Nancy Patricia Garza Indictment
Nancy Patricia Garza Indictment
Nancy Patricia Garza Indictment
aid and abet one male Mexican alien identified as Jose Cruz Chavez Reyes to unlawfully attempt
to enter the United States by willfully false and misleading representation and willful concealment
of a material fact,
8 & 18
CBP Enforcement Officer
On or about August 29, 2015, co-defendants, Rubi LEAL and Nancy Patricia GARZA, applied for admission into the United States at the Lincoln Juarez Port
of Entry in Laredo, Texas via vehicular primary accompanied by one male. At time of entry, the driver Leal claimed to be United States Citizen and
presented her U.S. Passport. Leal presented a U.S. Passport bearing the name and photograph of Esteban Edwardo Garcia for the male in question.
When Garza was asked for her documents she stated she was a Harris County Sheriff Deputy. The inspection Officer again requested documentation from
Garza and presented her U.S. Passport. Male was questioned about his identity and stated to be such person on the U.S. Passport bearing the name
Esteban Edwardo Garcia. Garza confirmed with the inspecting officer they (Leal, Garcia, and herself) had come to Nuevo Laredo, MX from Houston, Texas
to turn in a permit and were now heading to San Antonio, Texas. Garza later recanted that statement stating she had lied about coming with male subject
from Houston, Texas to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Primary inspection was conducted by CBP Officer Andrew Miller, and secondary inspection was conducted
by CBP Officers Yessenia Ibarra, Daniel Llera, Armando Rodriguez and State Department Tyler Evans. During secondary inspection, Leal admitted to CBP
that the U.S. Passport she had presented for the male was not his and identified him as brother Jose Cruz Chavez Reyes a Mexican National. Leal added
that Garza knew about the smuggling scheme. Leal added Garza knows her brother by his true name as "Jose Chavez" and calls him Joe therefore
knowing the U.S. Passport under the name Esteban Edwardo Garcia does not belong to him. Leal further stated Garza is aware that Jose Chavez is not a
United States Citizen nor does not have valid documents to enter the United States. During her voluntary statement to the Department of State, Leal stated
she left it clear with her brother and Garza that she would take the blame if caught in the smuggling scheme. Facts are based on Leals and Garzas
statement and records of Customs and Border Protection.
Jose C. Luna, CBP Enforcement Officer
Laredo, Texas