Yoga and Health-Swami Adyathmananda

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Yoga and Health


Swami Adhyatmananda

Swami Adhyatmananda is not a Yogi. He is definitely not a Yoga-Acharya. He is one of the
servants of Shri Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj.
An invitation was presented to Sadgurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharajs Ashram by Lal
Bahadur Shastri National Academy Administration situated in Massourie to instruct trainees
undergoing administrative training, in Yogasana, Pranayama and Meditation. At this juncture,
most worshipful and revered Gurudev Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj instructed me in
Yogasana and Pujya Shri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj imparted training in Pranayama. This
Yoga class was conducted for about an hour for three days for Asanas. While on a walk Rev. Sri
Swami Krishnanandaji instructed details on the science of Pranayama just for 3 minutes only
Sowing of these seeds in Himalayan Valley by these great dignitaries have to-day assumed great
proportions. Having obtained such a great asset, a start was made by a Yogasan camp at Calcutta
in an army unit. Thereafter, beginning from Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of
Administration, Massourie and Indian Military Academy, Dehradun to many administrative
training institutes, ground forces of Indian Army, Airforce wing, Naval wing, Universities,
Branches of the Divine Life Societies, coal mines located in Andhra Pradesh, Japan, Mauritius,
Germany, Amsterdam, Britain, America and Canada etc, were covered by such Yogasana camps.
In the initial stages such class did not charge any fees. Subsequently deposit of Rs. 5/- was
introduced. Now-a-days a fee of Rs. 250/- for period of a camp is usually levied. More than 575
Yoga retreats are already covered.
For Yoga training, besides practice of Yaugic exercises by a person himself, knowledge of
physiology is also quite essential. Seeds were sown in me by well-known orthopedic surgeon Dr.
Gopal V. Merchant of M. S. Medical College Baroda, by teaching fundamentals of physiology
On seeing various columns covering NEWS of Pranayama and Yogasans by Radio and
Television; Shri Tushar Bhatt, principal editor of Newyork edition of Gujarat Times published
from Newyork (U.S.A.), encouraged me to write personally a series of articles covering Yoga
and Health.
Gurjar Grantha Ratna Karyalaya has undertaken to publish these serialized columns in a book
form in Gujarati.
Dr. Jyotiben Mankad of Ahmedabad has examined correctness of medical terminology described
in these series of columns. Chapter on diabetes has drawn support from literature published by
Dr. Mayur Patel, President, Ahmedabad Medical Association and General Secretary of all India
Diabetes Association. Publications by Dr. Jayesh Sheth, Dr. Bipin Shah, Dr. Niranjan Shah of
Ahmedabad are the sources of information on Thyroid. A multitude of general information of
medical and physiological information is procured from Dr. Bhavnaben Sheth and Dr. Raju
Sheth of Bharuch.
Whether one spends life in a mundane world or in an army cantonment, one and all are tired of
awaiting their turn, sitting on Hospital benches. Each craves nature-based and full-blown life.
That is why widespread dissemination of nature cure, Yoga and Ayurveda is in hands the worldover and good results are also observed. In our world no science has reached perfections yet new
researches are continuously introduced. So far many Yoga Acharyas and also doctors have
written on this subject, but this book is not of a similar nature. It is an essence of experiments of
past twenty five years.

Original columns of this book were meant for Gujarati readers, residing in America. Hence
illustrative examples are brought in for easy appreciation of American Gujaratis. Indian families
are requested to have this aspect in mind and excuse me for such a catering. This book Yoga and
Arogya, it is hoped will surely bring sound health,long life and good hope for living and zest for
life, to readers.
Photographs appearing in the book are by Shri Rajubhai Shah, modelling for Yogasanas is by
Shri Devendra Arora of Jalandhar, Shri Jitendra Ray of Chandigarh, and our Ahmadavadi Dear
Shri Mehul, Umang, Bhavik, Harit and Hardik. Deep appreciation for their contribution.
English version of this book is done by Rev. Sri P. C. Mankodiji (Ex. Chief Eng. of Gujarat
Electricity Board and Trustee of the Divine Life Society H.Q. Rishikesh, Chairman of Gujarat
Divya Jivan Sangh). Sri Mankodi Sahebs ever ready. and untiring service will be cherished by
entire English reading generation. Inspite of his ill health Sri Mankodiji has done this wonderful
service! We are indebted to him. God-Gurudev bless him.
We are also indebted to revered venerable Dr. Swetang Pancholi, M.D. (Cardiologist) for expert
medical knowledge provided and for proper guidance for this English version. At the same time
we are highly obliged to revered and venerable Dr. Mafatbhai Patani Saheb for his untiring
labour to see this book a bright day light. Shri Manubhai Shah and type-setter and publisher have
taken care of very seemingly small matters. They have done superb printing with their bountiful
nature and kept within desired time schedule. I heartily feel obliged to them. This servant
expresses gratitude to all friends and well-wishers who have knowingly or indirectly helped in
the publication of this book.
This book is dedicated at the lotus feet of Sri Gurudev. Book is His, May He accept it!!


Spirituality has its own significance in the cultural ethos of Bharat. Many spiritualists stay in
the proximity of Himalayan forests throughout their lives to achieve salvation and reach the
Almighty. It is difficult to imagine what they derive out of an activity that keeps them
unconcerned with the internal problems of the society as well as the nation. Such an existence
becomes irrelevant vis-a-vis solutions of problems related to the society and the country. A
broader perspective reveals it to be an escapist attitude in facing these problems and trying to
bring their solution. This type of unfruitful spiritual activity has not and will not do any good to
society and, country. Shree Ramkrishnadev presented altogether a different type of spiritualism.
Swami Vivekananda grasped this thought and preached this ideology He declared, There is no
greater Yoga or spiritualism than feeding the hungry and giving medical aid to the sick. This
thorough process gave birth to a new wave of Arise and Awake.

Spiritual activity got into the main stream of the society and spiritualists then started taking
active interest in the problems of the society as well as the country Swami Adhyatmanandajis
activity very much supports this ideology He has appropriately defined Yoga in this book and
has purported that Yaugic activity could possibly be an important instrument to Sadhus staying in
Himalayas for attainment of the Lord by understanding and practice of Yoga. Its practice not
only is limited to those aspirants of the Himalayas but, it certainly has more appropriate place in
the daily life of a common man facing mental and physical stress of the modern times.
Medical science has defined a perfectly healthy individual as one having diseaseless body,
happy and poised mind, steady and calm intellect, capacity to differentiate right from wrong,
justice from injustice, and to identify the family and social problems. Such an individual must
possess capability to wage conflicts without deviating from the path of truth and justice; besides
he must possess a mind bent upon accomplishing the work undertaken. Thus Sadhana undertaken
to attend the perfect acumen is itself a process of Yoga. Ones own body happens to be the most
important instrument to achieve this perfection. Hence it is essential to possess a sound,
diseaseless healthy body This whole idea is an integral part of behavior science a branch of
medical science. I personally believe that Yaugic activity is the prescription to attain perfection in
an individual. Thereby the society will remain healthy and thus the country will also prosper.
Life is replete with conflicts, which are bound to create ups and downs in an individual mind
thereby leading to stress. It is but natural that mind and body will be disturbed under stress. It is
here that the mind and body trained under Yoga will be able to remain healthy and steadfast and
thereby be able to confront all the difficult situations in life.
The secret of longevity of a person is his ability to develop the disease fighting capacity
(immunity). As a result of an experience of millions of years based on immunity, the human body
has acquired a capacity to fight microbes and yet survive. Every cell of the human body is
packed with this immune memory. We also know that cell injury is caused by chemical
mediators. There is a possibility that control over our internal biochemical environment can be
attained by Yaugic processes. We have now started understanding that spiritualism, Yoga and
Science are all beads of the same rosary and in future it will possible to arrive at a simple
understanding about each of these rosary beads.
It is expected that this book written by Swami Shree Adhyatmanandaji, who has a deep craving
to do something useful for the society and who also possesses such a capacity and the expertise,
will provide not only a very useful and interesting reading but will naturally take us near Yoga
and Yaugic processes.
March 14, 2001

Dr. H. L. Trivedi, MD, FROPO

Director, Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre (IKDRC), Civil

Hospital Campus, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

What is Yoga?
What is Yoga? The common meaning of the word Yoga is to join. This word is derived from the Sanskrit
element Yuj. One would normally believe hanging with head down is Yoga but this is not correct. A
bat remains hung with head down every day through out his life but we do not say a bat is a Yogi. It is
equally incorrect to say that one who walks on live charcoal or on water surface is a Yogi. Shree
Ramkrishna Dev used to cut a joke about a Yogi who had met him and described that he had conducted
Sadhana for twelve years, as a result he had come to Daxineshwar by walking on the surface of the water
of Ganges. On hearing this Shree Ramkrishna Dev beat his forehead and said, Oh! Just by paying one
paise we can cross Ganges and come back. If we pay two paise (pennies) to a boatman he will take us for
half an hour on a joy ride. The work which can be done in one or two paise (pennies) is achieved by you
by wasting twelve years!
Thus Yoga does not mean remaining hungry or eating too much or remaining wide awake for nights
together or to sleep long hours or to remain totally silent continuously or go on speaking without respite.
Such imbalance cannot be termed Yoga. Geeta indicates word balanced for Yoga. Yuktahara
viharascha, Yoga means maintaining balance in eating, walking etc. That is why it is said that Yoga
means balance in life style. Samatvam yoga uchyate.

In addition to this Shree Krishna has given very beautiful and exact definition of Yoga: Yogah
karmasu kaushalam. That means Yoga is one where work is done with dexterity. What is this
dexterity in Karma? It means whatever you do, the job should be exact, it should not be softpadded or like a loosely filled bag: whatever you do, do it well, properly organized.
That is why Shree Ramkrishna Dev used to say that a lady who could cook very nicely can also meditate
very nicely The reason is that cooking performed inattentively will not be tasty. Today you forget to put in
salt, tomorrow you put salt twice. It is observed that those who are inattentive persons allow milk to
overflow through over heating perhaps twice a week; what could be the reason? Oh, I was not attentive !
When mind is alert and stays where the body is, the condition is termed Yoga. But unluckily, while our
body is in Chicago, our mind goes to Manchester. If you want to put a thread through the eye of a sewing
needle, the thread will not be put through if the end of the thread is bent, left or right. The end will have to
be made one pointed. Karma whether it is individual or family job or society job or a public work, one
has to be fully alert in performance of job on hand, then only the word Yoga will have carried its proper
meaning: That is dexterity.
The above is the generally common understanding. Maharsi Patanjali defines Yoga as control of the
leanings of the mind. Yogaschitta vrittinirodhah. This is the highest aspect of Yoga as mind is fickle.
Oh Ram; Mind roams about in all directions. How it can be fixed in one place? So far as this mind
remains fickle, restless, disturbed, Jiva will not be at ease.

The meaning of the word Yoga carries happiness in it. Condition of Viyoga is unhappiness.
Yoga means peace, plenty, prosperity, development, progress and establishment in permanent
soul-consciousness. All those that are to contrary, means restlessness, down-fall and selfdeception towards soul. Gurudev Swami Shri Sivananda used to say that the goal of human life
is realization of the absolute. God first, world next and self last or preferably, never. The name given to
this path to realization of God is Yoga.

Principal Yogas are Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Dhyana Yoga. Besides there are Nad
Yoga, Laya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Swara Yoga and others. If one desires to satisfactorily carry out any
job, it is essential to have a healthy body Hatha yoga can bestow health. Raja Yoga leads to highest state
in the absolute.
In Raghuvansh, poet Kalidas says Sarir madh yam khalu dharmasadhanam. That means for
acquisition of Dharma or performance of duty, first and foremost importance is given to body Shruti
completes the previous saying. Shruti says that dharma, art ha, kama, moxanam, arog yam
mooluttamam That means to attain the ultimate goal of human life which is to attain Almighty, health is
If we say that body is the first and foremost instrument to obtain the absolute or even to carry out jobs
either small or big in life easily and naturally, it is not enough. Body must have no disease. One should
have sound health, satisfied mind, steady intellect and there should be desire in the subconscious mind to
carry out job on hand perfectly All these are essential. A good student, a householder, an engineer, a
doctor, a pleader or an advocate, an artist or a social worker can go up different steps in life and attain
different goals beautifully, if he possesses disease-less body and sound mind. For proper and sound
health, body and mind, Yoga is essential. Mind is the only cause for happiness or unhappiness in human
life. Eyes can observe outside world, but mind can only be observed by mind itself. That is why entry in
subtle life from the gross life makes it essential to practise Yoga.

Performance of any job calls for deeply quiet attitude of mind, besides having concentration and
soundness of mind. All this becomes possible by means of Yoga. If one regularly performs a few
Yogasanas, Pranayamas and Dhyana at fixed hours, then such a Sadhana carried out in conjunction
with Yama and Niyama will prepare a man in individual discipline, bodily discipline, vital discipline and
discipline of senses. With the control of the senses one can attain the unfathomable element which is
beyond mind and intellect.
The life we live is not well defined. How can one imagine a life without conflicts? That is why it has been
said in Mantras of marriage ceremony: Be careful, not to get pricked while plucking a rose. Paths in life
are very hard and we only find difficulties there on. There is no charted path in this desert of mundane
world, unknown waves arise, tornadoes strike. In such conditions, Oh Shiva, I pray arrange everything
well organized.

In life all times are not alike. Untrained body or mind can get deranged at any moment. Lack of
capacity of forbearance and understanding can blow away goodness of human life, juice of life
gets dried out. All days cannot be alike. At one time Raja Harischandra travels in Viman (an
aeroplane). Same king Harischandra gets to crematory, when on another occasion he gets sold
out. However, in such conditions only Yaugic life can provide soundness and tidiness along the
roadway What is the reason for creation of separating walls of egoism and mineness between a
husband and a wife, mother and father and children? It points out to paucity of awareness in us.
In modern times either in the west or in the east, the entire society has mental tension as its
burning problem. Practice of Yoga develops one bodily, mentally and enhances powers of subtle
body also. This Yoga can, in short, fulfill all the requirements of self-control, such as general
daily lifes essentials like hunger, having no constipation, getting good sleep, not getting easily
disturbed and not getting over emotional. Yoga does fundamental work of maintaining

humanness in a human being. If a human being has turned brutal it needs to help in pacifying the
Tamasic attitude in a human being. Yoga converts Rajasik attitude to Sattvik attitude.
Majority of the people carry on with the understanding and belief that we are all engaged in mundane
work, so why should we get involved in Yoga? But really this is not the case. We use vacuum cleaner in
standing position, clothes are washed in washing machines while standing, dish washer cleans crockery
while we stand, there is standing kitchen, even toilets are having western style seats. So where do you
have the occasion to sit with folded knees? Yes, if we go to attend a death gathering, we may have to sit
with folded feet. But these days chairs are provided there too! We have hardly any exercise for knees.
Again overseas countries mainly consume bread and rice. These varieties also include pasta, pizza and
coke providing threefold binding for a Jiva in cholesterol, high triglycerides and high blood pressure. In
this age of high society, high tech, your complaint will also be high. No surprise!
The working of the body is classified in six parts:
1. Respiratory system
2. Circulatory system
3. Alimentary system
4. Genito-urinary system

5. Locomotor system
6. Nervous system

Yogasana and Pranayama practice cast deep impression on all these systems. By the practice of
Yogasana and Pranayama equanimity of mind is established in all difficult situations like need
for control over emotions, control of anger, instability of mind, putting a stop on emotionalism,
mental soundness, capacity to fight diseases etc. But the essential requirement is that, practice
should be continuous and regular. With Yogasana, Pranayama and daily meditation common
mass of people can avoid many problems of life. Shri Krishna indicates in the Geeta that this
subject as above carries no shortcomings. If with sincerity some little practice is continued, it can give
enough capacity to fight so many future problems.
Having considered what Yoga is and why one should practise Yoga, we will now go deep to discuss this

How Yoga can be done?


It is necessary to keep certain matters in view for performing Yogasanas. They are
1. For the purpose of eradication of diseases one should perform Yogasanas under the personal
guidance of an experienced teacher.
2. Practice of Yoga should be regular and without break, bearing in mind the necessity of seven
elements discipline, faith, self-confidence, love, effort, sincerity and ample soul force.

3. Yoga exercise should be undertaken after brushing the teeth, cleaning the tongue, washing the
mouth and other morning rituals.
4. It is very important to clean the bowels before starting Yoga exercises, especially for eradication
of diseases. For the performance of special poses, it is absolutely necessary to have bladder empty and
bowels clean.

5. If before performance of Yogasanas bowels have not been cleared with natures aid, then
it may be necessary to drink a full glass of warm water or a cup of tea, coffee, cocoa, or milk
chocolate. If one wants to perform Yoga exercises after light breakfast then atleast a
minimum of one hour period should elapse before performance of Asanas. One should not
perform Yoga exercises unless four hours have passed after eating regular food. One should
take a breakfast or meals atleast half an hour after Yoga exercises.
6. If one takes bath before performance of Asanas, this practice will be found very helpful as one
feels lightness in the body If due to heat, one perspires during Yoga exercises, he is allowed to take
shower bath after half an hour of exercise. If before and after Asanas one takes shower or wash bath,
then lightness of the body freshness as well as satisfaction will be experienced.
7. Yogasanas can be practised in the morning or evening depending upon availability of time.
8. One should perform Yogasanas in open or in a place well ventilated and clear of pests.
9. One should not perform exercises on an open ground or unlevelled ground. One should spread a
carpet and there on a blanket on a level ground and then only perform Asanas.
10. One should not continue wearing spectacles or ornaments during the performance of Asanas. If
you do so; either they may break or may injure your body
11 One should not perform Asanas immediately after a long walk in sunlight heat.
12. During the practice of Asanas facial muscles should not get stressed and eyes, ears and breathing
should not suffer any strain and no kind of pressure should be felt.
13. Performance of all Asanas should be rhythmic. There should be no hurry or sudden jerks.

14. One should not have physical tiredness or mental stress and the body should not feel stiffness as it
is not proper to carry out Yoga in such bodily conditions. One should therefore avoid undesirable
15. If one performs Asanas only mechanically, much advantage can not be gained. Hence on every
occasion such exercise should be carried out with mental concentration, proper understanding and
feeling of getting desired effect of Asanas.
16. One should not unnecessarily talk during Yogasanas practice.

17. When initially you start practice of Yogasanas keep your eyes open so you can thereby see what
and how you are performing, whether it is right or wrong. After due experience when you feel perfect
in Yoga practice. keep your eyes closed so that with desired discipline and control of the body, you
concentrate your mind on the advantage being gained by each Asana on the internal glands.
18. During the practice of Yogasana, body only should be active. Mind should be quiet and at ease. If
the mind is uneasy or it is working in the opposite direction then one cannot be capable of finding out
mistakes being committed during Asanas.
19. Always breathe through the nostrils during practice of Asanas. Do not breathe through mouth.
One should be alert about this habit. Breathing should be rhythmic with forward and backward
bending during performance of Yogasanas.
20. On completion of all Asanas it is essential to practise Shavasana for atleast ten to fifteen minutes.
This practice will allow any strain suffered by any part of body to get relaxed and the body will feel
21. Such Asanas, where one has to bend backward or forward are helpful when one has higher or
lower blood pressure.
22. For a patient who has pus in the ears or whose eyes are weak or whose ratina has some damage
should not perform Shirshasana or Sarvangasana as well as Halasana and such other Asanas where
legs go up and head is kept down.

23. If one performs Asanas in haste or incorrectly or just as a drudgery the ill effect of the
same would be observed in a few days only and one can see the need to make the necessary
correction in the practice. If you do not find out your mistake it is absolutely essential that
you get guidance from a person who is regular in practice of Asanas and Pranayama, and one
who has the knowledge, who is willing to teach other fellow. The teacher should not only have
a liking to teach and knowledge for the same but it is also essential that he should come down to the
level of understanding capacity of the student.
24. If practice of Yoga is imparted methodically, scientifically, in a straight forward manner and
naturally as well as with enough interest; then only within a few days practitioners will experience the
advantages and effect of the lessons. Yoga practice will make body feel light , mind will remain happy,
mind will lose fickleness. Practitioner will feel hungry, natural call will be clear, he will have deep
sound sleep and he will experience brightness of the body, mind and soul as like bright sunshine after
a downpour of rain.

25. Spiritual practitioner will observe an extraordinary change in his individual capacity, if he carries
out Yogaabhyas regularly He will be more honest in his personal life as well as social life. One will
observe plenty of discipline in his habit of eating, drinking and all movements as well as sleep. He
will inherit a new life.
26. Children upto 12 to 14 years of age should not be instructed in all Asanas.
27. Have faith in practice of Yoga. An aspirant should sincerely practise Yoga then he will be able to
save himself from big damage.


If one ruminates over the word Yoga one can definitely create a feeling that Yoga is a helpful element.
One can derive this understanding from the following:
1. Yoga strengthens voluntary and centrally motored muscles, the working capacity increases.
Muscles become more efficient and get more endurance power.

2. Along with better working capacity of the body, one has less tension and the capacity to
bear high tension increases.
3. Fattiness gets controlled.
4. Heart gets massage.

5. Body and mind remain fresh and healthy

6. Respiratory system gets strengthened and sensory nerves get balanced.
7. Capacity of the heart to work increases; circulation process of blood gets controlled and heart
becomes more alert in performance of its duties.
8. Because of the effect of Asanas and Pranayama, the head as well as the glands giving internal
secretion get regular blood supply. This results in better sensitivity between nervous system, muscles,
and veins. This results in very good capacity to work as well as dexterity in working of a man who
practises Asana, Pranayama and meditation.

9. In the event of bursting of an artery blood-flow gets immediately stopped, capacity of

effectiveness of glucose enhances. Body loses fat, cholesterol decreases. One gets the present
of a long life and good health without much effort. When you are going to get all these
advantages it is very much essential to exercise proper care in observing following points. Yogaabhyas will result in sufficient amount and proper quantum of gain.


1. Yoga-abhyas should not be carried out haphazardly like an indisciplined man. Do not imitate like
2. Breathing should, throughout Yoga-abhyas, be attentively carried out normally through nostrils.
3. At the end of a set of different Asanas, perform Shavasana or Makarasana which gives relaxation.
4. One should not perform Asana in such a haste that he gets tired. Do not perform Asana if it results
in stress and strain.
5. Be a constant observer of the breathing process.
6. Asana should be performed peacefully with ease and without the least tendency of competition of
7. Asana should be performed only when mind is quiet, peaceful, happy and spiritual.
8. Put on clean, light and loose clothes for the practice of Yogasanas.
9. Practise Yogasana on light or empty stomach.
10. If one wants to exercise in the morning, a proper bath taken in the beginning will give extra
freshness and one will enjoy exercise.
11. Individual and social discipline means Yama. This includes non-injury, truth, non-stealing, good
thoughts, good behaviour and good dealings, non-hoarding. Niyama means internal and external
purity, satisfaction, Tapas, self-analysis and surrender to God. This type of practice of Yamas and
Niyamas by an aspirant makes life clean and pure and will give him initiation in Yaugic field.
You should consult a Yoga teacher having full medical knowledge as well as consult a doctor before
starting experimentation with Yoga science or healing of diseases.
There is a big centre in northern India at Udhampur for training of officers of army One of the senior
army officer who works hours together on typing machine was suffering from cervical spondylosis. One
overwise man who considered himself an expert, advised that Yoga-abhyas could help the typist officer.
This much is a fact, but further advice he gave was such which would have contrary effect. Unfortunately
he demonstrated exercises and said Shirsasana and Sarvangasana are the best among all the Asanas; for
atleast 35 years, I regularly practise these Asanas. Just look at how healthy I am ! This was also a correct
information but by advising that army officer who was a patient of cervical spondylosis to practise
Sarvangasana and Shirsasana, was like advising to allow 4 cups of ice cream to a highly diabetic.
Ultimately what was not desired just happened. This personal assistant of army officer suffered much.
Thus, it is not proper to carry out Yoga exercises in the manner recommended by quacks. Practise Yoga
exercises only under advice and guidance of one who has knowledge of Yoga and medical science.

Main essential aspect about Yoga treatment is medical aid, care in food habits and Yoga exercises. If these
three are simultaneously attended, then only, treatment can be beneficial.
If a sick person is seriously ill, Yoga healing cannot be applied.
Yaugic treatment helps in two stages:
When illness is in the primary stage.
When a sick person is recuperating, Yoga-abhyas results in astonishing help, when carried out combined
with patience and prayers.

If one wants to learn swimming the learner cannot start by jumping in unknown water. If one wants to learn
cooking one cannot start by learning preparation of Mysore Pak made of almonds. Any subject that you want to
learn can be gradually proceeded with. The first day, one has to begin with writing A for Apple only This also
applies to education in Yoga. Our body is mainly divided into six systems, like breathing system, blood
circulating system etc. But bone system is the supporting structure for all. For a house, if foundation is strong
and if terrace is well constructed so that no water leaks in the house, if these are ensured , then it is allowable to
proceed for good flooring, painting and whitewash. New roof, good curtains and furniture can be provided but
first and foremost essential is that the basic structure should be strong. Bones make structure of our body It is
necessary to provide lubrication in all joints. Our body structure of bones suffer from defects similar to those
met with chain of a cycle, bearings of swings, and aldrops of the the doors, if they are not properly oiled. If
electrical fans are not lubricated as desired it makes noise and disturbing sound. Similar is the condition of the
structure of the bones of the body Flexibility exercises are to be practised before performing Yogasanas. A
practitioner of Yogasana helps various parts by flexibility exercises. Various parts like thumbs of the legs,
ankles, knees, thighs, and joints of the backbone, shoulders, elbows, and wrists of hands, fingers and palms,
various backbones, chest, lungs, eyes, and finally intestines in the belly including all glands which secrete
juices, even if a practitioner of Yogasana cannot do anything beyond the flexibility exercises even then
treatment of diseases get much support by such exercises.


Sit on a blanket, spread over a carpet for purposes of practising of Asanas.
1. Sit with legs spread straight along the ground. While taking deep breath, simultaneously press legs, thumbs
and fingers forward You should release breath simultaneously making the fingers relaxed. Every time you
should press forward only thumbs and fingers. No bending should occur on the soles of the feet, simultaneously
take deep breath in and out. Repeat this process 8 to 10 times.

Fig. 1
2. Sit with legs lying on the ground, straight. Keep the legs slightly apart. Keep a distance of 6 to 8 inches
between two legs. Keep both the legs at some distance and press the soles of both legs downwards while
inhaling deeply Keep the soles pressed forward for a period of counting ten.
Repeat this process 8 to 10
times. Thereafter in a manner that you pressed soles forward, now bend and press in the reverse direction
towards your body Repeat this process 8 to 10 times. When we sit like this with legs spread along the ground
and when we press soles in the front and backwards we are stretching muscles of the legs, knees and sciatica
nerves situated under the thighs. This exercise is found very helpful to those who get a pain in knees and sciatic

Fig. 2A

Fig. 2B

3. Sit with legs spread out. Rotate the paws of feet on heel as a centre. Initially do this clockwise and
subsequently anti-clockwise. This exercise is advantageous for the joints of the ankles.
4. Sit with legs spread out straight. Bend the right leg knee; raise the right leg to an angle of 90 degrees by
supporting by both the hands and right thigh held up. In this raised position move the leg clockwise and anticlockwise in circular motion 8 to 10 times. Repeat this process with left leg also. This exercise is very much
helpful in pain observed in the cover bone of the knees. By regular practice one can save oneself from arthritis
and joints pain.

Fig. 3
5. We have to continue sitting with legs straight. Now keep the palms of the hands near your buttocks, spread
on the ground and elbow should be used for support on the ground. You can first take support from right hand,
thereafter on the left hand. In this position shoulder and head will remain lifted up. Lift the whole body, which is
situated under the navel. We should then bend both the legs from knees and simulate running or cycling. This
exercise is to be done in a vertical axis going round so that we get exercise on the knees.

Fig. 4
6. In this exercise also one has to sit with legs stretched. Keep palms of hands quite near the buttocks and raise
your whole body at 450 above the ground. Thereafter right from navel to the thumbs of both the legs, move your

body in a circular motion, initially clockwise and thereafter anti-clockwise. This process gives a lot of exercise to
intestines in the belly We go on eating in the morning, noon, evening and night whenever we feel like. The rule for
eating is that one should not eat second time till food taken once is digested, but this discipline is not observed and
hence we get gas and constipation as a result of food remaining undigested.
Our food contains oil, chillies and sourness in great proportions. It also includes garlic and onions in plenty, milk
and curds are not included, exercise is not taken, there is no rule applying to consumption of food, the result is food
gets putrified in the intestines, which results in chronic colitis. The exercise described above helps intestines. Our
bowels therefore move easily hence even if one finds this exercise little difficult, even then it is of great use.
Continue sitting with legs spread forward, keep the right hand at a little distance of the back behind the body.
Bend the body on the right keeping the left hand on the opposite right side. This will bend the spinal column in a
manner that happens when wet cloth is twisted for draining out. This process should be repeated both on right and
left sides. When you are exercising on the left side you should keep left palm of hand at a small distance from the
body Keep right hand on the opposite left side and twist the body There is no supporting distance between last five
vertebras. There are 33 vertebra in the spinal column. One supporting disc is situated between the vertebra. The
group of five vertebras has triangular shape. Normally most of the people suffer pain under the waist in these
vertebra, collectively known as sacrum.

Fig. 5
One also gets pain in the upper part of the hump of the back. People also get pain in the hump. It is essential that
sufficient blood supply reaches between the discs of the spinal column. This exercise provides, the blood supply
This exercise is also useful to perform ParshvaVakrasana, Vakrasana and Ardha-Matsyendrasana. By twisting the
body on both right and left sides, fat collected on the lower side of abdomen decreases.
8. For this exercise also one has to sit with stretched legs. Close the two fists of the hands. Now imitate rowing a
boat like a boatman rowing a boat by bending forward right upto the legs. Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times.

Fig. 6
This reduces collection of fat on the abdomen and its upper part also. Spinal column becomes more elastic. Here
although body exercises more, less tiredness is felt.
9. So far exercises were performed with both the legs stretched forward together. Now sit with both the legs on the
ground in the widespread position. Using the right hand, catch hold of thumb of the left leg. Take your left hand
round the back side. Now bend forward with body twisted such that your head touches the left knee. This process
should be repeated on both the sides 6 to 12 times.

Fig. 7
10. Sit with both legs stretched and kept wide apart as much as possible. Stretch both the hands forward. Lock the
fingers in the direction opposing the face. Now as if you are grinding wheat in a two wheel country type grinding
machine move both the hands, keeping them absolutely straight and parallel to the ground, in a circular motion so
that you can touch the toes of both the legs.

Fig. 8A

Fig. 8B

Ensure that both the legs are kept as wide apart as possible so that the circle described while working with the floor
mill will be bigger. This process should be repeated both in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. By the above 2
exercises nos. 9 and 10 elasticity of the spinal column improves. The fat on the belly decreases. It also massages
internal glands situated in the belly That increases its working capacity Digestion improves, constipation reduces
and hunger increases. The pain at the back gets relieved. The upper muscle part on hand gets strengthened. It also
exercises thighs and leg muscles. Ladies feel improvement in ovaries.
11. Now sit in Vajrasana, sit with both legs bent from the knees keeping them twisted in the manner similar to the
position used by Mohammedan friends when they sit for Namaj. Keep thumbs of the legs touching each other,
keep the heels apart and sit on both the legs keeping buttocks in between the heels. Raise both the shoulders and
leave both the hands straight and loose. Do not bend the elbows of the hands. Raise and lower the shoulders. Repeat
this process 8 to 10 times. By this exercise and some of the exercises described hereafter the joints of the shoulder
bones, which are fitted in the form of ball and socket joints get exercise. Generally socket is little bigger than the
size of the ball, so that ball can fit inside the socket and easily move around. This is similar to our shirt and trousers
being kept little bigger than the parts of our body It is well known that in comparison to the proportion of the size of
the body, even tight fitting clothes are slightly bigger.

Fig. 9

Normally seed is always smaller than the fruit. However in this case of joints pertaining to the shoulders this rule
does not apply The bone of upper hand sits right up in a triangular shaped cavity in a bone in that part of upper hand
known as humerous and the triangular bone is called a scapula where rounded top sits in this joint is held by
ligaments and muscles. The condition of these joints is quite delicate in comparison to the joint of the thighs
between femurs and illum. The rounded head of the femur fixes very well in the cavity of ilium. Hence if one runs
or moves his legs round above or up and down and takes different positions as in eastern or western dances and
special bent positions also, the joints do not get displaced or dislocated. If suddenly some heavy weight is applied
then the neck of the ball shaped portion could break or get a crack. Even then it does not get dislocated but this is not
the case with humerous and dislocation of your hand easily occurs. Bonesetter pushes this portion back into the
cavity This is not the case in bone pertaining to the joint of the heaps. Therefore the exercise of moving shoulder up
and down is very important though very simple.
Now get the body straight up between the buttocks and waist while you sit in Vajrasana. Thus one will have
to stand up with the support of knee joint and two upper parts of the legs. The whole body will assume a shape of
right angle. Now, keep both the hands right from the shoulder completely away from the chest and move round both
the hands in opposite directions such that hands cross each other.
Both the hands must be moved round clockwise as well as anticlockwise. Repeat this exercise 10 to 16 times. This
process which we performed by keeping hands parallel to the body and stretched away from the chest should now be
performed by keeping both the hands on the side of the body in the line with both shoulders. You have to give
clockwise and anti-clockwise movements. This process should also be repeated ten to sixteen times.

Fig. 10A

Fig. 10B

13. Sit again in Vajrasana position. Breathe deeply. Simultaneously raise both the hands right up along the head and
press the palms of the hands on each other. (see Fig. 11) Go on releasing the breath making no sound and continue to
press the hands. Lower down both the hands pressing each other to a position straight opposite the chest, thereafter
separate the two palms. Again take one deep breath and raise both the hands. Press both the hands by each other and
release the breath, bringing the hands down. This process should be repeated 10-16 times. This exercise helps rib
bones and neck bones, lungs expand, capacity to breathe increases because the lungs expand vertically as well as

transversely Diaphragm goes up and down. Thus giving a good deal of benefit to the ribs as well as the breathing

Fig. 11
14. If one cannot sit in Vajrasana this exercise can also be undertaken sitting in a chair. But sitting in Vajrasana
allows great pressure to be applied on leg muscles and thighs. Hence circulation under the navel gets limited
thereby making a very good effect on digestion, breathing system as well as genito - urinary system. Besides by
position of Vajrasana more blood flows to the head. Pumping system of the heart feels less strain.
Sit in Vajrasana, keep both hands on shoulders. Keep both elbows up in the same plane. Thus both the shoulders will
be in one line between the elbows. Continue to keep hands above the shoulders but move both elbows backward and
forward. (see Fig. 12-A, 12-B) This exercise also simulates rowing and develops as well as strengthens neck bone,
shoulders and chest.
15. Sit in Vajrasan. You can carry out this exercise in standing position also. Keep both the hands in line with
shoulders parallel to the ground. Turn the palm of the hands from the facing position to the back position.
Keep both the hands upto the elbow quite straight. Let the lower hands hang from the elbows. Swing them like
pendulum of the clock. Initially try to repeat this exercise 8-10 times. This will tire you out.
We will now discuss about the hand projecting below

Fig. 12A

Fig. 12B

the elbow, wrist, fingers, neck and cervical vertebra behind the neck. We shall also discuss butterfly exercise for
those friends who find difficulty in sitting on the ground with crossed legs.


Our body needs food, sleep, cleaning of bowels. It should not remain lazy or sedentary but body should be active,
energetic and full of vigour .For the entire life one should feel full and perfect; in a like manner, body also needs
We generally eat more than what is essential or enough. We drink comparatively less water. People hardly spend
time in exercising. We provide our homes with walker, bullworker or stationary cycle on seeing the advertisement,
in the T.V. As if that is not enough many people use their basement in America to rig up a GYM. In Florida and
Texas each house is provided with a swimming pool also but the swimming pool is hardly used for swimmers, only
cleaner machine goes on cleaning it. It is painful to write that these days laughing clubs are required to be opened in
many places. People gather in the parks and raise their hands and laugh artificially That is not a laugh. It is only
simulation of laughter. Well, that is not wrong, but is it not a matter of laughter that one has to join a laughing club?
This aspect brings laughter; is it not?
In olden times people used to go out in the jungle or outside the town for natural calls. Even interior places in the
country now do not use this arrangement. Every room has attached bathroom and rest room, how much do you walk
then? From the bedroom to bathroom or kitchen and to the garage! How do we then have a solution to the problems
created with the body in one of the tours undertaken for training in health exercises, one fat lady came to see me.
She said, Swamiji, all the joints of my fingers are swollen. Please look at it. I asked, How do you then prepare
dough for the Chapati? She said Why ask such irrelevant questions? I asked What are the various items can you
cook? She said My Husband knows everything. I could offer only one prayer, Oh God! Birth after birth, kindly
oblige this sister to get the same husband over again!
Now, in our country also, work-maid does the sweeping and mopping, clothes are washed in washing machine,
ironing is done by washerman, cooking is carried out by mother-in-law, office peon brings the vegetables and my

husband; Well, long may he live! The same work is done by peon as well as the husband! Then madam What do
you do? Oh Swamiji, this house is a big one. One has to look after it. Very well mother, you look after the house
and house will look after you! Go on looking after each other in this fashion! House is an inanimate thing. You will
also become similar! If body is not applied for various jobs concerning the home, body turns lazy One goes on
ordering the other Get me some water. This may work for a while. But demand will ultimately go unheeded.
However, if we carry out all household jobs ourselves, most of our health problems could be solved.
For sound health if the following six rules are observed, life will be more beautiful, happy and joyful.
1. Eat half the stomach full.
2. Drink water equaling double the quantity of food.
3. Take exercise three-fold.
4. Laugh four-fold.
5. Work five-fold the present quantum of jobs.
6. Repeat Ram-nam six-fold.
7. Form a habit of laughing freely and loudly
16. Flexibility exercises are so designed that young or old, healthy or recuperating, even slightly sick persons can
also perform these exercises without any fear.
In this series keep both hands opposite to each other at the height of chest as in case of two friends meeting and
shaking hands. Keep a little distance from the chest and in front of the chest. Take a deep breath. Release the breath,
while lowering hands. Again bring hands up to the level of the chest and then pull the hands in opposite direction
and take a deepbreath. Bring both the hands down while releasing breath. This exercise should be repeated 8 to 10
times. Repeat the exercise with hand stretched behind the head also. When you do this exercise of pulling hand
behind the head, see that you do not touch head. For relaxing, bring the hands over the head in front of chest and
then relax.

Fig. 13
(A) It will be helpful to continue to sit in Vajrasana as long as you can. If you cannot sit in Vajrasana, sit with
folded legs or even on chair and perform the following exercises.
Stretch forward both your hands at level of chest. Bring your hands in the outer direction as if you are throwing
them away very speedily Keep your fingers of the hands stretched as you are acting in horror movie. Keep the hands
very stiff and slowly approach the chest. Let the fingers be kept as in a horror film position and throw again, draw
again throwing in the front and bring it to back. Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times.

Fig. 14
(B) Now bring the hands straight in front of the chest, fold the hands from the elbows of the hands. Move both the
hands in circular motion, clockwise and anti-clockwise, 8 to 10 times.
(C) Above exercise should be repeated 8 to 10 times with your fingers relaxed and separated.
(D) Keep the thumb inside the fist and close the fist. Open the fist. Now keep the thumb outside and close it. Again
open it. Repeat this 8 to 10 times.

(E) Keep the palms of your hands facing each other at a distance of 6 to 8 inches stiffen, then relax. Repeat 8 to 10
(F) Relax the hands beyond the wrist and make a movement as if throwing away something held in hands. Repeat 8
to 10 times. This relaxation exercise will give enough exercise to your elbow, palm and fingers.
18. The exercise now described is very helpful to the patient of cervical spondylosis. Those who perform this
exercise regularly save themselves from the effect of cervical spondylosis. At this juncture one should try to
understand what is meant by cervical spondylosis. We may not discuss this subject at present but may atleast
understand that the top seven beads of vertebrae are known as cervical vertebra. When there is a pressure felt on
fifth, sixth and seventh vertebrae some difficulties arise. This pain is known as cervical spondylosis.

Fig. 15A

Fig. 15B

Hold both the hands tight behind head. Relax; again tighten and again relax. Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times.
19. Bring the right hand down from the back side of head and then bring the left hand, keeping at back side and take
it up. Use the fingers of both hands as if you are putting them in hooks, then pull both the hands, one down and other
up. Keep the upper elbow exactly in center of head. In front elevation it looks as if a cow is lifting its head. The
position of the legs in Gomukhasana pose is different but hands are kept in this very fashion. Now repeat this
exercise by changing left hand in this position, left hand elbow must be under head. Try to remain in both these
positions. for one to one and a half minutes.
20. Those who actually suffer from spondylosis will find it difficult even to sit and stand up. Such people can use
chair. However ordinarily this exercise should be carried out while sitting in Vajrasana. Alternatively you can also sit
with folded legs.

Fig. 16A

Fig. 16B

Press the head towards the top by folded fist by keeping fist under the chin. Thereafter make a hook with the first
finger, and hold the chin. Move the head up and down 8 to 10 times.
Now move the head towards the right very very slowly

Fig. 17A

Fig. 17C

Fig. 17B

Fig. 17D

Fig. 17E

Thereafter move it to the left, similarly without any haste or any jerk, repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times, in total, that
is 4 to 5 times in left and right.

Thereafter bring the right ear up to the right shoulder and then the left ear to the left shoulder. This exercise should
be repeated five times, inclusive of right and left side, totalling 8 to 10 times.
In the end the neck should be bent forward to the right, and move towards left, both in clock-wise and anticlockwise directions. Repeat each side four times. All these exercises should be performed without any haste,
peacefully and without any jerk.
21. After completing the exercise on the neck, come to the eyes. Normally we are flexing the eyes very much. We
hardly give rest to the eyes. About 25 years ago India imported a rapid reading method from America. One of the
main lesson in that method was to keep the book stationary while reading. In our country, we have a stand on which
big books like Bhagwata, Ramayana, Geeta etc are supported. A similar stand made from wire was used here too.
The intention was clear. One has to keep book steady while reading. Eyes were to be shifted from the left when the
line begins to the right straight along to the end. One had to move the eyes where the line ends across to where the
next line begins. By such a procedure all the muscles of the eyes will get exercise.
The pupil of the eye is fixed by various muscles on left, right, above as well as below. If practice is carried out on all
these muscles one can keep eyes sound, strong and quite capable.
We will discuss further about healthy eyes, hereafter. We may first get equipped with exercises for the eyes.
(1) Move the eyes in a vertical axis, both downward and upward. See that eyeballs as well as the pupils only do the
movement. The head should not move.
(2) Move the eyes in the straight line from left to right and right to left.
(3) Move the eyes diagonally from right to left and from left to right.
(4) Move the eyes in a semi circle on the upper side from left to right and right to left.
(5) Move the eyes in the lower semi circle from right to left and left to right.
(6) Turn the eyes round clockwise and anti-clockwise.
(7) Stretch your right hand in the front. Bring the first finger slowly nearer and nearer to the eyes. This will make the
eyes in opposite angles near the cornea of eyes.

Fig. 18A

Fig. 18B

Fig. 18C

In the earlier exercise of the eyes both eyes were moving in parallel line. In this exercise (Fig 18 A) eyes become
eccentric hence sometimes you may see two fingers in place of one. This is as it should happen. One finger will be
the main finger which is real and other will be an optical illusion. Move the right hand finger from nose to the
farthest end of hand and then again from the farther end, bring nearer to the nose. Repeat this process four to six
(8) In the end close and open both the eyes very quickly 8 to 10 times. Thereafter rub both the palms of the hands so
that they become warm. You may then put hollow of the hands on both the eyes. This process in called Palming.
All these exercises of the eyes should be repeated 6 to 8 times. It is essential to rest the eyes. Keep them
closed 10 to 15 seconds after each exercise.
22. There is a special importance attached to this exercise called butterfly exercise. Those people who are not
accustomed to sit with legs on the around on Sukhasana find it difficult to sit even for a few seconds. Preliminary
exercise for those who have arthritis, sciatica, pain of knees as well as pain while proceeding to sit in Padmasana.

Fig. 19B

Fig. 19A

Fig. 19C
(1) Sit down on the ground. Bend the legs from the knees in such a way that both heels and paws remain together
and the legs remain opposite each other. This will allow both the knees to assume a shape of wings of a butterfly in
opposite directions. Now hold both the paws at a time by both the hands and move the knees up and down like
moving of wings of a butterfly Repeat this 16 to 32 times.

(2) Now release the hands from the paws of the legs as in earlier exercise. Hold both the knees by the hands above.
Now move the knees up and down 16 to 32 times.
(3) Now stretch your right leg. Place left leg on your right thigh. Hold your left leg by right hand and your left knee
by the left hand. Move the knee up and down 16 to 32 times. Thereafter move the knee clockwise and anticlockwise 4 to 6 times in a circular motion.
(4) Now repeat process similar to above with left leg stretched. Hold the right leg by the right hand. Move the knee
up and downl6 to 32 times. Thereafter move the knee clockwise and anti-clockwise 4 to 6 times in a circular motion
(5) Sit in Padmasana by keeping right leg on the left thigh and left leg on right thigh in such a manner that both the
knees rest on the ground. If initially this is not possible, first put left leg on right thigh. Again repeat by putting right
leg on the left thigh.
This butterfly exercise is advantageous for both the joints of hips, joints of knees as well as ankles. The working
capacity of the legs increases because stiffness of joints decreases. Ladies get a great advantage in the ovaries.
23. Sit with both legs straight forward. The two hands, must be kept on ground a little apart with fingers pointing
towards the direction on back of head. Now raise the back as much as possible by balancing the body weight on
both the hands, paws of both the feet and heels. The stiffness in the back will be reduced. This flexibility exercise
will give you liveliness, sprightliness and will add to the vital air.

Fig. 20


Once I had an occasion to stay at Gainsville in Texas at residence of a doctor friend. A Satsang
was organized in the evening. The doctor was a Jam. Hence we had evening meals before sunset
at 5.30 p m only The bungalow was situated on very beautiful banks of a wide spread pond. I had
stopped the central air condition system and opened all doors and windows before leaving for
Satsang. After the Satsang when the doctor family came to leave me in my room they were

astonished. I asked: whats the matter doctor ? He was surprised and asked who had opened the
doors and windows of my room? I replied that I had done so. They said: Well Swamiji, here in
America, no one keeps doors and windows open.
A beautiful pond and bungalow situated on the top of a high hill, and I was living on the first
floor. Now where is the danger of entry of a thief? No, No, here hardly thieves visit, but what
about outside air quietly entering the room?
Whenever I visit America, I have a round of Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Charlot, Maryland,
Baltimore, Virginia, Washington, Denver, Atlanta, Los Angeles, California, Detroit, Michigan
and Chicago. Most of the people suffer from similar problem of allergy. Young and old alike
have breathing problem.
There is one chief engineer working in a well-known motor car company of Detroit. Both
husband and wife were working in the same department. Both enjoyed happy wedded life. They
have two daughters. Elder daughter had allergy for chick-peas. If some chick-peas are getting
cooked in nearby area she will feel uncomfortable. Parents would take great care that such a
thing does not happen. Unluckily it happened once. There was an occasion of a birthday of one
other engineers daughter of the same company There was a big party and a big assembly in the
evening. All children had got together and enjoyed this programme. It was arranged in the
basement. All children were playing, when unluckily a cooker burst in the kitchen. Husband and
wife were busy in cleaning all the mess. But the allergic girl started getting suffocation. She
could not breathe easily She ran away to the other room leaving the company of children and lost
consciousness. After cleaning everything in the kitchen the couple visited basement where
children were playing. They did not see the young girl. They remembered about chickpeas
allergy. They found the girl unconscious. Ambulance was called but before they could reach
hospital, it was too late. The birthday turned into a black day. How would one inform her
parents? How to show up the faces? This is not a story It is not intended to make it any longer.
The problem does not end here. Sunil, the father of the girl went on feeling downhearted. Mother
Sujata just felt herself lost. In America people are accustomed to file a suit even in small matters.
They did not do so. But death of this young girl broke the strong ties of friendship of the two
A similar disease is called eosinophilia. Normally the amount of eosinophils in blood remain
between 0% and 4% but when there is dust in the atmosphere, smoke, fog, coal-tar smoke, fumes
of incense sticks,scent is sprayed, white wash and painting and where there is dampness as well
as change in season, even if flowers of the neem trees, pendulla leaves, nilgiri leaves and flowers
of acacia fall down in the open fields, when wheat or rice is separated from its husk and the same
is air borne, eosinophilia increases in the blood. One starts suffering from cough of a number of
varieties affecting allergic people. This allergy, eosinophilia, asthma are all diseases of the lungs
and concerned with disease of breathing. Another reason for this disease of the breathing system
is habit of tobacco. This may take the form of snuff or smoking or chewing. One can catch this
disease by habit of drinking also. In every case lungs are affected.
Amongst a multitude of reasons, asthma affects people due to mental tension also. Such attacks
of asthma can be temporarily alleviated by use of inhaler, but those contacting asthma due to
mental tension do not get relief by this inhaler for a longer duration.

Nature has arranged the lungs in such a way that the body gets in enough oxygen. Normally the
roots of a tree go down and the branches go up. But in the case of lungs it is Oordhva
moolamadhah shakhah The two nostrils of the nose meet at the top in one hole and the tracheal
tube starts from there and divide out in two parts. This is further subdivided into so many small
tubes. All these tubes sucking in air are known as bronchial tubes. The sub-division of these
bronchial tubes is named alveoli. This alveoli is covered with a number of smaller tubes carrying
blood. These are also known as capillaries. These capillaries perform the job of sucking in
oxygen from the air we breathe in. Similarly another set of capillaries work for throwing out
carbon dioxide via trachea.
Whenever we exercise, run about, walk, move here and there, swim, dance etc; at time of all
these activities the diameter of bronchial tubes either expands or contracts. The muscles of these
bronchial tubes are controlled by an involuntary muscle system of the brain. Hence, whenever
we exert bodily, there arises a need for a big quantity of oxygen. By the messages of the brain
bronchial tubes dilate, but in opposite conditions i.e. when a man is not doing any activity then
the need for oxygen is comparatively lesser. Under these circumstances, bronchial tubes get
contraction based on the messages sent by the brain, therefore, air gets entry to a lesser extent.
When there is an attack of asthma, blood refills very limited amount of oxygen because at that
time bronchial tubes are contracted. This contraction is not permanent and after an attack of
asthma the lungs also get normal. That is the reason why asthma can be completely controlled.
During the attack of asthma, the nervous system or the parasympathetic system gets contracted to
a greater extent, and therefore, gradually the bronchial tubes become more and more constricted.
This is the permanent reason for having chronic asthma.
By regular exercise of Yogasana and Pranayama the constriction of the bronchial tubes gets very
much reduced. Slowly the capacity of bronchial tubes increases to a great extent. By this type of
performance one can control the attack of asthma to a great extent and subsequently gradually
asthma can be cured from the roots.


Suryanamaskara, Matsyasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Shavasana, Ujjai,
Kapalbhatti, Bhastrika, Omkar, Jalaneti, Sutraneti and Kunjal processes are of benefit.


Suryanamaskara allows the development of lungs. By this process, lungs become wider,
bronchial tubes develop and oxygen is breathed in bigger proportions. As the smallest bronchial
tubes and blood circulating capillaries carry enough blood there remain no reason for breathing
getting hindered.



Stand with both the legs touching each other. Keep both the hands near the chest in
the mode of Namaskara. Let the breathing be normal. (fig 21-i)

Namaskarasana (Fig 21-i)

Hastottanasana (Fig 21-ii)

2. Now breathe in deeply Raise both the hands keeping them in Namaskara pose but on both
sides of the head. When both hands reach near both ears on both the sides of the head, then bend
both the hands as well as head on the backward side. Do not bend hands from the elbows. Do not
bend the head on the backward side before both the hands are positioned on the side of the head.
This is because the centre of the body is situated in the head. If head bends towards the back
earlier, the centre will go eccentric and there are chances of getting toppled over. Hence
understand the instructions carefully and bend the head only when it is in the centre of both the
hands. (fig 21-ii)

(Fig 21-iii)

With both the hands remaining in the Namaskara position bend forward with your head.
Go on releasing
the breath. Keep both the hands on both the sides of the legs. Both the palms of the hands should
be fully touching the ground. Fingers and thumbs of the hands should remain pointing in the
opposite direction. Knees should remain straight, should not be allowed, to bend. This type of
position is not easily possible in the beginning. Do not get disheartened. Make efforts. Do not
overstrain. Try to perform the pose as well as possible. Breathe out. (fig 21-iii)

Now breathe in. Pull the right

leg on the rear as if you were taking a stride backward. Let the right knee touch the ground. The
paw of right leg should be touching the ground, heel should be in the top, left knee

(Fig 21-iv)

should come near the chest, the head should be between two hands and pointing upward, eyes
straight, chest should be up, away from the ground. (fig 21-iv)
Now lift the left leg and put it along side the right leg. Both the knees should be straight.
Back also should be straight. The weight of the whole body will be supported on both the hands
and the two paws of the legs. The whole body right from the head to the heel should remain in
one line. Hold the breath Antarkumbhaka. (fig 21-v)

Dandasana (Fig 21-v)

6. Knees should be kept touching the ground. Chest also should touch the ground. Lower part of
the belly as well as the buttocks be kept a little raised above the ground. Forehead should touch
the ground. Now exhale. Both the hands should be on both sides of the chest and should be
parallel to each other, the elbows should be pointing upward. This pose is called Sashtanga
Namaskara. (fig 21-vi)

Sashtanga Namaskara asana

(Fig 21-vi)
Breathe deeply. Equally share the weight of the body on both the hands and raise forehead, head
and chest upto the navel. Keep the elbows half bent. Do not straighten both the hands. Elbows should

be parallel to each other and touching the body. Keep the fingers and the thumbs of both the
hands pointing outward; palms should be resting fully on the ground. (fig 21-vii)

Bhujangasana (Fig 21-vii)

8. Now exhale, share your weight on the palms of both the hands and on the paws of the legs
and raise the knees, back, buttocks and chest. Press the head in between both the hands. Raise the
body so that both the heels of the legs remain touching the ground. A beautiful triangle will be
described by the body Weight of the whole body will get equally divided on both the hands and
both the legs. (fig 21-viii)

Parvatasana (Fig 21-viii)

Now hereafter numbers 9, 10, 11 and 12, asanas are repetition of asanas nos. 4, 3, 2, and 1
respectively. Now remember, leg which was drawn backward in the 4th pose. Yes, that was the right leg.
Allow right leg to remain straight backward. Bring the left leg in between both the hands. The right knee
should touch the ground. Left knee should remain between both the hands, head should be taken up,
chest should be brought forward. Now inhale.

Ashvasanchalanasana (Fig 21-ix)

To attain the 10th pose, exhale. Bring the right leg which is kept behind exactly in line with the
left leg. Knees should remain straight. Both the hands should be on both the sides of the legs, keep both
the palms fully touching the ground. Keep the fingers and thumbs of the hand pointing outward.

(Fig 21-x)
Slowly inhale, raise both the hands straight upward keeping both hands joined together and head
lying in between the arms. Initially assume standing position with head and leg in a straight line
and then bend with the hand and head behind seeing that knees and elbows do not bend.

Hastottanasana (Fig 21-xi)

Now exhale. Bring both the hands in front of the chest. Keep both these hands in a pose of
Namaskara. Breathing should be kept normal.

(Fig 21-xii)
This constitutes one Suryanamaskar. Initially, start by performing 2, 4, 6, 8 Namaskars. Subsequently
when you perform other extra Asanas, it will be enough if you limit to two or four Namaskars. You can

at the most perform 12 Namaskars. Whether you perform two or four Namaskars, it is absolutely
essential to perform Shavasana..

By performing Matsyasana, lungs
get ample supply of blood. Thereby the bronchial tubes,
breathing system and air vessels gain more capacity and become active. By this exercise lungs get
stretched both vertically as well as transversely and hence oxygen is breathed in full proportion and
the working capacities of both the diaphragm and the lungs increase.

To perform Matsyasana spread a blanket making it four fold. Sit at ease. Matsyasana is mainly
performed while one seats in Padmasana. Sit in Padmasana taking right leg on the left thigh and left leg
on the right thigh. If this is not convenient, you can first keep the left leg on the right thigh and then put
right leg on the left thigh. This is also an allowable pose of Padmasana.
After sitting in Padmasana, keep both the palms of both hands on two sides of the body. Keep the
fingers and thumbs join together and pointing on the opposite direction. Thereafter bow down slowly
keeping right elbow on the ground and left elbow also on the other side of the ground. See that knees
remain touching the ground and backside lies down on the ground.

Matsyasana-1 (Fig 22-i)

Matsyasana-2 (Fig 22-ii

Matsyasana-3 (Fig 22-iii)

Now keep the palms of both the hands on both sides of head so that the fingers of the hands point
towards the shoulders on both the sides.
Raise the head by taking weight on the hand, keep the head on the ground in such a manner that
the scalp of the head remains on the ground. Now hold the thumb of both the legs by both the
hands. Keep the elbows touching the ground. Close the eyes. Breathe through the nose. (fig 22-i)
We can also perform Matsyasana sitting in Vajrasana pose. When you perform Matsyasana by
sitting in Vajrasana, keep both the knees touching each other. Keep both the hands on thighs. Keep
the position of the head in the same manner as described under No. 1 (see fig 22-u). We may not
find it convenient to perform Matsyasana, while sitting in either Padmasan or Vajrasana. Even then in the
third pose described hereafter, you can perform Matsyasana which will give all the advantages of
Matsyasana in this third simple and easy way.


Lie on your back on the ground. Keep both the legs together. Raise the head, supporting the
weight of the body on the palms put under buttocks. Raise the shoulders also. Now position the scalp of
the head on the ground. In all the three alternate poses of Matsyasana, the scalp of the head will
touch the ground. Keep the mouth and eyes closed. Breathe normally and very very slowly. Thus because
the lungs get stretched vertically as well as transeversely the working capacity of the lungs

increases. There will remain no congestion in the bronchial tubes, you will get extra oxygen,
diaphragm will get exercised.
In this manner if one performs Suryanamaskara and Matsyasana along with Ujjai, Kapalbhati, and
Bhastrika Prananyama one definitely gets quick relief in general cold, running nose as well as cough.
Kapalbhati is not a Pranayama but it is a process. We will now discuss further exercises which can result
in beneficial effects.


We will now obtain information on Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Shavasana, Ujjai, Kapalbhati,

Bhastrika, Omkar, Jalneti, Sutraneti and Kunjal processes for cure of disease of asthma.
(Note: Practice of Asana should be carried out on a four fold blanket spread on ground or a carpet.)

Bhujangasana (Fig 23)

Lie prone with belly touching the ground. Keep the forehead on the ground. Keep both the hands on the
two sides of the chest and along the ground. Keep the fingers and the thumb of hands pointing in the front
direction so that the fingers do not go beyond the shoulders. Lie down in such a way that the
chest, stomach, and thigh touch the ground fully Extend both the legs on the back side keeping fingers

and thumbs together. This will look like the tail of a serpent. Take the weight of the body on both
the hands and lift the head slowly upward. Go on inhaling. Lift up the head, chest and stomach
upto the navel. See that the hands remain half bent at the elbow. Do not raise them to a straight
level. In this manner, lungs will be vertical and will also expand transversely You will be able to suck in

more oxygen. On reaching the final stage of Bhujangasana, try to retain the breath called Antar-

kumbhaka. Hold the breath as long as you can without experiencing any difficulty. Now exhale
while lowering the body
Generally most of the people spread out the legs along with raising the head while performing
Bhujangasana. This is a common mistake. If we increase the distance between the two legs in the
above described manner, then the weight of the body will be shared on the two legs. By doing so, we
will not get enough advantage in the lumber region which is situated at the end of vertebrae of
the spinal column. Again by the separation of the legs enough pressure will not be felt on the
diaphragm situated under the lungs. Lungs expand more or less depending on the movement of
the diaphragm. Hence under these circumstances, while carrying out of Bhujangasana, both the legs
must be kept with the heels and paws together- in the shape of a tail of a serpent pointing outside.
While practising Asanas, maintain steadiness initially from one half to a full minute. Increase the
period slowly and without any fear take it up from one and a half to five minutes. It will not be possible
to be steady in performance of Asanas in the initial period. One should try to increase the period
slowly If it is not possible to remain steady for a longer time, do not do so forcibly In order to get
full advantages, perform each Asana atleast three times. Do not forget to perform Shavasana for a
period equal to one third the period for which each Asana is performed. Each Asana should be practised
with fully quiet mind and in a happy mood.
Lie prone on the ground. Bend both the legs from the knees, hold both the ankles with both the hands,

thereafter three different activities are to be performed. To begin with, pull the legs on the upper
side, then lift the knees, and ultimately raise both the head and chest. Ensure that both hands and
both legs remain parallel to each other. Do not separate the two knees to a greater extent.

Dhanurasana (Fig24)
One point to be careful about is that majority of persons lift the head and chest too much whereas
knees remain touching the ground. This is not proper Dhanurasana. Hence lift the head and the
chest only after legs and knees are raised up.
The practice of Dhanurasana treats the disease of gas produced in the joints of hands, legs and
spinal column. But here the manner in which we perform the Asana, lungs are stretched
vertically and transversely and exercises diaphragm. As a result the working capacity of the

breathing system increases. Diseases small or big connected with lungs are produced because of
allergy and congestion of the lungs. Thus practice of Dhanurasana helps a good deal in eradicating asthma.

Lie with your back on the ground. Now separate the two legs and keep them loose. Keep the
paws of the legs relaxed and lying in the outer directions. Keep the palm of the hands facing
upper direction. Close the eyes. Keep the whole body relaxed.
Now mentally think that 1 am performing Shavasana to have my body sound and healthy, to
live long, for my mental happiness and to keep my life happy and full. I wish that this
performance of Shavasana will result in my healthy life which will be of use to my family,
society, and the world. My heart craves only one high ideal of well being of everyone,
everywhere.Let all enjoy happiness,
Let the work of all be auspicious.
Let no one be unhappy,
Let all have auspiciousness.
Let peace be established in the east, west, north and south.
In the hills and hillocks,
in the oceans and in the jungle,
let peace prevail.
Let there be peace in the lives of
each man, let there be peace.
Om peace, peace, peace !!!
Start the practice of Shavasana with the above good will.

Shavasana (Fig25)
For the purpose of practising Shavasana, one has to begin by remaining a witness of the
surrounding atmosphere. Slowly then, one should be aware of the internal consciousness and
internal atmosphere. One should then try to listen to the heartbeats and finally remain a witness
only of the breath which you inhale and exhale. Witness its speed and condition. Try not to be

hasty at all and inhale as well as exhale very very gradually. Be as slow as possible in your
exhalation and inhalation.
This breath that is being inhaled is not ordinary air in the room but it is a main element. One of
the five elements of nature viz. Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space. We are inhaling the main
element wind. When we exhale we should try to feel: I am exhaling happiness, joy,
consciousness, alertness. All my good and auspicious aspects, I am breathing out for the well
being of the world. As we sow, so shall we reap. We will be getting in return thousand times the
good that we give unto the world. Normally one blunder is committed by people thinking and
being thought that when they breathe in light, power and wisdom will enter their breath. This is
alright, but while they exhale the carbon dioxide they throw out also carry with it our diseases,
unhappiness, difficulties, jealousy, hatred, etc; but this latter part seems to be a big mistake.
World can be likened to a mirror. If we stand before the mirror, we see ourselves as we are.
Hence it is necessary that we always nurture goodwill towards the world. We will then get
goodwill in return.
Raise the right leg two to four inches and release it in a relaxed way. Repeat this process with the
left leg, thereafter tighten the fingers and the thumbs of both the legs by pulling them
downwards. Now relax. Tighten the ankles and the muscles of the leg. Again release. Pull the
knees and release. Now stiffen both the thighs and relax. Pull both the buttocks in and relax. Pull
the anus inside and upward. Then relax.
Thereafter one, by one go on tightening fingers of the hands, thumbs, fists, wrists, elbows,
biceps, shoulders, and relax. Similarly pull the belly lying under the navel inside and relax.
Broaden the chest by breathing in and relax.. Similarly waist, back, and shoulders as well as
muscles of the face must be stiffened. Eyes must be closed. Mouth should remain a little open
and relaxed. Breathe only through the nostrils. Thereafter feel that the thumbs of the legs,
fingers, soles, heels, ankles, legs, muscles, knees, thighs, buttocks and the whole body lying
beyond the navel is now completely quiet as if there is nothing, as if it is a corpse, it is light as a
blade of straw, lifeless; all around is quiet, soundless, as if it is a crematery. In a similar manner,
fingers and thumbs of both the hands, arm-pits and shoulders are completely quiet, they are
Excepting the outside muscles of the belly, all the glands and organs have now become quiet,
healthy and relaxed. Bladder, small intestine, large intestine, stomach as well as its acidic
contents, gallbladder, liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, adrenal, all these are relaxed. Breathing
system is working beautifully Diaphragm, air vessels, lungs, and bronchial tubes have no
congestion. There is no hindrance, there is no cough or cold. Breathing tubes carry the breath
unhindered and equally breathes out. The capacity for retaining breath has not reduced under
2800 ccs to 3600 ccs.
We are enjoying perfect health. Impure blood enters the heart and purified blood goes out. Veins,
arteries and all the valves of the heart are in perfect order; cholesterol, triglycerides are in normal
proportions in the blood. Sugar is also normal. There is no diabetes. Blood pressure is also 12080 normal range. Everything is quiet, sound, happy and beautiful.
Beginning with coccyx at the end of spinal column to the top cervical vertebrae are functioning
perfectly, there is no defect in any of the vertebrae or the discs. Thus the complete body under
the shoulder is sound. It is quiet, relaxed, and free.

All the muscles of the face are relaxed. There is no mental tension; only quiet and with perfect
happiness. Ear and the drums of the ear, nose and the nostrils are relaxed and sound. Lower jaw
and cheeks are also relaxed. Lips, lower as well as upper lips, upper and lower sets of the teeth
are relaxed. The end of the tongue which stays behind the row of the teeth is also relaxed, sound,
quiet, happy and well defined.
Eyes, eye-lids, pupils of the eyes, eye-brows, forehead and scalp of the head are all relaxed. The
whole body is relaxed, is quiet, is perfectly healthy and composed.
Now there should be no movement at all in any of the organs. Just feel the silence! Profound
peace !! Om Shantili, Shantih
When we practise Shavasana in this manner, we experience profound peace in our body and in
the surroundings.
Shavasana means condition of the body like a dead body When anyone dies, he actually loses his
Prana, he ultimately merges with all the five principal elements. Body on decomposition merges
in all the five elements. That is to say an individual turns into universal: one merges into the
universal condition. Thus merging into permanent truth and very clean consciousness which is
above all the diseases, sorrows, unhappiness and difficulties.
Try to listen to the heart beats and breathing in and out, while you remain in Shavasana position.
Thereafter begin by slowly moving fingers and thumbs of the legs. Make it as slow as possible.
Then move the fingers of the hands. Thereafter open the eyes gradually Again close the eyes.
Now without any sort of haste turn on your left side. Bring the left hand under your head. Keep
both the legs bent from the knees. Feel perfect soundness of health. Enjoy quietitude, specific
peace, deep peace, bliss divine and salvation which is permanent attainment of divine.
This type of practice of Shavasana is greatly beneficial to breathing system, circulating system
and nervous system. The breathing system is mainly feeling good because of mental peace and
This type of bodily and mental relaxation has been observed to be helpful in eradication of
Sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana or Sidhasana or Swastikasana or Vajrasana or atleast in the
crossed leg easy position. Keep the head, neck and spine in one straight line. Now breathe very
slowly through both the nostrils and release the breath through either nostril or only left nostril
very slowly The breath should enter with a partial touch on the glottis situated in the neck when
you breathe in and breathe out. These are termed Puraka and kumbhaka. When the breath lightly
touches the glottis there will be a light sound as if air enters a big diameter water pipe line or as
if wind blows with pressure. It is not intended to make a deep sound while breathing.
This glottis is a strong watchman between our trachea and food pipe. It does not allow food to
enter the breathing pipe. Even if through unconscious mistake, food touches this glottis it makes
us cough. Our nose and eyes leak water and one feels darkness all around. Mucus collects around

this glottis; one gets cough due to this collection which in the long run turns chronic and
thereafter it develops into permanent asthma.
In such circumstances whenever our throat feels bad we are advised to gargle using salt and hot
water; this same result with extreme effect is obtained by practice of Ujjai Pranayama.
If the asthma is in a very mild form then twenty repetitions of Ujjai Pranayama, 3 to 4 times in a
day will make us free of the disease. By the practice of Ujjai Pranayama breathing capacity is
increased right from entry to the mouth, down to the breathing pipe till it subdivides on both the
sides in both lungs. Ujjai is a natural Pranayama undertaken in a very simple manner. Hence
practice of Ujjai has been found helpful in very acute conditions of asthma.
In addition to Ujjai two other Pranayamas, namely Kapalbhati and Bhastrika are helpful when
difficulty is encountered in breathing process or in conditions of asthma. Let us now have a look
at these.
Kapal means forehead and bhati means shining. By performing Kapalbhati the forehead assumes
shining lustre. But if the passage in the nose is closed, if you have difficulty in breathing process,
if you have caught heavy cold, there is a doubt of asthma, then the face becomes dull and
lifeless. In such circumstances it will be difficult to have a shining forehead. This Kapalbhati is a
process of breathing, however Yogacharyas do not classify it as a Pranayama, but have included
the same as one of the six processes of cleaning of the body Six processes of Neti, Dhoti, Basti,
Nauli, Tratak and Kapalbhati are covered as logic cleansing processes of the body Kapalbhati
cleans the bronchial tubes.
This process of Kapalbhati helps right from the beginning of two nostrils to the place where
bronchial tube divides out into both the lungs and goes inside to various tubes and therefrom
right upto the upper 1/3 portion of the lungs upto the point where the movement of diaphragm is
felt a little. Besides this there seems to be no special job for the belly Take a deep breath very
slowly when you breathe in and release the breath very very quickly at the same time ensuring
that there is no jerk in the body or muscles of the face. Do not move the shoulders, do not give
any jerk to the hands, let not the muscles of the face suffer any distortion. Normally when people
breathe out they bend the body in the front from the waist and give a jerk, or shake the shoulders
and head violently, but this process is not proper. Body must be steady and quite peaceful and the
face must be pacific.
While exhaling, most of the people make a face similar to that of a squirrel. There is a muscle
joining both the lips of the face and going above the corner of the lips, the nose and reaching the
corner of the eyes. Normally this muscle gets more tension in cases where a man gets an attack
of epilepsy or when the face gets distorted on paralysis of the body due to high blood pressure.
This muscle is called Levator, labii superioris alaeue nasi. The muscle that goes from lip to the
other lip and thereafter towards brain in called superior and alaeque means along the nasi that
is the nose. Thus ensure that breathing is very very slow and the release of the breath is at a great
This process is meant only for the cleaning of the body and hence its efficacy is wonderful. Such
people who are not suffering from acute condition of asthma get affected mainly at the time of

change of seasons. If they suffer due to asthma too often, this exercise of Kapalbhati has proved
of immense help to them. Eosinophilia is equally dreadful and can be likened to the sister
Putana of Kansa. Whenever the proportion of eosinophils count increases in the blood of the
body, at that time a sick man goes on coughing violently like an asthmatic patient. In such cases
a patient surrounded by medicines and pills and a row of injections finds Ujjai and Kapalbheti
helping the patient in a wonderful manner. This is not to say that medicine must be stopped.
Alongwith the medicine and doctors treatment the practice of Asana and Pranayama is likely to
give better health.
The meaning of Bhastrika is a bellows. For performing Kapalbhati, we breathe in very slowly
and breathe out very speedily Here for Bhastrika we have to both breathe very quickly in and
breathe out also equally speedily This way we have to both take in and breathe out in a rhythm.
Here the lungs expand fully right from bottom to the top. This is similar to the bellows which we
have on a harmonium. In olden times a man who applied tin coating on vessels or a man who
blew in the air in oven of a blacksmith used to make use of bellows. In a similar manner, we
have also to breathe in and out quickly This is termed Bhastrika Pranayama.
This Bhastrika Pranayama creates very high heat as good lot of strength is applied. This
increases the working capacity of lungs and energy to a great extent. Complete system, starting
from the nose, complete trachea and deep upto the end of lungs right upto diaphragm becomes
diseaseless, strong and gets endowed with greater working capacity. If the condition of asthma is
very acute i.e in a very badly diseased state this Pranayama should not be practised but if disease
is just in an initial stage or even if it has reached middle stage or the disease is on a decrease,
then this Pranayama gives a lot of help.
To start with you can begin with breathing in and breathing out 20 to 40 times. Gradually you
can increase and take it to 150 to 200 breaths at a time. Please see that Jalandhara bandh is
unfailingly performed after repeating each round of Bhastrika. For Jalandhara bandh one has to
breathe in deeply and press the chin on the chest and hold the breath. Raise the head thereafter
and breathe out slowly

There is no scientific training necessary for practice of Omkar. Either in the morning, noon,
afternoon, or at night, whenever the belly is not full, you can perform loud chanting of A... .U....
M Performing Omkar will increase the working capacity of breathing system and blood
circulation system. You can thereby create the possibility of getting free from diseases of these
two systems. By chanting of Omkar circulation of blood increases thereby increasing the
capacity of lungs which becomes diseaseless. The cause for contacting asthma by most of the
people is their sedentary life style. Practice of Bhastrika Pranayama and Omkar has been found
very useful in such conditions.

Jalaneti (Fig26)
Jalaneti is an exercise by which you clean the passage of the nose. Fill in a pot, which has an
outlet similar to a tube, with tepid water in which some salt is added. Now clean both left and
right nostrils so that water can enter therein. Keep the left nostril turned down towards the left, so
that the water from the right nostril will enter in and get out from the left nostril. This process of
Jalaneti is much simpler than the ease with which we can write this description. While
performing this process of Jalaneti do not breathe in or breathe out. If that is done, we will
unnecessarily create trouble and air from the nose will enter the pot of water and you will hear a
sound as if air was emerging. Therefore carry out this process as simply as possible. Just simply
do it. The same process should be repeated with left nostril taking in the water and water coming
out from the right nostril. Clean the nostrils 40 to 50 times so that no water should remain in the
nostrils. This process should be done after finishing bath and before it is noon time. Do not take
bath immediately after the exercise. By performing this process prior to noon time even if a
small amount of water remains in the nostril it will leak out during the day Hence perform this
exercise of Jalaneti enthusiastically without any fear.


Sutraneti (Fig27)

The results obtained by Sutraneti are better than those of Jalaneti. However Sutraneti is not so
simple as Jalaneti. Of course it is not difficult at all. After a lot of experience Sutraneti is easily
handled. Obtain a catheter of rubber tube of number zero and wash it thoroughly using hot water.
This is termed sterilization. Apply a little ghee in the nostril and push in one end of catheter tube.
Practise slowly till the tube emerges out of the second nostril. Sometimes it may enter the throat
also. This is natural. However, with practice, it can be brought out from the other nostril. By
using this process nose can be cleaned and the breathing system can be made more capable.


Kunjal process is also called Gajakarni. In the early morning, clean your teeth, finish your
natural call and on empty stomach drink 7, 8 or 9 glasses full of tepid water in which a little salt
has been added. When you take in 7 or 8 glasses of water, the same will come out of belly by
itself, in the manner in which a Vasudeva (syphon) cup gets automatically empty. In case this
does not occur, take four fingers of your right hand right up to the inside of the throat and all
water will be belched out. This will clean inside of neck, food pipe and stomach. This cleaning is
very essential for asthmatic patients.

Kunjal Process (Fig28)

Do not try to take in only 2 or 3 glasses full of water and force the water out by effort, because if
the colour of water seems slightly red due to friction in neck there can be unnecessary doubt of
blood having been thrown out. Kunjal means an elephant. In this process one takes in water like
an elephant and throws out quickly This process is very simple. One should not eat or drink
anything for atleast one hour after this process. Some water if it still retains in the stomach, it
will get out forcibly through urine. There is no danger in carrying out Kunjal process. But those
who have very high blood pressure should not perform this exercise. At the end of Kunjal
process, as in the case of Sutraneti being performed after Jalaneti, one can also perform
Vastradhoti which is called Jaladhoti. In the process of Vastradhoti one takes a piece of 3 to 4
inch broad and 22 to 25 inch long strip of clean cloth which is washed in hot water and which is
dipped in salted water. This strip is slowly swallowed in the stomach and taken out slowly by the
other end of the strip. One can perform both the process of Jalaneti and Gajakarni after having
properly read this description but Sutraneti and Vastradhoti needs actual demonstration by an
adept Guru. It is advised to specifically observe this instruction.
Asthma is not a permanent disease. It can be cured. If one observes a little care, proper food,
medicine and exercises of Asanas are regularly performed, then complete eradication of the
disease is possible.

Hypertension consists of two words:

Hyper 2. Tension

Hyper means increased and tension means pressure. Hypertension means higher pressure of

What is blood pressure? Our heart beats 72 times in a minute. This process must be repeating
about one hundred thousand times a day With each beating of heart about half a cup of blood is
pushed in arteries. The blood that is pushed in arteries supplies necessary needs to the whole
body After circulating in the whole body, blood returns to get cleaned to the heart through the
veins. The force or pressure that works -behind this process of blood circulation on so long a
journey through all the arteries and veins is termed Blood Pressure. When this Blood Pressure
increases, there is appreciable effect in the inner side of arteries.
When the heart contracts blood pressure increases. This is known as Systolic Blood Pressure.
When heart relaxes and there is no contraction, blood pressure reduces. This is called Diastolic
Blood Pressure. When pressure is normal, adult person registers 120/ 80 mm of mercury
pressure. But when the pressure increases to 140/90 and above and remains at that level, then this
increased Wood pressure is known as Hypertension
As a person grows older, generally blood pressure goes on increasing. As the contraction of
arteries increases, the arteries lose elasticity. But it is normally diastolic pressure which decides
whether there is hypertension and if so, the extent of it. So, we can say that this diastolic pressure
is the one tat tells us how high is the hypertension.
As the pressure is increasing the tension on the heart increases to that extent, and the conditions
of the glands that secrete the juices inside are put under harder situation. As the blood pressure
rises heart has to work more forcefully to push the blood in the arteries. The entry of blood in the
arteries does not remain in the same proportion as required. Work to be done by heart is
increased. Each beat becomes dissimilar in its movement. Because of this unexpected pressure,
fluids do not ooze out of the kidneys in required proportion: Working capacity of kidneys
decreases. Toxic fluid in the form of urea gets collected in the blood. The chemical reaction that
takes place thus raises possibilities of many a different types of defects in the body
Because of the high pressure of blood there is damage to the internal walls of the arteries. The
density of blood increases. It is not that blood gets thickened, but layers of cholesterol,
triglycerides, phospholipids go on sticking to the walls of the arteries. In such condition because
walls of the arteries become thick, the passage for blood circulation gets restricted and the
natural passage gets hindered. As a result, possibility of blood being clotted is increased. This
manner of blood clotting accidentally stops the circulation of the blood and due to such
accidental stoppage the working of the heart gets affected. This could be an heart attack or this
type of stroke can put the body in paralysis.
Blood pressure is of two varieties. One is, primary (essential) and second is secondary The
reason for secondary high blood pressure is not merely hindrance in the flow of blood, but it
results from some disease of some organ. For example, if the kidney has some damage, brain can
suffer from epilepsy or hysteria or if thyroid or adrenal glands have started deteriorating or if the
main arteries connected to the heart have contracted or if the passage for blood circulation has
decreased due to increase of cholesterol, in all such circumstances secondary high blood pressure
can only be brought under control after operation is performed to correct the different conditions
enumerated. In such conditions Yogasana and Pranayama are not much effective. Yes, it is true
that Pranayama if carried out and by practice of Shavasana further deterioration of the condition
may be arrested to a certain extent. The basic working capacity of the internal secreting glands
could increase; disease fighting capacity can also increase and blood pressure can be brought
within normal levels.

Now we may collect a few details about this primary hypertension which is known as a silent
killer. Unless the condition becomes abnormal increase of blood pressure is not felt at all by the
diseased person. When the increase in pressure goes beyond control, then one feels headache, but
then the reason is not so simple. The first type of blood pressure normally starts increasing
because of more consumption of fat and salt than commonly consumed, if there is accumulation
of more fat on the body if the body is obese, if one has diabetes, if one is addicted to tobacco in
any form like chewing, smoking or snuffing, if one is too much emotional, or if one gets angry
on small pretexts or there is a family history of high blood pressure then the possibility of
uncommon increase in the blood pressure gets higher. This primary blood pressure is a life long
problem and by getting a regular medical check up and taking some medication and medical
treatment it can be kept under control.
The higher blood pressure can be brought down by observing the following rules:
1. Get your health fully checked up by a doctor every six months after you cross the age
of 40.
2. One must get blood pressure checked every 2 or 3 months.
3. Reduce your weight take food which is balanced and which has no fat. Cut down
consumption of sugar, jaggery, salt oil, ghee etc. Take exercise regularly
4. If you have any problem with urinary system first consult your physician. If you have
urination attended within burning sensation or if the urine smells strong or urine is
turbid you must consult the doctor.
5. Actively try to remain free from mental tension.
Blood pressure of first stage even though of a permanent nature can be controlled if sufficient
and proper medical aid is obtained, necessary care is taken about food and if special exercises are
taken regularly.
Yes, they can practise Asanas; in fact they must surely practise them. All the Asanas excepting
Shirsasana can be practised. All the Asanas can be practised without any fear. But the special
Asanas and Pranayama that can offer help readily are: Shashankasana and Shavasana and
Pranayama carried out with ease.
Initially practise these three Asanas. When there is recession in the blood pressure then you can
without fear and without worry perform beginning with Trikonasana and Suryanamaskara, you
can practise Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana,
Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana or Chakrasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Yogamudra, Mayurasana. All
can be practised without any fear.
Sit in the Vajrasana position. This method is already explained earlier Keep back, neck and head
in a straight line.

Shashankasana (Fig29)
Now take a deep breath and raise both the hands in one line with head up. Keep the palms of
hands facing each other Now releasing breath and keeping the head steady in between the
shoulders, come down right up to the ground so that both the palms of the hands touch the
ground. The forehead also should touch the ground. The elbow should also touch the ground. But
be sure that while bending down in this manner both the buttocks will remain set between both
the heels. They should not be raised. They should not be allowed to leave their place. As you go
on bending forward, go on releasing the breath. Try to retain the breath outside when the head
touches the ground. This is called Bahir (outside) Kumbhak. When you start breathing in raise
the head. When we sit in Vajrasana, weight will be shared by both the muscles of the thighs.
Therefore circulation of blood in those portions will be reduced but that supply will be diverted
to belly, lungs, heart neck, and the upper part of the head. Because of the pressure on the hind
parts of the legs, flow of blood in the parts of the body above the navel is diverted in sufficient
quantity. Because the forehead is touching the ground this part of the head goes lower than the
heart lying as it does in inclined position and for a little time blood circulation in head is also
increased. Heart has to work less in pumping the blood to the brain.
By bending in the front, in the manner Muslim friends do when they perform Namaz, parts
under the navel and the internal secreting glands that lie inside the stomach also get massage.
There is oxygen on the top side of the navel and Apanvayu lies on under side of the navel. This
way, in Shashankasana both oxygen and Apanvayu get on a equal level. Thereby all the systems
of the belly get trained in the proper manner. The control and equal balance of digestive system
as well as blood circulation system is a panacea for high blood pressure disease.
Shasankasana is quiet a flaw-less Asana. Young and old all can begin by performing this Asana
starting with one and a half minute and increasing the period between five to ten minutes. Of
course, do not be worried if you cannot keep the breath held outside for that much period.
Breathe normally Remain a witness of inhaling as well as exhaling of breath. This exercise has
been found very helpful.
By performing Sivananda Pranayma, prior to Shavasana and before beginning the practice of
other different Pranayamas, the practice of Sivananda Pranayama has proved quite beneficial.
Lie down on the ground with face upwards. Bend both the legs from the knees. Knees should be
kept pointing towards the sky and the heels of both the legs should be brought up to the buttocks
but not touching them. Keep the distance between the legs same as the distance between the two
shoulders. Keep both the hands loose and a little apart from the body and thighs. Keep palms of
the hands facing upward. Concentrate the mind on the navel.
Now remain a witness to the respiration being breathed in and out. You must be aware that you
are breathing. You must also be aware that you are exhaling. In this manner keep a watch over
the respiration so that the breathing in and breathing out do not happen without your knowledge.
You must remain happy in this watchfulness. The more that you can maintain this awareness, the
more you will have control over your respirations and then you will also be able to control the

blood circulation system. Blood pressure also gets controlled. You can practise Sivananda
Pranayama m the morning, noon, evening as well as late night, whenever your stomach feels
light, about three hours after meals.

Sivananda Pranayama (Fig30)

One has to breathe in through both the nostrils while performing Sivananda Pranayama,
breathing out should also be through both the nostrils. The breathing should be quite deep
without any haste, very much quietly and peacefully It will be advisable to continue
remembering the Almighty while you continue Sivananda Pranayama. This Pranayama should be
practised for a period of atleast ten to fifteen minutes. You can increase this period to half an
hour so that you will get mental soundness, you will feel happiness in the heart and blood
pressure will be controlled.
Biggest problem that we face is that we are unaware of our problems. We spend our life in a
manner similar to a log going down in the current of a river. These logs are hardly aware of
where they will be pushed, where they will get stopped, and where they will be again pushed in
the current of water. We also continue breathing, breath comes in, breath leaves out. We are
absolutely unaware whether we are breathing through the left or the right nostril, whether our
chest expands or get pressed in when we breathe, does the stomach get pressed or does it
expand? We are absolutely unaware. My grandfather was born, the late grandfather also died, my
own father Valisahab also was born and in the end he went to the kingdom of Allah and God
willing one day I will also be called by Allah, is it not? But today this is not the situation. Even
the most common man is today aware and alert about sound health. We should therefore, learn to
take breath in and out in such a way that we remain helpful to the breathing system. We should
breath in and out through both the nostrils.
This respiration process works as a bridge between body and mind. If one forms a habit of taking
deep respiration for 15 to 20 minutes, both morning and evening, 90% of the complaints about
Blood Pressure could be solved. Doctor Mrs. Jyotiben Mankad of Sivananda Ashram is an expert
in Yogasanas and Pranayama. She gives hints and advice to patients suffering from various
diseases, on getting cured of diseases through Yogasanas and Pranayama.
There was one Dr Lalitaben Patel, M.D. DGO, a well known gynecologist of Ahmedabad who
was a heart patient. She is performing Asanas and Pranayma regularly since last two years. She
began by learning flexibility, Asanas, Tadasana, and Shashankasana. Now she is able to perform
even Chakrasana and Dhanurasana. This Doctor aged 58 years reports, Two years back my
weight was more; I used to get very angry, blood pressure also remained fairly high; now the
weight has gone down appreciably the body feels alert, I do not know where I lost my anger!
Since last one year, I am consuming no medicine and tablets. Mind is happy I can work with
good enthusiasm. All persons in the house are no doubt happy, but my patients also do not get
disturbed. What else do we want? Therefore, practise Pranayama.

When we breathe in, lungs will expand, belly will blow out. When we exhale, lungs will get
contracted and belly will also be pulled inside.
One can sit with simple crossed legs for Sukhpurvaka Pranayama. If you practise sufficiently,
you can also sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana or Vajrasana, keeping the spinal
column straight. It is necessary to form this habit.
1. Begin this Sukhpurvaka Pranayma quiet slowly and with ease.
2. Breathe in through the left nostril. Breathe out through the left nostril.
3. Breathe in through the right nostril. Breathe out through the right nostril.
4. Breathe in through the left nostril. Hold the breath. Breathe out through the left nostril
5. Breathe in through the right nostril. Hold the breath. Breathe out through the right nostril.
6. Breathe in through the left nostril. Breathe out through the right nostril.
7. Breathe in through the right nostril. Breathe out through the left nostril.
8. Breathe in through the left nostril. Close the left nostril and hold the breath inside.
Breathe out through the right nostril.
9. Breathe in through the right nostril. Close the right nostril and hold the breath inside.
Breathe out through the left nostril.
10. Breathe in through the left nostril. Hold the breath inside, closing the left nostril. Release
the breath through the right nostril. Close the left nostril. Close the right nostril and see
that you do not breathe in i.e keep the breath outside.
11. Breathe in through the right nostril. Retain breathe, inside, closing the right nostril.
Exhale through the left nostril. Keep the breath outside after closing the left nostril. Thus
do not breathe.

Breathing in is called Purak i.e: 1

Holding the breath: Kumbhak: 4
Exhale: Rechak :

13. Retention of breath inside is termed Antar-kumbhaka and not allowing the breath to get in
i.e stopping it outside is called Bahya-kumbhaka. In the same manner that we retain the
breath inside, one has to hold the breath outside also. If in this manner practise is carried
out, Purak,

Sukhpurvaka Pranayama (Fig31i)

Antarkumbhak, Rechak, Bahyakumbhak then the proportion of time in breathing will be

But from the first day practice, it may not be possible to breathe in this proportion, hence we
should form the habit by slow practice in the following proportion:
1:1: 2: 1
1: 2: 2: 2
1: 3: 2: 3
1: 4: 2: 4
If every day, morning and evening, respiration is controlled in this manner atleast for 15 to 20
minutes by practising and forming a habit, the ghost of blood pressure will take to its heels
For the purposes of practice of Sukhpurvaka Pranayama, one should sit steadily and hold the
nose by right hand. Keep the palm of the right hand facing the face. Bend the two fingers next to
the thumb inside. Now put the right thumb on the right nostril and last two fingers of the same
hand be used to press the left nostril. Always start breathing with left side.

Sukhpurvaka Pranayama - the pose of the hands. (Fig3lii)

At the end of the practice of all Asanas, a high blood pressure patient must invariably practise
Lie down with the back on the ground. Relax the hands and the legs. Listen the beating of the
heart. Now be a witness to the entry as well as the exit of air through the lungs. See that the
thumbs of the legs, fingers, soles of the legs, knees, ankles, leg muscles, buttocks, waist, and
back belly, chest, both the hands and the arms, shoulders and face, all these must feel relaxed.
You must experience the relaxation of these parts. You must go through the bodily relaxation,
mental relaxation and in the end feel that the blood circulation system works quietly in a perfect
manner (for details refer Chapter on Asthma-2)
It is definitely essential to control the intake of food, which is the main cause of the hypertension. Those Gujaratis staying in America can preferably remember the following
Pizza, Pasta, and Coke
These three makes you weep loudly.
If we bear in mind this much, it is enough.


The menopause is one of the lifes milestones.

Hyra Hunter
By constructing a ladys bodily structure, nature has proved its great capacity and efficiency in a very
astonishing manner. Compared to the common human life, a ladys outside bodily structure and the
internal emotional structure which flow unabated describes the exact expression of the womanliness of a
In the early morning a woman resembles a young maid,. similar to a rising bud of a flower full of
fickleness, smiling, jumping, rising up, a stream of fresh water! Oh, mother! When you are sitting with a
rosary in your hands, you look like a shining Yogini!
The midday shows your beautiful form as if you were a full bloomed flower. The beauty of the cheerful
and full bloomed face, your adult body language full of bodily elegance and your beautiful well adorned
wide eyes are incomparable in elegance. Your body in the evening assumes the form of a drooping old
dame, both of your breasts seem to be hanging. Oh, Devi! You are wearing a rosary of skulls, you are
divine, you are divinity incarnate! You are the enchanter of all the three worlds. You are the great mother
of the universe. Oh! Beautiful mother! I bow down to you!
Her life crosses over the three thresholds of youth, adulthood, and old age. In the tide and ebb of the
relation between her and society around, on occasion, the melody of song of her life sounds out of the
tune and at that time in her straight line drawn clearly of her life, as we find bends and harshness in the
song of her life. At that moment, the womanliness of the woman exhibits various forms of laziness,
idleness, sometimes harshness, anger or various acts of breaking of different things.
A female body is fully delicate and to the equal extent it shows off in various uncultured forms, gradually
turning into different bodily working methods which results in distortions bringing unhappiness and
sorrows in the life otherwise overflowing with happiness. Uneasiness felt on approach of hot season after
the spring and sadness resulting by the winter approaching after the autumn is a natural phenomenon even
then it goes on pricking us, that such occasions of crookedness in life do bring in very difficult times.
Similar is the trouble due to menopause. In Gujarati we describe this period the one where ladies stop
getting monthly menstruation. The lifetime of ladies spent in the period of menopause is one of
tremendous changes in life style. This period of transition is for the ladies a time of heart rending
difficulties which cannot be understood; a lot of intolerable pain in the heart and inequilibrium and indiscipline in the common outer life results.
Each and everyone of the aged females have to pass through the period of menopause. However, about
20% of the ladies suffer badly or atleast remain unhappy sometimes they miss the right path in life. 60%
of the ladies suffer this difficulty like a lightning stroke; but they can quickly obtain medical advice. On
approaching the medical profession for the necessary medical examination and aid, ladies can regain
necessary soundness of health. Remaining 20% of the ladies, are found to pursue Yoga and spiritual
practice from their middle-age period and hence they hardly notice the arrival as well as the passing away
of the menopause period. It is well known that those who are deeply asleep in a building which is strong
and well built, doors and windows are closed and if a big typhoon approaches in the midnight or if it rains
very heavily, if the sky plays the dance of death, those who are deep asleep in a strong building hardly
have an inkling of such a terrible disturbance and when in the morning they learn about the broken trees
lying on the ground and roads having been washed out, they come to know about such a devastation. This
is not the condition at all places. Unsafe huts fly off and get washed away People living in buildings
which are not fully strong fall down also. We are not unaware of newspapers proclaiming of so many

walls crumbling down. This, in a way, describes the position of menopause which can be divided suitably
between three type of ladies described earlier.
Before the menopause period sexual glands, ovaries of the ladies secrete sex hormones or estrogen. At the
actual period of menopause this estrogen which is continuously circulating in the blood gets reduced to an
appreciable extent. Because of the reduction in the level of estrogen the pituitary gland in the brain has to
produce more gonadotrophin hormones maintaining the balance in the body In the first stage of
menopause, ladies get the effect of the gonadotrophin and hence necessary excess amount of estrogen gets
produced in the ovaries. After the menopause period the level of gonadotrophin rises and hence the work
of ovaries is properly carried out.
By carrying out an examination of the proportion of gonadotrophin hormones in the blood, one can
estimate whether the menopause has really set in. So the 80 % of ladies who are approaching menopause
suffer from uneasiness, lot of perspiration and unnatural bodily heat. This uneasiness and hotness is felt
because the proportion of estrogen has decreased. Such uneasiness persists every time from half a minute
to five minutes. This feeling of heat and perspiration results from chemical changes that take place inside
the body when perspiration evaporates; one also feels trembling due to cold.
Ordinarily ladies enter menopause period between the age of 45 and 55. Menopause period can also be
felt even after ovaries are removed by operation.
The effect of menopause can be reduced by natural and physical care and treatment.

1. Reduce the intake of salt in food.

2. Drink more amount of water so that the liquid oozing out of the glands causing strong effect
of menopause can be reduced.

3. One can keep the level of sodium and potassium salts in balance by consumption of vitamin

4. You will get perspiration by exercises. That will reduce salts in the body
5. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables.
6. It is essential to consume milk to maintain the level of calcium.
7. Take pills of calcium, vitamin E and C.
8. Yoga-abhyas, light exercise, Pranayama and meditation should be regularly practised.
If the effect of menopause is very serious or in greater proportion, doctors give estrogen in such
conditions for hormonal replacement therapy; but such a treatment makes ladies prone to cancer of breast
or uterus.
The type of estrogen which is produced prior to the menopause period is known as oestradiol.
After the menopause period ends some oozing of sex hormone remains; that sex hormone is called
estrone. This sex hormone flows from the adrenal gland and ovaries. Adrenal gland produces hormones
which convert the fat in the body by an element called dehydroepiandrosterone into oestrone. We can now

understand that ladies who are having more fat suffer less from this problem of menopause than the ladies
who are thin having less fat.
A balancing machine taken in use to weigh gold or diamonds is not supported directly on solid ground on
which vehicle go on plying because the vibration created on the ground can produce some effect on the
weight. That is why such balances are kept on a layer of sand so that outside vibrations do not make any
effect. In a similar manner, menopause vibration affects the ladies with fat body to a very less extent. This
is hardly one advantage of fat!
The proportion of estrogen gets reduced in the period of menopause and hence the appearance of disease
in the body of a lady can be seen in different forms.
These are some of the signs experienced during menopause:

1. Feeling of heat.
2. Uneasiness
3. Perspiration.
4. Feeling of giddiness.
5. Feeling of vomiting.
6. Body having a feeling of numbness in parts of body
7. Feeling heavily thirsty.
8. Sleeplessness.
9. Headache.
10. Excitement.
11. Worries.
12. Loss of concentration.
13. Dejection
14. Reduction of calcium from the bones.
15. Pain in joints.
16. Dryness of the skin.
Almost every lady feels heat or otherwise different symptoms are felt in different conditions.
It is important to see how the ladies receive menopause under various circumstances. In this situation one
can give impetus to many types of latent efficiencies and thereby after the menopause period ladies can
pass their life in a more thorough and satisfactory measure as well as have a life of real happiness. Many
latent wishes of life are satisfied after this period. Having gone through the menopause period ladies feel

a new life or a new birth as if a golden morning had emerged out by a bright sunshine coming out after
the cool morning atmosphere, after heavy rains and cyclonic storm throughout the night.
Now the question arises as to how and to what extent Yoga-abhyas can be of aid in the event of a
The practice of Yogasanas keeps body and mind in sound health. Yoga-abhyas achieves a balance of
outside system and the internal machine of the body by keeping it well defined so that the outer muscles
and internal glands remain in good order Common Asanas like Trikonasana, Tiryaktadasana,
Bhoomiasana, Omkara, Bhramari Pranayama, Shavasana and practice of meditation, alongwith study of
literature having good and high as well as noble thoughts can result in soundness of the body and mind.
This is an Asana which person of any age can practise without any fear and remaining completely
carefree. There are many types of Trikonasana: Konasana: Trilokasana, Parshva-konasana, Parshvatrikonasana, Viparita-konasana, Viprita-trikonasana, Viparita-parshva-konasana, Viparitaparshvatrikonasana are the main and known names. But overall advantage that one can gain from all these Asanas
is mainly of a similar type. It gives exercise to the muscles of the legs and thighs, it helps in the reduction
of fat accumulated on the belly, it makes the spinal column elastic and in addition makes the body and
mind equiposed. The practice of Trikonasana makes a good effect on blood circulation and digestive
If ladies form a habit to rise early and walk in early morning for a little long distance before, the period of
menopause starts, it will be found to be a very good, easy, cheap and convenient method. But the practice
of Trikonasan has its own special effect on the internal secreting glands.

Stand with both the legs kept apart. Keep a distance of 2-6 to 3-0 between the two legs. Now raise the
two hands very slowly so that they remain parallel to the ground and straight in line with the shoulders.
Then raise the right hand at right angles to the ground so that you make a right angle between the two
hands. The palm of the right hand should face towards the left. Keeping the hands straight, now turn the
left leg through 90 degrees on the left. Thereafter bend towards the left keeping the left hand on the left
knee. Right hand should be parallel to the ground and the angle between the two hands, must form a right
angle. Keep the knees straight. The whole body will be on the left side but not bending down in front. In
the beginning it may not be possible for the left hand to reach the left knee, do not worry about it. This
will come automatically with practice. In a similar manner bend on the right and perform Trikonasana.
Every time on both the sides, try to maintain steady pose for one and a half minutes. Increase the period
slowly so that you perform Trikonasana for five minutes.
This Asana also looks similar to the Trikonasana. Advantages are also similar. The process of performing
the exercise is also almost similar Keep a distance of about 2-0 to 2-6 between the legs. Now take a
deep breath and raise both the hands above the head as far as possible. Keep the fingers of both the hands

holding them in hooks. Move the palms of the hands to face the sky Now release the breathe. Initially on
the left and then on the right, the body should be bent at right angle. Make an honest effort to remain on
both the sides for one and a half minutes.

Bhoomi Asana is also called Bhoo-naman Asana. This Asana is very simple; but if the body is very fat it
is possible that you may not be able to perform this Asana. But in this world there is nothing impossible if
one continues trials. Always remember one who tries gets big results. Hence do each work with
happiness and taking full interest.

Bhoomi Asana
Stand with both the legs broadly spread. Keep the distance between the two legs as wide as possible. Take
a deep breath and raise both the hands above the head. Now exhale and bending both the hands from the
waist bend towards the ground along the belly and place both the hands on the ground. Now widen the
legs a little further and place the head on the ground. Try to hold the breath outside. The working capacity
of the ovaries increases due to the practice of these Asanas. The difficult vibrations that take place during
the period of menopause in circulating extra blood flow to the ovaries, reduce to a great extent. To return
to the main pose, start by inhaling deeply Raise the head first and then the two hands, reduce the distance
between the two legs slowly.
The practice of Omkar should be undertaken about four times in a day for a period of ten minutes each
time. If Bhramari Pranayama is practised before going to bed and meditation is invariably performed,
along with the strength of the body and mind, the mental power will also develop. The vital power as well
as the soul force will also develop. Sit for meditation facing east or north, on a blanket spread over a
towel. Then make a deep wish that let there be peace and well being in the east, west, north, and south, in
the sky, in the nether depth lands, forest, ocean, everyone in all places. Let there be welfare of all. Pray
the Almighty God through the best of your heart. While you meditate, do not have a feeling that you are
meditating about God. God himself is sitting and meditating on Himself; this should be the feeling and
experience. Keep the head, neck, chest and spinal column in one straight line. If you find it difficult and
tiring to sit on the ground with crossed legs, keep a thin pillow on the back side of seat. Sit for meditation.
You will experience less difficulty
Initially try to listen to the beating of the heart. Then mentally control the breath entering in and out. In
your mind carry on Japa of Ishta Mantra or Guru Mantra.
God is Almighty, you are not in anyway away from the kingdom of Gods power. The boon of His
beneficent, benediction will surely spell your ample auspiciousness.

We were once traveling from Surendranagar to Baroda. An announcement was made at
Viramgam junction that bogey No. X of Saurashtra mail wherein we were traveling was
defective and passengers should change the compartment upto Ahmedabad. That bogey was
disconnected at Viramgam. Passengers were requested to excuse for the difficulty they were put
in and we were obliged to change the compartment.
There were many youths sitting in that bogey. They were playing mischief. It was a jumble of
dances and songs. One very handsome well-built youth was sleeping on one of the benches at the
noontime. I wondered whether I should request him to get up. But at least, one could ask, are you
sick my friend? I understand that all those students were traveling to Baroda to play an interuniversity hockey tournament. The boy found sleeping was the captain of the team and all of
them were traveling from Rajkot University and the captain, while going for a wash in the basin
in the morning, tried to bend forward which resulted in sprain of the back. In such a case, the
back becomes stiff. The gentleman could not either sit or bend because of the stiffness. He could
not even bend forward. He could only lie sleeping on the wooden bench with straight back and
facing the top of the carriage.
I made him perform Shavasana in the running train. Thereafter I made him perform Katiutthanasana. I then asked him to sleep prone with belly supported on the bench. Thereafter I
made him perform Bhujangasana and Naukasana; thereafter he rested for a few minutes in
Makarasana. Again I made him sleep face upward and made him perform deep breathing
(Sivananda Pranayama). I then requested him to sit up and this friend could sit up easily with
composure. We also got immediate advantage that we could, instead of standing, sit down, on the
benches, his getting up allowed us to sit. He was told an orthopedic surgeon is to receive us at
Baroda railway station. He is a very well known and the senior most orthopedic doctor of
Gujarat, we will consult him on reaching Baroda. On reaching Baroda Dr. Gopal Merchant
advised that captain to repeat the exercise very slowly three times during the day This will make
you all right. Next day in the late evening that friend visited us in the house of Dr. Merchant and
had brought fruits, sweets and garland. He wanted to express thanks as he could play as captain.
His pain in the back had disappeared and their team had won. This captain was a Jew. Thereafter
he came to our Rajkot branch of Divine Life Society and learnt Yogasana, Pranayama and
meditation. At present he is a well-known Hockey teacher and regularly teaches Yogasana,
Pranayama and meditation to his sport students.
Backpain is the pain at the end of spinal column and in the muscles connecting the bones. Mostly
both young and old get this pain but if it is not treated in time the disease takes a permanent
shape. Ladies suffer backache to a great extent during the period of menstruation. It is also
possible that this pain may result in fever if the pain is excessive.
This type of pain can result from a sudden weight straining the ligament of the back. The
muscle and the ligament that suffer accidental weight or increase in tension become too sensitive.
A little touch or pressure or a pull can result in too much of pain.

2) One would surely suffer from backache if one sits in an odd manner. It is possible for the
back to be stiff for a person working as clerk in the office, cashier, typist, computer operator,
rickshaw driver, taxi driver, labourer, cobbler, goldsmith, tailor, musician playing instruments
and all workers who work with bent back. Even doctors performing four, five or more operations
at a time can also suffer from backache.
3) Backache can also result if any heavy weight is suddenly lifted up or if at the time of lifting
the weight, very often weight is lifted with a jerk or if weight is not lifted by sharing the weight
on legs and after lowering the body downward half way but the weight is lifted in an odd manner
of lifting, back suffers unnecessary weight and backache results.
(4) If there is a difference in the length of both the legs or if one walks with a leg improperly
supported, then also backache results.
(5) If one has a slip-disc, if the spinal column is uneven or if there is a tumor in the spinal cord,
the same can cause backache.
(6) If one suffers from chronic constipation, chronic colitis, if the stools are sticky, if the stools
are irregular then also you can suffer from bad smell emanating from the mouth and the knees
suffer pain. Ladies suffering from leucorrhoea also suffer pain.

If there is some ordinary pain in the back or if the ligament has suffered pull; by taking pain
killing drugs like aspirin, ordinary pain can be removed. But if it is very painful, some more
effective medicine has to be taken for relaxation of the muscles. One should get properly and
carefully examined by a doctor and one should take precaution as well as treatment as advised by
the doctor. In cases of backaches, one should take complete rest by sleeping on a hard bed and
keeping the spinal column completely straight. The backache can also be treated by massage, hot
water bag on the back, ultraviolet heat and necessary exercise. All these descriptions pertain to
ordinary pain. But if pain is a result of chronic dysentery, chronic colitis, chronic constipation,
then either massage from outside or taking medicine for pain will hardly result in any advantage.
In such circumstances where backache has become chronic, mere general medical examination
will not do. It is equally essential to get the stools examined, as is the need to get X-Ray taken.
Colitis is one separate subject, which we are not discussing at present. But backache resulting
from colitis requires exercises as well as need for complete care about food, such as reduction of
oil, chilies and sour things. Do not consume tamarind powder and mango powder. You can
consume tomatoes and lemon. You must completely stop the consumption of garlic, onion, and
meat as well as eggs. You must consume one glass full of zero fat milk after removal of cream
and in the food of noon you should definitely take fresh non-sour curd which is prepared after
removal of cream and which is not made by keeping in a fridge. One must make use of green
vegetable salad along with the meal. One should also take medicine as advised and directed by
the doctor

(1) Keep the teeth properly cleaned. Clean the mouth thoroughly after meal. We do not have a
habit of gargling after we eat pizza and coke. This is not proper. One must thoroughly clean the
mouth by gargling after eating anything or chewing any eatable. We are not habituated to clean

our mouth after consumption of chewing gum, chocolate, pickles, tea and coffee. Normally in
India people go on consuming peanuts, horse-grams, bhel-puri, pani-pakodi, dabeli and
sandwich. In Kathiawad, people consume half cup of tea but add six spoons of sugar in a cup.
They consume tea which is strong and over sweet. If one does not clean the teeth and mouth
properly after eating or drinking anything, one can suffer from backache. Since a last few years,
youth is addicted to consume tobacco as well as Mayo and pouches of mixed tobacco. By
retaining these things of addiction in the mouth, one definitely starts having back pain initially
but ultimately it results in cancer. One should therefore, form a habit of brushing the teeth before
going to bed and take tea and breakfast only after cleaning the mouth and teeth properly after
getting up. We may have brushed our teeth at night, therefore, to have the habit of taking bed tea
in the morning without cleaning the mouth is bad for teeth, health and back also.
(2) One can suffer back-pain even if body weight is more than essential. It is observed that when
Yoga-shibirs are arranged in Punjab, bodies of people are very fat and with excess weight. Their
biceps and muscles of the hands occupy the circumference equal to our thighs. During the
conduct of the class if we remark Mataji raise your back (Kamar) a bit, we immediately get a
reply Mahatmaji we can raise the Kamar when it is there, but now it has become a Kamara
(room). This is their truthful confession. What to do? There is a saying in Punjab, Rajke Kha
te Dabke Va that means eat plenty and do work also plenty. But now a days, eating has
increased too much, but working habit is completely nil. Servants mostly do all the jobs. In
America, everything is done by electrical gadgets. Thus because the ligaments, and muscles of
the waist and the back do not get enough exercise in the manner that is required, that part
becomes rigid and brittle, hence on suffering even a small tension, the back gets stiff. We now
look at Asanas pertaining to the back.


Sleep with your belly on the ground. (see the chapter, on Asthma-2)

Keep both the hands on both the sides of chest and on the ground with palms facing on
the top and fingers of the hands remaining touching each other, the fingers should not project
beyond the shoulders, the elbows should remain parallel to each other and should be pointing
towards the ceiling of the building.(see chapter Asthma -2)
Keep the paws of the leg and the heels touching each other and bent in the fashion of the
tail of a serpent pointing on the back side.
Now take a deep breath and go on lifting the weight of the body slowly on both the
hands,lift the head, neck and chest upto the navel. Retain the breath.
Try to remain in the above position for one and a half minutes. In the initial stages, breath
cannot be retained inside so long and hence after raising up the body you should continue
breathing normally Thereafter, come down slowly Take rest in Makarasana.
One gets pressure on the end of spinal column by this exercise and back pain gets relief.

(1) Sleep with belly on the ground.

(2) Keep both the legs together. Keep heels as well as paws also together.
(3) Take both the hands upto waist along the back and hook the fingers.
(4) Take a deep breath and on one side in the front raise the head, shoulder and chest and on the

other side raise thighs without bending the legs from the knees. The shape of the body will
resemble a boat. Here also the blood will move towards the waist. Weight of the body will also
be borne on the waist. This practice of Baddhanaukasana relieves pain in waist appreciably Try
to remain steady in this Asana every time for 1 to 2 minutes. Initially if this is not possible, you
may increase the period slowly

Baddha-naukasana (Fig35)

(1) Lie on the ground with back remaining on the ground.
(2) Keep the palms of both the hands on the ground, keep both the legs straight on the


(3) Now bend both the legs one after the other slowly from the knees and bring those

right up to the buttocks.

(4) Keep distance equal to the distance between the shoulders in between the two legs.
(5) Now transfer the weight on both the legs and both the hands and raise the waist as

much as possible and remain steady Breathe normally

(6) In this position Kati which means waist and Utthan means raised. Remain in this

condition for I to 2 minutes. If this is not possible repeat this Asana two or three

(Fig36)Kati-utthan asana

(1) Sit in Vajrasana. For Vajrasana bend the knees with both the legs, on the head side, both
the paws kept together, both the heels kept apart, and buttocks, resting on both the heels. (see
(2) Now lift the waist. Get up on the knees. Thereby half the body will remain at right angle
to the other half.

(3) Keep both the hands on the waist. vend backward,pull the head on the hack side. Do not
bring the buttocks down. Pull the whole part of the waist in the opposite direction. This is the
most easy position.
(4) Now raise both the legs on both the paws. Thereby heels will come nearer on the ground
and nearer the two hands.
(5) Hold both the heels with both the hands; it may not be possible to do so at a time hence
hold one after the other.
(6) Do not allow the buttocks to go down. Keep the opposite side of the waist pulled in the
opposite direction. This is Ushtrasana.
(7) Now turn both the legs in the reverse direction, so that the paws of the legs remain on the
top. By doing so, heels will go still lower. Keep holding the
heels in this position and perform Ushtrasana. In the initial stages this will be found a little
difficult but once you catch hold of the position you will feel very good.
(8) Ushtrasana has proved a panacea and a boon for all the pain in the waist, hump and
cervical spondylosis.
Those who suffer from pain in waist will not find it easy to sit on the ground, crossed legged. At
the time of sitting they should take a support of a pillow such that the buttocks remain a little
above and knees touch the ground.

Ushtra-asanp (Fig37)

First inhale deeply. One has to make a sound from the neck via the nose as if there is a
humming of a black bee m performing this Pranayama. Then simulate the sound of humming
through the neck. Keep the continuation of humming as long as it is possible depending on
the capacity of containing the breath. Do not continue making an .... un... un... un... sound
unnecessarily if the breath gets exhausted. Keep the sound neither too high nor too low
depending on the sound produced in your. neck and bring the sound out through the nose. At
the time of Bhramari Pranayama, mouth should remain closed.
By performing this Pranayama the speed of blood circulation increases. The practice of
Bhramari Pranayama is helpful in the pain connected with all the joints.
(1) Lie dawn with the face up on the wooden bench.
(2) Relax the body

(3) Keep the fist open, legs a little relaxed and widespread.
(4) Now listen to the beating of the heart.
(5) Remain a witness of the inhalation as well as exhalation.
(6) Create a feeling that your body is peaceful, composed, and completely disease-less. (see
(7) In this manner without the movement of any part of the body, remaining fully composed
having no restlessness of any type go deep in mental quiet attitude.
Practice of Shalabhasana at the end of Bhujangasana and practice of Dhanurasana
on completion of Ushtrasana are found very advantageous in the pain in the waist. Therefore,
without any type of hurry, with perfect quiet attitude, composed, and with patience, practise
Asanas and Bhramari as well as Omkar Pranayamas.

In Frankfurt city in Germany on a very quiet night of winter cold wind was whistling, the snow
had not yet started; but the signs were clear. The cold icy wind was blowing on the doors and
windows as well as the walls. The buildings were getting frozen by the severe cold on such
night; we were camping at the residence of Dr. Christina. Sister Christina, her brother, her
mother all of them were long time devotees of Sivanand Ashram. Christina was summoned on
that night for emergency duty. She was a dental surgeon. One very well known T.V. Artist had
tremendous pain in the tooth. The tooth was already weak, it may have to be removed, but some
thing extra may also have to be done. I asked, sister; you are going alone at such a late night?
Should we accompany you? With her concurrence, her brother and myself accompanied. X-ray
was taken out. Tooth was full of pus and it was found necessary to clean out everything and
remove the tooth. Local anesthesia was given and the doctor caught hold of the tooth; tried to
pull. But the patient shouted out fearfully it was found that the anesthesia had not affected.
A new bottle was opened and more doses were injected but there was no effect. Still that patient
was able to speak out. We could gather that the patient was a great addict. He used to smoke
cigarettes and then proceeded to hashish opium, and LSD and thereafter he started getting
pathedine injections. Scorpions and serpents even went on stingling him and the addiction had
affected him all throughout his veins in such a way that there was no effect of the injections for
anesthesia. This is a very preliminary stage. I knew a son of a doctor friend. He was from a high
family He innerly decided to marry a girl of his own caste studying with him. The girl was beautiful
and curvy; she was clever and hailed from a common middle class family the boy came from a high
family but was very fat. He had an obese (bulky) body and hardly had any handsomeness. It was a big
achievement that he had passed M.B.B.S. He had no special aptitude for further studies. The father was
well known in the society, he was much honored. The father had two hospitals with an arrangement to
admit 80 indoor patients. Based on all these strengths the father of the girl got the daughter married to this

boy without finding out her liking. The daughter studied further after her marriage and got the degree of
M.D and D.G.O. She was an expert in gynecology. The husband used to roam about in the hospital with a
stethoscope in hand. Patients did not give their hand for examination to this doctor. At the consulting
room of the wife, patients teemed like ants. The wife had emergency call for all the 24 hours, operations,
patients and visits. The hubby had to sit alone and spend life in loneliness. He had a feeling of something
missing in him. Thus separation increased between the two. The doctor tried to throw away the gloom of
apathy by getting addicted to smoking and then proceeded to take injection of pathedine, initially once or
twice in a week and then the habit increased to daily dose. He went on doing all days and one day
suddenly he passed away.

We come to hear of many stories about the addicted persons in our society. In order to meet the
expenses of addiction, they would start theft in their own houses, they will start selling their
furniture and belongings, they will even sell the tins of ghee and oil and will fall a person to prey
to so many bad habits. This is such a habit that once addicted is sure to be ruined. One cannot say
what will he not do when he feels drawn by the addiction! Him and the addiction had affected
him all throughout his veins in such a way that there was no effect of the injections for anesthesia.
This is a very preliminary stage. I knew a son of a doctor friend. He was from a high family He
innerly decided to marry a girl of his own caste studying with him. The girl was beautiful and curvy;
she was clever and hailed from a common middle class family the boy came from a high family but was
very fat. He had an obese (bulky) body and hardly had any handsomeness. It was a big achievement that
he had passed M.B.B.S. He had no special aptitude for further studies. The father was well known in the
society, he was much honored. The father had two hospitals with an arrangement to admit 80 indoor
patients. Based on all these strengths the father of the girl got the daughter married to this boy without
finding out her liking. The daughter studied further after her marriage and got the degree of M.D and
D.G.O. She was an expert in gynecology. The husband used to roam about in the hospital with a
stethoscope in hand. Patients did not give their hand for examination to this doctor. At the consulting
room of the wife, patients teemed like ants. The wife had emergency call for all the 24 hours, operations,
patients and visits. The hubby had to sit alone and spend life in loneliness. He had a feeling of something
missing in him. Thus separation increased between the two. The doctor tried to throw away the gloom of
apathy by getting addicted to smoking and then proceeded to take injection of pathedine, initially once or
twice in a week and then the habit increased to daily dose. He went on doing all days and one day
suddenly he passed away.

We come to hear of many stories about the addicted persons in our society. In order to meet the
expenses of addiction, they would start theft in their own houses, they will start selling their
furniture and belongings, they will even sell the tins of ghee and oil and will fall a person to prey
to so many bad habits. This is such a habit that once addicted is sure to be ruined. One cannot say
what will he not do when he feels drawn by the addiction!
The question then arises whether Science of Yoga can give a new life to these friends. Of course
yes! Why not! If the addict himself wishes to get out of the addiction, there is nothing impossible
at such a juncture. One should not hate the addict, but one should love and, shower goodwill
towards him. If we can create faith in us that we are his well-wishers, if he once understands and
accepts this role of ours, everything else can be achieved.
Before going into these details let us understand what is addiction, how is it formed and to which
items can one can get addicted?

It is well known the world over that man first forms a habit and then the habit makes him fall.
This type of habit on which we have no control and we may become a slave to that habit is called
Everything in the world has some use or the other; but if our use is ill placed, or it is misused,
then gradually that turns into a bad habit and ultimately results in addiction. If a man starts
consuming some medicine or an intoxicant material which is not recommended by a doctor but
which is put into use by oneself and gradually it becomes impossible to do without that
intoxicant; man feels obliged to take it; the man completely relies on it. In such a case we term it
as addiction. Such an addict is never welcome in the society. Society drives him out. Such person
frightens the family members, and is neglected by all from all the sides. The addicted man is left
with no other support than the addiction.
1. Beetle leaves, tobacco, mixture of tobacco and Chuno (slaked lime). Pouches of readymade
tobacco, Gutkhas, scented Supari, cigarette etc. (All these material do contain one or the other
intoxicant to more or less extent).
2. Toddy, Country liquor or English liquor, alcohol, beer, champagne, triple X, black bull and others.
Opioids, opium, brown sugar, heroin, injectables, morphine pathedine, fortwin and others.
4. Use is also made of capsule mixed in water containing poppy seeds mixed in water.
5. Cannabis products like hashish and others
6. Sedative hypnotics, diazepam, mandrex, barbiturates.

7. Cocaine and caffeine.

There is no end to this list. As earlier mentioned when the addict is not satisfied by all these addiction he
goes on adding more and more stronger items, ultimately getting scorpions and serpents giving stings on
his tongue.

Bad company of friends who have wrong habits.




Family problem or sedentary life having no occupation.

Very strong reason of natural circumstances: (I) People doing overlabour, intensive job; take to
addiction to remove feeling of tiredness. (ii) Person habituated to addiction, which unknowingly
weakens the sensory nerves. (iii) People who are having no work and want something to pass time.
(iv) Illiterate people residing in cold regions.

5. People also form a habit of addiction as a part of social and religious functions.

6. Some persons start taking certain medicine, which ultimately results in addiction.
It is not always possible to identify an addict from the outer signs, on all occasions. It is necessary to

get the addict sit with us peacefully and obtain detailed information. However, there are certain
definite signs, which allow a man to identify an addict. He can be normally known from the following
main identifications:
1. Whenever any work is entrusted to an addict he is found irregular and normally does not

welcome the job. This also applies to education.

2. A nil result both in a work entrusted and in education.

3. You will find no connection between ones behavior and an addict will be going his own way
4. He will be a spendthrift in spending money
5. An addict is absolutely careless about personal hygiene and cleanliness.
6. He suffers from anorexia; he has no liking for eating and drinking.
7. He stammers; his eyes are found reddish.
8. In the surroundings of his residence you will find empty bottles, aluminum foils, small pieces of
cardboards or metal tubes, empty match boxes and injection syringes, injection needles etc.
9. He is used to desert his old friend circle and joins new associations.

Search the addict and inspire him to leave the addiction.


Have detailed discussion with pros and cons.


Advise suitably about detoxification

4. After offering advice follow up with necessary care, take proper care once the detoxification
takes place, and work for rehabilitation in the society
5. Remain ever vigilant to see that the person does not relapse; proper care and efforts must be
exercised to avoid relapse.
It is quite necessary to shower love, goodwill and sympathy if the patient is not true to himself or till he
does not leave his internal wish to restart taking the intoxicants. If this precaution is not observed, when

the temporary self-control is lifted, the addict returns to the original state violently with double the
strength and speed and gets again bound with the intoxicant.
Each and every family must be provided with this much medical advice and essential instructions.

A psychiatrist may be often consulted, family gathering must be organized, everyday there
should be assembly of the house members, necessary and essential knowledge of Homeopathic
treatment and treatment with essential Ayurvedic or Allopathic medicine should be introduced so that
gradually opium and similar addiction material are consumed less.
An addict gets pain in the whole body, he finds the bones aching; he gets diarrhea, loses sleep, gets
anorexia, feels the body lifeless as if it was like a. sack. He may have nausea, a feeling of vomiting, feel
giddy, and get lacrimation. He forms a habit of getting injected now and then.
If detoxification is arranged then the inclination to be without intoxication hardly persists for a day
without eating or drinking intoxicant and in case it continues longer, it does not go beyond 10 to 15 days.
Addicts suffer from trembling of the hands and feet, getting restless and hasty in small matters, losing the
sleep, anorexia as well as idleness, laziness and similar problems and difficulties. Normally for
detoxification of alcohol, benzodiazepin is employed and gradually the quantum of this medicine is also
reduced to a nil level. This process is not very long. If the addict himself decides to get free from
addiction, this is possible within a period of three to four week. In addition, diazepam and
chlordiazepoxide are also employed. Most of the addicts of alcohol are normally given a support of
disulfiram, but this disulfiram has a relation similar to that between cats and dogs; when compared to
ethyl alcohol. And therefore, if this is administered the patient suffers from nausea, feeling giddy,
vomiting and in addition many unnecessary and opposite effects are also felt. An addict leaves an
addiction only getting bored and tired of these symptoms.
1. When you doubt that a certain man is an addict and suffers from addiction, first meet the friends of that
addict and thereafter meet their relatives as well as the nearest of his kiths and kins and discuss about the

details. Thereafter you should try to take the addict in personal confidence and converse with him

with very thick friendship and affection.

2. When the addict accepts his mistake and presents his problem, you should very peacefully listen
to him, thereafter also you should not take any one-sided view never even indicate the slightest of
hatred or dislike towards the addict. He should have a perfect confidence in you and know that you
love him with all your heart and would not only help him to be free from the addiction but you would
be prepared to offer all types of help required.
3. We can make him aware of different manner of treatments and detoxification.
4. You should keep close contact. You should go on inquiring about how the treatment proceeds and
how far he had reached in the treatment. You should also personally verify the report. You should
necessarily offer new life to the addict and help him in all manners, to get established in life.
5. If unluckily the addict reverts to the addiction, without feeling the least setback, one should make
honest efforts to help the addict and continue the efforts.

6. You should go on instilling faith in the addict about the possibility and efficiency of the treatment.
7. And the most important fact to remember is whether the addict is a clean man or not, one has to
welcome him as a human being and extend treatment, care and love, fully
The addict gets a wonderful help from Yoga. Yoga has really proved very helpful. It releases an addict from his

addiction gradually that too, this is achieved with such an ease that the addict hardly comes to know
wherefrom he has inherited the new life. Spring follows the winter slowly and adorns the whole world.
Similarly in the life of an addict Yoga-abhyas instills new consciousness, new enthusiasm, fullness
and the most important matter is that Yoga-abhyas creates an irrepressible desire to live his life fully
Slowly and gradually the life of an addict becomes more and more lively; and the addict even does not
know about this. He starts getting self-control. It will then be much easier to explain him and educate him
because of the change brought in him. You will definitely love to meet him. Thereafter you will not
approach him sympathetically but enthusiastically in a friendly manner, full of kindness. You are then
meeting a newborn, a composed and a great man who has strong character. The training in Yoga-abhyas
adds to the self-confidence and the addict will have courage of looking at the world in face. He will feel
the need for correcting the error. Internal soul force will add to the capacity to correct the error. There will
be a tide of internal consciousness to see that the error is not repeated and beautiful life resulting from the
no error condition will again fill him with soulful happiness, peace and prosperity.
The addict should be trained in Yoga-nidra to see that detoxification is achieved through the treatment of
Lie with face upward in a bed; keep the hands and feet relaxed. Keep the legs nearby each other so that
they do not touch each other. Keep the hands parallel to the body but at a distance so that the same
do not touch the body Keep the eyes closed. In the center of the room, one should lie down on a cot.
Remaining surrounded by the four walls listen to the beating of your heart. Remain witness to both your
inhaling as well as exhaling. No breath should either be inhaled or exhaled without your knowledge.

Now experience that you are in Shavasana position. The fingers and thumbs of both the legs,
soles, heels front part of the soles, ankles, muscles of calf, knees and thighs, buttocks waist and
back, fingers and thumbs of both the hands, palms, wrists of hands, the hand under the elbow,
biceps of the hands, upper arm, elbows, armpits, all these are relaxed. They are peaceful almost as if
they dont exist, they are corpse like.
Tummy under navel, stomach above the navel, organs inside the belly, bladder, small intestine, big
intestine are all relaxed peacefully they are composed; they are without any tension. Experience this
condition. Liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, adrenal are also without any tension, peaceful, composed and
relaxed. Try to experience this condition. The trachea is clean. There is no pollution. There is no
hindrance. Lungs expand fully
Diaphragm goes up and down properly The vital potential breathing capacity of lungs is within the range
of 2800 cc to 3600 cc. Arteries, veins, heart, valves of heart are all proper. Heart beats regularly the

incoming clean blood and its circulation is regular. Blood pressure range is 120/80:

Hemoglobin is 16.5 %. Both triglycerides and cholesterol are regularly and absolutely under control.
There is regular sleep, no effect of cold, there is a cough, and proper hunger is felt. Breathing system
works very well, there is no hindrance; you are completely composed and healthy the bodily health
will make you experience mental health and composure.
Slowly raise your right leg; 4 to 6, stiffen the whole leg and slowly put it back. Now bring it down very
slowly now raise your left leg 4 to 6, stiffen the leg and slowly take it back. Similarly right hand should
be raised 4 to 6 up from the ground. Close the fist and stiffen the hands, now slowly place it back on the
ground. Thereafter raise the left hand 4 to 6 above the ground, close the fist and stiffen the hand, put it
also slowly on the ground. Stiffen buttocks. Relax. Pull the arms inside. Relax. Fill the chest by
respiration and expand it, release the breath feel fully composed. Now tighten muscles of the
mouth and face, relax. Keep the mouth a little open, leave the lips loose. Now release the entire body
does not move any organ of the body
Now witness your breath only your lungs are in complete rest. Breathing and exhaling is also being
achieved with perfect ease. You can now think of the consciousness within you, now that the body and the
mind are perfectly healthy Body is disease-less, mind is happy you are glowing with the beauty of your
soul. You are feeling completely fresh.
Now again think of the breath entering your chest. In you is the entry of clean and composed breath
with full freshness and power. Your consciousness fills you with a new power, new breath, new zeal
and new enthusiasm. You are a big stream of happiness.
You are a Gangotri of happiness. Happiness does not come from outside. Happiness is not outside. Body
and mind remain under the wrong impression of happiness because of the wandering of the senses. If a
cloud moves in, the sun gets covered. There is no reason to think that the brightness of the sun has
reduced. You are completely composed inside. The man, who is in composure, is stoic in the self. That
man is happy you are not unhappy you are not diseased, remember this. All this is a mental creation. If
you think that you are disease-less, you will remain without disease. You start thinking that you are sick;
you will definitely fall ill. But this is a reflection of disease-less mind. Your mind is not sick. God
surrounds you. God is on the right, on the left, inside, outside in the front, in the back. God is everywhere.
God is equivalent to power, energy, truth, Shiva, beauty God means consciousness. God means
knowledge, brightness and development. Experience that you are fully composed and healthy Get up
slowly with ease and experience composure. Try this method two to three times in a day; you will surely
attain complete composure and health.


Remember name of any God in which you have complete faith, while you move about, walk, sit
and get up. Forget the past. Do not worry about the future. Remember God in your quiet and
peaceful mind. God means peace, composure, beauty and happiness. Peace and happiness are
your aims in life. Remember that name which would fill you with peace and composure in your
internal consciousness. If there is no peace inside you, how can there be peace brought from
outside? You are peace personified. You are a symbol of happiness and enthusiasm. Observe God
everywhere in the planes with green grass extending on long distances in green field, in the high trees
reaching the skies, beautiful streams, open sky, sunrise, sunset, the chirping of the birds, your
sickness will run away Open your heart before God. Oh God, I belong to you, you are mine, let
anything that is good for me, happen. You are a prototype of God. If God and yourself are not

distinct. God is inside you also. It is absolutely distinct from sensuality. God is forever; God is
truth. You are also pure, you are intelligence incarnate. Feel this and you will inhabit new life.

Dhyana (Fig38)
In addition you can perform Dhanurasana, Chakrasana

Paschimottanasana and in addition all the Asanas that you may know thoroughly also perform
Sukhapurvaka Pranayama and Bhastrika in addition to Asanas.

Chankrasana (Fig39)

For Sukhapurvaka Pranayama, (a) inhale through left nostril (Puraka); (b) retain the breath
(Antar-kumbhaka), (c) Exhale through the right nostril (Rechaka) and (d) retain the breath (Bahyakumbhaka). Thereafter inhale through the right nostril, hold the breath inside, exhale through the left
nostril. The ratio of timings a:b:c:d being 1:4:2:4 respy. If you cannot do anything, breathe in peacefully
and exhale peacefully with every breath experience that it is not air that is getting in but along with the
breath you are inhaling new power, light, knowledge, brightness and development inside you. When you
breathe out, think that you are distributing to the world around all your happiness, composure, divinity
and the entire Sattvik element going out. Fill the universe with composed and healthy thoughts, health
and composure will return to you thousand-fold. Even if one continues a routine of Pranayama two to
three times a day for ten to fifteen minutes for one continuous month, one can feel tremendous
improvement in health. (see Hypertension)
Bhastrika Pranayama is a panacea for the health of the mind and the heart. Sit on the folded legs with the
spinal column straight. Thereafter without movement of the body or the shoulders and with no tension on
the face, breathe in and out rapidly. By doing so the lungs open out. Energy and capacity as well as
alertness increase. That is the reason why the Gita declares that if one regularly and daily carries out even
a little of what is taught to be done, one will save himself of the great dangers. All these talks are not
merely repeated after reading or writing or cramming up; this is all a knowledge after bearing actual

experience. Hence go ahead and give a trial to the experiment described herein and enjoy the full
happiness of happy life.

One may be conducting Yogasana classes or meditation classes; one has to start from residence at 5:00 to
5:30 in the morning. I have moved round America in June, July, August, September, October, November
and December in London as well as Denmark. But the Americans are of a special bent. In the cars that we
overtake, the drivers young or old, even before the day-break, would be holding giant size American
glasses and sucking coke through the straw in the glasses and they would be driving with music in their
cars playing so loud that it may rend your eardrum asunder To see these drivers driving is also a special
Many a times grandmothers visit accompanied by their children, desiring that Swamiji would show some
way What way? Just look at their faces! Their skin!! The face has so many blots; the face is full of
eruption. See there! Under the eyes there is quite a biggish black lining!!
You may ask the youth.... Do you regularly clean bowels daily. He will question.... Whats that? Oh, my
friend do you visit latrine daily? Are the bowels fully cleaned? He replies, of course. You again ask...
Everyday...? No, once in three-four days. In America everything is in grand scale! Food stores. is a Lion
Food Mart. Green chilies are very big. Bananas are very big. Vimu aunty, Vimalaben Patel of Houston
prepared a pizza and cut it into eight parts. Eat one and you are full. Thats enough. In our country we
have a Punjabi glass but in America that glass looks small! It is surprising if there is any control on food.
Simple pizza, a pineapple pizza or a cheese pizza. Well, that is O.K. But everything that is cooked is made
from finely ground wheat (Maida) pizza, pasta, spaghetti, enchiladas, bread, cake or cookies; halophania
green chilies and bell pepper, black pepper and ginger etc. If you travel from Delhi to Haridwar or
Haridwar to Delhi there is a motel Chitalgrand. People like the cheese pakodas, prepared there in.
People drive all the way from Delhi to eat these pakodas. But here in America this type of preparation is
available everywhere. From St. Lewis to Silver Springs and on all the road crossings, from lanes and by
lanes, the one that endangers peace in the family; ruins money and stomach is that McDonald depicting
the double-arc sign.

Those Yoga training organizer who provides facility for proceeding from morning meditation and Yoga
classes straight to attend job, catered in the morning providing doughnut and coke only We requested
them to supply tomato juice or tea and coffee with bananas and apples. But for God sake! Stop the supply
of doughnuts.
It is not that you are unaware of all these facts. But we are just like Duryodhana, who knew very well
what religion was, but who had no interest in living religiously He knew very well what was contrary
religious activity. But he didnt want to quit it. We also are aware of all these but who is to execute on our
Shri Dinesh Patel met me in the corridor of a motel before Satsang was started at Corpus Cristy. Oh
friend, how do you do? He replied, Bapaji! Everything is fine because of your blessings. Then he

talked about various purchases and sales as well as where Niruben and children had been in London and
Europe; where they were at the present moment, when they will return etc. etc. But I remarked, Oh
friend! How much you have added to your weight! Look at this round belly! He replied, Swamiji, I
have to tour so much that I cant control the food intakes. I cant help taking more rice. I said, Do you
mean that Swamiji takes very little tours? If I do not control what will be the result? He said, I have
already had a by-pass surgery Weight is fifty pounds in excess of the standard, cholesterol and triglycerides are in super high proportions. Blood pressure is also extra super high. But whenever I go to fill in the
gas in the car I have to consume at least one packet of potatoes wafers!!
To sum up let us remember that we are either our own friends or our own enemies. One of the main
reasons of hyperacidity is gluttony A man must eat just enough to fill half his stomach; one fourth
stomach should be filled with water and remaining one fourth be kept empty for the gas. But whenever
we eat something we just seem to feel that this could be our only last chance in the life! So let us fill to
our hearts content! The well-known AHMEDABAD ornament manufacturer Suvarna Mahal and Jay
ornaments brothers, Prakash Soni and Kirti Soni whose wives always complained, Swamiji, if some
guest arrives and we serve breakfast, guest go on talking and we dont know when they start eating but
these two brothers, we wonder, would empty their dishes at the earliest! If people exercise some control
by remaining aware of their eating habits people will never have hyperacidity. Very strong acidic juices
get prepared in the stomach. They help in digestion of food. These digestive juices are known as gastric
juices. These types of gastric juices continuously get manufactured in the body and they excite the vagus
nerve situated in the internal glands. Many reasons are responsible in allowing these types of juices to be
produced in extra quantity this vagus nerve is a part of a para-sympathetic nerve. If this gastric juice of
acid gets produced in extra proportions it harms internal wall of the stomach to a very great extent. When
this happens there are ulcers found in the walls of the stomach. Thus hyperacidity and formation of ulcers
are complementary to each other.

It is possible that acid secretion may be less yet there may be ulcer formation and alternatively
acid secretion may be much more than required yet there may not be ulcer formation. However
both the conditions make a man suffer and the peace as well as happiness is lost and health will
be adversely affected and is harmful in the long run. Besides gluttony, the use of extra condiments, more
than necessary chilies, eating more fried items, paucity of salad and fibers in the food, and not consuming
milk and curd, dislike of consumption of fruits, to eat at odd hours, to eat without proper chewing, to eat
hurriedly, to eat while talking, to eat as if you are not to get it again, to eat even before the first intake of
food gets digested and insufficient exercise or not exercising at all are the additional reasons responsible
for bad digestion.
In addition to above mental ill-health, mental uneasiness, mental harassment, feeling tired, tobacco
chewing as well as smoking and habit of alcohol are also responsible for hyperacidity
Those people whose life is sedentary and those who are very irregular in their food habits and in addition
to these conditions those who do not take any type of exercise, such people do get hyperacidity.
Excessive uneasiness, mental tension, tiredness, or smoking to a great extent and drinking produces
hyperacidity Compared to ladies, males suffer from this difficulty much more. Ladies hardly suffer from
hyperacidity till they are regularly menstruating.
It is possible that female natural hormones may be responsible for this and ladies may be saved from
hyperacidity thereby Those having their blood group 0 are more susceptible to hyperacidity

As mentioned earlier those persons who take more of fried and spicy food and take more condiments are
more susceptible to acidity it is more important to see how you eat than what you eat. Those who eat after
enough of chewing, the food gets mixed with the liquid saliva produced in the mouth and such mixed
food then reaches stomach. Such people hardly suffer from acidity So many people who eat food, which
is slippery and smooth, so that hardly they chew it; such people always get ulcers. The principle food of
people of Assam, Bengal, Orissa, Manipur, Mizoram and south India is mainly rice. They get ulcers to a
greater extent whereas people from U.P, Himachal, Punjab, Hariyana or Delhi get less problems of ulcer
besides those people who eat very fast and without chewing the food sufficiently, suffer from this
Thus those who gulp down food without chewing sufficiently, those who eat at irregular hours and those
who eat slippery food have to suffer from hyperacidity
Normally a man having disease of hyperacidity suffers from pain in the stomach. The form of this pain in
the stomach, the time at which occurs and its nature is always of a special type. This type of pain is felt on
the right side of heart and under the lower ribs. This type of pain starts slowly and gradually, sometimes
aftei the food is taken and gets reduced only if, either one vomits or takes some scientific medicine for
this purpose. The common signs of this pain are burning sensation in the heart, vomiting sensation,
nausea, feeling giddy and the actual vomits. If the illness is chronic and if the necessary treatment for the
ailment is not taken there is a possibility of heamatemesis (vomits of blood).
Both medical as well as surgical treatment is beneficial to the patient. Medical treatment undertaken with
care definitely cures the patient and results are also very good. If one bears the following points in mind
the medical treatment of peptic ulcer, it will be easy to diagnose and cure the disease:

Mental as well as physical rest.


Complete care about food.


Habit of taking medicine regularly

This is possible only through Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation.
If the disease has just started and is in an initial stage there seems no need for physical rest. But when the
disease has gone out of control then a period of rest; doing no labour, is allowed in a perfect manner, it is
likely to contribute in a big way in the treatment of the disease.

The very first important thing to keep in view while serving the food is that the patient should be served 3
to 4 times in small proportions. It is absolutely essential to ensure that the patient does not fill his belly
like a glutton. Food should be taken in small measures; one should eat peacefully chewing thoroughly It
is very essential to ensure that there is little oil and condiments in the food. In the event of the diseases
having gone out of control or those patients who have a tendency to get hyperacidity, they should eat
easily digestible and fibrous food, which is fully cooked and steamed. Food that is not easily digestible
like meat, fish, eggs should not be taken at all.
The cure for the problem of hyperacidity is being sought after from ages by use of Antacids only The
form, color and the covering of medicines go on changing, but it only contains world known medicine
It is true that in addition to these antacids, now we have started receiving medicines in the market, which
have prolonged effect. Any medicines taken have to be repeated after 6-8-16 or 24 hours duration, that is
after the period for which the effect remains active.
If ulcers are formed in stomach to a larger extent and perforations occur, operation is compulsory if
cancer is suspected, only treatment is an operation. And if medicines prove ineffective surgical help may
be called for
There are umpteen treatments in science of Yoga to see that ones desire for food improves, digestion of
food consumed improve, one to control effect of strong acids, that are produced in the stomach.


Young and old alike should all form a habit of sitting in Vajrasana from five, ten to fifteen minutes after
every meal like breakfast, mid-day meal and evening or night meals. This adds digestive power and
thereby flatulence does not occur Gas as well as constipation doesnt result. Then you can completely
eliminate the main cause for production of acids.
For sitting in Vajrasana sit with two legs kept underneath both knees kept together in the same fashion as
Muslim friends sit for their Namaj. Keep both the thumbs of both the legs touching each other; the heels
should be kept spread out with buttocks placed between the heels. Do not sit with two feet placed one
over the other. In the initial stages you may not be able to sit for a long period. However if you sit on a

sofa set or on a mattress or on a grass lawn so that the ground under the feet does not hurt, then it
will be possible to gradually form a habit. Going on increasing the period up to 15 to 20 minutes
initially, you will surely be able to sit for longer periods together

(Fig - 40-1)


(Fig - 40-2)



Sit in Padmasana. Bring both the hands on the back. Hold the wrist of the left hand by right hand. Now go
on exhaling and go on bending forward slowly Let the forehead touch the ground. Try to hold breath
outside. Do not use force in this exercise. Keep the forehead touching the ground for the period that you
hold the breath outside. When you raise the head, go on inhaling slowly In this process the Apanvayu
under the navel and the Pranvayu above the navel assume the position of Samanvayu.
Because of the Pranvayu above equalizing, that is becoming Samana, the process of digestion is
performed properly and perfectly
Aham vaishvanaro bhootva praninam dehamashritah
Pranapana samayuktah pachmami annum chaturvidham
(Geeta: 15:14)

Yaga-Mudra Fig - 41



Sleep with face facing the ceiling. Keep the back on ground. Bend both the knees of the both legs
keeping them pointing upwards towards ceiling and parallel to each other, slightly away from the
buttocks and not touching each other but in a composed manner. Concentrate mind on the navel. Remain
a witness to the process of inhaling and exhaling. Breathe in as slowly as possible. Exhale as slowly as
possible. Ensure that each breath is inhaled very peacefully and remaining fully aware (see
In this process all the organs in the belly feel relaxed. Ample supply of blood reaches the organs. The
control of breathing adds special capacity to the working efficiency of the internal secreting glands.



If this Pranayama is practised before the sunrise it is more advantageous. Sit with crossed legs. Make
around tube by bending the tongue and inhale through mouth, exhale through the nose. If you cannot
make a tube of the tongue then bend the front end of the tongue on the back side, on the top of the rear
tongue. Keep the two rows of teeth touching each other and inhale with a sound like 51.. .si.......
Either one of the above two methods of Pranayama should be performed at least 20 repetitions.
This Pranayama has great effect on dyspepsia. This Pranayama is capable of reducing the burning
sensation caused by strong acid liberated in the stomach.

Shitali Pranayama (Fig-42)

Shitkari Pranayama (Fig43)

In the early morning drink 8 to 10 glasses of tepid water having half a teaspoonful of salt added to
water. Take 7 to 8 glasses quickly This should be taken on an empty stomach. Thereafter bend forward
and press the belly or put in two fingers in the neck behind the tongue so that all the water would be
thrown out in a torrent (see Asthma-2)
Strong acid gets washed out due to this process and one saves oneself from getting ulcer
Do not either eat or drink anything at least for a period of one hour after this process. You will feel much
hunger after one hour, when you should take food which will not spoil your digestive system.

In addition, performance of Bhujangasana, Shalbhasana, Bhastrika Pranayama, Jalandhara bandha,

Suryanamaskara, and Shavasana regularly, proper control of in-take of food, the control of the wandering
tendency of mind, high standard of working of the internal secreting glands definitely brings in happy and
composed health. But the main point that is essential is to remain regular and carry on Yogaabhyas of
whatever variety we undertake, daily and patiently for a prolonged period and along with Yoga-abhyas we
should have necessary treatment of medicine and control of food. There is nothing impossible in the
world! What is required is our conscientious effort!

Late Shree Punit Kumar, owner of Punnu panir-dpakode used to attend Yogasana classes at Ludhiana in
the Punjab Agriculture University.We know that a small rat sits by the side of Ganapati which we keep in
Puja. We have never seen such a Ganapati sitting on the rat. And if such a small rat were to carry a hefty
bodied Ganapati what should be the outcome? This Punitkumar used to look like that when he came to the
class riding on a Vaspa Scooter. His body was having such a big circumference that after finishing his
natural calls he could not reach to clean himself. Now-a-days fountains are provided on the commode;
therefore it is convenient. However in the earlier times, this was not so, hence he had kept a strong nozzle
connected to a shower pipe. In those days the tailoring charges of pants used to be Rs.150/-. However
Punit had to pay Rs. 1500/-as his pant resembled a tent. All this is not merely joke or a tall talk; When you
come down at the Airport of Newyork, Atlanta, Denwar or Charlotte it is possible to meet a number of
people who look like family members of Mr. Punit.
Sometimes when we cut a joke on such extra obese people one feels sorry for the amount of trouble they
cause to themselves. At Disneyland at Orlando, Florida, you can see so many obese persons moving

How is this possible? One feels inclined to question. One would find no neck, under the head.
Head and shoulders seem to be one because of the fat. Both black or white people of this
description are in the same condition!!
It is observed that 18% of the population of the world having such obesity is found in America only 7% of
such obese persons beautify America!!
The problem of these obese persons is something more than the deficit of vitamins or minerals in human
body. One gets fat or obese mainly because there is imbalance in the supply of nutritive elements. This
imbalance does not just add to the fat but the body gradually becomes a store-house of diseases. As a man
goes on adding to his age, he gradually goes on increasing his weight. Particularly between ages 25 and
40 years, weight increases disproportionately. This bout of increase in weight also visits a man once
beyond the age of 40. We have heard being told that when a man earns money it hits a kick on the back,
thereby increasing his belly and when wealth recedes it hits in his belly so that he bends from his waist.
This obesity affects prosperous people to a greater extent. Main reasons for this situation are:


1. More consumption of fried and sweet foods.
2. Going on eating often.
3. Paucity of exercise (sedentary life)
4. Imbalance of secretion of thyroid, pituitary and other glands.
5 Ladies get fat after birth of babies.

It is a common knowledge, known the world over, that people who put in food in more than
necessary proportions, get comparatively fatter. Actually we are habituated to eat much more
than necessary Specially to get this done Gujaratis and especially the treatment of guests in
Kathiyawad-Saurashtra; the Nagars are well-known for pressing to eat. Please have it No
matter, you can take it .You can eat one more Laddu! We are not unaware of so many stories
concerning direct feeding in the mouth with pieces of Mohanthal. A part of this treatment of guests
is accepted by business companies of America.
For instance, the sandwich Big-make from McDonald company is available at 3 dollars but if you pay
only 35 cents more that sandwich will turn into super size. Coca-cola packing can be had in 99 cents. This
contains 6 degrees of coke. Increase the payment to 119 cents and you can buy super size of 24 degree
One small doughnut prepared from mixture of ultra ground wheat (Maida) and sugar containing multiple
calories can be had in 50 cents but you pay 199 cents and you get 12 doughnuts. What is the equation?
One piece costs fifty paise whereas Rs. 2/- buys 12 Nos.!! Is there any limit to the miserliness of a man ?
You get it cheap therefore eat more. Do you remember that old story? One tooth paste company called for
suggestions to increase sale. The suggestion was acted upon, making packing a little bigger and tube filled
with air on the bottom and outlet was provided with a bigger hole. Thereby everytime you press the tube
more material will emerge out and though bigger, the packing was to cost the same!! New and bigger
packing! It was adjusted and cheating went on.
You know how many calories are contained in one drink of scotch, whisky, brandy, vodka, triple-X, black
bull and such hard alcohol drinks served as pre-appetizers. A similar condition results for those who eat
red meat. My good friends! How can we do without a stake beef? When they sit on our side in a plane
they ask also.... You Indian! How you can live without eating stake? Oh! It is the essence of life etc... etc..
The long and short of all this is that all these commercial firms are concerned about how to sell the goods
and add to the profits! They can try all such experiments. But if we give away our reasoning power on
loan and lead our life; that cannot be accepted!

When we eat more food than required an adipose tissue gets added. That is obtainable only from
the food; we do not get it from the air we breathe in! Even if we consume fifty calories of extra
food daily at end of a year we can easily weigh four pounds more. Thus the main reason for
obesity is more than enough food and almost nil exercise or even not at all!

B.M.R. (Basal Metabolic Rate)

The basal metabolic rate of fat person is very low. Those who have low B.M.R can contact diabetes,
where blood cholesterol increases, and they can get stone in their gallbladder. They can get the diseases of
gout and athereosclerosis.
Because of this obesity SO many health problem arise in the otherwise simple and well-defined human
life. Because the body gets fat., life becomes more lazy and sedentary; anything that happens is
mechanical. That is the reason why initially body becomes weak and thereafter other types of defects get
added. Because of this reason the possibilities of longer life span decreases appreciably

The constitution of our body is made in such a manner that it can work efficiently only when the
body retains definite proportions. We therefore do riot possess the capacity to carry more weight
than essential. With the increase in weight, susceptibility of body to diseases increases. It is now
a common ailment to have the bones of buttocks, knees and spinal column becoming brittle. The
muscles of the stomach are ordinarily helpful to the glands secreting internally But because of
the fat collecting on the belly, hernia is caused. Lower organs of our body such as thighs, and
muscles of legs help circulation of the blood to the heart by contraction but because of the extra
fat this process does not take place as it should and hence the defect of varicose veins is caused.
Because of increase in weight, the work to be performed and the labour to be suffered by heart in
moving about the heavy body increases. J3ecause the heart does not get supply of blood in
enough quantity even a little more fatness becomes a cause for high blood pressure. Thus,
because of high blood pressure in the working area of heart the coronary artery contracts. Less
blood supply reaches the heart muscles which causes Angina Pectoris. Even before the spring
comes in, winter sets in for such obese body people. We hear of many such instances of heart
failures. By this stoppage of moving about and no activity no doubt varicose veins does result, in
addition because of such conditions more dangerous results happen.
The word obesity is derived from Latin word obesus. This can be the derivation for Latin word but the
roots of obesity have spread all around in big areas. Metabolic disturbance can be inherited also and can
also develop after the birth. In causing obesity of the body genetic, traumatic, social, environmental
conditions are instrumental. If the mother or the father anyone is fat, 50% children can be like that. But if
both of them are obese there are 75 0/o chances of children turning fat.
The greatest misfortune is that young or old may go on adding fat. They may be aware of this fact or not,
but we do not feel surprised if someone gets fat. People even believe there is no harm in getting fat. By
increase of fat the obesity of the body not only increases but the capacity of working also decreases and
persons beyond age 30 or 35 many times contact diabetes. The relation between obesity and diabetes is
similar to the loving relation between children of maternal relations.

By the increase in fatness, blood pressure no doubt increases and gradually one should not be
surprised if diseases of coronary arteries also result. By the body becoming ver weight heart has

to take more labour in blood supply being sufficiently arranged. This results in ill effect over the
respiration system. Difficulty in breathing occurs which is called as dyspnoea. This results in defects of
respiratory and heart systems and hyperventilation would result which can cause hypercapnoea, hypoxia,
and development of second stage of polycythemia can also result. Such obese people can also have
difficulty due to gas collection in the stomach and intestines. Now what is the solution?
If these over-weight people give proper attention and bring down their weight they would look really
handsome. It is not possible to deny the special individuality raised by impressive strong body
1. Most important matter about this case is that the patient or the obese person should himself understand
that his body carries more weight: It is necessary to decrease the weight. Why? So long as the diseased
man himself does not mentally accept this fact, any other person cannot help him in anyway
2. The fat man must realise the difference between eating, when one finds food and eating, only when he
is hungry
3. The rule about consumption of food is that one should fill the stomach half full with food. One fourth
should be left empty for water and the last one fourth should be kept vacant for allowing gas formation. It
is usual to see that Yoga class invariably takes this to heart

Decrease your food to half drink water double to the quantity of food taken, exercise three-fold,
laugh four-fold, work five-fold, and repeat the name of Rarna ten-fold
It is not material whether you call out name of Rama or Rahima. But the first five steps are
essential and indivisible parts of ones important steps of life. So long as a man continues to
carry out all the works pertaining to his own self, he will not turn lazy Fold your bed yourself in
the morning, arrange properly, sweep out, mop out, wash and clean clothes, clean your utensils,
clean your latrine, clean the garden. If we carry out all these jobs ourselves we will not turn idle.
In America you may find everything clean and neat outside; after reading this narration go round
your car garage and store room as well as basement. How many percent of people can express
satisfaction openly Most of the garages are like garbage dumps. We must have already spent 40
years since we enterel America, our fourth generation is residing in America but we have yet to
learn the discipline and mental training: we have not fully learnt the letter A of the alphabet.
4 And last but not the least is to know what should be eaten and what not? Count the calories in the food
you take in. Similarly calculate the calories you burn through your activities. Have a proper understanding
of these two. In America manufacturers write on the bottles how much is the total contents of fat %, sugar
%, total carbohydrates 0/o. Why it is not possible for us to properly appreciate the meaning of all this in
our daily life?
Your first question on dining table is coke or juice. People in our country take dal, curry, osamana,
buttermilk, mango fajeto, or falsa sweet drink in season. These are drinks to which we are habituated.
When we young, our elders taught us not to eat Dal but to drink it or even to take it in a big quantity In
childhood we used to read a poem

Oh cook! Give me Dal one cup full;

atleast one cup full. We have now got Laddus, Bhajiyas,

Now give me atleast one cup full of Dal, oh cook!

So that I can quickly make my mouth wet!
If you take hot Dal you will have no constipation, fat will not increase. One service-sized can of Cocacola equal to one Indian glass, contains 240 c.c. which has 140 calories; 39 grams sugar. Hence if food is
consumed keeping all these in mind and regular exercise is done, a long walk is insisted upon our body
can be definitely kept well-balanced.


Yes. One can surely put a control on hunger, thirst, sleep, behaviour, thoughts, and work by
performance of Yogasanas and Pranayama. One can live with least consumption of food, water
and sleep by practice of Shitali and Shitkari Pranayama. Practice of Bhujangasana reduces
hunger, practice of Shalabhasana increases hunger. By practising both these one after the other
hunger can be equipoised.
Really for reduction of weight, it is not proper to reduce the in-take of food to a great extent nor it is
proper to undertake dieting. Performance of Yogasanas is the only wonderful remedy It is not necessary to
put in a lot of labour in practice of Asanas, The order in which the Asanas are to be performed and the
method thereof is so decided that outer muscles as well as internal secretory glands work beautifully
Performance of Shirshasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Kati-utthanasana are the Asanas
which have a good deal of effect on thyroid gland. By the working of this thyroid gland the hormones that
get produced controls the basic metabolic rate of our body If B.M.R is brought under control the obesity
of a person can be stopped from increasing.

If one is not capable of performing all these Asanas in the initial stage it will surely be possible
to perform relaxation. If one cannot sit cross-legged on the ground one can use a chair; but hands
and legs can get movement, one can bend forward, and backward, one can bend both on the left
and the right. This is quite essential.

Halasana (Fig44)
The practice of Trikonasana and its different varieties and Suryanamaskara is definitely helpful in body
building (see Asthama 1) But if one regularly performs Trikon, Suryanamaskar, Shirshasana,
Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Oialcrasana,
Ardha-matsyendrasana or Yoga-mudra and Mayurasana, no problems can arise at all.

The practice of Pranayama and Sukhapurvaka Pranayama, i.e taking very deep breaths, can help amply in
burning the excess fat.

Paschimottanasana (Fig45)

The practice of Asanas no doubt helps in reducing fat, but in addition it is helpful in making the
muscles of the body firm. Each Asana in its own way helps reducing the weight and becomes
quite helpful in regularising the weight. The practice of Asanas and Pranayama and observing a
proper order for the same, renderd one free from mental tension and in a wide variety of ways
works gradually on unnatural desire to go on eating. By this process one gets controj over intake
of food, one starts to properly understand the life and removes the irregularity caused by nervous
disturbances. Reduction of weight of the system of the body which results permanently and
gradually, allows body system to work in a good organised and regular way Action taken to reduce
the weight by compulsory dieting makes the body tired, sorrowful and depressed, whereas food consumed
with proper understanding and practice of regular exercise as well as Yoga-abhyasa endows one with a
balanced life. If one accepts the body as a necessary organ to enjoy life, one will definitely realise that
body itself welcomes a definite weight only; excess weight will not be acceptable under any
As one goes on increasing consciousness in life and as one feels inclined towards beauties in life and the
lifes tinkling sensations through Yoga-abhyasa; then the desire produced for life, which lies within you as
knowledge of self or awareness of the self, will be capable of explaining you what will be conducive to
your well being or otherwise and you will get a boon of life which will be full of composure and welldefined. This is a fact; this is an experienced truth; try this experiment and live a meaningful life. Do not
forget, when you go on carrying a heavy body this spells a burden for your heart. It will result in burden
on the society when you die. Therefore beware! Make a firm resolve today, right now, to reduce obesity
If your effort is honest, then you will invariably attain desired results.

Dr. Mayur Patel is an enthusiastic serviceable young doctor who is an expert
diabetologist and physician for the last 14 years. He runs his clinic and

gives treatment at different hospitals in Ahemdabad. He has taken

training in the medical field on diagnosis of diabetes as well as control
and treatment of diabetes at the well-known Apollo Hospital in Madras.
He has gained expert knowledge and treats patients suffering from
diabetes, giving them good treatment both with a serviceable mind and
with humanitarianism. He has earned blessings of so many patients.
Because of his prestige as an expert, so many hospitals call him for his
honorary services. Besides this, so many different health organizations
like Indian academy of Speciality association of Ahemdabad have also
chosen him as the president. This year he has been appointed general
secretary of the All India Diabetes Society.
This much detail is given because for the last three years every year he
attends Yogasana camps at Sivananda Asharam Ahemdabad. Initially,
he attended along with his wife Dr. ma Patel, children, his father
Ramanbhai and others. Now a day he brings in so many doctors from
medical associatioA and makes it obligatory on his diabetes patients to
join these camps. In his Shibir, we teach flexibility exercises, principal
Asanas, Pranayama, Kunjal process, Shanlch-prakshalana process and
relaxation. It is the experience of Dr. Mayur Patel that with regular and
proper medical treatment essential proper Yogasnanas, food taken with
understanding and patients strong desire to get cured, one can control
diabetes completely This is not impossible!
For the last 25 years these matters are discussed in the Yoga classes.
Thousands of people thereby, have obtained the boon of preservation of
health and eradication of diseases thereby inhabiting a fresh lease of life
through more than 550 Yoga Shibirs. But this year Dr. Mayur Patel
invited me to perform the opening ceremony of the All India Diabetes
Associations meeting and thus now this knowledge has been impressed
with the seal of medical association legally
In this age where people are sedentary, habituated to easy living, a life
where there is no labour, people more or less suffer from diabetes. The
specialty of this disease is that the patient comes to know of this
ailment only after a doctors proper examination when the patients are
unaware of this ailment in the initial period and remain careless. They
do not seriously and with exactness get the diagnosis or treatment for
removal of this disease. The result is that this disease gradually
increases and results in heart attack, loss of sight, blood pressure and
disease of kidneys. A patients life is then full of restlessness, boredom
and fearfulness. The patient cannot eat or drink with peace of mind, one
has to live the life taking precautions and care at every step, the
happiness in life comes to an end. Sometimes life ends abruptly and the
family gets ruined. That is why diabetes is called a Silent Killer. But if the
patient gets timely warning and saves himself from the clutches of this

killer, it is essential for a patient of diabetes to throw off the frustration

and take active steps in the proper directions to treat the ailment.
The percentage of diabetic patients all over the world is increasing day by
day It is believed that the proportion of diabetes in the world today is 3
to 12%. Diabetes is the third widespread and serious disease after heart
disease and cancer.
It is estimated that there are two fold diabetic patients in India. While I am
writing this, I have just returned from the well-known Hospital of Indiana
named St. Margaret and St. Anthony hospital after delivering a lecture
on stress management. While discussing with the doctors there so that I
can write during the drive of two hours on the way, Dr. Kaze said,
Swamiji, America government pays enough to those who do not work
at all and this arrangement is made as a public aid. Such people getting
this type of aid are named Medicaid. The maximum number of patients
who visit us are such friends. These friends do not work with their hands
and feet in their life. They take fried chicken and hamburger in the
morning and evening and are known as the members of Weight
Watchers Programme !
The government pays them for food and they join health clubs as members
to bring down their weight; what a travesty of nature! It is understood
that 2 to 5% of pregnant American women are suffering from diabetes.
It is also estimated that around 12 to 19% of population of this country
are diabetic because it is but natural that heavy body resulting from
gluttony causes obesity that naturally results in diabetes.
People may be rich or poor, high or low, male or female, this disease does
not differentiate and obliges people of all the levels in the society
inflicting this disease. In most of the cases even before people learn
about their having diabetic, people start suffering from loss of sight,
paralysis, failure of kidneys or an heart attack. Thus only they have an
inkling that he has diabetes.
On diagnosis of this disease many patients approach quacks that have no
scientific knowledge and act on there advise for a long time, as a result
they suffer heavily When the side effect of diabetes takes virulent form
they approach the experts. This is at a very late stage and the results
are not satisfactory in some cases. Many patients die prematurely.

By proper self-control, living a disciplined life, maintaining control on diet,

following the advice of a doctor and taking suitable exercises as well as
consuming proper medicine including insulin, a diabetic patient can live
a long life span of complete health.
Do not panic. Diabetes is diagnosed in routine medical examination or when
a patient does not get healing of wound. What to do then? The world
known and world respected individuals like Swami Vivekanand and
Lokmanya Tilak also had diabetes. They did live successfully and had
utilized each breathe of their life for the work of public welfare.
Therefore, do not get despondent.
An expert Dr. R.D Lorens has told that only lucky person get diabetes. The
reason for such statement is that if one gets a timely warning, this
disease that can be a killer, can be treated with very limited
To undertake any activity by the body, strength is necessary. Vehicle work on
petrol and diesel. Our body converts glucose into working power and
remains active. Ordinarily in order to provide necessary power a
quantity of 70 to 110 mg glucose circulate through the blood daily when
we consume Chapatti, Bhakari, Rice, Khichadi, bread, potatoes, sugar
and similar things. Digestive process converts these items into glucose
and the proportion of glucose in the blood increases. Immediately
therefore, pancreas gland situated behind the stomach releases a juice
known as insulin. It converts glucose in the form of power and stores the
extra glucose in the cells of liver and muscles. Thus the quantum of
glucose in the blood remains balanced.
It is yet not properly discovered but die to these unknown reasons when
pancreas does not manufacture sufficient insulin in the body, as for
example in. case of juvenile diabetic or if although insulin readily
available it does not become effective as for instant in case of elderly
diabetic person who are heavy over-weight the proportion goes beyond
180 mg, one get glycosuria that is kidney releases glucose through
urine: If the fresh threshold level of the kidney is high even though
glucose may be very high in the blood, no glucose will be thrown out
through the urine. Because of the insufficiency of insulin, body is not
capable of making use of the same for strength. Body therefore, utilizes
fat instead. This is equivalent to the use of kerosene in place of petrol in
motorcar. When glucose is converted to strength, the fuel is fully utilized
but when fat is utilized as a fuel, poisonous gases like acetone are

produced. A diabetic patient becomes comatose., This is known as

diabetic coma. If this is not diagnosed in time the patient can even
die. By taking in use insulin in proper time the rate of death can be
Normally a patient of diabetes feels no trouble. They are therefore not careful
about the treatment. The proportion of glucose in the blood, as a result,
remains more than allowable continuously This condition of the body
results in damage to each and every organ of the body That is why a
diabetic has more difficulties than the common mass, as for example,
high blood pressure, heart attack.
In comparison to the healthy man, the possibility of having high blood
pressure and ailment of heart is 2 to 3 times more for a diabetic patient.


If diabetes is not properly controlled then in the long run fat gets deposited
on inner layer of arteries and the possibilities of occurrence of paralysis
increase. Because of the effect on sensory nerves One can contact
diabetic neuropathy. This results in insensitivity in the skin of the
soles. In the long run the muscles suffer from weakness.

Damage of the kidneys

A diabetic patient can contact diseases of the kidneys 18 times more than a
healthy man. Because of the adverse effect on the working capacity of
the kidneys, blood is not properly purified. The result is that poisonous
substances in the blood increase disproportionately. Diseased kidney
ultimately fails. Need for very costly treatment of the kidney like
dialysis, replacement and similar costly treatment has to be restored to.
This process ruins the family economically.
(iii) Damage to the eyes
The diabetic patient gets early cataract and there is likelihood of suffering of
damage of retina, which can result in blindness. Diabetes is the biggest
contributor of blindness in youth.
(iv) Gangrene
Gangrene results in putrefaction that necessitates the removal of the organ.
Many a time the whole leg may have to be removed. The main cause of
cutting of a limb next to an accident by vehicle is diabetes.

(v) Comatose condition

If the proper equilibrium is not maintained in medicine, food and exercise,
one gets hyperglycemia and poisonous substances like acetone start
circulating in the blood, which is known as ketoacidosis one gets
comatose thereby
(vi) Symptoms of ketoacidosis

Feeling more of hunger and thirst


Feeling need for passing urine often


Sudden reduction in weight.


Pain in the stomach and vomiting


Feeling of tiredness


Getting easily irritated


Breathe emitting smell of fruits


Quick and deep breathing


Patient will involuntarily close his eyes



vii) Symptoms of hypoglycemia


Patient may feel giddy, he may feel tired

He may feel more hunger
He may perspire amply
Hands and feet turn cold.

5 Patient may feel restless, heart beats increase

6 Patient may get unconscious.


In such circumstances, a patient should be made to consume any item that

may be sweet. Both these conditions of getting unconscious are
dangerous. Doctor should be contacted immediately
(viii) Infection
Infectious diseases take place inside the body as well as on skin. Ladies get
infectious diseases of urinary system.
(ix) Weakness
One cannot enjoy life if one lacks in strength and sprightliness. Muscles feel
weak. One feels loss of manliness sometimes.
All these problems are in fact serious and even a thought create feeling of
It is therefore, essential to know how to control diabetes. It is necessary to
spare time, make efforts and keep courage. Your doctor and his entire
staff are there for your help. The whole world is out to guide you and
help you in your individual life. But you may get the benediction of God,
doctor is also helpful, medicine also suits you even then if you dont
help yourself and spend your life carelessly, how can we get well?
The knowledge of diabetes and this detailed explanation will be useful in
your daily life and your increased knowledge will be helpful in removing
your fear and help you to enjoy the life.
Diabetes is a disease, which can be likened to white ant rot. Usually it goes
on progressing for years. However, one does not get any early signal.
Quite often when some problem arises as a result of diabetes, one
comes to know of it. However, one can notice the following symptoms:

One has to go for urination often. One has to get up at night more often.
One gets urine in plenty.


One feels more thirsty.


One consumes more food, still the . weight goes on reducing.

4. Hands and feet feel empty and a tingling sensation.

5. One gets cramps m the muscles of leg.

6. One feels weakness and tiredness.

7. One takes longer in healing of a wound and gets boils often.
8. The eyes see unclearly and the numbers of spectacle goes on changing.
9. One gets itching sensation on the private part.
10. One gets a heart attack or paralysis in young age. Ladies may give birth
to a child with more weight, the child may be born with defect in the
body or in heart. Ladies may get abortion frequently etc.

60% of the diabetic patients get diagnosed accidentally only Of the remaining 40% the diagnosis
comes out when the patient shows some signs of the disease or some complications are observed.
It is not correct to say that when one gets diabetes his urine shows sugar being thrown out. It is
essential to calculate the amount of glucose in the patients blood.
If one observes the level of glucose of 140 mg per dl. on an empty stomach and at random
checking patient shows 200 mg or more per dl. on more than one occasion, the patient is said to
have diabetes.
Under some circumstances one has to get tested for glucose tolerance test to establish that a
person has diabetes.
A blood sample is drawn out for this test initially on empty stomach. Thereafter 75 gm of glucose
is fed to the patient.(for test of children it is at a rate of 1.75 gm per kg of body weight) Again
blood is drawn out tw6 hours later If the proportion of glucose in blood on fasting works out to
140 mg/dl and 200 mg/dl or more after consuming glucose, the person is branded as diabetic.
This examination reveals an average position of glucose in the blood over a period of past three
months. This examination is known as Blood examination - Hb AiC. One can determine the
amount of control over diabetes as under:
Hemoglobin (Hb A1C)


6 to 8%
8 to 9%
9 to 10%
10% and Above



the diagnosis of diabetes the proportion of glucose contained in the blood is enough. But a
disease is fully diagnosed only when we get complete information about the quantum, its extent,
complications etc. As for example, to say whether a patient has heart disease or not, the blood
has to be examined for its fat content and a cardiogram is to be taken. To know about defects in
the kidneys micral test for albumin is carried out. In addition a complete examination of eyes like
fundoscopy is necessary This will reveal any effect of diabetes on the retina of eyes. In order to
find out whether the legs are sensitive or whether blood circulates properly in the legs, an
examination called vascular doppler test is required to be carried out. In this manner at certain
intervals all the tests about damage to the various organs of a diabetic have to be carried out.
Then only diagnosis is said to be thorough and complete.
It is

difficult to reply this question clearly in each individual case. The main causes for diabetes
are found to be heredity, life which is more sedentary extra obesity and mental tension.

studying the history of family of patients 30 to 40% of the cases are found to be such that
some near relatives have diabetes. If the relations are mother and father both, the possibility of
inheriting diabetes increases to a great extent. Even if one has no diabetes at least every year a
diabetic expert must examine you after you reach 35 years. That is because the earlier you
diagnose, the better and quicker the treatment can be made available.

plays an important role in getting Diabetes. The more the weight the greater the needs for
insulin. Moreover the fatty cells of the obese do not properly respond to insulin. The heavier the
man is, the greater is the possibility of diabetic death.

Material which contains more calories because of higher fat and higher sugar, creates many
problems and weight control becomes difficult.

can be contacted at any age. But progress in age adds more to the possibility As man
ages, the fat of the body reacts adversely to the insulin, simultaneously the beta cells which
produce insulin also decrease in number.

Males as well as females are prone to diabetes in equal proportion till they reach adulthood.
Ladies can turn diabetic during their pregnant condition.
Persons who have a habit of living uncontrolled life, un organised life, irregular life, as well as
those who suffer from mental tension to a greater degrees and so often, are likely to get diabetes
more easily

If medicines like steroids and thiazide are continued for extra long periods, diabetes is likely to
result. It is therefore, in our interest to consume these medicines under doctors advice.

There are mainly two types of diabetes:

1. Type I - Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM)
This type of diabetes is mostly affecting children and youths. According to scientific
investigations such patients get their pancreas damaged due to virus. In such cases the cells
producing insulin normally get destroyed. For this reason there is deficit in production of insulin
almost completely and therefore it becomes essential to get insulin injected from outside. In such
cases, inspite of very stiff food control and consumption of medicines fatal results are quite
common. Hence one should follow doctors advice and take insulin injections.
2. Type II - Non-Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)
About 95 to 98% of diabetic patients fall in this class. People reaching the age of 40 in foreign
countries and reaching the age of 35 in India are affected by this type of diabetes. In this type of
patients, insulin is no doubt manufactured in the body but its quantum is lower than required. In
some cases insulin does get manufactured in sufficient quantity but this does not cause proper
effect. This diabetes, which is more common is less serious. Only by food control, exercises and
performance of Yogic exercises, diabetes of around 30% of the patients can be controlled. Rest of
the patients have to consume tablets for diabetes. In some cases such patients may also require to
be injected with insulin.
In order to prevent side effects which are either short term or long term side effects, the
proportion of glucose in the blood has to be controlled. In case of healthy person the proportion
of glucose in the blood gets controlled automatically This proportion is in the range of 70Jo 110
mg/dl but once a patient gets diabetes he has to be careful to maintain this standard.


More than 140 mg/dl

110 mg/dl 140 mg per day
140 mg/dl 200 mg per day
More than 200 mg/dl


One can say that, a patients diabetes is under control when:
1. No signs of diabetes are noticed.
2. The weight of patient is maintained.
3. The proportion of glucose in the blood is not abnormal.
4. Proportion of ketones in blood is controlled.
5. Content of cholesterol and triglycerides is kept within required limits.
By regular and proper treatment diabetes can be controlled. There are mainly three treatments
for control of diabetes: (1) Food Control, (2) Physical Labour, (3) Medicines and Insulin.
About 30 % of the patients can control diabetes through food control. Of the rest, 30 to 40 % of
the patients, one can reduce the need for medicines. Besides, it is possible to stop the side effects
of diabetes pertaining to heart, brain, eyes and kidneys, both in long and short spells.
1. Initially besides the ideal weight for a diabetic patient after observing his age and height.
One should work out the number calories daily needed, bearing in mind the weight and the daily
activities of the patient. For instance, if the patient is over weight, food with lesser calories
should be given to achieve reduction in weight.
2. See that the change in the type of food that other members of the family consume, is least
affected while serving the diabetic.
3. One should not consume sweet and fatty foods like ice cream, sweets, biscuits, chocolate
4. One can freely consume green vegetables and salad like cucumber, tomatoes, carrots,
cabbage etc.
5. Instead of taking food by filling the belly twice it is advisable to distribute eatables over four
to five occasions so that the amount of glucose in the blood gets regulated.


Morning Breakfast:

Qne cup of tea or one cup of skimmed milk.

2. Two numbers of Khakhara or two whole wheat sliced bread or two Rotalies or one Bhakhri
or one Rotalo.
Mid-day Meal:

Rotali-3, or Bhakhri-2 or Rotalo-1 or whole wheat bread 3 slices.

2. 50 gm. Vegetables where tubers are excluded; cooked using the least oil.
3 One bowl Dal.

Two table spoonful of pulses (mung, math, grams etc.)


Two table spoonful of rice.


One roasted Papad.

7. Green vegetables and salad freely with a little Chatni.

Afternoon Tea-time:
1.. One cup of tea or one cup of skimmed milk.
2. Two Khakharas or two whole wheat slices of bread.
3. One seasonal fruit.

Simple advice for food to a diabetic patient:
1. Sugar, jaggery, crystal sugar, honey
2. Sweets, Chocolate.
3. Dry fruits - Almonds, cashewnuts, pista, walnut, coconut, cheese, cream-desserts,
sweetdrinks, condensed nilik, fried savory eatable like Bhajiya, Vada, Kachori, Pettis,
Mathiya etc.

4. Pickles, sauces, soups.

5. Maida,cornflour, custard, jelly, sweet biscuits, icecreams, ghee, coconut oil, palm oil,
sweet fruits, fatty mutton, chicken, fish.
1. All types of grain viz, wheat, corn, bajari, rice, pulses viz, munga, matha, tuvera, broad
beans, black gram, groundnut.
2. Milk, curd, lassi, fruits, non-sweet juices, unsweetened bread and unsweetened biscuits,
non-fatty mutton, fish, eggs etc.

Salad, raw tomatoes, cucumber, radish, carrots, cabbage, green chillies. Bottle-gourd,
pumpkin, green onion, flower cabbage, water melon, sweet melon.
2. All leafy vegetables.

Rasam; thin vegetable soup without cream.


Lemon water, thin whey, tomato juice, soda, green coconut water.


Drinks without sugar, skimmed milk.

Physical labour occupies a very important place in the curriculum of a diabetic patients. The
patient should accept both physical labour and regular exercise as a part of daily routine. A
diabetic patient should perform aerobic exercises such as walking, running, swimming, cycling
and flexibility exercises of Yoga-abhyasa.
1. You can maintain the proportion of glucose and fat in your blood.
2. You can reduce the need for medicine and insulin.
3. The capacity of the heart and lungs will increase.

Reduction of weight helps the patient in cure of disease.


One gets mental peace and gets sound sleep.


Exercises carried out in a haphazard manner are likely to result in harmful results. It is essential
to get a thorough medical examination by an expert doctor before beginning a programme of
exercises specially after 40 years of age. It is especially necessary to get examination carried out
for disease of the heart, high blood pressure, disease of kidneys and retina.

Only those diabetics having Type II diabetes can be treated by oral medicines. Medicines help in
production of insulin and adds to its working capacity. When a patient controls food intake and
exercises regularly; even after this precaution if diabetes cannot be controlled, medicines of this
type are recommended. If such patient maintains a higher proportion of glucose in the blood even
after consumption of medicine, patient is advised to take insulin. If obese patients reduce their
weight by restriction on diet and by exercises, diabetes can be controlled even without use of

Normally those patients who suffer from type-I diabetes or those whose type-II diabetes cannot
be controlled by medicine are advised to take insulin injection. Doctor only can decide the
quality of insulin and its quantity. Therefore, follow his advice. Never make a change in the dose
of Insulin even though you may feel well.
Dr. Mayur Patel advises young or old diabetic patients who have perverted mentality to take
recourse to method of contemplation on Yoga as recommended by us. One 12 years young sindhi
boy was habituated to get insulin injected, 2-4 or 6 times a day depending on his whims. He was
brought to Ashram and to Yoga class for consultation, but it was found difficult to control his
wanton mentality. It is essential to keep insulin under lock and key so that such patients do not
inject insulin themselves or if they do they do so in the presence of near relatives. As otherwise
this ambrosia type life saving medicines could prove a poison which will snatch away life.
1. Preserve insulin if possible in a fridge.
2. Do not store insulin in the freezer but store it in the side of the door.
3. If it is not possible to preserve insulin in a fridge, store it where the atmosphere is cool,
direct sunshine does not get in, for instance, in a water room or in a closed cupboard.

Be careful to see that the insulin syringe is for the same capacity that is mentioned on
insulin bulb, e.g. you need an insulin syringe of 40 I.U. mark.

5. When you fall ill, proportion of sugar in the blood increases whether you consume food
or not. One has to even increase the amount of intake of insulin. Therefore, get the blood
tested. Test for acetone in the urine should also be undertaken. Thereafter the quantity of
insulin should be suitably adjusted by doctor.

Carry the insulin in a small bag along with you while traveling.


Eat regularly and be regular to inject insulin. It is not advisable to observe fast


Implement the following suggestions in order to control diabetes and avert side effects:
1. Take regular meals as planned.
2. Take medicine in fixed quantity and at fixed time.
3. Be regular in exercise / Yoga-abhyasa.
4. Do not make any change in the medicine unless proper advice is taken.
5. Even though you notice no trouble, get your physical examination regularly carried out.
In the beginning let this examination be monthly When you get a control over quantity of
glucose in the blood you should get the examination every three months.
6. Get blood examined for glucose as advised by your physician.
7. Get the examination carried out for glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb Aic). One can find out
by this test whether diabetes was under control all throughout the past three months.
8. Get your blood pressure and blood lipids tested regularly
9. Get the blood and urine examined annually to establish that there is no defect in the
10. Get fundoscopy of the eyes carried out annually and get teeth cleaned and examined
11. Daily examine your feet and skin regularly If you have got hurt and if it has got septic,
contact the doctor immediately.
12. Do not smoke.
13. Do not drink alcohol.It is definitely possible to control diabetes by triple action of proper
medical advice, proper diet and necessary exercise. But all these three occupy their
special importance. So far as the Yoga-abhyasa is concerned if one practise all the
Yogasanas that one knows, it is helpful to control the insulin and maintain the glucose
level to a certain extent. Even then it is essential that novice should start practice of
Asanas under direct supervision of a Yoga tea
cher who has medical knowledge as well as knowledge of science of Yoga. Diabetes can be
cured by Asanas, process of Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha etc. properly practised.
To begin with, one should start flexibility exercise, Trikonasana and Suryanamaskara. Gradually
and in proper order one should practise main asanas viz. Sarvanga, Matsya, Hala, Paschimottana
etc. Shitali and Shitkari Pranayamas have good effects on. internal secreting glands. A habit of
daily drinking water in the morning can have long telling effects. Morning water should be taken
on empty stomach. Water need not be too cold or too hot. Drinking four or more glasses of
potable water and then performing Suryanamaskara for four or six repetitions will render blood

In addition if one can drink tepid slightly salted water seven to ten glasses quickly i.e if one
performs Kunjal kriya by vomitting out all the water in a stream, it can give best result. The
topmost quality purification work is performed by Shanich prakshalana. In this process water is
to be drunk and some light exercise should be continued, one should continue performing light
exercise and thereafter one should take out all the water through intestines and the colon
whereby perfect cleanliness of the intestines is ensured. Diabetic patient can be highly benefited
and diabetes can even get cured. In this process one has to perform Tadasana, Tiryaka Tadasana,
Kati-chakrasana, Ashva-sanchalana Mudra and Udar-akarshana.
In my tour through America, this Shankha-prakshalana process was exhibited very often at LosAngeles, California, Texas and North Carolina States. In those demonstrations so many doctors
and Shri Thomas Kao, the well-known anchor of NBC and ABC television programme, who is
also a joint director of the international China Yoga association had also participated. It is
necessary that the very first process of Shankha-prakshalana should be carried out only under an
adept and experienced Yogacharya. This exercise can be performed by diabetic patient without
any fear at every two months interval i.e five to six times in a year. Kunjal knya every day in the
morning and practice of Shankh-Prakshalan have been found to be a panacea for a diabetic

Tadasana (Fig46a)


Tiryaka-tadasana (Fig46b)


Kati-chakrasana (Fig46d)



kriya (Fig46e)


Normally Yaugic treatment centres specify Maha mudra, Viprita-paschimottanasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Akarnadhanurasana, Mayoorasana and Kakasana (Bakasana or Padmabakasana)
for the purposes of relief in diabetes. It is possible to help the working capacity of pancreas and
the working method of the kidneys by a regular practice of these asanas.
Janushirasana, Mahamudra, Paschimottanasana, and Viprita-paschimottanasana, Shirangushthasana or Hastapadasana are all Asanas of the same family wherein pancreas gets
massaged and its working capacity can be improved.
Sit on the ground with the legs extended in front. Widen both the legs. Put the heel of the left leg
at perineumand with both the i.e at the joining line between the two legs. The right extended leg
should not be allowed to bend at the knee and with both the hands hold the thumb of the right leg
and touch your forehead on the right knee.

Kakasana (Fig-48)
karna-dhanurasana (Fig47)

Janushirasasana (Fig-49)
When you begin performing this Asana, it is quite possible that you may not be able to perform
this Asana perfectly, in which case you may instead of right leg thumb, catch hold of the heel or
even the knee. Initially, remain in Janushirasana for 30 to 60 seconds and increase the period
from one and a half minute to five minutes.
Sit on the ground with both the legs extending in the front. Raise both the hands while taking a
deep breath. Now exhale and bend forward. Hold the thumb of both the legs with both the hands.
Keep the knees straight. Let the head touch the knee.
This is called a Head Knee Posture.
Head is to be brought down to the knee. The knee has not to be raised to the head.
After sitting with the legs extended in front, keep the left leg on the right thigh. The left hand
should go round the waist and should hold the thumb of the left leg. Extend the right hand, hold
the thumb of the right leg and bring the head down on the knee. This position is called Baddhapaschimottanasana.
Sit in the position for Mahamudra. The right hand should be taken from the front of the leg and
left hand should go over the head and hold the paw of the leg from behind the head. This posture
is called Viparitapaschimottanasana.



(Fig51) Viparitapaschimottanasana

Stand erect. Keep both the legs touching each other. Take a deep breath and keep both the hands
up. Now go on exhaling. Bend in the front. Place both the hands on the ground on both the sides
of the legs. Touch the head on the knees. Do not bend the knees. Hold the breath outside. Stand
steadily in this bent position.

Padahastasana (Fig52)

Stand with both the legs kept 2.5 to 3.0 wide. Hold both the hands on the back side of the waist.
Now bend the right knee in the front. Bend down on the right. Bring the forehead or the head

right upto the thumb of the right leg. Extend the left leg on the left back side. Do not bend from
the knee. This posture can be repeated bending on the left also.

Sit in Vajrasana. Keep both the hands on the ground. Keep them so that both the palms remain on
the ground and fingers of hands point towards the knees. Now bring both the elbows to touch the
belly Extend both the legs behind. Knees should remain straight. The whole body will be now
balanced on the paws of the leg, palms of the hands with elbows under the belly. Keep the whole
body absolutely horizontal.
Now push the whole body slowly on the front side. As the head continues going forward, the
body will balance on the elbows and upper hands. Raise both the legs together slowly The body
will get balanced on palms of the two hands. Maintain steadiness in this Asana from 30 seconds
to 5 minutes.

Mayurasana (Fig54)
Sit on the floor with legs stretched out. Bend the right leg at the knee and set the heel firmly
against perineum. Bend the left leg at the knee and lifting it with the support of the hands, place
the left foot by the side of right thigh so that left outer ankle touches the outer right thigh. Keep
the shin of left leg perpendicnlar to the floor. Now turn the trunk 9Q0 to the left. Pass the right hand over
the left knee, firmly catch hold the left foot with right hand. Move the left hand back and rotate the waist. Turn the
head over the left shoulder. Give full twist to the spine. Remain in this posture for 30 seconds to one minute and
gradually increase to three minutes.Repeat the same process on opposite side also.



The practice of Mayurasana and Ardha-matsyendrasana is found to be very convenient and a cure for the disease of
diabetes. Science is vast. There are many details. Even if a little is practised regularly success in care of the disease
can be achieved to a very great extent.

This is a happening which took place 25 years back. I was then attending Mumbadevi Sanskrit
Mahavidyalaya of Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay to study Sanskrit. My residence was at
Babulnath temple on the Chowpaty In those days also the Satsang organised by Divine life
society of Malad, Bombay was held on Saturday night itself. There was a Satsang hall situated at
the hospital of late shree Nandlalbhai V. Suchak. During those days both Smt. Sharana and Shree
Han Om Sharanaji used to stay at the hospital of Dr. Suchak. Hence the saturday night satsang
was full of nectar-ifiled Bhajans and Bhakti. During one such nectar full Satsang where Bhakti
(devotion) was continuously pouring in; Dr. Suchak had an emergency call.
One couple had brought in a youth for emergency treatment. The youth was quite healthy, yet he
could not control his restlessness. He was suffering from an inexpressible, indescribable, ununderstandable grief. The doctor had a heart to heart talk with the youth after asking the couple
to sit outside. In short this is the narration:
The youth was coming from a small village of Kachha, a district of Gujarat. He was very happy
seeing the grandeur of Bombay Both his sister and brother-in-law would go out for work in the
morning and would return late at night. Khimjibhai (youth) used to live in the 13th story flat of
an 18th multistory building and used to eat and drink cold materials every morning, noon, and
evening. All this was a one-way traffic. The huge flat had three rest rooms but this chap had
never seen latrines at his village with no water taps. In this building provided with corner to
corner carpets, this American styled restroom did have everything from flower-vase, scented
flowers, properly fixed paper rolls, a small library with magazines etc. Everything was beautiful
but this did not look like a country latrine. This poor fellow got overwhelmed. He went on eating
for three days. But where should one go for evacuation? It was not fair to ask !!! Can any one be
bold to ask such queries?
Dr. Suchak had moved around the world. He took the youth to his private rest room and asked
the compounder to inject enema. The bowels moved and the youth was all right. When he came
in the hospital he was absolutely out of mood but he went back fully happy You may say that I
am joking; is it not? But that youth while leaving the Satsang repeatedly thanked Dr. Suchak.
One could thereafter gather that the youth could not contain his curiosity He said, Oh! This
Bombay! One has to accept! There are buildings over buildings and shop over the shops! A bus is
fitted above one ground floor bus! Oh God! One whole train is seen running over another! Well
that is O.K. But this doctor, oh! His treatment! It was a terrible job !!! Oh! One cannot even
describe it. But how can I stop narrating it! Oh God! My head was severely aching. I was
shouting and collected people around me but this doctor is so adept, he performed a miracle! My
head was giving me pain but he injected me at the bottom. And the pain in the head could not
stay for a minute more! What a treatment !!!
This is neither a drama nor even a farcical story. There is one truth; one cannot have pain in the
head; pain in head is no disease but one can get pain in head as a result of so many diseases!

Pain in the head is felt all over the forehead from one end to the other You can have light pain.
There may be terrible pain and one can feel throbbing pain also. Half of your head may also give
pain and the complete head can feel solid tight. It can remain for a few moments and can extend
for hours and days together. There are umpteen reasons for pain in the head.
One can describe the main reasons and types of pain in the head as under:
1. One can have pain in the head as a result of ligaments of the neck or the jaws having
been strained. As a result of influenza, sensory nerves and arteries of the brain get
2. One can have half the head giving pain as a result of migraine
3. The sensory nerves of the brain gets weakened as a result of over intoxication as well as
smoke of the intoxicants, cigar smokes, intoxicants entering and going down the throat or
the nose by snuffing or consumption of drugs or chemicals which have intolerable effect.
4. pain in the head could be intolerable and terrible if gets pus in the ears.
5. There can be pain in the forehead if one gets conjunctivitis of the eyes.
6. It is quite possible that pain in the teeth may result in the pain of the head.
7. If something hits the head, if one is dead tired or if ones feelings gets hurt.

8. One can have a temporary bout of headache if one has had no sleep in the night, or one
may get wet in rain and one catches cold.
9. One can feel pain in the head when we do not find any interest in conversation, or if a
drama or a cinema is not found attractive or if the circumstances are not of our liking and
10. And in the end we may mention the matter discussed in detail in the very beginning
where we talked about indigestion or constipation, which can result in very painful
effects in the head at least for a short period.
In short we can say that pain in the head can result because of the disturbance in the system of
any organ. It can result due to disturbance in working of eyes, nose throat, teeth, ears, brain,
waist, spinal column, kidney etc. Really the trouble may be found somewhere else but as a result
of the difficulties one can have pain in the head. If patients suffering from headache get
medically examined then 75% to 80% of the patients will notice no big difference on the normal
living standards. We can divide headache into three classifications:
1. Vascular headache.
2. Tension headache.

3. Psychogenic headache.
One cannot diagnose a disease by learning about headache. We are normally habituated to take
aspirin, anacin, aspro, or avedana an ayurvedic tablet to have an immediate effect on sensory
nerves but such tablets do not permanently solve the problem of headache. These tablets relieve
ordinary headache. But it is necessary to get complete medical check up if headache is being
suffered for a long time or if a headache is chronic. One should try to find out main root causes
and proper diagnosis is required. For example if there is some defect in the brain, if lumber
puncture has been restored there is some other ailments, then the headache resulting from these is
different from headache one feels when blood pressure is increased. In the case of migraine onehalf side of the forehead and temple goes on paining. One can have headache due to fever or due
to vomiting and if the pain is due to effect of bites your headache will subside if one vomits. A
variety of conditions result in headache. The conditions and reasons for headache in males and
females can be different. As for example, ladies suffer more headaches through migraine. One
should not try to alleviate headache in case of pregnant ladies. Pregnant women, who suffer from
eclampsia, result in increase in death rate very heavily This condition can only be known if one
observes headache in pregnant women. If one comes to know of that headache in time, blood
pressure can be treated quickly and that lady can be saved from getting unconscious or getting
convulsions. This way both mother and child can be saved. Thus for pregnant women this type of
headache is known as eclampsia. Therefore on knowing about the complaint of headache in
pregnant ladies, proper, essential and immediate treatment should be undertaken.
Besides this, very young children can have headache due to very weak eyesight. This complaint
can be solved by proper examination of the eyes and fitting spectacles with correct numbers.
Sometimes it so happens that eyes do not call for very strong glasses and the doctor may not
advise but it is found helpful to wear glasses when headache is noticed. Young girls feel that
putting on spectacles could result in reduction of beauty hence they do not use spectacles. Now it
is possible to get lenses which can be fitted on the pupils. But people do not welcome such a use
fearing infecti6n. But this will definitely weaken the eyes and it is possible that headache may
become chronic.
Headache can result by habit of reading for long periods, reading in moving vehicles like cars,
buses, trains or in flights. Besides the habit of reading or writing in insufficient light can also
result in headache.
By the practice of Yogasana and Pranayama sensory nerves of the brain can be made quiet and
peaceful. When a man feels peace in the sensory nerves the amount of headache can be reduced.
Headache which you feel repeatedly will be less and it is possible that headache may hardly be
Yoga is one very useful treatment. There is effect felt on blood pressure by the faulty habits of
getting up and sitting down, sleeping as well as bending backwards and forward and the effect of
this blood pressure is felt on headache. Therefore in the event of headache, one should not do any
process by jerking the body The process of taking deep long breaths can greatly affect and give
rest without any end to the sensory nerves of the brain.


For this Pranayama, sit on crossed legs keeping the waist erect and head, neck and back in a
straight-line vertically Sit steadily and peacefully As far as America is concerned; you are not
accustomed to sit with crossed legs. It is no use getting disappointed for this failure. Sit on a
chair keeping the back straight. I)o not cross the legs but hang them straight so that heels and
paws remain on the ground and parallel to each other. Keep the waist belt loose. Also keep the tie
in the neck loose. If you have put on a coat, take it off and put it on a hanger. Sit peacefully
without any tension feeling light. Breathe deeply and slowly Exhale also very slowly Carefully
observe that belly expands forward when you inhale and the same is contracted in when you
exhale. If we breathe in and out in this manner maintaining full awareness it will be possible to
keep the sensory nerves free of tension. You will feel relief in the headache (see Hypertension).
Sivananda Pranayama exercises can also be carried out in sleeping posture on the ground. This
Pranayama is named by us as Sivannda Pranayama. Sleep with your back on the ground. Now
bend both the legs from the knees so that both point upwards. Concentrate your mind on the solar
plexus (navel). Now start breathing deeply and slowly You should be aware that you are inhaling
and exhaling. One reaps full benefit if this exercise is practiced on empty stomach. The
performance of this Sivananda Pranyama for a period of ten to fifteen minutes with mind fully
quiet and composed will relieve headache and is known to be a very useful panacea for blood
pressure, mental tension, and irregularity of the stomach (see Hypertension).
One can reap advantage of Shirsasana and Sarvangasana by this Mudra. It is a rule applied to the
Shirshasana and Sarvangasana that if you have pus in the ears or eyes are weak and those
children who are younger than 12 years should not execute these Asanas. But under all these
conditions one can lie in Viparitkaranimudra.
1. Lie flat on the ground with face upwards and back on the ground.
2. Keep the legs together. Keep the palms of the hands facing the ground, keep the eyes
3. Take a deep breath and raise both the legs. You should breathe out when your belly is
pressed and hold the back from a bone which resembles a ring known as ilium-pelvic.
This way the head will lie on the ground. The portion from the shoulder to the waist will
lie at 45 degrees and the portion from the waist to the thumb of the legs will make a 9O*
angle, that is, a right angle to the ground.
4. Go on breathing normally In this position your head will get plenty of blood supply.
5. This Mudra or Asana gives you long life and helps the heart to send enough blood to the
6. If it is not possible to lift the back you can get partial advantage by keeping face up on
ground and raising the legs either on a table or a cot or up along the wall.

Viparitkarani- Mudra (Fig-56)


One should sit in Padmasana to perform Matsyasana.

Lie down. Sleep on the ground with body supported on both the hands and maintaining


With the support of both the hands keep the scalp of head touching the ground in the
reverse direction.


Hold both the thumbs of both the legs kept in Padmasana, with both the hands.


Breathe normally


If you cannot perform Matsyasana while sitting in Padmasana, you can sit in Vajrasana


If you can neither sit in Padmasana or Vajrasana, you may lie down flat on the ground
face pointing upwards. Keep both the hands under the buttocks and take the head on the
back side so that the scalp touches the ground. This is an easier pose of Matsyasana (see
Asthma -1)


Sit either in Padmasana or Vajrasana.

Keep the hands on the back. Hold the left hand wrist by the right hand.


Now inhale slowly


Lower the head in the front. Let the forehead touch the ground.


Try to hold the breath outside. Do not strain. It is essential to see that while you perform
this exercise both the knees and buttocks keep touching the ground. (refer Hyperacidity)

This Asana is similar to Yogamudra and is performed while sitting in Vajrasana.

Sit with your legs folded behind in a manner similar to position occupied by Muslim
friends while they sit for Namaj.
2. Raise both the hands while you inhale deeply

Raise both the hands at 9Q0 to the ground.


Now lower down the hands, head and the torso in front of the waist, slowly


Keep the palms of both the hands on the ground. Keep the elbows on the ground. The
head will thereby ouch the ground.


This position is found to be very easy.


While you come up, breathe in. (see Hypertension)

In addition to the above you can, of course, perform chanting of Omkar. Bhramari Pranayama
and Yoganidra also. While you are chanting Omkar your mouth remains open. While you carry
out Bhramari Pranayama mouth is closed. But in both positions we are getting ample blood
supply to the brain. In addition,the heart suffers less labour in circulating. blood to the brain. It is
better if both the exercises could be preformed while sitting in Sukhasana, Padmasana,
Vajrasana, Siddhasana or Swastikasana. But if none of the above sitting postures are easy for
you, stretch the legs in the bed. Keep the back erect and practise the above exercises while
sitting. There is no error in above description. Even if you carry out regularly daily, methodically,
scientifically and with full interest, you will save yourself from great dangers.
Nehabhikramanashosti pratyavayo na vidyate,
Swalpamapyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat.
(Gita 2/40)

are known to eat hot Jalebi and milk in early morning when they suffer from migraine.
God alone knows how far this can help. But if after cleaning of the teeth in the early morning, six
to eight glasses full of ordinary drinking water is taken in and if after cleaning the teeth while
you clean tongue you press inside of the tongue all water will be belched out. This process is
known as Gajkarani process. Practice of this process is definitely helpful in curing migraine.

One of the friends of a doctor friend of ours suffered from epilepsy. This is a story pertaining to a
period when the youth was studying in the university Once the youth suffered an attack of
epilepsy in the university clinic itself. He was not aware of removal of his watch by a
compounder or the nurse. Once he had fallen down while going on the cycle. Someone pinched
his purse then. Later on it was learnt that youth used to have an attack of divine epilepsy (!) He
would shout out any time how very fearful the shout would be! He will then become unconscious
and then the attack would be so severe that even eight able-bodied persons also could not hold
him in place. Some surprising information he used to dance he would sing.... he would talk in
Sanskrit.... Tie would even address his father as a Vatsa! Chiranjiva He would address his
father as dad also. He will not ask for any food for days together! Even if he has taken food he
will say he was hungry! In those days K.E.M Hospital in Bombay was considered the best. This

is a narration about 30 years old. The family had got all investigations carried out, even the
priests were called, red chilies were burnt! Ultimately it was understood that the youth got cured
by some benediction of a spiritual Guru!!
It is learnt that if a man suffers from epilepsy, people nearby would insert spoon in the mouth so
that the patient does not bite his own tongue. it is also understood that people keep shoes,
ammonium salts, or even crushed onions before the nose of the patients. Epilepsy is of two types.
In one a man just feels that he is getting epilepsy attack and immediately he suffers convulsions.
Any man is an ordinary human being. He may be staying in India, America or England. In our
country people will undertake to invite Raandal-mata. The Gorani will visit and will also have
violent head shaking. But this type of drama goes on a wide scale in the overseas countries.
People would narrate Swamiji I Heaven is a shorter distance from here, hence the Gods and
Goddesses as well as Uhuvas can very quickly send the message. This would also apply to
epilepsy convulsions.
But the epilepsy attack or convulsions that one suffers because of imbalance of psycho-mental
processes as well as problems 4connected with nervous system fall in quite a distinct
classification. These are real. It is necessary that this ailment is, properly treated, especially the
disturbance produced in the working system of cerebrum causes at the level of consciousness,
certain conditions in the sub-conscious parts of the mind. Because of the disturbance in this
consciousness, the body gets convulsions.
We can divide out this major epilepsy in two parts. One is symptomatic or idiopathic where the
cause is hardly known or we can classify them as (1) Grandmal (major epilepsy) (2) Focal
seizures (3) Petitmal (minor epilepsyl (4) Psycho-motor attack.
The medical treatment for the above assumes many forms. In the ailment known as Grandmal the
patient becomes unconscious suddenly; his whole body convulses and it is possible that his face
as well as hands and feet toss about restlessly This can happen at any age. A child or a person of
any age after birth can have convulsions. At that time there is suffocation of breath and patient
becomes unconscious. This also affects urinary system and a patient may urinate in that
condition. Mostly this type of condition does not last long. The patient regains consciousness
quite quickly and after getting consciousness the patient immediately starts sleeping. This sleep
is deep and sound. When he gets up after such a deep sleep he may suffer headache, vomiting,
giddiness, hands and feet may have cramps and mind gets restless. If the patient does not become
conscious and convulsions are repeated in the unconscious stage, this condition is known as
status epilepticus. Normally young children suffer from petit-mal. In that condition their eyes
get strained, the eyeballs are pulled up, they may see with squinted eyes. They may go on
speaking etc. This type of condition is classified as daydreaming or indistinct and improper
behavior. This petit-mal could end in childhood or it is possible that it may turn in a grand-mal.
Those who are intelligent, alert, and fully conscious people r hardly suffer such Petitmal epilepsy
Many different types of medicines are used to cure this disease of convulsions. The main purpose
of most of these medicines is to ensure cure of the disease by consuming the least quantity of
medicines. Normally such medicine has to be continued for a period of five to seven years. It is
especially necessary to continue the treatment for quite a long period after the last bout of
convulsions. For cure of this disease an operation is hardly called for. Especially when the reason

for convulsions is intra-cranial space occupying lesions then only the decision of performing an
operation is required to be taken.
The most important fact to be gathered is whether the convulsions are a result of social or family
circumstances or whether these are a disease which is inherited. It is quite likely that mental
tension due to family circumstances bring convulsions. This neither be called an ailment nor can
it be classed as social curse. This is a condition resulting from individual bodily incapacity. So
long as the person suffering from convulsions consumes medicines regularly till then that person
should be allowed to undertake big and small works, harbouring no fears and necessitating no
personal supervision. One should not allow such patients to work from a position of high altitude
or near some place full of water. It is in their own interest if such persons do not drive. There is a
danger to their life if they drive. In America or countries abroad such persons should not be
allowed to go swimming in the sea nor they be permitted to play water games. If they are to be
married their electro-encephalogram (E.E.G.) should be normal. The wife and husband should be
both made aware of this situation. If with full knowledge of the disease both the parties are
happy to get ahead then only the relation should be established. Such conditions are not
permanent nor are they dangerous, but it is a fact that situation on hand is definitely not normal.
Hence one should not turn a deaf ear nor should one be careless about the fact.
So many times it may also happen that particular type of circumstances or situations may cause
convulsions; e.g. fear of examination may bring in convulsions, some social events causing
displeasure may also result in convulsions; one may get convulsions on feeling the loss of a near
relative by death. In such circumstances where convulsions are experienced once only, one has to
be treated with medicine for. 4 to 6 weeks but if convulsions repeat 2 to 4 or more times, the
medicine dose should be increased and then gradually reduced or even stopped if no necessity is
felt. However, for a patient of repeated bouts of convulsions one should not be careless and
should continue the treatment of some special medicine for a fairly long period.
If we observe some one suffering from such convulsions while we are passing along a road we
should shift that person from the middle of the road, to a place on side where it is quiet and
breeze is blowing. He will suffer less suffocation if his clothes are loosened. He needs to lie
down normally. In order that he may not chew his tongue and may not damage his teeth some
soft padding should be introduced in between two rows of teeth.
If a child gets convulsions the child must be admitted immediately to the hospital. It is not so
essential in case of an adult, but we cannot overlook the possibility of meningitis in case of
A person who gets convulsions should be kept in social surroundings which would encourage
him. He should be kept away from such conditions which can make him feel dejected or
sorrowful. If one ensures that such a patient always remains happy, joyful, and enthusiastic, it is
possible to keep huh fearless.
The Nadi-shodhana process which is a part of Yogaabhyasa is an unfailing panacea for mental
peace and composure. We are normally not aware of our inhalation and exhalation. This is such a
process which is self-propelling. Our body has nine openings for conveying sensations by
sensory nerves and performing actual work. But the nose is the principal opening by which we
perkyn respiration. If one keeps oneself slightly aware of this process then a very good
achievement can be had in avoiding cerebral disorder.

One has to make use of Sukhapurvaka Pranayama for purposes of process of Nadi-shodhana.
Nadi-shodhana is also known as Anuloma and Viloma. If respiration is performed through
Puraka and Rechaka and without Kumbhaka then it is known as Nadi-shodhana through
Anuloma and Viloma.
For the purpose of Nadi-shodhana one should sit with crossed legs and the back vertically
straight in a balanced steady manner. Thereafter inhale through left nostril and exhale through the
right nostril. Again, breathe in by right nostril and breathe out through left nostril. Do not be in
any type of haste while inhaling as well as exhaling. Inhale very very slowly; very deeply When
we breathe in we should be aware that we are breathing in and equally we should be aware while
we exhale. This type of awareness is essential. In addition ensure that the belly expands when we
inhale and belly contracts when we exhale. Do carry put this process as slowly as possible. Do
not breathe in or breathe out hastily or with jerks. The more the deeper inhaling the more is the
effect. The manner of deep and controlled respir4ion supplies oxygen in abundance and solutions
of psychosomatic problems gets strength. Respiratory system is the main stand for mental
If the respiration process is regularized, the convulsions that one gets due to latent fears, doubts,
misunderstandings or mental problems can surely be reduced.
Uttana-padasana, Viparitakarnimudra or practice of Sarvangasana can be helpful to pump in
blood to the head in extra quantities. Although it is true that head gets maximum blood by
practice of Shirsasana, the patient of convulsions should under no circumstances practice
ordinary Shirshasana. For such patients, there are other methods to take blood circulation to the
head. One can sleep with face pointing upwards on a table or a cot keeping the head hanging
down. In this process the back is at the bottom, belly is in the top, both legs are kept together, the
palms of the hands point downward and head hanging. In this position the head is at a lower
level than the heart. Therefore the head gets supply of blood in greater proportion. This excercise
should be performed initially from half a minute to one. minute. Gradually the time could be
increased between five to ten minutes. Even after performing this exercise it is essential to
perform Shavasana as in the case of Shirshasana. We should perform Shavasana for half the
period for which we perform the main Asana.
One should lie supine on the ground. Raise only one leg in the first instance. It is necessary that
knee remains straight and leg situated up, up to 30 degrees. Repeat this procedure by the second
leg. This Asana is called Ekapada uttanapadasana thereafter carry keeping both the legs together
initially start with 20 seconds, slowly form a habit of remaining in uttanapadasana for a
minimum of one and half minute.

Ekpada -


This exercise adds to working of respiratory system and its efficiency The working capacity of
body increases due to this exercise. Self confidence increases and reduces the thoughts of.
weakness and dejection to almost nil level.

Uttanapadasana (Fig-57ii)
Both Viparitakarni-mudra and Sarvangasana can be very helpful in alerting brain with its sensory
nerves and system of consciousness and understanding.
For this Asana one has to lie down on the ground with face upward and start lifting both the legs
slowly Do not bend the knees. Do not make any hurry nor give any jerk or use any force. In the
beginning while you raise the legs take in a deep breath, as the belly gets pressed go on releasing
the breath. When the chin touches the chest balance the body by use of both hands.
While returning from the vertical position initially lower the legs towards the head up and when
you feel balance of the body you should keep the support of the body on both the hands and
bring down body slowly on the same side where from you raised it. Let the back touch the
ground first then the waist, buttocks, heels and so on. Rest in Shavasana thereafter. If a person
has pus in the ears or a person suffers from epilepsy or if he suffers from cervical spodylosis, that
person should not perform Sarvangasana. Those who suffer from high myopia, that is whose
eyes are very weak such person also should not perform Sarvangasana. It is advisable that
children under age of 12 years should not perform Sarvangasana because thereby their natural
growth may be held up. People who suffer from any of the difficulties described above can
undoubtedly perform Viparita-kavani- mudra. This exercise is also similar to Sarvangasana but
for Sarvangasana the chest is brought right upto the chin and touches the chest where as in
Viparitkaranimudra one has to support the bones of the heaps. In this Viparitakaranimudra we lift
the legs in a manner similar to Sarvangasana, but while so raising, the waist is raised then the
body has to be supported by a bone which is in a shape of a ring which is a circular bone of
pelvis. The body is kept straight at that level. You will thus form an angle of 45 degrees between
navel and the chin. Uttanapadasana, Viparitakami, Sarvangasana, Shirshasana, form the same
family of asanas which are in the higher or lower series. The practice of these asanas adds to the
main strength for all round development of consciousness and alerts the mental and intellectual
system of consciousness.

Sarvangasana (Fig 58)

As observed earlier, if the reason for convulsions is psychosomatic these Yogasanas and
Pranayama will revitalize the patient and his life will be rejuvenated. In short for the complete
bodily and mental composure it is essential to have all these fine processes resulting in complete
and perfect working of respiratory system, blood circulation system, digestive system, genitourinary system and nervous system. A patient of convulsions can profitably use the process of
turning the neck from right to left and left to right on the front side and back side us well as
turning the head in circular motion in both directions.
Bhramari Pranayama with sound created similar to the humming of the black bee and chanting
very long Omkara helps upgrade the nervous system tremendously.

Regu1ar practice of meditation, good reading, good thoughts, positive and decisive thinking, the
company of enthusiastic and full-blown people can render mental composure and joyfulness.
I am getting cured. I am already cured. All round beauty is streaming, whatever is, is Gods
creation, I am also a creation of God. God is there in everything visible, everything discernible.
God is inside me, these hands, legs, head, chest, belly, happiness, unhappiness, bliss, space and
everything is God. I am infinite, I am integral, I am a stream of happiness. Think thus in this train
of thoughts. Remain joyful, Fits (convulsion) will definitely be cured and you will be fit.

A good place for rest and change of air named Mussourie is situated near Dehradun in the north
of Uttar Pradesh in Bharat. At Mussourie one institution named Shree Lal Bahadur Shastri
National Academy of Administration is situated. There used to be one director Gurucharanlal
Juneja. Prior to this appointment he was chief secretary of Government of Orissa as well as food
secretary of Government of India. Even in superannuating, recognizing the efficiency and
suitability, government used to reappoint him on jobs one after the other and kept him engaged.
The day he reached Mussourie; it rained heavily. One cannot vouchsafe the reliability of cooked
meals, varying seasons on the mountains and living human beings. These three can get spoiled
any time. Shree Juneja slipped as a result of sudden rain and had suffered three compound
fractures. He attended his welcome programme in a wheel chain Within two days only, in the
whole academy, steps on staircases slopes were provided. Shri Juneja went on moving on wheelchair for almost six months.
One of our devotees Shri Nayanaben had been to Haridvar. The friends had entrusted a number
of items to be delivered at destination. Hurriedly, as Haridvar station approached she observed
that the luggage was found to be missing; she hurried up but the train started moving. While
alighting from the train in a hurry, she fell down on the platform. Three months were spent in
bed, then a walker and thereafter crutches. Even now she needs a walking stick.
One Shri Malaya, grandson of late Shri P.S.Patel of Ahmedabad went up on terrace along with
his friends and cousins for flying kites. While running after a kite he fell down. There was a
shout, oh! Malaya has fallen down! Malaya did fall, got up, approached grandma and started
asking: Grandma, I fell down; will I suffer? Grandma asked, Wherefrom did you fall down?
Malaya replied, From the terrace! Grandma looked in his innocent eyes and said Oh, never
mind; go and play All the children went back on the terrace for the kite flying.
These are three instances. Shri Gurucharan Juneja Saheb had no difficulty in getting food and
drinks. Daily on two occasions, he was served meals at specified times. He had tea and breakfast
in the morning and evening. He used to be supplied milk, fruits etc. meals full of nutritive items
but he did not exercise at all. How much did this officer walk? From bed room to bathroom and
there from to dining table then to the car! The car was run by a driver The office bag would be

lifted by a peon; the orderly would give the shoe shine; how much exercise the officer got? The
officer had to shave himself, that is all!
Oh but Naynaben remains very busy, she would visit the Ashram and go round cleaning and
sweeping. Wash bathrooms and latrines. She would clean the latrines and make them clean like a
pooja room! Idleness could not even touch her. But for food she was absolutely zero. Today is
Monday therefore a fast, Tuesday would be spent without a drop of water, even on Wednesday
she will take salt less diet, Thursday was one meal day, over and above these on the fourth of a
month she will observe Ganesha Puja, on the Ekadashi she will observe fast, only drinking water.
Her daughters would go on complaining but she would hardly listen! For her husband she had
even donated one of her kidneys but looking at her satvik tendency, efficiency and enthusiasm in
all jobs, her body was not fed with enough fuel and vital energy.
Malaya was a young child, he would eat, drink and run about in full mood, go on mock-fighting.
He was therefore strong!
The main reason for osteoporosis, brittleness of bones, is paucity of exercise. Although one may,
take exercise, if one keeps the habit of not performing ones own personal jobs, even then if the
food intake is not having sufficient calcium, bones can get weak and can break. Therefore to
keep human body, specially the bones, in efficient condition one should consume proper food,
take walks and take proper and necessary exercise also.
There are two parts of the word osteoporosis --- osteo and porosis. Osteo means bones and
porosis means porous. This porous means it becomes full of miniature holes and hence it
becomes brittle. Due to osteoporosis bones become thin, weak, and strength less. Because the
bones gradually lose the main elements, on a long run bones get weak and osteoporosis results.
Ladies are affected more than the males by osteoporosis. This difficulty is noticed more among
ladies who cross the age of 50 to 55. I
Because of the bones becoming thin, possibility of breaking and cracking of the bones increases
in the three parts of the body. These are 1. Spinal column 2. Thigh bones in the waist 3. Wrists
of the hands.
Pain in the waist, bending from the back, formation of hump can take place.
As the thinning out of the bones starts the vertebrae of the spinal column gets affected first.
Slowly the strength of bone, shape and efficiency goes down gradually With the increase in age
the capacity of the bone performing work, lifting weight, and the working efficiency of joints of
bones get reduced. Because of the paucity of exercise, as a result of insufficient and improper
food, the complete bone structure starts getting immobile. No new supply of strength is made
available from outside, the stream of power which is stored in gets reduced due to deduction of
calcium. This results in the complete bone structure getting deteriorated and we start proclaiming
that now the health has started going down hill. Besides, with the increase in age the
production and working efficiency of living cells decrease, resulting in decrease in efficiency of
the body to a huge degree. The living cells play an important role in maintaining the strength of
bones. As the level of estrogen gets reduced, osteoporosis and similar conditions increase. The

specific reason for such a situation is that we do not take sufficient exercise. It is the paucity of
exercise that is mainly responsible. As the bodily activity gets reduced, the strength of bones
decreases. Only regular exercise can rejuvenate bones and muscles. When we perform exercise;
or we go on long walks, swimming or horse riding; or if we do jobs which calls for bodily
labour, the muscles force the bones to perform works. Because of this compulsory duty, bones
become more strengthened and also add to their dimensions. The cells of the body structure and
the bones need proper food, which is supplied by increase in blood supply and oxygen by faster
blood circulation.
Complete test and absolutely insufficient exercise and allowing life to be spent for a long period
without exercise creates big deficit of calcium in the body The deficit can push our body causing
unimaginable strange situation of trouble and difficulties.
By insufficiency of calcium in the food, complete paucity of exercise in life and over
consumption of alcohol, puts a big cut in the production of calcium in the body
Under such circumstances if one consumes milk, curds and milk products in nutritive food and if
one consumes vegetables and different items where from sufficient calcium can be had and if
people also practice Yogasana and Pranayama; bodies can be rebuilt in a solid way and the
structure of bones can be rejuvenated.
One cannot look at osteoporosis both in America and India from the same point of view. In India
people are accustomed to get all the household and allied works carried out by servants and
hence Indians have to be instructed to become self-reliant by lifting up their mattress after arising
from the bed and cleaning and mopping ones own room, cleaning the bathroom by a broom after
finishing bath, drying out bathroom; washing and cleaning own utensils after breakfast, washing
clothes after bath, walking to bus stand, sitting in Vajrasana after meals, going for a walk in the
morning and evening for long distance, working by oneself in the garden, watering lawn,
mowing, cutting and cleaning vegetables, preparing Chatni etc.
People need a maidservant for sweeping and mopping; for washing of clothes, Maharaj as a
cook, separate Gardner and driver, a different Aaya for looking after children. Every house, at
least needs one maidservant for works small and big! This is not as in America. There, each one
looks after jobs pertaining to one. In India we are short of milk supply now days because of
shortage in availability of milk from cows, buffaloes or goats; milk prepared chemically is made
available. Only those who are sick hardly get sweet-lime (Mosambi). In America it is not
possible to live unless you load your fridge by cans of skimmed milk, milk with 4 and 8% fats
and juices of a variety, packed in tins. Even then those in America who suffer from osteoporosis
have of necessity to seriously take medical treatment, food with full awareness and take
We have earlier discussed flexibility exercises at length. Any one can without any fear sit on the
ground with legs stretched out straight on the ground, and exercise the parts of thumbs of legs,
soles, ankles, leg muscles, knees, backbones and thigh bones, waist, spinal column, fingers of
hands, palms, wrists of hand, elbows, shoulders, chest, belly and stomach, neck, eyes and
muscles of the face.

In addition to these flexibility exercises even when no food is consumed one can no doubt sit in
Vajrasana, by sitting in the posture similar to posture occupied by Muslim friends while they sit
for Namajkeeping the legs turned behind, the bones of knees and bones in the leg with its
muscles including tibia-fibula and other bones as well as ankles of the legs and fingers of the
legs get a good advantage.
To perform the flexibility exercise known as butterfly exercise, one has to sit with legs extended
in front. Thereafter bend both the legs from the knees. Thereafter widen both the knees. Thereby
heels are nearer the body now hold paws of both the legs by both the hands. Now move the knees
in such a manner that it resembles the butterfly moving its wings up and down. Heels must
remain touching each other and as near to the body as possible. This exercise helps bones of the
thighs, pelvic girdle; cover bones of the knees and joints of the paws of legs.
Now repeat this exercise by holding the knees. Heels and paws should remain touching each
other and remain very near to the body now hold the knees and press both the knees downward
as well as upward position.
In the third process of the exercise stretch left leg forward; raise and lift right leg and put it on
the left thigh. Now move the right knee initially from top to bottom and bottom to top and
thereafter in a round circular motion. This process must be repeated at least 10 to 16 times.
In the above-described manner now straighten the right leg; put the left leg on the right thigh.
Thereafter left knee should be moved alternatively up and down, as well as down to up.
Thereafter move the left knee in a circular movement. This process should also be repeated to 16
This flexibility exercise is very simple. Young and old alike can perform this exercise without
any danger.
In the same manner flexibility exercise, rolling of abdomen and hip rolling can also be
Sleep on the ground with face upward. Put both the hands under the buttocks. Keep the head
raised; supporting by elbows keeping the hands right from the shoulder straight up. And
shoulders should rest on the hands, that much portion of the back should not touch the ground.
Now raise both the legs together to 30 degrees and take them in clockwise and thereafter anti
dock-wise directions for 7 to 10 times on both the sides.
Now bring the head and shoulders on the ground keeping both the hands under the buttocks.
Then turn the body lying under navel round and round. You can also sleep with face up on the
ground. Keep both the hands in line with the shoulders in straight line and try to touch the right
leg by the left palm and left leg by the right palm. This will give proper exercise to all the
vertebrae of the spinal column, waist and bones of thighs as well as scapula, humerus, upper
arms, elbow, ulna, radius, joints of wrists of the hands.
The patient of osteoporosis can also practice Asanas called Kati-utthana and Setubandha.

Setubandhasana (Fig-59)
Spread a fourfold blanket on the ground. Lie with your back on the ground in a face up position.
Keep both the legs together, keep palms of both the hands on the ground. Now bend both the
knees. Keep the knees touching each other. Both the heels and paws should also be kept touching
each other. Now take the weight of the body on the hands and lift the waist. Maintain this
position for sometime; this Asana is named Kati-utthanasana (see Backache). Here the back
remains lifted up. Now support the waist by both the hands. Keep both the upper hands up to the
elbow from the shoulders parallel to the ground; the hands from the elbow to the wrists should be
straight at right angles. The support of the hand will be given to the waist from down under. Now
straighten both the legs on the ground slowly; knees should not be bent, heels and paws should
be touching the ground, legs should touch each other. In this fashion the shape of the body will
resemble a fly-over bridge. This Asana is named Setubandhasana. This Setubandhasana if
practiced will give exercise to the joints of bones of the shoulders, bones of the elbows, and
joints of the bones of wrists, fingers, whole of the spinal column, bones of the waist pertaining to
the thighs, knees and ankles of the leg.
After performing the above light exercises one should perform one after the other, Katichakrasana (see Diabetes
- 3), Trikonasana and different types of Trikonasanas, Suryanamaskara, Bhujangasana,
Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Halasana, Paschimottanasana, Ushtrasana, Suptavajraasana etc.

Supta-vajrasana (Fig61)

Shalabbasana (Fig60)

All the Asanas should be performed for a short time without any haste and Omkar and Bhramari
should also be executed. If one takes in enough milk, consumes raw shredded cabbage and keeps
the mind happy avoiding fickleness of mind, can definitely have a body which is undoubtedly

The glands inside our body work much more than the senses we observe outside of our body We
can perhaps make a statement tat inside in depth of our heart an unfathomable and immense
ocean is throwing up its waves in a much greater proportion than the ocean tat we observe
The breathing system and blood circulation system, digestive system, genito-urinary system and
bone structure keep the body working. In addition to these, there are many glands which secrete
hormones internally One of them, of great importance, is thyroid gland. This thyroid gland is
situated inside our neck and has a shape of a butterfly it weighs around 16 to 24 Gms. During the
last several years much information has been collected about various types of diseases of
malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. That is exactly the reason why, although the matter looks
small, all the details assume big importance. These details must not be neglected.
There is one hospital situated at Adipur near Bhuj city in Kachha district of Gujarat. This body is
managed by local divine life society One doctor named Ruchani was a chief medical officer of
this hospital. One day while driving he felt that there was darkness spreading before his eyes.
Luckily at that time the road was carrying no traffic and he could stop the car on one side. What
happened was momentary! But what could happen, if there was heavy traffic? On the spur of the
moment we could not understand the reason but after necessary medical examination and
investigations it was established that he suffered from a serious thyroid problem.
The food we eat has many salts. Out of this iodine element reaches the thyroid gland through
blood. Out of the iodine sucked and collected by the gland, hormones named T3 (tri-iodo thyronin) and T4 (Thyroxin) are manufactured. These manufactured nutritive hormones circulate
in the blood and reach various organs of the body These hormones enhance the activity of
metabolism in the body, thereby all the organs and tissues connected with the organs and its
metabolism get activated.
Thyroid is an endocrine gland. This gland works in a manner similar to air-condition plant. When
the metabolic system works more than required, internal secreting gland forces in lesser

secretions, thereby creating a balance in its activity and maintaining proportion of metabolic rate
in the body.
When we want to welcome bride-groom at the entrance of the marriage pandal or when we want
to welcome saints at our home, we welcome them by applying a 'Tilaka" at the place between
two eyebrows. What could be the reason for applying an "Tilaka" only at this place on such a
broad forehead? Under our brain, in the head a gland called pituitary gland is located. This gland
by secreting TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormones) controls the working of the thyroid gland.
When the thyroid hormones are comparatively lesser than required in the body then TSH secretes
more and thyroid gland tries to maintain the required proportion of T3 and T4, just similarly
when the amount of hormones goes beyond the requirement, pituitary TSH stops from
manufacturing thyroid hormones. In this fashion both, these glands control the secretion by each
relying on the other. Whenever anyone of the glands, out of these two, develops a defect the
other gland also suffers in performing its duty. The effects of either gland is felt on the working
capacity of the body and perfect ness of its working suffers heavily.
When the thyroid gland functions lesser than required, this condition is called hypo-thyroidism.
However if thyroid works more than required amount that condition is known as hyperthyroidism. When the gland works properly it is known as euthyroidism. The gland can have
swelling, tumor or even cancer under the latter circumstances the gland works in an irregular
manner. So it either works more or less. As a man ages his thyroid gland results in very big
effects in its working capacity. In many circumstances it so happens that when this gland starts
working less in aged people, the functioning of the body becomes irregular and such patients
exhibit different types of abnormal symptoms. If a very young child suffers from this disease the
child remains lazy A trio of Honorary Assistant professor of endocrinology from NHL municipal
medical college of Ahmedabad and of Sheth Vadilal Sarabhai Hospital Shree Jayeshbhai Sheth,
Ph.D. and his colleague tonsultant pathologist Dr. Bipin Shah, M.D. and the well-known family
physician Dr. Niranjanbhai have undertaken the study of hypo-thyroidism in Gujarat by
collection of data from examining 40,000 patients. The summary of the results is as follows:
1. The patient will always feel idle, remain lazy will have no interest in any work and even
during the day he will feel sleepy
2. Patients body will have swelling, he will go on adding to his weight. These symptoms are
discernible in most of the patients. Swelling will be mainly observed under eyes and on faces as
well as on legs. It is not of any importance to know what and how much the patient eats, even if
he eats less his body weight will increase.
3. The patient hardly feels any hunger and constipation becomes chronic
4. Ladies loose hair, skin gets dry and moisture less, itching may also be observed.
5. Ladies get very irregular menstruation. Sometimes the incapacity of the working of thyroid
can be the only cause of barren-ness.
6. One may feel suffocation in the neck, the sound may become heavy, and sound may not
emerge out. This can be a daily occurrence. Ordinary treatment may not cause any improvement.
Face may become pale, and one becomes sorrowful.

7. Mental power reduces. Memory reduces. One finds no interest in performing any work.
Concentration is reduced. Man may become inefficient in his business. His working capacity will
suffer and ebb.
8. When one becomes sorrowful one may get depression. When such symptoms are noticed
after pregnancy in ladies, between 5 to 30 % of the ladies have an irregularly working thyroid
9. Endurance capacity reduces. Even if a slight increase in cold is observed or the atmosphere
feels cooler, the desire to put on warm clothes increases; one cannot do without covering the
body when sleeping, one cannot bear the working of fan or an air conditioner.
10. The working capacity of the heart reduces. The beating of the heart and pumping capacity
reduce which can result in further diseases.
By having a birds eye-view of all these symptoms, it can be understood that in the condition of
hypo-thyroidism all the activities of the body slow down and flaccidity results.
Newborn children show this disease by altogether different symptoms. In this disease newborn
babies get an effect of slowing down their bodily development as well as mental development.
Such children are found slow in all the processes pertaining to the development after birth. If this
disease is diagnosed in time and properly treated the newborn babies would develop like normal
babies. Therefore if on birth the children have any symptoms of laziness or paucity of normal
development, these children should be properly and immediately treated. If this is done, then
their life will be fully lustrous. A general survey has revealed that one child out of 3000 newborn
babies suffers from the ailment of hypo-thyroidism. This is known as congenital hypothyroidism. Such children lead a life of death-like condition. In all the developed countries, it is
normal to get the thyroid scanning performed for each newborn baby. The later the diagnosis, the
more the effect on development process of the brain hence if any defect is noticed in the
scanning immediate and proper treatment should be given.
When the thyroid gland becomes overactive, the body works with extra speed and the speed is
more than the necessary speed. This over activity results in so many changes and defects:
Weight reduces. The only reason is that the thyroid gland works at an increased level.
Although one may be regular in in-take of food, weight goes on reducing.

Heart beats more and one feels confused.

(iii) Sometimes such patients look as if they have big eyes and their eyeballs are projecting. In
this condition it is also possible that both the eyeballs can lean on one side.

One does not digest the food well, resulting in diarrhea.

(v) Body feels trembling. Anything held in the hand may not be held with ease. Hands also
may tremble. The trembling of the hands is quite visible.

(vi) There is sleeplessness. Mind is confused. The nature becomes peevish. Mental imbalance

Ladies can have symptoms of irregularity in menses with more profuse bleeding.

(viii) One may find a swelling on thyroid gland in the neck. (ix) One may feel warm, one may
perspire profusely hairs starts falling.

The condition of the eyeballs jutting out is called Exophthalmic Grave.

(xi) As we have earlier observed the thyroid gland depends on supply of iodine for manufacture
of hormones. Body gets this iodine from daily food intake. Our body needs around hundred to
hundred fifty micro-grams of iodine. Quite a few areas like hilly tracks, places on riverbanks
cannot supply enough iodine to the body because of denudation of the land. Under such circumstances thyroid gland becomes bigger because of greater working capacity required. This
condition is known as goiter.
Over the whole area of Asia 500 million people live in places, which are deficit in iodine and 200
million people, suffer from shortage of iodine. In our country Bharat, 120 million people live in
areas, which are deficit in iodine. In such areas because newborn babies suffer from shortage of
iodine, the development of their both physical and mental organs is not enough. The shortage of
iodine in food can be corrected by use of salt where iodine is added; one can add iodine in oil
used for food, in milk etc. That is the reason m our country salt is sold after adding iodine. It is
advisable that people in all areas consume this type of salt. In all the western countries and
nations, there is an awareness of need for iodine in food.
When a patient exhibits goiter, the gland can either work more or less than normal proportion.
This can be examined by testing thyroid hormones (T3, T4, TSH) some patients require thyroid
antibodies to enable the estimation of extent of damage to the gland.
Many a times, it is observed that the proportion of iodine in food in-take is proper, still hypothyroidism, is observed. Normally this ailment of thyroid reveals through hypo-thyroidsm,
cancer of thyroid as well as swelling on the thyroid glands. When the proportion of thyroid
hormones is ample and there is no goiter, a man does not need any medicine. The gland of
thyroid may develop thyroid nodules. Here both inside as well as outside the gland there seems
to be swelling or a tumor. A proportion of 5 to 7% of the people exhibit this disease. Ladies
suffer from this disease to a greater extent. In this ailment a patient is prone
To cancer of thyroid. In 90% of the patients this tumor is found to be benign. Very few people
suffer from cancer of Thyroid. Even then every year, of the 10,000 patients contacting this
disease 1000 persons meet their death. The proportion of this disease is more observed in
patients who either have cancer of the head and throat and who are treated with radiation or
radiation might have been accidentally received.
To diagnose this disease one has to mainly carry out calcitonin (tumor marker for thyroid cancer)
sonography and take a cytology (FNAC) examination. The examination of thyro-globulin is
helpful in diagnosing cancer of thyroid. To diagnose the disease connected with thyroid gland
one has to test for T3, T4, TSR, free T4, thyroid anti-body, TRH examination, thyro-globin and
calcitonin. Of the above T3 T4, TSR is main examination, however examination of antibodies of

TRH is required in specific cases. It is compulsory to take medical advice immediately on

knowing about defective thyroid. To treat the ailment of hypo-thyroidism a medicine called
thyroxine is commonly used. These diseases can be cured completely Timely treatment is
necessary. By this type of awareness and treatment a patient can regain his normal health and feel
no further difficulties.
When the children are very young there is no use of Yogavidya to them. However, if the patient
has passed the age of 12 years he can maintain his working capacity by performance of
Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Ralasana, Sinhasana, practise of Shirsasana where feasible. Besides,
one should practice Shavasana and Pranayama, inclusive of Omkar and Bhramari in order to
maintain working capacity very well. If a patient is recuperating from loss of working capacity
then one can awaken the special capacity of thyroid. The practice of Ujjai Pranayama is found
very useful in such cases.

Sinhasana (Fig62)

For performance of Ujjai Pranayama, inhale through both the nostrils and exhale through both
the nostrils or the left nostril. The breath should be taken in and released in such a way that there
is a very slight touch felt on the glottis situated in the throat. Initially control the breathing in and
out in the proportion of 1:2. Slowly form a habit of Kumbhaka. Most important point to observe
is that we should entertain a feeling that Every moment I am getting improvement. The trio of
doctors treatment, exercise or Yoga-abhyasa and mental composure, will give you a boon of
perfect, happy and composed health.

Varicose veins are veins, which have gone weak, have lengthened and have swollen. Sometimes
one cuts a joke and calls these veins as Vanity veins. When the valves of the deep veins
become incompetent, the veins situated in the legs get weak and blow out. Varicose veins are
now a day caused by the effects of fancy eatables and drinks of the present day besides the mode
of life and the method in which one lives has an effect on this problem. However, for the general
information, it can at least be said that it is good to be aware so that problem of varicose veins
does not start. Once the devil of this disease takes hold it may be possible to arrest the pain
caused but it is impossible to completely eliminate the disease. That is why it is said that it is
better to remain aware and alert from the beginning instead of treating the disease after the
disease takes hold. This disease is not otherwise serious and there is no danger to life through
this disease. Perhaps the unfortunate part of this disease is that people are not properly and fully
aware about the treatment of varicose veins.
One should remember here that it is not necessary that all the veins that you find in the leg may
be varicose veins. On the contrary those persons who are very healthy and composed, having

strong muscles and who are at least playing various games can also get varicose veins. Such
veins of the sportsman are known as Athletic veins.
The people who as a result of business or profession, have to remain standing for the whole day
or those who have mainly to go on walking, who have not to sit at all, the veins of such people
get little dilated than necessary because of the higher pressure of blood in these veins. When we
suffer drought in our country municipality had reduced the size of water supply line and
connections tapped there from. In short, where in a locality, main water line was of 4 diameter
the same was reduced to 3 or 2. In such a situation, it was bad luck of the country that there
used to be such people who bribed the workers to convert their main connection from 1 to 4.
Under such circumstances those who had got 1 or connection reduced from 4 did not even
get water supply at all.
We can thus understand that when the veins in certain part of the body become widened the other
part of the body gets lesser or improper and irregular supply of blood. We know that as a result
of defect in the valves of the heart or irregular pressure and flow of blood from the heart to artery
the flow gets affected, in the same way in the imbalance in the working area of the arteries and
veins, because of the improper and undesirable changes, the working capacity of the heart gets
In the case of ladies, irregular menses, pregnancy or repeated delivery as well as very quick
deliveries, and miscarriages, including the menopause time, it is very much possible that the
varicose veins may result. Some ladies deliver six-seven or eight children over a very short
period and they take salt less diet in some months thereby the efficiency of the body which had
already been insufficient, results in varicose veins, because of insufficient nutrition. They also
suffer from dilatation of the heart and even after so many treatments such ladies have very short
life span.
People who work in lime, kilns, cupola or in iron ore foundry or those who work in cement
company where cement is produced by wet process, have to work for whole day standing
opposite the burner, go on remaining standing at one and the same place continuously for eight
hours. Because of the effect of heat of the kilns they get blood supply from the heart without any
proper control in the leg.
Under such circumstances, initially the enemy enters in silently and quietly the varicose veins
and as a result of which sudden heart failure cannot be ruled out.
There are people who lead imbalanced life, the nutritive elements in the food are missing, they
have such problem in life which are insolvable and besides these, they have hormonal
disturbance due to which the valves of the veins become weak and inefficient or the walls of
veins become weak. Such veins are called varicose veins in the first stage. If proper care is not
taken at this primary stage, or if one is careless, then the disease gets worst and enters the second
stage. This stage results in blood clotting in the veins.
Even if the normal veins get dilatation, then firm and beautiful build of the body gets ugly look.
It also results in various diseases from time to time. Getting itching, allergy and such other
disease can also result. The most common and well-known symptoms are: untimely, at any
improper age, without any exertion, one feels tired. Besides there may be too much of itching,
legs feel heavy and shooting pain is felt in the legs. People who have such ailment get pain in the

leg to an unbearable degree. Besides in the summer or before the menses in case of ladies or
pregnant women get varicose veins, which results in instability of control of blood circulation
because of the concentration of blood hormones the walls of the veins, become weak and loose.
Big changes in the pain of varicose veins result in final days of pregnancy and before the
delivery because the uterus widens.
In all these situations the best exercise to prevent varicose veins is walking. That is why our
elders used to say Walk long, live long but one should also remember that anything in excess is
bad. It is good to walk long distances but those whose body is not efficient if they go on walking,
such people can also be a prone to this problem of varicose veins. Sadhus and Sadhvis following
Jain religion do not stay in one village for more than three days; they leave the place, what
should be the reason? After a short walk go a little more distance and take rest. This practice may
be continued for eight months and during monsoon one has to stay for four months in the same
village. The scientific purpose of this habit is Samatvam Yoga Uchyate. The life should be
well balanced. The dealings should be balanced. Food as well as movements should also be
Walking results in creating muscle pressure and relaxation of the muscles, thereby the blood
circulation and control is well maintained. Similarly, practice of Yogasana, results in good health
of body and mind. The practice of Shirshasana and Srvangasana helps blood circulation very
well. Even then as we have observed earlier either long walks or practice of Yogasanas do not
remove the defect of varicose veins, once we have got them. Of course it is possible to arrest the
further deterioration. But the great danger is the collection of blood in one spots that clotting of
blood. Blood clotting can occur m any part of the vein and the clot can move with the circulation
of the blood. It can clot in the leg but it can also clot in the vein pertaining to heart or lungs as
well as brain. Condition created at that movement is pitiable and if on such occurrence, quick
medical aid or surgical aid is not available it becomes impossible for the patient to be saved. By
regular practice of Yogasana and Pranayama it is possible to save oneself from such irreparable
situation but once you are affected, emergent proper medical treatment has to be taken and under
such circumstances no Yogic exercise should be undertaken unless the doctor advises. If one falls
a prey to such a situation, the same can be controlled by (1) reassurance (2) support elastic
stockings (3) operation (4) sclerotherapy.
Use of elastic stockings prevents further deterioration but this is not an instrument for cure of the
Normally the problem starts from the ankles of the leg, hence stocking or bandage should be
applied on the leg. One must put on stocking capable of applying 75 % pressure on the leg
muscles and 50 % pressure on the thighs; of 100 % pressure is applied on the ankles by stocking.
If vein is to be operated upon the patient has to be anaesthetized. If the big vein is to be operated
upon, that, if sclerotherapy is to perform, a 3% solution of sodium teradysil sulphate, is normally
used. Under such conditions laser treatment is not of much help.
Those people who have to remain standing for a longer time or have to walk long distances
should keep a pillow under their feet instead of under the head. One may lie down on the ground,
raise the legs and support them on a cot or sofa; this way the advantages of Uttanpadasana can be
obtained. We can also save ourselves from becoming a prone to varicose veins it we perform
flexibility exercises, where we have to sit with our legs extended on the ground, push the thumb

and fingers of the legs in front as well as press them backward. In the same way the whole part
of the leg including sole is to be pressed in front as well as pulled backwards the leg has to be
moved in a circular motion both on the right and the left, keeping the leg on the heel. Give
circular motion to leg also, and while laying on the ground the body lower down from the
buttocks has to be raised and cycling motion is to be performed. Beside all the above flexibility
exercises one should practice Uttanapadasana (Ekpada-uttanpadasana, Dwipada-uttanpadasana),
Ardhapavana-muktasana, Pavanamuktasana, Naukasana, Urdhvamukh, paschimottanasana,
Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Viparitakarani mudra, Sarvangasana and Shirasana. One has also to
perform Bhramari Pranayama and Omkar recitation also.
By sitting in posture of meditation for meditating as well as performing Shavasana, not only
renders relaxation to the legs but the whole body gets relaxed. That is the reason why for Jain
saints who have to walk long distances a rule is compulsorily applied that they must daily
perform Pratikrama, Samayika, and Kayotsarga. This process the ebb caused in the energy of
physical relaxation can make up mental composure and internal forces up with rejuvenated
oxygen supply a tide of vitality can be brought in.

Ardhapavanmuktasana (Fig-63)

Naukasana (Fig-64)

Pavanamuktasana (Fig65)

paschimottanasana (Fig-.66)

It is more essential to ensure that disease does not enter the body rather than to arrange a
treatment after the disease strikes. That is the reason why Lord Shree Krishna tells in Gita that
Whatever little you do should be regularly done. Thereby one can avert big crises in the life.
Swalpmapyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat


If children do not have blood in enough quantity it is a condition, which is causing great pain.
This paucity of blood is known as anemia. The physical and mental development of children is
very much adversely affected by anemia. The children, who are suffering from anemia, stop
adding to their weight and height. They cannot concentrate in education. The children have no
interest in any job what so ever and to the bad luck of children the parents do not appreciate this
apathy Even if the parents know this condition they do not understand any seriousness or even
ignore the children. Even when parents try to attend the development of. Children they are not
capable to understand that development of children is thwarted by anemia.
Generally if a child has hemoglobin less than 12 gin, he is called anemic. But the symptoms of
anemia are visible even before a child goes under 12 gm. The reason is that in other cells of the
body, iron is already lower than required. The main symptoms of anemia in children are less
hunger, hindrance in increase in weight and height, peevish nature, paucity of natural alertness
and vitality. An anemic child loses the disease fighting capacity. Because of this the children get
pneumonia, pain in the stomach and typhoid repeatedly If the hemoglobin goes down lower than
5 gin the heart of the child stops working properly It is not necessary that in India as well as in
the whole world only poor children get anemia. Children from well to do family also are found
anemic. About 5 to 10% of such children pass through serious conditions.
Generally anemia is of many varieties. But mainly there are two types, (1) where elemental iron
is less (2) where there is shortage of nutritive food. Besides anemia, children suffer from
thalassemia. Children falling a prey to anemia are such where 90% of the children have less of
iron or nutritive elements. If the food of children does not contain sufficient iron and protein
children can get anemia. A newborn baby has in its body 0.5 gm of iron, whereas an adult body
contains 5 gin of iron. This would indicate that considering the efficiency of absorption of food
in intestine (this is normally 10%) daily food intake must contain 10 mg of iron. Thus, more 4.5
gin of iron is needed. To meet this target the intestine must absorb and supply to the body a
minimum of 1 mg iron daily Besides this the amount of protein in food should also be enough, so
that necessary amount of hemoglobin in required proportion will be available in the body.
Normally children like bazaar foods. In America such foods are made available by the
widespread chains like McDonald, Pizza-huts, Taco-bell, which market fast foods, toffees,
chocolates, savory, samosa, pizza, pasta, or coke and similar cold drinks. But most of these foods
are made from all-purpose flour (starch); children hardly absorb any protein or iron from such

foods. Even if some slight measure is available it is almost nil. The parents have a wrong
impression that the children are eating something, but what they eat will initially increase their
weight, but later on make them prey to anemia. Nutritive as well as balanced food is available
from home preparations like cooked food, all types of cereals, lentils, pulses, vegetables, fruits,
and milk and fruit juices.
Suppose a child is anemic. It is possible that the child may develop rickets there after which is a
type of bone diseases. It is essential to consult a doctor and get proper examination carried out
immediately in order to establish the need for iron and vitamin B complex in the blood of the
child. Doctors can advise only after full examination. Children suffer from loss of hunger. They
start disliking food. At that time it is no doubt possible to give them medicines for making them
hungry, here the practice of Asana, Pranayama and Dhyana can be of great help to the children
for making them naturally hungry. However, if a child is hardly six month or one or two years
old, it is advisable to give this child, who can hardly understand, required medicine. When a
child is very young the parents should exercise self-control and patience. During my tour through
America, I observed many children suffering from anemia. The parents go to work from the early
morning. The children will eat what they like readily from the refrigerator. When the children
return from school the parents are yet not available, the food then also will be similar type.
During weekends (Saturday/Sunday) all continue sleeping till late hours. The time is consumed
in laundry, weekly purchase and social calls. This way the children are neglected. Although
America has developed on the medical and science fields to a great extent the children reared
develop many physical and mental diseases as well as despondence and dejection. I have observed such children whose height was 10 to 15 cm less for their age and their weight was 4 to 6
kg lower than standard. But in my tour repeated after six months I have observed them quite
healthy because of timely treatment given.
Another common condition of anemia arises from thalassemia. This is a hereditary disease. The
main reason for this disease is insufficient production or almost nil production of hemoglobin in
the body The main type of thalassemia is beta-thalassemia where because of the defect in betachain, hemoglobin goes on reducing.
In the whole world about 18 crores people carry genes of beta-thalassemia. About 2.5 crores of
such persons reside in India only Every year about one lakh children in the world and about 8000
children in India are born with thalassemia. In the whole world children suffer from this disease
except in the country of Cyprus. In India this disease is rampant in North Eastern states, whereas
in America the people who are paid under social security, their children are neglected more;
because the so called social security money is spent out in pubs and bars.
The symptoms of this disease are discernible by the time a child reaches an age of 5 to 6 months
only this disease can be diagnosed by Hb-Electro-foresis or P.C.R. It is essential for the& future
of the child that the diagnosis of this disease is made as quickly and as early as possible. If it is
found necessary, such a child has to be regularly given blood transfusion so that the content of
hemoglobin does not go down under 10 gin. And thereby no defect or harm is caused to any
organ of the body as a result of anemia. Many a times, difficult anemic children require monthly
blood transfusion. Such type of blood should not be obtained from any unknown source or from
professional blood donors because such professional donors lose their original capacity of
hemoglobin recouping capacity of blood.

By regular blood transfusion the quantum of iron in the body of the child is maintained, but it is
quite possible that more iron than necessary in the body could result in damage. It is therefore
essential that every two or three months a test of iron contents be made by a serum ferretin
examination. Children suffering from thalassemia should not be fed red meat, eggs-yoke and
spinach. Such of the items, which contain higher percentage of iron, should not be permitted.
Such condition should be allowed to drink more tea because tenin contained in tea absorbs or
draws in iron element available in the intestines.
The abdominal relaxation process or Sivananda Pranayama also affords an additional advantage.
(See Hypertension)
Spread a blanket or a warm cloth on the ground, spread a cotton towel on the same and lie down
with back on the ground and facing upwards. The main reason for this type of blanket being
spread and sleeping there in is that when concentrate over mind and perform Pranayama, the
energy or capability in form of electrical charge that gets produced from such concentrations
may not be conveyed away to the ground. It is the characteristic of ground to conduct away
electricity hence at the time when we sit for meditation, Pranayama or concentration one should
use a spread which is not a conductor of electricity.
Lie down on your back, bend the legs from knees. Keep equal distance between the legs, see that
the two knees do not touch each other Keep the heels near the buttocks with the distance enough
to ensure that they do not touch the buttocks. Keep both the hands parallel to the body and the
palms facing upwards. Now inhale as slowly as possible and exhale also slowly concentrate on
the navel. Because the mind here gets concentrated on the solar plexus, the mind is drawn away
from surrounding atmosphere hence the body gradually gets relaxed. But the oxygen lying above
the navel and the Apana Vayu lying under the navel both get together and awaken Samana Vayu.
And the energy created thereby distributes any element found short in, any organ is known as
eeshta apoorte poorta. Eeshta means proper, Apoorta. This means lesser and Poorta means
sufficient or enough. Thus whichever element is insufficient in the body the same element is sent
at the spot in enough quantity. In arranging for missing elements in the blood practice of
Pranayama, relaxation, concentration and meditation, play a very major role.
When one lies down with legs bent from the knees and knees pointing upward, the blood
circulation in the thighs and parts of the lower body reduces and intestines get enough good
quantity of blood. Increase of working capacity of intestines creates a new process of sending the
iron that is produced additionally in the various organs of the body in the similar manner one can
sit facing East on Padmasana, Sukhasana, Siddhasana or Swastikasana or Vajrasana on a blanket
spread on the ground in the early morning hours before sunrise and one can practice Pranayama.
The practice of Shitali Pranayama specially is useful for supply of oxygen in a greater quantity.
For the performance of Shitali Pranayama One has to prepare a tube shape by turning the tongue
tubular. One has to inhale through this tube shaped tongue kept in between two lips; the
incoming breath has to be kept in for sometime. While exhaling, the breath is to be taken out
through the nose.
If the breath is simply inhaled and exhaled, this process is known as Anuloma and Viloma that is
Puraka and Rechaka. The proportion of time to be maintained is 1:2. That means to the time
spent in exhaling will be twice the time spent in inhaling, that is, the exhaling is at half the speed
of inhaling. If the breath is to be retained inside then the proportion for inhaling and keeping

inside, then exhaling, and keeping outside will be in the order and proportion of 1:4:2:4. In the
initial stages it may not be possible to maintain the proportion for these four. If it is not possible
in the beginning this should go gradually increased. Never make any hurry or haste in inhaling,
or exhaling. The belly should expand when you breathe in and the belly should get inside when
you exhale. In the execution of all breathing exercises this fact has to be perfectly observed.

Padmasana (Fig67)

Swastikasana ( Fig 69)

Sidhasana (Fig-68)

Sukhasana (Fig70)

For performance of Shitali Pranayama tongue is to be turned in a straight tube but all people may
not be able to achieve this. Such persons should extend the tongue outside the mouth and turn the
tongue inside in such a way that the tip of tongue turns inside towards back of the tongue; you
can then keep this tongue turned in behind the rows of the a teeth and inhale deeply making a
sound like si.......... si............... si................The rest of the rules apply as in the case of Shitali
Pranayama. The latter Pranayama is known as Shit-kari Pranayama. If these two Pranayamas are
performed in the early morning before sunrise, a very good digestive power is observed, hunger
increases, blood gets purified. (1) Proper food (2) correct treatment and (3) the practice of
Pranayama these three have proved very valuable for the production of hemoglobin and
necessary elements in the blood in the pure form (see hyper-acidity).

The patient of anemia should initially start with practice of Pranayama and light exercises like
Trikonasana and its different forms. Thereafter, Sarvangasana and Suryanamaskara should also
be practiced. All these are very natural for the children. If the child is younger than 12 years then
in place of Sarvangasana, child can practice Viparitakarani-mudra. The practice of Yoga-mudra is
found useful for purification of blood and increase of blood cells.
We are the architects of our lives. Do not allow enemy to grow and to be powerful. No sooner
one knows about the existence of an enemy he should be forcefully brought under control. If this
much is done, then well-composed health is easily attainable through Yoga.


On the borders of Bharat at Kargil, Punch, Rajouri, Leh and Ladakh, there is a bitter cold for all
the twelve months and in the winter, barracks are covered by snow and the Army Javans have to
sit continuously in this community residential places. The oxygen contents of the air are also
much less. Under such conditions the Javans should hardly walk 4 kms a day and their stay in
the mountain for longer periods do not allow, blood circulation in sufficient proportions. Under
the circumstances, people living at heights of 1O, 12,or 15 thousand feet from sea level suffer
from reduction of sexual desire. Those Javans who stay in such snow covered mountaintops and
who visit their families for a month or two on vacation after a period of a year or a year and a
half suffer from impotence. When this matter was known to Defense Institute of Medical and
Allied Sciences, which is an Army Organization, they created a special Medical Board to find out
a solution to this problem. It was ultimately decided that soldiers should not go over directly
from snow covered peaks of mountains to their homes but should gradually be sent down from
the mountains to the sea-level. But it was found that soldiers could not afford to remain at lower
levels for six months before returning to their homes.
In those very days Major General M.L. Chibber AVSM, PVSM, Padma Bhushan, Ph.D. who was
the (G.O.C) General Officer commanding of Northern Command invited Sivananda Ashram,
Rishikesh to depute some programme in Yoga and by the express desire of my Gurudev
Pujyapada Shreemat Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj, a training programme of full 40 days was
arranged at Udhampur. Udhampur is the head quarter of Northern Command. A teacher training
Shibir was organized at that place. An order was proclaimed that only those Army officers who
were willing to train other Army officers and soldiers should enroll for this Yoga training
programme for teaching and it should be out of their own volition. Looking at the age of the
trainee officers and the ranks of such officers, 50 trainee officers were given a training of Yogatrainers for a period of 30 days. All those trainee officers used to train 50 other soldiers and
officers daily what they were taught everyday. In this way at the end of 30 days 50 + 2500,
besides other J.C.O.S, totaling 3000 Army Javans and officers arranged a ground and astonishing
Yoga-demonstrations. The Leh-Ladakh scout officers arranged this demonstration.
This training is now introduced in Leh-Ladakh. The response of the Army mens residence in
that area was obtained after six months and it was learnt that they could easily now cover daily
five to ten kms. By walking. In the earlier after snowfall, as the oxygen content in the air

decreased heavily, soldiers and officers were hardly moving out of the barracks. Now they not
only move out but also go in long tracking exercise and are now capable of walking 20 to 25 kms
a day. The special effect of this training was felt on development of lungs, availability of enough
of oxygen and supply of blood in enough quantity to the glands situated in the hollow girdle
bone of back itself. Thereby their genital organs did not suffer any reduction in capacity. They
were already capable both physically and mentally and now their main personal private life
problem was also solved.

male reproductive organs consist of testicles, different glands of epididymis, vas deferens,
semen collection center, ejaculatory ducts and the genitals. There are other procreation
departments like prostate gland, bulbo urethral glands etc. the reproductive system performs the
main job of preparation of the semen and keeping the self-propelled organization of
impregnation ever-ready In addition of course there is the more common human requirement of
satisfying the sexual urge.
Where can various problems arise in this entire system?
They are:
1. There may be some defects in the genitals or in exceptional cases genitals may not exist.
2. The amount of spermatozoa in the semen may be lesser than required or may not be there at
3. Physical incapacity or non-existence of procreation capacity or aversion.
In majority of the cases one may not really find anything lacking in the procreation system of the
male but because of the mental tension or due to advanced age of procreation system may have
lost interest. The most complicated problem of man reproductive system is incapacity of the
semen to procreate. On the procreation area the biggest misunderstanding being created is that
the female may have some defect but in the procreation system of females you can hardly find
any defects. Out of all the problems one third of those are as a result of spermatozoa being
almost nil in the male semen.
In such circumstances described above the males are not impotent. They are abbe bodied. They
are handsome, with firm well-built body, having beautiful structured body and capable of
rendering the lady partner sexual satisfaction through making the genitals capable and vigorous
for copulation. Even then the defect could be in having not enough spermatozoa in the semen.
Normal healthy semen has following details
1. Quantity: between 2 to 5 ml (normal estimate is 3 to 5 ml)
2. Quantum of spermatozoa: 60 to 120 million per ml.

Motility: 80% to 90%.


Morphology: 80% normal (oval head, neck and tail)


PH: acidic.




Fructose: Positive

The most suitable specimen of semen can either be obtained through masturbation or in chemical
laboratory If one wants to have a correct examination and get correct chemical results as well as
get proper estimate of actual situation, it is essential that at least 4 to 5 days before getting the
specimen for examination there should be no wastage of semen. One should not encourage the
specimen of semen, brought in by use of a condom, which is normally used for family planning.
Such types of condoms are filled with certain chemicals, which do not allow the correct
condition of the semen to be retained; the correct position could get altered and thus the correct
report of the condition of semen may not be obtained. No final decision can be arrived at by
basing the outcome on report of only one laboratory exact diagnosis of the disease can also not
be made. Hence it is necessary that after the first examination of semen, 15 days later a second
sample should be obtained and after thorough examination one should arrive at a definite
decision and then only proper treatment should be obtained.
The sperm in a specimen of semen gets affected both in quantity and in capability of procreation
if a person is habituated to take intoxicants like liquor or smoking as well as chewing tobacco;
insufficient intake of nutritive food, too hot a climate or stay in a place where there is
tremendous mid. After repeated testing of semen at three separate laboratories a person can be
branded as an azoospermic or a no-sperm person. These days in western countries of Europe,
America etc. a vegetable known as Marijuana plant also called Cannabis sativa is employed in a
big quantity for increase of spermatozoa. By the use of this medicine the number as well as
vitality of spermatozoa increases to a great extent. In our country experiments are carried out for
chewing and eating green wheat sprouts expecting that this add to power and capacity of semen.
We can call this process spermatogenesis and embryogenesis.
We may now make some observations on the chemical condition of semen.
CRYPTORCHIDISM: In some cases either both or one testicle may be under-developed or
immature or they may remain in the abdomen only In such cases a male although has had a
perfect conjugal and sexual partnership, he will be branded an incapable of procreation. Under
such circumstances even without use of medicines, operation could bring fruitful results.

2. VARICOCELE (tortuous dilated blood vessels in the scrotum): One of the principal reasons
for insufficient spermatozoa in male semen which could result in non-procreation is that as a
result of high temperature in the internal secreting glands of male reproductive system.
3. If there are glands or nodules, which hinder the forceful and speedy ejection of semen, this
could also be one of the main reasons for incapability of procreation.
4. There can be some hindrance or disease inside the tube of the gentile organ like urethritis,
epididymitis, prostatitis etc.

5. It is also possible that some hindrance or disease in the testicles may result in plenty of blood
coming out of the genital organ, which may result in weakness, and procreation may not be
6. SCROTAL HYPERTHERMIA: The temperature of testicles of such persons remains higher
than required for a long period. There are certain persons who work in vicinity of hot kilns, some
persons put on very tight underwear whereas some people take bath with extra hot water. In such
circumstances persons can have sexual disorder, which can be treated by hypothermia. The
persons whose quantum of spermatozoa is found lesser than required, can get a big advantage by
this treatment of hypothermia. But those persons who exhibit no spermatozoa that are those who
are in the condition of azoospermia (no sperm count), do not have any special effect.For the
treatment of hypothermia the special instrument for hypothermia could be used for proper treatment. If following the medical advice long term use of such underwear is made than an
appreciably big difference in number of spermatozoa could be created. You can remove such
special underwear only at time of having a bath or at the time of sexual intercourse; it is
advisable to put on this special underwear for the rest of period as long as possible. This is a
nonchemical treatment. The underwear is easy to put on and is light. By putting this on no sexual
disorder is created. Therefore this is widely recognized.
7.If the prostate gland has grown to a huge extent, it can create disorganization of sexual life. It is
likely that the male sexual life will be imbalance. If a couple has no children and if they are
getting treatment by some medical persons, they should ensure that the personal life of the male
should be examined initially and the problems observed therein should be first solved. Check up
whether sexual life has got ebb as a result of having no children. It is essential that sufficient
investigation should be undertaken for this cause. If a married couple remains childless for a
pretty long period there is a possibility of internal strife but the greater possibility is that in the
sexual life of the male can have insufficiency of coitus.
8.IMPOTENCE: This indicates that one has to spend a long time in the erection of phallus or the
genital organs may be completely inactive or the ejection of the semen may take longer time or
semen may not get ejected at all. Normally such occurrences are a result of psychological
reasons, it is not impossible to get the solution to this problem by psychiatric treatment. Besides
the above, patients suffering from diabetes, renal disease, trauma or consumption of some
medicine for a very long period can also result in impotency in such circumstances one can
undertake: (1) Psychological treatment (2) Medical aids and medicines (3) Vitalizing by
mechanical means or by penile implants.
9.LIBIDO: If a person remain ever ready for sexual intercourse and regularly has a go or if he
continues having daily sexual intercourse, then by such long term habit a man can stop
1O.STIMULATION: The male genital organ should essentially be capable of full excitement so
that the organ should remain absolutely straight and erect than only he can enjoy the intercourse
in a proper manner.If the genital organ is comparatively very short it is known as microfilms. If
the genital organ is having too much of bends in it, this is termed hemi-hyper-trophy. The nonstimulation of the phallus is the main cause of impotence. But males upto to age of 60 hardly
gets impotence due to this reason. If younger people have insufficiency of erection of the genital
organ the main reason could be as described above, namely mental fear, worry, trauma, diabetes,

11.ORGASM: (Experiencing tension at the time of sexual intercourse as a result of physical or

mental stimulation) This is a very normal situation. One does experience very severe stimulation
in the initial stage of copulation as well as during continuation of the process. But before the
ejection of the semen one experiences in this condition the most blissful experience, which
results in, a mental bliss experienced by the male partner. This type of condition is a common
experience, which takes place just before the ejaculation of semen. This is a necessary process.
There is no special capacity found essential for the stimulation that one gets at the time of sexual
intercourse or at the time of ejaculation of semen.
12. Male procreation problem can also arise because of the addiction to alcohol, narcotics, and
tobacco and antihypertensive drugs.
In all these conditions if some mental understanding is achieved, if in the conjugal life some
amount of give and take is allowed and if the couple tries to have mutual understanding,
goodwill and equipoise, then the majority of the problems of procreation by males can be solved.
Yogabhyas removes mental tensions. The working capacity of the body increases to a huge
extent. In addition body gets elastic, mental equilibrium is attained and blood circulation system
gets extra advantages. By the practice of meditation mind becomes pacific and the mental
composure as well as happiness becomes more attuned to understand the life partner for full cooperation in life. By the regular practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation a novel insight,
an inspiration, is obtained for the grasping of the nature all around, atmosphere and the world
All the above discussion points out to the fact that as much more blood should be pumped in the
pelvic, girdle of the waist so that a good solution can be reache4 at for the sexual problem. It can
thus seen that male reproductive disorder could draw a good help by practice of Suryanamaskara,
Trikonasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Paschimottanasan, Bhujangasana,
Shalbhasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Ardha-Matsyendrasana Yogamudra, and Bhastrika
Pranayma, Shavasana, Sukhpurvaka Pranayama as well as meditation. In addition
Karnapidasana, Godohanmudra, Mahamudra and Yoganidra can be practiced for additional help.
1. Lie down with the back on ground. (See fig. 71)
2. Heels and paws touching each other. Palms of hands on ground.
3. Inhale slowly, do not bend knees. Raise both legs. Take both legs on the backside towards
the head till paws of both the legs touch the ground. Exhale when belly gets pressed.
4. The above posture is Halasana. Now bend knees and let Both knees touch both the ears
on both sides on ground.
5. Take both the hands on backside of knees and touch the ears by this process of hands.
This is called Karnapidasana. In this position, there will be ample blood circulation in
pelvic girdle.
6. To return to starting position, make no hurry, extend hands the ground on backside on
back. Extend legs towards the head.

7. Slowly with no haste at all, without bending the knees, legs from present position of legs,
which are near the head, towards the hands, come down, and breath normally.

Karnapidasana (Fig71)


Heels and paws be kept touching each other. Stand vertically straight in Tadasana, palms
of hands touching thighs, with eyes closed and keep an angle of 450 between paws of
both legs. Now try to go in a sitting posture so that weight will be borne by paws of both
legs. To achieve above posture, you will have to widen both the knees on naturally
opposite directions. Now heels will go up from ground and will get nearer to each other
now bring both the hands opposite the chest and make a pose similar to that for milking a
cow. Close the fists, keep thumbs outside the fists and stand in a standing mountain
2. The whole body weight is borne on paws of legs while one sits in a semi-standingssitting posture, with pose as if one were milking cow.

Godohana Mudra (Fig72)

Lord Mahavir Swami realized absolute knowledge in this posture, it is narrated! In this posture,
testicles derive maximum blood flow.

1. Sit on ground with legs stretched in the front thereafter heel of left leg should be placed at
perineum place which is situated on a seam joining scrotum and anus (see Diabetes-3)
2. Exhale and lean forward. The extended right leg paw be hold by right hand, and bring the
left hand from above the head to catch heels of the heel of right leg. In this posture,
testicles get extra blood supply.

Pada. Angusthasana (Fig73)

Sit on paw of left leg; keeping heel of left leg in perineum and right leg is kept in left thigh. One
has to assume a semi standing-cum-sitting posture, balancing on only one paw. In this position,
testicles obtain plenty of blood supply.
1. Lie down on the ground, in a manner similar to Shavasana.
2. Relax the whole body

Feel an experience that fingers and thumbs of both the hands soles of feet, heels,
ankles, knees, leg muscles, thighs, buttocks, belly, chest, palms of hands, fingers and
thumbs of hands, wrists of hands, lower hands, elbows, upper hands, arm-pits, shoulders,
waist, back, neck, both the lips, cheeks, nose, ears, eyes, forehead, scalp of head, arms all
relaxed. (See Asthma -2)


Listen to beating of your heart; concentrate mind on respiratory process. This relaxation
process can aid development of mental power and provide satisfaction in sexual demand.


Lord Shri Krishna has said in Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta that mind is the source of happiness or
unhappiness experienced by a human being. Saints corroborated this statement by a Hindi
saying, which means, If mind loses, a man loses, if mind feels it has won, man wins. It is thus
not necessary that a man facing depression in mind have not necessarily to be of a particular type

or stage of a human being. Beginning with a child till one attains a tottering old age this mental
depression can arise out of any event or situation whatsoever. Our wishes, desires and hopes are
unlimited. Whenever our desires are not satisfied, at that time ego of our mind feels hurt and
responds by a reaction. Mental pain resulting from such displeasure results in anger, this creates
hypertension and if the vehemence or spars of anger is too fast or terribly quick, it can even
result in brain hemorrhage.
If there is any hindrance in achieving excellence, peace and well-defined life, it is human mind
only. A human body is not a solid material it is not even an apparent element, it is also a material
which can be touched nor can it be sensually enjoyed. Existence of a human mind has never been
directly experienced.
Human mind is subtlest element. It is also greater than the greatest. Its vastness has never been
measured. It has remained unfathomable in depth. Even though it is insentient it appears sentient.
It has no adjuncts of sound, touch, form, liquidity or smell, even then if anything seen here gets
out of place; mind takes up a big dispute. On a trained level, where mind is intelligent it is clear
aware and conscious where as a raw-mind can be confused and misleading.
The great commentator Lord Adi Shankaracharya has declared: I am neither mind, intellect,
sub-conscious mind or the ego. If this is so how on earth does it strike that I am not so and so?
Where do the decisions and counter decisions arise? Intellect is an element where rise and falls
of decisions and counter-decisions arise, ebbs and tides also form, where one either doubts or has
faith, where such a mind can decide about the propriety and impropriety, where that mind can
decide about the propriety and impropriety, where that mind can decide and draw conclusions.
When one holds that his thinking only is correct. His decision only should be upheld. His
conscious only could be correct. This type of stubborn and dogged nature indicates ego. The subconscious mind collects all the real and imaginary works, thoughts and events. Mind, intellect,
sub-conscious mind or ego is not separate elements. These are four different forms of one and the
same element operating in four different working fields.
If we keep a red or yellow flower behind a pure crystal, we feel that the crystal is either red or
yellow. Similarly mind also assumes the form of a substance or an item with which it comes in
contact. The contamination of the contact brings the mind to move on a swing of feelings and
emotions. Emotionalism is not a virtue; it is an exhibition of weakness of mind. As a result of
improper contact desires and wishes arise high. When such desires, wishes and hopes turn into
strong inclinations and when these inclinations or impressions are not fulfilled, the ego and mine
ness result in anger, which is absolutely blind. It immediately renders human mind clouded.
Mental aberration is a condition of clouded mind. This hypnotized condition cannot take into
account the propriety or impropriety, the goodness or badness of any action. This therefore, leads
the life towards incapacity of remembering anything. This loss of memory results in destruction
of intellect. This resulting loss of intelligence brings down the edifice of complete consciousness
to the ground as if it were a structure made out of playing cards such an individual not only
destroys his own family but also damages the connected society.
Most important aspect to be ascertained under all such circumstances is the sudden evolution of
such a depression. If the human life very easily and without relation of any complication purifies
the life, the feeling of depression cannot arise at all.

A young teenager girl enters prime of life. Born in a good civilized family, educated up to
graduate level, full of good qualities and very beautiful is this young girl. Even before she
realizes the wishes of the prime of life she comes in contact with a youth. As is usual this social
lane is accustomed to have a go with raw girls unaware of the ways of life; this unwarranted
behavior can create in the life of the teenager girl a flood of feelings, emotions and internal
enthusiasm. The creation and destruction of reality can create a terrible disturbance in the life of
a simple-minded girl. The teenager nurtures in her mind ideas about pure love and pious relation
and such chain of thoughts just goes down the drain; the depression resulting out of such
condition is very dangerous and difficult. Mind is not a toy created from clay. That is why it is
said, The three things mind, pearl and glass once broken cannot be rejoined or repaired. This
is a matter similar to a knot tied in a silk thread; tie a knot once and even though it is opened out
the twist and the wrinkles would not be removed. The serpent leaves the place but the terrible
perversion marks in the dust of the road that thus created, generate a terrible effect and develop
destruction, which is very painful. Entry of a youth in the happy and peaceful life of an innocent
fascinated young girt ruins her. The rejuvenation of life of that depressed teenager is a very hard
task. The occasions like failing in an examination gathering a setback in a love affair, ups and
downs in a business, incidents of honor and disrespect; disturb the mind and cause terrible
depression in the mind. A loss sustained in speculation or in brokerage of cotton and transactions
of shares gives an accidental push, which creates a fall generating depression initially and the
mental tension that results could cause a serious paralytic attack.

Fire cannot be separated from its nature of burning. Similarly mind cannot be separated from its
nature of sustaining ups and down. This process of likes and dislikes, this is good and that is bad
vacillates the mind. This pendulum like movement is the cause of unrest and disquiet. If such
problems do not arise the mind will feel powerless.
The entire nature is made up of three qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas (purity, activity and
ignorance). The result of quality of activity is lust and anger, even a very powerful man may also
fall a prey to lust and anger. Very big personalities are also caught up in the square of money,
women, fame and reputation. When a person is over whelmed by happiness, depression results.
A mother-in-law of a big well-known family expects many services from the wife of the son. The
simple fact that there is a big age difference between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is
not easily gulped down. For most of the time the son and the newly married wife enjoy in their
dream world and the mother-in-law feels panicky about something having gone astray So far the
son used to sit with the mother while going for business and returning there from Mother used to
sit with him for late hours at night; now his love for mother has lessened. Now he has turned
mad for the wife and such other reasons creates depression. The situation is very simple; but the
mothers feeling about her seniority being jeopardized is the feeling, which creates this dislike.
It is but natural that the love that binds husband and wife before the birth of a child gets divided
and distributed after a new baby enters the house. Thereafter the wife is not merely a wife; she is
also a mother. As against all the above facts; if a daughter-in-law assumes full responsibility of
the whole family on a new entry in the house, looks after father-in-law, elder brother-in-law,
younger brother-in-law and young and old alike and family members always go on praising her,
the mother-in-law feels the lack of seniority created in her position and that creates depression.
We are not accustomed to accept the situation as it is. We are not satisfied with whatever we
have, whatever we get, and whatever we obtain. We keenly desire to have what we have not;

what we have not been able to obtain and which we cannot get. We may not be even aware of the
existence or otherwise of an item yet we make unfruitful efforts to obtain the thing of our
All these mental problems are the creators of depression. Psychiatrists consider depression as a
psychological inequilibrium. In such a situation a man nurtures dislike for himself, takes himself
an improper person, feels that he is useless and of no avail, he is wrong, he is sorrowful, he is
helpless and he is absolutely useless. A slightly clouded sky will get cleared with sunrise. But a
sky, which is full of tornado and typhoon, will create terrible destruction before it gets cleared.
The sudden loss of a family member creates a situation similar to an accidental cyclone that
brings in tremendous distress A man surrounded by the pain of separation and who has gone deep
into the eyes of mental depression also falls a prey to the various wrong habits. The man who
gets caught by the demoniacal paws of mental deterioration suffers from two types of depression
(1) Physical (2) Mental. A person can suffer pain in the hands and feet, he may feel lazy, he will
show no interest in any type of work, he will have no interest in meeting and mixing with people.
The bodily pain, heaviness in the head, peevish nature, schizophrenic, not feeling hungry,
sleeplessness, and one feels his life a burden and life feels fully depressed.
The present day situation of the human society reveals that 20% of the population is more or less
in claws of depression, but this depression is like the winter season. With the advent of spring the
trees get new foliage. Some depressions are so shallow, but 25% of the population is
permanently under the claws of permanent depression. This depression can affect anyone, old or
young. This type of depression can affect people of any level in the society; the blood is red
whether you are poor or rich. People may be rich or poor but all are affected to a similar degree
of internal feelings. A very deep examination has revealed that ladies suffer depression much
more than the males. Ambitious people as well as people from the lower strata of society suffer
more from depression. Blind people suffer from shortage of mental endurance power. Such blind
people as well as those who have prejudice about their coming from backward class of the
society also suffer from depression.
Rich people keep green plants and flower vases in their verandas, sitting rooms, bathrooms and
sleeping rooms but these flower vases have to be kept once every two to three days under an
open sky for the whole night to give them dew bath, fresh natural air, draw from moonlight under
the open sky look at the shining bright stars. Similarly every week at least for one day they are to
be brought in heavy sunshine under the open sky it is thus clear that the plant, which gets hot
under the sun, which gets cold under the moon, remains healthy and strong. Similarly if one
closes himself within walls of a house, in the long run creates dejection and gloom, which is the
cause of depression.
As long as the depression creates a life of quietness, apathy, gloom and disinterest, the same
affects the man concerned and at the most the near and dear family members, but if this
depression turns bipolar or mental depression, the nature of the man concerned turns destructive.
This type of condition is not permanent. The depression creates waves in the mind, which are
very painful and troublesome. The person concerned is not mad. A ghost does not affect him but
just as an accidental flood creates destruction, similarly here also individual or the society all
suffer darkness and gloom in the life around.
Whenever a patient suffers a bipolar or mental depression, he hardly knows what he does or he
does not even know what is happening all around him. However, when the bout of depression

subsides, the patient becomes very sorry and feels as if he were living a lifeless non-vital life. It
is possible that he may not find interest in any food or any work. This is quite natural because for
a mind, which is depressed, one cannot expect concentration. The depressed person has his
thinking capacity very much reduced, he feels his strength has reduced, he feels that he is useless
to the society, he is helpless, he is hopeless, not only that but his conjugal life as well as sexual
life gets entirely depressed. He may only think of death or suicide. It is quite possible that such a
person may resort to suicide.
In the attack of mental depression, one type is a destructive activity but a person can also be too
much talkative, as an effect of a rush of fast approaching thoughts, a person may accidentally
undertake many activities. Lust increases. The behavior, which is not backed by proper thought,
will result in action, which has lesser efficiency and causes greater loss.
By approaching a psychiatrist, for timely advice and treatment, depression of all types can be
controlled. Two types of medicines are specially employed. Tricyclic or tetracyclic and
monoamine oxide inhibitors (MAOI). All the medicines have to be supported by necessary and
nutritive proper food. Foods like cheese, beer, wine, chicken, chicken-liver etc have a capacity of
adding of tyramine elements in the food. But all these foods also work in increasing blood
pressure. To bring the depression down to nil level it is advisable to consume fresh vegetables,
fresh juices of fresh fruits, sprouted grains, skimmed milk without cream and the like. One
should go for a long walk in the early morning hours in clear atmosphere; one should sit for
meditation early morning, at noontime, in the evening and at night for 15 to 20 minutes. Deep
breathing, Shitali, Shitkari, Sukhpurvaka Pranayamas should be regularly practiced. One should
practice Shavasana, Yoganidra and Suryanamaskara. A study of good books, company of people
of matured thought and positive thinking, company of people who can infuse faith, inspire and
leave deep impression would be of much help. The patient should go on repeating to his mind I
am quite well, I am quite healthy, I am quite composed. He should continue thinking that all
around is beautiful, all around is auspicious, and then everything will turn out beautiful, healthy,
sound and happy
Depressed patient can perform all the flexibility exercises and all the Asanas. However,
Suryanamaskara, Sravangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Vajrasana, Ushtrasana, Shavasana and
practice of Pranayama and meditation will clear all depression and will surely enlighten the life
by rejuvenation and lightening the lamp of hopeful life.

Shree Ravikumar from Sandiago (USA) had been for shopping. He parked his car in the car
parking area, booked the order and directed to dispatch the material to his house. He went to
another shopping complex and returned to his house by a taxi. In the evening the family had
some program for outside tour. They joined together but when they came out they found that the
car was not there in the garage. Oh! The key is in the pocket, where is the car then? The wife

found out a solution, she tried to remember the various places visited. Oh! Yes! Our car must be
in the parking plot, the ticket also is here; payment for seven hours parking charges is a bonus!
Professor Narendra Shukla with his wife came to see me at Daskakas house in Amdavad
(Gujarat), India. They must have spent almost an hour with me. When they left I joined them up
to the gate of the bungalow. I requested them to close the door. Both alighted the scooter. Mrs.
Shukla got down and closed the door; during that time the professor had already left. On
reaching the house professor did not find his Mrs. About fifteen minutes must have passed and
when we phoned his residence professor was in a flurry; where is she? She is nowhere, you have
left her here! One knows professors to be absent minded. This was one unique example. One can
narrate so many such instances. Mrs. gave a long list; kindly bring these items in the evening, but
in the evening no material is brought. Why? The list itself was forgotten.
As an advance preparation for an operation instruments are counted and kept well arranged in the
theatre. On completion of the operation a count is taken of used pieces and those that are left
behind. Why? Exactly to satisfy that through oversight no item is left inside the opened part of
the body, which is ultimately sutured. So many stories of scissors for operation and cigarette
stubs left over in the person operated are a source of cartoons in our country as well as abroad.
We read about this so often.
These incidents of forgetting, not remembering, are something like a ghost of family problem.
We have so many times observed persons trying to remember something and exploring in their
heads; this goes to indicate that the memory is stored in the brain. The head contains two
important organs-cerebrum and cerebellum that is a large brain and a small brain. Besides these
there is a pituitary gland situated behind the eyebrows in the forehead and a penal gland situated
behind it. There are so many other centers for sensitivity and knowledge. If all these organs get
enough food continuously by our awareness, these organs can remain active. Physical knowledge
about the exact spot where memory is stored in the brain is known to a very limited extent. So
many research scholars maintains that memory is stored in a particular part of the brain. Where
as others say that most of the brain is employed for storage of memory. Both these researchers
are to a smaller or greater extent, correct. Medical people working on brain system say that
storage of memory in the brain is divided out in two parts. Initially the matter is remembered for
a short time where as the second part deals with storage for longer duration. In the beginning the
matter to be remembered gets deposited in the compartment where the same is stored normally
for short period, but thereafter if this stored information is not transferred from short time
memory storage section to long time memory storage area, that information is lost to memory.
The research scholar and Pundits of science of the body maintain that there are separate sections
in the brain for storing items to be remembered for different subjects. For telephone system there
is only one main wire but the numbered connections to each house are different. Programme of
different channel is receivable on the same screen; similarly power for memory about different
subjects is stored in different parts of the brain. Certain parts of the brain known as hippocampus
and thalamus mostly store the vibrations of the capacity for memory this part is situated on the
outer side of the brain. This is similar to the bark of a tree. Spatial memories are mostly laid in
this storage house. On the other side of the brain more sensitive elements amygdala and thalamus
get stored. Research students also hold that such of the memories which when stored add to the
working efficiency or intuition is stored at a special place in the brain. Our body contains energy
in the form of Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana and Samans. The Manas or subconscious element is
supervised by the Prana energy this is the high cadre psychological capacity of the brain. It is

known as the heart of the head where higher psychical activities are carried out. Its constitution
or construction is in the front rounded portion of the cerebrum. The memory is stored in this
knowledge preservation part of the brain. The sub-conscious mind is also a principal place for
storage of memories.
This faculty of memory or remembrance power does the job of storing a thought process about
on object or subject in a subtle way and when necessary it does the work of supplying the desired
information. This retentive power is a center for education and contemplation. Psychologists
describe the power of remembrance or the power of retentively in four sections: (1) Recollection
(2) Recall (3) Recognition (4) Relearning. Memory or remembrance is one where on occurrence
of any event or any fact, the same is retained in the brain to a greater or smaller extent. When we
meet a certain person after a lapse of thirty five to forty years, what is the basis of our
recognizing him? During the long period that person must have gone through so many ups and
down as well as ebbs and tides, his form and physiognomy may have turned either black or
white, the physique may have gone obese or may have been absolutely thin, he might be wearing
good clothes, must be using scents, must be well groomed if he is happy or if he has lost in his
business he may be wearing a downiest face, deep-set eyes, dry flying hair, slip-shod clothes,
torn shoes, and husky voice; with all the above changes suffered by a man in the thirty five to
forty years, can recognize him? Yes, a man may change his physique or even the color but a man
hardly changes his nature. Tamarind may be raw or ripe, it may even go rotten but it does not
lose its sour taste. An onion can be opened out layer by layer, yet it will not lose its smell till end.
Sugar can never be bitter. A lime cannot be sweet. Ice is always cold. Heat up milk and it will
surely boil out. In summer you will always have hot air blowing. Sand will feel very hot in
summer and cold in winter. The principal cause of all these is the physical nature of those
materials. A palace may have gone dilapidated; even then on having a look at that broken down
edifice we can always visualize the magnificence of the building. Similarly even after thirty five
or forty five years if a person does not purposefully, with full awareness, remaining fully alert; if
he does not make efforts to change his nature, he can never achieve any change. That is why in
Gujarati we say Lab cannot change his nature a monkey may get old but does not lose his
capacity to jump etc. The power of memory works by method of association. This capacity of
remembrance does the job of sporting out the past and quickly bringing out occurrence without
any dilution. Recognition as well as evaluation is the special capabilities of the mind. Mind does
not commit any type of mistake and can remember events which have happened in the past about
what one may have eaten, drunk or seen or even known and can bring out the exact repetition as
if man is very much known to us. Finally relearning is an element where once a man hears or
sees or learns a thing, he understands it half heartedly but when the same matter again comes
before his mind, he can revive the faint remembrance and from that subject can be known and
Psychologists have carried out ample research in connection with remembering whatever one
should remember or failing that a man shows of forgetting the matter with which the
consciousness of mind comes in contact. Most of the time if we forget anything immediately the
same results in a harmful effect in our life at the first instance. Whatever is stored in memory can
be improved upon only if we try to remember that subject or material over and over again. We
should continue our association with the particular material or event by ever remembering the
same from time to time; one can master this subject only by entertaining the desire to know or
learn about a subject more and more with internal enthusiasm and drive.

Generally one formula known as IRA can be used to remember any event or item. I mean
impression. R stands for repetitions and A stands for association. Whenever we read, hear and
see anything if we keep our mind completely concentrated then a very good impression could be
formed on the mind.
If we repeatedly ruminate over the subject, we have repetition. If after a long period only similar
matter or man is referred to, we can due to proper syntax remember the matter of man fully you
may properly listen to same interesting talk about a drama or a cinema. Thereafter visit the drama
or cinema and repeat the story with interest to another fellow; that story will now take a strong
hold in the mind. It will dig a groove in the mind. The most important aspect in the development
of memory is to find out what amount of interest does we have in remembering that thing or
There are four main reasons traditionally described as causes for forgetting all that we may have
memorized. The first is the dimming out of the background of memory. The reason is that with
the passage of time chemical changes affect nervous system as a result the memory gets blurred
out. Even then, in spite of the background of memory getting erased out, the storage of memory
does retain the slight effect of memory the second point is that with the passage of time whatever
is stored in the memory would be scattered or a big dilution may occur. Therefore if the stored
memory is not utilized or repeated for a long period then it is likely that everything can get
topsy-turvy The third stage is reached by learning up or knowing new items which disturb the
old memories or even new knowledge may occupy the place of old memory. In Tamil language
this third process is named as Adhika Prasanga Extra event. In Gujarati we say it by calling
a man wise, over wise or even otherwise! One would not prohibit a man from picking up new
knowledge but it would not be proper if a camel enters while you try to drive out a goat. The last
and fourth matter is that a man may have many such events or situations, which he would like to
forget altogether, and the man therefore will fully draw the mind to other circumstances and
works whereby the memory is lost.
Thus in short, element of memory is hardly clear, in addition to whatever is known and is hardly
fully discussed. Now and then discussions and conferences are organized on this subject but
ultimately everything is forgotten. The young children on special occasions learn by heart
passages, poems or even full lectures, but with the passage of time they also forget these details.
That is the reason why Upanishad declares, Swadhyayanama pramadita yam. Do not delay
self-study for the delay also it is said that Pramaado nityamrityuh laziness or delay is
equivalent to darkness and death.
Is there any connection of all the above descriptions with Yoga? Yes! Form a habit of sitting in
Padmasana. If we sit in Siddhasana or Swastikasana, Vajrasana or simple cross-legged posture,
keeping back and spinal column vertically straight, if one starts with five minutes and gradually
increase practice to sit for three hours, then supply of blood to the muscles of the legs and thighs
gets reduced. This reduction results in greater proportion of blood reaching stomach, heart and
head. Thereby the nervous and information system of the head gets stronger. This is equally
possible by deep recitation of Omkar-Pranava.
Postures of progressively I to VIII for Shirshasana







The head gets plenty of blood supply if four times a day in the early morning, at the lunch time, in the
evening and before going to bed at night, deep Omkar recitation is carried out for a period of 10 - 45

(Fig --74 ix)
It is an indisputable truth that the practice of Shirshasana and Sarvangasana makes a man highly intelligent. In both these Asanas whole body gets into an overturned (inverted) posture, thereby with the least
efforts heart can pump blood towards the head.
The memory power depends very much on conversation of vital power along with the need for Asana,
Pranayama and meditation. One who has conserved his semen will be a most intelligent person. A person
who has spent his semen to a great extent and therefore initial power has almost died down will have a
peevish nature, digestive power and eyes will be weak and mind will be tossing. Hence there is no reason
for his memory to be sound. Every man has a brain, which has immense power and capability this small
brain can contain innumerable megabytes and gigabytes of computer elements. We hardly make use of
one or two percent of the same. If we can properly and by heart understand the limitless capability and
control contained in our head, we can with the least effort tap great source of power. Our forefathers had
achieved this power why should we remain devoid of this power?

Shruti declare Bhayat tapati sooryah, bhayat vahati marutah, the sun heats up due to fear;
wind blows as a result of fear. Fire ignites because of fear; rain pours down due to fear. All these
fears could be termed universal, but the fear that all of us encounter in our life is very beautifully
described by King Bharatruhari in his three books of hundreds Shlokas. It is said that

The enjoyment fears of diseases,

The beauty fears of old age
The high-ranking person fears of losing his status
The king fears of his enemy
The learned man fears of his opponents
The Vadi is afraid of Sanvadi
In his childhood Pujya Bapuji Mahatma Gandhi also entertained deep fear of ghosts. A maid
servant in his house had instructed child Mohandas to utter Rama-nama so that the ghost would
run away Bapu used to be afraid while returning through the lane with a tamarind trees, when he
returned alone from the school. Even in the early morning when he went for the tuition he was
afraid. But the Ramanama proved a panacea. Really speaking the material or the subject, which
makes us afraid, is not there at all. Looking at the fact, most of the fears are a result of mental
weakness or immaturity of mental power.
It is natural for a man to be afraid of getting caught about a thing which he knows is not true. We
are afraid of getting caught of a theft, we make, when a thing which is not ours and which we
have stolen is divulged. We know that certain thing should not be done; still we do it; but our
soul does not accept this untruth or improper actions; as a result we are afraid.
Milk has its own nature, but if even a drop of curd or a sour thing touches it, the milk will get
spoiled. You can load a camel with a weight of 500 kg but once the capacity is crossed even an
addition of 5-tool kg will not be bearable and the camel will sit down. This is the case about our
mental and intelligence power also. The soul force of every individual is not similar We get
afraid even if some disturbance is felt in the common mass of thoughts and intentions collected
in our mind. We get afraid because of the materials, things, activities or situations. We doubt the
existence of ghost in a stub of a dried out tree when seen in a dark night, we see a ghost in a post.
We feel fear of a serpent when accidentally a rope comes across our leg in stark darkness.
A misunderstanding about danger creates a fear which itself very dangerous. Fear is such a
mental attitude, which creates misunderstanding due to understanding arising in our mind. There
are many types of fears or phobias. When a man suffers from normal fears, he trembles, he
shakes and his lips and tongue stammer One can perspire also but if the fear is really a danger,
then it may not be possible to control natural call and one may urinate or even pass stools. Some
people are afraid of ghosts where as some others are afraid of ailments. The greatest fear is one
of social boycott, and cases are known where driven by fear, people have committed suicide. In
America especially teenaged boys and girls are known to die of such terrible fear. On 31st
October children organize a Halloween day when they clad like ghosts and try to create fear
amongst each other. In East America most of the TV channels stage a horror show. People watch

mid-night horror show of universal studios or read horrifying books. They go to sleep while
reading the book. In the subtle sub-conscious mind during half sleep or deep sleep stage, fear
takes hold in the dream world, they see the engenders fear which makes a person afraid as if the
occurrence was real. On watching the occurrence during a dream, fear created increases the
throbbing of the heart, there may be disturbance in the stomach, and one may vomit or even pass
stools. It is quite likely that one urinates often, one may feel vomiting sensation, one may feel
giddy, and one may feel suffocation and the face may also redden.
Psychologists divide out this phobia or fear mainly in three divisions. Ordinary fear is generated
when some animal is seen. A husband may be very powerful, he may be a big police
commissioner but before his wife who is very high handed, this officer will be afraid of the
fighting nature of his wife. This wife however strong natured will be afraid of a cockroach or a
lizard. She would shout out when she sees a cockroach. There is a fear of a closed space. All
around there may be stark quiet, peace of a crematory, perfect quietude. Such pacific peace can
also devour the mind of a man. A mind, which is accustomed to continuous hubbub, will not be
able to bear the loneliness. Mind trembles. Individual soul shudders. Will this loneliness not
devour me? Similar type of fear arises when we go on a big height. All around there may be
beautiful scenery, every where it is leveled ground, yet if individual soul is situated on a very big
height and if one observes a deep ravine underneath, then one entertains a fear whether one
would fall down or not.
The latter type of fear described is known as Agoraphobia. In the midst of vast plain ground,
under an open sky, when the ocean of human beings gets together there is tremendous shouting
and howling, pushing and pulling, disorder and confusion. Under such circumstances one gets
afraid of getting caught, entangled and entrapped as well as getting confused. Those people who
are habituated to stay at home only cannot bear such crowds. Public transport and vehicular
traffic as well as deep noises in the market place are found intolerable. In America specially on
thanks giving days, Christmas or on 4th July when crackers and fire works collects big crowds
alone man finds it very hard to mix in the crowd.

third type of phobia is arising out of incapacity of speaking or acting in public in community
meetings. Will I feel abashed? May be I act wrongly, something irrelevant may be done. Would
something unbecoming happen? Such social phobias also eat into certain people. Actors who
are well known to act in dramas will hardly be able to give some talk if suddenly they are
requested to do so. This is because they only repeat the crammed up conversation in a drama.
Thy are habituated to act in a certain set up only. You do not find any personal independence and
there is no original individualistic acting. Thus people who are habituated to meet and act in
definite circumstances behave as if they were to taste grapes high up on the vines.
Some children form a phobia for certain animals. Such children even when they become adults
are not capable of driving away that phobia which has entered their child like mentality because
their adult mind does not drive out the fear that has entered their nervous system. A wild cat had
jumped over Napoleon Bonaparte when he was quite young. Even when he reached adulthood
that fear that had entered in childhood had not left him. Once the enemy camp learnt about this
personal phobia of such an adept soldier who was habituated to fight many a terrible wars. The
enemy camp kept in the forefront of their army 500 cats tied with a chain. On viewing these cats
Napoleon started retreating, he was caught, he lost the battle and ultimately met his death.
Fearful occurrences observed in childhood have a frightening impression on the mental screen.
Such impressions are hard to drive out even in adulthood. Agoraphobia really affects adults. This

type of fear can be observed in persons who have matured. Social fear can also be observed in
aged persons after the ghosts of praise and insult catch them. Really speaking there is no element
branded as fear or phobia. Mental condition only makes us enjoy, happiness or unhappiness.
Amongst people who are affected by phobia, agoraphobia is observed to a maximum extent. The
form of agoraphobia is quite different from the normal fears. In all the societies, whether from
the east or the west, 5 to 10 percent of the people are found to suffer from one or the other
phobia. This agoraphobias or any other type of phobia is more common amongst ladies than
amongst males. Agoraphobia, social phobia and animal phobia are particularly commonly found
amongst members of the same family.
It is possible to remove ordinary and social phobias by cultivating a little mental understanding
and if one is given some sort of assurance to the heart. There is one method which is based on
regular decentralization of the senses, which allows the people, suffering from phobia or fear by
relieving them from the items that cause feat This method can give peace of mind resulting from
proper understanding. Fear can be reduced if a fearing person is brought out amongst the society
by moving him away from lonely life and by slowly making him accustomed to meet and mix
with people in the society The fear could also be reduced by making him form a habit of taking a
stroll under the open sky, at night under the stars studded night, along the river banks, along the
streams and in gardens full of flowers. A man who entertains fear for particular things can be
repeatedly brought near that item and explained that his fear is ill placed and there is nothing in
that item worth any feat.
A man should harbor a feeling that he has no reason to be afraid when he is having a company of
his brothers, friends and all the relatives. By experimenting again and again in this manner the
fearful situation as well as item that one is afraid of can be made immune of feat Medicines
which alleviate uneasiness can also be useful to a certain extent. Anti-depressant medicines are
also employed to make the fearful person phobia free.
One day Swami Vivekanandaji was loitering at Varanasi in an uninhabited area. A group of
monkeys followed him. He was afraid and started running away One Sash on seeing him running
called out, Dont be afraid, stop, present a strong front, if you get afraid they will try to make
you more fearful.
There is another similar well-known story. Once a ghost caught hold of a man. The ghost
extracted work from him day in and day out. The ghost used to threaten the man saying, If you
dont work I will eat you up. Some Sadhu tutored the man. Tell the ghost, O.K eat me up. Do
as you wish, what more can you do than eating me up? I am not afraid. When the ghost felt that
he would not work if he is not afraid, the ghost set him free. In short, the more we are afraid of a
happening or an item, the more the fear increases. Phobia never leaves us if you are afraid of
fear. You must face it. One has to strengthen and develop mental power to face any fearful
situation. It is possible to achieve this by practicing Pranayama, Asanas and meditation according
to the science of Yoga.
Mental power develops by practice of Sukhpurvaka Pranayama. This Pranayama is very easy if
you can sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana or Sukhasana that is with normal cross legs
keeping the back and spinal column erect; then it is the best. However, if you cannot sit in any of
the above postures, you can sit in a chair or you can even sleep on the ground. Begin by deep
inhalation through both the nostrils. Thereafter exhale through both the nostrils slowly and
without any fear. Do not use any force while inhaling as well as exhaling. This process is all right

to begin with. It is not necessary nor there is any need to count the number of respirations.
Breathe in and breathe out peacefully, without any sort of haste and as quietly as possible.
Thereafter try to retain the breath inside. Inhale through both the nostrils and hold the breath
inside. Thereafter exhale peacefully through both the nostrils. The inhaling is called Purak, the
holding of breath is called Kumbhak and the exhaling is known as Rechak. The breath that we
hold inside is called Antar-kumbhaka and the breath, which we exhale and stop it outside, is
called Bahya-kumbhaka. The rule for the period to be observed in Purak, Kumbhak, Rechak and
Kumbhak are 1:4:2:4. Do not worry if the process is not possible to begin with. Be satisfied with
inhaling and exhaling. Every inhalation brings in some newness, energy, vitality alertness, joy
and enthusiasm. Every exhalation makes you one with the Almighty power of the universe. You
are not alone. The whole world is connected with you. There is no reason to be afraid. Even if we
sit at one end of a quiet pond and start splashing, the waves will travel to farthest end. The light
touch at one end of the pond is felt at the other end. A snowfall in Simla in India is felt as a cold
wave in Gujarat.
When you start feeling that you are afraid, drive out the thought from your mind that you are all
alone. Even when you do not feel any fear always hold a powerful thought in your mind. I am
infinity I am joy incarnate. I am great. The starting pages of Guruvani in Shree Gurugranth
Saheb declare, One Omkar, the doer, timeless person, fearless, without any enemy One Omkar
means that Almighty is the only truth. The creator of the universe is God. He is beyond time, he
is everywhere, he is present in everything and he is all-powerful. Therefore live, throwing off all
the phobias, live happily
By a regular practice of sitting for meditation we inherit fearlessness and undoubted ness.
Whenever you sit for meditation, before beginning the process, pray, Let there be peace in the
east, in the west, in the north, and in the south. Let all meet auspiciousness in mountains, ocean,
and forests. Let there be welfare of all, everywhere. Thereafter think that you are not
meditating. Who is the entity for your meditation? Suppose you are meditating on Shree Rama,
in that case always think that Rama himself is meditating on Rama. This is not your body this
body belongs to Shree Rama. The legs, hands, belly, chest, neck, head nothing belongs to you.
All these belong to God. This process is called Anganyasa and Kara-nyasa. If you are given
any Guru mantra, repeat the same. The more the regular you are in Japa, the more the
manifestation of Gods power, strength and domination in you. You earn the boon of Grukrupa
through the power of Japa. Japa, meditation, company of the wise, study of scriptures, company
of good and strong-minded persons will make you strong.
Besides the above, get up early in the morning. Go for a long walk before sunrise. You will be
filled with natures fresh power by the effect of open air, open blue sky, the chirping of birds and
the exhilarating atmosphere.
In the practice of Yogasana, Suryanamaskara, Viparitakarani-mudra, Halasana and Yoga mudra
are found to be quite beneficial. The practice of Shitali and Sheetkari Pranayama will bestow
upon you mental peace and capability Always remember, you are your own friend and your own
enemy Fear is not outside, it is inside you. Never underrate yourself. Virat Purusha resides in
you. He is a fountain of great power. The ocean of joy is rising in big waves. You have in you a
fountain of enthusiasm. Manifest it by meditation and be fearless.

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