Serviceability MBMA

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The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Specification for
Structural Steel Buildings says Serviceability is a state in which the
function of a building, its appearance, maintenance, durability and
comfort of its occupants are preserved under normal usage. Limiting
values of structural behavior to ensure serviceability shall be chosen with
due regard to the intended function of the structure. The specification
then goes on to list five topics which relate to serviceability: (1) camber,
(2) expansion and contraction, (3) deflection, vibration and drift, (4)
connection slip, and (5) corrosion.

The following is WHIRLWINDs standard deflection criteria, unless more stringent

criteria are specified, either by a building code or by the project specifications.
Deflection criteria for special conditions are determined on a case-by-case basis.
The following are vertical deflections for standard components:
Roof Panel:

Through-Fastened or Standing Seam Panel where L is the

distance between purlins.
L/180 for Live, Snow or Wind
L/150 for Dead + Live

In other words, serviceability has to do with the performance

of a building rather than the safety, or strength, of the structure.
Numerous, and sometimes conflicting, serviceability design criteria exist,
but they are spread diversely through codes, technical articles, reports,
manufacturers literature, and individual engineers. In 1990, the Metal
Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA), the American Iron and
Steel Institute (AISI) and the AISC jointly sponsored a Steel Design Guide
publication titled Serviceability Design Considerations for Steel Buildings
to ...develop a clearer understanding of serviceability considerations...;
however, the publication (referred to here as the Guide) is devoted
almost exclusively to deflections, vibrations and drift. The Guide is now in
its second edition which was first published in 2004.


Metal Roof Only where L is the bay length

L/150 for Live, Snow or Wind.
L/120 for Dead + Live
Supporting Non-Plaster Ceiling
L/240 for Live, Snow or Wind
L/180 for Dead + Live
Supporting Plaster Ceiling
L/360 Live, Snow or Wind
L/240 Dead + Live

EW Rafter:

WHIRLWIND has established minimum deflection criteria based on the

Guide for use when the required building code has not addressed the
situation. It is important to be familiar with the serviceability considerations
because the loads used for deflection may not be the same as those used
for strength design, and the deflection criteria itself may change due to
materials by others that attaches to the metal building. Deflection criteria
are usually given as a ratio, the span over the limit, i.e. L/180 or H/60. The
L in the first ratio is for Length, as in the length of a purlin or the length
of a rafter. The H is for Height, as in the height of a column. Whether
the ratio uses an L or an H is not important, as long as one understands
that the letter is used to designate some distance. The limit is always a
number. The larger the number, the smaller the deflection allowed. To find
the amount of the allowed deflection, a simple calculation is performed.
Example 1: Find the maximum allowed vertical deflection,
based on L/180, for a rigid frame that is 60 wide.
Allowed deflection = 12 x 60 = 4.00 inches
Example 2: Find the maximum allowed horizontal (or lateral
drift, or sideways) deflection, based on H/60, for a rigid frame
with a 16 eave height.

Metal Roof Only where L is the distance between columns

L/180 for Live, Snow or Wind
L/120 for Dead + Live
Supporting Non-Plaster Ceiling
L/240 for Live, Snow or Wind
L/180 for Dead + Live
Supporting Plaster Ceiling
L/360 Live, Snow or Wind
L/240 Dead + Live

Main Frames:
Metal Roof Only where L is the width of the frame
L/180 for Live, Snow or Wind
L/120 for Dead + Live
Supporting Non-Plaster Ceiling
L/240 for Live, Snow or Wind
L/180 for Dead + Live
Supporting Plaster Ceiling
L/360 Live, Snow or Wind
L/240 Dead + Live
The following horizontal deflections are based on the wall construction:
Standard metal building:

Allowed deflection = 12 x 16 = 3.20 inches

The number 12 used in each of the above calculations is to convert the
distance from feet to inches.

November 2006

Wall Panel: L/60 where L is the distance between girts.

L/90 where L is the bay length.
EW Columns: H/90 where H is the height of the column.

Main Frames: H/60 where H is the eave height.

For crane buildings:
H/100 for pendant operated cranes
H/240 for cab-operated cranes
Gypsum board
EW Columns:
Main Frames:


Wall Panel:
EW Columns:
Main Frames:


Wall Panel:
EW Columns:
Main Frames:

Face Brick/Masonry/Tilt-wall

Wall Panel:
EW Columns:
Main Frames:


The recommended deflection criteria for a wall system depends

upon the type of wall used, for both exterior and interior finishes.
For exterior walls, ...lateral deflection... is of little concern
in the case of metal systems, of moderate concern for tiltup
concrete and full height precast systems, and of great concern
in masonry systems. The Guide goes on and makes a further
distinction between reinforced and nonreinforced masonry.
Seismic applications also must be considered in the building
performance. Again, quoting from the Guide -- It should be
noted that this Guide does not provide guidance on serviceability
limit states exceeded due to the deformations and interstory
drifts of a structural frame subjected to seismic loading. Such
requirements are expilicity included in the building code and
the reader is referred there.

The following are deflections for special items:

Crane Runway Beams: where L is the length of the beam.
L/450 Monorails and Under running,
CMAA class A, B & C
Top running cranes:
L/600 for CMAA class A, B & C
L/800 for CMAA class D
L/1000 for CMAA class E & F

The wind speed maps in the building codes are based on a 50year mean recurrence interval, and the design pressures for
strength are based on this. For deflection calculations, the Guide
says, Ten-year recurrence interval winds are recommended
due to the non-catastrophic nature of serviceability issues
and the need to provide a standard consistent with day-today behavior and average perceptions. Fifty-year winds are
special events. Ten-year winds will produce a wind pressure
that is approximately 75 percent of the 50-year wind pressure.
In the case of a customer-supplied specification that includes
deflection criteria as a part of the specification, deflections will
be based on the 10-year wind, unless the design pressure is
specifically required.

L/400 All Cranes

Masonry Spandrel
L/240 where L is the length of the beam
Lintel Beam:

where L is the length of the beam

L/600 support of masonry
L/360 support of stud wall and dryvit
L/360 support of stud wall and plaster


Same as girts shown above

Floor Beam:

L/240 for dead plus live loads

L/360 for live load only

WHIRLWIND will provide expansion joints on unusually wide

or long buildings. Buildings over 600 feet long may be provided
with a longitudinal joint running from sidewall to sidewall.
Expansion joints will be provided every 300 feet after the first
Single Slope buildings over 150 feet wide, and gable buildings
over 300 feet wide will receive a transverse expansion joint
running from endwall to endwall.
Expansion joints can be installed more frequently; however,
this must be specified on the job Contract.


TOLL FREE: 800.324.9992 FAX: 713.946.5446

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