The Climb Novel Summary

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The writers thank to Allah for His blessing so we could

accomplish this paper on time. Also our gratitude goes to our lecturer of Extensive Reading 2,
Mr. Rudi Haryono for his guidance of completing this assignment.
Hopefully, this paper could be useful for those who read. We realize that this paper is not
perfect, so we do wait the comment and critics for our paper.

1. The title of the book is The Climb.
2. The author is John Escott.
3. We chose this book because the book tells a story of a famous climber. Generally, the
story takes place in the little island off the coast of Greece
4. The main character of the story is Costas. Because Costas loves climbing and he was
to be a first person to climb to the top of Eagle Rock.
5. The main conflict in the story is Costas sees Ashken looking at Eagle Rock through
binoculars and realises that he, Ashken, is going to climb it. He guesses that he is
going to break into Mr Vitalis house and steal the paintings. What he doesnt know is
that Mr Vitalis has set this up with Ashken as an insurance fraud.
6. We like the book because we became really know about climbing and the story is
interesting for read.
7. Summary.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Mr Holland was first vacation alone to the island near the cliff at the end of the Greek
city. He will stay at the holiday villa belonging to Mr. Kazakou. He have two children,
Eleni and Costas.
Chapter 2 Eagles Rock
Costas dream to climb Eagle Rock. And her sister, Eleni reminded when he climbed
down the cliff he would be in danger. because before there were two men and one
woman were died when they climb the rock. And his father, Mr. Kozakou he dont like
rock-climbing, because he thought it was a stupid thing.
Chapter 3 The Visit to the shop
Mr Vitalis was able to think about to worry about his computer company. He did this
secretly. He didnt want other people to know about his problem. Now he was in
trouble. Money trouble. But Mr Vitalis had plan.
Chapter 4 The Real Mr Holland
Costas actually know who Mr. Holland. He is a famous climber and writer. David
Ashken. But costas not know why David Ashken changed her name to Holland.

Chapter 5 Mr Vitalis Plan

David Ashkens first meeting with Mr Vitalis was in England, a month earlier. Ashken
was working in the bar of the hotel where Mr Vitalis was staying. Mr Vitalis saw him
and knew his face. And then Mr vitalis told Ashken about the paintings in Eagle House
to execute his plan.
Chapter 6 The Climb
Costas was leaving the house so early. His sister Eleni knew immediately what her
brother was doing. He planned to climb Eagles Rock!
Chapter 7 The Call for help
Eleni ask to David ashken to help her brother but David Ashken cant help because he
still feels traumatized.
Chapter 8 Climbing Again
David Ashken began to climb again because he want to help Costas. He climb very
slowly at first. At last he can help Costas, and Costas feels very happy because Costas
meet a famous climber he is David Ashken.
Moral Value:

Record of out class reading

Name of group

: The Climb


: Yunita sari, Khozienatul Hikmah, Dewi Putri Oktaviani


Yunita Sari


Mei 18nd 2014

Reading time

03.00 03.25 pm (25 minutes)

04.00 04.35 pm (35 minutes)
06.10 06.25 pm (7 minutes)

Total Reading time

1 hour 7 minutes

What do you read

1. Chapter 1 (4 pages)
2. Chapter 2 (5 pages)


From introduction of the story is not yet

open, filled like puzzles. The second chapter
in the story begin to understand as seen from
the way the author delivers his narration.

Individually list of questions

1. I didnt find any great difficulties.
2. When facing the new vocabularies, I write in the book and find the meaning in the last
3. I dont like the book.
4. I read this book in 3 session, the times are 30 minutes, 10 minutes and 7 minutes.
5. Actually,
6. I read my two first session on the way to my kindergarten. So, I automatically stopped
reading when I arrived. The third session of my reading was finished on my rest time
at night.
7. I did brief preview on the book by seeing the cover, list of content, the pictures and
also the synopsis.
8. In the first time of reading, I make sure that I am ready to read.
9. I found some new vocabularies, such as tea-towels, fair hair, and landmines.
10. I have one extensive reading before.
11. I have finished reading novel (Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), several short stories and also

Record of out class reading

Name of group

: The Climb


: Yunita Sari, Khozienatul Hikmah, Dewi Putri Oktaviani


Khozienatul Hikmah


Mei ,3th 2014

Mei, 17th 2014
Mei, 17th 2014

Reading time

03.30 03.50 pm (20 minutes)

09.30 10.22 am (42 minutes)
01.00 01.25 pm (25 minutes)

Total Reading time

What do you read

1 hour 27 minutes
1. Chapter 3 4 ( 10 pages)
2. Chapter 5 6 ( 9 pages)


In Chapter three I fell bored because in this

chapter the story is flash back. So long time
for read.

Individually list of questions

1. When I read this book I didnt find any difficulties but there are some difficult words
that I never found it before.
2. I tried to find the difficult words in dictionary and read it to find the meaning.
3. I like this book
4. For the first session I read for 20 minutes and the second session I read for 42 minutes,
and then 25 minutes.
5. I read this book three session.
6. When I read this book, there are many troubles that made me pause to read such as
sleepy, be disturbed my nephew, hungry and the other.
7. I didnt do neither preview, scanning nor skimming.
8. For the first time in reading, I see the cover so read the synopsis.
9. I found seven difficult words such as: shelf, downstairs, steal, escape, fence, silly, and
10. I have done extensive reading before. The book is at first sight. I read it in 4th
11. I ever finished reading english materials before, but I dont remember the tittle.

Record of out class reading

Name of group

: The Climb


: Yunita Sari, Khozienatul Hikmah, Dewi Putri Oktaviani


Dewi Putri Oktaviani


April 26th 2014

Reading time

10.00 10.30 am (30 minutes)

11.20 10.30 am (10 minutes)
09.30 09.37 pm (7 minutes)

Total Reading time

What do you read?

47 Minutes
1. Chapter 7 (3 pages)
2. Chapter 8 (3 pages)


When I read The last story very interest

because David Ashken wants to climb again.

Individually questionnaire
1. When I read this book I didnt find any difficulties but I found some new words in the
2. When facing the new vocabularies, I write in the book and find the meaning in the
last reading
3. I dont like the book
4. I read this book in 3 session, the times are 30 minutes, 10 minutes and 7 minutes.
5. I read this book three session.
6. I paused to stop reading when I sleepy and borred reading
7. I preview but don't scan and skim in reading.
8. I read all of story although at first i didn't understand about caracther
9. I don't find new word
10. I have read extensive reading a novel in 4th semester.
11. Yes, I ever finished english material before. But I forgot the titlle.

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