Sept. 23 This Week at FBC

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September 23, 2015

Church Leadership
Our ministers and lay leaders are available
to answer any questions you may have to
help you connect with the ministries of
First Baptist Church.
Church Office:
785/843.0020, ext. 201
Rev. Matt Sturtevant
Senior Pastor, x.202
Rev. Cheryl Harader
Associate Pastor of Adult Spiritual
Formation, x.204
Rev. Melissa Lumpkin
Adjunct for Childrens Spiritual Formation, x.205
Jenny Purvis
Office Manager, x.203
Evelyn Falen
Mark Robinson
Chancel Choir Director
Christy Miller
8:30 Worship Instrumentalist

Sanctuary of the Cinema

6 p.m.

Preparing for Worship

September 27, 2015

Two Days, One Night

Worship at 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.


2014, French Drama

eighteenth Sunday after

Rated PG-13
95 min., French with English Subtitles


Rev. Matthew Sturtevant

Dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne

On the verge of losing her job, Sandra comes up with a last-ditch strategy: get her workmates to give up their
bonuses so that she can stay on. With a single weekend to make it work, Sandra and her husband take her
crusade for sympathy all over town.

A New 8:30 a.m. Worship Instrumentalist

Christy Miller will share music responsibilities by
providing our piano/organ accompaniment on Sunday
mornings during the 8:30 a.m. worship service. Christy
is a doctoral candidate in musicology at the University
of Kansas. She holds a bachelors degree in Oxbridge
music from William Jewell College as well as an M.M. in
musicology from KU. She specializes in American folk
music and is currently working on her dissertation, which examines the use of American folk music on BBC radio during the Second World War. Christy is an experienced
pianist and organist, and she has served as music director at Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Missouri and Kingston United Methodist Church in
Kingston, New Jersey. She is also currently a piano instructor at The Music Clubhouse.
During her free moments, Christy enjoys spending time in the yard, in her kitchen, and
with her family.
Childrens Christmas Program Ready to Plan!

Holly Grassy
Bookkeeper, (785) 917-9622
John Pauls
Buddy Langford

If your child, 3rd through 8th grade, would like to participate in this years Christmas
program, please attend a read-through session next Wednesday, Sept. 30, between
6:30-7:30 p.m. There will be participation opportunities in the play for the youngest
children, as well. Music for the program will be rehearsed either during normal Sunday
school hours or as part of Sacred Music Academy rehearsals. Speaking rolls will practice mostly on Sunday afternoons immediately following second service.
See you at the read-through session! ~Melisa Lord

ABCCR Annual Gathering

Weekly Family Meal

6:00-6:30 p.m.
Roger Williams Room
Enjoy delicious homemade
Suggested donation:
Adult $5
College Student Free!
Child $2.50
Family $13
Menu (Subject to change)
9/23 Roast Beef/cheesy potatoes/vegetable medley/salad/
9/30 Oven baked seasoned chicken/baked potatoes/corn/
10/7 Ham/scalloped potatoes/broccoli/salad/dessert

The 2015 Annual Gathering of American Baptist

Churches of the Central Region will be held at
Cross Wind Conference Center, Hesston, Kan.,
Oct. 9-10.
This year's speakers will include Missionaries
Pieter and Nora Kalkman who are based in Prague, Czech Republic. Please contact the church
office ASAP if you are planning to attend and
take advantage of the free church registration.
If you register on your own at www.abccr.og
your fee is $35.

When: October 4, 2015

Where: Westside Presbyterian Church
Registration: 1:00 p.m./Walk at 2:00 p.m. and online at:
Contact for Info: Ginger Boring, 542-1204

Ready for a bit of Retro Trivia?

Anne found this circa 1977 hand painted banner
which puts it in the era of the old church downtown. Anyone know who made it?
Kaitlyn Lumpkin

October 2

Linda Warren

October 19

Linda Lewis

October 4

Hazel Nitcher

October 21

Nathan Knight

October 7

Dava Cooper

October 23

Verlin Gilbert

October 8

Winston Heilman

October 23

Janice Pa*nson

October 9

Shawn Benorden

October 24

Mah Sui

October 10

Kelly Johnson

October 25

Rebekah Johnston

October 12

Logan Druen

October 28

Mason Heilman

October 1

Greer Mathis

October 13

Emma Druen

October 28

Henry Mathis

October 1

Kris/ne Druen

October 15

Daniel Hayes

October 28

Sally Don Weinaug

October 1

Clay Weinaug

October 17

Evie Johnston

October 2

Bob Pa*e

October 19

Living in Abundance
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Spiritual Formation Series
For Adults
Sept. 23 How to Make a Budget / Financial End of Life
Sept. 30 Living a Life of Simplicity/ Continuing the

Family Promise Week

Fast Approaching!
During the week of October 4
through 11 we need hosts for
evenings and overnights -Contact Susan Pauls 785 5504250
If you would like to provide a
meal contact Wendy Wheeler 785 393-3888.

Food Pantry Volunteers

These great ladies could use
your help in the FBC food
pantry! If you could provide
service hours one Wednesday
per month from 11:30 a.m.
2:00 p.m., please contact Wendy Wheeler at 393-3688 or

Remember in Prayer
International Ministries Missionaries: Ed & Miriam
Noyes, serving the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Regional Minister: West Virginia Baptist Convention,
Rev. Craig Coster, serving in Barboursville, WV
Local congregation: Ninth Street Baptist Church
You are invited to send prayer requests to:
(E-mail coordinator) Betty Colbert,,
(Telephone Prayer Chain) Hazel Nitcher, 843-5302, Annie Merriam, 841-1384, or Judy Stuart, 856-1782, or
The church office: 843-0020

L.I.N.K. Casseroles
If you would be able to provide a casserole for the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen (L.I.N.K.) every
other month (on the 1st Sunday of the month), please contact Wendy Wheeler (3933688) and she will give you all
the details!

Youth Fundraising Breakfast

Sunday, Sept. 27 9:00 to 10:15 a.m.
ABY/Chupper: 5 p.m. Sept. 27

Anita Tingle, Rita Burkhart

Childrens Corner
New on Wednesday Evenings:

Attention Pre-K through 1st graders! Beginning 9/23, there

will be a Bible lesson, craft , and play time from 6:30-7:30
p.m. Check out what well be learning about in the next
couple weeks.
9/23Jesus Loves Children
9/30Jesus Calles His Disciples (Matthew 4:1822 & Luke 5:1-13)
See you soon! Miss Amy & Pastor Melissa.

5:00 Games
5:30 Chupper
6:10 Lumos
6:30 Small Groups
7:25 Benedic/on
7:30 Dismissal
Quesons about ABY? Please contact Pastor Cheryl, 843-0020 or

Sr. High: We will be having our second Bible study this

Wednesday, and it will be a bit dierent than normal
(meaning dierent than last week). We are going to have
the youth pack a sack dinner (the church is providing the
dinner) and take it out to Clinton Lake for dinner and the
study. If everyone can get there before 6:30, that would be
great so that we have plenty of /me to get out there and
back. As always, let Christy (785-3933183 & or myself (785-3933860 & know if you have any
ques/ons, comments or need a ride!

First Baptist Church

1330 Kasold Drive
Lawrence, Kansas 66049
785/843-0021 (fax)

Life of the Church

Wednesday, Sept. 23
12 p.m.-2 p.m.Food Pantry open
6:00 p.m.Wednesday Meal & activities
(Stewardship Series, Sacred Music Academy,
Sr. High study/dinner at Clinton)
7:30 p.m.Spiritual Leadership Team mtg.
Thursday, Sept. 24
7:30 p.m.Chancel Choir rehearsal
Sunday, Sept. 27
8:30 a.m.Worship
9-10:15 a.m.Youth Fundraising Breakfast
9:30 a.m.Sunday School
10:45 a.m.Worship
5:00 p.m.ABY/Chupper
6:00 p.m.Sanctuary of the Cinema
Monday, Sept. 28
8:00 p.m.rebroadcast of FBC worship
(public access channel 99)
Wednesday, Sept. 30
12 p.m.-2 p.m.Food Pantry open
6:00 p.m.Wednesday Meal & activities
(Stewardship Series, Sacred Music Academy,
Christmas play read-through, Sr. High

Looking Ahead:
October 4: Crop Walk
October 4-11: Family Promise Week
The Leaflet newsletter is a weekly production of First Baptist
Church. If you would like to receive the newsletter by Email, along with other weekly announcements, please contact the church office:
You may receive a hard copy in the mail by request:
843-0020. Copies are available for pick up each Sunday.

Youth Breakfast Fundraiser this Sunday morning,

9:00 to 10:15 a.m. in the Roger Williams Room.
Pancakes & all the fixns!
$5 donation recommended.

Sunday Morning
Sept. 27

Nursery 10:45 a.m.Amy

Extended Care 10:45 a.m.
Krissie Druen

Wed. Dinner
Sept. 23
Roast Beef, cheesy
potatoes, veg medley,
salad, dessert
(Menu subject to change)

If you would be interested in providing special music from time to time in the
8:30 a.m. service, please contact Christy Miller (393-3183) or Mark Robinson,

By the of Sept. 20, 2015

Weekly Receipts:
YTD Receipts:
Weekly Receipts:
Cumulative Giving:
If you would like more detailed financial information, please
contact our bookkeeper at, 917-9622.
Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to
make our many ministries possible.

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