Lai Autonomous District Village Councils Act 2007

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Lai Autonomous District (Village Councils) Act, 2007


Short Title and




This Act may be called the Lai Autonomous

District (Village Councils) Act, 2007


It shall extend to the whole of Lai Autonomous



It shall come into force on the date of publication in

the Mizoram Gazette.



In this Act, except where it is expressly provided or the

context otherwise requires:(1)

'Collective Works' means a community work

done by the village jointly for the common


'District' means the Lai Autonomous District

as provided in Part- III of the table appended
to Paragraph 20 of the Sixth Schedule to the
Constitution of India.


'District Council means the Lai Autonomous

District Council.


'Executive Body' means the executive body of

the Village Council.


'Executive Committee' means the Executive

Committee of the Lai Autonomous District







'Governor' means the Governor of Mizoram.

'Judicial function' means the judicial function of the Village
'Khaw Upa' means a Village headman appointed to look after a
Sub-Village under the authority of Executive Committee in
consultation with the Village Concerned.
'Legislative function' means the legislative functions of the
Village Council
'Member' means a member of a Village Council
means a President of a Village Council elected by
majority of members of Village Council or appointed as such by
the Executive Committee
'Scheduled Tribe or Tribes' means such tribe or tribes as are
specified by the President of India under Article 342 (1) of the
Constitution of India as modified by law made by Parliament from
time to time in so far as the specification pertains to the State of
'Secretary' means the Secretary ofa Village Council.
'Tlangau' means the village announcer.
'Vice President' means a Vice President ofa Village Council
elected by majority of members of Village Council or appointed as
such by the Executive Committee.
'Village Council' means a Village Council constituted under the
provisions of this Act
'Voter' means a person who is entitled to vote at any election to
the Lai .AAutonomous District Council.


Constitution of Village Council:(1)

There shall be a Village Council in each village within the
jurisdiction of the District Council of the Lai Autonomous District.

A Village Council shall be composed of members according to the

number of houses it contains as specified below:For a village having 50-120 houses:
3 Elected members and 1 nominated member.
For a village having 121-240 houses:
5 Elected members and 1 nominated member.


For a village having 241 above:

5 Elected members and 2 nominated members.


The elected members as provided above shall be elected on the

basis of adult suffrage and in accordance with the Rules made by
the Lai Autonomous District Council under this Act. The other
nominated members shall be appointed by the Executive
Committee of the Lai Autonomous District Council on the
recommendation of the President of the Village Council

Qualification for membership:- A person shall not be qualified for

being elected as and for being a member of the Village Council if:(1)

he/she is not a member of Scheduled Tribe or a permanent resident

of the Lai Autonomous District.


he/she has not attained the age of 25 years.


he/she is not a voter where he/she is not a permanent resident and a

voter where he/she seeks election.


he/she is a member of any other Village Council.


he/she is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent

court or authorities.


before or after the commencement of this Act, he/she has been

convicted of an offence under the existing law of the Lai
Autonomous District Council or under any other law for the time
being in force in India, unless a period of three years has elapsed
since his/her conviction, and if imprisoned.


he/she is not a citizen of India.


in case the Executive Committee thinks necessary one Khaw Upa

(Village Headman) shall be appointed in a sub-Village in
consultation with the concerned Village CounciJ President, a
person so appointed should qualify for membership under section-4
of this Act


Provided that any member of Village Council who has transferred

hislher vote from where he/she has been elected shall flot be
entitled to continue his/her membership and the seat shall be
declared vacant.



Removal of members:(1)
Any member of the Village Council, who due to serious illness
cannot attend the meetings of the Village Council and is not likely
to recover from his/her illness for the whole term of that Village
Council, the President of that Village Council shall submit a report
to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee on receipt
of such reports, shall make an inquiry and may take action as it
thinks proper on the basis of the inquiry.

Any member of the Village Council, who due to serious disregard

of hislher duty as a member does not attend the meeting of the
Village Council for three consecutive meetings, may be removed
from his membership. Such decision for the removal of the
member shall be made by the majority of members in the full
sitting of that Village Council and shall be - forwarded to the
Executive Committee for approval. On such decision being
approved, his seat shall be declared vacant.


The Executive Committee shall have the power to disallow any

member to attend the meeting of the Village Council for a
specified period not exceeding three months, if he/she is found to
be undesirable for willful disobedience or misconduct in the
discharge of his/her duties as a member. Such member shall not be
entitled to enjoy remuneration during the period he/she is not
allowed to attend the meeting as a member.

Term of Village Council:(1)

Every Village Council unless sooner dissolved, shall continue for
three years from the date of its first meeting appointed by the
Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall have the power to extend the term
by not more than six month at a time.

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Tenure of membership for Elected and Nominated member:.

All the elected members of the Village Council shall hold) office
during the life of the Village Council. A member nominated to a
Village Council under the provision of sub,:"section(3) of section-3
shall hold office during the pleasure of the Executive Committee.


Vacation of Office of the Executive Body:(1)

The President or Vice President of the Village Council may be
removed on. a vote of no-confidence passed by majority of
members of a village council at the meeting specially convened for
the purpose. For removing the President or the Vice President of
the village council, a motion expressing want of cohfidence in the
conduct of the President or the Vice President as the case may be,
duly signed by the majority of the members of the Village Council
shall be submitted to the Executive Committee of the Lai
Autonomous District Council
at any time before the
commencement of any meeting of the Village Council.

Members of the Village Council desiring to move a motion of noconfidence against either the President or the Vice President of a
Village Council should submit such demand in writing signed by
them to the Executive Committee of the District Council coupled


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The Executive Committee or officer authorised in this behalf shall

then fix a date within ten (10) days from the date of physicai
appearance to take up the motion if their demand is found
satisfactory enough.


A motion shall be decided by taking votes of the members who

shall vote by raising hands or by secret ballot. If the motion of noconfidence is passed by the majority of members, the person
presiding over the meeting shall declare in the meeting that the
President or the Vice President against whom the motion is moved
from his office, if the motion fails for want of the required number
of votes, the person against whom the motion was moved shall
continue his office at the first instance, the person presiding over
the meeting shall not be entitled to vote, but shall have the right to
exercise his casting vote in case of equality of votes.


Provided that if the motion is moved for the removal of the

President of the Village Council, the Vice President of the Village
Council shall preside over the meeting, and if the motion is moved









for the removal of the Vice President, the President of the Village
Council shall preside over such meeting.

In the event of removal of President or Vice President, as the case

may be, the President or Vice President of the same Village
Council, shall be elected within two days counting from the date of
removal of either the President or the Vice President by the Village
Council members. Such election shall be presided over by the
President, if election is for the Vice President, and by the Vice
President if the election is for the President.


Secretary of the Village Council shall keep record of such reports

and submit in writing to the Executive Committee immediately
failing which disciplinary action as the Executive Committee
deems fit shall be taken against him/her.
Provided that in case of failure in the election of either the
President or the Vice President, as the case may be, the Executive
Committee shall assume to itself powers and functions of the
Village Council, and may' appoint any employee of the Lai
Autonomous District Council to exercise such power and function
in this behalf, for a period not exceeding three months at the first
Provided that a period of three months may be extended to another
three months at everj occasion by a fresh public notification till a
new President or Vice President as the case may be, is elected
without dissolving the Village Council.
Provided further that in the opinion of the Executive Committee, a
situation has arisen in which the election of the President and the
Vice President of the Village Council cannot be held in the village,
the Executive Committee shall take action to dissolve the Village
Council for the purpose of holding fresh election.



Executive Body:There shall be a President, a Vice President and a Secretary in each

Village Council to form an executive body in which the executive
function shall be vested.



The President and the Vice President of the Village Council shall
be elected by the members of Village Council from amongst
themselves by a majority of votes.


There shall be a Secretary of the Village Council who may be

appointed or dismissed by the Executive Committee on the advice
of the President of Village Council, and shall function as a
Secretary, but as not a member of the Village Council.


Neither the President nor the Vice President of the Village Council
shall be eligible to hold office of Secretary of the Village Council
under any circumstances.


Every member and the Secretary ofthe Village Council may, at

any time by writing under his hand, submit his resignation to the
Executive Committee through the President of the Village Council,
who shall immediately forward to the concerned authority of the
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall arrange to
elect or appoint as the case may be a substitute as soon as possible.


The President may, at any time by writing under his/ her hand,
submit hislher resignation to the Vice President of the Village
Council who shall without delay forward to the Executive
Committee and until the Executive Committee
accept the
resignation, he/she shall continue to discharge the duties of the
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The Vice President of the Village Council may, at any time by

writing under hislher hand submit hislher resignation to the
President of the Village Council who shall without delay forward
to the Executive Committee and until the Executive Committee
accept the resignation, he shall continue to discharge the duties of
the Vice President.


If at any time, for any reason there is vacancy of a seat in the

Village Council, it shall be reported forthwith to the Executive
Committee either by the President or the Secretary of the Village


If for any reason, the office of the President becomes vacant, the
Executive Committee shall cause the vacancy to be filled as soon
as possible. In the meantime, the duties of the office shall be
performed by the Vice President of the Village Council.




If at any time, for any reason, there is vacancy of a seat in the

Village Council, it shall be report forthwith to the Executive
Committee either by the President or by the Secretary and the
Executive Committee shall make arrangement to fill up the seats as
provided by the Election Rules of Village Council.


Legislative functions:-


A Village Council shall have the power to make Rules for the
normal administration of the Village in accordance with the needs
of the village.


The Rules made by the Village Council shall be in keeping with

the culture, custom and practices of the village community.


Rules made by the Village Council shall be submitted to the

Executive Committee for approval and until approved by the
Executive Committee in its full sitting such Rules shall have no


Judicial functions:-


There shall be a Village Court in each village for the trial of suit
and cases falling within the customary laws and practices of the


Until Rules are made in its behalf by the District Council, the
Village Council of a village shaH function as the Viiiage Court of
that village for the trial of suit and cases between parties all of
whom belong to the village.


A Village Court shall normally trial suit and cases of the nature
falling within the customary laws of the village community.


Every village Court shall have the power to trial thefts and petty
crimes in which the punishment may extend to a maximum of Rs.
500 (Rupees five hundred) only.


Appeal from a Village Court shall lie to the Subordinate District

Council Court.

Dissolution of Village Council:. The Executive Committee may, by

public notification appoint a
more than three persons to
District Council to inquire
considered too in-efficient

commission under this Act consisting of not

be appointed from amongst officers of the
the affairs of a Village Council if it is
or is unable to carry on the village

administration or is acting in a manner pre-judicial to the interest of the

state or, is found to have been indulging in corrupt practices in m~tter of
village administration and such a commission shall, after proper inquiry,
submit each report of findings along with its recommendations to the
Ex~cutive C(m~rrlittee'within a period of t!m~ spec::ifieci by the Fxeclltlve
Committee ..
The E~ecutive Committee may order either;
Suspension of the Village Council for a period of three months at a
time which may be extended for another three months or,

Dissolution of the Village Council for fresh election.

\\Then order is made under (a) above, the Executive Committee
shall assume to itself all the power and functions of the Village
Council and may authorise in this behalf any employee of the Lai
District Council to exercise this function during the period of
When a Village Council is dissolved under (b) above, fresh
election shall be held within six months.
Provided that pending of the election of Village Council the
Executive Committee may authorise any employee of the Lai
Autonomous District Council as specified above.


Duties & functions of the Village Council: Subject to such rules except
those may specificaliy be prescribed in such behalf by the Executive
Committee duties and functions of Village Council shall be;

Cleaning of village roads and path"


Sanitation and conservancy in the village area and the prevention

of public nuisance.


Construction, maintenance and improvement of public wells and

tanks for the supply of water to the village for drinking washing
and bathing purposes.


Opening of, and regulating, burial and cremation grounds for

disposal of dead bodies of human beings, and allocation of places
for disposal of dead animals and other offensive matter.


Taking of curative and preventive measure in respect of an






_._ J


and __ ._ improvement





Control of village grazing grounds, location of glazier Khuties

within the village area, village common and other communal


Regulating the construction of new buildings or houses, or the

extension or alteration of any such existing ones.


Anti Malaria and Anti Kala Azar measures and enforcement of



Registration of births and deaths and maintenance of register for

the purpose.


Registration of marriage.


Supplying local information as and when require to the District

Council or the State Government.


Measures necessary for the preservation of public health and for

improving the sanitation conservancy of drainage of the village


Measures of public utility calculated to promote the moral and

material wen-being of the villagers.


Planting of trees at the sites of public places, on village roads and

paths, and taking care of them.


Working and maintenance of public radio sets for the benefit of the


Establishment and maintenance of libraries, reading rooms, social

and cultural clubs or other places for recreation and games.


Popularization of sports including indigenous sports, folks dances,

folk song and organization and celebration of national and other
local festival.




Any other functions and powers as may be delegated by the

District Council from time to time.


Regulation and order of collective works.


The Village Council shall allot a particular region or area within

the boundaries of each Village for jhum and subsidiary cultivation
each particular year, and the distribution of the jhum and
subsidiary plots shall be done in accordance with the laws frame by
the District Council under Paragrph 3 (1) (d) of the Sixth Schedule
to the Constitution of India.


Creation of Safety Reserve: Every Village shall have safety reserve

for the protection of fire etc. and no one shall be allowed to cut tree
or to have gardening and agriculture activity within the safety
reserve. Proper boundary of the safety reserve area shall be
demarcated and reported to the concerned department for record.
Any violation of trespass into the safety reserve in a manner pre
judicial to the safety of reserve shall be punishable with a fine
which may extend to Rs.1000 (Rupees one thousand) only.


Creation of Supply Reserve~ The ViHage Council shall create or

maintain a supply reserve for the village. The reserve shall be
accessible for collection of materials for construction of houses etc.
The Village Council shall be generally held responsible for the
proper and maintenance of this reserve.


The Village Council shall have the power to prohibit the. use of
explosive or poison for the purpose of fishing or killing animals or
birds. In the event of violation of the above provisions within the
jurisdiction of the Village, and the Village Council of that village
fail to take notice and does not report the matter to the District
Council. The Village Council concern shall be held responsible
and shall be liable to punishment with a fine as provided in Subsection (22).
For each or any of the above duties and functions, the Village
Council may appoint a separate Committee which shall be
responsible for implementing its decisions.


Regulation of Collective Works:

Each Village Council shaH have powers to exempt any person or
persons from collective works on the ground of illness and other
reasonable causes at its own discretion. The reason for the



exemption s~(,lllhe recorded in writing. No person who is sixty years of age
or above shalt be compelled to do any collective \vorks.


Any person below fifteen years of age shall not be allowed to represent in the
collective works


The President or the Secretary of a Village Coucil shaH have a list of persons
performing coliective works and shall see that each household is represented.


One or more representative from the Village Council shall supervise the
collective works.


The President of the Village Council shall announce in the Village the
proposal for holding collective works appointing the date and the time.


Any person who docs not comply with the order of collective works
shall be liable to a fine either in kind or in cash not exceeding
Rs.90 (Rupees ninety) per collective working 4ay unless he has been
exempted from collective works or has obtained commutation under
Sub-section (1).


If a ViUlage Council 11t1lsto carry out its order to realize fine impose upon
any person, the matters shall be referred to the Executive Committee for
the realization of the fine.


Every persons shall have the option of commuting his obligation to render
service under collective works to payment of cash compensation in
Heu of it at a rate to be fixed by a Village Council not exceeding Rs. 70
(Rupees seventy) per collective working day,.


Utilization offme etc. :


The amount of fine mentioned in Sub-section (6) and cash

cornpensati9Il mentioned'in Sub-section (8) may be spent by the
persons performing collective works in any manner they think fit
and proper.


The Secret&ry of the Village Coun~il shall ke~p the accounts of

receipt expenditures of fine and CQmPFllsation, ftnd any persons
shall be at liberty to inspect the a~cpuJlls~




Any disputes arising out of the performance of collective 'works

shall be settled by the Executive Committee and such decision
shall be final and binding on all concerned.
Any other matters connected with the collective works and which
are not provided for in this Act shall be regulated by the District
Council, and all the decision shall be notified by the Executive
Committee in a manner it consider appropriate.


Sanitation: Each Village Council shall be responsible for the sanitation

of the Village. A sanitation committee shall be appointed by the Village
Council if necessary.


Collection of Taxes:
The Executive Committee or any officer authorised by it in this
behalf, shall either appoint tax collectors or allot the works of the
collection of taxes to suitable persons, specifYing their duties and
any other matters connected with the collection of taxes.

Collection of taxes shall be 'done strictly in accordance with the

rule or under the instructions and the direction given by the
Executive Committee or any Officer of the District Council
authorised by the Executive Committee in that behalf.



Meeting of the Village Council:

(1) The President of the Village Council shall preside over all the
meetings. He shall summon the meetings of the Village Council
whenever necessity arises, or if and when two-third of the members
in writing request him to do so.

The quorum to constitute a meeting of the Village Council shall be

two-third of the members.


All proposals and questions shall be decided by a majority of







The President or any members presiding the meeting shall not have
vote at the first instance but shall have an exercise a casting vote in
the case of equality of votes.


The President shall summon the meeting at least once in two

months and sixty days shall not elapse between the date of the last
meeting and the next meeting.


The Secretary and Tlangau shall also attend the Village Council
meeting but shall not have vote.

Maintenance of Order:: The President shall preserve order and have all
powers necessary for the purpose of enforcing decision during the
meeting as follows:(1)

He may direct any member whose conduct is, in his OpInIOn,

disorderly, to withdraw immediately from the day's meeting. The
member ordered, in this manner, shall comply with the order at


If any member is ordered to withdraw for a second time from a

meeting of the same meeting of the Village Council. the President
may suspend the member for the remaining period of the same


If any member fails to carry out the directions given to him under
Sub-Section (1) or Sub-Section (2), the President shall report, in
writing, the conduct of the member to the Executive, Committee.
On receipt of such report, the Executive Committee may, if it
deems necessary suspend the member for any period considered

Village Council Fund: There shall be a fund for every village council, a
fund to be called "Village Council Fund". Any collection authorised by
Law, other than revenue and taxes made in a village for the good of the
people shall be paid into the said fund. The Secretary shall, keep the
Village Council Fund and the accounts which shall be opened for
inspection as and when any member of a Village Council considers





Responsibility of the President:

The President shall cause notice and instructions for prevention of
dangers such as out-break of fire, epidemic, etc. in the village to be
proclaimed by engaging 'Tlangau' and whenever notices, orders:
circulars or letters are received for re-distribution from the District
Council to pass onto the other village, he shall forthwith cause it to
be sent through the 'Secretary'.

The President shall be responsible for the compliance of all orders

and notifications issued either by the District Council or any state
Government's department authorities through the office of the
District Council.


The President shall cause all such orders and notifications to be

read out by the Secretary in the meeting of the Village Council and
if it is necessary, to be brought to the knowledge of the public, it
shall be given over to the Secretary for publication by the


The Secretary shall be responsible for the proper and up-to-date

maintenance of all books and records.

Duties of Secretary:
He shall record all the proceedings of the Village Council as well
as the Village Court and such records shall be signed by the
President. He shall publish all orders, notification and records as
may be necessary and such orders, notification and records shall be
signed by the President.

On receipt of any orders, notices, circulars or letters from the

District Council or from any authorities in the state government for
service for onward transmission to other village, the Secretary shall
cause it to be served or transmit to any other. Village Council as
may be directed and he shall be responsible to carry out such


He shall keep all the books and records of the Council and of the
Village Court. He shall send all such books and records to the
Executive Committee as may be required by it, with his own
signature and of the President.







All books and records shall be kept ready to be examined once in a

year by the officer of the District Councilor any member'bf the
Village Council so appointed in this behalf.
He shall keep the Village Council Fund and the accounts as
provided in Section 17.

Village Site:
Without the written permission of the Lai Autonomous District
Council, no such village or temporary village shall be made or setup at any site within the Lai District area.

A Village Council shall not shift the site of a village to a new site
without the previous approval of the Lai Autonomous District


The Executive Committee or any officer authorised by the Lai

Autonomous District Council may evict any person or persons
having in-occupation of un-authorised sub-village or temporary
village. After serving on such person or persons, individually of a
notice shall vacate the area within a period of one month.


Failure to vacate the area within the time fixed in the notice, the
Executive Committee or an)' officer of the District COllncil
authorised in that behalf, may impose a fine not exceeding Rs.
1,000/- per month to each family for the un-authorised occupation
after the service of the notice.


The order of the Executive Committee or of the officer under SubSection (3) and (4) above, shall be deemed to be an appropriate
clause of the competent Civil Court for the purpose of evicting unauthorised occupation from the area to which this section applies.

Allotment of House-site or Land:

No person shall be allowed to construct a house for any purpose
without the written permission of the Executive Committee or
officers authorised in this behalf.

The Village Council should be consulted before the house or any

building is constructed.
Provided that nothing restricts the power of Executive Committee
from allotting any house-site or sites for constructing a house or
houses for any purposes, or land for jhumming or gardening
purposes within the territorial jurisdiction of a village.


Provided further that in doing so the Executive Committee shall

consult with the village concerned.

Boundaries and jurisdiction of Village: In fixing the boundaries of the .

village, the Executive Committee may appoint Boundary Commission
and the report and finding of the Commission shall be laid before the
Council in Session.


There shall be one or two Tlangau for each Village Council as
determined by the Executive Committee.



The Pre'sident shall have a power to appoint or dismiss the Tlangau

but such case shall be reported to the Executive Committee for


The duties ofTlangau shall be as follows:(a)

He shall bring to the notice of the public all orders and
notifications the Village Council may direct to be notified.

He shall summon all parties and other person required by

the Village Council or Village Court to attend its meeting.


The Secretary of Village Council may also direct the

Tlangau to bring to the notice of the public any other matter
not necessarily connected with the affairs of the Village
Councilor any officer of the Lai District Council on duty.


If at any time emergency requires the gathering of the public

in the interest of the village, any member of the village
may, without the previous approval of the
President, direct the Tlangau to summon all the village.


The Tlangau shall carry notice to all the members of the

Village Council for all meetings of the Village Council
summoned by the President.

Remunt;ration of Member:
The District Council from time to time
shall, have the power to determine entitlement of the remuneration and
privileges of President, Vice President, members, Secretary, Tlangau and


- I



Power to make Rules: Subject to the approval of the Governor, the

Executive Committee may make Rules for the carrying out of any'of the
provisions of this Act.


Removal of Doubt and Difficulty:- If any doubt or difficulty arises in

giving effect to the provision of this Act, the Executive Committee may,
as occasion may require by order do anything not inconsistent with the
provision of this Act or rules made there-under which appears to it
necessary for the purpose of removing such doubt and difficulty.


Repeal and Saving:

The Pawi Autonomous District Council (Village Councils) Act,
1974, and the Lai Autonomous District (Village Councils)
(Amendment) Act, 1993 are hereby repealed.

Notwithstanding such repeal, any action taken or proceeding made

under any provisions of the Acts repealed therein shall be deemed
to be the action taken or proceedings made by this Act.



The existing laws i.e. the Pawi Autonomous

Council (Village Council) Act, 1974 and

the Lai Autonomous


(Village Council) (Amendment) Act, 1993 have become outdated and are no
longer useful to cope with the present need for village administration.
Therefore, legislation of new law is felt necessary.
Hence the Bill.

111Ilh~01(B. THANCHUNGA)
Executive Member,
i/c Local Administration Department,
Lai Autonomous District CounciL


Certified that the Bill was passed by the Lai Autonomous



in its Monsoon

aut h entIcatlOn
t hereOl,


Session held on 28th August 2007. In

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f'd ay 0 f
put my signature
on t h1l'
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2007. Anno Domini.



Lai Autonombru'
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Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram
Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/720

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