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Noema activities

■ The second edition of the eBook edited by Pier Luigi Capucci, Dialogues across the Seas. The Ocean
that keeps us apart also joins us. Charting knowledge and practice in the Anthropocene, is published
by This second edition is updated and is enriched by the contributions of new authors.
Texts by Pasha Ian Clothier, Nina Czegledy, Roberta Buiani, Pier Luigi Capucci, Enzo Guarnieri,
Tracey M. Benson, Freddy Paul Grunert, Elena Giulia Rossi, Mario Savini, Franco Torriani, Giorgio
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , July 2024

■ The workshop “fivewordsforthefuture”, on Generative Artificial Intelligence, is held at the Academy of

Arts and New Technologies (AANT) in Rome, conducted by Pier Luigi Capucci together with Derrick
de Kerckhove. The event is curated by Gianna Angelini, Scientific Director of AANT’s Scientific
Committee, whose members are Derrick de Kerckhove, Pier Luigi Capucci, Patrizia di Costanzo, Paolo
Granata, and Sabina Minutillo Turtur. The “fivewordsforthefuture” workshop takes its name from the
homonymous project of Noema, born in 2012 and focused on understanding what is the “new”, on
innovation, and on imagining the future. The workshop asks students to try to imagine a possible future
by identifying five key words, ideas, or concepts to describe it, documenting everything with videos.
Through five key words, the future identified by the students is then compared with that described by
two Generative Artificial Intelligence services, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini,
highlighting and discussing the differences.
Rome, AANT - Accademia delle Arti e Nuove Tecnologie , 22-23 February 2024

■ Noema is a partner of EMAP (European Media Art Platform). EMAP is a consortium co-funded since
2018 by Creative Europe of 16 major European media art organizations specializing in Digital and
Media Art, Bio Art and Robotic Art.
Partnership EMAP (European Media Art Platform) , 13 September 2023

■ The eBook edited by Pier Luigi Capucci, Dialoghi attraverso i mari. Il mare che ci separa, ci unisce.
Tracciare conoscenza e pratica nell’Antropocene is published by It is the Italian edition
of the eBook Dialogues across the seas. The ocean that keep us apart also join us, quoted in the
Readings section of the European SciArt project “Resonances”. The Italian edition is not a simple
translation of the original English version, but is enriched by the contributions of new authors. Texts by
Pasha Ian Clothier, Nina Czegledy, Pier Luigi Capucci, Roberta Buiani, Vincenzo Guarnieri, Freddy
Paul Grunert, Mario Savini, Franco Torriani, Giorgio Cipolletta, Elena Giulia Rossi.
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , March 2023

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 1

■ At the Ex Lanificio Carotti Foundation in Fermignano takes place the exhibition “Surprize 4 - What is
Life?”, which presents a selection of the Fine Arts Academy in Urbino students’ works. The theme is
from the title of a famous essay by physicist Erwin Schrödinger (What is Life?), and is focussed on the
multiple meanings of life and the living, and the many perspectives from which life can be considered.
This theme formed the basis of many activities that took place in the academic year 2021/22 at the Fine
Arts Academy of Urbino, including a series of lectures and wokshops curated by Noema and its
President Pier Luigi Capucci. Noema is also the publisher of both the paper and digital bilingual
Fermignano, Surprize 4 - What is Life? , 27 October – 15 December 2022

■ The bilingual catalog (Italian/English), in paper and digital format, of the exhibition “Surprize 4 - What
is Life?” is released by The catalog presents a selection of the Fine Arts Academy in
Urbino students’ works. The theme is from the title of a famous essay by physicist Erwin Schrödinger
(What is Life?), and is focussed on the multiple meanings of life and the living, and the many
perspectives from which life can be considered. This theme formed the basis of many activities that
took place in the academic year 2021/22 at the Fine Arts Academy in Urbino, including a series of
lectures and wokshops curated by Noema and its President Pier Luigi Capucci.
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , 20 October 2022

■ Noema Media & Publishing, a project originated from Noema, publishes the eBook, edited by Freddy
Paul Grunert (co-editors Max Craglia, Emilia Gómez, Jutta Thielen-del Pozo; reviewers Josephine
Bosma, Pier Luigi Capucci, Derrick de Kerckhove e Warren Neidich),), HumaniTies and Artificial
Intelligence, Ravenna, Noema, 2022.
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , June 2022

■ Noema is a partner of “FORM - ACTION: building worlds at the crossroads between data and earth,
between future and past”, an editorial project for the Italian Council 2022. This is an hybrid between
print and Web aimed at the education. The book, in an open QRbook hybrid format, is a bridge
between present and past, territory and electronic hyper-roads, theory and practice, a door that opens
onto rising geographies, new and changing knowledge networks.
Rome, Game Over-Future C(o)ulture Editorial project , 06 June 2022

■ The eBook Pier Luigi Capucci (ed.), Dialogues across the seas: the ocean that keeps us apart also
joins us. Charting knowledge and practice in the Anthropocene, Ravenna, Noema, 2022, is among the
readings recommended by the “SciArt - Resonances” project of the Joint Research Center of the
European Commission.
Ispra, European Commission Joint Research Center , 13 May 2022

■ In the realm of the topic “What Is Life?” that the Fine Arts Academy of Urbino has developed in
collaboration with Noema, take place the lecture of the SciArt (Science, Art, Society) project of the
Joint Research Center (JRC) in Ispra, one of the six European research centers who carry out an
independent research and knowledge service for the European Commission. This program organizes,
through international calls, collaborations between artists and scientists presented in the “Resonances”
exhibitions. The Director of the Fine Arts Academy of Urbino, Luca Cesari, and the curator of “What
Is Life?” events, Pier Luigi Capucci, participate to the meeting. Participants in the lecture, entitled “The
SciArt European research project, the ‘Resonances’ exhibitions and the ‘NaturArchy’ call”, are Adriaan
Eeckels (European SciArt Project), Caterina Benincasa (NaturArchy Program), Ioannis Vakalis
(European Commission, Science and Art), Naouma Kourti (JRC of the European Commission, Science
in Support of Policy).
Urbino, Fine Arts Academy , 06 April 2022

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 2

■ In the realm of the topic “What Is Life?” that the Fine Arts Academy of Urbino has developed in
collaboration with Noema, take place the lecture (March 24 morning) and the workshop
“Photosynthetic You” (March 24 afternoon and March 25 all day long) held by Vanessa Vozzo, artist
and teacher. The Director of the Fine Arts Academy of Urbino, Luca Cesari, and the curator of “What
Is Life?” events, Pier Luigi Capucci, participate to the meeting. The workshop offers to the students an
artistic journey on the themes of Photosynthetic Me, an interactive and immersive bioart installation
among art, science and science fiction created by Vanessa Vozzo with the biotechnologist Enzo
Guarnieri and the photographer Andrea Macchia, winner of the S+T+Arts Award For Social Good
2021 of the European Commission.
Urbino, Fine Arts Academy , 24 and 25 March 2022

■ Noema Media & Publishing publishes the eBook, edited by Pier Luigi Capucci, Dialogues across the
seas: the ocean that keeps us apart also joins us. Charting knowledge and practice in the
Anthropocene, Ravenna, Noema, 2022.
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , March 2022

■ Noema Media & Publishing publishes Eduardo Caiainiello’s eBook, Intelligenza della Natura, Natura
dell’Intelligenza. Il chiasmo poetico come base espressiva di una matematizzazione dell’intelligenza
umana (Intelligence of Nature, Nature of Intelligence. Poetic chiasmus as an expressive basis for a
mathematization of human intelligence), Ravenna, Noema, 2022.
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , March 2022

■ Noema is a partner of the “Resonances Initiative”, the European program of the SciArt Project of the
Joint Research Center (JRC) in Ispra, one of the six European centers that carry out an independent
research and knowledge service for the European Commission. Noema is a partner of the initiative
together with Bozar (Centre for Fine Arts Brussels, Belgium), Leonardo (peer reviewed journal
published with MIT Press, Arizona State University, United States), MAST (Master Module in Art,
Science and Technology, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia), MuST (National Museum of Science
and Technology in Milan, Italy), ZKM (Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany). The theme of
the 2022 edition of Resonances is “NaturArchy: towards a Natural Contract”, which aims to explore
through art and science a relationship with Nature that integrates it totally into society, redefining our
anthropocentric dimension. Through an international call for proposals involving artists and scientists
in a collaboration on joint projects, “NaturArchy” aims to reimagine the Western relationship between
human and non-human, in an attempt to guarantee a legal personality to the many wonders of Nature.
Ispra, Resonances Initiative, SciArt Project, EU Joint Research , 11 January 2022
■ The Game Over Future C(o)ulture project by Villam and Arshake, of which Noema is media partner, is
presented at Teatro degli Avvaloranti. The meeting is attended by the Mayor of Città della Pieve,
Fausto Risini, Alessandro Giuggioli (Quintosapore), Anita Calà (Villam), Elena Giulia Rossi
(Arshake), Pier Luigi Capucci (Fine Arts Academies of Reggio Calabria and Urbino, President of
Noema), Stefano Velotti (University of Rome “La Sapienza”), Valeriana Berchicchi (artist, expert
EU4ART), Marcella Russo (Art Producer, curator and founder of Fuori Uso), Maria Letizia Paiato
(Fine Arts Academy of Macerata, journalist).
Città della Pieve, Teatro degli Avvaloranti , 11 December 2021

■ Noema is a media partner of Game Over - Future C(o)ulture. Conceived and promoted by VILLAM
and realized with Arshake, it is a project with a strong social impact aimed at researching and studying
new “cultural entities”, people, objects or researches from different disciplinary fields (ie physics, bio-
robotics, AI, agriculture, medicine) and their ferrying into the world of culture. In response to a Call for
Ideas 5.0 launched during the “Maker Faire” in Rome (8-9-10 October 2021) the selected young people
under 35 will lay the foundations of their ideas on site, during the residency.
Città Della Pieve, Farm Quintosapore , October 2021 - November 2022

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 3

■ The theme that the Fine Arts Academy of Urbino explores in 2022 through lectures, workshops,
collaborations and with the exhibition “Life as Surprize” in collaboration with Noema is: “What Is
Life?”. A very topical issue since it contains some of the contemporary issues and can be interpreted
from different points of view. Myths and religions are concerned about life while in about one century
the medical sciences have almost doubled its duration, but we are not able to define life exhaustively.
In addition to organic life, nature and the living are present in the artifacts that copy their forms,
dynamics and behaviors. Art, as a philosophy of contemporaneity, can make an important contribution
to issues that require new paradigms. The events’ program, in collaboration with Noema:
– Leonardo Caffo, philosopher, “The future of contemporary art and creative disciplines oriented by a
new philosophy”, 8 March.
– Vanessa Vozzo, artist and teacher, “Photosynthetic You”, lecture 24 March morning, workshop 24
March afternoon and 25 March morning and afternoon.
– Adriaan Eeckels (SciArt EU Project), Caterina Benincasa (NaturArchy), Ioannis Vakalis (EC,
Science and Art), Naouma Kourti (EU JRC, Science in Support of Policy), “The European research
project SciArt, the exhibitions' Resonances 'and the' NaturArchy 'call ”, 7 April.
– Giovanna Melandri, President of the MAXXI Foundation, “Art, science, technology, ecological
transition at the Great MAXXI in Rome”, 27 April.
Urbino, Fine Arts Academy , October 2021 - April 2022

■ Noema is the media partner of Strambinaria, an event that provides an opportunity for discussing and
training to imagine and realize the near future of science communication in a time of profound
transformation. Increasingly difficult challenges and controversial topics are the masters in the media
landscape and in the public discussion, making it essential to design and test new communication
models. The event is divided into two parts: “Fool by Science”, three intensive days of training,
discussion and work to try to imagine the near future of science communication. And “Strambinaria”,
two days of conferences, workshops for children and exhibitions.
Strambino, Strambinaria and Folle di Scienza 2021 , 2 – 4 July 2021

■ The bilingual eBook (Italian and English) Art and contemporaneity. New perspectives, opportunities
and methodologies of creation, education and knowledge, edited by Giada Totaro, is published by
Noema Media & Publishing. The eBook is focused on the project of the laboratories “From STEM to
STEAM: BEcoming Animals”, organized by STEAM Atelier, held in Lecce in Summer 2020.
Laboratories and eBooks are made with the support of the Presidency of the Italian Council of
Ministers and the Equal Opportunities Department. The laboratories have been hosted on the e-Lab,
Noema’s e-learning platform.
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , December 2020

■ Noema is a partner of the STEAM Atelier’s project “Be-Coming Animals”, winner of the STEM2020
call promoted by the Department for Equal Opportunities – Presidency of the Council of Ministers, for
the financing of projects which promote education in STEM subjects. The goal of the “Creative
Workshop from STEM to STEAM: Be-Coming Animals” is the creation of a collective performative
action that addresses the theme of “social distancing”, inspired by the animal world and mediated by
wearable devices made during the laboratory part.
Lecce, STEAM Atelier , 7–14 September 2020

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 4

■ Noema turns 20. Noema operates in a transdisciplinary and multilingual way with the relationships
among culture, science, technology and their mutual influences. It has been online since March 2000
but its roots date back to March 1994, to NetMagazine, later MagNet, the first online magazine in Italy
(1994-1998), mentioned in studies on interface design. Since 2003 Noema has been a magazine, ISSN
2283-3145, that in 2003 was selected by RAI International as best Italian website and since 2017 is a
Leonardo Affiliate Partner (MIT Press). Noema has originated fivewordsforthefuture, a project on
innovation, <mediaversi>, a book series co-produced with CLUEB, art*science, a three-year project on
art and climate change, e-Lab, an eLearning platform, Noema Media & Publishing, an eBook publisher,
n-blog, an event update platform, mySoft, a platform on applications for education and research. For
content, logic and sections, Noema anticipated and influenced many websites, not only Italian, on the
relationships among culture, science and technology.
Noema 20 Years Anniversary , 20 March 2020

■ The art*science opening event, “From the Mediterranean to the Pacific. Dialogues across the seas” in
Cervia, July 2018 at the Museum of Salt, curated by Pier Luigi Capucci, Roberta Buiani and Nina
Czegledy in collaboration with “Vital Transformations” by Ian Clothier (New Plymouth, New
Zealand), is included in the panel “The ocean that keeps us apart also joins us: charting knowledge and
practice in the Anthropocene”, accepted by ISEA 2020 in Montreal. The panel is curated by Nina
Czegledy, Ian Clothier, Pier Luigi Capucci, Roberta Buiani and Elena Giulia Rossi. The International
Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) is an annual symposium of the International community of art,
science and technology that includes a conference, exhibitions, performances and workshops that takes
place in a different place every year. The original event in Cervia was sponsored by the Municipality of
Cervia, the MUSA (Museum of Salt), Leonardo, Noema, the Salina di Cervia, the Civiltà Salinara
Cultural Group, the ArtSci Salon and the Festival of Complexity.
Montreal, ISEA 2020 , 18 February 2020

■ Noema is partner of FOR - Festival for the Earth - Sustainable Visions in Art and Science, now in its
fourth edition, on Climate Change. It is organized by MbR Art and the Ca’ Foscari University in
Venice, in partnership with the Prince Albert II Foundation in Monaco and the Euro-Mediterranean
Center on Climate Change (CMCC). The goal of the event is helping to shape a sustainable future,
understanding how humankind can coexist with nature in a changed environment and how it is possible
to transform the Climate Change into opportunities. The festival involves economists, managers,
environmental activists, corporate entities at the forefront of environmental innovation, and artists.
Oceanographic Museum Monaco, Villa Nobel, Sanremo , 6–9 November 2019

■ Noema and its art * science project - Art & Climate Change are partners of the conference “Climate
Change and Collective Fears”, on the issues of Climate Change. The event, curated by Simonetta
Simoni, takes place in Bologna in the contest of the 10th edition of the Festival della complessità
(Festival of complexity), dedicated to disseminating the paradigm of complexity and systemic thinking,
which takes place every year between May and July in dozens of Italian cities. Participants are Pier
Luigi Capucci (Fine Arts Academy of L’Aquila, University of Udine, Noema), Savino Calabrese
(SABOF philosopher analyst), Simonetta Tunesi (Legambiente Bologna, University College London)
and Gabriele Zanini (physicist, Head of Models and Technologies Division for the reduction of
anthropogenic impacts and natural risks, ENEA Research Center Bologna). The event has the
patronage of art*science - Art & Climate Change, Noema, and Le Vie cultura Association.
Bologna, Costarena , 11 May 2019

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 5

■ Noema and his project art*science - Art & Climate Change are the partners of “One Community / More
Responsibility”, at the Fine Arts Academy of Urbino, a conference and four workshops on art and
science about climate change, for the students of the fine arts academy, curated by Pier Luigi Capucci
and Marcello Signorile. The events, in the contest the 15th edition of “Guarda Lontano”, a series of
conferences and workshops of the School of New Technology of Art at the Fine Arts Academy of
Urbino, are organized in collaboration with art*science - Art & Climate Change (a project originated
from Noema), with the patronage of art*science, Noema, The Festival of Complexity and Arshake. In
addition to the curators participants were Elena Giulia Rossi (Director, Fine Arts Academy
of Rome), Nicola Toffolini (visual artist, director and designer), Simona Galateo (architect and
curator), LeleMarcojanni (film maker), Beatrice Pucci (author of animated films), with the coordination
of Cristina Seresini (Fine Arts Academy of Urbino).
Urbino, Fine Arts Academy , 7–10 May 2019

■ Noema is partner of “art*science – Art & Climate Change. Alla ricerca dei dati / Looking for Data”,
organized by Elena Giulia Rossi and Pier Luigi Capucci, second event of the three-year project on
climate change “art*science – Art & Climate Change”, conceived by Pier Luigi Capucci with Roberta
Buiani and Noema and started with a conference in Cervia at the MUSA (Salt Museum) in Summer
2018. This time the event is focused on data in order to think about what is involved in the production,
selection and translation of data, on the language that materializes the climate and on the different ways
of human action that affect the climate. The transdisciplinary meeting, promoted by HER - Human
Ecosystems Relations, art*science, Noema, INSOR (National Institute of Rural Sociology), The
Festival of Complexity and Arshake, takes place in Rome, at RUFA Space - Rome University of Fine
Arts, as part of “HER: She Loves S. Lorenzo”, a local festival dedicated to data, curated by Salvatore
Iaconesi, Oriana Persico and Arianna Forte. At the meeting, moderated by Elena Giulia Rossi (Director
Arshake), participate Pier Luigi Capucci (teacher, founder and President of Noema), Valerio Eletti
(President Complexity Education Project), Alessandro Barghini (ecologist, Vice President INSOR) and
Carlo Buontempo (ECMWF, Copernicus Climate Change Service, Reading, UK). Oriana Persico
(expert in communication and digital inclusion) and Salvatore Iaconesi (Robot Engineer, hacker)
present in preview Antitesi, an artistic project that relates nature, technology, blockchain and climate
change. Giorgio Cipolletta (artist, researcher in aesthetics of new media), represents the words arising
from the discussion through paintings hanging on the walls and with a poetic intervention.
Rome, RUFA Space - Rome University of Fine Arts , 11 December 2018

■ Noema is a media partner, with Radio Monte Carlo, ANSA, LifeGate, National Geographic, Il Giornale
delle Fondazioni, Espoarte and Artribune, of “FOR - Festival for the Earth”, an International meeting
aimed at offering the public a wide range of reflections and alternative ways to reformulate
environmental issues, with conferences, workshops, meetings with artists and events held at different
locations in Venice and Padua.
Venice, Ca’ Foscari University, Natural History Museum; Padua, , 03 – 04 December 2018
Botanical Garden
■ Noema is a media partner of “Strambinaria – Folle di scienza”, an event dedicated to the
communication of science, a unique event to reflect on science and unveil the background of
communication. Scientific communicators from all over Italy meet for a confrontation and a training,
with an event open to the general public with conferences, workshops and shows.
Strambino, Council Hall of the Municipality of Strambino , 05-07 October 2018

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■ Noema is a partner of “Balance – Unbalance” (BunB) 2018, curated by Ricardo Dal Farra, an annual
International Conference designed around art and design as catalysts to explore intersections between
nature, science, technology and society. Every year, the focus is on one or more major current
challenges surrounding the ecological crisis and discipline-transcending cooperation. The 2018 theme
revolves around New Value Systems, and specifically about sustainability and social impact as
important value indicators.
Rotterdam, HNI – Het Nieuwe Instituut, V2_ Lab for Unstable , 20-21 September 2018
■ The eBook Arte e complessità (Art and complexity), edited by Pier Luigi Capucci and Simonetta
Simoni, is published for the types of Noema. The book collects and expands the speeches at the
conference “Arte e complessità: connessioni e reti tra musica, teatro ed estetiche tecnologiche” (Art and
complexity: connections and networks between music, theater and technological aesthetics), held in
occasion of the 2017 Festival of Complexity at the Baraccano’s “Biagi” Hall in Bologna, hosted inside
the event art*science 2017/Leonardo 50 – Il Nuovo e la Storia (The New and History). The eBook
contains the contributions of the editors and of Valerio Eletti, Piero Dominici, Giovanni Chessa, Liliana
Stracuzzi, Luca Iandoli, Giuseppe Zollo and Stella Saladino.
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , September 2018

■ The Italian edition in eBook of the book by Anaïs Bernard and Bernard Andrieu, Manifesto Emersivo.
Nascita delle Arti Immersive (Manifesto Emersivo. Birth of the Immersive Arts), is published for the
types of Noema. The Italian edition is edited by Pier Luigi Capucci and Franco Torriani, who also write
the introductory essay “The immersed body”.
Ravenna, Noema Media & Publishing , August 2018

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 7

■ Noema is a partner of the opening event of the second edition of art*science, consisting in a three-year
program (2018-2020) on climate change and the role that art can play in interpreting and make aware of
the ongoing transformations, organized and curated by Pier Luigi Capucci, Roberta Buiani and Nina
Czegledy. The aim is to create a constructive dialogue on popular but often contradictory topics, such
as “green”, “sustainability”, reuse and recycling, alternative and renewable energies, the environment
as a habitat, the concept of “Nature”, and so on. art*science - Art & Climate Change, with the title
“From the Mediterranean to the Pacific. Dialogues across the seas”, is dedicated to the major
transformations that climate change causes in the sea globally and locally, and collaborates with “Vital
Transformations”, a series of exhibitions and conferences on art and climate change that takes place at
the same time as New Plymouth, in New Zealand, creating a link between two maritime locations that
are geographically opposed on Earth. The event includes the International conference at the MUSA
(Salt Museum), the visit at the Salina di Cervia, a salt production site and naturalistic park dating back
to the Villanovan civilization, then to the Etruscans and Romans, and the participation in the
International symposium "Vital Transformations", in New Plymouth, New Zealand. At the conference
at the MUSA, introduced by Annalisa Canali (Director of the MUSA - Museum of Salt), intervene
Oscar Turroni (Cultural Group Civiltà Salinara), Nina Czegledy (UNESCO, Leonardo, University of
Toronto), Pier Luigi Capucci (Fine Arts Academy of Urbino, University of Udine, Noema), Roberta
Buiani (The Fields Institute, Toronto, ArtSci Salon), Ian Clothier (Intercreate, in teleconference from
New Plymouth, New Zealand), Mario Savini (University of Teramo) and Elena Giulia Rossi (Arshake.
com). At the International “Vital Transformations” symposium, in New Plymouth, New Zealand,
curated by Ian Clothier, intervene Te Huirangi Waikerepuru, Roger Malina, Jane Richardson, Daniel
Woolley, the artists in the exhibitions and, in videoconference from Cervia, Nina Czegledy, Pier Luigi
Capucci and Roberta Buiani. Inside the Salt Museum is installed the work of Elaine Whittaker and
Roberta Buiani, Creating and destroying: reflections on salt, Mixed Media, 2018, an interactive
installation on the topic of salt, and the graphic work of Giorgio Cipolletta, Ant(H)ropocene, a
reflection on the role of humanity in the process of Climate Change. art*science - Art & Climate
Change, “From the Mediterranean to the Pacific. Dialogues through the seas” has the patronage of the
Municipality of Cervia, of the MUSA (Salt Museum), of Leonardo, of Noema, of the Salina di Cervia,
of the Cultural Group Civiltà Salinara, of ArtSci Salon and of the Festival of Complexity.
Cervia, MUSA – Museum of Salt, Salina di Cervia , 27-28 July 2018

■ The activity of Noema and the projects it started are presented by its President, Pier Luigi Capucci, with
the lecture “SciArt at Noema”, in the workshop at the Summer School “Resonances”, at the Joint
Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission in Ispra, the largest of the six in Europe. These
centers host laboratories and scientists, and constitute the research and knowledge service of the
European Commission, providing independent advice to the policies of the Union. Scientists and artists
have participated in conferences and workshops on this edition’s topic, “Big Data”, inside the SciArt
program on the relationship between science and art. The goal is to share ideas to create artworks that
in 2019 will be hosted in the exhibition “Resonances”, now in its third edition.
Ispra, European Joint Research Center, Auditorium , 25-29 June 2018

■ Noema is a main partner of the conference “La Complessità come problema, sistema e risorsa”
(Complexity as a problem, system and resource), as part of the Festival della Complessità (Festival of
Complexity) and Pordenone Design Week, with the patronage of the Municipality of Pordenone, the
University Consortium, the University of Udine, Noema, the Technological Pole and ISIA Rome
Design. The conference, curated by Giuseppe Marinelli De Marco (ISIA Rome, University of Udine),
was attended by Alberto De Toni (Rector of the University of Udine), Mario Casini (Festival of
Complexity), Lia Correzzola (Pres. Cultural Association Pordenone Design, Pres. Giovani Industriali),
Pier Luigi Capucci (Academy of Fine Arts of Urbino, University of Udine, Noema), Roberto Siagri
(CEO Eurotech).
Pordenone, Consorzio Universitario , 23 May 2018

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■ The “fivewordsforthefuture” project, born from Noema, is invited to the “art + b = love (?)” Festival,
on the relationship between art and science, now in its second edition, which takes place in Ancona at
the Mole Vanvitelliana. The students of the Contamination Lab of the Marche Polytechnic University
in Ancona, coordinated by Giuseppe De Maso Gentile, interview the artists and the speakers of the
festival on five words that they consider important for the future. The videos of fivewordsforthefuture
are broadcast throughout the event.
Ancona, art + b = love (?) Festival , 04-08 April 2018

■ Noema and the satellite project “fivewordsforthefuture” are partners of Pordenone Design Week, an
event now in its seventh edition, a week of design workshops organized by ISIA Roma Design and the
University Consortium of Pordenone. The event takes place at the University Consortium of
Pordenone, and all around the city of Pordenone.
Pordenone, Pordenone Design Week , 19 – 23 March 2018

■ The proceedings of the International conference “art*science 2017/Leonardo 50 – The New and
History”, held in Bologna, 3–5 July 2017, are published by Noema publishing house, edited by Pier
Luigi Capucci and Giorgio Cipolletta [Pier Luigi Capucci, Giorgio Cipolletta (eds.), The New and
History. art*science 2017 Conference Proceedings, Ravenna, Noema, 2018, pp. 226].
Ravenna, Noema , 03 March 2018

■ A study of Noema logo based on generative graphics and Lorenz attractor, created by Lorenzo Blasi, is
exhibited at MAR (Museum of Art of the City of Ravenna), at the XX Generative International Art
Conference, on the forms, technologies and applications of generative processes to the creative
dimension. The event, curated by Celestino Soddu and Enrica Colabella, organized by the Generative
Design Lab of the Milan Polytechnic and the Rome-based Argenia Cultural Association, is held at the
MAR (Museum of Art of the City of Ravenna) and the Classense Library. Over 70 scholars,
researchers and artists from all over the world take part in the conference, exhibitions and
XX Generative International Art Conference, MAR, Classense , 13 - 15 December 2017
Library, Ravenna
■ Noema is a media partner of Strambinaria - Folle di Scienza, an initiative that aims to provide an
opportunity for discussion and training to imagine and realize the near future of science
communication. Science communication is in a profound transformation in which increasingly difficult
challenges and controversial issues are pervading the media landscape and the public discussion,
making essential to devise and experiment with new models of communication. The program includes
two intensive days of work with theoretical lessons and workshops.
Strambino, Council Hall of the Municipality of Strambino , 20-21 October 2017

■ Noema is an affiliate member of Leonardo/ISAST, an institution which fosters collaborative

explorations both nationally and internationally by facilitating interdisciplinary projects and
documenting and disseminating information about interdisciplinary practice. Leonardo creates
opportunities for the powerful exchange of ideas among practitioners in the arts, sciences and
technology. Leonardo/ISAST publishes at MIT Press the journal Leonardo, a worldwide renowned
reference in the study of relationships among arts, sciences and technologies.
Oakland, Leonardo/ISAST , 11 August 2017

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 9

■ Noema organizes with Format Edizioni the Conference “Arte e complessità” (Art and Complexity), a
session of the International art*science/Leonardo 50 Conference on the relationships between art and
science in occasion of the 50th anniversary of Leonardo magazine, published by MIT Press. The
conference, curated by Simonetta Simoni, includes Pier Luigi Capucci, Giovanni Chessa and Liliana
Stracuzzi, Stella Saladino and Piero Dominici. The conference is part of the program of the Festival
della Complessità 2017 (Festival of Complexity 2017), 8th edition, which runs between May and July
in dozens of Italian cities.
Bologna, “Biagi” Hall, Baraccano , 05 July 2017

■ Noema organizes, with the cultural association La Comunicazione Diffusa, the international conference
art*science 2017/Leonardo 50 - The New and History/The New and History, on relations between art
and science, from July 3 to 5 2017 in Bologna, at Factory and Sala Biagi in Baraccano. The conference,
which has the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (MIBACT),
Leonardo/ISAST, Guglielmo Marconi Foundation Bologna, Majority of Bologna, Festival della
Complessità, Rome, will also be celebrating the 50th aniversary of Leonardo journal, published by MIT
Press, the most influential in the international arena on the relationships among arts, sciences and
technologies. art*science 2017/Leonardo 50, whose Advisory Board is composed by Roger Malina,
Nina Czegledy, Monica Bello, Roberta Buiani, Gabriele Falciasecca, Giorgio Cipolletta and Barbara
Dondi, is also the opportunity for a meeting of the participants to the International mailing list Yasmin,
supported by UNESCO, Leonardo and Noema. Yasmin, born in 2005, is the collaborative project of a
network of artists, scientists, engineers, theorists, scholars, organizations and institutions which
promote communication and collaboration in art, science and technology in the Mediterranean rim
regions. A discussion on Yasmin before the start of art*science 2017/Leonardo 50, moderated by Roger
Malina, Nina Czegledy and me, has introduced the topics of the conference. At art*science
2017/Leonardo 50 participate Roger Malina, Nina Czegledy, Michele Emmer, Pier Luigi Capucci,
Silvia Casini, Roberta Buiani, Marcella Giulia Lorenzi, Bill Seaman, Judith van der Elst, Mario Savini,
Piero Dominici, Giovanni Azzaroni, Barbara Dondi, Michele Orsi Bandini, Gabriele Falciasecca,
Celestino Soddu, Enrica Colabella, Antonella Guidazzoli, Serge Dentin, Simonetta Simoni, Franco
Torriani, Jadwiga Charzynska, Francesco Monico, Dimitris Charitos, Sonia Cannas, Elena Cologni,
Giorgio Cipolletta, Salvatore Iaconesi, Oriana Persico, Giovanni Chessa, Liliana Stracuzzi, Stella
Saladino. In addition to Noema, the media partners of the conference are, among others, Noema’s
projects fivewordsforthefuture, n-blog and <mediaversi>.
Bologna, Factory and “Biagi” Hall, Baraccano, art*science , 3 - 5 July 2017
2017/Leonardo 50
■ Noema is a partner of Artificial Intelligence Conference, curated by Leonel Moura at Geek Picnic
Festival, held in St. Petersburg (17-18 June), Moscow (24-25 June) and New York (August 12-13).
A.I Conference, St. Petersburg, Moscow, New York , 17 June - 13 August 2017

■ The Italian edition of the book by Eduardo Kac Telepresenza e Bioarte. Interconnessioni in rete fra
umani, conigli e robot (Telepresence and Bioart. Interconnections among humans, rabbits and robots)
is presented at PAV (Parco Arte Vivente) in Turin, by Pier Luigi Capucci, Franco Torriani and
Vincenzo Guarnieri. The volume is edited by CLUEB publishing, in the <mediaversi> book series, co-
produced by Noema. The meeting is curated by Valentina Bonomonte.
PAV - Parco Arte Vivente, Turin , 04 April 2017

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 10

■ Noema and its projects fivewordsforthefuture and n-blog are the media partners of I-MARS 2017 -
Interactive Micro Aerial Robots Swarm. I-MARS 2017, three days of conferences and workshops
curated by Giorgio Rinolfi and Lorenzo Marcenaro, is born from a pilot project of the University of
Genoa on the behavior and use of drone swarms for aerial choreography inspired by bee orientation
dance. I-MARS 2017, organized by the University of Genoa, at the Savona University Campus, Dibris
and 3D Lab Factory, has launched a transdisciplinary journey involving artists, designers, scientists and
technologists in different fields, from roboticsto art, from biology to communication, from bee ethology
to data visualization, from Swarm Intelligence to nature simulation. In addition to the curators and their
advisor, Gianni Viardo Vercelli (University of Genoa), presentations by Massimiliano Rosso
(Fondazione CIMA), Pier Luigi Capucci (Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino), Giorgio Cipolletta
(University of Macerata), Antonio Felicioli (University of Pisa), Claudia Porrini (University of
Bologna), Bettina Maccagnani (Giorgio Nicoli Agricultural Environment Center), Paolo Atzori
(SISSA, Trieste), Antonio Sgorbissa (University of Genoa) and Mauro Migliazzi (WESII Srl). Noema,
n-blog, and fivewordsforthefuture were the media partners of the event.
Genoa, Università di Genoa, Dibris , 20 - 22 February 2017

■ At Modo Infoshop Bookshop in Bologna the book Eduardo Kac, Telepresenza e Bioarte, Bologna,
CLUEB, 2016 is presented. It is the 15th title of <mediaversi> series, co-produced by Noema. The
book is the Italian updated (by the author) edition, curated by Pier Luigi Capucci and Franco Torriani,
of Eduardo Kac, Telepresence & Bioart, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 2005.
Attending participants to the event: Roberta Buiani (The Fields Institute, Toronto), Pier Luigi Capucci
(Fine Arts Academy of Urbino and President of Noema) and Franco Torriani (Noema).
Bologna, Modo Infoshop Bookshop , 17 December 2016

■ Eduardo Kac’s book Telepresenza e Bioarte, Bologna, CLUEB, 2016 is published. It is the Italian
(extended by the author) edition, curated by Pier Luigi Capucci and Franco Torriani, of Telepresence
& Bioart, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 2005. It is the 15th title of <mediaversi>
series, co-produced by Noema.
Noema, <mediaversi> , 10 November 2016

■ Noema officially enters in CAMRI, the Communication and Media Research Institute of the University
of Westminster. Noema’s articles are published in the main CAMRI website and sent to all teachers,
researchers and Ph.D. fellows through the Institute newsletter.
University of Westminster, Communication and Media Research , October 2016
■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Ars Electronica 2016” (8-11 September 2016), a yearly event on
the relationships among arts, sciences and technologies that takes place in Linz. This year the event’s
theme is “Radical Atoms”. The “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments, videos and
images, thanks to Pier Luigi Capucci, Renato Alberti, Stefano Baldin and Andrea Asperges.
Linz, n-blog, Noema , 8-11 September 2016

■ On the occasion of 15 years of activity Noema launches a Survey on what inventions, scientific
disciplines, technologies and events in the last 15 years have deeply influenced, or will be influencing,
the relationships among culture, society, sciences and technologies. The Survey takes place in two
times, from April 13 to May 4, 2016. In the first phase Noema asks to every member of its International
Board and of the Editorial Staff for indicating five entries, from which, basing on the recurrences, 21
entries are drawn. These entries are finally proposed to a circle of people. Results are published online
on 17 June 2016.
Online , 13 April - 17 June 2016

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 11

■ Noema publishing house publishes the eBook edition of the volume Pier Luigi Capucci, Realtà del
virtuale. Rappresentazioni tecnologiche, comunicazione, arte (Reality of Virtual. Tecnological
Representations, Communication, Art), Ravenna, Noema, 2015.
Ravenna, Noema , 15 December 2015

■ Noema collaborates to the realization of the Symposium “Inter-Disciplinarity for the 21st Century”, at
Hochwies Studio, in the landscape of Ars Electronica 2015, on interdisciplinarity in teaching, learning
and researching. The Symposium, in collaboration with Ars Academy Research, Planetary Collegium
T-Node, Academy Media Film & Visual Arts Rome and Noema, is curated by Francesco Monico.
Attending participants: Amos Bianchi, Emanuela Patti, Gabriela Galati, Pier Luigi Capucci, Francesco
Monico e Giovanni Leghissa.
Linz, Hochwies Studio , 4 September 2015

■ fivewordsforthefuture is the project, produced by Noema, shared by the Fine Arts Academies of Urbino
and Lodz (Poland), on the topics of the future. A video exhibition with the same name in collaboration
with the two academies is organized, curated by Arthur Chrzanowski, at the Centrum Kultury Młodych
in Lodz. The exhibition presents the works of 11 students selected by each academy.
Lodz, Centrum Kultury Młodych , 26 April 2015

■ Noema celebrates 15 years of activity (2000-2015). It is one of the oldest online magazine in Italy on
relations between technology, science and society, in many sectors from communication, to art, to
scientific disciplines (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, Internet of Things, Biotechnologies,
Genetics, Robotics, etc.), with interventions of the leading international experts. But Noema’s roots
date back to March 1994, when it is published online NetMagazine (later MagNet), the first online
magazine in Italy and a project that is still cited in books on Interface Design. This pilot project, created
at the University of Bologna and continued at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome too, lasted until
December 1997. It is the historical and thematic core of Noema, both because Noema develops the
same topics, and because the teacher founder of NetMagazine / MagNet and the founder of Noema are
the same person.
Ravenna, Noema , 15 March 2015

■ Noema curates, with Ars Academy Research, the Micropuncture Symposium “Always Already New
Next Nexus. We Care for Words”, a meeting that takes place at Hochwies Studio during Ars
Electronica in Linz, in the contest of the Summer session of the T-Node PhD (Planetary Collegium,
University of Plymouth). The participants to the event present and discuss three words, topics or ideas
they consider relevant to the present. All the material of the symposium is published as a Lexicon by
Noema Publishing. Attending participants: Derrick de Kerckhove, Pier Luigi Capucci, Francesco
Monico, Denis Jaromil Roio, Francesca Bria, Maria Pia Rossignaud, Paolo Atzori, Gianna Angelini,
Regina Dürig, Hanieh Abbasi Nik, Alessio Chierico, Erica Falcinelli, Tommaso Megale.
Linz, Hochwies Studio , 4 September 2014

■ fivewordsforthefuture is the videoinstallation of Giorgia Benvenuti, curated by Roberto Vecchiarelli,

from the project with the same name that deals with the future. The videonstallation is produced by
Noema and presented at the City Museums in Pesaro inside the Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo
Cinema (International Exhibition of New Cinema).
City Museums, Pesaro , 24-29 June 2014

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Subtle Technologies 2014” (20-31 May 2014), a yearly event on
the relationships among arts, sciences and technologies that takes place in Toronto. This year the event
is thirteen and its theme is “Open Culture”. The “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments,
images, thanks to Roberta Buiani, teacher at York University, Toronto.
Toronto, n-blog, Noema , 20-31 May 2014

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 12

■ The media arts exhibition “fivewordsforthefuture - Art as a Contemporary Philosophy”, originated
from Noema and from the project with the same name by Renato Alberti, Giorgia Benvenuti, Emanuele
Bertoni and Pier Luigi Capucci, is presented at the Academy of Fine Arts of Urbino by Emanuele
Bertoni, Pier Luigi Capucci, Umberto Palestini, Marcello Signorile and Roberto Vecchiarelli. The
exhibition, the conferences and the workshops will take place at the Civic Museums of Pesaro and will
be managed by the Academy of Fine Arts of Urbino with the participation of the Academy of Fine Arts
of Lodz (Poland).
Urbino, Academy of Fine Arts , 27 March 2014

■ Gene Youngblood’s book Expanded Cinema, (Bologna, CLUEB, 2013), first Italian edition, is
presented by the curators Pier Luigi Capucci and Simonetta Fadda at the Museo del ‘900, Milan, in
occasion of “BookCity”. The event is coordinated by Giuseppe Baresi. The book is published inside the
the series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and CLUEB University Press.
Milan, Museo del ‘900 , 22 November 2013

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the Italian edition of the volume Gene Youngblood, Expanded Cinema (New York, P.
Dutton & Co., 1970), curated by Pier Luigi Capucci and Simonetta Fadda, with a glossary by
Francesco Monico.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , 20 November 2013

■ Noema publishing house publishes the eBook edition of the volume Pier Luigi Capucci, Arte e
tecnologie, comunicazione estetica e tecnoscienze, Ravenna, Noema, 2013.
Ravenna, Noema , 29 September 2013

■ With the same name of the online magazine, Noema publishing house is born, devoted to eBooks’
Ravenna, Noema , September 2013

■ The transition to the release 2 of the e.lab, the Noema’s eLearning program, is completed. The e.lab is
born in 2002 from Noema’s activities as an experimental teaching platform to collaborate. The e.lab is
online for the courses that need a learning system to share material, discuss on topics and improve their
teaching activities. The release 2 of the e.lab presents much more possibilities than the release 1, that
remains online as an archive of the Courses.
Noema, e-Learning.lab , 15 June 2013

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Subtle Technologies 2013” (7 - 9 June 2013), a yearly event on
the relationships among arts, sciences and technologies that takes place in Toronto. This year the event
is thirteen and its theme is “Immortality”. The “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments,
images, thanks to Roberta Buiani, teacher at York University, Toronto.
Toronto, n-blog, Noema , 7-9 June 2013

■ Noema completes its renovation with the transition to the new website and with a new International
Board. The old website remains online e as a huge archive of contents (2000-2011), and also of
graphics, ideas, techniques, visions, ways of interpreting the online communication... that will become
memory, and finally history.
Ravenna. Noema , 15 April 2013

■ Noema give birth to “fivewordsforthefuture”, a Web project on the idea of understanding the future.
The project is founded and coordinated by Pier Luigi Capucci, Renato Alberti, Giorgia Benvenuti and
Emanuele Bertoni. The main object of “fivewordsforthefuture” is to help people in understanding
what’s new, the innovation, in order to imagine their lives into a possible time.
Ravenna , 27 January 2013

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 13

■ Noema publishes on the “n-blog”, thanks to Roberta Buiani (teacher at the York University, Toronto),
articles, reportages, interviews, comments, images on “MutaMorphosis 2012”, International
Conference organized by CIANT (International Centre for Art and New Technologies) on the mutant
futures of arts, sciences, technologies, design and society in order to challenge the emerging
technologies and their impact. The theme of the 2012 edition is “Tribute to Uncertainty”, and Noema is
partner of the event.
Prague, n-blog, Noema , 17-19 December 2012

■ With the help of Renato Alberti the transition to the new release of the “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, is
complete. Since 2005 the n-blog has been supporting events almost in realtime trough reportages,
writings, images, interviews, comments, movies. The old website remains online as an archive.
n-blog, Noema , 5 December 2012

■ Noema is partner of “MutaMorphosis 2012”, International conference organized by CIANT -

International Centre for Art and New Technologies on the mutant futures of arts, sciences,
technologies, design and society in order to challenge the emerging technologies and their impact. The
theme of the 2012 edition is “Tribute to Uncertainty”.
MutaMorphosis, Prague , 3-5 December 2012

■ The book by Gianna Maria Gatti, L’Erbario Tecnologico. La natura vegetale e le nuove tecnologie
nell’arte tra secondo e terzo millennio (The Technological Herbarium. The Vegetable Nature and the
New Technologies in the Art Between Second and Third Millennium), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema,
2005, published in the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and CLUEB University Press,
is published in the German edition by Avinus Verlag, Berlin: Gianna Maria Gatti, Das Technologische
Herbarium, Berlin, Avinus Press, 2012. Translation and Foreword by Alan N. Shapiro.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , November 2012

■ Noema is a media partner of “Subtle Technologies 2012” (May 24–27, 2012), a yearly event on the
relationships among arts, sciences and technologies that takes place in Toronto. This year the event is
fifteen and made in conjunction with Reyerson University. Noema’s “n-blog” follows the events and
publishes reportages, interviews, comments, images thanks to Roberta Buiani, teacher at York
University, Toronto, and presenter at “Subtle Technologies 2012”.
Toronto, n-blog, Noema , 24-27 May 2012

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Vito Campanelli, Remix It Yourself. Analisi socio-estetica delle forme
comunicative del Web (Remix It Yourself. Socio-Aesthetic Analysis of the Communication Forms of
the Web), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2012. Foreword by Alberto Abruzzese.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , January 2012

■ Noema organizes, with the Planetary Collegium, M-Node and NABA Media Design & New Media Art,
the Symposium “Always Already New 2011: Deep Involvement of Education”. The Symposium is
dedicated to the relationships between education and technologies, in the realm of the centenary of
Marshall McLuhan’s birth. Attending participants: Antonio Caronia, Franco Bifo Berardi, Pier Luigi
Capucci, Francesco Monico, Gabriela Galati, Eugenio Tisselli, Jillian Scott, Denis Jaromil Rojo, Luisa
Paraguai, Wafa Bourkhis, Patrizia Moschella, Amos Bianchi, Nicole Ottiger, Paololuca Barbieri, Sarah
Ciracì, Aviva Rahmani, Massimiliano Viel.
Milan, NABA , 18 - 19 November 2011

■ Noema is Scientific Institutional Partner and Referee of the Journal of McLuhan Studies, a hybrid
(paper/digital) magazine open to innovation, in the mcluhanian way. A peer reviewed journal with
many sections and invited papers.
Madrid , September 2011

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 14

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Subtle Technologies 2011” (4 - 6 June), a yearly event on the
relationships among arts, sciences and technologies that takes place in Toronto. This year the event is
twelve and its theme is “Sustainability”. The “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments,
images, thanks to Roberta Buiani, teacher at York University, Toronto and presenter at “Subtle
Technologies 2011”.
Toronto, n-blog, Noema , 4 - 6 June 2011

■ Noema co-organizes, with the Planetary Collegium, M-Node & NABA Media Design & New Media
Art and Mediateca S.Teresa, the International Symposium “New Media Art Education & Research 3:
Always Already New”. Attending participants: Stephen Kovats, Roy Ascott, Cristina Miranda, Enrica
Borghi, Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Elif Ayiter, Tommaso Tozzi, Pavel Sedlak, Roberto Muffoletto, Fabio
Fornasari, Simona Caraceni, Polona Tratnik, Michel Bauwens, Adam Arvidsson, Bertram Niessen,
Antonio Caronia, Tarin Gartner, Salvatore Iaconesi, Stefano Bonifazi, Alessandro Ludovico, Marco
Mancuso, IOCOSE, Sonia Cillari, Jaromil, Sarah Ciracì, Efe Levent, Massimiliano Viel, Marco
Baravalle, Alterazioni Video, Amos Bianchi, Siegfried Zielinski, Alan Shapiro, Tine Melzer,
Domenico Quaranta, James Moore, Barry Cooper, Franco Torriani, Francesco Monico, Gabriela Galati,
Dimitri Chimenti, Patrizia Moschella, Fahrettin Ersin Alaca, Emanuela Patti, Roger Malina.
Milan, Mediateca S.Teresa , December 16-18, 2010

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Luca Barbeni, Fino alla fine del cinema (Till the End of Cinema), Bologna,
CLUEB-Noema, 2010. Foreword by Bruce Sterling.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , November 2010

■ Noema activates the project and website “Conferences”, to supports the conferences and events that
Noema organizes, both alone and in collaboration with other Institutions. The first one is the
International Symposium “New Media Art Education & Research 3: Always Already New”, in
November 2010, organized by Planetary Collegium, M-Node & NABA Media Design & New Media
Art Symposium in collaboration with Noema and Mediateca S.Teresa. The second event is “Always
Already New 2011: Deep Involvement of Education”, in November 2011, organized by Planetary
Collegium, M-Node & NABA Media Design & New Media Art in collaboration with Noema, curated
by Francesco Monico and Pier Luigi Capucci, dedicated to education in the centenary of Marshall
McLuhan’s birth.
Ravenna, Conferences , 21 October 2010

■ Noema co-organizes, with NABA, Milan, with the PhD program of the M-Node (Planetary Collegium,
University of Plymouth) and with NABA School of Media Design and Multimedia Arts, the
International Symposium “New Media Art Education & Research 2010: Always Already New”
(Milan, 16 -18 December 2010). The members of the Scientific Committee are Roy Ascott (Planetary
Collegium University of Plymouth), Pier Luigi Capucci (M-Node, Noema), Francesco Monico (M-
Node, NABA, Milan), Giovanni Boccia Artieri (University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”), Denis Jaromil Rojo
(Institute of Unstable Media V2_, Rotterdam). The Symposium aims at challenging, foreseing and
debating in a subversive, non linear, anarchic and non academic free way, future strategies and forms of
education in Media, Art & Design and the role of the research and production spaces for artists and
creative professionals working with technologies. Attending participants: Roy Ascott, Derrick de
Kerckhove, Geert Lovink, Siegfried Zielinski, Antonio Caronia, Pier Luigi Capucci, Francesco
Monico, Denis Jaromil Rojo, Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Alan Shapiro, Tine Melzer, Franco Torriani,
Stephen Kovats, Alterazioni Video, Gabriela Galati, Salvatore Iaconesi, Maurizio Bortolotti, Michael
Bauwens, Sonia Cillari, Sarah Ciracì, Enrica Borghi, Tommaso Tozzi, Andris Brinckmanis, Amos
Bianchi, Maresa Lippolis, Marco Mancuso, Paolo Atzori, Dimitri Chimenti, Alberto D’Ottavi.
Milan, NABA , August - December 2010

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 15

■ The book by Gianna Maria Gatti, L’Erbario Tecnologico. La natura vegetale e le nuove tecnologie
nell’arte tra secondo e terzo millennio (The Technological Herbarium. The Vegetable Nature and the
New Technologies in the Art Between Second and Third Millennium), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema,
2005, published in the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and CLUEB University Press,
is published in the English edition by Avinus Verlag, Berlin: Gianna Maria Gatti, The Technological
Herbarium, Berlin, Avinus Press, 2010. Translation and Foreword by Alan N. Shapiro. Some excerpts
from the book are published in Noema.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , June 2010

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Transbiotics. Temporal stability points”, inside the “XII
International Festival for New Media Culture ART+COMMUNICATION 2010”, made in collaboration
with “Textures - the 6th European meeting of the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts” (14 - 20
June 2010). The “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments, images thanks to Roberta
Buiani, teacher at the York University, Toronto, who is present at the events.
Riga, n-blog, Noema , 14 - 20 June 2010

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Subtle Technologies 2010” (4 - 6 June), a yearly event on the
relationships among arts, sciences and technologies that takes place in Toronto. This year the event is
twelve and its theme is “Sustainability”. The “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments,
images thanks to Roberta Buiani, teacher at the York University, Toronto and present at “Subtle
Technologies 2010”.
Toronto, n-blog, Noema , 4 - 6 June 2010

■ Noema is a media partner of “Editing the Future”, a project promoted by the D’Ars Oscar Signorini
Foundation with the patronage of the Majority of Milan and the CASVA (Centro di Alti Studi sulle Arti
Visive del Comune di Milano - Center on High Studies on Visual Arts of the Majority of Milan) and of
the Forum Net Economy. The project aims at promoting the theoretic aspects and the researches on the
relations between art and new technologies with the publication of six graduation thesis on these topics.
Attending participants to the event’s public conference and mentors: Antonio Caronia, Francesco
Monico, Pier Luigi Capucci, Valentina Tanni, Paolo Rosa, Tommaso Tozzi.
Milan, Palazzo Affari ai Giureconsulti , 22 October 2009

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Marco Teti, Lo specchio dell’anime. L’animazione giapponese di serie e il
suo spettatore (The Mirror of the Anime. The Serial Japanese Animation and Its Spectator), Bologna,
CLUEB-Noema, 2009. Foreword by Alberto Boschi.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , April 2008

■ Noema is part of the network of the Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design of the SUPSI -
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. The Master in Interaction design
combines design, new media, robotics, smart systems and high–tech materials in a study program
addressing the realization of projects where the interaction between the design culture and the
technological development allows to generate design driven innovations.
Lugano, SUPSI - University of Applied Sciences and Arts of , June 2009
Southern Switzerland
■ Noema is a media partner of “Feedback - Inter-acto ergo sum. Festival di Arti Interattive” (25 - 28
June 2009), an event devoted to art and interactivity curated by Neri Torcello, Cristina Trivellin and
Martina Coletti. The festival is an art event that reflects on the changes in the art world as well as in the
contemporary society through an insight into the interactive arts and more in general into the
technological arts in their relationships with the scientific realm.
San Casciano in Val di Pesa , 25 - 28 June 2009

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 16

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows Subtle Technologies 2009 (10 - 13 June), an yearly event on the
relationships among arts, sciences and technologies that takes place in Toronto. This year the event is
twelve and its theme is “Networks”. The “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments, images
thanks to Roberta Buiani, teacher at York University and at Infoscape Lab, Ryerson Polytechnic,
Toronto, as well as presenter at “Subtle Technologies 2009”.
Toronto, n-blog, Noema , 10 - 13 June 2009

■ Noema promotes with Yasmin the project “edu.List”. Yasmin is an international network on the
relationships among arts, sciences and technologies in the Mediterranean rim sponsored by UNESCO
and Leonardo magazine, consisting of by Institutions, theoreticians, scholars, artists and scientists. The
“edu.List” is an International directory about courses, masters, erasmus and PhDs in the realm of the
relationships among arts, sciences and technologies.
Noema Website; Athens, University of Athens , 23 March 2009

■ Noema is a partner of “RomaEuropaFAKEFactory” [REFF], a contest born from “Freedom to Remix”,

event promoted by [A]rt is [O]pen [S]ource (Salvatore Iaconesi/xDxD and Oriana Persico/penelope.di.
pixel] and Marco Scialdone, with the support of DegradArte, ComputerLaw 2.0, NeRVi and Valeria
Bochicchio. “RomaEuropaFAKEFactory” is born as a reaction and critic to “RomaEuropa Web
Factory”, a contest organized by the Romaeuropa Festival Foundation in partnership with Telecom
Italia, that bans remix, mash-up and manipulation of the contents.
Rome , 21 - 22 March 2009

■ Noema is the technical-scientifical partner of Media_Art_Net, a network with the goal of endorsing the
training, the research, the documentation, the critic and the universal dissemination of knowledge,
technological languages and media in the arts, design, communication, culture, society. Institutional
partners are NABA (Milan), ISIA (Florence), Fine Arts Academy of Carrara, Fine Arts Academy of
Brera (Milan), Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation (Venice), and technical-scientifical partners are
ToShare (Turin) and the web magazines Digicult and Neural.
Milan , 3 February 2009

■ Noema is a partner in the exhibition of the winners of the contest “Milano in Digitale III - Koi-nét:
Beyond new media art”, devoted to the new media arts and young artists, curated by Cristina Trivellin,
Morena Ghilardi and Martina Coletti. The event is promoted by the D’Ars Oscar Signorini Foundation
with the patronage and the contribution of the Majority of Milan and of Region Lombardia, inside the
Forum Net Economy.
Milan, Fabbrica del Vapore , 13 - 23 November 2008

■ Noema activates the project “netxt”, a blog to interface the novel theory and the digital writing. The
project is curated by Agnese Camellini.
Online , 26 June 2008

■ Noema is a media partner of “CronoSfera”, Festival about Science, Art and Science Fiction organized
by the Cultural Association Alfavì. The Festival is focused on the contemporary imagery and on the
idea of the future through the arts (with a video contest and some exhibitions) and the sciences (through
a series of meetings).
Cavatore (AL) , 20 - 22 June 2008

■ Noema is a media partner of “Milano in Digitale III - Koi-nét: Beyond new media art” (Milan in Digital
III - Koi-nét: Beyond new media art”, an event dedicated to the new media arts and a contest for young
artists. The event is promoted by the D’Ars Oscar Signorini Foundation, with the patronage of the
Majority of Milan and of the Region Lombardia inside the Forum Net Economy.
Milan, Palazzo Affari ai Giureconsulti, D’Ars Studio , 30 - 31 May 2008

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 17

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Subtle Technologies 2008” (29 May - 1 June), an yearly event
on the relationships arts-sciences-technologies that takes place in Toronto. This year the event is eleven
and its main topic is “light”. The “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments, images thanks
to Roberta Buiani, teacher at the York University and at the Infoscape Lab, Ryerson Polytechnic,
Toronto and Master of Ceremonies of Subtle Technologies 2008.
Toronto, n-blog, Noema , 29 May - 1 June 2008

■ Noema, in collaboration with the Fine Arts Academy of Carrara, organizes the lectures of Denisa Kera
(Center for Global Studies, Facoltà di Filosofia e Arti per lo studio dei new media, Charles University),
“People, Data, Networks: Web 2.0 mashups, globalization and art” and of Pavel Sedlak (adjunct
Director CIANT - Center for Arts and New Technologies, Prague), “The CIANT’s Activities and
Projects”. The meeting is organized by Tommaso Tozzi and moderated by Franco Torriani.
Carrara, Fine Arts Academy , 27 May 2008

■ Noema in collaboration with the Majority of Scandiano, with the Centro Studi “Lazzaro Spallanzani”,
with the Università of Modena and Reggio Emilia and with the Association “Levi Montalcini”
collaborates to the organization of the seminar “La Scienza per l’Arte/L’Arte per la Scienza” (Science
for Art/Art for Science). The seminar is inside the events of “InFormaDiScienza. Gli scienziati tornano
a Scandiano” (In Form of Science. The Scientists Are Back to Scandiano), ten days of seminars,
didactics and workshops on science. The seminar is focused on bioart, robotic art, nanoart, and the
activities of PAV (Parco Arte Vivente, Turin). Attending participants: Pier Luigi Capucci (curator and
chair of the seminar), Ivana Mulatero, Franco Torriani, Laura Sansavini and Stefano Raimondi.
Scandiano (RE), Salon of Honor of the Rocca dei Boiardo , 10 May 2008

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “OFFF 2008” (8, 9 and 10 May 2008), International Festival for
the Post-Digital Creation Culture, that takes place in Lisbon every year. The event is followed by some
students of the Fine Arts Academies of Urbino and Carrara.
Lisbon, n-blog, Noema , 8, 9 and 10 May 2008

■ Noema in collaboration with NABA Milan, the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation Venice and the
Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, organizes three lectures
in Italy by Jens Hauser, an international expert in biotech art. The lectures take place at the main offices
of the collaborating Institutes.
Milan, NABA, Venice, Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Rome, , 28 - 30 April 2008
University “La Sapienza”
■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Martina Becucci, Agnese Benassi, Valentina Culatti (eds.), Struttura #3
Organica. Il vivente nel mare digitale (Organic Structure #3. The Living in the Digital Sea), Bologna,
CLUEB-Noema, 2008. With texts by Diego Mencarelli, Valentina Culatti, Pier Luigi Capucci,
Gianfranco Toninelli, Leandro Pisano, Fabio Franchino, Alessandro Capozzo, Paolo Ripamonti, Ilaria
Mancino, Laura Bardier, Luca Carlucci, Andreina Di Brino, Giodo Cionini, Maria Elena Gutierrez,
Thomas Alisi, Andrea Di Mario, Sara Lenzi, Andrea Gadaleta Caldarola, Marco Mancuso, Raffaele
Fiorella, Francesca Mazzarelli, Alessandra Cianelli, Matteo Marangoni, Nicola Torpei, Joanna Bodzek,
Dario Trovato, Andrea Todon, Gregory Petitqueux, Tuia Cherici.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , April 2008

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Giulia Caramaschi, I confini della comunicazione. Discorsi, immagini,
pratiche nella società dell’informazione (The Borders of Communication. Discourses, Images,
Practices in the Information Society), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2008. Foreword by Derrick de
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , January 2008

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■ Noema is a media partner of M-Node, graduate program and Italian node of the Planetary Collegium
(University of Plymouth), founded in 2003 and directed by Roy Ascott. This doctoral research program
has graduated some of the most important contemporary artists and scholars, like Eduardo Kac, Peter
Anders, Joseph Nechvatal, Jill Scott, Bill Seaman, Christa Sommerer, Victoria Vesna, Elisa Giaccardi,
and developes a research between art and science. The M-Node, that is located by the NABA in Milan,
is focused on the advanced research in the interdisciplinary space among arts, technologies and
Milan, NABA , 30 November 2007

■ Noema is a partner, with the Majority of Bologna (Department of Culture and Relations with the
University), CINECA, Librerie Feltrinelli, Vesuviana - Dep. of Archeology - University of Bologna, of
the event “Un pomeriggio con Studio Azzurro” (An Afternoon with Studio Azzurro). The meeting
presents the book, edited by Bruno Marino, Studio Azzurro. Videoambienti e ambienti sensibili (Studio
Azzurro. Video-environments and Sensible Environments), Milan, Feltrinelli, 2007, with two DVDs.
Attending participants: the book’s editor and the Studio Azzurro team with Paolo Rosa, Leonardo
Sangiorgi and Fabio Cirifino. The event is transmitted in streaming by CINECA.
Bologna, Museum of Music , 27 November 2007

■ Noema is the Italian correspondent of Yasmin, a mailing list on art/science/technology relationships in

the Mediterranean rim. Yasmin is a network of artists, scientists, engineers, theoreticians and
Institutions who promote the communication and the collaboration in art, science and technology in the
Mediterranean rim. Yasmin is based on the contribute of ISOC (Internet Society), Rockefeller
Foundation, Leonardo/Olats, the University of Athens, Artnodes-UOC Barcelona, and it is sponsored
by the DigiArts program of UNESCO.
Athens, University of Athens , 12 November 2007

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Mutamorphosis” (8 - 10 November 2007), event on the
relationships among arts, sciences and technologies that takes place in Prague. The event is followed by
Martina Coletti, Laura Sansavini and Cristina Trivellin.
Prague, n-blog, Noema , 8 - 10 November 2007

■ Noema is a media partner of the “Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes”, a French organization
that since 1992 has been promoting the young artists’ international mobility.
Marly le Roi, Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes , 25 October 2007

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Roberto Signorini, Alle origini del fotografico. Lettura di The Pencil of Nature
(1844-46) di William Henry Fox Talbot (At the Origins of Photography. Reading of “The Pencil of
Nature” of William Henry Fox Talbot), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2007.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , September 2007

■ Noema is a media partner of “Struttura Organica 2007”, an event with videos, thematic talks,
multimedia installations, projections and performances, that is at the third edition. Topics are bioarts
and the organic dimension. A reportage is published on Noema’s “n-blog”.
San Vincenzo (LI), Tower’s Halls , 7 - 9 September 2007

■ Noema activates the project “robotic_art”, a blog on the relationships between art and robotics curated
by Laura Sansavini.
Online , 6 August 2007

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■ Noema is media partner of “Milano in Digitale II” (Milan in Digital II), a project curated by Cristina
Trivellin and Morena Ghilardi, a contest that promotes the young artists who operates with the new
technologies. The event is organized by the D’Ars Oscar Signorini Foundation with the contribution of
the Majority of Milan and with the patronage of the Region Lombardia.
Milan, D’Ars , June - October 2007

■ The “n-blog”, Noema’s blog, follows “Subtle Technologies 2007” (24 - 27 May), an yearly event on
the relationships arts-sciences-technologies that takes place in Toronto. This year the event is ten, and
the “n-blog” publishes reportages, interviews, comments, images, thanks to Roberta Buiani, teacher at
the York University and at the Infoscape Lab, Ryerson Polytechnic, Toronto.
Toronto, n-blog, Noema , 24 - 27 May 2007

■ Noema is a partner, with the Majority of Bologna (Culture Office) which is the organizer, with the
Archaeology Department of the University of Bologna and with the CINECA of the event “Due
pomeriggi di approfondimenti sulla realtà virtuale per i Beni Culturali” (Two Afternoons to Deepen the
Virtual Reality for the Cultural Heritage). The performed meetings are: “Virtual Reality e archeologia”
(Virtual Reality and Archeology), with Pietro Giovanni Guzzo (Chief Archaeologist in Pompei,
Ercolano Stabia) and “Cultura: la via da ICT a UCT (Universal Convergence Technologies)” [Culture:
the way from ICT to UCT (Universal Convergence Technologies)], with Kim H. Veltman (Scientific
Director VMMI, Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute). Attending participants: Sanzio Bassini
(CINECA), Angelo Bellettini (Majority of Bologna), Benedetto Benedetti (Scuola Normale Superiore
di Pisa), Francesca Bocchi (University of Bologna), Lorenzo Braccesi (University of Padova), Pier
Luigi Capucci (University of Bologna), Antonella Coralini (University of Bologna), Ivano Dionigi
(University of Bologna), Mauro Felicori (Majority of Bologna, Culture Office), Marco Gaiani (Milan
Polytechnic), Francesca Ghedini (University of Padova), Maria Pia Guermandi (Institute of Cultural
Heritage, Region Emilia Romagna), Antonella Guidazzoli (CINECA), Maria Paola Guidobaldi
(Archaeological Superintendence in Pompei), Maurizio Lunghi (Fondazione Rinascimento digitale),
Luigi Malnati (Archaeological Superintendence in Emilia Romagna), Maria Luisa Nava
(Archaeological Superintendence in Naples), Sergio Pernigotti (University of Bologna), Bruno Riccò
(University of Bologna), Tullio Salmon Cinotti (University of Bologna), Sara Santoro Bianchi
(University of Parma), Giuseppe Sassatelli (University of Bologna), Daniela Scagliarini (University of
Bologna, Museum of Music , 14 - 15 May 2007

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Jens Hauser (ed.), Art Biotech, Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2007. Italian
Edition and foreword by Pier Luigi Capucci and Franco Torriani.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , March 2007

■ The book by Gianna Maria Gatti, L’Erbario Tecnologico. La natura vegetale e le nuove tecnologie
nell’arte tra secondo e terzo millennio (The Technological Herbarium. The Vegetable Nature and the
New Technologies in Art between Second and Third Millennium), published by CLUEB in the series
<mediaversi> coproduced by Noema, is presented at the seminar on the relationships between arts and
technologies organized by the Fine Arts Academy of Rimini (LABA). Attending participants: Massimo
Marra (director of LABA), Pino Parini and Franca Fabbri (LABA), Pier Luigi Capucci (Noema) and
the book’s author Gianna Maria Gatti.
Rimini, LABA , 14 March 2007

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 20

■ Noema is a partner, with the Majority of Bologna (New Museum Institutions Project), the Foundation
Milan Polytechnic & Medici Framework, CINECA, the 2nd Level Degree Course in Cinema,
Television and Multimedia Production (University of Bologna), of the event that presents the winners
of the eContent Award Italy, eCulture section, a prize for cultural digital content. Attending
participants: Mauro Felicori (Majority of Bologna, New Museum Institutions Project), Alfredo Ronchi
(Milan Polytechnic, chair eContent Award Italy 2006), and the projects Musei Vaticani, Progetto
Arianna per la città di Firenze, Sito Web delle Gallerie di Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Virtual Reality –
Villa dei Misteri, sito web Guido Gonella, Portale Alcide De Gasperi nella storia d’Europa, Museo
delle Antichità Egizie, Le Mee di Selinunte - The Mees of Selinunte, Museo Virtuale della Certosa di
Bologna, Weblogart e Bestonline, engramma (online).
Bologna, Museum of Music , 29 January 2007

■ Noema is media partner of PEAM 2006, an event on new media arts that takes place in Pescara.
Pescara, Ecoteca , 8 December 2006

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Cosetta Saba (ed.), Cinema Video Internet. Tecnologie e avanguardia in Italia
dal Futurismo alla (Cinema Video Internet. Technologies and Avant-Garde in Italy from
Futurism to Net.Art), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2006. The book includes a CD-ROM, curated by
Cristiano Poian, with the cited artworks. Foreword by Paolo Bertetto.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , November 2006

■ Noema activates a partnership with Le Scienze online magazine (the Italian edition of Scientific
American magazine).
Milan , November 2006

■ At Modo Infoshop Library five meetings are organized on < mediaversi > book series, coproduced by
Boema and published by CLUEB Universityu Press. Attending participants: the books’ authors and the
series founder and director, Pier Luigi Capucci, and Alessandro Serra (University of Bologna),
Guglielmo Pescatore (University of Bologna) and Marco Andreani (University of Parma).
Bologna, Modo Infoshop Library , 12 September - 7 November 2006

■ Noema is a partner in the five meetings on the < mediaversi >‘s book series presentation at the Modo
Infoshop library. Attending participants: the books’ authors, Alessandro Serra (University of Bologna),
Guglielmo Pescatore (University of Bologna) and Marco Andreani (University of Parma).
Bologna, Modo Infoshop Library , 12 September - 7 November 2006

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Jean Marie Schaeffer, L’immagine precaria. Sul dispositivo fotografico (The
Precarious Image. On the Photographic Device), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2006.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , June 2006

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Andrea Ganduglia, L’informazione radiofonica locale in Italia (The Local
Radio Information in Italy), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2006.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , March 2006

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Jean Mitry, Storia del cinema sperimentale (History of Experimental Cinema),
Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2006.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , March 2006

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 21

■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Federica Grigoletto, Videogiochi e cinema. Interattività, temporalità, tecniche
narrative e modalità di fruizione (Videogames and Cinema. Interactivity, Temporality, Narrative
Techniques and Modalities of Fruition), Bologna, CLUEB-Noema, 2006.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , March 2006

■ After a training started in 2002, Noema activates his e-learning project (“Noema e-learning Lab”). The
e.lab (e-learning.lab) is born from Noema’s activities as a teaching platform to collaborate. The e.lab is
online for the courses that need a learning system to share material, confront on topics and improve
their teaching activities. The e.lab is based on Moodle, an Open Source e-learning platform.
On the Web , 25 February 2006

■ Noema is selected among the finalist projects of “Palinsesto Italia 2005 Prize” (Palimpsest Italy 2005),
organized by LegaCoop Bologna in collaboration with the Majority of Bologna, the Province of
Bologna, the Region Emilia Romagna, the University of Bologna, the Chamber of Commerce, Bologna
Fairs, the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation, the Cineteca of the Majority of Bologna, Ascom, COMPA.
Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo , 2 - 3 December 2005

■ The first volume published by the series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema, Gianna Maria Gatti,
L’erbario Tecnologico (The Technological Herbarium), Bologna, Clueb, 2005, with an enclosed CD-
ROM with the artworks, is reviewed in the cultural section of the national newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore (n.
296, 30 October 2005).
Bologna , 30 October 2005

■ Noema is media partner of PEAM 2005, an international event about art and new media that takes place
in Pescara.
Pescara, Peam 2005 , 22 - 30 October 2005

■ Noema activates the didactic project “MySoft”, that collects on CD-ROM useful Open Source and free
software applications. “MySoft” is born from the Courses of Theory and techniques of mass
communications (University of Bologna) and Theories and techniques of new media (University of
Urbino “Carlo Bo”), teacher Pier Luigi Capucci. “MySoft” aims at giving a valuable alternative to
commercial software applications and at educating against the software piracy, giving to the students
software applications suitable to their studies’ objects and making them aware about the Open Source
and free software topics.
Online and on CD-ROM , 6 October 2005

■ Il “n-blog”, il blog di Noema, segue “Ars Electronica” 2005 (Linz, 1-6 September 2005), curated by
Simona Caraceni. The n-blog publishes audio interviews to Derrick de Kerckhove, Marko Ahtisaari
and others.
Linz, n-blog, Noema , 1 - 6 September 2005

■ Noema activates the communication project “Noema Blog”, a blog that follows cultural events almost
in realtime in a multimedia way. The first reportage is from Ars Electronica 2005 (1-6 September
2005), with reportages on the events interviews, and image and video documents.
On the Web , 28 August 2005

■ From Noema is born the project “n-blog”, based on the software Open Source Nucleus, in order
tosupport events on Noema's topics almost in realtime. It offers reportages, writings, images,
interviews, comments, movies.
, August 2005

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■ In the book series <mediaversi>, coproduced by Noema and published by CLUEB University Press, it
is published the book by Gianna Maria Gatti, L’Erbario Tecnologico. La natura vegetale e le nuove
tecnologie nell’arte tra secondo e terzo millennio (The Technological Herbarium. The Vegetable
Nature and the New Technologies in the Art Between Second and Third Millennium), Bologna,
CLUEB-Noema, 2005. The book includes a CD-ROM with the cited artworks.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , July 2005

■ From a research of “web credibility” made by the Rome-based company Spazio RP - Publishing and
services for communication, Noema is among the 1800 most reliable, authoritative and influential
Italian websites.
Rome , 30 May 2005

■ Noema activates the project [botworld], mailing list (upon invitation) on robotics.
Online , 28 February 2005

■ Noema co-produces for CLUEB University Press in Bologna the book series <mediaversi>, directed by
Pier Luigi Capucci. The book series aims at reflecting on the relationships among the new and the old
media and the technologies, and it has an International Scientific Committee.
Bologna, <mediaversi>, CLUEB-Noema , October 2004

Online , September 2004

■ Noema is presented at Radio Delta 1, a private radio station. Attending participant Guido Capanna
Piscè, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.
Radio Delta 1 , 28 June 2004

■ Noema is a partner of the BlogWork Project, a blog on the electronic arts coordinated by Lorenzo
Miglioli for the 50° Venice Biennale. With this project the ASAC (Historic Archive of Contemporary
Arts) promotes a research on the digital art forms.
Venice, Venice Biennale and on the Web , 12 June - 2 November 2003

■ Noema is selected by RAI International as Best Italian Website.

Rome, RAI International , 14 - 21 April 2003

Online , August 2002

■ Noema is presented at the series of lectures “Advanced Electronic Visualization and Critique” (16
january - 24 april 2002), organized by Franz Fischnaller (University of Illinois, Chicago - School of Art
and Design, Electronic Visualization Laboratory - EVL/UIC). Attending participants to the lectures’
cycle: Jason Leight, (scientist, EVL/UIC), Alex Hill (scientist, UIC), Alberto Del Bimbo (University of
Florence), Shalini Venkatar (scientist, EVL/UIC), Dan Sandin (media artist, EVL/UIC), Stephen
Wilson (San Francisco State University), Mark Tribe (Rhizome), Steve Dietz (WalkerArt Center),
Giuliano Bianchi (University of Siena), Joe Hoy (EVL/UIC), Zack (artist), Doug Garofalo (University
of Illinois), Pierre Lévy (University of Paris-VIII), Lawrence G. Desmond (Harvard University).
Chicago, University of Illinois , 24 April 2002

■ Noema hosts a stage on the design of websites with cultural purposes. The stage is commissioned by
Fondazione Aldini Valeriani in Bologna and it is held at Noema’s office.
Milano Marittima (RA) , 9 - 30 November 2001

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 23

■ Noema is the main topic of the workshop “Noema v1.0” at La Salara in Bologna, on the new
communication and art forms. The workshop is made in collaboration with the Department of Culture
of the Majority of Bologna (Young Artists Office), with Bologna 2000 and with La Salara. Attending
participants: Elisa Giaccardi (CAiiA-Star), Mattia Miani (Polix), Eventi Progetti Speciali, Vanni
Brusadin (Salara MediaLab), Lorenza Pignatti (Salara MediaLab), Francesco Cisternino (Noema),
Antonella Beccaria (Annozero).
Bologna, La Salara , 13 June 2001

■ Noema (nóēma, from Greek νόημα, “thought”, “concept”, “idea”) is a magazine on the relationships
among culture, sciences, technologies and society. “Culture” also means “habits”, “lifestyles”,
“communication”, “art”, “society”, “economy”, “media”, “philosophy”…, while “technologies” should
be intended in a broader meaning than the mere digital realm.
Noema is born in November 1999 but its roots date back to the beginning of ’90s: in March 1994 a
small group at the University of Bologna published NetMagazine, then renamed in MagNet, the first
online magazine in Italy, an experience which is still mentioned in the books on Interface Design. Pier
Luigi Capucci is the founder and with Filippo Foschi they build the fisrt HTML release.
Online , 13 March 2000

■ The project of Noema, a magazine devoted to culture-new technologies interrelations and influences, is
born. Pier Luigi Capucci and Filippo Foschi start working to the project and to the website.
Ravenna , December 1999

Noema – Activities 18/07/2024 24

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