Screw Compressor Application

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Jrgen Wennemar
Design Engineer Dry Screw Compressors
MAN Turbo AG
Oberhausen, Germany

Although lots of papers have been published on the optimum

design and calculation of both oil injected and dry screw compressors,
many of these papers describe computerized numerical solutions to
very specific questions. Unfortunately this specific approach
does not help in a general understanding of screw compressor
performance. The purpose of this paper is to give the compressor
user an understanding of the working principle, the operating
characteristics, and the application range of dry screw compressors.

Jrgen Wennemar is a Design Engineer

for Dry Screw Compressors with MAN Turbo,
Oberhausen, Germany. He has 24 years of
experience with screw compressors. In
addition to working on customer jobs he
has been developing calculation methods
for screw compressors.
Mr. Wennemar received Dipl. Ing. degree
(Mechanical Engineering, 1985) from the
university of Dortmund, Germany. He has
worked on the Task Forces for the Third and Fourth Editions of API 619
and ISO 10440-1 on rotary-type positive displacement compressors.


Screw compressors consist of two rotors that are contained in a
common casing (Figure 1). Both rotors carry intermeshing helical
lobes that rotate against each other with tight clearances between
the rotors, and between the rotors and casing. During rotation the
lobes and the casing form volumes of varying size. For dry screw
compressors, synchronizing gears are used to avoid contact
between the rotors. For process gas screw compressors the rotors
are supported by hydrodynamic journal and thrust bearings. The
rotor shafts may be sealed with a variety of shaft seal types, such
as restrictive ring bushings with or without injection of seal gas or
liquid, oil cooled mechanical seals, or dry gas seals.

Screw compressors have the advantage of low mechanical
vibration levels similar to those found in centrifugal compressors
due their rotary motion. However, screw compressors are positive
displacement machines with a working principle similar to
reciprocating compressors, which gives screws some advantages
compared to centrifugals, such as:

The suction volume flow and power consumption grow linearly

with the compressor speed, at constant discharge pressure.


suction volume flow is nearly constant for variation of

pressure ratio or gas molecular weight with no surging limit.

The achievable pressure ratio per compressor stage does not

depend on the gas molecular weight but is limited mostly by the
allowable discharge temperature or by mechanical limits.

By using liquid injection for cooling, pressure ratios up to 10

and in some cases higher are possible in one compressor stage.

The largest dry screw compressors built up to now have a

suction volume flow of 45,300 acfm (77,000 m3/h). Driver power
may reach 9 MW. Discharge pressures up to 747 psia (51.5 bar abs)
have been realized.

Figure 1. Horizontal Section of Dry Screw Compressor with Main


Rotor Profile Considerations

The first helical rotor compressor was invented by the German

Heinrich Krigar in 1878 but it did not gain industrial application at
that time. In the 1930s Alfred Lysholm from the Swedish
Ljungstroem Steam Turbine Company (later Swedish Rotor
Maskiner, SRM) developed a dry screw compressor that was the
basis for the screw compressors of today. In the 1950s several
companies took licenses from SRM and started the industrial
production of screw compressors. Since then the production
numbers of dry screw compressors have grown due to improved
rotor manufacturing methods. The maximum suction volume flow
and discharge pressure have increased. Despite the successful
industrial history of these machines few textbooks on screw
compressors are available.

The lobe profile and the number of lobes on the male and female
rotor may differ for different machines. The design is influenced by
many conflicting requirements such as efficiency, mechanical
strength, manufacturing methods, and cost. For optimum volumetric
efficiency the length of the sealing line between the rotors has to
be minimized. Mechanical strength is an important issue because
the rotors do not only transmit torque but are subjected to large
radial and axial gas forces as well. The radial gas forces cause a
deflection of the rotors and induce shaft stresses and loads on the
journal bearings. The gas forces increase linearly with the pressure
difference for a fixed rotor design. Therefore the pressure difference
is limited by the allowable shaft stresses and the load on the

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bearings. The discharge pressure of a screw compressor is in most

cases not limited by the design pressure of the casing but by the
allowable pressure difference on the rotors. Therefore the allowable
operating discharge pressure is normally less than the maximum
allowable working pressure of the casing.
The swept volume per rotation should be maximized for a
certain rotor diameter in order to minimize the machine size and
cost. The swept volume per rotation is large for long rotors with
few lobes. Unfortunately rotors with few lobes have a small root
circle diameter and therefore small shaft diameters. The gas forces
on a long rotor with a small shaft diameter lead to a large deflection
and high shaft stress. These rotor profiles are therefore suitable for
applications with low pressure difference and high volume flow.
On the other hand rotors with many lobes have a large root circle
that makes large shaft diameters possible and yields high mechanical
strength. These rotors are well suited for high pressure applications
but for a fixed outer diameter and rotor length the swept volume is
less than that of a profile with fewer lobes. Cost considerations make
standardization to few profile types and rotor diameters necessary.
The first rotor lobe profiles developed by SRM were symmetric
consisting of four circular lobes on the male rotor and six lobes on
the female rotor (4/6). In the 1970s SRM developed the asymmetric
4/6 profile. For low pressure applications a 3/5 combination is also
used. Many other profiles have been suggested but for dry process
screw compressors the asymmetric 4/6 profile is still the most
common (Figure 2). A three-dimensional view of a typical dry
screw compressor with driving gear is shown in Figure 3.

Similar to the reciprocating compressor, the screw compressor
is a positive displacement machine. The compression is repeated
for each lobe of the rotors. Therefore a 4/6 profile with four
lobes on the male rotor has four compression cycles during each
rotation of the male rotor. Figure 4 shows the two rotors and
the compression chamber from the discharge side. Successive
compression phases are shown by the blue shaded area of the
trapped gas. By turning of the rotors the compression chamber
volume increases from zero to maximum and gas enters from
the suction line. By further rotation the rotor lobes pass the inlet
port boundaries and the compression chamber is closed. Now
the compression phase begins. The gas is compressed by
reducing the volume between the rotor lobes and the casing and
simultaneously is moved axially to the discharge end. Finally
the rotor lobes pass the boundaries of the outlet port. Here the
compression chamber is open to the discharge line and the
gas is discharged.

Figure 4. Screw Compressor Rotors in Successive Working Phases.

Figure 2. Rotor Cross Section for an Asymmetric 4/6 Profile.

Each compression process consists of three phases: suction,

compression, and discharge, which are repeated cyclically.
Figure 5 shows the idealized process in a pressure-volume
diagram (p-V-diagram). Unlike reciprocating compressors
screw compressors do not have a dead volume that re-expands
during the suction phase. During suction and discharge phases
the gas volume is connected to the suction and discharge lines
respectively via fixed ports in the compressor casing. During the
compression phase, unlike centrifugal compressors, the gas is
trapped in a closed working chamber formed by the rotors
and the casing. The compression work absorbed by the gas
is represented by the area between the lines of suction
pressure, compression, and discharge. The compression work
is given by:

The compression power P therefore is:

Figure 3. Three-dimensional View of Dry Screw Compressor with
Driving Gearbox

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working chamber is opened to the discharge while the pressure

inside is still less than the discharge pressure. This causes a rapid
backflow of gas from the discharge line into the working chamber
until the pressures have equalized. During further rotation of
the rotors, the working chamber reduces its volume and the gas
is expelled into the discharge line. Undercompression causes a
loss of efficiency and can cause severe gas pulsations in the
discharge line.

Figure 5. Idealized Pressure-Volume Diagram for a Screw

Compressor with Well Suited Built-In Volume Ratio.
Unlike reciprocating compressors dry screw compressors do not
have valves that open and close automatically for intake or
discharge of the gas. The exchange of gas is determined by fixed
openings in the casing that are related to certain angular positions
of the rotors and thereby to certain volumes of the working
chamber. The ratio of maximum chamber volume V1 at the inlet to
the chamber volume at beginning of opening to discharge V2 is
called the built-in volume ratio vi:

The built-in volume ratio is a fixed value for a certain screw

compressor because it is determined by the casing geometry.
During reduction of the chamber volume from the maximum
value V1 to the volume at the beginning of opening to discharge
V2 the trapped gas is compressed. The built-in volume ratio and
the adiabatic exponent k give the so-called built-in pressure
ratio i:

For ideal gases k = cp/cv. Please note that i is not a fixed value
for a certain compressor because it depends on the k-value of the
actual gas compressed. i makes sense only in conjunction with
the respective k-value. Thus the internal pressure at the time the
working chamber opens to the discharge line p2i is related to the
suction pressure p1 by:

For some oil injected screw compressors this value may be

varied by using a slide valve but for dry screws the use of a slide
valve has not gained common use. Hence for a given gas with a
certain value of k dry screw compressors have a fixed built-in
pressure ratio that may differ from the external pressure ratio =
p2/p1 given by the process conditions. It is the job of the designer
based on the job specification to determine an optimum built-in
pressure ratio for the specific application. A built-in pressure
ratio less than the external pressure ratio is called undercompression
and a built-in pressure ratio larger than the external pressure
ratio is called overcompression.
A certain mismatch of built-in pressure ratio and external
pressure ratio is often unavoidable and does not cause a real
disadvantage. Large deviations between both values, however, may
have severe disadvantages such as a drop of efficiency, gas pulsations,
and internal overheating for the case of overcompression.
Figure 6 shows the effect of undercompression. The suction
pressure and discharge pressure is the same as in Figure 5. The

Figure 6. Idealized Pressure-Volume Diagram for a Screw

Compressor with Undercompression.
The effect of overcompression is shown in Figure 7. Here also
the same suction and discharge pressures as in Figures 5 and 6 are
used. As can be seen the pressure inside the working chamber
overshoots the discharge pressure. When the working chamber is
connected to the discharge line the internal pressure drops rapidly
to the discharge pressure as the gas flows into the discharge line.
Overcompression leads to a loss of efficiency, because the gas is
compressed unnecessarily high and expands again. Further, the
rapid equalization of pressures can cause gas pulsations in the
discharge line. A possible danger is overheating of the gas inside
the compressor that may exceed acceptable temperatures and
lead to damage even if the external pressure ratio is small. A
high-temperature run-in on air or nitrogen during shop testing
may not be possible for compressors with a built-in volume ratio
of 2.5 or higher even at reduced pressure ratio due to high
internal pressures and temperatures. If the built-in volume ratio
cannot be reduced the only solution for air or nitrogen operation
is liquid injection.

Figure 7. Idealized Pressure-Volume Diagram for a Screw

Compressor with Overcompression.
Please bear in mind that Figures 5, 6, and 7 show idealized
processes for educational purposes. Figure 8 shows a more
realistic graph of the compression process in comparison to the
idealized one.

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Figure 10. Power Consumption Versus Rotor Tip Speed for Two
Compressors Compressing Natural Gas.
Figure 8. Realistic Pressure-Volume Diagram for a Screw Compressor.

Screw compressors are built in different sizes but with the
same basic design. Most manufacturers build one or more
series of geometrically similar screw compressors differing in
rotor diameter and center distance between the two rotors.
Mechanical and thermodynamic similarity considerations show
that geometrically similar compressors of different sizes and
rotational speeds can be compared using the rotor tip speed in
ft/sec (m/s). Compressors of different sizes operate within the
same rotor tip speed range and thus can be compared easily.
As compressor sizes may vary between rotor diameters of 4
inches (102 mm) and approximately 32 inches (816 mm), the
rotational speed in rpm differs widely while the rotor tip
speed is in the same range. Suction volume flow and power
consumption of geometrical similar compressors running at the
same rotor tip speed change proportionally to the square of the
rotor diameter.


Speed Variation
Figure 9 shows the suction volume flow versus rotor tip speed
for two compressors of different sizes and constant suction and
discharge pressure. The suction volume flow changes linearly
with speed. In Figure 10 the power consumption versus rotor tip
speed is shown. The power consumption increases nearly
linearly with speed, which means that the torque is nearly
constant for constant pressures. Very simply, one can state: 50
percent speed gives 50 percent suction flow and saves 50
percent power. Therefore speed variation is a very good method
of process control.

Typically the male rotor tip speed of a dry screw compressor is

in the range of 164 to 492 ft/sec (50 to 150 m/s). Due to their stiff
shaft design screw compressors always run at speeds less than
first lateral critical speed. Passing the critical speed would excite
vibrations that would cause rotor to rotor contact or rotor to casing
contact due to the small clearances. Therefore the upper limit for
speed variation is given by the first lateral critical speed of the
rotors including a safety margin. The lower limit cannot be given
as a fixed value but is normally given by a drop of efficiency and
an increase in discharge temperature.
Variation of Pressure Ratio
The following variations of suction pressure or discharge
pressure are all considered for a machine of fixed size running at
constant speed. Therefore a change in power consumption means a
proportional change in torque.
Variation of Discharge Pressure
Figure 11 shows the suction volume flow versus discharge
pressure. Suction pressure, and other properties are kept constant. As
can be seen the suction volume flow drops slightly with increasing
discharge pressure, i.e., increasing pressure ratio. Because screw
compressors do not have a surge line, the limitation in pressure ratio
is given by discharge temperature, mechanical limits (bearing load
and shaft stress), over- or undercompression, and efficiency drop.

Figure 11. Suction Volume Flow Versus Discharge Pressure for

Constant Suction Pressure.

Figure 9. Suction Volume Flow Versus Rotor Tip Speed for Two
Compressors Compressing Natural Gas.

Figure 12 shows the power consumption versus discharge

pressure for different built-in volume ratios vi. As the suction
pressure is kept constant the same characteristic is valid if one uses
the pressure ratio instead of the discharge pressure on the right-hand
axis. For constant suction pressure the power consumption increases
linearly with the discharge pressure. For a small vi the slope of
the power curve is steep resulting in a rapid growth of power
consumption with increasing pressure ratio. For a large vi the slope

Table of Contents

is much less than for a small vi, but on the other hand the no-load
power consumption at pressure ratio 1 (discharge pressure = suction
pressure) is high. Therefore compressors with large built-in volume
ratio are well suited for large pressure ratios but have a high torque
even during unloaded operation.


The molecular weight and pressure ratio determine the optimum tip
speed. For heavy gases or low pressure ratio the optimum tip speed is
low, for light gases or high pressure ratio the optimum tip speed is high.
Compressors operating with different gases are compared using the
circumferential Mach number at the inlet conditions of the gas. Typical
circumferential Mach numbers range between 0.2 and 0.4 although
higher or lower values may be possible for some applications.
In most cases the efficiency curve versus tip speed is rather flat.
If the discharge temperature can be limited by liquid injection, then
capacity control via speed variation with small efficiency losses is
possible even for very different gases. Figure 14 shows the
adiabatic efficiency versus the rotor tip speed for coke oven gas
with molecular weight 11 kg/kmol and for lime kiln gas with
molecular weight 44 kg/kmol.

Figure 12. Power Consumption Versus Discharge Pressure for

Constant Suction Pressure.
Variation of Suction Pressure
For constant speed and discharge pressure a reduction in suction
pressure leads to an increase in pressure ratio. The suction volume
does not change much as a result. The general rule is: A change of
pressure ratio (caused by either suction pressure or discharge
pressure) does not have a major effect on the suction volume flow.
Figure 13 shows the power consumption versus suction pressure
for four different built-in volume ratios vi. For a built-in volume
ratio of approximately 2.2 to 2.4 the power consumption is
constant even for varying suction pressure. For vi < 2.2 the power
consumption increases with decreasing suction pressure (i.e., with
increasing pressure ratio and increasing pressure difference).

Figure 13. Power Consumption Versus Suction Pressure for

Constant Discharge Pressure.

Figure 14. Adiabatic Efficiency Versus Rotor Tip Speed for Gases
with Different Mole Weight.
Figures 15 and 16 show the effect of different molecular weights
on the performance of two dry screw compressors. The data have
been calculated for a tip speed of 393.7 ft/sec (120 m/s) with a
pressure ratio of 3 and a built-in volume ratio of 2.2. The gases in
this example range from a mixture of 50 percent hydrogen and 50
percent methane with a molecular weight of 9 kg/kmol up to CO2
with a molecular weight of 44 kg/kmol. Figure 15 demonstrates
that the suction volume flow does not change very much within a
large range of molecular weights. Only for very low molecular
weights the decrease of volumetric efficiency and suction
volume flow is more pronounced. Figure 16 shows that the power
consumption also does not change very much for a change in
molecular weight. Because Figure 16 has been calculated for
constant speed the torque is proportional to the power consumption
and therefore does not change much with changing molecular
weight. For very low molecular weights the drop in volume flow is
more pronounced than the drop in power consumption thus leading
to an increase in discharge temperature. If the discharge temperature
can be limited by liquid injection even larger variations of
molecular weight are possible. The final limitations must always be
determined on a case by case basis.

For vi > 2.4 the power consumption increases with increasing

suction pressure (i.e., with decreasing pressure ratio and decreasing
pressure difference). This puzzling effect is due to the internal
overcompression that may occur at large vi and small pressure ratio.
The growth in power consumption also means an increase in torque.
This effect is important for operation of compressors with large vi
that may have an increased settle-out pressure. A high settle-out
pressure leads to high torque during restart. An excessively high
settle-out pressure may even overtorque parts of the machine train.
Variation of Gas Properties
The main thermodynamic property for the compressed gases is
the molecular weight. Gases compressed in dry screw compressors
range from hydrogen, natural gas, air, hydrocarbons, CO2, butadiene
up to heavy gases with a molecular weight of 100 kg/kmol.

Figure 15. Suction Volume Flow Versus Mole Weight for Constant
Speed and Constant Pressures.

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Figure 16. Power Consumption Versus Mole Weight for Constant

Speed and Constant Pressures.
The second important gas property is the adiabatic exponent k.
A high adiabatic exponent leads to high discharge temperatures.
If the discharge temperature exceeds the design limits of the
compressor, then an injection of liquid into the suction nozzle may
be used to cool the gas. The most common injection liquid is
demineralized water but other liquids like methanol or heavy
hydrocarbons may also be used if they are compatible with the
process. Part or all of the injected liquid evaporates and thereby
cools the compressed gas and the compressor. The screw compressor
tolerates relatively large amounts of liquid injection. Especially for
dirty gases like coke oven gas or lime kiln gas large amounts of
water are injected and even on the discharge side a large part of the
water is still liquid. Here the injection is used not only for cooling
but also for washing the compressor and the gas.


Dry Screw Compressor Systems
A simplified process diagram for a two-stage dry screw
compressor is shown in Figure 17. A large unloading valve is used for
starting and stopping the screw compressor by reducing the pressure
difference and lowering torque. Even for speed variable machines a
bypass control line is needed if zero flow is required. In most cases a
gas cooler between the compressor stages is necessary in order to
reduce the suction temperature for the second stage. An additional
gas cooler downstream the second stage may be required for process
reasons, but is not necessary for the screw compressor itself. If
individual bypass control lines are used around both stages, a control
of the interstage pressure is possible. This may be necessary for
compressors with large variations in suction and/or discharge
pressure in order to counter over- or undercompression effects.

Therefore it is very important to apply properly designed suction

and discharge silencers on dry screw compressor sets. The
discharge silencer is especially important because most of the noise
is generated by the gas pulsations in the discharge. An unsuitable
discharge silencer design may even lead to mechanical damage of
the silencer or piping internals.
The frequency of the working process is called pocket passing
frequency and is calculated by male rotor frequency multiplied by
the number of lobes on the male rotor. The gas pulsations occur
mainly at pocket passing frequency and its multiples (typically 4,
8, and 12 times male rotor frequency for a 4/6 rotor profile).
Depending on compressor size and application the male rotor
speed may range from approximately 1500 rpm up to 25,000 rpm,
The corresponding pocket passing frequency range is 6000 cpm
(100 Hz) to 100,000 cpm (1667 Hz). Compared to reciprocating
compressors these frequencies are much higher and the relevant
sound wavelengths much shorter.
The gas pulsations are excited by the difference between internal
compression and the pressure in the discharge line. The pulsation
excitation increases with gas density and with compressor speed.
The gas pulsations may cause mechanical vibrations of the
compressor, silencer, and piping. The expertise of the compressor
manufacturer should be sought for the silencer design. The silencer
must be individually designed for each compressor. Figure 18
shows an example for a discharge silencer system consisting of
three parts: a venturi nozzle, a damping plate, and a downstream
silencer. The venturi nozzle is a massive casting flanged directly to
the compressor discharge. The venturi nozzle reduces the gas
pulsations by first accelerating and then decelerating the gas
velocity. Downstream the venturi nozzle a damping plate is placed.
This is a massive metal plate with a number of drilled holes
through which the gas passes. The free area of the holes is
determined by the gas molecular weight, gas mass flow, and the
process conditions. The damping plate reduces the pulsations
further and isolates the downstream silencer and piping from the
gas pulsations emitted from the compressor discharge.
Downstream the damping plate a silencer is placed. The silencer
may be working by absorption and/or resonance. The typical
pressure drop at design conditions for such a silencer system is 2
percent of the discharge pressure. In most cases it will be necessary
to add a noise enclosure around the compressor and gear as well.

Figure 18. Example of Discharge Silencer Design.

Starting of Dry Screw Compressors

Figure 17. Simplified Two-Stage Screw Compressor Process Diagram.

Gas Pulsations
The cyclic nature of the working principle of the screw compressor
causes gas pulsations that emit noise from the piping. This is
especially important for dry screw compressors with high
discharge pressures and/or with varying operating conditions.

Screw compressors always start unloaded, i.e., with discharge

pressure = suction pressure. The discharge system is separated
from the compressor by a check valve. The gas is recycled around
the compressor through a large unloading valve with a pressure
drop of approximately 7 psi (0.5 bar). After the compressor has
reached its minimum speed the unloading valve is closed and
the pressure in the discharge line up to the check valve rises. The
run-up time with open unloading valve should not exceed 30
seconds. When the pressure in the compressor discharge line
exceeds the pressure in the downstream system the check valve
opens and the compressor begins to deliver into the downstream

Table of Contents

system. Prolonged operation at discharge pressure very close to

suction pressure must be avoided due to the gas pulsations in the
discharge line. Caution: During closing of the unloading valve the
compressor rapidly sucks gas out of the suction line. If the volume
in the suction line is too small, or if insufficient gas can be supplied
by the upstream system, the suction pressure drops rapidly and the
compressor will be tripped. Therefore a large volume of the suction
line is helpful to ensure smooth starting of the compressor.
Stopping of Dry Screw Compressors
Screw compressors must be unloaded during shutdown. Upon
stop signal of the driver, the unloading valve immediately opens
(opening time should be less than 2 seconds) and the gas is
recycled around the compressor through the unloading valve. The
pressure in the discharge line between compressor and check
valve drops rapidly and the check valve closes thus separating the
compressor from the downstream system. As the gas is recycled
around the compressor the suction pressure may rise. During
rundown of the compressor to standstill, the suction and discharge
pressures equalize at the settle-out pressure. The run down time
depends on machine size and operating conditions. Typical
rundown times may range from 5 seconds for small compressors
in high pressure applications to 1 minute for large compressors in
low pressure applications.
Caution: If the settle-out pressure is much higher than the normal
suction pressure this may lead to high torques for machines with
large built-in volume ratio. Also the correct operation of the seals
may be endangered because the seal supply pressure may be
insufficient or the control system may be to slow for the quick rise
of suction pressure. Therefore a high settle-out pressure must be
avoided by using the following rules:


Dry screw compressors are built with rotor diameters ranging

from 4 inches (102 mm) to approximately 32 inches (816 mm).
Typical rotor tip speeds for dry screw compressors range from 164
ft/sec (50 m/sec) up to and in some cases exceeding 492 ft/sec (150
m/s). Oil injected screw compressors run at much lower tip speeds
(typically one-third of these values) due to the viscous losses of the
oil. Therefore a dry screw compressor normally has a much larger
capacity than an oil-injected screw compressor of the same size.
Dry screw compressors have been built with gas flows from 177
acfm (300 m3/h) up to 45,300 acfm (77,000 m3/h).
Table 1 shows the design data for a large screw compressor with
a capacity of 45,300 acfm (77,000 m3/h). Figure 20 shows the
assembly of this compressor stage with a rotor diameter of 32
inches (816 mm). The compressor package of this machine is
shown in Figure 21.
Table 1. Design Data for a Dry Screw Compressor with Suction
Volume Flow 45,300 ACFM (77,000 m3/h)

Volumes at high pressure (interstage volume and volume between

the discharge nozzle and check valve) should be minimized.
The volume of the suction line should be as large as possible thus
giving the recycled gas space to escape.

Check valves in the suction line close to the compressor must be

avoided. If a block valve is placed in the suction line it should be

closed only after the compressor has come to standstill.
If all efforts to increase the suction volume have been exhausted
the settle-out pressure can be reduced by blowing off gas from the
discharge line to an independent low pressure system (e.g., a flare)
during stopping. After the required maximum settle-out pressure is
reached the blow-off valve may be closed again.

Figure 20. Assembly of a Dry Screw Compressor with Rotor

Diameter 32 Inches (816 MM).

Figure 19 gives a very rough indication of the flow and pressure
range of dry screw compressors. The volume flow of dry screw
compressors ranges between that of reciprocating compressors and
of centrifugals.

Figure 21. Single-Stage Screw Compressor for a Suction Volume

Flow 45,320 ACFM (77,000 m3/h) Driven by a Steam Turbine.

Figure 19. Application Ranges for Different Compressor Types.

Since 2001 a dry screw compressor has been running successfully

in a gasoline desulfurization unit with a discharge pressure of 747
psia (51.5 bar abs). The design data for this compressor are given in
Table 2.
Suction temperatures down to !153F (!103C) have been
realized in ethylene boil-off applications. Discharge temperatures
may reach 482F (250C).

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Table 2. Design Data for a Dry Screw Compressor with Discharge

Pressure 747 PSIA (51.5 bar).

Dry screw compressors may be built as one-stage, two-stage, or

in some cases even three-stage compressor sets driven by one
common driver. Drivers are normally electric motors (fixed speed
or variable speed) or steam turbines. In order to design the
compressor for optimum tip speed a gearbox should be used
between compressor and driver. Figure 22 shows a typical two-stage
design. Both stages are driven by an individual pinion thus enabling
the designer to choose optimum speed for each stage.

Dry screw compressors are often used for operating conditions

with varying molecular weight or large pressure ratios (up to 10 in
one stage). The insensitivity to droplets or dust in the gas and the
possibility for liquid injection make dry screw compressors the
preferred option for rugged operation conditions. Screw compressors
are used in a variety of industries and processes, e.g., in the oil and
gas industry, refineries, chemical industry, for flare gas recovery, in
steel mills, soda ash plants, for compressing coke oven gas, in H2S
applications, and others. Dry screw compressors are operating
successfully in offshore applications as low pressure stages for gas
recompression as well.
Figure 23 shows two small two-stage screw compressor
packages at different completion phases. These are machines
designed for an offshore application.

Figure 23. Assembly of Two Two-Stage Screw Compressor Sets for

an Offshore Application.

Note: all pressures must be expressed as absolute pressures

Figure 22. Two-Stage Arrangement with Individual Pinions for

Optimum Speed of Both Stages.
To the best of the authors knowledge the largest screw compressor
worldwide consists of two stages with 32 inches (816 mm) rotor
diameter in the first stage and 16 inches (408 mm) in the second
stage. This compressor is driven by a 9 MW steam turbine and
compresses 38,500 acfm (65300 m3/h) hydrogen mix gas from 15
psia (1.1 bar) to 167 psia (11.5 bar). Table 3 shows the design data
for this compressor.
Table 3. Design Data for a Two-Stage Screw Compressor with 9
MW Steam Turbine Drive.


= Specific heat capacity at constant pressure

= Specific heat capacity at constant volume
= Adiabatic exponent (also isentropic exponent)
= Compression power
= Pressure
= Suction pressure
= Discharge pressure
= Pressure inside the working chamber at the beginning
of opening to discharge line
= Volume
= Volume flow
= Maximum volume of working chamber
= Volume of working chamber at the beginning of opening
to discharge line
= Built-in volume ratio V1/V2
= Compression work
= External pressure ratio p2/p1 given by the suction and
discharge pressure
= Built-in pressure ratio

Brown, R. N., 2005, Compressors Selection and Sizing, Elsevier, Inc.
Fister, W., 1984, Fluidenergiemaschinen, Volume 1, Springer
Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo.
Fister, W., 1986, Fluidenergiemaschinen, Volume 2, Springer
Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo.
Konka, K.-H., Schraubenkompressoren, Technik und Praxis, VDI
Verlag, Dsseldorf.
Rinder, L., 1979, Schraubenverdichter, Springer Verlag, Wien,
New York.

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