Religion3 (2 Monthly Test) : I. Fill in The Part of The Mass
Religion3 (2 Monthly Test) : I. Fill in The Part of The Mass
Religion3 (2 Monthly Test) : I. Fill in The Part of The Mass
______________________ 1. The time to gather together and to enter into a prayer as a community of
Jesus believers.
______________________ 6. The priest invite us to be sorry for all the wrong things we have done.
______________________ 10. The time when ask for blessing from God.
______________________ 12. The priests received the words of Jesus during the Last Supper and
Changed the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus.
______________________ 14. A prayer before the priest take the chalice and host.
9. We are given the opportunity to accept our faults and be sorry for in the
Presence of the Christian Community. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
10. During Penitential Rite we beg for Jesus Mercy and ask for forgiveness
That the priest would lead us to say and pray __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. Thinking of all the wrong things that you have been committed.
3. aAfter you confessed the priest will say a prayer for you.
5. Follow the priest will tell you to show to God that you are truly sorry for your sins and become a better
9. Preach the people and led them into the way of doing right things.
11. The part of the mass where the the people bring gifts to the altar.
14. These help us strived to work harder and better so that we can fulfill our dreams.
______________ 4. Jesus baptism is part of Gods plan to save humanity from sinfulness.
______________ 5. We have the responsibility to let others experience Gods goodness in the
Way we lived.
______________ 6. John led the people to realized their sinful acts.
______________ 7. A person is initiated into the Christian community through the Sacrament
o Baptism.
______________ 8. Baptism can help us avoid committing sin.
______________ 9. A person to be baptized is asked to make promises to live his or her Christian Faith.
____________ The priest will give you absolution. ( It is the sign that Jesus forgiven you)
____________ Making a sign of the cross saying aloud . (In the name of the father etc…..)
____________ You are now ready to tell your sins( Bless me father for I have sinned. Etc….)
____________ Tell God how sorry you are for waht you have done.(Praying the Act of Contrition)
____________ After you have confessed all your sins .say ( These are all my sins)
____________ The priest will tell you to go in peace and not to sin again.( say thank you father)
The (4) fourfold actions of Jesus during the multiplication of the bread and wine.
1. Thanksgiving
2. Giving Praise
3. Breaking of Bread
4. Sharing.
CONFITEOR - During the celebration of the Holy Eucharist we are given the opportunity to accepts our faults
and be sorry for them in the presence of the Christian community. We do this act during the PENITENTIAL
And Iasked the Blessed Maty ever Virgen, all the angels and saints,
and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God.
Introductory rites - this is the time to gather together and to enter into a prayer
As a community of Jesus believers.
- Greetings - the priest will make sign of the cross and greet everyone.
- Penitential Rite - The priest will invite us to be sorry for the wrong we have done.
Liturgy of the Word - God speaks to us through his words in the bible.
The first and second reading will be read
Liturgy of the Eucharist - the presentation of of the gifts and the preparation of the altar.
_________ 5. Renewed during the reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and the First Holy Communion.
__________7. Help us to strive to work harder and do better so that we can fulfill our dreams.
__________8.. As a _______________, we are invited to experience Gods goodness through our way of life.
_________ 10. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit in order to carry out his mission.
_________ 12. As a __________________, we are called to live the way Jesus lived.
_________ 15. Emphasizes the intensity of Gods love for all who dwell in the works.
_________ 17. Refers to a life in relation with God, a divine gift from God.
_________ 19. Is used to provide for the things that are needed for the Mass and for the maintenance of the
house of worship.
_________ 20. Given during the Offertory shared to the poor or needy.
BREAD AND WINE OVENANT New Covenant Imelda Lamborgini nine (9)
Breaking of the Bread Eucharistic Prayer Life Old Covenant Last Supper
___________________ 21. Offered and prepared by the Priest during the mass.
___________________ 26. Jesus made the New Covenant during the Eucharist at the ______________
___________________ 29. At the age of _________ Imelda went into the Monestary of Dominicans nuns.
___________________ 31. Signifies that all of us who who eat the one broken bread will form a fellowship
___________________ 33. The priest asked God to send the Holy Spirit to change the bread and wine to
___________________ 34. We unite ourselves with Christ who makes us shares of his Body and Blood to
___________________ 35. Jesus is present during this celebration and we receive a portion of the sacred
_________ A person is initiated into the Christian Community through the Sacrament of Baptism.
_________ A person to be Baptized is asked to make promises to live his or her Christian Community.
Daughter of Count Egano Lambertini of Bologna and Castora Galuzzi. Student at Dominican Convent of
Valdi-Pietra in Bologna. Had a great devotion to Saint Agnes of Rome, of whom she may have had visions.
On 12 May 1333 she miraculously received her First Communion, and immediately after died in an ecstasy of
love and joy.
1322 at Bologna, Italy
12 May 1333; relics at the Church of Saint Sigismund in Bologna
1826 (cultus confirmed)
Bl. Imelda
Feastday: May 13
Patron of fervant first communion
The patroness of fervent first communion, Blessed Imelda, came from one of the oldest families in Bologna;
her father was Count Igano Lambertini and her mother was Castora Galuzzi. Even as a tiny child she showed
unusual piety, taking delight in prayer and slipping off to a quiet corner of the house, which she adorned with
flowers and pictures to make it a little oratory. When she was nine, she was placed, at her own wish, in the
Dominican convent in Val di Pietra, to be trained there by the nuns. Her disposition soon endeared her to all,
while the zeal with which she entered all the religious life of the house greatly edified the nuns. Her special
devotion was to the Eucharistic presence of Our Lord at Mass and in the tabernacle. To receive Our Lord in
Holy Communion became the consuming desire of her heart, but the custom of the place and time had fixed
twelve as the earliest age for a first communion. She would sometimes exclaim: "Tell me, can anyone receive
Jesus into his heart and not die? "
When she was eleven years old she was present with the rest of the community at the Ascension Day Mass.
All the others had received their communion: only Imelda was left unsatisfied. The nuns were preparing to
leave the church when some of them were startled to see what appeared to be a Sacred Host hovering in the
air above Imelda, as she knelt before the closed tabernacle absorbed in prayer. Quickly they attracted the
attention of the priest who hurried forward with a paten on which to receive It. In the face of such a miracle he
could not do otherwise than give to Imelda her first communion, which was also her last. For the rapture with
which she received her Lord was so great that it broke her heart: she sank unconscious to the ground, and
when loving hands upraised her, it was found that she was dead.
This book is one of a series of biographies by Mary Fabyan Windeatt. It tells the amazing tale of
Lambertini’s ineffable devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, and how this young girl’s
desire to
receive Holy Communion was miraculously fulfilled. Children will be challenged to consider the
privilege we have been given each time we attend Holy Mass.
Imelda Lambertini A wealthy, privileged, and deeply devout young girl, whose heartfelt
desire is to receive
Holy Communion for the first time
Peter A talented basket-weaver, Peter, who is blind but still manages to create masterpieces
Egano Lambertini The Captain General of Bologna and the father of Imelda
Donna Castora Imelda’s devout and caring mother
Egidio Galuzzi Imelda’s uncle and the Archbishop of Crete
Beatrice The servant of the Lambertini family who looks after Imelda
St. Tarsicius One of Imelda’s heavenly friends, who was martyred during Roman times
St. Agnes Another young Roman martyr to whom Imelda is devoted
Diana d’Andalo A Dominican nun from years past, whose story inspires Imelda to pursue a
vocation herself
The Prioress The head of the community of Dominican nuns to which Imelda belongs