HMT Watches
HMT Watches
HMT Watches
A study on the organization study of HMT Watches Limited At HMT Bhavan, Bangalore
Submitted To Bangalore university, Bangalore In partial fulfilment for the award
of the degree of Master of Commerce By Anil Kumar. S
Bangalore University Bangalore 560 001. July 2010
Sl. No. 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.
6 3.4.7 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 9 10 11 12 Introduction
CHAPTER-2 Industry Profile Evolution of watch industry History of Indian watch m
arket Present situation of Indian watch market Future challenges of watch market
CHAPTER-3 Company profile Company overview Mission and Vision Corporate Objecti
ves and Goals History and Evolution of Organization HMT Machine Tools ltd. HMT W
atches ltd. HMT Chinar Watches Ltd. HMT International Ltd. HMT Bearing Ltd. Prag
a Tools Ltd. HMT Tractor Business HMT Units, Divisions & Locations HMT Watch Fac
tory at glance Introduction of HMT WF I & WF II at Bangalore Corporate objective
s of HWL Important events of HWL Products of HWL Strategic Planning Organization
Structure Departments of HMT Watch Factory HRM Department Finance Department Sa
les Department Marketing Department Product Profile Competitors of HMT Watches S
WOT Analysis Suggestions & Recommendations conclusion Contents CHAPTER-1 Page No
. 1 3 3 4 5 7 9 10 10 11 11 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 19 20 21 22 24 25 25 3
1 33 36 38 40 41 43 46
List of charts
Sl. no 2.3 4.2 6.0 7.1 7.2 7.3.1 7.3.2 Contents Watch market in India HMT Watche
s Limited Organization structure of HMT watches limited Organization chart of HR
Department Organization chart of Finance Department Organization chart of Sales
Department Activity flow chart Page no 6 19 24 25 31 34 35
List of tables
Sl. No. 3.5 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 Contents HMT Units, Divisions and Locations Job pe
rformance factors Managerial abilities factors General comment and overall asses
ment Page No. 16 28 28 29
Chapter-1 Introduction
Organization is a systematically designed, scientifically planned sum total of v
arious function coordinate mutually, synchronized in a format to achieve the goa
ls and objectives of the company. HMT is one of the Government of India undertak
ings, which was established in the year 1953, with the objective of producing a
limited range of machine tools, required for building an industrial institute fo
r the country. HMT Watches Limited comprises of three manufacturing units at Ban
galore, Tumkur, Ranibagh and Uttarkhand. It manufactures Mechanical and Quartz A
nalog watches and Clocks. HMT limited, the first company to start Watch manufact
uring in India, has incorporated HMT WATCHES LIMITED as its fully owned subsidiary
. The manufacture of wristwatches started as part of diversification strategy of
HMT in the year 1962, under Technical collaboration with CITIZEN Watch Company
of Japan. The purpose of the study is primarily to explore the knowledge on HMT
Watches and then gain the consumer insights for the acceptance of new watch mode
HMT is one of the reputed public sectors in India.
It is an organization with al
l the departments under one roof and study of the
organization structure will be more useful and meaningful.
It has got many programs to help the students by giving exposure to the real wor
The production and distribution network is very efficient and large size.
1.2 Objectives of the study
To study the current scenario of Indian Wristwatch industry.
To review brand str
ategies of different sub-brands of HMT Watches.
To analyze the brand strategies
of HMT. To study the Organization Structure of HMT Watches Limited and functions
To gain practical knowledge while conducting the study. This study would help HM
T Watches Limited to understand the gaps in the communication strategy regarding
brand repositioning exercises and further measures to be taken for effective ma
rketing communication.
1.3 Scope of the study
The study attempts to identify the reach of HMT Watches which would help the com
pany in formulating suitable strategies. The study also identifies the attitudes
and preference of the consumers. The study also focused on media through which
the product reaches the consumers.
1.4 Limitations of the study
The study is confined to Bangalore city only.
errors in the study.
Global Watches market to reach $46.65 billion and Clocks market to reach $5.42 b
illion by 2017 ( source: Global Industry Analysts, Inc)
Future watches
Watch makers in Europe are building complex, intricate machines t
hat tell time with micro-second accuracy. These are masterpieces where each comp
onent is handcrafted by Masters of Horology and designed by master designers. Br
eguet falls into that category.
The demand for wrist watches, especially from As
ia in so strong that watchmakers have been struggling to ensure adequate supply.
There are watches already that read the pulse rate and watches that can be used
in emergency as a cell phone. Soon there will be watches incorporating the GPS
for navigating the cars and carrying entire medical history to be referred to by
doctors in emergency.
The Swiss watch industry holds 95 per cent of this market
and is believed that this market will continue to grow at about 10 per cent a y
ear over the next decade.
Cheap watches priced between $1 and $30 and will grow
at about 20 per cent annually. The Swiss have only a 5 per cent of this market.
This is where all local players survive and grow. As this market will have enorm
ous volume throughput, local watch brands will be beneficiaries of some interest
ing volume sales. (Source:
HMT is one of the Government of India undertakings, which was established in the
year 1953, with the objective of producing a limited range of machine tools, re
quired for building an industrial institute for the country. HMT Ltd. a leading
PSU, is a name to reckon with and has a significant presence in the capital good
s, precision engineering, consumer goods and tractor markets in the country. The
company has, over the years, imbibed and developed cutting edge technologies an
d today offers total manufacturing solutions to the engineering goods manufactur
ing sector. In its progression from a single-unit, single-product company to a m
ulti-product, multi-unit conglomerate, HMT has laid the foundation for the evolu
tion of a network of engineering component manufacturers throughout the nation t
hat has since developed substantially and forms the bulwark f the manufacturing
capability of the country. HMT has in its fold 18 manufacturing unit spread over
10 states. It is now restricted and comprise of six subsidiaries under order of
words of Holding Company. Subsidiary units are:
HMT Machine Tools Limited, Bang
alore. HMT Watches Limited, Bangalore.
HMT Chinar Watches Limited, Jammu & Kashm
ir. HMT Bearings Limited, Hyderabad.
HMT Praga Tools Limited, Secunderabad.
International Limited, Bangalore. Joint Venture Company SUDMO-HMT Process Engine
ers (India) Limited.
3.2 Mission and Vision To establish ourselves as one of the worlds premier compan
ies in the engineering field having strong international competitiveness.
To ach
ieve market leadership in India through ensuring customer satisfaction by supply
ing internationally competitive products and services. To achieve sustained grow
th in the earnings of the group on behalf of shareholders.
the application needs of every industry. HMT also has the distinction of manufac
turing its own CNC systems in association with Siemens. During the 1960s with the
success achieved in the initial years, the company launched a bold plan of dive
rsification and expansion which resulted in the duplication of Bangalore unit an
d the setting up of new units at Pinjore, Kalamassery and Hyderabad to become th
e worlds widest range of machine tools manufacturers under a single corporate ent
ity. With a Watch Factory already established in 1961-62, additional capacities
for watch production were contemplated to provide a greater cushion against cycl
ical fluctuations in capital goods markets and also to meet the bargaining deman
d for watches. The 1970s witnesses the fructification of all the diversification
plans as envisaged. HMT set up HMT International Limited as a subsidiary company
to channel HMTs product and technical services abroad and took over Machine Tool
s Corporation at Ajmer as its Sixth Machine Tools unit. Two more units for watch
manufacture set up at Srinagar(Jammu & Kashmir) and Tumkur(Karnataka). HMTs Trac
tor business commenced its operations in 1971 in technical collaboration with M/
s MOTOKOV, Czechostovkia Republic. The company achieved market leadership in tra
ctors by enlarging its range to cover most of the applications for the farming c
ommunity. In the 1980s HMT as a part of vertical integration of efforts launched
units to manufacture Watches at Ranibagh, Watch cases at Bangalore, Stepper moto
rs at Tumkur. CNC systems and Ball Screws for use on CNC machines at Bangalore.
Also, HMT Tools took over Indo-Nippon Precision Bearing Ltd. a state owned units
as a subsidiary, which was renamed HMT BEARINGS Ltd. and PRAGA TOOLS Ltd. as an
other subsidiary. In 1990s, it involved n formation of a Machine Tools Business G
roup as part of Business Re-Organization, formation of Central Reconditioning Di
vision at Bangalore. Today, HMT comprises six subsidiaries under admit of a Hold
ing company which also manages the Tractors business directly.
3.4.1 HMT MACHINE TOOLS Ltd. HMT Ltd, the pioneer in machine tools industry in I
ndia and manufacturers of a diversified range of products has incorporated HMT MA
CHINE TOOLS Ltd. as its fully owned subsidiary on 9th august 1999. HMT Machine To
ols Ltd is a multi unit, multi location, multi technology unit manufacturing a w
ide variety of State of the Art Machine Tools. All manufacturing units of HMT MTL
are also ISO 9001 certified.
3.4.2 HMT WATCHES Ltd. HMT Ltd. the first company to start watch manufacturing i
n India has incorporated HMT WATCH Ltd. as its fully owned subsidiary on 9th august
1999. It manufactures mechanical and quartz analog watches. HMT WATCH Ltd compr
ises of three manufacturing units at Bangalore, Tumkur and Ranibagh while its ma
rketing headquarters is based in Bangalore. All its manufacturing units have obt
ained the ISO 9001 certification. The product range of HMT WATCH Ltd include mor
e than 1500 models to choose from catering to all segments of the market from ec
onomy to premium and young to the old. HMT brand enjoys very high brand equity i
n the Indian market. The brand has consecutively been adjusted as one of the bes
t Indian brands in surveys by leading agency in the country. HMT brand continue
to be the main stream brand among major watch dealers in the domestic market.
3.4.3 HMT CHINAR WATCHES Ltd. HMT Ltd., the first company to start watch manufac
turing in India has incorporated Chinar Watch Ltd. as its fully owned subsidiary on
4th September 2000 with Jammu as its head quarters.
The product range of Chinar Watches Ltd. consists of the mechanical Gents hand w
ound watch. Marketing, Sales and after sales service for watches of HMTCWL is ca
tered to by HMTWL. 3.4.4 HMT (INTERNATIONAL) Ltd. HMT (INTERNATIONAL) Ltd. was s
et up in 1974 as a wholly owned subsidiary of HMT Ltd., to undertake export good
s manufactured by HMT and other leading Indian manufacturers. HMT(I) is headquar
ter at Bangalore and has a global network extending over 38 countries with 67 re
presentations to service its all worldwide. HMT (I) has sold over 12,500 machine
s in more than 70 countries with efficient after sales service. HMT (I) also off
ers a comprehensive package of consultancy of technical and engineering services
from concept to commissioning on turnkey basis its track record include prestig
ious in. Algeria, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Tanzania, UAE and other countries.
HMT (I)s business portfolio include trading in :
Machine tool and industrial mac
hinery Watches
Tractors and agricultural implements
General engineering products
. Industrial commodities
Projects and services
3.4.5 HMT BEARING Ltd. HMT Bearings Ltd, formerly known as Indo-Nippon Bearings
Ltd was incorporated in the year 1970.It is the only company of its kind in the
public sector set up to manufacture Ball &Roller Bearings. The company was estab
lished in technical collaboration with M/s Koyo Seiko Co. Ltd. JAPANS an interna
tionally reputed manufacturer of Bearings. In 1981, the company became a wholly
owned subsidiary of HMT Ltd. The manufacturing unit is located in Hyderabad and
marketing and sales offices cater to the whole India.
3.4.6 PRAGA TOOLS Ltd. Praga Tools Ltd was incorporated on 20th May, 1943 as Pra
ga Tools Corporation Ltd to manufacture Machine Tools with headquarter at Secund
rabad. It was renamed as Praga Tools Ltd in 1963. HMT Ltd took over Praga Tools
Ltd as one of its subsidiaries with the transfer of majority of the share holdin
g in the year 1988. Praga Tools Ltd manufactures Machine Tools for various appli
cations including CNC Machines. In the years Praga has collaboration with world
famous machine tool manufacturers. 3.4.7 HMTS TRACTOR BUSINESS HMTs tractor busine
ss commenced its operations in 1971 in technical collaboration with M/s MOTOKOV,
Czechoslovakia republic. Initially, HMT started the operation with the manufact
ure of 25 HP tractor at the manufacturing plant established in Pinjor, Haryana.
Over the years, it has develops tractors ranging from 25HP to 75HP. The company
achieved market leadership in tractors by enlarging its range to cover most of t
he applications for farming community. Currently the company has there three tra
ctor manufacturing units in India located at Pinjor in Haryana, Mohali in Punajb
and Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh. It has a well equipped R&D center duly recogni
zed by the department of scientific and industrial research, the government of I
ndia. The tractor business group of HMT has been a proud recipient of a number o
f national level-productivity awards. It has also been certified for ISO-9001 by
KEMA, Netherlands. It has an installed capacity of 18,000 tractors for manufact
uring and assembly operations. It has an in house marketing organization comprisi
ng b17 area offices, 11 stockyards and over 300 dealers spread across the countr
y. HMT tractors is ably supported by over 40 ancillary units.HMT has produced an
d marketed over 3, 00,000 tractors since inception.
colony buildings were completed within a record time of 13 months. The assembly
wrist watches from the important component was started. Initially , Watch Factor
y, Bangalore started with a humble production of 14439 watches with a turnover o
f Rs.100 Lakhs during the year 1962-63.The indigenous contents of a watch initia
lly was about 32% & then increased to 64%.The unit started production of Hair sp
ring , Main spring & shock absorbers during the year 1976 & increased the indige
nous content of a watches.
5. STRATEGIC PLANNING To achieve the objectives and goals of the Unit and to opt
imize the utilization and capitalizing the strengths, the following strategies h
ave been chalked out in major areas like Production, Procurement, Finance, Cost
Reduction, Productivity Improvement and Personnel & Human Resource Development.
The strategies are
a) PRODUCTION Orient productions systems to suit the fast changing requirements
of the market. Critical machines will be operated in the multiple shifts. Ancill
iarisation and sub-contracting of low technology and high labour intensive opera
tions. Re-training and re-orienting of manpower through ancilliarization and sub
contracting. Reduction in Manufacturing Cycle Time through Technology Developmen
t and use of Productivity Devices. Increase in Productivity through Participativ
e Management. Standardization, Cost Reduction, Productivity Improvement and Impo
rt substitution. CAD/CAM for flexibility in manufacture to meet customers demand.
b) PROCUREMENT Preventing suppliers from forming cartels by reducing the depende
nce on them to the barest minimum by in-house manufacturing. Reducing the raw ma
terials and other semi-finished good inventory by scientific planning.
c) FINANCE High accent on internal resources generation and ploughing back of WB
G surpluses in expansion. Effective control measure on committed cost. Efficient
Working Capital Management Better work-in-process and Inventory Control.
4-6 months - rotation between different sections. 7-12 months on the job trainin
g in the section in which the trainee is placed. After completion of the trainin
g period the trainees shall be on probation for a period of one year. On success
ful completion of their probation period, the trainees will be confirmed on thei
r job. Performance Appraisal An accepted system of performance appraisal is a gr
eat asset in the development of human resources in an organization. Objectives
o effect a system of promotion consistency with skills and opportunities for the
various categories of workmen in the company. To provide for a planned growth f
or the different categories of workmen in the technical and other area providing
scope for the reward for performance. To develop a workforce with multi skills
that will match the future needs of the organization in terms of qualification o
n base, multi-skills, multi-operations and experience. Appraisal process in HMT
1. Appraisal rating of the employees on: i) Job Performance Factors ii) Manageri
al Abilities Factors 2. General comments and overall assessment including develo
pment needs. 3. A review discussion between the appraiser and appraise. 4. Follo
w up action.
Appraisal Rating Individual factors falling within the above broad areas, a sepa
rate weight age is given for Supervisory and Executive groups are as under:
Table No7.1.1 - Job Performance factors. Sl. No. Particulars Weight age Supervis
ory 1 2 3 4 5 Total Source: Sectional manual HMT Watches Ltd Job knowledge Quali
ty of work Target fulfillment Cost/Time control Safety consciousness 6 6 6 6 6 3
0 Executive 4 4 4 4 4 20
Table No.7.1.2- Managerial abilities Factors Sl. No. Particulars Weight age Supe
rvisory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Planning & Organizing Problem analysis and Decision
making Inter-personnel skills Communication skills Self-motivation/initiative C
ommitment Responsiveness to change/innovation Developing subordinates Management
of human resources Active discipline 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 Source: Sectional m
anual HMT Watches Ltd Executive 2 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 30
Table No.7.1.3 - General comment and overall assessment The final overall assess
ment is arrived at as under
Total appraisal score 200 & above 180 & above 150 & above 120 & above Below 120
Source: Sectional manual HMT Watches Ltd Attendance and Maintenance
Rating Outstanding Very good Good Marginal Poor
Every employee is provided with punch card and they shall record the punching fo
ur times in their particular scheduled shift.
Every workman shall when entering
the establishment register his/her attendance near the gate. All workmen shall b
e at work at the times fixed and notified. No workman will be allowed to leave t
he workshop during working hours without prior permission in the prescribed form
as amended from time to time. Manner of Entry and Exit No workmen shall enter o
r shall leave the premises of the establishment except by the gate provided for
the purpose. Annual leave with wages A permanent employee is entitled for the fo
llowing types of leave in a year: a) Casual leave Employees who are covered unde
r ESI Act-10 days Employees who are not covered under ESI Act-7 days
b) Sick leave Covered under ESI Act-8 days
enable the Accounts department to deduct the value of the same, if any the subco
ntractor fails to fulfill the obligation. Sales department Accounts department i
nteracts with the Sales department to obtain model wise details of watches to be
dispatched to marketing division.
7.3 SALES DEPARTMENT The Watches manufactured by the Watch Factory I & II are di
spatched to the HMT Watch Marketing Division through Carrying and Forwarding Age
nts(C&FA) who are appointed by them. Under the Excise Act of the Central Governm
ent the manufactured items before being sent out of the factory premises has to
complete the Excise formalities and Excise Duty has to be paid on it by the manu
facturing concern. The different types of products classified from Central Excis
e point of view are as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Watches (Mechanical & Quartz)
Watch components spares Watch screws Tools Machine spares
The detailed dispatch procedure is as below: Chart No.7.3.2 - Activity flow char
t A) Watches B) Spares/Components
Issue of watch components to Ancillary Units
Draw spares/components from FPS against demand note
Collection of finished watches from Ancillary units-Under 57 F (4)
Dispatch to Units Showrooms Customers
Hand over watches to Finished Parts Stores
Against Central Excise Invoice
Receive watches from FPS and dispatch to C & FA- against Central Excise Invoice
Source: Sectional manual HMT Watches Ltd
7.4 MARKETING DEAPARTMENT Marketing deals with the identification and meeting hu
man and social needs. One of the shortest definitions of marketing can be meetin
g the need profitably. The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving its
organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than the comp
etitors in creating, delivering and communicating customer value to its chosen t
arget markets. Functions of Marketing Manager
To collect information for sales f
orecasting Search for new product area
Pricing the products as per the demand
appoint new dealers and distributors To market the product that involves- launc
hing, presentation, awareness and advertisement of the product To keep a watch o
n the actions and strategies of the competitors
To have full and perfect knowled
ge of marketing conditions and policies To attend grievances, complaints if any
regarding product and services To emphasis on product promotion in certain areas
Assessing exact customer requirement
Four Ps of Marketing
Product Place Price Promotion
Watches Direct Marketing/Indirect Marketing Cost + Overhead + Profit % Advertise
Distribution Channels
Companys exclusive showrooms for retail sale Franchise Deal
ers, Redistribution stockiest
Export network includes Australia Sultanate of Oman UAE Dubai Uganda Hong Kong N
epal Madagarskar Bhutan
Inox Wrist Watch We offer an elegant range of INOX Wrist Watches that are suited
for people of all age groups. These INOX Wrist Watches are water resistant and
display accurate time. These Wrist Watches available at market
Floral Clock We offer Floral Clocks that create a sense of natural aesthetics an
d enhance the look of gardens, parks and corporate houses. Our Floral Clock is m
anufactured using latest technology and can be customized
Elegance Wrist Watch We have an elegant range of ELEGANCE Wrist Watches that are
suited for people of all age groups. These ELEGANCE Wrist Watches are water res
istant and display accurate time
Inox gold Wrist Watch We offer a wide assortment of INOXGOLD Wrist Watches that
is at par with the industry standards. These INOXGOLD Wrist Watches are a compul
sory item in everyday life
Solar Clock We are offering Solar Clocks, which are available in round shape. Th
ese Solar Clocks are offered at industry leading price, range of Solar Clocks ca
n be customized as per customers specifications
Tower Clock Tower Clocks are available in square shape. Offered at industry lead
ing price, range of tower clocks can be designed with single sided dial to four
sided dial.
Population Clock Population Clock is manufactured using latest technology and ca
n be customized as per the specifications provided by clients. These Population
Clocks are widely known for its durability and quality
Titan had started marketing its watches in unconventional outlets like boutiques
and jewellery shops.
The authorized service agents (ASAs) for foreign smuggled w
atches in the country are also suffering competition to HMT.
OPPORTUNITIES The demand for watches is growing rapidly both in domestic and int
ernational market. Capitalize on attractive segments.
Leveraging brand equity of
HMT to products such as gear, personal accessories.
11.1 SUGGESTIONS The suggestions to improve brand strategy of HMT Watches are as
To increase its visibility, HMT Company can sponsor events similar to
fashion shows in which all latest designs launched are displayed. This would hav
e multiplier effect as the latest designs launched by the company get noticed by
different segments of the customers in varied ways. Tie up with FM radio channel
s for reminder advertisements and informing customers about various sales promot
ion offers from time-to-time.
Invest more in R&D as customer expectations are ch
anging rapidly. Though HMT has got more product collections, it should focus on
introducing more varieties in already existing product collections. In other wor
ds, having a limited but more depth in product collections would be more advanta
geous. Introduce exclusive collection for youth segment which is more contempora
ry and complements both traditional and western wear.
Majority of the population
in India belongs to middle class segment so more innovative design should be ma
de for them in a reasonable price and more of the exclusive show room should be
set up. After sales service has to be improved. That is, the process of servicin
g and repairing of watches should be made faster. This can be done by ensuring t
he spare parts availability and training all sales personnel in Citizen Service
centre to undertake these tasks. Tie up with international watch brands and make
them available locally. Make use of internet to spread awareness among consumer
s about the brand.
Distribution Prepare retailer to meet the changing consumers trend. Watches just
displayed in showcases cannot sell. It is absolutely necessary to present them t
ogether with the background such as original story of the watch, its functionali
ty and benefits of after sales services. Pricing
In the lower end HMT should see
k to achieve cost advantage by exploiting the differences in cost behavior.
pricing strategy can be to understand main competitor by 10% using market penetr
ation strategy. Promotion Special focus on sales during festival time like Diwal
i, Christmas, along with discount offer and finance schemes. Go for innovation a
nd independent and modern dimensions of the watch collection.
Now a days cell phones are substituted for watches for referring time, but with
the cut throat competition all the leading brands, watches are managing well in
the market and this shows that the charm of watches will never end. Whether it i
s an accessory for some and necessary for others. Interning at the HMT Watches L
td. gave me a good insight and exposure to the watch industry. Internship traini
ng gave me deeper understanding and appreciation of the watch industry in our co
untry. It has helped me gain knowledge about the organization structure and func
tions of the company. Working at HMT Watch Ltd. gave me the practical knowledge
about the work carried on in different departments. Interning at the HMT Watches
Ltd. has motivated me to continue working diligently as well as to further my s
tudies in order to contribute greatly to the development of my country.