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Module 1

Introduction to the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic

Modeling Process
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Modeling Process

The Basic Modeling Process can be summarized in four high-level steps:

1. Preparing for Part Model Design

2. Creating a New Part Model

3. Creating a New Assembly by Assembling the Part


4. Creating a Drawing of the New Part Model

Module 2
Understanding Pro/ENGINEER Concepts
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Understanding Solid Modeling Concepts

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire enables you to create solid model representations of your part and assembly models.
Solid Models:
Are realistic visual representation of designs.
Contain properties such as mass, volume, and center of gravity.
Can also be used to check for interferences in an assembly.

Interference Check

Mass Properties

Understanding Feature-Based Concepts

Pro/ENGINEER is a feature-based product development tool.
With Feature-Based Modeling:
You build one simple feature at a time.
Each new feature can reference previous features.

Connecting Rod Features

Understanding Parametric Concepts

The parametric nature and feature-to-feature relationships in Pro/ENGINEER enable you to easily capture
design intent and make design changes.
Model geometry is controlled by parameters and dimensions.
When you modify dimension values, relevant geometry is automatically updated.
Parent/Child Relationships:
Features referenced during creation become parents.
If parent features change, child features accordingly and predictively change as well.

Parametric Feature Relationships

Understanding Associative Concepts

Pro/ENGINEER is a bi-directionally associative product development tool.


Understanding Model-Centric Concepts

In Pro/ENGINEER, the model is the center of all downstream deliverables.

Assemblies reference the models being assembled.

The drawing references the model being documented.
The FEM model references the model being meshed.
The mold tool references the model being molded.


Recognizing File Extensions

Each Pro/ENGINEER object type has a unique file extension used to identify it.
The following are common Pro/ENGINEER file extensions:
.prt - Part File
.asm - Assembly File
.drw - Drawing File
Part File

Drawing File

Assembly File

Module 3
Using the Pro/ENGINEER Interface
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Understanding the Main Interface

The Main Interface includes the following areas:

Graphics Window
Main Menu

Message Window
Dialog Boxes
Menu Manager

The Main Interface

Understanding the Folder Browser

The Folder Browser is a pane in the Navigator that enables you to browse the folders on your computer
and network.
The Folder Browser is divided into:
Common Folders
Folder Tree
The Folder Browser enables you to:
Browse folders.
View In Session objects.
View contents of your Desktop, My Documents, and
Network Neighborhood.
Browse directly to the Working Directory.
Resize the width by dragging the sash control.
Click the sash arrows to close the Navigator.

The Folder Browser Pane

Understanding the Web Browser

The Web Browser is an embedded Pro/ENGINEER window that enables you to perform context-sensitive tasks.
You can perform the following tasks:

Browse the file system.

Preview Pro/ENGINEER models.
Open Pro/ENGINEER models.
Browse Web pages.
Set the Working Directory.
Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete folders and

The Web Browser

Understanding the Window Menu

The Window Menu contains commands for activating, opening, closing, and re-sizing Pro/ENGINEER widows.
You can also switch between open windows.
A window must be active to use all applicable
Pro/ENGINEER features.
The word Active appears on the title bar of the active
window next to the model name.
The active model has a black dot next to its name in
the Window menu.
The Window Menu

Switching Between Open Windows

An Active Window

Setting the Working Directory and Opening and Saving Files

The Working Directory is the location for opening files from and saving new files to.
Pro/ENGINEER is started in default working directory.
Different working directories can be set.
New working directory locations are not saved upon
exiting Pro/ENGINEER.

Working Directory Common Folder

Set Working Directory in Folder Tree

Managing Files in Pro/ENGINEER

Pro/ENGINEER is a memory-based system.
An object in system memory is In Session.
Erasing Memory (RAM)

Erase Current
Erase Not Displayed
Version Numbers are increased by one each time you
save the model.
Deleting Models

Delete All Versions

Delete Old Versions

In Session in the Folder Browser and File Open Dialog


Renaming Models

Rename On Disk and In Session

Rename In Session

The Rename Dialog Box

Model Versions

Understanding Basic Display Options

Display is controlled independently for the following datum

Datum Planes
Datum Axes
Datum Points
Coordinate Systems

There are four different model display options:

No Hidden
Hidden Line


Datum Display Options

redraws the screen.

Model Display Options

Analyzing Basic 3-D Orientation

Manipulate the 3-D orientation of your design models in the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire graphics window.
Keyboard/Mouse Orientation:

Wheel Zoom

Additional Orientation Options:

Named View List
Spin Center

3-D Orientations using the Keyboard and Mouse

The Spin Center

Understanding the View Manager

The view manager is a powerful content-sensitive dialog box that enables you to edit how a model displays
in the graphics window.
Use the view manager to create and manage:

View orientations
Style states
Explode states

The View Manager

Creating and Managing View Orientations

You can create and edit view orientations using the View Manager and Orientation dialog boxes.
Orientation Dialog Box:
Orient by reference.
Two references and two directions required.

Typical TOP View Orientation

Typical LEFT View Orientation

Typical FRONT View Orientation

Creating Style States using the View Manager

Create a style state in an assembly to capture components in various displays and visibilities.
Style states are only in assemblies.
Set individual model display (shaded, transparent, wireframe, hidden line, no hidden).

Style State Example

Understanding Basic Color and Appearance Options

You can change the color and appearance of your models in Pro/ENGINEER.

Pro/ENGINEER assigns a default color.

Company-standard appearance file is common.
An appearance consists of both color and transparency.
Assign appearances to parts, surfaces, or components.

Black Color Assigned to Surface

Black Color and Transparent Appearance Assignment

Setting Up New Part Models

Your company can create customized templates that can be used to create new part models.
Create new parts using the New dialog box.
Use customized part templates.
Part templates include:

View Orientations

New Part Created using Template

Examples of Parameters

Layers Created from Part Template

Module 4
Selecting and Editing
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Understanding Pro/ENGINEER Basic Controls

The graphics window provides you with color-based feedback to mouse and keyboard inputs.
System Color Assignments in the graphics window:
Cyan Preselection Highlight
Red Selected Geometry
Yellow Preview Geometry
Keyboard and mouse actions perform different functions:

Cursor Over (Preselection Highlight)

Query to Next Item
Clear Selection

Preview Geometry

Preselection Highlighting

Selected Geometry

Using Drag Handles

Drag handles are graphical objects used to manipulate geometry or components during creation or redefinition
in real time.
Drag handles are used to:

Resize geometry.
Reorient geometry.
Move geometry.
Reference geometry.
Adjust component offset.
Access context-sensitive right mouse button options.

Dragging Piston Extrude Depth

Adjusting Piston Pin Component Offset

Dragging Copied Ring Groove Cut

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are used to quickly perform commonly used functions.
Keyboard shortcuts can be used for:
Common file operations
Common edit operations
Common view operations

The CTRL Key

Keyboard and Mouse

Understanding the Model Tree

The model tree lists the features in a model, in the order in which they were created. The model tree also
displays the order of the parts and sub-assemblies in an assembly.
Model tree basics:

Visualize model features

Visualize feature order

Show options:

Layer/Model tree
Expand/Collapse all
Preselection highlighting
Highlight geometry
The Model Tree

Layer Tree and Other Show Options

Understanding Model Tree Filters

Use model tree filters to control both item and feature type display.

Model Tree Items Dialog Box

Model Tree Features Filter Before and After

Model Tree Used Sketches Before and After

Model Tree with Suppressed Objects Turned On

Understanding Basic Model Tree Columns

Add additional columns of information to the model tree display.
Basic information columns that can be added include:
Feat #
Feat ID

Adding Columns to the Model Tree

Viewing Added Columns in the Model Tree

Selecting Items using Direct Selection

Direct selection occurs when you place the mouse cursor over a feature or component and click to select.
You can direct select:

You can perform direct selection in:

The graphics window

The model tree
Select multiple items using CTRL.
Select a range of items using SHIFT.
Multiple ways to de-select.

The CTRL Key

Select Components in Model Tree or Graphics Window

Select Features in Model Tree or Graphics Window

Selecting Items using Query Selection

Query selection enables selection of features, geometry, or components that are hidden beneath another item.
Query Selection:
Select by querying the model.
Select using the Pick From List.

Pick From List

Original Model, Cursor Over to Highlight, Query to Highlight, Select

Using the Search Tool

The Search Tool is a powerful method for selecting many types of objects.
Search by various methods and then select items.

Look For
Look By
Look In
Found/Selected Objects

The Search Tool

The Found and Selected Lists

Search Tool Results

Using the Smart Selection Filter

The smart filter enables you to select the most common types of items that are valid for the current geometrical
Smart Filter:
The selection of features, geometry, or components is a nested process.
Select specific items of interest after the initial selection.
Smart filter selection levels:
Feature/Component level.
Geometry level (surfaces, edges, or vertices).

You may need to zoom in for surface selection.

Example of Smart Filter Selection Levels

Understanding Selection Filters

The selection filter provides various filters to help you select items.
Filters include:

The Selection Filter

The Selection Filter is Located Along the Bottom-Right Side of the Interface

Renaming Objects
Rename objects to more descriptive names so that they are easily recognized in the model tree.
Objects that can be renamed include:

Features Before and After Rename

The Rename Dialog Box and Name Setup Menu

Connecting Rod

Editing Features and Regenerating

Edit enables you to alter dimensions of a selected feature or component. Edit Definition enables you to modify
feature type, size, shape, location, references, or options.
Enter a value directly on the model.
Use the Most Recently Used option.
Edit Definition using:

Preview Feature
Pause Feature
Resume Feature
Drag handles.
Context-sensitive right mouse button options.


/ Redo

to update the model.


Editing a Model

Activating and Editing Models

You can activate components and sub-assemblies within a top-level assembly and edit their features and
components, respectively.
From an assembly, you can activate:
You can do the following to the active component or
Edit Definition
Create features

Editing the Definition of a Chamfer in the

Activated Crankshaft

Viewing the Activated Component

Editing the Number of Fins in the Activated Flywheel

Deleting and Suppressing Items

Suppressing an item removes it from the graphics display and regeneration cycle, but the item can be
resumed. Deleting an item is permanent.
Is permanent.
Follows Parent/Child Rels.
Items can be restored via Resume.
Follows Parent/Child Rels.

Suppressed Items in the Model Tree

Selected items.
All items.

Viewing Children of Item to Be Suppressed

Both Parents and Children Suppressed

Editing Feature and Component Visibility

The Hide and Unhide features respectively remove and display components or non-solid feature geometry
from the graphic display.

Components in an assembly
Datum features
Solid features
Does not affect parent/child relationships.
Changes are not saved by default.

Save Status

Hidden Features in the Model Tree

Hiding Components

Hiding Datum Features

Module 5
Creating Sketcher Geometry
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Reviewing Sketcher Theory

A sketch is a 2-D entity that graphically captures an idea with lines, constraints, and dimensions.
2-D sketches are:
Placed on a 3-D model.
Used to create solid features.

2-D Sketch

Sketches are Used to Create Solid Features

Sketch Placed on a 3-D Model

Understanding Design Intent

Design Intent in Sketcher is to create, constrain, and dimension a sketch in a manner that will cause it to
update predictably if modified.
Design intent is captured in sketches by:
How it is constrained.
How it is dimensioned.
Capture design intent by using the Intent Manager to:
Maintain fully defined sketches at all times.
Maintain weak/strong items.

Freehand Sketch and Desired Sketch

Design Intent Captured with Dimensions

Design Intent Captured with Constraints

Modifying the Sketcher Display

You can modify the Sketcher Display to enable easier visualization when completing tasks.
The following display options are available in Sketcher:

Section vertices

Sketch Orientation

reorients parallel to the

Showing Dimensions

Sketcher Display Options

Utilizing Constraints
Constraints are rules enforced by Pro/ENGINEER on your sketched entities.
Constraint types include:

Point on Entity

Constraint shortcuts include:


Constraints Dialog Box

Sketch Before and After Constraints Applied

Sketching Lines
Sketched entities are the basis for a solid face or surface of a 3-D model.
There are two types of lines:
2 Point Line
2 Tangent Line

2 Point Line

2 Tangent Line

Sketching Centerlines
Centerlines are used to enforce symmetry in a sketch and are selected as the Axis of Revolution in a Revolve
There are two types of Centerlines:
2 Tangent Centerline

Symmetry Created using Centerline

Sketch with Centerline

Revolve Feature

Sketching Rectangles
Select two diagonal corners to create a rectangle.
The four lines are independent.
You can delete, trim, and align each line individually.
Create symmetric rectangles using centerlines.

Selecting the Upper Line of a Rectangle

Sketching a Symmetric Rectangle

Sketching Circles
There are four types of Circles:

Center and Point

3 Point
Tangent to 3 Entities

Concentric Circle

Circle Tangent to 3 Entities

Circle Created by Picking 3 Points

Sketching Arcs
You can create numerous types of arcs within Sketcher.
There are five types of Arcs:

Tangent End
Center and Endpoints
Tangent to 3 Entities
3-Point Versus Tangent Arc Creation

Arc Tangent to 3 Entities

Center and Endpoints Arc

Sketching Circular Fillets

Round sharp corners of a Sketch using Circular Fillets.
Circular Fillets:
Can be applied to concave or convex corners.
Corners do not have to be 90.
Radius size is based on pick location.

Convex Fillet

Concave Fillet

Radius Size Based on Pick Location

Module 6
Using Sketcher Tools
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Understanding Construction Geometry Theory

Use Construction Geometry to help control design intent, simplify dimension schemes, and simplify sketches.
Construction Geometry:

Can be dimensioned and constrained.

Solid geometry snaps to it.
Does not add entities to final sketch.
Can make an otherwise difficult scheme easy.
Can reduce the number of dimensions/constraints

Construction Geometry Controls a Sketch

Construction Geometry Simplifies Sketches

Construction Geometry Simplifies Dimension Schemes

Sketching Points
Sketcher points, like construction geometry, do not contribute to the resulting sketch geometry.
Sketcher Point uses the following:
Dimension to theoretical sharps.
Dimension slanted on arcs.
Provide an anchor or pivot point in a sketch.

Dimensioning to Theoretical Sharp

Providing a Pivot Point

Dimensioning Slanted on Arcs

Using Geometry Tools within Sketcher

Use Geometry Tools to modify existing sketched entities.

Using Trim/Delete Segment

Using Divide

Using Trim Corner

Using Mirror

Manipulating Sketches within Sketcher

Manipulate Sketches using:
Scale and Rotate

Scaled and Rotated Sketch

Rotating a Sketch

Dimensioning Entities within Sketcher

How you dimension your sketch will reflect your design intent.
Dimension types include:

Length (line)
Revolved Diameter

Middle-click to place dimensions.

Location can determine type.

Length and Angle Dimensions

Convert weak dimensions to strong.

Revolved Diameter Dimension

Distance, Radius, and Diameter Dimensions

Modifying Dimensions within Sketcher

You can modify individual dimensions or many all at once.
Modify dimensions by:
Editing the value.
Dragging the entity to which the dimension is attached.
Using the Modify Dimensions dialog box.

Modify Dimensions Dialog Box

Editing the Value

Dragging an Entity

Sketcher Conflicts
Sketcher conflicts occur from manually adding too many constraints or dimensions.
Conflicts caused by:
Adding too many dimensions.
Adding too many constraints.
Conflicts handled by:
Deleting unwanted constraints or dimensions.
Converting dimensions to Reference dimensions.
Sketcher Conflict

Conflicting Dimension Converted to Reference Dimension

Resolve Sketch Dialog Box

Creating New Sketch Files

Sketch files can be imported later into other files.
Click FileNew to create a new Sketch.
Save a sketch out of an existing model.
File extension is *.sec.

Creating a New Sketch File

Sketch File

Placing Sections into Sketcher

Placing sections into your model saves time and encourages reuse of common shapes.
Place sections:

From the File System

Using the Sketcher Palette
Modify the dimension scheme or value

Placing a Section

The Sketcher Palette

Module 7
Creating Sketches for Features
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Creating Sketches (Sketch Feature)

To create a Sketch Feature, specify the Sketch Setup, select additional sketch references, and sketch the
You can modify the Sketch Setup.
You can use references to snap geometry or
You can create 3-D geometry by using the Sketch
Feature requirements

Specifying Sketch Setup

Modifying Sketch Setup

Sketch Geometry Snapped to Added Reference

Specifying the Sketch Setup

The Sketch Setup determines the sketching plane and the models orientation in the graphics window.
Sketch Setup consists of:
Sketch Plane
Sketch Orientation

Model orientation helps determine initial sketch setup.
Use Sketch Orientation
to the screen.

to orient the sketch parallel

Default Orientation

Sketch Plane FRONT with Orientation Reference

TOP Facing Left

Sketch Plane FRONT with Orientation Reference

TOP Facing Top

Utilizing Sketch References

Sketch references are used to capture design intent by snapping geometry or dimensioning to them.
The following types of entities can be selected:
Existing geometry
Datum features
Unused references automatically removed.

The References Dialog Box

Geometry Snapped to References

Additional Sketching References Added

Using Entity from Edge within Sketcher

You can reuse existing geometry by selecting it with Use Entity from Edge within Sketcher.
Two types:
Use Edge
Offset Edge
Select edge types:
Reused Entities from Edge

Reused Entities Offset from Edge

Selecting the Desired Entity from Edge Chain

Module 8
Creating Datum Features: Planes and Axes
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Creating Datum Features Theory

Datum features are commonly required as references when creating other features.
The following types of datum features can
be created:

Datum Planes
Datum Axes
Datum Points
Datum Coordinate Systems

Examples of Datum Features

Creating Datum Axes

Datum axes are particularly useful for making datum planes, placing items coaxially, and creating axis patterns.
No mass, infinite linear reference
Display length can be changed
Construction geometry
Auto axis
Axis feature
Axis point

Auto Axis Created as Revolved Centerline

Various Datum Axis Types

Creating Datum Planes

Datum planes are 2-D reference geometry that you use to build feature geometry.
No mass, infinite planar reference
Display size can be changed
2 sides
Default datum planes
Construction geometry

Viewing Datum Plane Sides


Blend section

Datum Plane Types

Module 9
Creating Extrudes, Revolves, and Ribs
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Creating Solid Extrude Features

Create extruded features from 2-D sketches.

Extrude sections perpendicular to the sketching plane.

Add or remove material from the model.

Viewing 2-D Sketches

Extrude Feature Adding Material

Extrude Feature Removing Material

Common Dashboard Options: Extrude Depth

You can extrude a sketch to many different depth options.
Extrude depth options:

To Next
Through All
Through Until
To Selected
Side 1/Side 2

Set using dashboard or

right-clicking drag handle
Extrude Depth Options

Common Dashboard Options: Feature Direction

You can edit the depth direction and material direction of a feature.

Depth Direction

Side 1
Side 2
Material Direction

Same Feature, Flipped Depth Direction

Same Feature, Side 2 Depth Direction Added

Same Feature, Flipped Material Direction

Common Dashboard Options: Thicken Sketch

The Thicken Sketch option is available in many types of features including extrude, revolve, blend, and
sweep features.

Create solids or cuts.

Edit the material thickness.
Flip the side that thickens.
Thicken open or closed sections.

Creating a Thickened Cut

Flipping the Side that Thickens and Material Thickness

Creating Solid Revolve Features

Create revolved features from 2-D sketches.
Revolve a section about the axis of revolution in a
sketching plane.
Add or remove material from the model.
Select different axes of revolution.

First centerline
Designated axis of revolution
Axis or edge
Viewing 2-D Sketches

Same Revolved Sketch using Different Axes of Revolution

Removing Material using a Revolve Feature

Common Dashboard Options: Revolve Angle

You can revolve a sketch to many different angle depths.
Revolve angle options:

To Selected
Side 1/Side 2

Variable Revolve Angle Depth

Side 1 Revolve Angle To Selected, Side 2

Revolve Angle Variable

Symmetric Revolve Angle Depth

Creating Rib Features

A rib feature is similar to an extruded protrusion, except that it requires an open section sketch.
Rib features require an open sketch.
You can edit the side that thickens.
You can flip to which side of the sketch you want to
create the rib.
Rib geometry adapts to the adjacent, solid geometry.

Viewing Open Sketches

Editing the Side that Thickens

Flipping Which Side the Rib is Created

Module 11
Creating Sweeps and Blends
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories

A sweep feature consists of a sketched section that sweeps, or traverses, along a trajectory.
Components of a sweep feature:

Selected or sketched
Start point
Sketched section

Closed or open
Crosshairs mark the trajectory
Create protrusions or cuts.

Sweeping a Closed Sketch Along an Open Trajectory

Thin option

Sweeping an Open Sketch Along an Open Trajectory

Creating Sweeps with Closed Trajectories

A sweep feature consists of a sketched section that sweeps, or traverses, along a trajectory.
Components of a sweep feature:

Selected or sketched
Start point
Add Inn Fcs
Sketched section

Closed or open
Crosshairs mark the trajectory

Sweeping a Closed Sketch Along a Closed Trajectory

Create protrusions or cuts.

Thin option

Sweeping an Open Sketch Along a Closed Trajectory

Analyzing Sweep Feature Attributes

You can edit the attributes for the ends of an open trajectory sweep feature so that they are free or merged.
The ends of a sweep feature can be set to:
Free ends
Merged ends

Model with Sweep Feature

Ends of the Sweep Feature are Free

Ends of the Sweep Feature are Merged

Creating a Parallel Blend Protrusion or Cut

A parallel blend feature blends sections along a dimensioned, linear distance.
Components of a blend feature:

At least two required

Toggle section
Equal number of entities per section
Line up start points

Create protrusions or cuts.
Blend Sections

Blend Depths

Experimenting with Parallel Blend Attributes

You can edit the attributes for connecting blend sections so that they are straight or smooth.
Blend sections can be connected:

Straight Blend Attribute

Smooth Blend Attribute

Analyzing Parallel Blend Section Tools

Blend section tools help you achieve the desired blend result.
Tools include:
Blend vertex
Start point
Blending to a point

Different Section Start Points

Blend using Blend Vertices

Blending to a Point

Module 12
Creating Holes and Shells
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Common Dashboard Options: Hole Depth

You can drill a hole to many different depth options.
Hole depth options:

To Next
Through Until
To Selected
Through All
Side 1/Side 2

Set using dashboard or

right-clicking drag handle
Hole Depth Options

Creating Coaxial Holes

A coaxial hole is placed at the intersection of an axis and a surface.
Placement references:
Datum axis
Surface or datum plane
Offset references:
Selecting Placement References

Coaxial Holes

Creating Linear Holes

A linear hole is created by selecting one placement reference and two offset references.
Placement references:
Datum plane or surface
Offset references:
Datum plane or surface
Datum axis
Selecting Placement Reference

Completed Hole

Selecting Offset References

Creating Radial and Diameter Holes

Radial and diameter holes are created by selecting one placement reference and two offset references.
On a cylindrical surface:

Create radial holes only.

One offset reference for offset.
One offset reference for angle.
On a planar surface:

Create either radial or diameter holes.

One datum axis.
One surface or datum plane for angle.

Radial and Diameter Holes

Angle value based on quadrant of pick point from axis

Cylindrical Surface Radial Hole

Diameter Hole

Planar Surface Radial Hole

Exploring Hole Profile Options

You can add a drill point to your hole as well as add countersinks or counterbores.
Hole profile options include:

Rectangle hole profile

Drill point profile
Add counterbore
Add countersink

Exit countersink
Dimension drill point profile to:

Hole Profile Options

The Shape Tab

Drill Point Dimensioning Schemes

Creating Shell Features

The Shell feature hollows out the inside of a solid model, leaving a shell of a specified wall thickness.
To create a basic shell feature:
Select surfaces for removal.
Specify thickness.

Original Model

Shelled Model with Surfaces Removed

Hollowed Out Model

Module 13
Creating Rounds and Chamfers
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Creating Rounds Theory

Rounds add or remove material by creating smooth transitions between existing geometry.
Rounds can add or remove material.
You can select edges or surfaces.

Round Preview Adding Material

Round Preview Removing Material

Completed Rounds

Creating Rounds by Selecting Edges

The rounds created by selecting edges are constructed tangent to the surfaces adjacent to the selected edges.
You can select one or more edge.
Rounds propagate around tangent

Rounds Created by Selecting Two Edges

Rounds Created by Selecting Two Edges

Creating Rounds by Selecting a Surface and Edge

Rounds created by selecting a surface and edge are constructed tangent to the surface and pass through the
You can select a surface and an
Rounds propagate around tangent

Round Created by Selecting a Surface and Edge

Round Created by Selecting a Surface and Edge

Creating Rounds by Selecting Two Surfaces

Rounds created by selecting two surfaces can span gaps or engulf existing geometry.
You can select two surfaces.
Rounds can span gaps.
Rounds can engulf existing

Round that Spans a Gap

Round that Engulfs Existing Geometry

Creating Full Rounds

Full rounds replace a surface with a round that is tangent to the surface it replaces.
You can select two edges.
You can select three surfaces.

Full Round Created by Selecting Two Edges

Full Round Created by Selecting Three Surfaces

Creating Round Sets

Round sets enable you to create rounds of different radii in a single round feature.
Create multiple round sets in a single round feature.
Each round set can have a different radius value.
Each set may be created by selecting different entities.

Three Round Sets in a Single Round Feature

Creating Chamfers by Selecting Edges

Chamfers add or remove material by creating a beveled surface between adjacent surfaces and edges.
You can select one or more edge.
Chamfers can add or remove
Chamfers propagate around
tangent edges.

Chamfers Created by Selecting Two Edges

Chamfers Created by Selecting Two Edges

Analyzing Basic Chamfer Dimensioning Schemes

There are several different ways to dimension a chamfer to capture desired design intent.
Dimensioning schemes

D1 x D2
45 x D

Four Different Chamfer Dimensioning Schemes with the Same Geometry

Creating Chamfer Sets

Chamfer sets enable you to create chamfers of different dimensioning schemes or D values in a single
chamfer feature.
Create multiple chamfer sets in a single chamfer feature.
Each chamfer set can have a different D value.
Each set may be created with a different dimensioning scheme.

Three Chamfer Sets in a Single Chamfer Feature

Module 14
Group, Copy, and Mirror Tools
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Creating Local Groups

A local group enables you to perform an operation on multiple features at once.
Reasons for grouping include:

Copy/pattern multiple features as one.

Select as one.
When editing, view dims from all features in the group.
Organize/collapse the model tree.

Model Tree Before and After Local Group

Viewing Dimensions of All Grouped Features

Selecting All Grouped Entities as One

Copying and Pasting Features

The copy and paste functionality enables you to quickly duplicate a feature.
Select features or groups of features.
Pastes feature with same reference types, dimension
scheme, and options as original.
Select new references.
Independent of original feature.

Copying and Pasting a Hole

Sketch Placed on the Cursor

Copying and Pasting an Extrude

Moving and Rotating Copied Features

You can use the Paste Special option to apply move and rotate options to the resulting copied feature.
Select features or groups of features.
Paste Special:
Make copies dependent or
Edit the dependence.

Moving a Copied Feature

Dim Indep
Sec Indep

Rotating a Copied Feature

Moving and Rotating a Copied Feature

Mirroring Selected Features

You can mirror selected features about a plane.
Mirror Features:
Mirror features or groups of
Select mirror plane.
Mirror features dependent or
Mirroring Features About Datum Plane RIGHT

Mirroring Features About Datum Plane FRONT

Mirroring All Features

Mirroring all features enables you to create half a model and then mirror it to complete the entire part.
Mirror the entire model:
Select the part node in the model tree.
Mirror is dependent on original side.
Mirrors all features that are before the mirror feature in the model tree.

Mirror All Features Before

Mirror All Features Result

Creating Mirrored Parts

You can create a duplicate, mirrored copy of a part.
Mirror types:
Mirror geometry only.
Include all feature data.
Dependency control:
Geometry dependent.

Original Part

Mirrored Part

Module 15
Creating Patterns
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Direction Patterning in the First Direction

The direction pattern enables you to pattern features in a given direction.

Direction and increments based on selected reference.

Select a first direction reference.
Specify number of members and increment.
Specify additional, optional dimensions to increment.

Direction Patterning an Extrude in One Direction

Editing the Direction Pattern and Pattern Leader

Direction Patterning in the Second Direction

The direction pattern enables you to pattern features in a given direction.
Direction and increments based on selected
Select a first and second direction reference.
Specify number of members and increments in first
and second directions.
Specify additional, optional dimensions to increment.

Direction Patterning a Group in Two Directions

Direction Patterning a Group in Two Directions Result

Direction Pattern, Two Directions, Two

Additional Dimensions

Axis Patterning in the First Direction

The axis pattern enables you to pattern features radially about a specified axis.

Direction based on selected axis.

Specify number of members and angular spacing.
Set angular extent.
Specify angular orientation.
Specify additional, optional dimensions to increment.

Axis Patterning an Extrude in One Direction

Editing the Axis Pattern and Incrementing a Dimension

Axis Patterning in the Second Direction

The axis pattern enables you to pattern features radially about a specified axis.
Direction based on selected axis.
Specify number of members and angular spacing in
first and second directions.
Set angular extent.
Specify angular orientation.
Specify additional, optional dimensions to increment.

Axis Patterning a Group in Two Directions

Editing the Axis Pattern and Incrementing Dimensions

Creating Reference Patterns of Features

A Reference pattern patterns a feature on top of any other patterned feature.
You can reference pattern:
Patterns along an existing pattern.
Reference pattern types:

Reference Patterning a Group

Editing Reference Pattern Reference Types

Creating Reference Patterns of Components

You can use a Reference pattern to quickly assemble multiple instances of a component.
Assemble component to pattern leader.
Reference pattern the component.
Number of Reference patterned components updates

Reference Patterning a Bolt

Reference Patterning a Bolt

Updating the Number of Bosses and Holes

Deleting Patterns or Pattern Members

You can either delete an entire pattern or disable individual members of a pattern.
Delete - Deletes the pattern and the feature used to
create the pattern.
Delete pattern - Deletes the pattern but keeps the
original feature.
Click the black dots to disable that pattern member.

Using the Delete Function

Using the Delete Pattern Function

Disabling Individual Pattern Members

Module 16
Measuring and Inspecting Models
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Analyzing Model Units and Mass Properties

You can specify a models units and calculate its mass properties.
Model Units
Analyses are reported in current model units.
Units come from templates.
You can change them if desired.
Mass Properties
Analyses require model density.

Units Manager

Performing a Mass Properties Analysis

Converting Model Dimensions

Measuring Models
Several types of measurements can be made on models.
Measurements include:


Measurements can be saved for quick reuse.

Measurement units are the same as current model
Measuring an Angle

Viewing Different Measurements on a Model

Creating Planar Part Cross-Sections

You can create planar cross-sections in a 3-D model.
Use Xsec tab in view manager

Set Active
Redefine cross-sections


The Active Cross-Section

Cross-Section with Visibility On

Active Cross-Section with Visibility On

Measuring Global Interference

You can calculate interferences between components in an assembly.
Parts only
Sub-assembly only
Computation type:
Viewing Exact Global Interference Computation
Interference pairs:
Displayed in red
Volume can be calculated

Viewing Quick Global Interference Computation

Module 17
Assembling with Constraints
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Understanding Assembly Theory

An assembly is a collection of parts and other sub-assemblies that you bring together using constraints.
Create assembly models from standardized templates.
Capture assembly design intent using constraints.
Create assembly constraints.

An Assembly Model that is Comprised of Parts

Creating New Assembly Models

Your company can create customized templates that can be used to create new assembly models.
Create new assemblies using the New dialog box.
Use customized assembly templates.
Assembly templates include:

View Orientations

New Assembly Created using Template

Examples of Parameters

Layers Created from Assembly Template

Understanding Constraint Theory

Constraints determine how a part is located in an assembly.
Most constraints are applied between parts within an

Select component reference.

Select assembly reference.
Constraints are added one at a time.
The active constraint is highlighted in a yellow box.

Viewing the Active Constraint

Selecting Placement References

Understanding Assembly Constraint Status

Ideally, when you complete a components placement, it should be at a Fully Constrained status.
Range of assembly constraint status:
No constraints
Partially constrained

Fully constrained
Constraints invalid
The system can also Allow Assumptions to facilitate
component placement.
No Constraints

Range of Assembly Constraint Status

Assembling Components using the Default Constraint

It is standard practice to assemble the first component of an assembly using the Default constraint.
Benefits of using the Default constraint:
No references are specified.
No parent/child relationships are created.

Assembling Component using Default Constraint

Completed Component Placement

Analyzing Basic Component Orientation

You can reorient a component with respect to the assembly during placement.
Component Orientation Controls:

Panning a Component

Spinning a Component

Constraining Components using Insert

Use the Insert constraint to position two revolved surfaces coaxial.
References you can select include:
Cylindrical surfaces
Conical surfaces

The Insert Constraint

Constraining Components using Mate Coincident

Use the Mate Coincident constraint to position two surfaces or datum planes coplanar and facing each other
with an equivalent offset value of zero.
References you can Mate Coincident include:
Planar surfaces
Datum planes
Conical surfaces

The Mate Coincident Constraint Selecting Two Surfaces

The Mate Coincident Constraint Selecting

Two Conical Surfaces

Constraining Components using Align Coincident

Use the Align Coincident constraint to position two surfaces or datum planes coplanar and facing in the same
direction with an equivalent offset value of zero.
References you can Align Coincident include:

Planar surfaces
Datum axes
Datum planes

The Align Coincident Constraint Selecting Two Surfaces

The Align Coincident Constraint Selecting Two Datum Axes

The Align Coincident Constraint Selecting
Two Datum Planes

Constraining Components using Align and Mate Offset

Use Align and Mate Offset constraints to specify an offset value between selected surfaces or datum planes.
References you can Align or Mate Offset include:
Planar surfaces
Datum planes

The Align Offset Constraint

The Mate Offset Constraint

Constraining Components using Align and Mate Oriented

Use Align and Mate Oriented constraints to force selected component surfaces or datum planes into
a particular orientation.
References you can Align or Mate Oriented include:
Planar surfaces
Datum planes

The Align Oriented Constraint

The Mate Oriented Constraint

Constraining Components using Align and Mate Angle

Use Align and Mate Angle constraints to specify a rotation angle between planes.
References you can Align or Mate Angle include:
Planar surfaces
Datum planes

The Align Angle Constraint

The Mate Angle Constraint

Constraining Components using the Automatic Option

Use the Automatic option to enable Pro/ENGINEER to determine the constraint type based on selections and
component location/orientation.
The system creates constraints based on selections
and component location/orientation.
You can manually change the constraint type or
offset options.
You can drag partially constrained components
between each constraint.

Orientation Can Determine Constraint Type Created

Automatically Creating an Align Constraint

Automatically Creating a Mate Constraint

Module 20
Creating Drawing Views
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Analyzing Drawing Concepts and Theory

A drawing is often the final deliverable at a company and contains parametric 2-D or 3-D views of a 3-D model.
A drawing usually contains at least:
Model views.
Title block.
A drawing is bi-directional.
Example of a Model

Example of a Drawing

Analyzing Basic 2-D Orientation

Manipulate the 2-D orientation of your drawings in the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire graphics window.
Keyboard/Mouse Orientation:
Wheel Zoom
Additional Orientation Options:
Navigate Sheets

Zooming in on a Drawing View

Viewing a Drawing Sheet

Zooming in on the Title Block

Creating New Drawings and Applying Formats

Your company can create customized formats that can be used in new drawings.
Create new drawings using the New dialog


the Default Model.

format (optional).

A Format:
Contains 2-D items.
Is created in Format mode.
Is applied to a drawing.

Empty Drawing

Add or change formats using FilePage Setup.

Drawing with Format

Creating and Orienting General Views

A general view is usually the first view of a series to be created.
You can edit the following attributes when creating or
editing general views:
View name
View type
View orientation

Model view name

General View Type

Another General View Type

Adding Drawing Models and Sheets

A drawing can contain multiple sheets and views of multiple drawing models.
Drawing Models:
Add/Delete models.
Set/Switch active model.
Drawing Sheets:
Add/Delete sheets.
Move sheets.

Menu Manager

The Move Sheet Dialog Box

Different Models on Different Drawing Sheets

Creating Projection Views

A Projection view Is an orthographic projection of another views geometry along a horizontal or vertical
direction from the parent view.
Projected view characteristics:
Child of view it is projected from
Orientation is 90 from parent view
Third angle or First angle

Example Projected Top View

Example Projected Left View

Example General View

Creating Cross-Section Views

You can add cross-sections to drawing views and edit their Xhatching.
Cross-section views:
Use cross-sections from the 3-D model.
Have Xhatching that can be edited.
Enable you to add arrows to a perpendicular

Flip material direction

Cross-Section Views Use 3-D Model Cross Sections

Add Arrows to Perpendicular View

Edit Xhatching

Creating Detailed Views

A Detailed view is a small portion of a model shown enlarged in another view.
Detailed view components:

Location on drawing
Sketched spline
View name
Xhatching (if applicable)

Sketching the Spline

Resulting Spline Boundary

Placed Detailed View

Creating Auxiliary Views

An auxiliary view is projected perpendicular to a selected planar reference or projected along the direction
of an axis.
You can select the following references:
Planar reference

Datum plane
Linear reference

Datum axis
Edit the View name.
Add optional arrows.

An Auxiliary View

Creating New Drawings using Drawing Templates

Drawing templates work in conjunction with the models saved views to automatically populate default
drawing views.
Drawing Templates are customizable:
Create templates that complete a majority of the initial
Additional items can be added to drawing templates.

Other views
View options
Drawing formats
Drawing options
Example of a Drawing Template

Drawing Created using Template

Modifying Drawing Views

You can perform many operations on a drawing view to change its display.
Operations include:
Move the view.

Lock view movement

Delete views.

Child views
Modify properties.

View display
Edit the sheet scale.
Modifying View Properties

Editing the Sheet Scale

Deleting Child Views

Creating Assembly and Exploded Views

You can create a drawing that displays assembly views. You can further modify an assembly view to display
it in an exploded state.
Make an assembly the active model to create
assembly views.

All components included.

Display an assembly view in an exploded state.

Views reference 3-D model explode states.

Explode states can be edited from the drawing.
Explode lines can be shown.

Assembly View

Exploded Assembly View

Module 25
Resolving Failures and Seeking Help
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Understanding Resolve Mode Theory and Tools

When a model fails regeneration the system enters Resolve mode, which provides tools and diagnostics to
help you resolve or prevent the problem.
Failures occur due to:
Invalid/Impossible geometry
Missing/Broken references
Missing models
Tools and diagnostics:
Resolve menu

Undo Changes
Quick Fix
Fix Model

Failure Diagnostics window

Resolve Menu

Failure Diagnostics Window

Analyzing Geometry Failures

Geometry failures are caused either by geometry that has been made invalid, or is impossible to create.
Invalid geometry examples:

Round radii too small or too large

Blend start points mismatch
Sweep Radii Rule
Extrude Through Until
Round Radius Too Large

Sweep Radius Section Radius Comparison

Blend Start Points Mismatch

Analyzing Open Section Failures

Open section failures occur when the open section extends beyond the solid geometry that bounds it.
Open section features must be bounded by other
Could not intersect part with feature failure.

Open Section Sketch Failure

Open Section Versus Closed Section

Open Section Sketch Feature

Analyzing Missing Part References Failures

Missing part reference failures occur when a parent feature is changed, and the child feature can no longer
find the parents reference.
Missing part reference failure examples include:
Missing axes
Missing references for rounds/chamfers
Editing a sketch

Replace function

Sketch Feature Referencing Hole Axis

Round Edges

Editing a Sketch

Analyzing Missing Component Failures

Missing component failures occur when Pro/ENGINEER cannot find all the components it needs to properly
open an assembly.
Reasons include:
Component renamed on operating system.
Component renamed in Pro/ENGINEER without
assembly in session.
Component found in a different folder on
operating system.

Folder View of Components

Assembly and Model Tree

Analyzing Missing Component Reference Failures

Missing Component Reference failures occur because a component feature is modified that removes the
reference used for its placement or its childrens placement in an assembly.
Failure displays as:
Failed to regenerate component
Feature references are missing.

Parent/Child Relationship Graph

Model Tree and Assembly

Analyzing Invalid Assembly Constraint Failures

Invalid assembly constraint failures occur when constraints from one set conflict with constraints from
another set for a given component.
Reasons include:
Parent components modified or deleted
Features in parent components modified or deleted
Fix the failure:
Modify features to satisfy constraints
Change constraints
Suppress or freeze component
Invalid Assembly Constraints

Features Modified to Satisfy Constraints

Insert Constraints Disabled

Using Pro/ENGINEER Help

There are numerous types of help that you can obtain, either from Pro/ENGINEER or from links on PTCs
Online Resources.
You can get help from any of the following
locations in Pro/ENGINEER:

Help Center
Whats This?
Online Resources
System Information

Online Resources Support Page

Information Window

Help Center Tabs

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