Practical and Economical Feasibility: Why It's Important To Know Which Type of Power Factor Correction To Use
Practical and Economical Feasibility: Why It's Important To Know Which Type of Power Factor Correction To Use
Practical and Economical Feasibility: Why It's Important To Know Which Type of Power Factor Correction To Use
to use
Why its important to know which type of power factor correction to use (on photo: 300 KVAR automatic
power factor correction (APFC) panel; credit to:
This type of power factor correction is advisable in the case of large electrical equipment with constant load
and power and long connection times and it is generally used for motors and fluorescent lamps.
Figure 1 Common connection diagrams for the power factor correction of motors
Figure 1 above shows the common connection diagrams for the power factor correction of motors. Lets
explain each of the cases from connection diagrams.
In case of direct connection (diagrams 1 and 2), the following risk may be run: after the disconnection
from the supply, the motor will continue to rotate (residual kinetic energy) and self-excite with the reactive
energy drawn from the capacitor bank, and may turn into an asynchronous generator. In this case, the voltage
on the load side of the switching and control device is maintained, with the risk of dangerous overvoltages
(up to twice the rated voltage value).
When using diagram 3, the compensation bank is connected only after the motor has been started and
disconnected in advance with respect to the switching off of the motor supply. With this type of power factor
correction the network on the supply side of the load works with a high power factor; on the other hand, this
solution results economically onerous.
Therefore the use of one compensation system only located at the origin of the installation allows a
remarkable reduction of the total power of the installed capacitors.
In centralized power factor correction automatic assemblies are normally used (see below automatic power
factor correction) with banks divided into steps, installed directly in the main distribution boards. The
use of a permanently connected bank is possible only if the absorption of reactive energy is quite constant all
day long.
The centralized solution allows an optimization of the costs of the capacitor bank, but presents the
disadvantage that the distribution lines on the load side of the power factor correction device shall be sized
keeping into account the full reactive power absorbed by the loads.
In such way, the distributed compensation is used for high power electrical
equipment and the centralized modality for the remaining part.
Combined power factor correction is prevailingly used in installations where large equipment only are
frequently used; in such circumstances their power factor is corrected individually, whereas the power factor
of small equipment is corrected by the centralized modality.