
A Factor
4) Unauthorized
Must Appear
See Corrective Action Point Guidelines.
Verbal Counseling
Driver Improvement Program/Written Reprimand
Driver Improvement Training, Serious Offender Program
Damage Assessments
Suspension of Driving Privileges
Suspension from Duties
Removal of Driving Privileges
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
V. The program will follow the format as set forth in the Statewide Driver Corrective Action
Program Outline (attached).
The employee must meet the minimum requirement for the first day, a score of 80% on
the written or oral test. If this is not achieved, the Administrator will call the ARB
chairperson and advise. The employee will be asked not to return for day two of the
class but may be rescheduled for a future class.
VI. The program will continue following the outline for the second day. During the In-Car
Driver Evaluation, the instructor will observe and evaluate the employees driving;
address driving errors and/or habits; outline the problems and conditions that need to be
corrected (i.e., visual, judgment, function, time and space). A minimum score of 80% is
required to pass the driver evaluation test.
VII. If in the judgment of the instructor, along with the facts, the employee has major
problems with his driving, the Administrator will submit oral and written reports to the
employees ARB chairperson. Copies of evaluation forms and test scores will be sent to
the employees ARB chairperson.
VIII. If there are no problems, a Driver Corrective Action Program letter/card will be issued to
the employee indicating that the employee has successfully completed the classroom
instruction and has successfully demonstrated the proper handling of a State vehicle.
ARB chairpersons will be notified in writing of employees that have successfully
completed this program.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Section F
A. Liability Damage to other vehicles, property and persons (including non-State
employee passengers)
$200,000 Limit per claimant is the maximum amount available under the Maryland Tort
Claims Act.
Sovereign immunity is invoked for claims against the employee driver, and against the
State for amounts above $200,000.
Note: The State does not waive its immunity for punitive damages, interest before
judgment, combatant activities of the State Militia, and tortious acts of employees not
within the scope of their duties or if the injury is made with malice or gross negligence, or
is due to unlawful acts.
The State Agency will be responsible for the first $1,000 of loss (liability and/or physical
damage) associated with any one single occurrence.
B. Physical Damage Damage to the State vehicle itself, commonly called collision and
comprehensive (no coverage for theft).
The injured employee may be able to collect PIP benefits by filing a claim under
his/her own family automobile insurance company.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Out-Of-State: State vehicles driven to other states within the United States are
Foreign: If a State vehicle will be driven outside of the United States, proof of
insurance coverage will be required when you cross the border. Please contact
the Insurance Division Underwriter at 410-260-7196, as soon as you are aware
that you will be traveling outside of the United States, to obtain a certificate of
insurance. This will serve as the required evidence of insurance. It will indicate
the $200,000 per person limit under the Maryland Tort Claims Act. Have the
vehicle year, make, model, serial number, tag number, driver(s) name(s), and the
dates of travel when you contact the Insurance Division.
Certificates of coverage evidencing $200,000 are necessary to cross the border.
July 2010
C. Rented Vehicles Vehicles owned by others and rented to the State on a short-term
basis (usually a few days Hertz, Avis, etc.)
Liability The State provides the same protection as described in Section I (A)
regardless of whether the vehicle is rented within or outside the State.
Physical Damage The rental company requires that the renter (State agency or
employee) be responsible for most accidental damage to rental companys
vehicle. This provision is included in the rental contract. In order to eliminate
(waive) this provision and make the rental company responsible, an addendum is
required. This addendum is called Collision Damage Waiver.
The State has elected to provide this coverage. Do not sign or agree to the
Collision Damage Waiver.
Each State Agency will be responsible for the first $1,000 of damage.
Notation When signing the rental agreement, include your name, State Agency
and the State of Maryland, and please read all of the provisions.
Liability The State provides liability (only) coverage for all privately owned
vehicles driven by authorized persons on State business. See Section I (A).
Employee injury See Workers Compensation I (C.2).
PIP (medical, etc.) coverage may be available from your family automobile
insurance coverage.
Always notify both our Insurance Division and your family automobile insurance
agent of all incidents or accidents. Failure to notify both could jeopardize your
legal status in related claims and lawsuits.
July 2010
employee driver does not have immunity out-of-state, unless it is granted by that
State under the doctrine of comity.
a. Your family automobile policy may respond.
b. If the claim is filed in Maryland, the Tort Claims Act may apply (this action is
Physical Damage
a. There is no protection available from the State.
b. Your family automobile policy must provide coverage.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Section G
A. Intersections:
It is the responsibility of State vehicle drivers to approach, enter and cross intersections
prepared to avoid accidents that might occur through the action of other drivers. Complex
traffic movement, blind intersections, or failure of the other driver to conform to laws or
traffic control devices will not automatically discharge an accident as not preventable.
B. Vehicle Ahead:
Regardless of the abrupt or unexpected stop of the vehicle ahead, your driver can prevent
front-end collisions by maintaining a safe following distance at all times. A safe following
distance is one that allows the driver sufficient time, distance, and vision requirements to
avoid and accident to reduce traffic conflict. This includes being prepared for possible
obstructions on the highway, either in plain view or hidden by the crest of a curve of a
roadway. Overdriving headlights at night is a common cause of front-end collisions. Night
speed should not be greater than that which will permit the vehicle to come to a stop within
the forward distance illuminated by the vehicles headlights.
C. Struck From Behind:
Investigation often discloses that drivers risk being struck from behind by failing to maintain
a margin of safety in their own following distance. Rear-end collisions preceded by a rollback, an abrupt stop at a grade crossing, when a traffic signal changes, or when your driver
fails to signal at a turn at an intersection, should be charged PREVENTABLE. Failure to
signal intentions or to slow down gradually should be considered PREVENTABLE.
D. Passing:
Failure to pass safely indicates faulty judgment and the possible failure to consider one or
more of the important factors a driver must observe attempting the maneuver. Unusual
actions of the driver being passed or of oncoming traffic might exonerate a driver involved in
a passing accident; however, the entire passing maneuver is voluntary and the drivers
E. Being Passed:
Sideswipes and cut-offs involving a driver, while he is being passed, are preventable when
he fails to yield to the passing vehicle by slowing down, moving to a right where possible, or
maintaining speed, whichever action is appropriate.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
F. Oncoming:
It is extremely important to check the action of the State driver when involved in a head-on
or sideswipe accident with a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction. The exact
location of a vehicle, prior to and at the point of impact, must be carefully verified. Even
though an opposing vehicle enters your drivers traffic lane, it may be possible for your driver
to avoid the collision. For example, if the opposing vehicle was in a passing maneuver and
your driver failed to slow down, stop, or move to the right to allow the vehicle to re-enter his
lane, he has failed to take action to prevent the occurrence. Failing to signal the opposing
driver in an appropriate manner should also be taken into account.
G. Fixed Objects:
Typically, collisions with fixed objects are preventable. They usually involve failure to check
or properly judge clearances. New routes, strange delivery point, resurfaced pavements
under viaducts, inclined entrances to docks, marquees projecting over traveled section of
road, and similar situations are not, in themselves, valid reasons for excusing a driver from
being involved. A State driver must be constantly on the lookout for such conditions and
make necessary allowances relative to speed and vehicle positioning.
H. Pedestrians:
Traffic regulations and court decisions generally favor the pedestrian hit by a moving
vehicle. An unusual route of a pedestrian at mid-block or from between parked vehicles
does not necessarily relieve a driver from taking precautions to prevent such accidents.
Whether speed limits are posted or the area is placarded with warning signs, speed too fast
for conditions may be involved. School zones, shopping areas, residential streets, and other
areas with special pedestrian traffic must be traveled at reduced speeds equal to the
particular situation. Bicycles, motor scooters, and similar equipment frequently are operated
by young and inexperienced persons. The driver who fails to reduce his speed when this
type of equipment is operated within his sight distance has failed to take necessary
precautions to prevent an accident. Keeping within posted speed limits is not taking the
proper precaution when unusual conditions call for voluntary reduction of speed.
Private Property:
When a driver is expected to enter unusual locations, construction sites, etc., or driveways
not built to support heavy commercial vehicles, it is the drivers responsibility to discuss the
operation with the proper authorities and to obtain permission prior to entering the area.
J. Passenger Accident:
Passenger accidents in any type of vehicle are preventable when they are caused by faulty
operation of the vehicle. Even though the incident did not involve a collision of the vehicle, it
must be considered preventable when your driver stops, turns or accelerates abruptly.
Emergency action by the State driver to avoid a collision that results in passenger injury
should be checked if proper driving prior to the emergency would have eliminated the need
for the evasive maneuver. The driver is responsible for the utilization of passenger restraint
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
K. Non-Collision:
Many accidents, such as overturning, jack-knifing, or running off the road, may result from
emergency action by the driver to preclude being involved in a collision. Examination of his
driving procedure prior to the incident may reveal speed too fast for conditions, or other
factors. The State drivers action prior to involvement should be examined for possible
errors or lack of defensive driving practice.
L. Miscellaneous:
Projecting loads, loose objects falling from the vehicle, loose tarpaulins, or chains, doors
swinging open, etc., resulting in damage to the vehicle, cargo, or other property or injury to
persons, are preventable when the drivers action or failure to secure them are evidenced.
Cargo damage, resulting from unsafe vehicle operation, is preventable by State drivers.
M. Parking:
Unconventional parking locations, including double-parking, failure to put out warning
devices, etc., generally constitute evidence for judging an accident preventable. Rollaway
accidents from a parked position normally should be classified preventable. This includes
unauthorized entry into an unlocked, unattended vehicle, failure to properly block wheels or
to turn wheel toward curb to prevent vehicle movement.
N. Backing:
Practically all backing accidents are preventable. A driver is not relieved of his responsibility
to back safely when a guide is involved in the maneuver. A guide cannot control the
movement of the vehicle; therefore, a driver must check all clearances.
It is impossible to describe in detail the many ways a driver might prevent an accident. The
above guide merely emphasizes the most frequent occurrences. The following definition of
Defensive Driving should be applied to all accidents involving State drivers:
A Defensive Driver is one who commits no driving errors himself and makes all reasonable
allowances for the lack of skill or improper driving practice of the other driver. A Defensive
Driver adjusts driving to compensate for unusual weather, road, and traffic conditions, and is
not tricked into an accident by the unsafe actions of pedestrians and other drivers. By being
alert to accident inducing situations a defensive driver recognizes the need for preventative
action in advance and takes the necessary precaution to prevent the accident. A Defensive
Driver knows when it is necessary to slow down, stop, or yield his right-of-way to avoid
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Appendix 7
Agency Remedial Fleet Safety Training
Activity Report
Name of Agency: __________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Contact Person:
Telephone #: ______________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________
How many of these employees need training but have not yet
been trained?
Please list the source(s) of remedial safety training provided to employees during the current
If you have employees noted in item #4 above, please explain how you intend to meet the
required training need of those employees who have yet to receive remedial training. Include
a timeline for this training:
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Appendix 8
Date of Inspection: __________Mileage: _______ Inspected By: ____________________
Year __________ Make & Model: _________________ Body Style: _________________
Vehicle VIN: ______________________________________ License No.: ____________
LAST SERVICE: Oil: ____________ Lube: _____________ Tune-up: _____________
Mileage: ____________ Mileage: ____________ Mileage: ____________
Tire Wear: R.F. ___ L.F. ___ R.R. ___ L.R. ___ Spare ___ Glass (Windows): ___
Lights: Front ___ Rear ___ Signal ___ Exterior: Scratches ___ Paint Condition _____ Dents
Interior: Cleanliness ____ Registration Card ____ Mileage Forms _____ Accident Package
Steerage: ____ Brakes: ____ Acceleration: ____ Transmission: ____ Other: _____
Any unsatisfactory item must be corrected within 7 days.
State repair contracts are to be used if in-house facilities are not available.
All accidents are to be investigated by police and required reports submitted.
Failure to maintain Inspection Reports or to use State contracts and warranties may result in
loss of State vehicle assignment.
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
EPAct, 1, 2, 3, 19
Excess Motor Vehicles, 2
Excess Property Vehicles, 28
Executive Branch, 1, 4, 21, 23
Exempt Vehicles, 15
Exemptions, 11, 12, 15
Fines, 7
Fleet Maintenance and Repair Services
Agreement, 24, 25
Contractor, 2, 24
Fleet Manager, 4, 23, 24, 25
Fleet Safety Coordinator, 16
Flexible-Fuel Vehicle, 3, 24
Fringe Benefit, 14, 15
Fuel, 1, 3, 19, 24, 27
Fueling State Vehicles, 1, 24
Gifts/donations, 27
Insurance, 11, 16, 18
IRS, 15
Tax Liability, 14, 15
Law Enforcement, 10, 20, 21, 23
Law Enforcement Officer, 3, 12
LDVs, 3
Liability, 10
License Plates, 20, 21, 27
LTVs, 3
Maintenance and Repairs, 24, 25, 26
Maintenance Service Coupons, 3, 26
Management Control, 27
MFOMS-17, 9, 12, 34
MFOMS-18, 9, 12, 32
Mobile Communications Device, 3, 7
Modifications, 23
Motor Vehicle Liability Coverage, 10
Moving Violation Reporting, 8, 16
Direct Access Records System, 5, 9
License Monitoring System, 5, 9
Official Mileage Requirement, 10
Parking Violations, 7
Passengers, 6, 7, 10, 19, 22
Payroll Deduction, 11, 13
Pool Vehicles, 3, 9, 14, 25
Private Mileage Reimbursement, 2, 5, 18,
Reimbursable Mileage, 12, 18, 27
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010
Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Fleet Management
July 2010