Flite 11X Merlin Gerin

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Merlin Gerin Bardin

Clip on fault passage

indicator for MV Networks
N D1120008
Ed. : 12 / 03
Users manual

Thank you for choosing Bardins FLITE11X Overhead Lines Fault Current Clip-On Indicators fully Programmable. This
dependable indication device will greatly help you in reducing your outage time by shortening the time needed to
locate the faults on your MV network.
Important Notice
Fault Current Indicators must catch the fault passage before the Feeder protection device actually trips and interrupts
the MV supply. They also must reset automatically when the MV supply is restored.
It is therefore important, prior to purchasing, to check two important feeder parameters :
1/ Sensing time [msec] : it must be less than the feeder protection device (Circuit Breakers + protection relay, usually)
opening time.
2/ Fault Current Trip Value [A]: it must be less or equal to your feeder protection relay trip value.
In doubt, please consult your local Bardin dealer.


Flite 11X overview

page 2

physical form

page 4

Flite 11X

connection and operation

battery connection
parametering of the apparatus
trip adjustment. Switches
Imax, absolute trip
delayed trip mode
device reset
inrush current restraint
automatic timer reset
manual reset

installation on the MV conductor

live-line mounting
dismouting of the indicator

FCIs installation lay-out
capacitive backfeed current
line closing/re-closing
closing on a healthy line
closing on a faulty line
automatic reclosing
load increase
fuse protected lines
multiple faults

battery replacement

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Flite 11X overview

FLITE11X is a single-phase Fault Passage Indicator for Overhead Line,
and should be used in group of 3 units at each location in order to
allow for the detection of all possible faults configurations. Like other
FPIs, it must be installed at well-defined strategic locations along the
overhead line such as : start of a spur tab or bifurcation point and
sectionalizers. It mounts directly on the live MV conductor thanks to
its specially-designed spring operated clamp and by means of an
isolated hot-stick fitted with Bardins FLITE11X adapter.
In case of a fault and like any other FCI, all the FLITE11X located
between the bus bars and the faulty section will trip and start
flashing, whilst the FLITE11X located beyond the faulty section will
stay idle.
The red LED flash is very powerful and is seen on a 180 solid angle
of vision.
FLITE 11X family tree :
FLITE 11X products share the same design and PCB, they differ only
as follows :
FLITE 110 : 9 Leds with1 13 A4 Lithium batteries. Voltage threshold is
4 KV.m
FLITE 117 : same as FLITE 110 with voltage threshold at
9 KV.m
FLITE 112 : same as FLITE 110 with 4 Leds instead of 9 and smaller


fig. 1 - Principle of Overhead detection.

The FLITE11X relies on two sensors to successfully detect MV faults.

The electro-magnetic field generated by the line current induces a
voltage in the indicator coil or antenna. This voltage is fed to a di/dt
analogue sensor in order to discriminate between a normal load
current and a real fault current. A normal variation of the load current
will not cause the FLITE11X to trip.

reset button


metal sheet
and battery

The automatic reset can be performed by means of the built-in

voltage sensor. A metal sheet acts as a capacitor between the phase
conductor and the electronics, therefore sensing the electric field
generated by the Medium Voltage.

fig. 2

In comparison to the pole-mounted FLITE2xx indicator, it should be

used when:
- indicators can be vandalized or stolen
- line set-ups are such that unpredictable electromagnetic fields
would cause a pole-mounted indicator to trip.

physical form

130 mm

The apparatus is delivered in a carton with packaging protection.
The packing consists of:
- one shipment carton box containing:
- 1 pc FLITE11X
- 1 pc users manual

The special adapter for the hot-stick must be ordered separately.

Dimension of shipment carton are 23,5x17,5x13 cm
Total weight is 600g. (21.16 oz)

fig. 3
130 Outline drawing:
The FLITE11X is fully self-contained and does not necessitate any
additional transformer or connection.

fig. 3

The electronic PCB comes equipped with one 3,6 V unconnected
lithium battery. In case of prolonged storage, it is recommended to
disconnect the batteries in order to preserve battery life. This battery
has been carefully specified by our engineers and should in no case
be replaced by an other battery type even if very similar.
Important Notice
Lithium batteries are subject to a so-called passivation
phenomenon, in that it is unable to supply power after
being stored unconnected (i.e. passive) for several
weeks. In order to quickly solve this problem, a simple
short circuiting of the + and - terminals will de-passivate
the battery.
In doubt, please consult your local Bardin dealer.

Connection and operation

FLITE 11X : battery connection
It is recommended to program the apparatus in the laboratory before
installing it on site.
The procedure is the following:
- Connect the battery using the fool-proof J1 connector as shown in
the diagram fig 2.
- Press the Reset button
Now the apparatus is entirely active and can detect faults as soon as
MV is present and stabelized, according to the configuration
parameters set by means of the switches.




It is recommended that a self-test be performed before installing the

apparatus on site . This is performed by activating the RL1 Reed-relay
located on the PCB (component-side) by means of a permanent
magnet. Approaching the magnet to the RL1 relay will trip the flash
whatever the set configuration, for a duration of ca. 30 s soon after
the magnet is removed. If the magnet is not removed the indicator
will flash indefinetely. It should be noted that this test is intended to
test the battery load level and therefore only exercises the flashing
function, irrespective of the detection or the reset circuitry.
A magnet is built-in the FLITE11X hot-stick adapter, so as to have a
test automatically performed at each installation.
fig. 4

Parametering of the apparatus :

The FLITE 11X is a completely programmable fault current indicator. A
battery of Dual-In line-Package switches (DIP Switches), located on
the component side of the PCB, renders the apparatus very versatile
and helps the user meet virtually all types of applications /
configurations whilst avoiding any return to factory for adjustments
setting. In other words only one device needs to be held in inventory,
thus reducing costs and possibilities of mistakes.
Warning !
After modifying DIP-Switches with the power on, make
sure to depress the reset pushbutton so as to make sure
that the new parameter settings are taken into account.
Failing to do so, might cause the indicator to start
scanning in an unsteady state.

fig. 5

Trip adjustment. Switches

The apparatus continuously scans the phase current and compares it
with a user-defined value. Bardins FLITE 11X has an self-adjustable
tripping feature, in that it trips not only in absolute value (Imax) but
also in relative value (di/dt).
This di/dt trip mode is always active. t is factory set to 30 msec,
i is user-selectable from
4 different values : 6, 12, 25 and 60 A (see parametering sheet).
Warning ! These positions are excluding each other.
The basic operation mode is as follows:
1 - The line must have been powered for at least the inrush
restraint time parameter ( 0, 3, 30 or 60 sec).
This criterion is verified by the voltage sensor.
2 - The line current should quickly increase (within 30 msec) above a
user-defined trip value. This criterion is verified by the current sensor
3 - The line must be de-energized by the feeder protection devices,
within 0 or 5 sec ( see delayed trip mode parameter). This criterion is
verified by the voltage sensor.
This operation can be modified or fine-tuned to meet the feeder
specific protection settings, by means of the above mentioned DIPSwitches.

Imax, absolute trip : (see parametering sheet)

Threshold values 200 A or 500 A.

Delayed Trip Mode : (see parametering sheet)

Due to the fast response time of the relative trip feature and in order
to avoid any spurious trip, it can be advisable to validate the
occurrence of the fault with the presence or absence of the medium
A real permanent fault always causes the feeder protection
devices to trip and consequently the medium voltage disappears. If an
overcurrent has been detected and the medium voltage is still
present, then the fault was a spurious fault i.e. a non permanent
fault and should therefore be ignored.
This is the reason why a fault validation feature has been included in
the FLITE 11X. This is materialized on position # 2 of DIP SWitch #1
No validation with MV
or 5 sec. MV absence validation

This means that the device, after detecting an overcurrent

(absolute or relative trip detection) will start tripping and actually
flashing, if the MV disappears before validation delay have elapsed.
Warning !
When selecting No MV fault confirmation the device will
automatically select the timer reset mode regardless of the DIPSW #2
pos. 5 and 6 settings. This in order to avoid any false voltage reset
due to adjacent conductors on MV fused lines.

Device Reset
(stop flash) : (see parametering sheet)
Automatic reset is a feature provided by Bardins FLITE 11X by means
of a built-in MV sensor. When the Medium Voltage is restored it
means that the fault has disappeared and that the indicator should
stop flashing. This is materialized with position #5 and position #6 of DIP
SWitch #2.
3 Sec. MV presence
The flash will stop as soon as the Medium Voltage has been sensed
for at least 3 seconds.
30 Sec. MV presence
The flash will stop as soon as the Medium Voltage has been sensed
for at least 30 seconds.
60 Sec. MV presence
The flash will stop as soon as the Medium Voltage has been sensed
for at least 60 seconds.
If switches 5 and 6 are off, automatic voltage reset is disabled. In
this case, automatic timer reset has to be set, otherwise the device
would flash indefinitely. As a matter of fact, in order to save battery
life duration, the voltage automatic reset is always logically ORed to
the timer reset. In other words, the indicator will reset either when
the voltage is restored ( + 3, 30 or 60 sec.) or when the timer pre-set
period has elapsed.

Inrush Current Restraint :

(see parametering sheet)
The magnetizing inrush current of a line can be very important, this is
why the device has been designed with an inrush restraint
feature that blocks the detection until the line current is stabilized.
This is materialized by position #3 and position #4 of DIP SWitch #2.
The inrush restraint cycle will only start after the reset cycle has
elapsed (timer or voltage).
Various Inrush restraint filtering delays are possible:
3, 30 or 60 sec.

Automatic Timer Reset :

(see parametering sheet)
When no Voltage reset feature is set, for instance when the operators
wish to catch the fault on-site even after the automatic reclosing
devices have extinguished the fault, a time-out reset feature is
mandatory. This reset mode must also be used when the sub-feeder is
equipped with MV fuses instead of a Circuit Breaker. In this case, only
the faulty phase will be interrupted whilst the non-faulted phase will
create enough MV electric field for the false reset of the indicator on
the faulted phase.

Manual Reset :
It is possible to reset the flashing indicator at any time by means of a
magnet. (see 2 Self-test). It will stop flashing 30 sec. after
the magnet is removed.
Parametering of the apparatus :
- factory setting in bold.
Switch 1 : SW1
06 A
12 A
25 A
200 A
500 A
Switch 2 : SW2


































02 H
04 H
08 H
16 H
No inrush
03 S
30 S
60 S
No reset
03 S
30 S
60 S

installation on the MV conductor

The apparatus is to be clipped to the conductor, it should be mounted
at least 5 m away from the pole. In order to offer a complete
detection spectrum, it is recommended to mount one FLITE 11X on
each phase conductor. The location of the installation on the MV
network should be chosen at strategic points at least at the start of
every spur. In doubt consult your local Bardin dealer

MV conductor

Live-line mounting:

hot - stick
fig. 6

see fig. 6 and 7

- Connect the battery as shown in 3.1
- Configure the device as described on parametering sheet
- Close the FLITE 110 by twisting the see-through optical cover onto
the gray plastic housing. The index on the optical cover should be
pointing to the corresponding opposite index on the housing.
- Perform a test as described in 3.2
- Fasten Bardins adapter to the adequate isolated hot stick.
- Insert the indicator into the lugs of the adapter. The upper part of
the gray plastic housing must be located between the upper and the
lower adapter lugs.
- Open the clamp jaws .
- Force the indicator against the MV line conductor until the clamp
- Slide the hot stick (with its adapter ) to free the lugs from the
indicator housing.
- In order to ease its release from the adapter lugs it is advisable to
move two steps in the opposite direction of the adapter prior to
disengage the adapter by sliding it off the housing. This will avoid an
exagerated bending of the hot stick (see fig 7). Should the adapter
not disengage from the housing, clip off the indicator from the line
conductor, loosen up the lugs of the adaptor, and proceed to
mounting again.
- Check that the indicator starts flashing and stops after
30 sec.

Dismounting of the indicator:

see fig. 6 and 7
- Position the V-part of the adapter onto the line conductor near the
- Slide the hot-stick toward the indicator while maintaining contact
with the conductor
- Clip/lock the adapter lugs onto the indicator body
- In order to avoid any falling off of the indicator, it is advisable to
incline the hot stick so that the adapter lugs face skywards.
- Pull the hot stick to release the indicator clamp
2 meters

FCIs Installation lay-out (see fig 1 page 2)

fig. 7

It is advisable to perform a previous network analysis prior to
installation so that the best results be obtained. Please follow these
recommendations in installing the FPIs:
- always install 3 indicators, one per phase, at each location.
- install the indicators in easily accessible network locations, near the
Note: This is not always possible, this is the reason why Bardin offers
additional remote indication units in its product range ( radio or
telephone link, see your local dealer for more information)
- install one set of indicators every 10 kms of line, if this is not
possible at least:
- install indicators at each start of a spur. Also install indicators just
after this branching point on the line backbone, so as to avoid any
confusion: multiple faults are frequent.
- install the indicators before and after inaccessible network sections
(mountains, woods etc...) , in order to quickly locate the fault.
Use FLITE11X in:
- 6 to 36 kV Distribution networks
Note: For higher voltages check the conductor diameter
- 3W or 4W type
- radial networks
- solidly earthed neutral networks
- impedance earthed neutral networks. ( if detection of earth faults is
required, carefully select the i sensitivity, in accordance to the subfeeder protection relay settings )
- conductors from 5 to 25 mm diameter
Do not use FLITE11X in:
- Ring networks ( permanently ring-connected ) or multiple feeds
- Petersen coil compensated networks
Note: In this case FLITE11X will only be capable to detect phase to
phase faults.
- line locations where the load current can exceed 500A
- line location where the capacitive backfeed current generated
beyond the indicator, can cause false tripping.

Capacitive backfeed current

A shielded, underground cable is also a high value capacitor since it
develops a large surface area (dia. of cable, multiplied by the length).
This capacitor is charged and discharged at the nominal 50Hz
frequency. As soon as an earth fault appears, all the power stored in


this stray capacitance discharges through the fault. The capacitive

current for each of the feeders is therefore going to return through
the network, to flow toward the earth at the site of the short-circuit.
This is known as the backfeed current.
For a 20 kV voltage , and a 150 mm2 PEX cable, there is
approximately 1A per km of cable per phase (10 times less in
overhead lines). It is thus easy to see that this current could become
significant in underground networks. This phenomenon has been
taken into account by the network protection engineer when setting
its protection devices, a rule-of-thumb is that the 3Io protection
setting is set at least 20 % above the capacitive current. Rural
networks present more and more a mixture of overhead and
underground sections. In order to estimate the capacitive discharge
current at a line location, the contribution from each spur beyond this
location must evaluated. The FLITE11X trip value must be set above
this backfeed capacitive current. This is due to the fact that the
FLITE11X is unable to discriminate between earth fault current and
capacitive current although they flow in opposite direction. The
FLITE11X fault indicator is non directional.
Note however that Bardin does offer overhead directional FCIs, this is
the FLITE3xx range. This family of indicators is more sophisticated, it
is pole-mounted, offers a built-in datalogger for momentary faults.
For more information please consult your local Bardin dealer.

Line Closing /Re-closing

Closing on a healthy line
The demagnetizing current, so-called in rush current can be high
enough to cause the indicator to trip. In order to avoid this false
tripping possibility an inrush restraint feature is provided. Depending
on the line, various Inrush restraint filtering delays are possible:
3, 30 or 60 sec.
If the FLITE11X was already flashing due to a previous fault upon
closing the line, it will reset after 3, 30 or 60 sec if the voltage reset
option has been enabled.
Closing on a faulty line
Closing on a faulty line while the indicator is already flashing
Closing a CB on to a fault will create an immediate trip. Priority is
always given to fault detection. If the voltage reset mode has been
selected, since a filter of 3, 30
or 60 sec of voltage presence has been selected, the indicator will
continue flashing without interruption.
If the timer reset mode has been selected, the indicator will not reset
the time counter and will continue flashing until the selected period
of time has elapsed.
Closing on a faulty line while the indicator is not flashing
The indicator will trip according to its parameter setting.

Automatic reclosing :

Time elapsed

Flash period


3 sec


5 sec


7 sec

< 16 H

9 sec

The indicator is not basically affected by automatic recloser cycles if

the voltage automatic reset feature is selected. After a successful
reclosing cycle, the indicator will continue flashing for 3, 30 or 60 sec
and then stop. After an unsuccessful reclosing cycle, the indicator will
continue flashing after the fault appearance and will not reset until
the line is re-energized again.
It is sometimes required to catch recurring non-permanent
(momentary) faults, in this case simply switch off the voltage reset
mode but do use the criterion of voltage-drop validation after 5 sec.
(This, in order to avoid any false tripping which could not be reset).
Select the automatic timer reset mode to the maximum time it takes
for the linemen to patrol the faulty line or select 16 H and manual
reset (i.e. 16 H timer reset and no voltage reset ). Note that this flash
duration has obviously an impact on the Lithium battery life
expectation, this is why the FLITE11X standard version has no
provision to suppress the timer reset mode. This can be implemented
in factory upon request, please consult your local Bardin dealer.
In order to save battery life, Bardin has provided FLITE11X with the
unique ECO-feature which adapts the flash rate to the duration of the
fault. This flashing rate also gives the linemen a rough indication of
when the fault occurred.

Load increase :
If a sudden load pick-up of 6, 12, 25 or 60A occurs within 30 msec
(or say, one period) , the indicator will trip since it considers it as a
possible fault. However if the feeder protection device did not trip,
the line remains consequently energized and the indicator will adjust:
- in the case the delayed trip mode has been selected, the indicator
will await 5 sec. before flashing in order to check if the line has been
de-energized. It will therefore discard this sudden load pick-up and
will not flash at all.
- in the case the delayed trip mode has not been selected, the
indicator automatically switches to the timer reset mode.
It is highly recommended not to use a low Di trip value
without voltage reset mode. In all cases always use di trip
mode with delayed trip mode.

Fuse protected lines

The basic operating criterion of FLITE11X is that the detection is
always confirmed by a subsequent voltage drop. In the case of fused
lines, only the faulty phase will be interrupted whilst the non-faulted
phase will create enough MV electric field for the false reset of the
indicator on the faulted phase. Conclusion ; if MV > 25 kV, we
recommend to use a FLITE 117 on lines protected by fuses or single
This is the reason why FLITE 11X automatically switches to timer
reset mode whenever this no MV fault confirmation mode is used.
Make sure you use a higher i trip value i.e. 60A in order to avoid
false tripping on spurious current spikes, since it would only reset
after the preset timer period.


Multiple faults
A single fault appearing at one location causes stress everywhere in
the network. If there are weak points in the line, they will not
withstand these induced voltage surges and a second fault might
appear just after the first.
The longer the fault duration, or the more the reclosing cycles count,
the more likely multiple faults can occur.
Multiple faults can be quite tricky to pinpoint, since they are very
often momentary: as soon as the original stress ceases the second
fault disappears. In order to catch them:
- indicators should be placed on the line backbone after a spur (
branching point) and at the start of each spur.
( see FCI lay-out)
- for momentary multiple faults see automatic reclosing

It is advisable to inspect the indicator once every 5 years. This check
can be performed when the line is energized using an isolated hotstick with the special adapter. Approaching the adapter from the
FLITE11X will cause it to flash for 30 sec.

Battery replacement :
Lithium batteries are rated for a 10 years lifetime without load. Since
it is not possible to evaluate the number of flashes the indicator
already delivered, and since the battery capacity varies with its
average cell temperature
(the higher the temperature the lower the capacity) we do
recommend to check the battery load (see above) at least every 5
years. The manufacturing year is clearly visible on the reflecting
sticker on the cover. In order to replace the battery, pull the battery
plug from the PCB and pull the battery from the holder. Be sure to
use a genuine Bardin spare battery, the replacement can be
performed on-site provided the weather conditions are dry enough.
Do not forget to depress the reset button once the
battery is replaced

Apart from the battery, all steps have been taken in the design phase
so that your FLITE11X gives you 15 years of troublefree operation.
The plastic material PC-ABS is UV- stabilized and flame retarding.
The clamp shaft are made of stainless steel.


Schneider Electric
industrie SA.
N D1120008
Ed. : 12 / 03

Sorhodel Bardin
839, Chemin des Batterses ZI Ouest
01700 Beynost - FRANCE Tel. : +33 (04) 78 55 72 77
Fax. : +33 (04) 78 55 50 00

Web : www.schneider-electric.com
E.mail : sav@earsergy.com

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