Biotechnology For Biofuels
Biotechnology For Biofuels
Biotechnology For Biofuels
BioMed Central
Open Access
Background: Two economic factors make watermelon worthy of consideration as a feedstock
for ethanol biofuel production. First, about 20% of each annual watermelon crop is left in the field
because of surface blemishes or because they are misshapen; currently these are lost to growers
as a source of revenue. Second, the neutraceutical value of lycopene and L-citrulline obtained from
watermelon is at a threshold whereby watermelon could serve as starting material to extract and
manufacture these products. Processing of watermelons to produce lycopene and L-citrulline,
yields a waste stream of watermelon juice at the rate of over 500 L/t of watermelons. Since
watermelon juice contains 7 to 10% (w/v) directly fermentable sugars and 15 to 35 mol/ml of free
amino acids, its potential as feedstock, diluent, and nitrogen supplement was investigated in
fermentations to produce bioethanol.
Results: Complete watermelon juice and that which did not contain the chromoplasts (lycopene),
but did contain free amino acids, were readily fermentable as the sole feedstock or as diluent,
feedstock supplement, and nitrogen supplement to granulated sugar or molasses. A minimum level
of ~400 mg N/L (~15 mol/ml amino nitrogen) in watermelon juice was required to achieve
maximal fermentation rates when it was employed as the sole nitrogen source for the
fermentation. Fermentation at pH 5 produced the highest rate of fermentation for the yeast system
that was employed. Utilizing watermelon juice as diluent, supplemental feedstock, and nitrogen
source for fermentation of processed sugar or molasses allowed complete fermentation of up to
25% (w/v) sugar concentration at pH 3 (0.41 to 0.46 g ethanol per g sugar) or up to 35% (w/v) sugar
concentration at pH 5 with a conversion to 0.36 to 0.41 g ethanol per g sugar.
Conclusion: Although watermelon juice would have to be concentrated 2.5- to 3-fold to serve as
the sole feedstock for ethanol biofuel production, the results of this investigation indicate that
watermelon juice, either as whole juice fermented on-site or as a waste stream from neutraceutical
production, could easily integrate with other more concentrated feedstocks where it could serve
as diluent, supplemental feedstock, and nitrogen supplement.
Ethanol produced by fermentation of plant biomass is
considered to be an environmentally friendly alternative
et al. [8] reported on parameters affecting the fermentation of watermelon juice for the ultimate manufacture of
vinegar, but the optimization for maximal rates of ethanol
production was not one of their objectives. The purpose of
this investigation was to examine watermelon juice, either
whole or as a waste stream from neutraceuticals production, as a diluent, feedstock supplement, and nitrogen
supplement in ethanol biofuel production systems.
Fermentation feedstocks
Watermelons employed in this study came from several
sources covering two crop years. In 2007, watermelons
came from a commercial field in Hinton, OK, USA. They
were purposely selected because they had been graded
'culls' as the result of an anthracnose infection on their
outer rinds. Other sources of watermelons included those
from the 2007 crop in Terral, OK, USA, some from the
2008 crop in Louisiana, USA, and others from the 2008
crop raised at the South Central Agricultural Research
Center, Lane, OK, USA. Lycopene-free juice was a waste
stream from processing watermelon flesh to produce lycopene-containing chromoplasts by a procedure previously described (Fish, US Patent Appl. 60/752.279,
2005). Amino acid-free juice was prepared from the lycopene-free watermelon juice by procedures developed in
this laboratory (Fish, unpublished). Watermelon juices at
the various stages of processing were frozen and stored at
-20C until used. Granulated sugar and molasses
employed for fermentations were purchased at a local
Fermentations were conducted in a BF-110 benchtop
modular fermentor system (New Brunswick Scientific Co.,
Inc., Edison, NJ, USA). The system included a 7.5 l thermostatted glass vessel, a pH/DO controller, a four-pump
reagent addition module, an exhaust condenser, a DO
probe, and a pH electrode. The fermentor was sanitized
between fermentations by washing with detergent, rinsing
with water, treating with 5% (v/v) Oxonia Active (Ecolab
Inc., St Paul, MN, USA) for 6 h at room temperature, and
rinsing thoroughly with water. Most of the experimental
fermentations were conducted on a volume of 2 to 3 L of
feedstock. Temperature was controlled at 32C, and the
medium stirred at 100 rpm to keep the yeast, substrate,
and products evenly distributed. Media were routinely
inoculated with hydrated and conditioned dried yeast to
provide an initial yeast population of ~107 viable cells/ml
in the fermentation medium. The pH of nearly all fermentations not pH-controlled quickly dropped to ~pH 2.8
and remained there regardless of the starting value. For
those fermentations conducted at a pH other than ~3, the
fermentor controller was programmed to add 1 M NaOH
when needed to maintain the pH of the medium at the
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The rate of CO2 evolution from the fermentor was estimated by counting the rate of bubbles released into the
water trap per unit time. The conversion from number of
bubbles per min to liters of CO2 per h was possible after
first determining the number of CO2 bubbles from the
water trap that it took to yield a liter of CO2 gas by displacement of water from an inverted water-filled graduated cylinder.
Analytical methods
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was
carried out on a Varian ProStar ternary solvent system
equipped with an autosampler and diode array and RI
detectors. Quantitative carbohydrate profiles of the feedstocks were obtained with a 250 mm 4 mm 5 m Luna
amino column (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA). The
sugars, glucose, fructose, and sucrose, were eluted with an
isocratic system of 80% acetonitrile/20% H2O at a flow
rate of 1 ml/min and a column temperature of 35C. Fermentation substrates, glucose and fructose, and fermentation products, including ethanol, acetate, glycerol, citrate,
and lactate, were separated and quantified on an Aminex
HPX-87H 300 mm 7.8 mm column (BioRad, Hercules,
CA, USA). Components were eluted with an isocratic system of 5 mM H2SO4 in H2O. The flow rate was 0.6 ml/
min, and the column temperature was maintained at
50C. Three standard solutions containing fructose, glucose, and ethanol at different concentration levels were
run each time a fermentation analysis was performed in
order to confirm the fidelity of the respective calibration
curves. In order to quantify fermentable sugars with the
Aminex column during fermentation runs, samples that
contained sucrose had to be pre-treated with invertase
before column chromatography. This was necessary
because the acid conditions of the 5 mM H2SO4 eluting
solvent catalyzed hydrolysis of the glucose-fructose glycosidic bond during time on the column and created a reaction zone so that none of the three sugars could be
quantified. Pre-column hydrolysis of sucrose with invertase was performed by incubating 100 l of sample (up to
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Watermelon source
(%, w/v)
(%, w/v)
(%, w/v)
(Amino N)
Crunchy Red
Dixie Lee
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at pH 3 of watermelon juice and its parThe fermentation at pH 3 of watermelon juice and its
partially processed states. Closed diamonds = total fermentable sugars from whole watermelon juice of the 2008
Louisiana, USA crop; open diamonds = ethanol from whole
watermelon juice of the 2008 Louisiana, USA crop; closed
circles = total fermentable sugars from watermelon juice
minus chromoplasts processed from the 2007 Hinton, OK,
USA crop; open circles = ethanol from watermelon juice
minus chromoplasts processed from the 2007 Hinton, OK,
USA crop; closed triangles = total fermentable sugars from
watermelon juice minus both chromoplasts and free amino
acids processed from the 2007 Hinton, OK, USA crop; open
triangles = ethanol from watermelon juice minus both
chromoplasts and free amino acids processed from the 2007
Hinton, OK, USA crop; closed squares = total fermentable
sugars from 2007 Hinton, OK, USA watermelon crop juice
minus chromoplasts and free amino acids, but supplemented
with 975 mg N/L; open squares = ethanol from 2007 Hinton,
OK, USA watermelon crop juice minus chromoplasts and
free amino acids, but supplemented with 975 mg N/L. Other
conditions for the fermentations are described in the text.
after inoculation with the yeast. The yield of ethanol from
the complete watermelon juices averaged 0.41 0.01 g/g
sugars. Watermelon juice that had the free amino acids
removed exhibited a much slower rate of fermentation.
The total yeast available nitrogen in the media for this fermentation would have been less than 60 mg N/L. Starting
with 8 106 cells/ml, the yeast concentration was 2.5
107 cells/ml and the CO2 evolution at 16 h was 0.6 L/h.
Fermentation under these conditions took ~72 h to reach
completion with a yield of 0.40 0.02 g ethanol per g sugars. When watermelon juice with the amino acids
removed was supplemented with yeast extract (295 mg N/
L added before yeast addition; 295 mg N/L added at 6 h)
and diammonium phosphate (106 mg N/L added before
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of 3yeast-available
of sucrose/watermelon
nitrogen on ethanol
feedThe effect of yeast-available nitrogen on ethanol production rates by fermentation of sucrose/watermelon juice feedstocks at pH 3. The initial concentration
of total fermentable sugars in the fermentations was ~20%
(w/v). Closed triangles = 857 mg N/L (33.6 mol amino N/
ml) from watermelon juice of 2007 Terral, OK, USA crop;
closed squares = 890 mg N/L (33.9 mol amino N/ml) from
watermelon juice of 2008 Louisiana, USA crop; closed diamonds = 415 mg N/L (17.7 mol amino N/ml) from watermelon juice of cv. 'Sangria', 2008; open circles = 230 mg N/L
(10.6 mol amino N/ml) from watermelon juice of cv. 'Sangria', 2008 from which part of the free amino acids had been
removed; open diamonds = 138 mg N/L (6.7 mol amino N/
ml) from watermelon juice of cv. 'Sangria', 2008 from which
part of the free amino acids had been removed; open triangles = 46 mg N/L (2.7 mol amino N/ml) from watermelon
juice of the 2007 Hinton, OK, USA crop from which the free
amino acids had been removed. Other conditions for the fermentations are described in the text.
for other feedstocks that lack or are low in available nitrogen. It can be inferred from these results that a split-stream
strategy could be employed with watermelon juices that
were well above the level of 400 mg N/L (17 mol/ml of
amino nitrogen) so that part of the juice would be utilized
as a nitrogen source, diluent, and sugar supplement to
provide maximal fermentation rates while the remainder
would be used first for L-citrulline production and subsequently in ethanol production.
Effect of pH on fermentation rates of feedstocks that
include watermelon juice
A series of solutions, each near 25% (w/v) in fermentable
sugar concentration, were fermented by holding all variables constant except pH (Figure 3). The highest rate of ethanol production occurred near pH 5. The rate of ethanol
production at this pH was roughly 30% greater than at pH
the pH
a combined
of fermentation
on the rate ofjuice
ethaThe influence of the pH of fermentation on the rate
of ethanol production from a combined sucrose/
watermelon juice feedstock. The initial concentrations of
fermentable sugars were nominally 25% (w/v). The 2007 Hinton, OK, USA watermelon crop was the source of the juice.
The juice was processed to remove chromoplasts before its
use in the fermentations. The nitrogen content for all fermentations was 1,177 mg N/L (33.0 mol amino N/ml). All
fermentations were essentially completed (that is, all sugars
consumed) after 48 h. Other conditions for the fermentations are given in the text, and the approach used to estimate
d(%)/d(h) is given in Methods.
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gen source for the yeast. To that end, we examined the fermentation of molasses, diluted and sugar-supplemented
using watermelon juice under three sets of conditions.
The molasses was diluted approximately seven-fold with
the watermelon juice to obtain the desired 20% (w/v)
concentration of sugars. Watermelon juice provided ~400
mg N/L (6.1 mol/ml amino N), GoFerm and Fermaid
K provided 46 mg N/L (2.7 mol/ml amino N), and
molasses provided >2,000 mg N/L (8.4 mol/ml amino
N). Absent the nitrogen contributed by watermelon juice
amino acids, the second fermentation medium contained
only nitrogen contributed primarily by the molasses. A
third fermentation was performed in which the molasses
plus amino acid-free watermelon juice medium was supplemented with ~500 mg N/L (22.5 mol/ml amino N)
from yeast extract and DAP. The results presented in Figure 4 demonstrate the properties of the three systems.
When the nitrogen source for the fermentation came
almost exclusively from molasses (>2,000 mg N/L), the
ethanol production rate was only about one-half the rate
of fermentations that included amino acid-containing
watermelon juice or yeast extract. Apparently, most of the
nitrogen in molasses is not in a form readily assimilable
by the yeast whereas the nitrogen source in watermelon
juice is readily assimilated. The slight increase of fermentation rate in going from watermelon juice as the nitrogen
source to yeast extract plus DAP as the nitrogen source was
due to a pH difference in the runs: pH 2.9 versus pH 4.2.
In a fermentation employing water as the diluent for
molasses, nitrogen supplementation was also required to
achieve ethanol production rates comparable to those
that employed whole watermelon juice (data not shown).
Table 2: Fermentation of processed sugar supplemented and diluted with watermelon juicea
(Fermentable sugars)
(%, w/v)
(Unfermented sugar)
(%, w/v)
6.8 107
7.8 107
5.1 107
3.7 107
11.0 107
9.0 107
7.9 107
juices from the 2008 Louisiana crop and the 2007 and 2008 Oklahoma crops were employed. Chromoplasts were removed from the
respective juices before their use in fermentation.
bThis is the continuation of the fermentation presented immediately above; it demonstrates that little or no further ethanol production occurred.
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4 and supplemental
of molasses with
watermelon juice used as
The fermentation of molasses with watermelon juice
used as both diluent and supplemental feedstock. The
2007 Hinton, OK, USA watermelon crop was the source of
the juice. Closed squares = sugar concentration of molasses
diluted with watermelon juice minus chromoplasts. The
nitrogen content for this fermentation was 385 mg N/L (6.1
mol amino N/ml) from watermelon juice and 2066 mg N/L
(9.2 mol amino N/ml) from the molasses. Open squares =
ethanol concentration produced from molasses diluted with
watermelon juice minus chromoplasts; closed circles = sugar
concentration of molasses diluted with chromoplast- and
amino acid-free watermelon juice. The nitrogen content for
this fermentation was 46 mg N/L (2.7 mol amino N/ml)
from the GoFerm and Fermaid K and 2066 mg N/L (9.2
mol amino N/ml) from the molasses. Open circles = ethanol concentration produced from molasses diluted with
chromoplast- and amino acid-free watermelon juice. Closed
triangles = sugar concentration of molasses diluted with
chromoplast- and amino acid-free watermelon juice that was
nitrogen-supplemented with 500 mg N/L (22.5 mol/ml
amino N) from yeast extract (5.5 g/L), DAP (1.5 g/L), GoFerm (0.625 g/L), and Fermaid K (0.25 g/L) in addition to
the nitrogen from the molasses. Open triangles = ethanol
concentration produced from molasses diluted with chromoplast- and amino acid-free watermelon juice that was nitrogen-supplemented with 500 mg N/L in addition to that from
the molasses. Other conditions for the fermentations are
described in the text.
Two approaches exist for ultimately converting cull watermelons to ethanol. The most direct alternative would be
to utilize the juice harvested from the culls to produce ethanol on-site at the production field with a mobile fermentation/distillation unit. Juice collected with a modified
watermelon seed harvester would then only need to be
transported from the rows of watermelon to the ethanol
production system at the edge of the field. Using an ethanol production rate of 2 g/L/h of ethanol from watermelon juice as measured in this study (from Figures 1, 4,
and Table 2), a required fermentation capacity can be calculated. The above approach would provide the grower
with fuel for on-farm use and/or to sell on the ethanol fuel
In the second approach, watermelon juice in the form of
a waste stream from neutraceuticals processing would be
utilized as diluent and feedstock supplement in ethanol
production. This scenario would likely involve a neutraceuticals production facility in physical proximity to an
existing ethanol biofuel production facility. Watermelon
production at a nominal rate of 42 t/ha has the potential
for simultaneous production of 1.5 kg lycopene, 90 kg Lcitrulline, and 2000 L ethanol per ha by utilizing both
flesh and rinds. The removal of first lycopene-containing
chromoplasts and then L-citrulline from watermelon has
been developed into an integrated process that leaves a
waste stream of sugar-containing juice (Fish, unpublished
results). Both cull watermelons and those appropriate for
the fresh food market are acceptable for this processing.
Watermelon juice as a waste stream from neutraceutical
production offers several advantages when integrated into
a nearby bioethanol production facility. First, watermelon
juice can be used in place of potable water as a diluent for
the primary feedstock. Although wastewater treatment
costs from post-fermentation waste would be little
affected with either type of diluent, the use of a watermelon juice waste stream would save the cost of potable
water at the front end of the process. Second, by using
watermelon juice as diluent, the amount of primary feedstock required would be reduced by ~7 to 10% as a result
of the readily fermentable sugars in the diluent juice.
Based on the results using watermelon juice as a diluent
for molasses fermentation, it is estimated that there would
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be an approximate 15% savings on molasses consumption and ~22,000 L savings of potable water per 40,000 L
fermentation run. As well as serving as diluent and feedstock supplement, watermelon juice that retains its amino
acids would also serve as a source of readily assimilable
nitrogen for yeast growth and vitality and thus also save
the costs associated with nitrogen supplementation.
The results of this investigation indicate that watermelon
juice as a source of readily fermentable sugars represents a
heretofore untapped feedstock for ethanol biofuel production. The 8.4 t/ha of unmarketable watermelons left in
the field at harvest would produce about 220 L/ha of ethanol for on-farm use or as an additional revenue stream
for the grower. Whole watermelons utilized for the production of the neutraceuticals, lycopene and L-citrulline,
yield a waste stream of sugar-containing juice. This juice
waste stream would easily integrate with other more concentrated feedstocks employed in ethanol biofuel production where the watermelon juice would serve as diluent,
supplemental feedstock, and nitrogen supplement.
SDS: sodium dodecyl sulfate.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' contributions
WF designed and coordinated the study and helped draft
the manuscript. BB conceived the study and helped draft
the manuscript. VR helped coordinate the study and
helped draft the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
The authors thank Rick Houser, Diann Baze, and Kelli Baze for providing
valuable technical support. The fermentor utilized in this investigation was
generously provided by Abbott & Cobb Seed Company, Feasterville, PA,
USA. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is
solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply
recommendation or endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture.
Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely for
the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture. All programs and services of the US Department of Agriculture are offered on a
non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, or handicap.
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