Immobilization Chapter
Immobilization Chapter
Immobilization Chapter
2.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a brief description of the typical materials used today for bead
formation and their limitations. These include gel beads prepared from agar/agarose,
-carrageenan, alginate, and celluloses after special dissolution, chitosan, and to a
lesser extent polyacrylamide and other synthetic polymers. Every section includes a
short description of the natural or synthetic polymer followed by a description of the
crosslinking agents used for both the creation and strengthening of several types of
beads. In many cases, special methods to modify the porosity of the formed beads
are also described. The chapter also covers procedures for the construction of different forms of carriersfrom cylindrical to almost perfectly sphericalby changing
both molds and the medium into which the molten or dissolved hydrocolloid, polymer or preparation/mixture is dropped or transferred. Information can also be found
on means of dropping, changing drop size and distribution, and liquid sprays. The
chapter also includes more than a few examples of these beads uses. For the most
part, however, uses are covered in detail in other chapters of this book, devoted to
the beads major applications in the food and biotechnological fields (Chapter 4), in
medicine (Chapter 5), for drug delivery (Chapter 8), in agriculture (Chapter 9), and
in environmental fields (Chapter 10). Applications of unique carriers, such as dried
beads and liquid-core capsules, are described in Chapters 6 and 7.
2.2 Entrapment
Cells are entrapped by gels that permit the diffusion of small molecules, both substrate and product, at rates that are adequate for the cells viability and functioning.
In general, there are two types of cell entrapment. The first includes preparations
in which cell viability is the primary concern. Viability is defined here as the cells
ability to increase in size and undergo nuclear and, where possible, cytoplasmic division (Tampion and Tampion 1987). If this occurs, intensification of the process after
immobilization can be expected, i.e., the loosely entrapped cells will proliferate to
very high densities, dependent upon the suitable addition of culture medium. Thus,
A. Nussinovitch, Polymer Macro- and Micro-Gel Beads: Fundamentals
and Applications, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6618-6_2,
C Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
the cell density in the matrix can be higher than that generated in free culture. The
second type of immobilization involves entrapment of non-viable cells. The loss of
viability may be intentionally induced or occur as a result of the techniques and
materials used for the entrapment. In some cases, this provides an operational benefit since permeability barriers are removed and competitive biocatalytic pathways
are destroyed. Of course, another option is to use activated supports that will couple
covalently with purified enzymes, but this is beyond the scope of our discussion and
in general, entrapment substances are less costly (Tampion and Tampion 1987).
2.3.1 Agar
Agar was discovered in Japan in the mid-seventeenth century (Yanagawa 1942;
Hayashi and Okazaki 1970; Matsuhashi 1978). One of the sources for traditionally manufactured agar in Japan is the thalloid alga Gelidium, with as many as
124 local species (Segawa 1965; The members of this genus are known by a number of common names. Specimens can reach
240 cm in length; branching is irregular or occurs in rows on either side of the
main stem, and the alga produces tetraspores. As stated, many of the algae in this
genus are used to make agar (Guiry and Guiry 2008). An additional resource is
the genus Gracilaria, which became significant after the discovery of alkali pretreatment (Funaki 1947; Matsuhashi 1972; Armisen and Kain 1995; Murano and
Kaim 1995). Gracilaria is a genus of the red algae (Rhodophyta) which is noted
for its economic importance as an agarophyte, as well as its use as a food for
humans and various species of shellfish (Davidson 2004). Various species in this
genus are cultivated in the developing world, including Asia, South America, Africa,
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quaternized cationic polymer such as polyquaternium or steardimonium hydroxyethylcellulose. Various active agents may be bound to the restraining polymer,
for example, ascorbic acid, lactic acid, or papain (Delrieu and Ding 2001). It
is important to note that today, agar and other beads can be purchased from
various companies, which offer a wide range of activated agar and agarose beads
for cosmetics, personal care, and neutraceutical, affinity chromatography, and
immobilization processes. Furthermore, to support the customer with a reliable
product, these companies have total control over the supply chain, from collecting
the seaweed, to having a profound knowledge of the raw materials, through the
final manufacture of the finest beads.
2.3.2 Agarose
Two groups of polysaccharidesagarose, the gelling component which is an essentially sulfate-free, neutral (non-ionic) polysaccharide (Fig. 2.1), and agaropectin, a
non-gelling ionic (charged) polysaccharideare contained within the agar extract
(Nussinovitch 1997). The basic sugar units of agarose (which consist of a linear structure with no branching) are D-galactose, 3,6-anhydro-L-galactose, and
d-xylose. The percentage of agarose in agar-bearing seaweed is 5090 (Araki 1937).
Agarose gel is formed by lowering the temperature of the heated agarose to under
40 C. Its melting point is 90 C and its molecular weight 105 Da. Agarose is more
costly to use than agar, except in biotechnological applications as a base material
for electrophoresis and as a filter for gel filtration (Osada and Kajiwara 2001). Lowmelting agarose is used in a manner analogous to agar. There are many reports
of using agarose as an entrapment medium, for example, for the entrapment of
Escherichia coli and anucleate minicells produced by a mutant with defective cell
division (Khachatourians et al. 1982). Special grades of agarose with lower gelling
temperatures are used for the immobilization of Catharanthus roseus (Brodelius
and Nilsson 1980). Not only bacteria are entrapped in agarose: examples include
the photosynthetic alga Chlorella vulgaris (unicellular strain from 5 to 10 m in
size, a known source of chlorophyll and a resource for the production of biodiesel)
and the blue-green bacterium Anacystis nidulans (Wikstrom et al. 1982) in research
designed to study the oxidative deamination of amino acids. Such deamination can
be fortified by co-immobilization of C. vulgaris and Providencia sp. PCM 1298.
Agarose can be formed in the shape of threads, for example, in the immobilization of hepatocytes (Foxall et al. 1984; Farghali et al. 1994). The immobilized
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preparation can be looked upon as an intermediate step between the animal model
(either whole or isolated perfused liver) or subcellular organelles and solubilized
enzymes. Even though immobilization in beads and hollow fibers is also possible,
the thread technique is simple and can be employed for many other cells, such as
Sertoli cells [i.e., a nurse cell of the testes, part of the seminiferous tubule which
is activated by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and has an FSH receptor on its
membranes], in just a few hours (Foxall et al. 1984; Farghali et al. 1993). The
method involves the isolation of rat hepatocytes and mixing the agarose solution
at 37 C with the cells at a density of 45 107 cells/ml. The threads are prepared
by passing the agarose-cell mixture through cooled tubing, a step which can also
be performed manually. The agarose solidifies and entraps the cells. The formed
threads are compressed into a column for further experimentation and can be used
as small research bioreactors (Gillies et al. 1993) and in nuclear magnetic resonance
studies of cells (Caraceni et al. 1994). Agarose can be used not only for manufacturing beads for cell encapsulation but also as a bead coating (Jain et al. 2008). Coating
is performed by rolling solid beads (agarose, collagenagarose, or gelatin sponge
agarose combinations) in 510% agarose, contacting the rolled beads with mineral
oil and then washing the oil from the beads. Such beads, containing secretory cells,
can be transplanted into mammals to treat a condition caused by impaired secretory
cell function (Jain et al. 2008).
2.3.3 -Carrageenan
Agar, furcellaran, and three types of carrageenan (, , and ) make up the family
of gums derived from red seaweed (Nussinovitch 1997). Carrageenans are linear polysaccharides composed of alternating (1-3)- and (1-4)-linked galactose
residues. The basic repeating unit is carrabiose (a disaccharide). The (1-4)-linked
residues are commonly, but not invariably, present as 3,6-anhydride. Variations in
this basic structure can result from substitutions (either anionic or non-ionic) on
the hydroxyl groups of the sugar residues and from the absence of a 3,6-ether
linkage (Stasnley 1990). Carrageenans are soluble in water at temperatures above
75 C. Sodium salts of - and -carrageenan are soluble in cold water, whereas
salts with calcium and potassium exhibit varying degrees of swelling but do not
dissolve completely. -Carrageenan is fully soluble in cold water (Nussinovitch
1997). Gel formation may be likened to crystallization or precipitation from solution. Both - and -carrageenans require heat for dissolution. After cooling and in
the presence of positively charged ions (e.g., potassium or calcium), gelation occurs
(Nussinovitch 1997). Gel preparation involves dispersing the -carrageenan plus the
salt (potassium chloride) in distilled water and heating to 80 C, then adding the
water evaporated during the heating process and slowly cooling to room temperature to induce gelation (Nussinovitch 1997). Maximum strength is achieved for
1, 2, and 3% -carrageenan gels at 1.5% potassium chloride (Nussinovitch et al.
1990). In another study dealing with the gelation of -carrageenan in the presence
of potassium chloride (Krouwel et al. 1982), it was claimed that carrageenan gels
(beads) are superior to agar and inferior to calcium alginate. A comparison between
-carrageenan and calcium alginate as entrapment media revealed a small advantage
of the former over the latter (Grote et al. 1980).
Since gel formation is thermally reversible, immobilized carrageenan preparations are not well suited to higher temperature applications (Guiseley 1989).
Moreover, the gel-inducing reagents concentration might influence the success of
the process: in very small quantities, the preparation may not be stable, whereas
in excess it might inhibit some enzyme activity (Chibata et al. 1986). In addition to
extrusion through an orifice or hollow needle (dripping method), dispersion in liquid
or air is possible and shapes such as cubes, beads, or membranes can be produced.
After its manufacture, -carrageenan bead strength can be increased by treatment
with chlorohydrins, diepoxides, glutaraldehyde, tannin, or polyamines (Chao et al.
1986). The concentrations used should be considered in light of the possible damage to the viability/activity of the cells or enzymes (Chibata et al. 1987). Addition
of Al3+ cations is another way in which such beads can be strengthened (Sanroman
et al. 1994).
A mixture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and carrageenan was pumped into a
2% (w/v) potassium chloride solution (Wang and Hettwer 1982). The immobilized preparation contained ten times more cells than the free cell suspension.
The immobilized cells reached a stationary-phase plateau at a higher cell density
in about twice the time taken by the free yeast cells. An increase in bead size
from 3.5 to 5.5 mm had no effect on the final concentration of the cells. Further
study revealed that inclusion of 5% (w/v) tricalcium phosphate (hydroxyapatite)
(Fig. 2.2) crystals at sizes of up to 30 m in the carrageenan gel can delay the
dramatic drop in viable cell counts that are usually observed after 30 h (Wang
and Hettwer 1982). At low pH, rapid dissolution of the crystals occurred, inducing better growth due to increased porosity, while at natural pH, better growth
due to pH-value regulation was detected. When 10% (w/v) tricalcium phosphate
was included, the settling velocity of the beads doubled (Wang and Hettwer 1982).
Those authors also suggested separating old, less productive beads from the younger
ones due to their differences in density resulting from dissolution of the included
salt. An unexplored option is the questionable interaction between the tricalcium
particles and the yeast within the gel as contributors to the adsorption support.
Wang et al. (1982) claimed that increasing the potassium chloride concentration
not only reduces cell leakage from the -carrageenan beads but also reduces yeast
viability. -Carrageenan beads can be used to immobilize a very large number of
species, with almost no restrictions (Mattiasson 1983). Immobilized Saccharomyces
carlsbergensis produced ethanol continuously for over 3 months, at close to the
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Crosslinked carrageenan beads can be used as a controlled-release delivery system. The influence of bulk carrageenan and crosslinker concentrations on bead size
was studied to evaluate the mechanism of crosslinking between epichlorohydrin
(a well-known crosslinker for polysaccharides) and the polysaccharide. The conditions were optimized with macroparticles (3.1 mm in diameter) for a better
understanding of crosslink density and its effect on the morphology and surface
topography of the bead (Keppeler et al. 2009). Low epichlorohydrin concentrations led to unstable and weak beads with uneven, cracked surfaces. The optimum
crosslinker concentration, which resulted in smooth and stable gel beads, was
applied to microparticles (76 m in diameter). The swelling/shrinking behavior
of these crosslinked microsponges in saline solution showed great potential for
their application as delivery systems in food or pharmaceutical products (Keppeler
et al. 2009).
2.3.4 Alginates
Alginates are perhaps the most studied and recognized component for entrapment.
Alginic acid (Fig. 2.4) is a linear copolymer composed of D-mannuronic acid
(M) and L-guluronic acid (G) (Whistler and Kirby 1959; Hirst and Rees 1965).
Regions can consist of one unit or the other, or both monomers in alternating
sequence, i.e., M blocks, G blocks, or heteropolymeric MG blocks, respectively.
More information on their structure can be located elsewhere (Nussinovitch 1997;
Phillips and Williams 2000). Alginate forms gels with a number of divalent cations
(McDowell 1960). For food and biotechnological purposes, calcium is particularly
suitable because of its non-toxicity. In poly-G segments (with chain lengths of over
20 residues), enhanced binding of calcium ions occurs and a cooperative mechanism is involved in the gelation. Crosslinking takes place via carboxyl groups by
primary valences and via hydroxyl groups by secondary valences (Nussinovitch
1997). Coordinate bonds extend to two nearby hydroxyl groups of a third unit
that may be in the same molecular chain, thereby retaining the macromolecules
coiled shape (Glicksman 1969), or in another chain, resulting in the formation of
a huge molecule with a three-dimensional net-like structure (Glicksman 1969).
Entrapment by alginate is a mild, safe, and simple method which is generally
suitable for immobilizing any type of cell (i.e., bacteria, yeast, fungi, higher
plant cells, animal cells, and even embryos) while retaining maximal biocatalytic
When Chlorella was immobilized in alginate beads (Danity et al. 1986), importance was placed on stabilizing the gel structure and minimizing growth where
prolonged use was required. An increase in gel strength can be achieved by using
aluminum nitrate (trivalent cations) (Rochefort et al. 1986). Many procedures have
been suggested to scale up the use of alginate beads, for instance, a rotating nozzle ring which sprays the gum solutionbacterium mixture into rotating vessels
containing crosslinking solution (Matulovic et al. 1986). This apparatus is capable of producing beads of the requested size in large quantities per unit time.
Another large-scale approach was proposed by Rehg et al. (1986), who used a dual
fluid atomizer in which sodium alginate solution droplets were sheared off the tips
of hypodermic needles into calcium chloride solutions to produce beads with an
average diameter of 1 mm (Rehg et al. 1986).
Bead manufacture is not restricted to spherical shapes. For example, when
Z. mobilis cells were immobilized in their late exponential stage (Grote et al. 1980),
a syringe was used to inject the alginate-cell suspension into the gaps between
perforated plates in a column reactor, which was filled with 0.75% (w/v) calcium
chloride, forming what they described as fiber-like masses. Maximal ethanol production was obtained by diluting the substrate (glucose) and production continued
for 800 h (Grote et al. 1980). Alginate beads of 1 mm in diameter were used to
immobilize Z. mobilis, which attained a very high cell density. The reactor was
operated continuously for up to 168 h. The fermentation ability was boosted by
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strengthening the beads with calcium chloride during the operation (Margaritis et al.
It is well known that other divalent cations, such as Cu2+ or Pb2+ , have a greater
affinity to alginate than Ca2+ . However, toxicity limits their use in many fields.
Instead of Ca2+ , the use of Ba2+ for the immobilization of yeast cells (Chen and
Huang 1988) was reported, and Cu2+ has been used for the immobilization of phenol oxidase (Palmieri et al. 1994). A differently shaped immobilization system for
ethanol production by S. cerevisiae was produced by gelling alginate with calcium
ions directly in a reactor around a regular pattern of rods. When the rods were
removed, a gel block with internal flow channels was formed for easy liberation
of the gas produced during the fermentation (Johansen and Flink 1986). Production
of beads with controllable sizes in the range of 0.53.0 mm by a suitable apparatus was reported by Klein and Kressdorf (1983). Haggstrom and Molin (1980)
immobilized both vegetative cells and spores of Clostridium acetobutylicum in alginate beads for the production of acetonebutanolethanol. Spores were activated by
heating the beads to 95 C, in order to induce germination, prior to washing in nongrowth medium. Anaerobic conditions were achieved by flushing with nitrogen gas.
Use of a continuous stirred tank fermentor to produce isopropanolbutanolethanol
by immobilization of Clostridium beijerinckii allowed for several rounds of reuse,
although sudden and sometimes rapid losses in activity occurred after 1527 days
(Krouwel et al. 1983). A simple glass packed bed column was used for continuous
and batch-recycled fermentation of 4.8% (w/v) glucose by Lactobacillus delbrueckii
entrapped in alginate beads. After 40 h at 43 C, 97% of the theoretical yield was
obtained. The operation could be run for 55 days with only a slight reduction in
activity at first batch reuse (Stenroos et al. 1982).
Alginate can be used as a matrix for the immobilization of fungal hyphae. Pellets
(2 mm) of the fungus T. viride were immobilized and the activity of -glucosidase
was investigated using cellbiose and salicin as substrates (Matteau and Saddler
1982). The -glucosidase activity had a half-life of over 1000 h at 50 C, based
on 340 h of continuous operation. To produce fragments of mycelium for immobilization, Livernoche et al. (1981) placed 2 cm diameter glass balls inside flasks
of the fungus Coriolus versicolor on a shaker. The resultant fragments could easily be incorporated into alginate gel beads. Royer et al. (1983) reported on hyphal
outgrowth from beads that contained viable mycelial fragments. In addition to bacterial, yeast, and fungal preparations, higher plant cells have also been immobilized
in alginate. Entrapped cells of Daucus carota retained their ability to biotransform digitoxigenin and remained viable 24 days (Jones and Veliky 1981). Cell
clumping is a problem which can be eliminated by allowing regrowth of viable
cells entrapped in alginate beads (Morris and Fowler 1981). Alginate is a convenient medium for the encapsulation of mycobacteria (Brink and Tramper 1986)
and the marine alga Dunaliella tertiolecta (Grizeau and Navarro 1986). Shapes
other than beads or threads can be used: one report describes the use of a calcium alginate film formed on a stainless steel mesh and immobilizing the bacteria
Lactococcus for both milk acidification and inoculation. The productivity of such
preparations depends on the ratio between the surface area of the immobilized
biocatalyst and the bioreactor volume (Passos and Swaisgood 1993; Passos et al.
2.3.5 Chitosan
Commercial chitosan is derived from the shells of shrimp and other sea crustaceans.
Chitosan is manufactured by deacetylation of the N-acyl group by heating chitin
in a highly concentrated (40%) alkali solution or heating powdered chitin in fused
calcium hydroxide at 180 C for 30 min. Chitosan is positively charged and soluble in acidic to neutral solution, with a charge density that depends on pH and
the percentage degree of deacetylation (DA value). It binds to negatively charged
surfaces. Chitosan is biocompatible and biodegradable. Purified chitosans are available for biomedical applications (Shahidi and Synowiecki 1991). Chitosan and its
derivatives have been used in non-viral gene delivery for the transfection of breast
cancer cells; with approximately 50% degree of trimethylation, the derivative is
most efficient at gene delivery (Kean et al. 2005). Chitosan is a polycation that
can be crosslinked with multivalent anions. This option can be used to prepare
A chitosanglycerolwater gel or gel-like membrane, useful as a carrier for
medications to be applied to wounds, was prepared by dissolving chitosan in an
acidwaterglycerol solution which when neutralized forms a gel upon standing
(Jackson 1987). A typical simple example of gel formation was provided with
chitosan tripolyphosphate and chitosan polyphosphate gel beads (Mi et al. 1999).
Chitosan gel beads could also be prepared in an amino acid solution at about pH
9, despite the requirement for a pH above 12 for gelation in water (Kofuji et al.
1999). pH-sensitive hydrogels were also synthesized (Qu et al. 1999a, b) by grafting D,L-lactic acid onto the amino groups in chitosan without catalyst. Enzymatic
reactions might also lead to gels (Chen et al. 2003). Glutaraldehyde was used as
a crosslinking agent for chitosan. A semi-interpenetrating network was synthesized with poly(ethylene oxide) and chitosan and crosslinked with glyoxal (Khalid
et al. 1999). Advances in the field of chitosan gelation promote biomedical applications that use microgel or nanogel particles for drug delivery (Oh et al. 2008).
Uses include, for example, mixing E. coli cells into a chitosan acetate solution.
The solution was dropped and left in 1.5% (w/v) sodium polyphosphate at pH
5.5 for 30 min. It was then transferred to polyphosphate at pH 8.5 for shrinking
inducement. This preparation was used to study the tryptophan synthetase activity
of the bacterium (Vorlop and Klein 1981). Of course drying can result in further
strengthening of the beads. When dry, these beads do not decompose in the presence of phosphates as alginates do. Kluge et al. (1982) extended the afore-described
work to the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus. Pellets composed of mycelium disrupted in
dilute sodium chloride were washed and immobilized in chitosan. Polyphosphate
was the best crosslinker for enzyme retention. Stocklein et al. (1983) demonstrated
the efficiency of working with chitosan for conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine
by a Pseudomonas sp.
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2.3.6 Cellulose
Cellulose is the most plentiful organic substance in nature, making up about onethird of the worlds vegetative material (Zecher and Van Coillie 1992). Cellulose
content in wood and cotton is 4050% and 8597%, respectively (Ott 1946;
Glicksman 1969; Whistler 1973). Cellulose (Fig. 2.5) is a linear polymer of
D -glucose monomers joined by D -(1,4) linkages, built from repeating units of
cellobiose. The nature and structure of these molecules facilitate the formation
of crystalline regions with consequent rigidity and strength (Ward and Seib 1970;
Whistler and Zysk 1978). The degree of polymerization (DP) of cellulose depends
on its origin (Krassig 1985; Zecher and Van Coillie 1992). The polymer has a maximum of three degrees of substitution (Greminger and Krumel 1980; Zecher and Van
Coillie 1992). Products with a wide range of functional properties can be created by
controlling the degree and type of substitution (Whistler and Zysk 1978). Extensive
intra- and intermolecular hydrogen-bonded crystalline domains cause cellulose to
be insoluble in water. Manufacture of water-soluble cellulose derivatives starts with
a preformed polymer backbone of either wood or cotton cellulose (Greminger and
Krumel 1980). Cellulose can be converted to a soluble compound via its derivatization and disruption of hydrogen bonds (Zecher and Van Coillie 1992). Cellulose
derivatives are prepared by reacting alkali cellulose with either methyl chloride
to form methylcellulose (MC), propylene oxide to form hydroxypropylcellulose
(HPC), or sodium chloroacetate to form sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC).
In the latter case a side reaction, the formation of sodium glycolate, also occurs
(Stelzer and Klug 1980). Mixed derivatives such as methyl hydroxypropylcellulose
(HPMC) can be formed by combining two or more of these reagents. Of the many
possible derivatives investigated and manufactured, CMC, MC, HPMC, and HPC
are utilized in the food industry in addition to modified forms of cellulose, which
have been found to have useful functional hydrocolloidal properties and significance in several food applications. CMC is the most important cellulose-derived
hydrocolloid for viscosity-forming applications, and it is used for its ability to react
with charged molecules within specific pH ranges (Ganz 1966; Hercules Inc. 1978;
Stelzer and Klug 1980). HPC, a non-ionic cellulose ether, is soluble in water below
40 C and in polar organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol, and propylene glycol
(Butler and Klug 1980).
Microcrystalline cellulose has thickening and water-absorptive properties. MC
and HPMC are soluble in cold water but insoluble in hot water. Upon heating such
2.3.7 Proteins Collagen
Collagen is a natural animal protein. It is derived from connective tissues such as
skin and cartilage (Tampion and Tampion 1987). It is manufactured by using organic
solvents to extract the collagens mixed materials, followed by a water wash and
extraction in a dilute salt. The process involves using acid or alkali, which is then
removed by enzyme interactions leaving the collagen as the non-solubilized material (Osada and Kajiwara 2001). Another procedure involves degrading fresh skin
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extract in 0.06 M citric acid buffer (pH 4). After dialysis, extraction is performed
in 0.5 M hydrogen phosphate-2-sodium. The precipitate obtained in the dialysis is
again extracted using 0.2 M citric acid buffer (pH 3.8). Dialysis of this extract produces a recycled collagen (Osada and Kajiwara 2001). The hydrogel produced from
collagen is a physical gel. It is formed when the concentration of the collagen solution is increased. When boiled for a long time in water, dilute acid or dilute alkali,
it changes into a gelatin made of protein derivative (Osada and Kajiwara 2001).
Collagen is widely used as a support for enzymes. It is often cast into a membrane
form and stabilized with glutaraldehyde (Tampion and Tampion 1987). The first
coagulation with the immobilized cells is probably due to hydrogen bonding forces
and possibly an adsorption process in which the lysine residues of the collagen
participate (Cheetham 1980). However, for stabilization, the dominant step is the
extensive covalent bonding by glutaraldehyde. This step must be temporally controlled since excessive exposure can damage cell function. Successful entrapment
of eight bacteria, Aspergillus niger, mammalian erythrocytes, and chloroplasts in a
patented collagen system was reported by Vieth and Venkastsubramanian (1979).
The method is based on casting the membrane from tanned collagen and winding
with inert plastic spacer material. The invention has not raised a great deal of interest
due to the extensive use of gelatin.
Spherical microcarriers can be used for cell culturing since they provide large
surface areas for cell growth. They can be manufactured from polysaccharides,
gelatin, or collagen (Cahn 1990; Altankov et al. 1991). The matrix formed by collagen has the unique characteristic of being macroporous and contains a fibrous
microstructure appropriate for cell ingrowth (Langer and Vacanti 1993). Collagen
microcarriers are generally prepared from a suspension of crude collagen extract.
Spherical beads can be structured by discharging a suspension of collagen fibers
into liquid nitrogen, followed by dehydration and crosslinking of the gel beads
with formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde vapors (Yannas and Kirk 1984; Dean et al.
1989). These processes employ harsh conditions and do not appear to be suitable
for the entrapment of cells in situ for subsequent cell culturing (Tsai et al. 1998).
Alginate beads can be formed under mild conditions by contacting with calcium
ions (Nussinovitch 1997), and this gelling property was made use of by preparing
spherical gel beads of collagen/alginate: droplets of a mixture containing collagen
(1.071.90 mg/ml) and alginate (1.21.5% w/v) were discharged into a 1.5% (w/v)
calcium chloride solution at 4 C (Tsai et al. 1998). Collagen in the gel beads was
reconstituted by raising the temperature to 37 C after alginate had been liquefied
by citrate. Scanning electron microscopy of the beads revealed the characteristic
fibrous structure of collagen. To demonstrate the application of this new technique
in cell culture, GH3 rat pituitary tumor cells were entrapped and cultured in these
gel beads (Tsai et al. 1998). Gelatin
Gelatin is a natural organic protein that can be used to create physical hydrogels. The
gelatin is manufactured by refining processed collagen. It has a molecular weight
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solution, thus a more porous structure and phosphorylation are achieved simultaneously (Chen and Lin 1994; Lin and Chen 1995). The water-purification capacity of
a polyvinyl(alcohol) (PVA) gel bead filtration system using photosynthetic bacteria
was studied (Jeong et al. 2009). Long-term goldfish-rearing experiments were conducted using four different types of aquarium systems. Prominent decomposition
of organic matter in the aquarium tank containing the PVA system, as well as less
turbid aquarium water and more active goldfish, was observed. In addition, use of
the PVA gel beads resulted in almost complete denitrification, even after 6 months
of goldfish rearing. The results of this study indicate that this immobilized photosynthetic bacterial system has the potential for use as a component in circulating
filtration systems (Jeong et al. 2009). Other Synthetic Polymers
Other synthetic polymers can be used for cell entrapment, including copoly(styrenemaleic acid), polyethylene glycol (PEG) methacrylate, methoxypolyethylene glycol
methacrylate (MPEGMA), PEG dimethacrylate, polyisocyanates, and polyurethane.
Many researchers use polyacrylamide as their first choice of synthetic polymer due
to the poor performance of many of the others (Tampion and Tampion 1987). Klein
et al. (1979) compared the potential ability of many synthetic polymers to form an
ionic network. MPEGMA polymerization by radiation was studied (Fujimura and
Kaetsu 1982). Cell damage from this process can be reduced by using 0.5 104
rad/h, 100 times lower than the initial radiation dose. Other beneficial actions
included lowering the temperatures to 24 C and 0 C and using the monomer of
MPEGMA, which is somewhat less toxic than that of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) (Fujimura and Kaetsu 1982). Entrapment of enzymes and cells in
poly(HEMA) has been reported in many instances, a few examples being the entrapment of phosphatase (Cantarella et al. 1988), -glucosidase (Alfani et al. 1987),
-fructofuranosidase, glucose oxidase, and cells of S. cerevisiae (Cantarella et al.
In contrast to conventional entrapping biopolymers (e.g., agar, alginate, and carrageenan), polyurethane gels demonstrate increased mechanical stability (Fukui
et al. 1987); however, the isocyanate prepolymer is toxic (Klein and Wagner 1983).
Blocking the isocyanates (by reaction at room temperature of the prepolymers with
NaHSO3 ) to form the polycarbamoyl sulfonate (PCS) propolymer could help solve
this problem (Vorlop et al. 1992). The relationship between PCS gelation time and
pH was studied (Muscat et al. 1996). At pH 8.5 and room temperature, gelation
took on the order of seconds, while at pH < 5.5, it took up to 10 h. Diffusion
coefficient values for a PCS hydrogel of 0.501.45 105 cm2 /s for the substances glucose, ethanol, nitrate, and nitrite ion at 25 C were observed. These values
were in the same range as those observed for calcium alginate (Daynes 1920).
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1995). Another study (Wilke et al. 1994) reported that during the immobilization,
treatment with polyethyleneimine-HCl and a water wash. The mechanisms underlying these methods are not fully known, but they may involve some ionic or covalent
binding of the cells themselves or, in the second and third procedure, direct coupling
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