A Novel Power Converter Design For Smart Grid
A Novel Power Converter Design For Smart Grid
A Novel Power Converter Design For Smart Grid
Abstract : The Smart Grids for power distribution has increased significantly over the years. Smart
grid requires sensors, automatic switches and communication devices etc. for two way
communication. These devices require power source for its working. But, as the lifetime of batteries is
limited, powering these devices has become main concern of Smart Grids. This paper discusses the
benefits of using Energy Harvesting System (EHS) and Power Converters to power the sensors on
Smart Grid. It also covers the improvement in efficiency and performance of the Smart Grid by using
EHS and Power Converters. Usage of EHS significantly reduces the dependency on batteries and
manual involvement and also helps in increasing the robustness. In this paper, a Power Converter
design is proposed which boosts the performance of the Smart Grid and reduces dependency on
conventional sources of energy.
Keywords Battery, Energy Harvesting, MOS, Power Converter, Smart Grid
Traditional power grids were used to fulfill small power demands which were done using one
way interaction. Nowadays, power demand has increased so smart grids have a better role to play.
Smart grid uses two way digital communications so that the information can be exchanged between
the customers and the providers [1]. Smart grid automatically identifies any problem in the overall
grid and reroutes and restores the problem because each device in smart grid network such as power
meters, voltage sensors, fault detectors etc. has been given sensors to gather data. Each sensor requires
energy for its operation and is powered using batteries [2]. But, as the technology scales down, it is
expected that the battery size decreases and with the decreased size of battery its life also becomes
shorter. Therefore, there is a need to either replace the battery time to time or to implant a
rechargeable battery which can be recharged whenever required. When the area where the application
is deployed is hazardous and risky then both solutions become infeasible [3]. Also small size batteries
carry low energy density therefore for portable applications; the frequency of battery replacement
increases, thus the effort and cost is more in replacing batteries [4]. The most feasible solution for the
above stated problems is the Energy Harvesting.
Energy Harvesting is the process of converting ambient energy from environment renewable
sources like solar, wind, biomass, tidal, fuel cell, vibration etc. into usable electrical energy. This
process is done by means of energy harvesters which transform the ambient energy into electrical
energy [5] [6]. Energy Harvesting Systems (EHS) are not able to work without Power Converter
circuit. Power Converter is a key element in EHS because energy harvesters like PV cells,
thermoelectric and piezoelectric generators etc. do not produce sufficient energy to run portable
applications [7] [8].
Integrating EHS in smart grid technologies is very important aspect and it can be used to
fulfill two types of energy needs [9].
1. EHS can replace the batteries for small, low power devices such as switches and sensors used in
smart grids.
2. By incorporating multiple solar panels and wind turbines, obtained energy can be increased so that
it can power low power home appliances also. When the renewable energies are available, it is
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The Proposed circuit is designed combining the two famous topologies Dickson Charge Pump
(DCP) and Cross-Coupled Voltage Doubler. Thus, this circuit includes the advantages of both the
topologies and their disadvantages are overcome to give the better topology. The output stage of
Dynamic CTS DCP is still a diode connected stage thus; the voltage is lost at the output stage. CrossCoupled Voltage Doubler consists of cross-connected NMOS and PMOS which makes sure that
voltage loss doesnt occur but the number of pumping capacitances required for this topology is more.
So, this Proposed Power Converter is designed such that the Dynamic CTS DCP improves its output
stage. Therefore, output stage is designed using cross-connected NMOS and PMOS so that the
Proposed Power Converter provides enhanced output voltage with lesser number of capacitors. The
Proposed Power Converter is designed for the following performance parameter and the design
parameters are shown in Table 1.2 which is obtained using the automated MATLAB program which
is discussed in [15].
Table 1.1 Performance Parameter Values for Designing the Proposed Power
Table 1.2 Design Parameter Values Obtained from the Automated Program for the
Proposed Power Converter
The circuit diagram and output voltage waveform of designed 4-Stage Proposed Power
Converter is shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 respectively. The circuit consists of 19 MOS switches, 6
boosting capacitors, a load resistor and an output capacitance. The output voltage provided by the
Proposed Power Converter is 16.187V.
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Fig.12 Output Voltages for all Designed Circuits at Different Values of Load Resistance
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Fig.14 Output Voltage versus Boosting Capacitance for all the Designed Circuits
The Proposed Power Converter provides a higher output voltage for the same input supply
voltage, switching frequency, load resistance, number of stages and boosting capacitor value. The
increases in Proposed Power Converter output voltage are 23%, 10%, 6% and 2% with respect to
Conventional DCP, Dynamic CTS DCP, Cross-Coupled Voltage Doubler and Reference [9]
respectively. It indicates that the Proposed Power Converter circuit has better pumping performance.
2.2.3 Voltage Drop versus Number of Switches
Voltage drop versus number of switches graph is shown in Fig. 15. The Fig. shows voltage
drop due to switch on-resistance versus number of switches for different topologies. It shows that
though Proposed Power Converter requires maximum number of switches, it has lowest switch onresistance among them thus the lowest voltage drop and higher output voltage.
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EHS have become very important these days due to limited reserves of conventional energy
sources. Many researchers are working on the Energy Harvesting Systems to harness more and more
power from environment. The energy can be harnessed from wind energy, fuel energy and solar
energy etc. If solar energy harvesting is considered, the efficiency of solar panel and Power Converter
directly affects the efficiency of solar energy harvesting. Efficiency of solar panel cannot be improved
since it depends on technology availability and expenses. Thus, improvement in Power Converter
design is required.
A complete Energy Harvesting System is designed using co-simulation of Orcad PSpice and
MATLAB/Simulink through SLPS interface and is shown in Fig. 18. Solar energy is acquired using
solar panel and it is given to SLPS block which consists of the Proposed Power Converter circuit.
Power Converter boosts the solar energy value and drives the LED load. Solar Panel is designed in
MATLAB/Simulink environment [17].
The irradiance W=1000 W/m2 and the open circuit voltage Voc=3.3V. The output current
provided by solar panel is 0.04213A and the output voltage is 3.277V. The input for SLPS block is the
output of solar panel and it is designated as Vsolar. This input Vsolar=3.2777 is boosted by the
Proposed Power Converter circuit and it provides output voltage equal to 14.58V.
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The Proposed Power Converter is tested with solar panel input and the results are shown in
the following table. It is observed from the above table that the Proposed Power Converter boosts the
solar energy with 89.27% power efficiency and voltage conversion efficiency of 4.46.
Table 1.3 Comparative Result for all the designed Power Converters in Solar EHS at
Power Efficiency (%)
To check the effectiveness of the designed Power Converter circuits for low intensity of input
signal, irradiance of the solar panel is varied to 100, 400, 600 and 800 W/m2 and the output voltages
and power efficiency have been found out. The Table 1.4 shows the comparative result.
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Proposed Power
The comparative result shows that the Proposed Power Converter provides consistent power
efficiency of 89.60% and is able to maintain high power efficiency even at low input supply of 1V.
Smart Grid has lot of sensors which are powered using batteries which requires regular maintenance
and manual intervention. The usage of EHS in Smart Grid circuits is increasing day by day. The
Power Converter plays a crucial role in EHS system which houses it. In this work, a new Power
Converter circuit design is proposed which has advantages of both Dickson and Cross-Coupled
Voltage Doubler Power Converter. The simulated results show that it also overcomes disadvantages
such as threshold voltage drop, operation with low supply voltage and low conversion efficiency. The
4-stage Proposed Power Converter circuit is optimized to provide output voltage of 16.167V, power
efficiency of 87.65% and voltage conversion efficiency of 4.9 with minimum area.
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