Developing A Recognition Program
Developing A Recognition Program
Developing A Recognition Program
1. The name of the recognition program: The program must have an official
name; this is primarily for tracking purposes so the Procurement Center can
refer to the program when the recognition reporting form is used for
university expenditure.
2. The recognition category: These categories are listed in the PSC Procedural
Statement: Recognition & Training and the appropriate category must be
referred to in your program:
a. Merit (e.g. meritorious performance) The Merit category provides
recognition for excellence, providing exemplary customer service, a quality
deserving praise or approval, or demonstrated ability or achievement. Most
recognition programs will fall under this category. The other categories are
very specific. Merit is broad and as such provides the most freedom to be
creative which is why it is the most commonly used category for recognition
b. Length of Service Length of Service recognition is given to employees
(including retirees), associates, or other individuals who have achieved
benchmark anniversaries in their years of service to the university. Five years
is the minimum length of service that can be recognized, and recognition may
not take place more frequently than every five years.
c. Safety The Safety category provides recognition for acts intended to prevent
adverse effects related to danger, risk, or injury. Only people in front line
positions are eligible for safety awards. Please refer to the procedural
statement to determine if employees in your department would qualify under
this category.
d. Participation Participation awards are given to employees, associates, or
other individuals because of their involvement in a university activity.
Examples include:
Receiving a door prize for attending a university event
Receiving an award, reward, or prize for completing a university
recognition award ideas provided in this guide can be a great place to start as
you define the measures (criterion) for an award. The basic question you
must answer is, what must someone do to receive an award? In the section
on nominating and selecting recipients below, there is more information
about why it is important to clearly understand the behavior, attitude, or
performance youre seeking to recognize and encourage in your employees.
Ultimately, each awards criteria should be explicit enough that employees
know what must be accomplished to earn such recognition and so that its
clear that the final recipient is someone who has met the criteria necessary
to be recognized.
5. An explanation of the selection method: How will the award recipient be
determined? The selection method should be as detailed as necessary, so
that anyone would understand the process being used and it should be as fair
and unbiased as possible. Guidance containing strategies to determine who
will receive an award can be found in the Nominating and Selecting Award
Recipients section of this document.
6. Description of the Award: Describe the award(s) to be given, for example
cash, gift cards, administrative leave, etc. Several types of awards and
combinations of awards can be used, and it can be more motivating to
employees if the awards are tailored to their individual interests. Once you
identify the award(s) to be given, corresponding information about the
individual award amounts or ranges, as well as the total programs aggregate
cost limits or ranges, must be included in the document.
7. Approval: Once youve developed a program that includes the essential
elements outlined above, the program must be reviewed and approved by
the Director of Employment Services and the appropriate Officer. Human
Resources requires that a draft program document be submitted for review
prior to formal submission of a program for approval. This initial review will
ensure the recognition program meets all of the requirements of the
procedural statement and allow for feedback if any elements are missing.
This process expedites the approval process by allowing HR to provide
feedback and obtain appropriate Officer review prior to the submission of a
signed document.
Even with the essential elements outlined above, there is a lot of freedom to be as
creative as possible when developing a recognition program to motivate and
recognize employees in your department. However, having many options can also
make it difficult to know where to begin. In the appendix of this document, 22
recognition award concepts and ideas are provided to help you get started. These
can be modified and altered to fit the needs of your department. Included in the
next section is a description of the best methods for nominating and selecting
nominations that list the exact reasons for why an individual or team has been
nominated and how they met the criteria for the award will make the selection
process much easier and effective.
By Committee
When it comes to creating a recognition selection committee, members may consist
of volunteers, they may be chosen by management, or they may consist of previous
recognition winners. There are a variety of ways to form a committee, however it is
much more effective when members are engaged and excited about their
participation. It can also be a good idea to rotate the members for each recognition
cycle. You may also keep in mind that committee members dont have to be
excluded from receiving a nomination or award.
The selection committee will need some time to review and discuss all nominations.
The goal should be to review all nominations and identify an appropriate winner for
each award category where multiple nominations may exist. The committee
members should focus on the nominations, but may also consider in their final
selection process those who are nominated for multiple award categories, recipients
of past awards, and the overall fairness of the program.
Committee types:
Management Team: This would be best used in the case of peer nominations
where everyone is involved in the nomination process and then managers
make the final call after their review of all the nominations.
Single Decider
This method, along with random chance described below, may not be the most
effective way to select final awardees in a formal recognition setting, as having a
group selection process can eliminate personal bias. However, there are scenarios
where it may be appropriate or necessary. In a small department there may not be
enough people to form a committee and thus one person would need to make
decisions. Also, the benefit of involving high level management, such as a Vice
Chancellor or Dean in the review of nominations and selection of recipients, may be
more meaningful to the awardees.
Random Chance
This method essentially takes the nominations and uses a random method such as a
drawing to determine the final recipient. This method is the least preferred for
formal recognition, as it does not provide for close evaluation of specific nomination
submissions. Recognition should be a tool to motivate and if the quality of the
nominations is perceived as irrelevant, it will not meet that goal. That is not to say
that random selection cannot be a great tool. It can be very appropriate for a more
informal recognition process when combined with one of the nomination methods
described above. For example, a drawing could be held from all the positive
customer feedback and the winner would receive an award.
The Procurement Service Center may request a copy of the final, approved program
document before approving payments made on the recognition reporting form.
Questions regarding the PSC approval process, taxes and payments should be
directed to the PSC Help Desk at 303-837-2160.
Once the program has been formally approved, it can be implemented. Assuming
youve been working with employees to develop the program now would be the
time to delegate the oversight and implementation of the program to the
appropriate persons in your department. This should be an individual or committee
who are excited to see the program take shape in your department. Their role will
be to make sure the program is communicated, initiate the nomination process,
send out reminders, coordinate the event, acquire the awards, etc. It is essential for
the successful implementation that someone has the delegated responsibility to
ensure that recognition takes place and follows the guidelines that have been
developed for your department.
By following the steps provided in this guide, your departments recognition
program will begin to realize results in the form of enhanced motivation and
increased morale.
Officer Approval:
(signature) ______________________________________
Helping Students
This category is designed to recognize employees or teams that exemplify an
excellent standard of service of helping students via their advocacy, mentorship,
development support, etc. Examples of work performance or quality of service can
Leading by Example
This is designed to recognize and reward those employees and/or teams that
produce such a high standard of excellence in their performance or in specific areas
chosen by the department such as those outlined below, that they set an excellent
example for others in their department.
Additionally, managers that are nominated should excel in one or more of the
following areas:
Positive Attitude
This category is designed to recognize and award individuals and/or teams whose
positive attitude and enthusiasm promotes a constructive work environment, and
spills over to others, resulting in a pleasant work environment. This recognizes
and awards individuals and teams who make an extraordinary effort to support
others, such as colleagues, co-workers and customers and whose efforts improve
morale in the department. Here are some criteria you can use or develop your own
for your unit/department.
Quality Award
This category can be used in departments or units where the quality of the work
performed is valued over quantity. This should recognize high quality work in a
singular instance, in a project with significant importance or impact on the unit, or
the consistency of high quality work performed over a long period of time. This
award recognizes the time taken to do excellent work while maintaining efficiency
and meeting deadlines or time sensitive goals.
Random Act of Kindness
This award is designed to recognize and award individuals who have performed a
random act of kindness that has had a positive impact on the lives of co-workers,
customers, or the community. This award will be presented to employees who have
demonstrated a distinctive service or acts of kindness to another individual, which
positively impacts that person's life. Employees awarded the Random Act of
Kindness Award will have provided an act or service, which may be described as one
of the following:
This recognizes employees for setting (or breaking) a work load record. This award
is designed to acknowledge an employee for persevering through incredibly busy
times while maintaining high quality work and service.
Safety Initiative
This award recognizes efforts made by the employee or work unit to reduce
accidents and injuries on the job. This award is designed to stimulate interest in
accident prevention measures and to promote safety in the workplace by providing
an incentive to employees to maintain a safe and healthy workplace.
This category is designed to recognize individuals with outstanding skills in a variety
of areas that are used to contribute to success and mission of the university,
department, or unit. This is a skill that is uniquely possessed and/or superior to
others in the organization and should be recognized for the positive contribution
made to the organization.
Student Involvement
This category is designed to award students for their superior involvement in
various academic or student support programs, student groups, superior
involvement and contributions at work, such as excelling in student
groups/work/student support programs through excellent contributions; new ideas
and implementations that improve the program; superior mentorship of fellow
student peers, etc.
Supportive Supervisor
This award allows employees to recognize caring and supportive supervisors who
show genuine concern for the interests of their employees in both their personal
and professional lives by: being available for ideas and feedback, allowing
opportunity for employees to meet personal and professional goals, consistently
communicating and recognizing excellent work, allowing flexibility for personal
issues, providing opportunities for growth (challenging assignments or attending
training), and furnishing the resources needed for employees to be successful.
Sustainability/Green Award
This award recognizes employees who have made strides to minimize the
University's/Departments environmental footprint by implementing
energy/resource saving measures. To qualify for this award the idea presented must
be adopted and implemented with measurable success in reducing the impact on
the environment.
Teamwork & Cooperation
This category is designed to recognize and award individuals and/or teams who
exemplify teamwork and cooperation with colleagues and customers by their work
to achieve many of the following:
This category is designed to recognize employees who have demonstrated
excellence in giving back to their community via their volunteer work or
contributions to programs, nonprofit organizations, groups, etc. outside of their work