Ex-Capt. Harish Uppal Vs Union of India
Ex-Capt. Harish Uppal Vs Union of India
Ex-Capt. Harish Uppal Vs Union of India
Writ Petition (civil)
132 of 1988
Ex-Capt. Harish Uppal
Union of India & Anr.
DATE OF JUDGMENT: 17/12/2002
(WITH W. P. (C) No. 394/93, W. P. (C) No.
821/90, W. P. (C) No. 320/93 and W. P.
(C) 406/2000)
All these Petitions raise the question whether lawyers have a
right to strike and/or give a call for boycotts of Court/s. In all these
Petitions a declaration is sought that such strikes and/or calls for
boycott are illegal. As the questions vitally concerned the legal
profession, public notices were issued to Bar Associations and Bar
Councils all over the country. Pursuant to those notices some Bar
Associations and Bar Councils have filed their responses and have
appeared and made submissions before us.
In Writ Petition (C) No. 821 of 1990, an interim order came to be
passed. This Order is reported in (1995) 1 Scale p.6.
circumstances under which it is passed and the nature of the interim
order are set out in the Order. The relevant portion reads as under:
"2. The Officiating Secretary, Bar Council of India, Mr. C.
R. Balaram filed an affidavit on behalf of the Bar Council of
India wherein he states that a National Conference of
members of the Bar Council of India and State Bar
Councils was held on 10th and 11th September, 1994 and a
working paper was circulated on behalf of the Bar Council
of India by Mr. V. C. Misra, Chairman, Bar Council of India,
inter alia on the question of strike by lawyers. In that
working paper a note was taken that Bar Association had
proceeded on strike on several occasions in the past, at
times, State-wide or Nationwide, and while the profession
does not like it as members of the profession are
themselves the losers in the process and while it is not
necessary to sit in judgment over the wider question
whether members of the profession can at all go on strike
or boycott of courts, it was felt that even if it is assumed
that such a right enures to the members of the profession,
the circumstances in which such a steps should be restored
should be clearly indicated. Referring to an earlier case
before the Delhi High Court it was stated that the Bar
Council of India had made its position clear to the effect
"(a) Bar Council of India is against resorting to strike
excepting in rarest of rare cases involving the dignity and
independence of the judiciary as well as of the Bar; and
(b) whenever strikes becomes inevitable, efforts shall be
made to keep it short and peaceful to avoid causing
hardship to the litigant public." (emphasis supplied). It
was in response to the above that a consensus emerged at
the Bar at the hearing of the matter that instead of the
Court going into the wider question whether or not the
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Mr. P. N. Duda, Sr. Advocate representing the Bar
Council of India was good enough to state that he will
suggest to the Bar Council of India to incorporate Clauses
(1), (2) and (3) and (4) in the Bar Council of India
(Conduct & Disciplinary) Rules, so that it can have
statutory support should there be any violation or
contravention of the aforementioned four clauses. The
suggestion that we defer the hearing and decision on the
larger question whether or not members of the profession
can abstain from work commends to us. We also agree
with the suggestion that we see the working of the
suggestions in clauses (1) to (4) above for a period of at
least six months by making the said clauses the rule of the
Court. Accordingly we make clauses (1) to (4) mentioned
above the order of this Court and direct further course of
action in terms thereof. The same will operate
We also suggest to the Bar Councils and
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In the case of Koluttumottil Razak vs. State of Kerala reported in
(2000) 4 SCC 465, counsel did not appear in Court as advocates had
called for a strike. As the appellant was languishing in jail this Court
held that an adjournment would not be justified. This Court held that
it is the duty of the Court to look into the matter itself.
In the case of U.P. Sales Tax Service Association vs. Taxation
Bar Association reported in (1995) 5 SCC 716, the question was
whether the High Court could issue a writ or direction prohibiting a
statutory authority from discharging quasi judicial functions i.e. direct
the State Government to withdraw all powers from it and transfer all
pending cases before the officer to any other officer and whether
advocates would be justified to go on strike as a pressure group. In
that context this Court observed as follows:
"11. It is fundamental that if rule of law is to have
any meaning and content, the authority of the court or a
statutory authority and the confidence of the public in
them should not be allowed to be shaken, diluted or
The courts of justice and all tribunals
exercising judicial functions from the highest to the lowest
are by their constitution entrusted with functions directly
connected with the administration of justice.
It is that
expectation and confidence of all those, who have or are
likely to have business in that court or tribunal, which
should be maintained so that the court/tribunal perform all
their functions on a higher level of rectitude without fear or
favour, affection or ill-will. Casting defamatory aspersions
upon the character, ability or integrity of the judge/judicial
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In our view the conclusions reached are absolutely correct and
the same need to be and are hereby approved.
Thereafter in the case of Roman Services Pvt. Ltd. vs. Subhash
Kapoor reported in (2001) 1 SCC 118, the question was whether a
litigant should suffer a penalty because his advocate had boycotted the
Court pursuant to a strike call made by the Association of which the
advocate was a member. In answer to this question it has been held
that when an advocate engaged by a party is on strike there is no
obligation on the part of the Court to either wait or adjourn the case
on that account. It was held that this Court has time and again set
out that an advocate has no right to stall court proceedings on the
ground that they have decided to go on a strike.
In this case it was
noted that in Mahabir Prasads case (supra), it has been held that
strikes and boycotts are illegal. That the lawyers and the Bar
understood that they could not resort to strikes is clear from
statement of Senior Counsel Shri. Krishnamani which this Court
The statement is as follows:
"13. Shri Krishamani, however, made the present position
as unambiguously clear in the following words:
"Today, if a lawyer participates in a Bar
Associations boycott of a particular court that is ex
facie bad in view of the clear declaration of law by
this Honble Court.
Now, even if there is boycott
call, a lawyer can boldly ignore the same in view of
the ruling of this Honble Court in Mahabir Prasad
Singh (1999) 1 SCC 37."
This Court thereafter directed the concerned advocate to pay the half
the amount of the cost imposed on his client. The observations in this
behalf are as follows:
"15. Therefore, we permit the appellant to realise
half of the said amount of Rs. 5000 from the firm of
advocates M/s B.C. Das Gupta & Co. or from any one of its
partners. Initially we thought that the appellant could be
permitted to realise the whole amount from the said firm
of advocates. However, we are inclined to save the firm
from bearing the costs partially since the Supreme Court is
adopting such a measure for the first time and the counsel
would not have been conscious of such a consequence
befalling them. Nonetheless we put the profession to
notice that in future the advocate would also be
answerable for the consequence suffered by the party if
the non-appearance was solely on the ground of a strike
It is unjust and inequitable to cause the party alone
to suffer for the self-imposed dereliction of his advocate.
We may further add that the litigant who suffers entirely
on account of his advocates non-appearance in court, has
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also the remedy to sue the advocate for damages but that
remedy would remain unaffected by the course adopted in
this case. Even so, in situations like this, when the court
mulcts the party with costs for the failure of his advocate
to appear, we make it clear that the same court has power
to permit the party to realise the costs from the advocate
concerned. However, such direction can be passed only
after affording an opportunity to the advocate.
If he has
any justifiable cause the court can certainly absolve him
from such a liability. But the advocate cannot get
absolved merely on the ground that he did not attend the
court as he or his association was on a strike.
If any
advocate claims that his right to strike must be without
any loss to him but the loss must only be for his innocent
client such a claim is repugnant to any principle of fair play
and canons of ethics. So when he opts to strike work or
boycott the court he must as well be prepared to bear at
least the pecuniary loss suffered by the litigant client who
entrusted his brief to that advocate with all confidence that
his cause would be safe in the hands of that advocate.
16. In all cases where the court is satisfied that the
ex parte order (passed due to the absence of the advocate
pursuant to any strike call) could be set aside on terms,
the court can as well permit the party to realise the costs
from the advocate concerned without driving such party to
initiate another legal action against the advocate.
17. We may also observe that it is open to the court
as an alternative course to permit the party (while setting
aside the ex parte order or decree earlier passed in his
favour) to realise the cost fixed by the court for the
purpose, from the counsel of the other party whose
absence caused the passing of such ex parte order, if the
court is satisfied that such absence was due to that
counsel boycotting the court or participating in a strike."
(emphasis supplied)
Thus the law is already well settled. It is the duty of every
Advocate who has accepted a brief to attend trial, even though it may
go on day to day and for a prolonged period.
It is also settled law
that a lawyer who has accepted a brief cannot refuse to attend Court
because a boycott call is given by the Bar Association. It is settled law
that it is unprofessional as well as unbecoming for a lawyer who has
accepted a brief to refuse to attend Court even in pursuance of a call
for strike or boycott by the Bar Association or the Bar Council.
It is
settled law that Courts are under an obligation to hear and decide
cases brought before it and cannot adjourn matters merely because
lawyers are on strike. The law is that it is the duty and obligation of
Courts to go on with matters or otherwise it would tantamount to
becoming a privy to the strike. It is also settled law that if a resolution
is passed by Bar Associations expressing want of confidence in judicial
officers it would amount to scandalising the Courts to undermine its
authority and thereby the Advocates will have committed contempt of
Court. Lawyers have known, at least since Mahabir Singhs case
(supra) that if they participate in a boycott or a strike, their action is
ex-facie bad in view of the declaration of law by this Court. A lawyers
duty is to boldly ignore a call for strike or boycott of Court/s.
have also known, at least since Roman Services case, that the
Advocates would be answerable for the consequences suffered by their
clients if the non-appearance was solely on grounds of a strike call.
It must also be remembered that an Advocate is an officer of the
Court and enjoys special status in society. Advocates have obligations
and duties to ensure smooth functioning of the Court. They owe a
duty to their client. Strikes interfere with administration of justice.
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They cannot thus disrupt Court proceedings and put interest of their
clients in jeopardy. In the words of Mr. H. M. Seervai, a distinguished
jurist:"Lawyers ought to know that at least as long as lawful
redress is available to aggrieved lawyers, there is no
justification for lawyers to join in an illegal conspiracy to
commit a gross, criminal contempt of court, thereby
striking at the heart of the liberty conferred on every
person by our Constitution. Strike is an attempt to
interfere with the administration of justice. The principle is
that those who have duties to discharge in a court of
justice are protected by the law and are shielded by the
law to discharge those duties, the advocates in return have
duty to protect the courts. For, once conceded that
lawyers are above the law and the law courts, there can be
no limit to lawyers taking the law into their hands to
paralyse the working of the courts.
"In my submission",
he said that "it is high time that the Supreme Court and
the High Court make it clear beyond doubt that they will
not tolerate any interference from anybody or authority in
the daily administration of justice. For in no other way can
the Supreme Court and the High Court maintain the high
position and exercise the great powers conferred by the
Constitution and the law to do justice without fear or
favour, affection or ill-will."
It was expected that having known the well-settled law and
having seen that repeated strikes and boycotts have shaken the
confidence of the public in the legal profession and affected
administration of justice, there would be self regulation. The above
mentioned interim Order was passed in the hope that with self
restraint and self regulation the lawyers would retrieve their profession
from lost social respect.
The hope has not fructified.
strikes and boycott calls are becoming a frequent spectacle. Strikes,
boycott calls and even unruly and unbecoming conduct are becoming a
frequent spectacle. On the slightest pretense strikes and/or boycott
calls are resorted to. The judicial system is being held to ransom.
Administration of law and justice is threatened. The rule of law is
It is held that submissions made on behalf of Bar Councils of U.
P. merely need to be stated to be rejected.
The submissions based on
Advocates Act are also without merit. Section 7 of the Advocates Act
provides for the functions of the Bar Council of India. None of the
functions mentioned therein authorise paralising of the working of
Courts in any manner. On the contrary, Bar Council of India is
enjoined with the duty of laying down standards of professional
conduct and etiquette for advocates.
This would mean that the Bar
Council of India ensures that Advocates do not behave in
unprofessional and unbecoming manner. Section 48A gives a right to
Bar Council of India to give directions to State Bar Councils. The Bar
Associations may be separate bodies but all Advocates who are
members of such Association are under disciplinary jurisdiction of the
Bar Councils and thus the Bar Councils can always control their
conduct. Further even in respect of disciplinary jurisdiction the final
appellate authority is, by virtue of Section 38, the Supreme Court.
In the case of Abhay Prakash Sahay Lalan v. High Court of
Judicature at Patna reported in AIR 1998 Patna 75, it has been held
that Section 34(1) of the Advocates Act empowers High Courts to
frame rules laying down conditions subject to which an Advocate shall
be permitted to practice in the High Court and Courts subordinate
thereto. It has been held that the power under Section 34 of the
Advocates Act is similar to the power under Article 145 of the
Constitution of India. It is held that other Sections of the Advocates
Act cannot be read in a manner which would render Section 34
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In the case of Supreme Court Bar Association v. Union of India
reported in (1998) 4 SCC 409, it has been held that professional
misconduct may also amount to Contempt of Court (para 21). It has
further been held as follows:
"79. An advocate who is found guilty of contempt of court
may also, as already noticed, be guilty of professional
misconduct in a given case but it is for the Bar Council of
the State or Bar Council of India to punish that advocate
by either debarring him from practice or suspending his
licence, as may be warranted, in the facts and
circumstances of each case. The learned Solicitor General
informed us that there have been cases where the Bar
Council of India taking note of the contumacious and
objectionable conduct of an advocate, had initiated
disciplinary proceedings against him and even punished
him for "professional misconduct", on the basis of his
having been found guilty of committing contempt of court.
We do not entertain any doubt that the Bar Council of the
State or Bar Council of India, as the case may be, when
apprised of the established contumacious conduct of an
advocate by the High Court or by this Court, would rise to
the occasion, and take appropriate action against such an
advocate. Under Article 144 of the Constitution "all
authorities, civil and judicial, in the territory of India shall
act in aid of the Supreme Court". The Bar Council which
performs a public duty and is charged with the obligation
to protect the dignity of the profession and maintain
professional standards and etiquette is also obliged to act
"in aid of the Supreme Court". It must, whenever facts
warrant, rise to the occasion and discharge its duties
uninfluenced by the position of the contemner advocate.
It must act in accordance with the prescribed procedure,
whenever its attention is drawn by this court to the
contumacious and unbecoming conduct of an advocate
which has the tendency to interfere with due
administration of justice. It is possible for the High Courts
also to draw the attention of the Bar Council of the State
to a case of professional misconduct of a contemner
advocate to enable the State Bar Council to proceed in the
manner prescribed b the Act and the Rules framed
There is no justification to assume that the
Bar Councils would not rise to the occasion, as they are
equally responsible to uphold the dignity of the courts and
the majesty of law and prevent any interference in the
administration justice. Learned counsel for the parties
present before us do not dispute and rightly so that
whenever a court of record records its findings about the
conduct of an advocate while finding him guilty of
committing contempt of court and desires or refers the
matter to be considered by the Bar Council concerned,
appropriate action should be initiated by the Bar Council
concerned in accordance with law with a view to maintain
the dignity of the courts and to uphold the majesty of law
and professional standards and etiquette. Nothing is more
destructive of public confidence in the administration of
justice than incivility, rudeness or disrespectful conduct on
the part of a counsel towards the court or disregard by the
court of the privileges of the Bar. In case the Bar council,
even after receiving "reference" from the Court, fails to
take action against the advocate concerned, this Court
might consider invoking its powers under Section 38 of the
Act by sending for the record of the proceedings from the
Bar Council and passing appropriate orders. Of course, the
appellate powers under Section 38 would be available to
this Court only and not to the High Courts. We, however,
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Issues regarding corruption / misbehaviour of Judicial
Officers and other authorities.
Non filling of vacancies arising in Courts or non
appointment of Judicial Officers for a long period.
Withdrawal of jurisdiction and conferring it to other
courts (both pecuniary and territorial).
Constitution of Benches of High Courts.
between the competing District and other Bar
At the meeting it is then resolved as follows:
"RESOLVED to constitute Grievances Redressal Committes at the
Taluk/Sub Division or Tehsil level, at the District level, High Court and
Supreme Court levels as follows: I) (a) A committee consisting of the Honble Chief Justice of India or
his nomineee, Chairman, Bar Council of India, President, Supreme
Court Bar Association, Attorney General of India.
(b) At the High Court level a Committee consisting of the Honble
Chief Justice of the State High Court or His nominee, Chairman, Bar
Council of the State, President or Presidents High Court Bar
Association, Advocate General, Member, Bar Council of India from the
(C)At the District level, District Judge, President or Presidents of the
District Bar Association, District Government Pleader, Member of the
Bar Council from the District, if any, and if there are more than one,
then senior out of the two.
(d) At taluka/Tehsil/Sub Divn, Senior most Judge,
President or Presidents of the Bar Association, Government
Pleader, representative of the State Bar Council, if any.
II)Another reason for abstention at the District and Taluka
level is arrest of an advocate or advocates by police in
matters in which the arrest is not justified. Practice may
be adopted that before arrest of an advocate or advocates,
President, Bar Association, the District Judge or the Senior
most Judge at the place be consulted. This will avoid
many instances or abstentions from court.
III) IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that in the past abstention
of work by Advocates for more than a day was due to
inaction of the authorities to solve the problems that the
advocates placed.
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One last thing which must be mentioned is that the right of
appearance in Courts is still within the control and jurisdiction of
Courts. Section 30 of the Advocates Act has not been brought into
force and rightly so.
Control of conduct in Court can only be within
the domain of Courts. Thus Article 145 of the Constitution of India
gives to the Supreme Court and Section 34 of the Advocates Act gives
to the High Court power to frame rules including rules regarding
condition on which a person (including an Advocate) can practice in
the Supreme Court and/or in the High Court and Courts subordinate
thereto. Many Courts have framed rules in this behalf. Such a rule
would be valid and binding on all. Let the Bar take note that unless
self restraint is exercised, Courts may now have to consider framing
specific rules debarring Advocates, guilty of contempt and/or
unprofessional or unbecoming conduct, from appearing before the
Courts. Such a rule if framed would not have anything to do with the
disciplinary jurisdiction of Bar Councils.
It would be concerning the
dignity and orderly functioning of the Courts.
The right of the
advocate to practise envelopes a lot of acts to be performed by him in
discharge of his professional duties. Apart from appearing in the
courts he can be consulted by his clients, he can give his legal opinion
whenever sought for, he can draft instruments, pleadings, affidavits or
any other documents, he can participate in any conference involving
legal discussions, he can work in any office or firm as a legal officer,
he can appear for clients before an arbitrator or arbitrators etc. Such
a rule would have nothing to do with all the acts done by an advocate
during his practice. He may even file Vakalat on behalf of client even
though his appearance inside the court is not permitted. Conduct in
Court is a matter concerning the Court and hence the Bar Council
cannot claim that what should happen inside the Court could also be
regulated by them in exercise of their disciplinary powers. The right to
practice, no doubt, is the genus of which the right to appear and
conduct cases in the Court may be a specie. But the right to appear
and conduct cases in the Court is a matter on which the Court must
and does have major supervisory and controlling power. Hence Courts
cannot be and are not divested of control or supervision of conduct in
Court merely because it may involve the right of an advocate. A rule
can stipulate that a person who has committed contempt of Court or
has behaved unprofessionally and in an unbecoming manner will not
have the right to continue to appear and plead and conduct cases in
Courts. The Bar Councils cannot overrule such a regulation concerning
the orderly conduct of Court proceedings. On the contrary it will be
their duty to see that such a rule is strictly abided by.
Courts of law
are structured in such a design as to evoke respect and reverence to
the majesty of law and justice. The machinery for dispensation of
justice according to law is operated by the Court. Proceedings inside
the Courts are always expected to be held in a dignified and orderly
manner. The very sight of an advocate, who is guilty of contempt of
Court or of unbecoming or unprofessional conduct, standing in the
court would erode the dignity of the Court and even corrode the
majesty of it besides impairing the confidence of the public in the
efficacy of the institution of the Courts. The power to frame such rules
should not be confused with the right to practise law. While the Bar
Council can exercise control over the latter, the Courts are in control of
the former. This distinction is clearly brought out by the difference in
language in Section 49 of the Advocates Act on the one hand and
Article 145 of the Constitution of India and Section 34(1) of the
Advocates Act on the other. Section 49 merely empowers the Bar
Council to frame rules laying down conditions subject to which an
Advocate shall have a right to practice i.e. do all the other acts set out
above. However, Article 145 of the Constitution of India empowers
the Supreme Court to make rules for regulating this practice and
procedure of the Court including inter-alia rules as to persons
practising before this Court. Similarly Section 34 of the Advocates Act
empowers High Courts to frame rules, inter-alia to lay down conditions
on which an Advocate shall be permitted to practice in Courts. Article
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New Delhi,
December 17, 2002.
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