Granby Police Department Press Release Sept 18 2015

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Granby Police Department

Press Release
September 18, 2015
The situation regarding Chief Francis Fox has placed my officer, my department and
me in a situation that has been depicted inaccurately. I have received several
questions and criticisms and have tried to answer them all in a responsible and
honest manner.
Some questions remain that I believe need to be explained. First, why didnt I
disclose this incident to the Town of Belchertown? I fully expected this to come out
and believed it would be relatively soon after the incident. It did not occur that
way. The department did not take any steps to keep this public record any more
secret than any other report related to a citizens behavior. We do not make a
practice of calling peoples employers when we deal with them in public regardless
of who we are dealing with. The level of detail in the officers report shows there
was no attempt to cover it up either by the officer or the department.
Another criticism weve received as of late is related to the emails I received from
Chief Fox. The emails from Chief Fox regarding the incident were sent to me when I
was out of state on vacation. I did not reply in writing, instead I called him. As I
have said from the beginning of this, and prior to the emails being released, I did
speak with him over the phone and expressed my displeasure with the situation on
several levels. Those emails were released to a member of the local media after a
proper request for public information was made and not for any other reason. To
suggest that because the emails exist, members of my department and I condoned
the alleged behavior or are part of a conspiracy to cover it up is not an accurate
account of the situation.
The Granby Police Department has consistently admitted that an arrest would have
been preferred in this situation. It didnt happen and we cant change that. We
have addressed the situation with our members. Our officer was placed in a difficult
and stressful situation and made a decision. While that decision has led to some
skepticism about what he or we didnt do, we stand by his honesty and integrity for
documenting what he did do and for removing any threat to public safety that may
have existed.
As an employee of this police department for the last 19 years, as the Chief and as
a resident I am proud of all the women and men of this department for continuing to
professionally serve the Towns residents with honesty and integrity. We have
always strived to provide a high level of professional service and will continue to do
so. We will not let one incident define who we are or effect the professional service
we provide.

Alan Wishart
Chief of Police

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