Statistical Treatment

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Sampling Technique

The type of sampling utilizes in the study is the stratified Random Sampling.

Here, the population is subdivided into sections then random samples are taken. With the

four year levels in the college of Nursing, which are Level I, Level II, Level III and Level

IV, The researchers get one level to focus in the study which is the level III.

Data Gathering Procedure

The respondents are given the task to answer the questionnaire made by the

researchers by simply checking each close-ended questionnaire by simply checking how

they rank the choices. Then, the researchers will compute and evaluate each data.

Statistical Analysis

Kendall's W (also known as Kendall's coefficient of concordance) is a non-

parametric statistic. It is a normalization of the statistic of the Friedman test, and can be

used for assessing agreement among raters. Kendall's W ranges from 0 (no agreement) to

1 (complete agreement).

Suppose, for instance, that a number of people have been asked to rank a list of

teaching concerns, from most important to least important. Kendall's W can be calculated

from these data. If the test statistic W is 1, then all the survey respondents have been

unanimous, and each respondent has assigned the same order to the list of concerns. If W

is 0, then there is no overall trend of agreement among the respondents, and their

responses may be regarded as essentially random. Intermediate values of W indicate a

greater or lesser degree of unanimity among the various responses.

While tests using the standard Pearson correlation coefficient assume normally
distributed values and compare two sequences of outcomes at a time, Kendall's W makes
no assumptions regarding the nature of the probability distribution and can handle any
number of distinct outcomes.

W is related to the mean value of the Spearman's rank correlation coefficients

between all pairs of the rankings over which it is calculated.



1) Data are ordinal of 3 or more variable

2) Hypothesis of assessment or concordance in ranking is to be tested
3) Obtained W is interpreted like Pearson R or Spearman j (0.00-1.00)
4) Test the significance by chi-square test

W (m) (n-1)

nm (n - 1)

df k–1
Where: m = # of raters

n = # of items rank

D = sum of squared deviations from average rank

If the test statistic W is 1, then all the survey respondents have been unanimous,

and each respondent has assigned the same order to the list of concerns. If W is 0, then

there is no overall trend of agreement among the respondents, and their responses may be

regarded as essentially random. Intermediate values of W indicate a greater or lesser

degree of unanimity among the various responses.

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