Theories of Political Control of Bureaucracy
Theories of Political Control of Bureaucracy
Theories of Political Control of Bureaucracy
Politic is an art and science for someone to gain authority constitutionally
and unconstitutionally. An authority is an institution of the citizens of a State
and as such constitutes an implement for the achievement of community
objectives. The right of an authority to exist located in its obligation to act in
accordance with the directives of those whom it is supposed to serve.
Political people called a politician, which is a person holding or seeking a
position within a government, obtained by means of an election, voted for
either by people or by a definitive group in the government, for example
people's representatives, Mayor or Regent (legislative).
It is said that government institutions exist to satisfy the intellectual and
material needs of the community, but community needs usually exceed the
resources available for their satisfaction. Effective, efficient and economical
action is therefore expected of legislative and executive institutions. A major
proportion of the responsibility for ensuring that optimum results are
obtained with the expenditure of resources therefore rests with the
Bureaucracy is as an organization which has a chain of command with the
shape of a pyramid, where more people are below than the upper level,
usually found in the institution of administrative. Bureaucracy people or
bureaucrats are the person who is appointed as one of the people who run
a government and does everything according to the rules of that government
Politic and bureaucracy are two very different things but both are linked to
each other by a relationship called political control and they cant be unbind.
Political Control is the control given through power of position held by
influential political personnel. Might give them the authority to appoint an
individual to an office, allow or refuse participation in any formal group or to
give additional benefits (
Control of bureaucracy theorist accept some form of the politicsadministration (or policy administration) dichotomy. The dichotomy is
described and accepted explicitly; other time it is simply assumed. But the
logic of political control of bureaucracy theory is difficult, if not impossible,
The theory of political control of bureaucracy in Public Administration is
primarily based on the assumption of dichotomy or distinction between
political and administrative acts or actions or actors. As long as this
distinction holds, the theories that support political control of bureaucracy
can clearly explain about public administration as a guide to take actions for
public services. The second important assumption in this theory is the
control decisions and actions on appointed officials engaged by elected
officials, both legislatures and executives. Two assumptions mentioned above
are still debatable due to the proper range of discretion given to bureaucracy
to carry out public services. Donald Kettl explains that some students seek
vigorous state vested with strong administrative apparatus, while the other
seeks balance of power to protect from tyranny.
Are bureaucracies responsive to the elected officials?. Are bureaucrats out of
control?. These questions appeared as political control over bureaucracy
main assumption is politics administrations separation. Thus, it needs
several supporting theories to describe dichotomy logics in bureaucratic
It is already known that elected officials are responsible for setting law and
policy, while appointed officials or bureaucrats are responsible in carrying out
policies. In contrast, what mostly happened in this era is the mixture of
policy engagement between elected and appointed officials as shown in the
graph. The graph describes the control limitation of policy over
administration and vice versa. But, the graph doesnt explain the pattern of
politics administration relationship.
James H. Svara used each party responsibility to depict the pattern of politics
administrations interaction. But, again, it is hard to presume who
responsible in making policies and carrying out administrations. Then, Svara
set out four categories of governmental activity to illustrate each party tasks.
The categories consist of Mission, Policy, Administration and Management.
Drawing mission and policy are eleted officilas responsibility, and conducting
administration and management are under appointed officials authority.
Greg J. Potasel also used Svaras functional categories in explainng the
bureaucrats responsiveness toward elected principals. He found there was a
gap of leadership that would drive the elected appointed officials
relationship and the degree of political control of bureaucracies or
34 ministers of Kabinet Kerja which had been announced by Joko Widodo, 13
ministers of whom are professionals of political parties and 21 ministers from
the other is purely professional.
Minister of the political parties, they are the leaders and cadres of the party
supporters Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla, Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P),
Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB), Partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem), Partai
Hati Nurani Rakyat (Hanura) and Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP).
From PDIP, a number of politicians appointed as minister is Puan Maharani,
Yasonna H Laoly, Tjahjo Kumolo, and AAGN Puspayoga. Of the PKB, the
minister representing Imam Nahrawi, Hanif Dhakiri, and Marwan Jafar. Of
Nasdem, ministers representing Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, and Siti Nurbaya. Of
Hanura, representing the minister Saleh Husin and Yuddy Chrisnandi. While
the PPP is representing Lukman Hakim Saifuddin.