Cable Nomenclature

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Cable Code Classification / 2010


Heavy Duty Cables:

TROPODUR & TROPOTHEN-X Heavy Duty Cables :
a) Letters used in Type Designations :
A= Appearing as a first letter denotes Aluminium Conductor.
Y= TROPODUR (PVC) Insulation or TROPODUR (PVC) Sheath depending on the
position in which it appears.
2X = TROPOTHEN-X (Cross-linked Polyethylene) Insulation.
W = Round Steel Wire Armouring.
WW = Double Round Steel Wire Armouring.
F= Formed Steel Wire (Strip) Armouring.
FF = Double Formed Steel Wire (Strip) Armouring.
C= Metallic Screening (Usually of Copper).
CE = Metallic Screening (usually of Copper) over each individual core.
Gb = Holding Helix Tape (of Steel)
Wa = Aluminium Round Wire & Aluminium Formed Wire (Strip) Fa Armouring
b) Type Designations :
AYY Aluminium Conductor, TROPODUR Insulated, TROPODUR Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty
AYWY Aluminium Conductor, TROPODUR Insulated, Galvanised Round Steel Wire Armoured
and TROPODUR Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cables.
AYFY Aluminium Conductor, TROPODUR Insulated, Galvanised Flat Steel Wire (Strip) Armoured
and TROPODUR Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cable.
AYCY Aluminium Conductor, TROPODUR Insulated, Metallic Screened and TROPODUR Outer
Sheathed Heavy Duty Cable.
A2XCY Aluminium Conductor, TROPOTHEN-X Insulated, Metallic Screened and TROPODUR
Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cable.
AYCEFY Aluminium Conductor, TROPODUR Insulated, individual core metallic screened, Flat
steel Wire (strip) Armoured and TROPODUR Outer Sheathed Heavy duty Cable.
A2XCEFY Aluminium Conductor, TROPOTHEN-X Insulated, individual cores metallic screened,
Flat Steel Wire (Strip) Armoured and TROPODUR Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cable.
NOTE : If the first letter A is dropped in the above designations (i.e. YY, YWY, YFY etc.) they
will denote corresponding types with Copper Conductors.
YWWGby…(Mining) Copper Conductor, TROPODUR Insulated, double round wire armoured and
TROPODUR Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Mining Cable.

YFFGby…(Mining) Copper Conductor, TROPODUR Insulated, double flat wire (strip) armoured
and TROPODUR Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Mining Cable.

Paper Cables :
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Cable Code Classification / 2010
a) Letters used in Type Designations :
A = Appearing as a first letter denotes Aluminium Conductor.
P = Paper Insulation
L = Lead Sheath
Ly = Lead Alloy Sheath
S = Lapped bedding or serving of compounded fibrous materials (when it comes below
armouring in armoured cables, it is known as bedding).
Y = Extruded PVC Bedding or Serving.
T = Double steel tape armouring.
Tg = Double steel tape armouring galvanised.
W = Single round steel wire armouring.
WW = Double round steel wire armouring.
F = Single formed steel wire (strip) armouring.
FF = Double formed steel wire (strip) armouring.
b) Type Designations:
APLS:- Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Sheathed and Served Cable.
APLyS :- Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Alloy Sheathed and Served Cable.
APLy Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Sheathed and overall PVC Sheath
protect ted Cable.
APLyY Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Alloy Sheathed and overall PVC Sheath
protected Cable.
APLSTS Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Sheathed, double steel tape armoured
and served Cable.
APLySTS Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Alloy Sheathed, double steel tape
armoured and overall PVC Sheath protected cable.
1. If the first letter A is dropped in the above designations (i.e. PLS, PLSTS, PLSTY, etc) they
will denote the corresponding types with Copper Conductors.
2. If the cable is armoured with round steel wire armouring or formed steel wire (strip)
armouring replace T in above by W or F respectively e.g. APLSWS, APLSFS, etc.
3. If the cable is armoured with double round steel wire armouring or double formed steel wire
(strip) armouring replace T by WW or FF respectively e.g. APLSWWS, APLSFFS, etc.
4. If the cable is armoured with galvanised double steel tape, replace T by Tg e.g. APLSTgS.
5. In the case of H type cable with common Lead Sheath, add suffix (screened) e.g. APLSTS
(screened) APLSTY (screened) etc.
6. In the case of HSL type cable with separately Lead Sheathed cores, add suffix (screened SL)
e.g. APLSTS (screened SL), APLSTY (screened SL) etc.

Rubber Cable :
For Cables other than Ship Wiring :

Constituent Code Letter

Aluminium Conductor A

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Cable Code Classification / 2010
Elastomer (Rubber) Insulation R
Copper wire braiding or helical screening of Copper wires C
Semi-conducting extruded Screening over & below Insulation Cg
Copper wire braiding or helical screening of Copper wires on individual
cores CE @
Glass Fibre Yarn braiding C
Textile Braiding B
Synthetic Yarn Braiding S
Textile Braiding on individual cores BE @
Synthetic Yarn Braiding on individual cores SE @
Steel round wire armoring W
Double steel round wire armouring WW
Steel strip armouring F
Double steel strip armouring FF
Non-magnetic round wire armouring Wa
Non-magnetic strip armouring Fa
Steel wire braiding Wb
Steel wire pliable armouring Wp
Elastomer (Rubber) Outer Sheath R
PVC Outer Sheath Y
Normal flexible conductor is denoted as 'rf' & special (as per client requirement) flexible
conductor is denoted as "rff". When the conductor material is Copper no Code Letter is requried
for conductor @ In case only some of the cores are individually screened/braided the number of
such cores shall be indicated as suffix to the Code Letter e.g. CE4, BE4, etc
For Ship Wiring Cables :

Constituent Code Letter

Ship Wiring Cable (Marine use) M
Elastomer (Rubber) Insulation G
Braiding of Steel/Copper/Annealed Tinned Copper C
Elastomer (Rubber) Outer Sheath G
PVC Outer Sheath Y

Material of braiding shall be indicated in brackets at the end as follows :

Plain Copper (CU) and Annealed Tinned Copper (ATC)
Examples for the above code letters :
1) Annealed tinned Copper flexible conductor of nominal cross-section 25Sqmm
insulated with Rubber Compound, provided with Copper wire braiding on individual
cores, for cores stranded together, inner sheathed, provided with steel wire braiding and
overall sheathed with Rubber compound.

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Cable Code Classification / 2010

The Type Designation shall be RCEWbR 4 x 25 rf

2) Annealed tinned Copper (2.5 flexible conductor, insulated with silicon rubber,
overall braided with Glass Fibre Yarn and varnished cable.

The type designation shall be RG 1 x 2.5 rf.

3) Annealed tinned copper flexible conductor of nominal cross-section 2.5

insulated with Rubber Compound, 2 cores provided with protective screen of annealed
tinned Copper wire braiding, 2 screened cores and 14 un-screened cores laid up
together in one layer, inner sheathed, provided with annealed tinned Copper wire
braiding and overall sheathed with Rubber Compound with reinforcement of Synthetic
Yarn Braid.

The Type Designation shall be RCE2CSR (14 + 2) x 2.5rf

4) Stranded conductor of annealed tinned Copper of nominal cross-section 2.5,
insulated with Rubber Compound, 3 cores stranded together, inner sheathed, provided
with plain Copper/annealed tinned copper/steel wire braiding and overall sheathed with
Rubber/PVC Compound.
The Type Designation shall be :

With Plain Copper Wire : MGCG (Cu) 3 x 2.5 rm

Braiding : MGCY (Cu) 3 x 2.5 rm
With annealed tinned : MGCG (ATC) 3 x 2.5 rm
Copper Wirebraiding : MGCY (ATC) 3 x 2.5 rm

Examples :-
For completely specifying the cable, the type designation is to be followed by indication of
number of cores, nominal cross-section of conductor, construction of conductor and voltage
rating of cable as shown in the following examples :
1. AYY 3 1/2 x 50/25 sm 0.65/1.1 kV
2. AYFY 3 x 185sm 3.8/6.6 kV (E)
3. AYCY 1 x 400 rm 6.35/11 kV (E)
4. AYCEFY 3 x 240 rm/v 6.35/11 kV (E)
5. A2XCEFY 3 x 300 rm/v 12.7/22 kV (E)
6. YWWGbY 3 x 16 rm/12 (Mining) 0.65/1.1 kV
7. YFFGbY 3 x 70 sm/35 (Mining) 1.9/3.3 kV
8. APLS 1 x 630 rm 3.8/6.6 kV (E)
9. APLySWY 3 x 240 sm 6.35/11 kV (E)
10. APLSTS 3 x 400 sm 11 kV (UE)
11. APLSTS (Screened) 3 x 150 sm 12.7/22 kV (E)
12. APLSTgY (Screened) 3 x 300 rm 19/33 kV (E)

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Cable Code Classification / 2010
i. The nominal cross-section of conductors indicated are in
ii. In Item (1) the cross-section indicated as ' 50/25 ' mean that the main conductors are of
nominal cross-section 50 and the neutral conductor is of nominal cross-section 25
iii. The construction of conductor is indicated as follows :
re : circular, solid conductor

rm : circular, multiwire stranded conductor

rm/v : circular, compact multiwire stranded conductor

sm : shaped, multiwire stranded conductor

In Items (6) and (7) the examples for TROPODUR Mining Cables the figures ' 16 rm/12 ' & ' 70 sm/35 '
denote that the nominal cross-section of conductor is 16 (circular, multiwire stranded), 70 (shaped, multi-wire stranded) and the minimum effective cross-sections of armouring are
equivalent to 12 of copper* and 35 of copper* respectively.
(*or Aluminium in case of Aluminium conductor Mining cables)

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