Md. Kamrul Hasan

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kamrul hasan
cell: +88 01726 319 728

Personal Information
Designation Lecturer, Computer and Communication Engineering Department
Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Profession Research, Teaching and Programming
Master’s Spec. System and Networks
Date of Birth November 04, 1980
Mailing Address House Name: MOHUA, House No: 04, Road No: 01
Arambag, Patuakhali-8600, Bangladesh
Email:, Phone: +88 0441 64062

2007 – 2009 Master in Computer Science, Department of Information Engineering and Computer
Science , University of Trento, Italy.
Master Thesis
title Integrating Ontological Representation of Process in Collaborative Environment
supervisors Professor Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento, Italy
Luciano Serafini, DKM Unit Head, FBK, Trento-38123, Italy
description MoKi (Modeling WiKi) is a collaborative tool( available at the website
supporting enterprise modelling. The aim of MoKi is to build an integrated model in which
different aspect of Enterprise, e.g. processes and domain, are integrated in a single OWL ontology.
Thus, the formalisation of the processes in terms of OWL description is required. In this thesis,
we describe how to formalise the structure of simple process models composed of a limited set of
building blocks. This formalisation, presented in the thesis by means of a process example, is firstly
done in DL (Description Logics) and then in OWL ontology language. The implementation of a
general procedure to obtain the process descriptions in OWL ontology starting from the graphical
representation of processes designable in MoKi is also done in this thesis.
major courses Mathematical Logic, Web Architecture, Network Security, Research Methodology, Software Project
completed Management, Computational Complexity, Web Mining, Nomadic Communication, Advanced Al-
gorithm, Distributed System and Theory of Computation.

2003 (4-year Bachelor) in Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Computer Sci-
ence and Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology(KUET), Khulna-
9203, Bangladesh.
CGPA: 3.57 out of 4.0
Merit position: First class fourth
Undergraduate Thesis
title Swarm Intelligence: Modification and application of ACS algorithm
supervisors Professor M M A Hashem,PhD
Computer Science and Engineering Dept. KUET, Bangladesh
description Augmenting the swarm intelligence to solve combinatorial problem, for example large Traveling
Sales Man problem, through the modification of Ant Colony System.

major courses Software Engineering, VLSI Design, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Compiler Design,
completed Information Security and Control, Microprocessor and Assembly Language, Computer Architecture
and Organization, Operating System, Database System, Peripherals and Interfacing, Data Com-
munication, Discrete Mathematics, Object Oriented Programming, Numerical Method, Digital
Electronics and Pulse Techniques, Data Structure and algorithms.

Publications - Technical Reports

Swarm An Improved ACS Algorithm for the Solution of Larger TSP Problems, Md. Rakib Has-
Intelligence san, Md. Kamrul Hasan, M M A Hashem. Accepted in the International Conference on
Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering ICEECE 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Wireless Network Throughput Analysis of the IEEE 802.11b Wireless Network varying Transmission Speed,
Fragmentation Threshold and RTSCTS, Md. Kamrul Hasan and Mohammed Mostafizur
Rahman. Accepted in the Journal of the Bangladesh Electronics Society (ISSN: 1816-1510)
Vol. 9, December 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Technical Reports
Ontology A proposal of merging axioms between BPMN and DOLCE Ontologies, Chiara Ghidini, Md.
Kamrul Hasan, Marco Rospocher, and Luciano Serafini. An electronic copy is available at

Employment History
2006 – now Lecturer
Computer Science and Engineering Faculty
Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Responsibilities Conducting courses on C/C++, Java, Algorithm Analysis, Computer Networks, Data base
with SQL Server and Oracle.

2005 – 2006 Programmer, Pubali Bank Limited (IT Division)

26, Dilkusha C/A Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh
Responsibilities Develop online banking software using Oracle developer and Oracle 9i

2004 – 2005 Programmer, Microcel Limited, Bangladesh

B 175, Lane 23, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Nov 2004 – Apr 2005
Microcel Limited, 241 Laxmi Plaza, New Link Road, Andheri(W)
Mumbai-53, India
Responsibilities Developed attendance software using biometric finger print scanner, Office management
software and 3D cinema (Setup only). Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft SQL Server,
Crystal Report are used in this application development.

Jan – Jun 2004 Faculty Member

IT Bangla Limited
32, Topkhana Road, Chattagram Bhaban(3rd Flr), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

Working Experience
Operating Systems
All MicrosoftTM operating systems, Linux
Programming Languages
Object-Oriented C++, Java, NesC, Assembly language, Oracle Developer
Web JSP, XML, EJB 3.0, Spring Framework, Java Script, CSS, AJAX, ASP and HTML
Visual Visual C++, Visual Basic

Database Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 9i and Derby
Server Tomcat web server, Oracle Oc4j application server, MS Windows 2003 server
Others skill Latex, Ant, TOSSIM Simulator, Crystal Report and IIS

Project Experience
The following projects are done as master level course work:

Online shopping Customer can choose movies, add movies to cart and buy movies from this Music World
website. Administrator of this site can add, edit, and remove movies from database through
this website.
Application J2EE, EJB 3.0, Spring framework, CSS, JSP, JSTL, AJAX, Derby.
technology (A demo of this project is available)

MD5 Hash Integration with the Blink interface and testing the digest of a message whether it can be
function correctly verified at the destination of wireless sensor network.
Technology NesC, Tossim simulator

Wireless Network Part one: Configuration, performance evaluation and performance comparison between
Network with Access Point and Ad-Hoc network.
Part two: Using Wireshark and "on-air" sniffing testing of WEP, WAP and cryptographic
Hardware CISCO Access Point, Linux client and Linux server

Web Crawler Fetch URLs and do indexing, page ranking and clustering using different algorithm.
Application Java
The following projects are done at professional work:

Banking software Developed online banking software in Oracle developer and Oracle 9i.

Biometric Attendance software where people put their finger to give their signature in attendance
Attendance database. One single finger of all the employees are registered in the computer database
Software through biometric finger print scanner. And the employees always use that finger to sign
in or sign out from office everyday.
Leave Software Leave software is the part of Office management software and also the part of a vision to
make an office pen paper less.
Payroll software Payroll software is connected with attendance and leave software to make instant payroll
of an employee.
Application I have used these application software Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft SQL Server, Crystal
Software Report to develop attendance, leave, payroll projects.

Awards - Scholarships
2007 – 2009 Scholarship for master program at University of Trento, Italy under Opera Universitaria
Study Grant
2000 – 2003 KUET academic scholarship for the merit position of 4th
2000 Honorable mentioned in the First NCPC Programming Contest.
2001 Fifth Position in the Inter BIT Programming Contest (Held in CUET)
1998 Government of Bangladesh scholarship on HSC result
1995 – 1997 Government of Bangladesh scholarship on SSC Result
1994 – 1995 Government of Bangladesh scholarship in Class-VIII
1991 – 1993 Government of Bangladesh scholarship in Class-V

Bengali Fluent (mother tongue)
English Fluent
Italian Conversational
These persons are familiar with my professional qualifications:

Luciano Serafini
Master thesis supervisor Phone:+39 (0461) 314 319
Head of the DKM research unit Fax: +39 (0461) 302 040
Fondazione Bruno Kessler Email: serafini[AT]
Via Sommarive 18 Povo, Trento-38123,Italy

Professor M M A Hashem
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Phone:+880 41 774318
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology Fax: +880 41 774318
Khulna-920300, Bangladesh Email: mma_hashem[AT]

Marco Rospocher
Junior Researcher Phone:+39 (0461) 314 342
DKM Group, Fondazione Bruno Kessler Fax: +39 (0461) 302 040
Via Sommarive 18 Povo, Trento-38123,Italy Email: rospocher[AT]

March 5, 2010


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