Earth is moving on its axis from West to East. If we see towards horizon, we find that
signs of Zodiac rise one by one. Any particular sign of the Zodiac will reappear at the
east horizon after approximately 24 hours. Ascendant is the sign of zodiac which is
rising in the eastern horizon at the time of occurrence of an event. The Ascendant is
also known as first house of the horoscope.
Second house means the second counted from first and so on.
Each house of the horoscope signifies certain aspects of life which are as under:First House :
Body, appearance, personality, face, health,
longevity, fortune, honour, dignity, prosperity.
character, temperament,
Second House :
Wealth, family, speech, right eye, nail, tongue, nose, teeth, ambition, food, imagination,
power of observation, jewelry, precious stones, unnatural sex, loss by cheating and
violence between life partners.
Third House :
Younger brothers and sisters, cousins, relatives, neighbors, courage, firmness, valour,
chest, right ear, hands, short journeys, nervous system, communication, writing
editing books, reporting to newspapers, education, intellect.
Fourth House :
Mother, conveyance, relatives, domestic environment, treasure, land, house, education,
landed property, hereditary tendencies, later portion of life, hidden treasure, private
love affairs, chest, interference in married life by parents-in laws and family,
ornaments, clothes.
Fifth House :
Seventh House :
Spouse, personality of spouse, relations between life partners, desires, partnership,
open enemies, recovery, journey, litigation, danger to life, influence in foreign countries
and fame, relations between self and public, sexual or urinary disease.
Eighth House :
8th Saturn
9th Sun, Jupiter
10th Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn
11th Jupiter
12th Saturn
Significations of Planets
Sun - Father, influence, energy
Moon - Mother, mind
Mars - Brothers, courage
Mercury - Profession, speech, education,
Jupiter - Progeny, wealth, prosperity wisdom
Venus - Marriage, material comforts, pleasures
Saturn - Longevity, sorrows, delays
Rahu - Maternal relations
Ketu - Paternal relations