Bio Chem
Bio Chem
Bio Chem
bony growth, the author inferred that there was real mischief in the cervical spine,
where a tumour or bony growth had formed and exerted pressure at the nerveroots, thus putting a nerve or nerves out of action. X-ray photographs were taken
and the concluding sentence of the report was that all the troubles were due to the
pressure exerted at the nerve-roots by the bony growth. It is indeed a marvellous
achievement of Biochemistry that the tongue should tell the tale of a cell-salt
deficiency in the human organism and lead to a correct diagnosis in a difficult case.
In the proper selection of Biochemic remedies, the author had to refer to several
books, most of which were in three parts, Materia Medica, Therapeutics and
Repertory and in order to save time and trouble, he prepared for his personal use a
compilation arranged on a rational basis bttt had no intention of publication. Some
of his friends, however, found it useful as a book of reference and pressed that the
public should have the benefit of his labours and this publication is solely due to the
wishes of such friends. The author acknowledges his indebtedness to the
undermentioned Biochemic and Homeopathic books, from which this book has been
Compiled : The Twelve Tissue Remedies by Drs. Boericke and Dewey. The
Biochemic System of Medicine by Dr. Carey. Biochemistry by Dr. Chapman.
Narayana Verlag; 79400 Kandern Tel: 0049 7626 9749700 Except from B.N. Mitra:
Mitras Tissue Remedies XV The Twelve Schiissler Tissue Remedies (Homeopathic
Poor Dispensary, Kankanady). A Complete Repertory of the Tissue Remedies of
Schiissler by Dr. Shannon. Schiissler .Biochemistry by Dr. Kulkarni. Biochemic
System of Treatment by Dr. Samanta (in Bengali). Biochemic Materia Medica by
Dr. Samanta (in Bengali). Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory by Dr.
Boericke. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by Dr. Clarke. Lectures on
Homeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. Kent. Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia
Medica by Dr. Kent. Leaders by Dr. Nash. Repertory by Dr. Boenninghausen. B.
N. MITRA B. N. Mitra Mitra's Tissue Remedies A Compilation from Biochemic and
Homeopathic Works 852 pages, hb publication 2006 More books on homeopathy,
alternative medicine and a healthy life