Assam Fire Service Act1985

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1. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions
Maintenance of the Fire Service Force
3. Maintenance of Fire Force
4. Appointment of members of the Force
5. Superintendence and control of the Force
6. Appointment of Directors of Fire Service
7. Issue of certificate to the member of the Force
8. Auxiliary Fire Force
9. Power of State Government to make orders
10. Powers of the members of the force on the occasion of fire.
11. Powers of Director to make arrangement for supply of water
12. Powers of Director to enter into arrangement for assistance.
13. Preventive measures and License.
14. Appeals.
15. Power to seize, remove or destroy goods etc.
16. Change of occupation.
17. Fire Work
18. Place of public gathering for entertainment
19. Temporary structure of pandals.
20. Conditions for granting license for warehouse and work-shops, etc.
21. Power of granting of license.
Expenditure on Maintenance of Force
22. Expenditure on the force.
23. Levy of fire tax
24. Mode of assessment, collection, etc. of Fire Tax.
25. Fixation of fees and procedure for payment.

Acquisition of Fire Fighting Property

26. Prohibition against transfer of fire fighting property.

27. Acquisition of fire fighting property.
28. Principles and method of determining compensation.
29. Appeals from awards in respect of compensation.
30. Power of Arbitrators
31. Penalties for violation of preventive measures.
32. False report.
33. Transfer to other areas.
34. Employment on other duties.
35. Enquiry into origin of fire and report to Magistrate.
36. Power to obtain information.
37. Power to entry.
38. Consumption of water.
39. No compensation for interruption of water supply.
40. Police officer to aid.
41. Indemnity.
42. Failure to give information.
43. Bar to other employment.
44. Restriction respecting rights to form association, freedom of speech etc.
45. Penalty for violation of duty, etc.
46. Operation of acts of members of the force.
47. Protection of acts of members of the force.
48. Power to make rules.
49. Repeal and savings.
50. Public Servants.


(Received the assent of the President on 20th September, 1985) [Published in the
Assam Gazette, Extraordinary Dt. 1st October, 1985]
to provide for the maintenance of a Fire Service Force in the State of Assam.
Preamble- Whereas it is expedient to provide for the maintenance of a fire
Service Force for the licensing of warehouses and for certain other ancillary
matters in the state of Assam.
It is hereby enacted in the Thirty-sixty Year of the Republic of India as follows:

1. Short title, extent and commencement- (1) This Act may be called the
Assam Fire Service Act, 1985.
(2) It extended to the whole of Assam
(3) It shall come into force in such area and on such date as the State
Government may, by notification from time to time in the Official Gazette,
appoint and the State Government may, by like notification, withdraw the
operation of the provision of the Act from any such area.
2. Definitions: - In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or context
(a) Inspector General of Police Means the Inspector general of Police,
Assam who has been appointed as Inspector General of Police, Assam
under Section 4 of the Police Act, 1861 (Act V of 1861).
(b) Director means the Director of Fire Service Force appointed under
Section 4.
(c) Fire fighting property includes(i) Lands and buildings directly or indirectly connected with fire
(ii) Fire engines, equipments, tools, implements and things
whatsoever used for fire fighting.
(iii) Motor vehicles and other means of transport used in connection
with fire fighting.
(iv) Uniform and badges or rank;
(d) Fire Station means any post or place declared generally or
specifically by the state Government to be a Fire Station ;
(e) Force means the Assam Fire Service Force maintained under this
(f) Office-in-Charge of a Fire Station includes the Fire officer next in
the Officer-in-Charge of Fire Station or any other officer holding
charge of the fire station in absence of the Officer-in-Charge ;
(g) Prescribed means prescribed by rules made under this Act by the
State Government.
(h) Warehouse means any building or place used whether temporarily
or permanently for storing, keeping, or otherwise dealing in any
manner of such articles which in the opinion of the State Government
are considered are considered as inflammable.

Explanation: - Godowns, Factories, Workshop, Shops etc. dealing in

any manner with prescribed inflammable articles will be regarded as
Warehouse for purposes of this Act ;
(i) Place means either enclosed or covered or open land having
buildings or premises within 75 ft. on any side of its surroundings :
(j) Work-shop means any building or place where the processing of
any article is arrived on for purpose of trade or business, if such
processing of such articles which in the opinion of the State
Government are considered as inflammable and are considered as
inflammable and are prescribed in this respect.
Explanation: - The expression processing means making, altering,
treating or otherwise dealing with any article by means of steam,
electricity or other mechanical power ;
(k) Licensing Authority means the Deputy Commissioner or such
officer as may be authorized by the State Government ;
(l) Member means and includes a member of the Force who performs
operational, supervisory, directional and executive duties in such rank
as may be prescribed by the State Government.


3. Maintenance of Fire Service Force: - There shall be maintained by the
State Government a Fire Force to be called the Assam Service Force.
4. Appointment of Director of Fire Service: - The State Government may
appoint a person to be Director of Assam Fire Service Force who shall be
an Officer of the rank of Deputy Inspector General of police, Assam.
5. Superintendence and control of the force: -(1) The superintendence
and control of the Force shall vest in the Director under the general
control and supervision of the Inspector general of police, Assam and
shall be carried on by him in accordance with the provisions of this Act
and rules made there under.
(2) The State Government may create such posts and appoint such
officers as it may deem fit to assist the Director in the discharge of his
(3) The Director may with the approval of the State Government
delegates any of his powers, functions and duties under this Act to such
subordinate officers as he may deem fit.
6. Appointment of members of the Force: - (1) The Director or such other
officer of the force as the State Government may authorized in this

behalf, shall appoint the members of the Assam Fire Service Force in
accordance with the rules made under this Act.
(2) Subject to the provisions of article 311 of the Constitution of India
and the rules prescribed by the State Government, the Director may, at
any time dismiss, suspend or reduce in rank or award any of the
punishment to any member of the subordinate ranks whom he shall think
responsible for remiss or negligence in the discharge of his duty or
considered unfit for the same. The Director may also award any one or
more punishment as provided in the Assam Service (Discipline and
Appeal) Rules, 1964. The provision of the said rules shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, with regard to procedure of awarding punishment and other
disciplinary actions, provided that Inspector-General of Police, Assam,
reserves the right to revision of hearing of appeal in case of natural
injustice or fragrant irregularities in the case.
7. Issue of certificate to the member of the Force: - (1) Every person
shall, on appointment to the force, receive a certificate in the prescribed
form under the seal of the Director or an officer authorized, in this behalf
by the State Government, and thereupon such person shall have the
powers, functions and privileges of a member of the force under this Act.
(2) The certificate referred to in Sub-section (1) shall cease to have effect
when the person named therein ceases for any reason to be member of the
force, and on his cease to be such member, he shall forthwith surrender
the certificate to any officer empowered to receive the same.
(3) During any period of suspension, the powers, functions and privileges
vested in any member of the force shall be in abeyance but such member
shall continue to be subject to the same discipline and penalties as he
would have been if he had not been suspended.
8. Auxiliary Fire Force: - Whenever it appears to the State Government
that it is necessary to augment the force, it may raise an auxiliary force by
enrolment of volunteers for such areas and on such term and conditions as
it may deem fit.
9. Powers of State Government to make orders: - The State Government
may, from time to time, make such general or special orders as it thinks
fit(a) For providing the force with such appliances and equipments as it
deem proper ;
(b) For providing adequate supply of water and for securing that it shall
be available for use ;

(c) For constructing or providing station of hiring places for

accommodating the members of the force and its fire fighting
appliances ;
(d) For giving rewards to the persons who have given notice of fires and
to those who have rendered effective service to the force on the
occasion of fire ;
(e) For the training, discipline and good conduct of the member of the
force ;
(f) For deciding and determining the cadre or terms and conditions of
service of the members of the force and also member of other staff or
creating such additional ranks and framing rules in respect of service
conditions and conduct rules as it may deem fit ;
(g) For the speedy attendance of members of the force with necessary
appliances and equipment on the occasion of any alarm of fire ;
(h) For sending members of the force with appliances and equipments
beyond the limits of any area in which this Act is in force for purpose
of fire fighting in the neighborhood of such limits on such terms and
conditions and under such exigencies of situation as it deems proper ;
(i) For the employment of members of the force in any rescue, salvage or
other special type of jobs ;
(j) For enforcing discipline and imposing punishment on any member of
the force who may violate orders ;
(k) For regulating and controlling the powers, duties and functions of the
Director and other members of the force; and
(l) Generally for the maintenance of the force in due state of efficiency.
10. Powers of members of the force on the occasion of fire : - On the
occasion of fire in any area in which this Act is in force, any member of
the force who is in-charge of fire fighting operations on the spot may : (a) Remove, detain or order any other member of the force to remove any
person who by his presence interferes with or impedes the operation
for extinguishing the fire or for saving life or property ;
(b) Close any street or passage in or near which a fire is burning ;
(c) For the purpose of extinguishing fire, break into or through or pull
down, any premises for the passage of those engaged in fire fighting
or appliances or cause them to be broken into or through or pulled
down doing as little damage as possible;
(d) Require the authority-in-charge of water supply in the area to regulate
the water-machine so as to provide water at a specified pressure at the
place where fire has broken out and utilize the water of any stream,
cistern, well or tank or of any available source of water, public or
private, for the purpose of extinguishing or limiting the spread of such
fire; provided that in cases of any damage done to any source of water,

stream, cistern, well or tank belonging to a member of the public or

association or body corporate while utilizing water in accordance with
the provisions of this section under this Act the State Government may
entertain at its discretion claim for compensation preferred by any
affected person or party or body corporate as the case may be on merit
of each case ;
(e) Exercise the same powers for dispersing an assembly of persons likely
to obstruct the fire fighting operations as if he were an Officer-inCharge of a police station and as if such an assembly were an unlawful
assembly and be entitled to the same immunities and protection as
such an officer, in respect of the exercise of such powers ;
(f) Generally take such as may appear to him to be necessary for
extinguishing the fire or for the protection of life or property and for
which no member of the force working under his order or instructions
will be civilly or criminally prosecuted in the court of law.
11. Power of Director to make arrangement for supply of water: - The
Director may, with the previous sanction of the State Government, enter
into agreement with the authority in-charge of water supply in any area
securing adequate supply of water in case of fire on such terms as to
payment or otherwise as may be specified in the agreement.
12.Power of Director to enter into arrangement for assistance: - The
Director, may with the previous sanction of the State Government, enter
into arrangements with any person who employs and maintains personnel
or equipment or both for the fire fighting purpose, to secure, on such term
as to pay or otherwise as may be provided by or under arrangements, the
provision for the purpose of dealing with fire occurring in any area in
which this Act is in force.
13.Preventive measures and Licences: - (1) No building or place shall be
used as a warehouse or as a workshop unless the owner or occupier
thereof shall have previously obtained under this Act, a licence for such
use and that no license to use any building or place as a warehouse shall
be granted unless such buildings or place confirms to such precautionary
measures taken by the owner or occupier thereof as may be directed by
the licensing authority.
(2) The owner or occupier of any building or place which was being used
as a warehouse immediately before the date on which this Act comes into
force shall have to apply for obtaining a licence from the appropriate
licencing authority within thirty days from the date on which this Act
comes into force.

(3) A license granted under this Act may be withdrawn or suspended by

such authority who granted it.
(4) Where on application, a license or renewal of a license is refused,
withdrawn or suspended; the licensing authority shall record in writing
the reasons for such refusal with intimation to the applicant.
(5) Every license granted under sub-section (2) above shall be required to
be renewed annually. Application for renewal shall be made to the
licensing authority; who shall refer the case to the Director and the
licensing authority shall grant or refuse renewal as may be recommended
by the Director.
14.Appeals: - Any person aggrieved by an order of the licencing authority
refusing, withdrawing or suspending any license may file an appeal
before the prescribed authority in prescribed manner within thirty days of
such refusal, withdrawal or suspension. Provided that for the purpose of
this section, the prescribed authority means the Director, in case where
the licensing authority is an officer subordinate to the Director and the
State Government where the licensing authority is the Director of the
Deputy Commissioner.
15.Power to seize, remove or destroy goods etc. : - In case a warehouse is
detected using it without a license, it shall be lawful for the Director or
any officer authorized by the State Government in this behalf, to direct
removal of prescribed article likely to cause a risk of fire, to a place of
safety; and on failure of the owner or occupier to do so, the Director or
such officer may seize, detain, remove, dispose or destroy such objects or
goods in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government.
Director or such officer as may be authorized will not be liable to pay any
compensation in any manner to any person in this respect.
16.Change of occupation: -Whenever a change in the occupation of any
warehouse or workshop occurs, the person entering into the occupation of
the same shall, within two weeks of his so entering into occupation, give
notice in writing to the licensing authority of such change of occupation
and shall thereupon pay a fee, as may be prescribed and his name shall
accordingly be substituted in the license in respect of the warehouse or
workshop for the name of the last occupier.
17. Fire Work: - No building or place shall be used for purpose of
manufacturing, making or otherwise dealing in any manner, in respect of
fireworks without previously obtaining a license for the same from the
licensing authority or such officer as may be authorized.

18.Place of public gathering for entertainment. : - (1) No building or

structure of any kind shall be used for public gathering for amusement,
entertainment or any other purposes where public may assemble, unless
the owner, or occupier thereof shall have previously obtained a license;
application for such license shall be made to the licensing authority who
shall refer the case to the Director and the Licensing Authority shall grant
or refuse such license as may be recommended by the Director.
(2) (i) No license shall be granted unless the building or structure
confirms to such rules and conditions as may be prescribed for purposes
of public safety; and
(ii) Advance payment of such fees as may be prescribed is made.
Explanation: - Theatres, Cinemas, Circus, Fairs, Mellas and such other
like matters come under the provision of this section
19.Temporary structure of pandals: - A person who intends to erect a
temporary structure or pendal with roof or wall made of straw, hay,
ulugrass, galpata, hogla, darma, mat, canvas or other like materials for
use as a place where members of public may assemble shall apply to the
licensing authority for permission to erect such structure or pandal and
such permission may be granted for stipulated period; provided that:(i) it confirms to such conditions as may be prescribed by the directors;
(ii) advance payment of such fees, as may be prescribed is made; and
(iii) in the opinion of the Director it is not unsafe for public gathering.
20.Conditions for granting license for warehouses and workshops, etc: For carrying out the purposes of any or all the provisions of Sections 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of this Act, the State Government may
prescribed conditions in respect of
(i) the minimum and maximum quantity of such inflammable articles that
may be stored, used or otherwise dealt with in a particular warehouse or
(ii) determination of fees and method of calculation of fees and the
manner in which payment has to be made in this respect ;
(iii) type and schedules or forms to be used in respect of granting license;
(iv) the precautionary measures to be taken in a warehouse.
21. Power of granting license: -Power of granting license under this Act
shall be exercised by the Licensing Authority or by such officer who may
be authorized by the State Government in this behalf.


22. Expenditure on the force: - The entire expenditure in connection with

the force be met out of the Consolidate Fund of the State of Assam,
provided that the State Government may recover from any local authority
of any area in which this Act is in force, such contribution towards the
cost of the portion of the force maintained in that area as the State
Government may direct from time to time.
23. Levy of fire tax: - (1) There may be levied a fire tax on lands and
buildings which are situated in any area in which this Act is in force and
on which property tax by whatever name called is levied by any local
authority in that area.
(2) The fire tax shall be levied in the form of a surcharge (add on) on the
property tax at such rate not exceeding ten percent of such property tax as
the State Government may, by notification, in the official Gazette,
24. Mode of assessment collection, etc., of Fire Tax: - (1) The authorities
for the time being empowered to assess, collect and enforce payment of
property tax under the law authorizing the local authority of the area to
levy such tax shall, on behalf of the State Government and subject to any
rules made under this Act, assess, collect and enforce payment of the fire
tax in the same manner as the property tax is assessed, paid and collected;
and for this purpose, they may exercise all or any of the powers they have
under the law aforesaid and the provisions of such law including
provisions relating to returns, appeals, reviews, revisions, references and
penalties shall apply accordingly.
(2) Such portion of the total proceeds of the fire tax as the State
Government may determine shall be deducted to meet the cost of
collection of the tax.
(3) The proceeds of the fire tax collected under this Act reduced by the
cost of collection shall be paid to the State Government in such manner
and at such intervals as may be prescribed.
25. Fixation of fees and procedure for payment: - (1) The State
Government may prescribed such fees and such procedure for payment of
fees as it may deem fit, for granting any license under any of the
provisions of this Act.
(2) The State Government may prescribe such fees and charges and such
conditions as it deem fir for purpose of different types of special jobs that
may be undertaken by the Assam Fire Service Force and that the
authority on whose request such job is undertaken will be bound to make
such payment.

(3) Where member of the force are sent beyond the limits of any area in
which this Act is in force, in order to extinguish a fire in the
neighborhood of such limits, the owner or occupier of the premises where
the fire occurred or spread shall be liable to pay such charges or fees as
may be prescribed in this behalf.
(4) The fee referred to in sub-section (1), (2) and (3) shall be payable
within one month of the service of a notice of demand by the Director on
the owner or occupier and if not paid within that period, it shall be
recoverable as an arrear of land revenue.
26. Prohibition against transfer of fire fighting property: - No local
authority of any area in which this Act is in force, shall after the
commencement of this Act in that area, transfer or otherwise part with
any fire fighting property without previous sanction of the State
27. Acquisition of Fire Fighting property: - (1) If after making such
inquiry and investigation as it deems necessary and after giving the local
authority an opportunity to make its representation, the standard of
efficiency of the fire fighting personnel and equipment maintained by the
local authority is not adequate to meet the normal requirement of the
areas, the State government may acquire the fire fighting property of the
local authority by publishing in the official Gazette a notice to the effect
that the State government has decided to acquire such property on
payment of its market value. A copy of such notice shall also be served
on the local authority ;
(2) When a notice as aforesaid is published in the official Gazette, the
property specified in such notice shall, on and from the beginning of the
date on which the notice is so published, vest absolutely in the State
Government free from all encumbrances.
28. Principles and methods of determining compensation. :- (1) The
amount of compensation payable in respect of any fire fighting property
acquired under this Act shall be the market value of such property on the
date of issue of the notice referred to in section 27 that is, the price which
it would have fetched in the open market if it had been sold on that date ;
(2) the amount of compensation shall be determined in the manner and in
accordance with the principles hereinafter set out, that is to say
(a) when the amount of compensation can be fixed by agreement, it
shall be paid in accordance with such agreement;

(b) where no such agreement can be reached the State Government

shall appoint as Arbitrator, a person who is, or has been or is qualified for
appointment, as a judge of a High Court;
(c) the State Government may in any particular case nominate a
person having expert knowledge as to the nature of the property acquired
to assist Arbitrators and where such nomination is made, the authority
concerned may also nominate an assessor for the same purpose;
(d) at the commencement of the proceedings before the Arbitrator,
the State Government and the local authority shall state what is their
respective opinion is a fair amount of compensation;
(e) the Arbitrator shall after hearing the dispute make an award
determining the amount of compensation which appears to him to be just;
and in making the award he shall have due regard to the circumstances of
each case and the provision of this section;
(f) nothing in the Arbitration Act, 1940 shall apply to arbitrations
under this Section.
29. Appeal from awards in respect of compensation, - Where the State
Government or a local authority is aggrieved by an award of the
Arbitrator under Section 28, it may within thirty days from the date of
such award prefer an appeal to the High Court within whose appellate
jurisdiction the acquired property is situated.
30. Power of Arbitrator. The Arbitrator appointed under Section 28 while
holding arbitration proceedings under this Act, shall have all the powers
of a Civil Court while trying a suit under the Code of civil procedure,
1908, in respect of the following matters, namely
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and
examining him on oath,
(b) requiring the discovery and production of documents;
(c) receiving evidence on affidavits; and
(d) issuing commissions for examination of witness.
31. Penalties for violation of preventive measures. - (1) Any person who
violates any of the provisions under Sections 13, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of this
Act, shall be punishable, on conviction before a magistrate with
imprisonment which may extend to two years or with fine which may
extend to five thousand rupees or with both,
(2) Any person who uses any warehouse or any workshop in respect of
which a license has been refused or after the license in respect thereof has
been withdrawn during the time for which such license has been
suspended shall be punishable, on conviction before a Magistrate with

imprisonment which may extend to one year or with fine which may
extend to one thousand rupees or with both.
(3) Any holder of a license who breaks any of the conditions under which
a license is held in respect of any warehouse or workshop shall be
punishable, on conviction before a magistrate, with imprisonment which
may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to one thousand
rupees or with both.
(4) If there be a change in occupation of any warehouse, the person
entering into occupation fails to give a notice and to pay the fees required
under Section 16 or if a license is not renewed timely as required under
Section 13 (5) such person or the owner or occupier of such warehouse
shall be punishable on conviction before a magistrate, with fine which
may extend to twenty rupees per day.
(5) Any person who willfully obstructs of offers any resistance to or
impedes or otherwise interferes with the Director of any Officer
exercising powers under Section 15, or any assistant accompanying the
Director or such Officer while exercising such powers, shall be
punishable, on conviction before a magistrate with imprisonment which
may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to five hundred
rupees or with both.
(6) Any person who willfully obstructs or interferes with any member or
the force, who engaged in fire fighting operations, shall be punishable
with imprisonment which may extend to three months or with fine which
may extend to five hundred rupees or with both.
32. False Report. Any person who knowingly gives or cause to be given
false report of outbreak of a fire to any person authorized to receive such
report by means of a statement, message or otherwise shall be punishable
with imprisonment for three months or with fine not exceeding five
hundred rupees or with both.
33. Transfer to other area: - The Director or any officer authorized by the
State Government in this behalf may, on the occasion of a fire or other
emergency in any neighboring area in which this Act is not in force, order
the dispatch of the members of the force with the appliances and
equipment to carry on fire fighting operations in such neighboring area
and thereupon all the provisions of this Act and the rules made there
under shall apply to such area during period of fire or emergency or
during such period as the Director may specify.
34. Employment on other duties: - It shall be lawful the State Government
or any officer authorized by it in this behalf to employ the force in any
rescue, salvage or other work for which it is suitable by reason of its

training, appliances and equipment. It shall also be the duty of the Fire
Service Force to provide appropriate services and relief to the people in
distress situation.
35. Enquiry into the origin of fire and report to Magistrate. Where any
fire has occurred within any area in which this Act is in force, the senior
most officer in rank among the members of the force in that area, shall
ascertain the facts as to the origin and cause of such fire and shall make
report thereon to the Magistrate having jurisdiction in the place in which
such fire occurs; and the said magistrate shall, in any case where he may
deem fit, summon, witnesses and take evidence in order to further
ascertain such facts. Such magistrate will submit his findings to the
Government provided that copies of all reports and of all evidences
recorded under this section shall be furnished on application to any Fire
Assurance Company or other persons interested on payment for such
36. Power to obtain information.- Any officer of the force not below the
rank of officer-in-charge of a fire station may for the purpose of
discharging his duties under this Act require the owner or occupier of any
building or other property to supply information with respect to the
character of such building or other property, the available water supplies
and means of access thereto and other material particulars, and such
owner or occupier shall furnish all the information in his possession.
37. Power to entry. (1) The Director or any member of the force
authorized by him in this behalf may enter any building, warehouse,
workshop, cinema halls or place for purpose of any enquiry under this
Act, and for determining whether any inflammable articles are stored
illegally whether precautions against fire required to be taken on such
place have been so taken.
(2) No claim shall lie against any person for compensation for any
damage necessary caused by any entry made under sub-section (1).

38. Consumption of water. No charge shall be made by any local

authority for water consumed in fire fighting operations by the force.
39. No compensation for interruption of water supply. No authority incharge of water supply in an area shall be liable to any claim for
compensation for damage by reason of any interruption of supply of
water occasioned only by compliance of such authority with the
requirement specified in clause (d) of Section 10.

40. Police Officers to aid. Police Officers of all grades shall be authorized
and bound to aid the fire service in execution of its duties. They may
close any street in or near where a fire is burning and they may on their
own motion or on the request of the Director or any member of the force,
remove or detain, any person who interfere by their presence with the
operations of the fire fighting.
41. Indemnity. No officer of the Police and no member of the fire service
shall be liable to damage on account of any act done by him in the
bonafide belief that such act was required for proper execution of his
duties under this Act.
42. Failure to give information. Any person who without just cause fails
to communicate information in his possession regarding outbreak of fire
shall be deemed to have committed an offence punishable under the first
part of Section 176 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
43. Bar to other employment. No member of the force shall engage in
any employment or office whatsoever other than his duties under this Act
unless expressly permitted to do so by the Director.
44. Restrictions respecting rights to form association, freedom of speech
etc. No member of the Assam Fire Service Force under this Act shall,
without the previous sanction in writing of the State Government or of the
prescribed authority(a) Be a member of, or associated in any way with any trade union,
labour, political association or with any class of trade unions.
(b) Be member of, or associated in any way with any society, institution,
association or organization not recognized as part of the force or is not a
purely social, recreational and or religious nature or cause to be published
any book, letter or other document except where such communication or
publication is or a purely literary , artistic or scientific character or is of a
prescribed nature; or
(c) communicate with the press or publish or cause to be published any
book, letter or other documents except where such communications or
publication is of a purely literary, artistic or scientific character or is of a
prescribed nature.
Explanation: - If any question arises as to whether any society,
institution, association or organization is of purely social, recreational or
religious nature under clause (b) of this sub-section the decision of the
State Government or the prescribed authority shall be final.

(2) No member of the force shall participate in or address any public

meeting or take part in any demonstration or strike organized by any
political purposes or for any other purpose affecting discipline of the
Force or other purposes as may be prescribed.
(3) Any member of the force who contravenes the provisions of this
section shall, without prejudice to any other action that may be taken
against him, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to two years or with fine which may extend to two thousand
rupees or with both.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973 (Act II of 1974) an offence under this section shall be
cognizable and bail able.
45. Penalty for violation of duty, etc. Any member of the force who(a) is found of guilty of any violation of duty or willful breach of any
provision of this Act or rules or order made there under, or
(b) is found to be guilty of cowardice, or
(c) withdraws from the duties of his office without permission or without
having given previous notice of at least two months, or
(d) being absent on leave fails without reasonable cause to report himself
for duty on the expiration of such leave, or
(e) accept any other employment or office in contravention of the
provisions of Section 43 of this Act,
46. Operation of other Law not barred. Nothing in this Act shall be
deemed to prevent any person from being prosecuted under any other law
for any act or omission which constitutes and offence under that act.
Provided that not such prosecution, civil or criminal, shall be instituted
except with the previous sanction of the State Government or of the
authority prescribed in this behalf by the State Government if the act is
done or purported to be done in the discharge of this official duty.
47. Protection of acts of members of the force.
(1) In any suit of criminal proceeding against any member of the Assam
Fire Service Force for any act done by him in pursuance of other of a
competent authority, it shall be lawful for him to plead that such act was
done by him under the authority of such order.
(2) Such plea may be proved by the production of the order directing the
act and if it is so proved, the member of the force thereupon be
discharged from liability in respect of the act so done by him.

48. Power to make rules.-(1) The State Government may by notification

in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
powers, such rules may provide for(a) the number and grades of officers and members of the force.
(b) the manner of appointment of members of the force.
(c) the from of the certificate to be issued to the members of the
force under Section 7(1) of this Act.
(d) the conditions of the service of the members of the Force
including their rank,pay, allowances ,house rent and leave ,
maintenance of discipline and removal from service.
(e) the circumstance in which and conditions ( including the levy of
fee ) subject to which members of the force carry on fire fighting
operations in neighbouring areas.
(f) the conditions subject to which members of the force may be
employed on rescue , salvage or other work.
(g) adoption of precautionary measures for premises in any area or
of any place used for purposes which in the opinion of the State
Government are likely to cause a risk of fire,
(h) the manner in which and the intervals at which the proceeds of
the fire tax levied under this act, shall be paid to the State
Government , the conditions under which a license may be granted
and the fees to be levied thereof, the authority to which appeals
against refusal, withdrawal, suspension of license shall lie and the
manner in which such appeal shall be filed and the fees to be paid
thereof ,
(i) the manner of service of notice under this Act,
(j) the procedure to be followed in arbitration proceeding under
Sections 29 and 30 of the Act
(k) the payment of rewards to persons , not being members of the
force who renders services for firefighting purposes.
(l) the compensation payable to members of the force in case of
accidents or to their dependents in case of death while engaged on
(m) for the employment of members of the force or use of any
equipment outside the area or on special services and the fee
payable thereof .
(n) any other matter which is to be or may be prescribed.
(3) All rules under this section shall be laid for a total period of not less
than fourteen days before the State Legislature as soon as possible after

they are made and shall be subjected to such modifications as the State
Legislative Assembly may make during the session in which they are laid
or the session immediately following.
49. Repeal and Savings:(1) Immediately on coming in to force of the act , all existing laws or
rules in force in any area stand repealed . But such repeal shall not debar.(a) to provide and maintain such water supply and fire hydrants for
firefighting purposes as may be directed by the State Government
from time to time.
(b) to frame bye laws for the regulation of dangerous treads.
(c) to order any of its employees to render aid in fighting a fire
when reasonably called upon to do so by any member of the force;
(d) generally to take such measures as will lessen the likelihood of
accidental fire or preventing the spread fire.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal,
(a) Any repeal, application, enquiry or investigation pending shall
be disposed of continued, held or made, as case may be in
accordance with the corresponding provisions of this Act.
(b) All notifications , orders issued , powers conferred , forms
prescribed ,local jurisdiction, defined , punishment awarded,
sentences passed under any Act which was in force before
commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to have been issued,
conferred ,prescribed ,passed or defined under the corresponding
provisions of this Act.
50. Public Servants: - All members of the Assam Fire Service Force
under this Act shall be deemed to be public servants as defined under
Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (Act No XIV of 1986.)


The 4th October- 1989
No. HMB, 261/87/6;- In exercise of the power conferred by Section 48 of the
Assam Fire Service Act , 1985 (Assam Act, No. XIII of 1985) the Governor of
Assam is pleased to make the following rules, namely:(1) Short title, extent and commencement:(i) These rules may be called the Assam Fire Service Rules, 1989.
(ii) It extends to the whole of the state of Assam.
(iii) They shall come into force on the date of publication in the official
(2) Definition: - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires: (i) Act means the Assam Fire Service Act, 1985.
(ii) Form means forms appended to this rules.
(iii) Building means a house, out house, stable, latrine, urinal, shed
hut, wall (other than a boundary wall) or any other structure of
masonry, bricks, wood, mud, metal or other material.
(iv) National Building Code of India, 1983, means the book containing
fire prevention and safety measures to be implemented in the buildings,
places, premises, workshop, warehouses and Industries published by
the Indian Standards Institution.
(v) Fire Prevention and Fire Safety measures means such measures as
are necessary in accordance with the requirement laid down in chapterIV of the National Building Code of India, 1983 for the prevention,
control and fighting of fire for ensuring the safety of life and property
in case of fire ;
(vi) Nominated authority means an officer not below the rank of a
Station Officer nominated by the Director of Fire Service, Assam ;
(vii) Occupier includes: (a) Any person who for the time being is paying or is liable to pay
to the owner the rent or any portion of the rent of the land or building
in respect of which such rent is paid or is payable.
(b) An owner in occupation of or otherwise using his land or
(c) A rent free tenant of any land or building.
(d) A license in occupation of any land or building, and
(e) Any person who is liable to pay to the owner for damage for
use and occupation of any land or building,

(viii) Owner includes a person, who for the time being is receiving or is
entitled to receive the rent of any land or building whether on his own
account or on account of himself and others or as another agent, trustee
guarding or receiver or any other person or who should so receive the
rent or be entitled to receive it if the land or building or part thereof
was let out to a tenant,
(ix) Premises means any land any building or part of a building
appurtenant thereto which is used for storing explosives, explosive
substance and dangerously inflammable substance Explanation:EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCE AND DANGEROUSLY INFAMMABLE
SUBSTANCE. Shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them
in the explosive Act, 1984, the Explosive Substance Act, 1908 and the
Inflammable Substance Act, 1952.
(x) APPELLATE AUTHORITY means the commissioner of the
(xi) The words and expression used and not defined in these rules shall
have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Assam Fire Service
Act, 1985.
3. Nominated Authority: - Appointment of any person as nominated
authority shall be made by the Director of Fire Service who shall also
prescribe the jurisdiction within which such person shall function.
4. Minimum Standards-The minimum standards for fire prevention and
fire safety measures specified of buildings, warehouse, workshop,
places of public entertainment or any other place shall be such as are
provided in the chapter- IV of the National Building Code of India,
1983 or as may be revised from time to time.
5. Inspection of buildings, Premise etc- (1) The nominated authority
may, after giving three hours of notice to the occupier, or if there be no
occupier, to the owner of any building or premise enter, inspect the
said building or premise at any time between sun-rise and sun-set
where such inspection appears necessary for ascertaining the adequacy
or contravention of Fire Prevention and safety measures. Provided that
the nominated authority may enter into inspect any building or
premises at any other time if it appears to it to be expedient and
necessary to do so in order to ensure safety of life and property, (2)The
nominated authority shall be provided with all possible assistance by
the owner or occupier, as the case may be, of the building or premises
for carrying out the inspection under Sub-Rule (1)
(3) When any building or premises used as a human dwelling is
entered under Sub-Rule (1), due regard shall be paid to the social and

religious sentiments of the occupiers, and before any apartment in the

actual occupancy of any woman, who, according to the custom does
not appear in public, is entered under sub rule (1), notice shall be given
to her she is at liberty to withdraw and every reasonable facility shall
be afforded to her for withdrawing.
6. Measures for fire prevention and fire safety- (1) The nominated
authority shall, after the completion of the inspection of the building or
premises under Rule- 5, record its views on the deviation from, or the
contravention of requirements laid down in chapter-IV of the National
Building Code of India, 1983, with regard to the fire prevention and
fire safety measures and the inadequacy of such measures provided
therein with reference to the height of the building or the nature of
activities carried on in such building or premises and issue a notice to
the owner or occupier of such building or premise directing him to
undertake such measures as may be specified in the notice.
(2) The nominated authority shall also give a report of any
inspection made by him under Rule 5 to the Director of Fire Service,
7. Power to Seal Building or premises: - (1) Where, on receipt of a
report from the nominated authority under Sub-rule (2) of rule 6 it
appears to the Director of Fire Service that the condition of any
building or premises is dangerous to life or property he shall, without
prejudice to any action taken under Rule 6, by order, require the
persons in possession or occupation of such building or premises to
take forthwith such measures as may specified in order.
(2) If an order made by the Director of Fire Service under Sub-rule
(1) is not complied with, the Director of Fire Service may direct any
Police Officer having jurisdiction in the area to remove such persons
from building or premises and such officer shall comply with such
(3) After taking action under sub-rule (1) or the removal of the
persons under sub-rule (2) as the case may be , Director of Fire Service
shall seal the building or premises.
(4) No persons shall remove such seal except under an order made by
the Director of Fire Service.
8. Provision regarding certain buildings and premises: - (1) The
Director of Fire service may for taking action under the rule enter into
and inspect any building, the construction of which was completed on
or before the date on which these rules has been published in the
Gazette or any building which was under construction on such date, if

such action appears necessary for ascertaining the adequacy of fire

prevention and fire safety measures in such building.
(2) The entry and inspection under sub-rule (1) shall be done by the
Director of Fire Service or the nominated authority in the manner laid
down in Rule 5.
(3) The Director of Fire Service shall or the nominated authority after
inspection of the building or premises under sub-rule (1) and after
taking into consideration:(a) The provision laid down in chapter-IV of the Indian Building
Code, 1983, in accordance with which the plan of the said
building or premises was sanctioned.
(b) The conditions imposed, if any by the local authority at the time
of section of the plan of the said building or premises.
(c) The minimum standards for fire prevention and fire safety
measures specified for such building or premises as may be
specified by rules framed under the Assam Fire Service Act,
Issue a notice to the owner or occupier of such building or
premises stating therein the inadequacy in regard to the fire prevention
and fire safety measures in the direct the owner or occupier to
undertake measures for rectifying the said inadequacy within such
period as he may consider just and reasonable.
9. Time for completion of measures under sub-rule (1) of rule 6:Director of Fire Service or the nominated authority shall indicate the
time within which fire safety and fire prevention measures should be
provided as per requirement of sub-rule (1) of rule 6.
10. Format of Notice: - (1) The notice required to be given under subrule (1) of rule 5 shall be in the Form A
(2) The notice required to be given under sub-rule (1) of rule 6 shall
be in Form B
(3) The notice required to be given under sub-rule (2) of rule 8, shall
be in Form C
(4) The notice required to be given under sub-rule (3) of rule 8 shall
be in Form D
11. Power of the Director of Fire Service in case of Default:- (1) The
Director of Fire Service , or his nominated authorities in the event of
non-compliance of any notice issued under Rule 6 or Rule 8 may take
such steps as may be necessary for the compliance of such notice.
(2)The expenditure incurred in relation to any steps taken by him under
sub-rule (1) shall be recoverable from the occupier irrespective of the

fact whether he is the owner of the premises or not unless the owner ,
in these cases where occupier is different from the owner, agrees to
pay in full or in part the expenses thus incurred by the Director of Fire
12. Liability: - (1) where any building or promises is owned or occupied
by more than one person, the responsibility for providing the fire
safety and fire preventive measures as per the directions of the
nominated authority of the Director of Fire Service in the whole
building shall be shared in proportion to the area occupied or owned
by individual owner or occupier as the case may be.
(2) The expenditure incurred by the Director of fire service or the
nominated authority as referred to in rule 11(2) shall be recoverable
from the occupier irrespective of the fact whether he is the owner of
the premises or not unless the owner, in these cases where occupier is
different from the owner, agrees to pay in full or in part the expenses
thus incurred by the Director of Fire Service.
13. Procedure of sealing of building or premise: - The Director of Fire
Service shall follow the following procedure in regard to sealing of
any building or premises required to be sealed under sub-rule (3) of
rule 7.
(a) He shall require to the person in possession or occupation of the
building or premises to the seal to remove themselves from there
(b) In case non compliance of the said order he shall direct any police
officer having jurisdiction in the area to remove such persons from
such building or premises.
(c) After the removal of persons in occupation from such building or
premises, he shall seal the building or premises in the manner he
deems fit.
(d) The seal used to seal the premises shall remain in custody of the
Director of Fire Service.
(e) If the building or premises required to be seal on receipt of the
report of the nominated authority is found to be locked or
inaccessible, Director of Fire Service Assam may break open the
locks, enter the premises and after taking all necessary steps required
to be taken under rule 7, relock and seal the premises, provided if any
buildings or premises is force opened under this rule and inventory of
the material found in the premises shall be prepared in the presence of
two independent witnesses and a copy thereof shall be delivered to
owner or occupiers, if present at the site.

(f) He shall inform about sealing writing to the police station of the
area in which such building or premises are situated.
(g) He shall report in writing to the police station concerned if the seal
fixed under the rules on any building or premises is found to be
broken or tempered with.
14. Appeals:- (1)Any person aggrieved by any notice or order of the
nominated authority or the Director of Fire Service may prefer and
appeal against the such notice or order to the appellate authority
within thirty days from the date of the notice or order appealed
Provided that Appellate authority any entertain an appeal after
the expiry of the said period of thirty days if it is satisfied that there
was sufficient cause for not filling it within that period.
(2) An appeal shall lie to the Government of Assam against the order
of the Appellate Authority confirming, modifying or annulling a
notice or and order issued or made under these rules within thirty days
from the date of the order of the Appellate Authority.
Provided that the Government of Assam may entertain an
appeal after the expiry of the said period of thirty days, if it is
satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not filling the appeal
within the period.
(3) An appeal to the Appellate Authority or the Government of Assam
may be made in such form and shall be accompanied by a copy of the
notice or order appealed against and such fees as may be specified
under this.
15. Formate of appeal and Fees:- (1) An appeal to the Appellate Authorty
under Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 14 of these rules shall be preferred in
Form E and shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 500/ (Rupees Five
hundred) only
(2) An appeal to the Government of Assam under sub-rule (2) of rule
14 of these rules shall be preferred in Form F and shall be
accompanied by a Fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) only.
16. Sanction of Prosecution :- No court shall proceed to the trial of an
offence under these rules except on the complaint of or upon
information received from the Director of Fire Service, Assam or the
nominated authority.
17. Protection of Action taken in good faith:- No suit, prosecution or
other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything which
is good faith done or intended to be done under these rules.
18. No objection certificate :- (1) The Deputy Commissioner or such
officer as may be authorized by the state Government shall issue
Trade License for warehouse, workshop, place of public
entertainment or any other place place in the respective jurisdiction

only on receipt of No objection certificate from the Director of Fire

(2) The Director of Fire service on being satisfied about provision of
fire prevention and safety measures , obtained in a place shall issue
No objection certificate Form C under sub-rule (1)
19. (1) I the event of Fire incident being attended by the members of
Assam Fire Service Force, the Director or an officer authorized by
him shall issue a Fire Attendance Certificate to the owners of property
so affected by the fire on receipt of a proper application.
(2) The Fire Attendance Certificate under sub-rule (1) shall be issued
in Form H.

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