Goverscience Seminar On Inclusive Risk Governance
Goverscience Seminar On Inclusive Risk Governance
Goverscience Seminar On Inclusive Risk Governance
Brussels, 4-5 December 2008
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ISBN 978-92-79-11291-1
DOI 10.2777/63097
Foreword 5
IV Analysis 14
V Conclusion 18
Annexes 21
• Agenda of the seminar 22
• List of participants 24
• Project analysis 26
‘ … defining risk is an expression of power. Whoever
controls the definition of risk controls the outcome of
the risk management process.’
This sentence extracted from the present report of the Goverscience Seminar on Inclusive Risk Gov-
ernance may indeed capture the essence of the difficulties facing our society in dealing with the progress
of science and technologies. What is a risk and who should decide if society as a whole should take
it? By the way, who represent society in that case?
Everybody agrees for example that there are risks associated with certain chemicals, such as dioxin,
and that it should not be released in the atmosphere, or only in limited quantities. But what about,
for example, new nanoparticles whose effect on health is not really known? What about the uncer-
tainties related to the territorial effects of climate change?
It is only common sense to say that we would not favour behaviour contravening our moral values.
Would we accept to see part of the population evolving as ‘post-humans’ with extended brain ca-
pacities or enhanced physical features? Would we accept to have our body modified without our
informed consent? Would we like our wellbeing built at the expense of part of the population, the
developing world, animals or the biosphere as a whole and the generations to come?
We would not favour either behaviour endangering our fundamental rights. The Commission signed
in 2007, along with the Council and the European Parliament, the Charter of Fundamental Rights
of the European Union, strengthening ‘the protection of fundamental rights in the light of changes
in society, social progress and scientific and technological developments by making those rights more
visible in a Charter’ (1).
Are there such risks associated with scientific and technological progress? And how do we articulate
the governance of these risks with the Article 13 of the Charter of fundamental rights on ‘Freedom
of the arts and sciences’ stating that ‘the arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint’?
Last but not least of these questions: If we add to the four freedoms regarding the free movement of
goods, person, services and capital in the European Union a fifth one for the movement of knowledge,
should not we make sure that we have in Europe a common basic understanding of what is a risk and
how we should deal with it?
The present report will not fully answer all these questions but it will shed new light from past and
ongoing projects relating to risk governance supported by the Commission and help us to go forward
in a safer and more ethical way on the innovation path.
Jean-Michel Baer
Director ‘Science, Economy and Society’ Directorate,
(1) Preamble of the Charter. Directorate-General for Research
I – Setting the scene
‘Risk governance’ is a ‘moving target’ in the a debate). Consequently, one should be aware
European research area. Indeed, as risks and in designing inclusive risk governance
their governance are constantly evolving schemes that the public addressed is itself an
through scientific discoveries and techno- exponent of the design (example GMNation,
logical innovation, governance practices Paganini). Also entitlement and ownership
evolve too through natural learning processes becomes more and more part of discussion
and social science research. This is why it is about dealing with risks.
time to revisit the notion of ‘Risk Govern-
ance’ in the light of recent studies and projects Methodologies for risk assessment and man-
supported by the European Commission. agement are transferable between risk settings
and cultures. Moreover, an indicator system
The first objective of the seminar was to take can provide an efficient mapping of activities,
stock of previously-funded Community performances and results with regard to
projects on risk governance in FP6, in par- several aspects of the risk governance process
ticular the last three funded projects on an (MIDIR). Expertise comes in layers, and is de-
integrative approach to risk governance fined contextually: the legitimacy of know-
(CARGO, MIDIR and Riskbridge). Results ledge claims and public action are constituted
and observations from other projects more locally. Therefore transferability is possible to
broadly related to governance shed a new the extent that they acknowledge, and pick up
light on these results. on the context-related character of risk percep-
tions and the effectiveness of management
Beyond the usual participants in research strategies (Paganini).
programmes at EU level most of the projects
funded under FP6-SiS have broadened the A thorough – and preferably joint – analysis
scope of stakeholders. Civil society organi- and a shared sense of urgency thereof, are ab-
sations and policymakers notably have been solute prerequisites of any process of change
solicited as full partners. It was therefore (including risk governance) by whatever
only natural to have them as well in this Risk methodology in science and policy. ‘System
Goverscience Seminar. thinking’, i.e. acknowledging the complex,
dynamic and permeable relations between
The quality of risk governance is improved if social and natural (biophysical) systems, is an
there is a deliberate ‘opening up’ of the issues absolute must in (risk)governance in order to
(taking a broad scope), and an element of avoid fragmented sub-optimal and hence
challenging all arguments with the objective unsustainable solutions. Adaptive governance,
to enhance clarity both for the policymakers of which surprises and uncertain risks (resil-
and the general public. This calls for clarity ience thinking: expect the unexpected!) are
in the scientific basis and the ethical and important aspects, should include the meth-
value-laden implications of possible choices. odologies developed in private enterprises
Clarity comes before consensus and should (Riskbridge). However, a joint analysis is not
be organised avoiding polarization but imperative; communication between experts,
not necessarily with the objective to create policymakers and civil society indeed needs
consensus (CARGO). However, a public is to be stepped up but does not per se involve
an emergent category that evolves with deliberation: organising (extra-parliamentary)
the framing of an issue (issues spark a public oversight through smart transparency tech-
into being; and vice versa: publics determine niques, notably in view of private enterprise
the sustentative closure or ‘opening up’ of regulation could be an alternative (Paganini).
II – First breakout session on status quo
Group A2 on spreading
good practices nature of risk call for more comprehensive
approaches. Such concepts have been de-
How to introduce the concept of ‘inclusive risk veloped i.e. by MIDIR and Riskbridge in
governance’ to a wider community? close cooperation with different scientific
disciplines and by involving stakeholders
The concept of inclusive risk governance right from the start (see annex).
should be introduced in the first instance
to communities dealing with urgent issues The tremendous increase in annual losses,
which are of great importance to Europe’s caused by extreme events, indicates the
societies and where traditional risk man- urgency of inclusiveness. The insurabil-
agement approaches are still dominant. ity of economic assets becomes more and
Here, complex risk management structures, more questionable, if the so called ‘prob-
but also a long history of knowledge build- able maximum loss’ (PML) insurance in-
ing and well established techniques create dustry is able to deal with is exceeded due
an environment where resistance to change to global change.
may prevent improvement. The focus is
put exclusively on objective dimensions These criteria are primarily relevant for
of risk, neglecting more subjective dimen- climate change and those natural hazards
sions. Experts have a responsibility in which are triggered by meteorological con-
changing this traditional view where the ditions such as floods, droughts, forest fires,
role of the affected public is neglected. mass movements, but also creeping change
processes like the loss of biodiversity.
The management of risks has become in-
creasingly politicised and contentious. Risk Decisions in the area of so called ‘traditional’
controversies may not be about science versus risks like flooding, taken mainly on the
misguided public perceptions of science, basis of engineering expertise, are normally
where the public needs to be educated about based on probabilities because they are past-
‘real’ risks. Emotional response by stakehold- oriented and informed by statistics. Climate
ers to issues of risk is truly influenced by dis- change related effects on temperature and
trust in public risk assessment and manage- precipitation, however, will certainly lead
ment. Looking at today’s risk management to new uncertainties, because past events
practices makes clear that more inclusive- might not be representative anymore. Here,
ness is often needed in order to increase the perspective changes from probabilities
effectiveness and efficiency of actions, but to just possibilities. With public decision-
also for a reduction of societal conflicts making not having any precise information
and vulnerability. Here, risk governance at hand, restrictions for private property
can be seen as an interdisciplinarity, pro- rights are probably not legally justifiable
cedural approach that defines a reasonable anymore. Here, justification of actions and
path towards the material goal of creating consensus about thresholds and response
resilient and proactive communities. actions becomes more important, which
calls naturally for inclusiveness.
The limitation of research, which is frag-
mented and isolated i.e. between natural The field of climate change in general, but
sciences and engineering disciplines on the particularly as a triggering factor for many
one hand and societal sciences on the other, natural hazards, is of special importance
the importance and difficulty of maintain- for Europe with its dominant existing settle-
ing trust, and the complex, socio-political ment structures, cultural landscapes and
infrastructures which have been devel- formed when a direct relation to their daily
oped over centuries. Prevention actions, life conditions is easily visible. In the end,
carried out by spatial planning, are under a referendum on a mechanism for decision-
these circumstances less effective than in making might be useful.
countries which are still growing rapidly
in terms of population and the built en- Decision-making has to be seen as a dy-
vironment. Here, disaster prone areas can namic process. The design of this process
be kept free from further development has to be inclusive. The more complex the
whereas most of these areas are in Europe process is, the more stakes are relevant, the
already built-up. However, this calls for more important inclusiveness is. In addi-
authorities with risk awareness and means tion, the more ambiguity and uncertainty,
to mitigate this problem. the more inclusiveness is needed.
Moreover, measures, based on mandatory For those who are in charge of the decision-
decisions of public administration as well making process, the first important ques-
as measures which are in the responsibil- tion is: what regulatory framework should
ity of private owners need to be accepted be used? What is applicable? Does a sys-
widely for their implementation. This is tem already exist or are we talking about
clearly visible when looking at evacuation a new emergent issue? The next step con-
orders, building protection measures to be cerns the framing of the risk assessment.
taken by private households, risk aware- Here, different conclusions might be pos-
ness etc. Having these facts in mind, the sible because of different questions raised.
‘active involvement’, propagated e.g. by the Therefore, raising the right questions is
flood management directive, has to be seen important. Moreover, it must be decided
as crucial for the success of the Directive’s which experts to involve, what quality of
main objective: the reduction of flood risks. evidence is acceptable and what stand-
ard has to be achieved. Risk management
The main actors targeted by attempts to can be understood as a process of weigh-
spread inclusiveness are local and regional ing the outcome of the risk assessment
networks, dealing with climate change, i.e. with political and socio-economic factors.
adaptation issues, because of the territor- This requires a lot of knowledge about the
ial character of risk (coordinating role of local conditions and this cannot be gener-
regional and local authorities), but also the ated without inclusiveness. There should be
European research agenda. a feedback loop from management back
to assessment (i.e. in order to address eco-
Group B2 on decision-making nomic questions which become obvious
through the process: is a community will-
How to make legally-based risk management ing or able to pay for the level of safety it is
procedures and instruments on the European, looking for?).
but also the national and regional level more
inclusive? The idea of a risk escalator is recommended,
i.e. by IRGC, to guide the decision-making
It is true that different spatial levels need process: The design of the process depends
different decision-making tools and ways on the spatial scale but also on the domi-
to integrate stakeholders, but on the local nant characteristic of the knowledge about
level, it is easier to experiment. The reason the risk as the basis for deciding on the
is that the commitment of stakeholders appropriate level of stakeholder involve-
or affected citizens is normally better per- ment in the process. Whilst simple risks
may require little consultation with the Main drivers of the challenges mentioned
stakeholders on how they assess and evalu- above are the ongoing global change (in
ate the risk, highly complex and uncertain terms to demography, climate and econ-
risks may benefit from wider dialogue omy), but also the rapid technological
amongst, respectively, a broader base of innovation processes. There is a tendency
people with expert knowledge or all directly to ‘neutralise’ the challenges, whereas the
affected stakeholders. For risks with high choice of the challenges is not neutral.
levels of ambiguity a wider stakeholder
consultation is recommended. The quintessence is whether existing
methodologies are suitable for dealing with
Group C2 on prospecting known risks, and for dealing with ‘new’ risks.
future challenges In view of these questions, some participants
remarked that we have not learned enough
How to make use of inclusiveness for prospecting yet form experiences in the past. This leads
future challenges? Would this reflection have an to different questions, raised by participants.
impact on the future challenges such as ‘nano’
and converging technologies, biotechnologies or • Can existing risk governance methodolo-
security technologies? gies be applied to new fields? We suspect
that some are not suitable for some new
Apart from particularly challenging topics risk fields (e.g. nanotechnologies, endocrine
or risk issues (e.g. nanotechnologies), the disruptors, micro-doses effects).
methodologies for handling risks (e.g. how
to organise and improve the science-policy • Are new methodologies needed to deal
interface) are similarly important. with some conventional risks? Probably yes
(as conventional methodologies have not
Furthermore, also the question as to ‘how enabled us to learn enough to adequately
to organise risk governance’ is an intrinsic manage conventional risks).
part of the debate on ‘future challenges’.
There is clearly a need for ‘common risk • Are new methodologies needed to deal
governance architecture’ and a common with new risks? Some participants agreed,
vision between different authorities in because we conceptualise risks only when
order to be able to manage complexity. they are close to our ‘real’ world, and this
Better learning capacities in the science- is a deficit.
policy interface are crucial in order to
avoid fragmented solutions, to take hold What are the mandate and the role of the
of and build on earlier experiences and Commission (DG-RTD-L3)? Who decides
not to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, which risk issue will be on the research agenda?
multi-disciplinary experts and approaches What is leading in ‘risk governance’? ‘Risk’
are needed in order to help solve complex or ‘governance’? In other words, is the chal-
societal questions, depict and analyse and lenge that the unit aims to deal with on ‘risk
solve risk governance deficits, make use of issues’ or on ‘governance methodologies’?
knowledge and experiences in private en- The way we categorise and describe the
terprises. All in all, risk governance should challenges is a political process. Choosing
be regarded as a continuous process with to state that nanotechnology is a poten-
permeable system boundaries and room tial risk and working on improving its risk
for experiments. governance is not neutral. There is a politi-
cal component in presenting what the most
critical challenges are for the future.
Better use should be made of non-gov- may prove very valuable sources of infor-
ernmental early warning and risk manage- mation and thus make the risk governance
ment structures in society, such as set up system put up by EU and Member States
by consumer and environmental organisa- more robust. This is an example of inclu-
tions (e.g. Friends of the Earth Interna- sion without taking part in deliberations/
tional) which organise debate and fact- decision-making per se: inclusion does not
finding procedures on a global level, that necessarily entail decision-making.
IV – Analysis
(5) Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the
field of water policy.
(6) Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment and management of flood risks.
(7) See e.g. committee draft No 2 of ISO-IEC ‘Guide 73 – Risk management’ (Doc. ISO/TMB/RMWG N 66 rev).
are legally responsible and not by scientists in context of the expansion of the Frankfurt
who are entitled to guide decision-making International Airport or the ongoing
processes by advice. ‘NanoDialogue’ on the use of nanotech-
nologies in Germany. Nonetheless, such new
Spreading inclusiveness way of handling conflicts needs time and
makes procedures probably time-consuming.
Nonetheless, today’s risk management
practice is often not inclusive at all, i.e. in Inclusiveness is particularly important
the context of traditional risks where natural and urgent in Europe due to the domi-
as well as technological hazards are causing nance of existing physical structures (to be
factors. Here, it belongs to the duties of seen as damage potentials), developed over
social sciences to develop proper ways for several centuries. These structures cannot
applying inclusiveness in risk management be improved without the inclusion of the
practices where the role of the affected mostly private owners – at least in Europe
public is wholly neglected (see A 2) but which is governed according to law (i.e. pri-
where benefits can be expected from their vate property laws). This makes prevention
inclusion in the risk governance process. actions, to be taken by public administration
(i.e. spatial planning) less effective (see A 2).
For spreading inclusiveness to a certain
community, the procedural approach of Inclusiveness is relevant for traditional risks
risk governance has to be linked with a ma- due to the changing environments where
terial goal stakeholders are in line with. a purely post-oriented risk assessment is not
Here, resilience and therefore proactivity adequate any more. At the same time it is
come into play, because resiliency is deter- difficult to implement because of the re-
mined by the degree to which the social sys- sistance of existing management structures,
tem is capable of organising itself to increase i.e. legal and administrative frameworks, as
its capacity for learning from past events for well as detailed technical norms (see A 2).
better future protection and to improve Here, more transdisciplinary cooperation
proactively risk reduction measures. The EU’s is needed for considering complex relations
Solidarity Fund can be seen as an example between social and natural systems.
for the reactivity of today’s disaster risk man-
agement approaches (see A 2). How to organise risk governance
V – Conclusion
1. Agenda of the seminar
2. List of participants
3. Project Analysis
• Mr Jean-Michel Baer, Director of ‘Science, Economy and Society’ Directorate (RTD L),
DG Research, European Commission
09.45–10.30 Statements
• Mr Kjell Andersson, Karita Research (SW), ‘Putting assumptions to the test through
opening up processes’
• Mr Jaap Van der Vlies, TNO (NL), ‘Urgency: An absolute prerequisite for a process
of change’
11.15–12.30 First breakout session (three parallel sessions A 1, B 1 and C 1) on status quo
12.15–14.00 Lunch
12.30–14.00 Lunch
Parallel Sessions
Status quo:
A1 Inclusiveness in practices
B1 Multilevel governance
C1 Typology
B2 Decision-making
Argona: Arenas for risk governance *
I. Description of the approach
The point of departure for the Argona project is that participation and transparency
are key elements of effective risk governance. The project investigates how approaches
of transparency and deliberation relate to each other and also how they relate to the
political system in which decisions, e.g. on the final disposal of nuclear waste, are ulti-
mately taken. The project then turns to study the role played by mediators, who facilitate
public engagement with nuclear waste management issues, and the conduct of the con-
duct of public consultations. By the latter is meant the communication of models used for
deliberation and transparency.
Furthermore, the project investigates how good risk communication can be organised
taking cultural aspects and different arenas into account. In a central part of the project
major efforts are made to test and apply approaches to transparency and participation
by making explicit what it would mean to use the Riscom model and other approaches
within different cultural and organisational settings. Finally, the Argona partners develop
guidelines for the application of novel approaches that will enhance real progress in nuclear
waste management programmes.
The point of departure for the Argona project is that participation and transparency are key
elements of effective risk governance.
The project is credibility-oriented. In a central part of the project major efforts are made to
test and apply approaches to transparency and participation.
Communication is the key point in this project. This is especially seen in WP 3 (see before).
The approach is integrative and takes into account: policymaking structures that
exist within the EU and in the participating countries as well as national nuclear safety
and environmental legislation; the arenas of transparency, deliberation, and representa-
tive democracy; different case studies; public participation in SEA and EIA as part of
legal procedures in the Czech Republic, Sweden, UK and Finland.
III. Conclusion
26 The project concentrates on risk governance concerning final disposal of nuclear waste, but
the elaborated concept can be transferred to other risk settings. Especially the outcome of
WP 3 (Mediators of issues and mediators of process) can be used for risk governance issues.
The aim of the project is to compare three approaches to risk governance by using
a number of example areas; explore how risk governance can be made transparent to decision-
makers and the general public; make recommendations for a comprehensive risk govern-
ance strategy and communicate the results with students and risk governance advisors at
a summer school and with higher-level policymakers at shorter meetings.
The aspects of ‘risk informed decision making’, ‘precaution and risk reduction’ and ‘risk de-
liberation’ represent three approaches to risk governance. Risk-informed decision-making is
more based on quantitative assessments than the other two. The precaution and risk reduc-
tion approaches involve both qualitative (value-laden and ethical) principles and more tra-
ditional risk assessment. The deliberative approach means that more of the risk governance
is given to lay people taking their concerns and values into account.
The approach aims at cooperation and credibility. WP 1 aims amongst others to create
interactive communicative services where stakeholders themselves can analyse, compare
and communicate risks and benefits of the ‘energy risks monitor’. Further, communica-
tion and interaction with the ‘end user’ of the project is the focus of WP 5. Representa-
tives from science and technology advisory offices, authorities, NGOs and politicians will
be invited to meetings. The aim is to discuss different perspectives of risk governance in
Europe, with special emphasis on its relations to the policy making structures, how policy-
makers can get the best possible insight into the issues to reach high quality decisions,
how the stakeholders and the general public can get the same level of democratic insight,
how transparency can be achieved, and what is the role of participation and deliberation.
The approach is integrative, well structured and traceable. The aim of the project is to
make risk governance transparent to decision-makers and the general public as well as
communicate the results with students and risk governance advisors at a summer school
and also with higher-level policymakers. The approach is also multi-dimensional, since
different perspectives/environments (scientific, political and public), example areas and
risk types (GMO, mobile telephone risk assessment and remediation of chemically
contaminated sites) are involved in the concept.
III. Conclusion
The CARGO project focuses on risk governance. In terms of principles of the project
such as transparency, integrity, interdisciplinarity and in terms of methods such as integral
participation, monitoring, etc., CARGO represents an inclusive risk governance approach.
According to the working frame of Connex, multilevel governance stands for the high
interdependence of political responsibilities executed at regional, national and European
levels. Efficiency and democratic accountability are key concepts for the foundation of
legitimate governance.
Connex intended to mobilise outstanding scholars all over Europe to deepen common know-
ledge of the existing situation, future development of European multilevel governance, and its
assets as well as deficiencies in terms of problem-solving capacity and democratic legitimacy.
It also aimed at building a Europe-wide research community which stands for scien-
tific excellence and for providing added value for prospective users. Hence, efficient and
democratic multilevel European governance can survive in the future with the support of
scientific excellence, modern ways of thinking, and communication.
Since the theme of Connex is network building, its process focussed on communication,
cooperation, feedbacks and periodical analysis and assessment for further development. The
communication among stakeholders was managed via academic studies, links, conference
and workshops. In addition to these methods, the coordination body of Connex partici-
pated in the process of information flow. Since the goal of the project is building efficient
multilevel governance in EU via academic institutions, the project fulfilled its goal in a net-
work structure. Hence, Connex has an original integral structure.
Despite the fact that Connex aimed at serving multilevel governance in Europe, its approach
focussed on scientific excellence and concepts to guide European institutions in their ways
of thinking at national, regional, and EU levels. Although the research groups of Connex
were formed on the basis of interdisciplinarity and intercultural communication, the project
itself can only touch on the conceptual base of multilevel governance.
III. Conclusion
28 The Connex project did not originally focus on risk governance. However, the method used in
the project has a tendency to be related with risk governance. For instance, Connex aimed at
building efficient multilevel governance in Europe, all research and efforts focussed on risk as-
sessment and mitigation. The more basic features of the project such as transparency, integrity,
interdisciplinarity satisfy risk governance criteria. The Connex project can be an interesting
example in terms of risk assessment and risk mitigation rather than risk governance.
FAAN is a project, which engages academics and civil society organisations (CSOs) in
a ‘cooperative research’ (CR) activity and in future research agenda-setting on ‘Alternative
agro-food networks’ (AAFNs).
The FAAN project has a specific focus on alternative agro-food networks (AAFNs).
These alternative networks take various forms: consumers as producers (e.g. community
gardens), direct sales (e.g. farmers’ markets, regular box schemes), public procurement
(or canteens), markets linking food with agri-eco-tourism, etc. Such alternative networks
are characterised by economic relations which go beyond (or differ from) market relations.
There is no explicit focus on risks. However, alternative agro-food networks aim among
others at producers’ economic independence from the agri-industrial system, as a basis for
production methods which may be more benign in the social, economic and/or environ-
mental sense and may reduce food related health risks.
The FAAN programme fosters cooperation between all social groups which are involved
in the food sector. FAAN uses semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and
scenario analysis workshops for communication.
III. Conclusion
When looking at projects like FAAN, it becomes obvious how fundamental inclusiveness
for every advanced management approach is – independently from its relationship to risks
in particular.
The objective of the Framingnano project is to build a deliberative process involving nano-
technology stakeholders aiming to regulate the development of nanotechnology of help
to the European Commission, EU policymakers and stakeholders in designing a model
assuring that this development takes place responsibly and for the benefit of the individuals
and the society.
The project stresses that a completely new multidimensional approach to risk appraisal
and management is needed. Cooperation, coordination and communication between
all the actors in nanotechnology are vital for promoting a proactive and adaptive process
capable of framing nanotechnology development across known and accepted boundaries.
The final outcome of the project will be a proposal for a governance plan highlighting
the needs, actions and recommendations necessary to develop safe nanotechnology at
EU level and beyond.
The aim of the project will be achieved by establishing an open international multi-
stakeholder dialogue amongst the scientific, institutional and industrial communities,
and the broader public, in order to foster the development of a shared frame of know-
ledge, objectives and actions to define constructive and practicable regulatory solutions,
facilitating the responsible development of NS & T.
The project aims at cooperation, coordination and communication between all the
actors in nanotechnology.
The communication between all the actors in nanotechnology is one of the key-aspects in
this project (see before) and is vital to promote a proactive and adaptive process capable of
framing nanotechnology development across known and accepted boundaries.
The approach is integrative and transparent, but not multi-dimensional, because the project
aims only at cooperation, coordination and communication between all the actors in nano-
technology, but does not refer to other risk settings.
III. Conclusion
Although the focus lies only on nanotechnology, Framingnano refers directly to risk
The Intune project is one of the few integrated projects on the theme of citizenship financed
by the European Union within the scope of the 6th framework programme. It aims at
reducing risks in the development and enlargement processes of the European Union. The
major aim of this research is to study the changes in the scope, nature and characteristics of
citizenship presently underway as an effect of the process of development and enlargement of
the European Union. It will focus on how integration and decentralisation processes, at both
the national and European levels, are affecting three major dimensions of citizenship: identity,
representation, and practice of good governance.
In addition to the research, training, implementation platforms of Intune, the project has
a digital data library section that aims to develop an archive of data as well as data documen-
tation, and to make the empirical studies produced by the project more visible and more
accessible both internally and externally on a web-based publication platform. Communica-
tion among stakeholders was managed via research studies, projects, a conference, the moni-
toring group, and the website of Intune. Communication in projects, e.g. between experts
and citizens, is also fulfilled by research programmes, training activities, case studies, etc.
Its geographical and disciplinary integrating capacity as well as the joint effort of many
scholars and practitioners specialised in different fields (political science, sociology, public
policy, media, linguistics and socio-psychology) clearly represent a step forward in the
strengthening of the European research area in social sciences and humanities in general.
The approach is transparent and open for all participants.
Intune benefits from the joint efforts of people from the domains of political science,
sociology, law, economics, media studies, linguistics and psychology. In that sense, it is multi-
dimensional with respect to systematic assessment and evaluation procedures, research
performance, and training.
III. Conclusion 31
Despite the fact that Intune did not denote a certain risk, some challenges in terms of
development and enlargement of the EU are perceived as risks.Intune has some basic
features such as transparency, integrity, interdisciplinarity fit to risk governance principles.
Furthermore, it has implemented risk analysis (challenges in future development of the
EU), risk mitigation (via projects), monitoring and assessment techniques.
MIDIR’s purpose is to help groups reduce their risks and achieve greater sustainability
as well as resilience when faced with challenges. The ‘MIDIR Approach’ recommends
a practical process for governance and the software tools to implement, manage and moni-
tor that process. It enables swifter more effective organisational and multistakeholder
performance, even during times of conflicting demands and changing conditions.
The MIDIR approach is a comprehensive risk governance concept which aims at a broad
and active involvement of decision-makers at the relevant political and administrative
levels and/or of stakeholders. In addition it offers a better understanding and accept-
ance of research by society and vice versa bringing the legitimate interests of society and
single stakeholders into research and decision-making. The concept is supported by
a tool that is able to monitor the performance of a risk governance process.
The project aims at credibility. It offers a better understanding and acceptance of re-
search by society and vice versa bringing the legitimate interests of society and single
stakeholders into research and decision-making.
The aim of the project is to bring risk governance to policy, decision-making and other so-
cietal actors by networking and disseminating the new concept. This shall be achieved by
an integrative approach which is more than just an ‘additive’ consideration of different di-
mensions. ‘Integrative’ in general means to combine and coordinate diverse elements into
a whole. It is well structured and traceable. There are two ways of such integration: hori-
zontal (e.g. planning authorities at the same level, e.g. local level); vertical (cooperation
between different levels, e.g. international, national, regional and local level). Both ways
of integration (horizontal and vertical) are implemented in the risk governance process.
The project shortly characterised ‘multidimensional’ as ‘usable for each risk setting char-
acterised by uncertainty and ambiguity’. However, the multitude of dimensions is not
only limited to these characteristics, but can also be extended to the following aspects
included in the project: a scientific approach and a practical implementation. The aim
should be to combine and complement these two points of view. A multidimensional
concept, and accordingly a risk governance concept, should address all environments (politi-
cal, economic and social aspects and levels of decision-making. In this sense a multidimen-
sional risk governance concept can be adapted to various levels of decision-making (local,
32 regional, national, European, international).
III. Conclusion
The MIDIR project focuses directly on risk governance. In terms of principles of the project
such as transparency, integrity, interdisciplinarity and in terms of methods such as integral
participation, monitoring, etc., MIDIR represents an inclusive risk governance approach.
The aim of Newgov was to reduce risks of governance in Europe with respect to future
developments. The project examined the transformation of governance in Europe (and
beyond) by mapping, evaluating and analysing the emergence, execution, and evolution
of what is referred to as ‘New modes of governance’ (NMG).
The scope of the project is to examine the transformation of governance in and be-
yond Europe by mapping, evaluating and analysing the emergence, execution, and
evolution of ‘New modes of governance’. ‘New modes of governance’ means the range
of innovation and transformation that has been and continues to occur in the instru-
ments, methods, modes and systems of governance in contemporary polities (modes
of government) and economies, and especially within the European Union (EU) and
its Member States.
The Newgov consortium contributes to the creation of a European research area in the
social sciences and humanities by shaping a new European-level research agenda; by inte-
grating previously dispersed researchers within a coherent, pan-European whole; and by
creating novel training activities and networks between researchers and policy practition-
ers; and providing for outreach to, and participation by, the wider research community.
Since the terms of reference focussed on scientific research on new modes of governance,
sharing of information and cooperation are key concepts of the project.
The communication among stakeholders was managed via academic studies, links,
conference and workshops. In addition to these methods, all knowledge and data
gathered by clusters are evaluated in the consortium. The approach is transparent and
open for all participants.
According to the information sheet of the project, Newgov aimed at integrating the
wealth of research ongoing in the field of democracy and multilevel governance under-
taken by various research communities from different countries, regions and disciplines.
The work provided a synthesis of theories of multilevel governance and their relations
with theories of democracy as well as improved capacities for comparative analyses for
different policy sectors and articulation of responsibilities in their governance. Hence
the approach of Newgov tends to integrate various dimensions of governance.
III. Conclusion
The project of Newgov did not originally focus on risk governance. It focussed more
on risk analysis and model building with a perspective of risk mitigation. Nevertheless in
terms of principles of the project such as transparency, integrity, interdisciplinarity and
in terms of methods such as integral participation, monitoring, etc., Newgov is not far
from being inclusive.
‘Politics of life’ refers to dimensions of life that are only to a limited extent under
human control, or where the public suspects that there are serious limitations to socio-
political control and steering. These areas are strongly connected to normative, moral and
value-based factors, such as a sense of responsibility towards non-human nature, future
generations and/or one own’s body. In these areas traditional mechanisms of governance
can be seen to hamper policymaking and much institutional experimentation has been
taking place.
An international team of social scientists has looked at a number of different topics rang-
ing from stem cell research, genetic testing, nuclear power dilemmas and nature conser-
vation to genetically modified food and food policy to identify how these areas are gov-
erned, how they might be governed in the future, and what role there is for participatory
practices in all of this.
Trust is a key aspect in the project. Building trust through public participation is not only
the aim of one of the WPs, but also a guiding point for the whole project.
The project covered several case studies with different risk in different cultures (coun-
tries). Paganini looked at a particular dynamic cluster of policy areas concerned with
what is called in the project the ‘politics of life’: medicine, health, food, energy, and the
III. Conclusion
The project aims at developing an integrative risk governance approach connecting risk
assessment, risk management and risk communication based on a resilient and discur-
sive approach. The project has an open project architecture rather than using a specific
risk governance model. It also takes a policy learning approach as the central mode of
operation, allowing for integrating input across different science fields, across different
geographical boundaries, and across the science-policy interface and cases related to
complex, ambiguous risk fields where the agreement of risk governance approaches is
limited, or related to new, emerging risks.
Reduction of risk is not seen as the ultimate goal of risk governance; there is a trend
towards a more resilient and discursive approach to risk governance. In this trend com-
plementary goals regarding the balancing of benefits against risks and the inclusion of
citizen’s viewpoints in decision-making processes as well as their access to knowledge for
sound decision-making are introduced.
To live up to these goals, risk governance faces a strong need for integrative models which
link the different phases from risk assessment, management to communication from an
interdisciplinarity perspective. This requires the following issues:
• different scientific disciplines need to work together on risk issues; risks have an impact on
many areas and for complex risks, scientific disciplines need to produce joint assessments;
• new arrangements for conflict resolution, involving the public, setting up risk dialogues
etc, need to be devised or rather be evaluated since there have already been numerous
experiments aimed at involving citizens; methods and procedures that have proved useful in
one risk field must be tested and refined in new contexts and new places.
Due to their complexity, ambiguity and/or novelty and emergence, the following fields are
selected: biotechnology/stem cells, radioactive waste, nanotechnology, climate change, sedi-
ments and electromagnetic fields.
The project aims at cooperation between policymakers and experts. Risk communication
is one of the risk governance principles that the Riskbridge project takes into account.
Especially during the organised workshops, risk communication was one of the key aspects.
In its focus is the connection of risk assessment, risk management and risk communica-
tion based on a resilient and discursive approach. Riskbridge stressed that the following
aspects are needed for an integrative approach.
• New arrangements for conflict resolution, involving the public, setting up risk dialogues
etc, need to be devised or rather evaluated since there have already been numerous experi-
ments aimed at involving citizens. Methods and procedures that have proved useful in one
risk field must be tested and refined in new contexts and new places.
III. Conclusion
The information about the different work packages and the results are not available for
non-project partners. It is only possible to download a preliminary version of the project
with limited information. The analysis above is based on this document.
Safmams: Scientific advice for fisheries management at multiple scales *
I. Description of the risk governance approach
Safmams draws insights from existing research projects and management processes on the
most useful forms of scientific advice for marine environmental management and then com-
municates those insights to scientists and decision-makers.
The project does not focus on a particular risk, but on a combination of scientific and practical
knowledge in the field of marine environmental management. However, the idea behind the
project is a sustainable exploitation and equitable distribution of a natural resource which is
constantly changing in complex ways in response to human influence as well as natural factors.
This can be understood here in a broader sense as ‘risk governance’.
• It collated information relevant to the forms that scientific advice can and should take from
research projects focussed on fisheries management.
• It passed on these lessons from fisheries to the broader marine management community,
and beyond to people with a general interest in the relationship between science and
policy, through specific networking and dissemination activities. This audience included
various levels of government, science policy scholars, user groups and conservation NGOs.
Lessons are applicable in a broad sense across Europe in Atlantic, Mediterranean and fresh-
water fisheries as well as other areas where science and policy converge.
The project aims at cooperation between policymakers, stakeholders and scientists. The
approach is transparent and open for all participants.
The approach is integrative, because the audience of the project included various levels
of government.
The project is partly multi-dimensional. Besides various levels of government, the audi-
ence of the project included science policy scholars, user groups and conservation NGOs,
limited however to the broad field of marine environmental management.
III. Conclusion
When looking at projects like Safmams, it becomes obvious how fundamental inclusive-
ness is for every advanced management approach – independently from its relationship 37
with risks in particular.
ISBN 978-92-79-11291-1
doi 10.2777/63097
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‘Risk governance’ is a ‘moving target’ in the European research area. Indeed, as risks and
their governance are constantly evolving through scientific discoveries and technological
innovation, governance practices evolve too through natural learning processes and social
science research. This is why it is time to revisit the notion of ‘Risk Governance’ in the
light of recent studies and projects supported by the European Commission.
doi 10.2777/63097