Dicentric Telescoring As A Tool To Increase The Biological Dosimetry Response Capability During Emergency Situation
Dicentric Telescoring As A Tool To Increase The Biological Dosimetry Response Capability During Emergency Situation
Dicentric Telescoring As A Tool To Increase The Biological Dosimetry Response Capability During Emergency Situation
O. Garca, bM. Di Giorgio, bM. B. Vallerga, bA. Radl, bM. R. Taja, cA. Seoane, cJ. De Luca,
M. Stuck Oliveira, eP. Valdivia, aA.I. Lamadrid, aJ.E. Gonzlez, aI. Romero, aT. Mandina, fG.
Pantelias, fG. Terzoudi, gC. Guerrero-Carbajal, gC. Arceo Maldonado, hM. Espinoza, iN.
Oliveros, jW. Martnez-Lpez, jM.V. Di Tomaso, jL. Mndez-Acua, kR. Puig, lL. Roy, l*J.F.
Centro de Proteccin e Higiene de las Radiaciones (CPHR), Calle 20 No. 4113 e/ 41 y 47 Miramar, 11300, La
Havana. Cuba
Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear (ARN), Av. Del Libertador 8250, C1429BNP, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
IGEVET, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata-CONICET, 60 y 118 CC296,
B1900AVW, La Plata, Argentina.
Instituto de Radioproteccin y Dosimetra (IRD), Av. Salvador Allende s/n, Jacarepagu, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 22780-160, Brazil.
Comisin Chilena de Energa Nuclear (CCHEN), Amuntegui 95, Santiago Centro, Santiago, Chile.
Laboratory of Radiobiology & Biodosimetry, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", Athens,
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ), Carretera Mxico-Toluca s/n, C.P. 52750, La
Marquesa, Ocoyoacac, Mxico.
Instituto Peruano de Energa Nuclear (IPEN), Av. Canada 1470, San Borja, Per.
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM,) Facultad de Ciencias Biolgicas
11-0058, Lima 11-Peri
Instituto de Investigaciones Biolgicas Clemente Estable, Avenida Italia 3318, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Universidad Autnoma de Barcelona - Facultad de Biociencias, Campus Universitario de Bellaterra, 08193
Barcelona, Spain.
Institut de Radioprotection et de Suret Nuclaire (IRSN), BP 17, 92262 Fontenay-aux-roses Cedex, France
* Presenting and corresponding author: Omar Garcia. omar@cphr.edu.cu
Biological Dosimetry is a necessary support for national radiation protection programs and emergency response
schemes. The Latin American Biological Dosimetry Network (LBDNet) has standing experience in biological
dosiemtry network activities with several intercomparison exercises showing almost homogeneous results.. One
way to increase the network response, overcoming the difficulties associated whit blood or slide transport is the
scoring of dicentric on a computer monitor using electronically transmitted images i.e. the dicentric telescoring.
This procedure remove the difficulties associated with the dispatching and reception of physical samples and
is probably the most immediately way of share the scoring load among laboratories working in network. Here
we present the results of two exercises organised by the LBDNet to test the efficiency of such an approach.
During the first exercise, the participant laboratories analysed the same images derived from cells exposed at
0.5 Gy and 3 Gy; In the second exercise an emergency situation was tested, each laboratory was required to
score 50 different images in 2 days extracted from 500 downloaded images derived from cells exposed at 0.5
Gy. Then the remaining 450 images had to be scored within a week.The conclusion is that dicentric telescoring
seems to be a promising technique for population triage in a large scale accident.
Dosimetry evaluation has acquired a new role to guide medical treatment of victims of
nuclear or radiological accidents. Dose assessment is performed not only early post-exposure
by physical dosimetry calculation (scenario reconstruction) but also from evaluation of serial
blood counts and the medical history (timing and severity of prodromal signs and symptoms).
A medically significant dose should be subsequently confirmed or discarded by dicentric
assay, the current gold standard for biodosimetry, combined with other physical and
biophysical techniques, applying a multidisciplinary approach [1].
The bottleneck in data acquisition during biological dosimetry based on dicentric assay is the
need to score dicentrics in a large number of lymphocytes. In addition skilled operators are
required, limiting the scoring process to a few people in specialised laboratories around the
world. For this reason, dicentric scoring may be critical in a mass casualty event, resulting for
malicious or accidental exposure to radiation, when the capability of the local laboratory is
exceeded. This latent situation has stimulated biological dosimetry laboratories to develop
tools that would help to estimate the dose under such circumstances. Three approaches are
currently recommended, the triage scoring, based on a rapid scoring of 50 cells or 30
dicentrics [2-4] the use of dedicated software for metaphase finding [5-7], and the mutual
assistance working in networks [8-12]
The Latin American region has standing experience in network activities. The first
intercomparison exercise in the region was performed during the 90s using the dicentric
analysis and the micronucleus assay [13] and since then several activities have been
performed including the most recently intercomparison exercise involving the 7 countries
from the Latin American Biological Dosimetry Network (LBDNet) and 6 European countries
[14] . Moreover the ShipEx-1 exercise tested the existing capabilities for safe and expeditious
international transport of blood to participating laboratories in 13 countries within the
LBDNet and both the IAEA Response Assistance Network and WHO BioDoseNet [15]
However, blood distribution can encounter problems due to national regulations, and slide
transportation is not always a speed process. These factors may affect the efficiency of the
network in an emergency situation. One way to increase the network response, overcoming
the difficulties associated with blood or slide transport is the analysis of electronically
transmitted images[8,12,16]. This procedure removes the difficulties associated with the
dispatching and reception of physical samples and is probably the most immediately way
of sharing the analysis among laboratories. Recently a pilot study evaluating the efficiency of
Internet scoring based on dicentric frequencies has been published [12]
Here we describe an interlaboratory intercomparison among 10 partners by analysing
digitized images shared by internet. The results obtained in two intercomparison exercises in
which standardised methods for intercomparisons analysis have been used [17, 18] are
presented. The aim of the first exercise (E1) was to test the feasibility of using electronically
transmitted images, for the purpose of harmonization of scoring criteria and acceptance or
rejection of metaphase images. The aim of the second exercise (E2) was to test the fast
response capacity simulating a telescoring triage, and then the exercise followed by a
conventional scoring.
metaphases each. To simulate the situation where only one laboratory receives the blood and
asks the members of the network to respond to an accidental situation, a message was sent to
all laboratories 48h before sending images. First each laboratory analysed a different set of 50
images, and then to complete the analysis of the 500 images, each laboratory analysed the
remaining 9 sets.
In both exercises participant laboratories were requested to send three variables: the number
of images scored; the frequency of dicentrics (or dicentric plus ring); and the dose estimated
by each laboratory. Rings were registered or considered if necessary for dose estimation
according to the calibration curve used in each lab. In E1, 7 participating laboratories were
from the Latin American region and 3 from Europe. In E2, 9 participating laboratories were
from the Latin American region (including two satellite laboratories) and 1 from Europe.
From the 10 laboratories which participated in each exercise, there were 8 that participated in
E1 and E2, 7 from the Latin American region and 1 from Europe.
2.2 Sample Irradiation and Blood Culture
For E1, whole blood from one volunteer was exposed at 0.5 Gy and 3 Gy with a dose rate of
0.5 Gy/min with a Caesium-137 source (IBL 637) located at the Institute of Radiation
Protection and Nuclear Safety (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France). For E2, whole blood from
another volunteer was exposed at 0.5 Gy of X-rays (250kV) at the University of Tuscia
(Viterbo, Italy) at a dose rate of 0.3 Gy/min. For both exercises after radiation exposure, the
blood was left 2 hours at 37C. All blood samples were treated according to the standard
protocol [1]
2.4 Scanning Systems
For both exercises metaphases obtained were located with a microscope Axioplan 2 Imaging
(Zeiss, Oberkochen,Germany) coupled with a camera (Jai, Copenhagen, Denmark) and a
motorized scanning stage (Marzhauser, Wetzlar, Germany) linked to a 2-axis stepping motor.
The metaphase positions were identified automatically by the Metafer 4 software (version
3.5.101; MetaSystems, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany) with a 10x objective (Zeiss). For E1
the metaphase images were automatically acquired with a 63x objective (Zeiss, software
Autocapt) and exported to jpg files. Before sending them a selection was done in order to
exclude metaphases with a chromosome number clearly higher or lower than 46, and
metaphases in their second or further cell division. For E2, the images were manually
acquired from the metaphases located by the metaphase finder. In E2 metaphases were not
selected before sending them.
2.5 Communication , Image Availability and Scoring
For image transmission and communication among laboratories a Google group was created,
and in each exercise the laboratory in charge of cell culture was responsible to upload
different sets of images to the other members of the network.
The same criterion used for manual scoring [1]was applied to score the images. Dicentrics (or
dicentrics plus ring) with their accompanying fragments were recorded in well spread
complete metaphases.
Number of
(Dic) or
(Dic. + ring )
Frequency (
Poisson error)
Dose (Gy)
[CI 95%]
0.05 0.03
0.74 [0.25-1.38]
0.06 0.04
0.87 [0.62-1.08]
0.08 0.04
0.92 [0.54-1.19]
0.06 0.03
0.80 [0.00-1.24]
0.07 0.04
0.84 [0.34-1.49]
0.05 0.03
0.71 [0.00-1.09]
0.05 0.03
0.67 [0.20-1.33]
0.07 0.03
0.97 [0.34-1.79]
0.07 0.03
0.92 [0.42-1.55]
The same laboratory was the one identifying the fewer number of cells as scorable (35 among
100). The estimated doses ranged from 0 to 0.97 Gy. According to the z score, 3 results were
classified as satisfactory, 3 as questionable and 4 as unsatisfactory (Table 1).
The global coefficient of variation on the standard deviation on dose was 17.3% and the
trueness on dose 37.8%. In the same exercise, E1, the results obtained after 3 Gy irradiation
are indicated in Table 2. Observed frequencies of dicentrics per cell ranged from 0.32 to 0.72,
and the estimated doses ranged from 1.92 and 3.45 Gy. The z score values were satisfactory
for 7 reported doses and questionable for two laboratories. After 3 Gy irradiation the
coefficient of variation was 14.8% and the trueness on dose 0.6%.
Table 2: Exercise 1. Results obtained from the analysis of 100 identical metaphase
images from a peripheral blood sample exposed at 3 Gy.
Number of
(Dic) or
(Dic. + ring )
26 + 0
Frequency (
Dose (Gy)
[CI 95%]
z - value
0.62 0.12
2.97 [2.37-3.64]
21 + 0
0.72 0.16
3.41 [2.36-4.22]
26 + 0
0.63 0.03
3.11 [2.72-3.45]
26 + 0
0.70 0.02
2.96 [2.48-3.37]
13 + 0
0.32 0.09
2.01 [1.23-2.56]
0.32 0.09
1.92 [1.36-2.57]
0.72 0.10
3.45 [2.83-3.98]
0.60 0.11
3.02 [2.43-3.67]
0.64 0.02
3.23 [2.49-4.07]
0.64 0.10
3.03 [2.50-3.60]
*When several operators have done the scoring, the number of cells and the number of dic+ring
presented are the mean of all scorers.
0.03 to 0.10. The z score identified only one dose as questionable. The coefficient of
variation on dose was 30.3% and the trueness 22.5%.
Number of
scored cells
Frequency (
Poisson error)
Dose (Gy)
[CI 95%]
Number of
(Dic) or
(Dic. + ring )
0.04 0.03
0.66 [0.15-1.43]
0.09 0.06
0.85 [0.00-1.47]
0.07 0.05
0.76 [0.00-1.33]
0.03 0.03
0.52 [0.00-1.00]
0.27 0.09
1.75 [1.22-2.41]
0.09 0.09
1.08 [0.00-2.29]
0.02 0.02
0.39 [0.00-1.19]
0.08 0.05
1.07 [0.25-2.20]
s satellite laboratory
Number of
scored cells
Frequency (
Poisson error)
Dose (Gy)
[CI 95%]
Number of
(Dic) or
(Dic. + ring )
0.03 0.01
0.50 [0.28-0.75]
0.03 0.02
0.48 [0.12-0.97]
12 + 2
0.05 0.01
0.57 [0.32-0.77]
0.04 0.01
0.48 [0.23-0.67]
27 + 3
0.10 0.02
0.98 [0.68-1.22]
0.04 0.01
0.50 [0.19-0.71]
0.07 0.02
0.80 [0.57-1.04]
0.06 0.02
0.82 [0.51-1.43]
0.04 0.01
0.58 [0.35-0.76]
0.05 0.02
0.78 [0.47-1.15]
s satellite laboratory
A point tested during E2 was the ability of each laboratory to respond quickly after being
notified. Three laboratories were able to respond on time based on the scoring of 50 images
in 72 hours and 500 images in a week. These laboratories coincidentally were those with
more scorers involved in the exercise.
In cases of radiation exposure due to accidents or terrorism actions the dose has to be
provided as fast as possible to guide patient treatment. Biological dosimetry provides one
important input to obtain this information when physical measures are not available. A
disadvantage of the cytogenetic assay is that it is time consuming, particularly during the
scoring process. For that reason it is essential to develop tools to help to estimate doses in
emergency situations. An important issue is to overcome the difficulties associated with the
dispatch of blood samples or slides. A way out for these obstacles is to score electronically
transmitted images. Telescoring removes difficulties associated with the dispatching and
reception of physical samples and is probably the most immediate way to share capabilities
among laboratories working in network. The feasibility to score electronically transmitted
metaphase images for biological dosimetry purposes has been previously described using a
single dose-effect curve as reference [8] and by comparing frequencies of dicentrics [12] In
the present study we have tested the feasibility to estimate a dose based on telescoring, using
each laboratory its own dose-effect curve.
For telescoring it is necessary to standardize the process of transmitting images through the
internet and to consider all aspects that could affect the method as a whole. The two exercises
demonstrated that it was very important to have a web site group for LBDNet laboratories in
order to host heavy image files. Although, the capacity of the site, 100 MB, was appropriate
for the exercises in case of a real emergency event the site capacity needs to be larger. In this
sense a special website, like the pilot website DicentricCount.org is needed [12]
In the present study, two different laboratories captured the images either using automated
(E1) or manual methods (E2). At the time of E2 exercise, none of the laboratories within the
Latin American network had an auto capture system at high magnification. For this reason
just one dose was evaluated, due to the hard working and time involved in the manual capture
and the limited capacity of the website. Taking into account the mentioned limitations, it was
decided to select a dose of 0.5 Gy as the low dose range showed the biggest dispersions in
both, the E1 exercise (CV on dose: 17.3 after 0.5 Gy vs. 14.8% after 3.0 Gy) and the previous
intercomparison exercise of the network [14] (CV: 15.6% after 0.75 Gy vs. 8.8% after 2.5
Clearly, using automated acquisition the images were captured faster and also exhibited a
better quality that resulted in a lower variability in the number of accepted cells to be scored.
This could explain the lower coefficient of variation obtained in E1 respect to E2. The better
quality can be due to the fact that images in E1 were selected previously to its uploading
while images in E2 were not selected. Another source of variability could be assigned to the
heterogeneity of the images, according to its file size, in E2 (manual capture) compared to the
relative homogeneity of the images in E1 (automated capture). For E1 the image file sizes
varied from 100 to120 kb, while for E2 varied from 21 to 201 kb. This variability would have
impact on the results of E2 exercise mainly for the triage purpose when different sets of 50
images where assigned to the distinct laboratories, showing the biggest dispersion (CV: 79.2
% for 50 images respect to 30.3 % for 500 images). Such heterogeneity would limit the
comparability of the results for the triage purpose. When the same 500 images where
analysed the impact of heterogeneity diminished because the same set of images where
analysed by all laboratories.
At present, two of three laboratories within the LBDNet that possess automated scanning,
metaphase finding and capturing systems, had recently acquired devices for highmagnification capturing. To strengthen the efficiency of the network, it would be desirable to
increase the presence of automated microscopes with the possibility to capture automatically
metaphase spreads with low and high magnification. This will enable those laboratories to
perform the sending of images inside the net and to intermediate future contacts of LBDNet
with other international biodosimetry networks. In addition, the accuracy of the analysis can
be improved by a better resolution in capturing and uploading images. In cases with low
number of victims involved, a preliminary image selection by the laboratory responsible for
generating the images can be decided.
After finishing exercises E1 and E2 a discussion on the conflictive images for its acceptance
or rejection was performed, which proved to be a valuable tool to reach consensus. Finally,
performing regular intercomparison exercises within the network would allow to reduce
variability among the laboratories and to improve Latin American network competence for
mutual cooperation purpose.
The other associated cause that leaded to variability was the number of cells scored.
Laboratories that scored the lower number of images presented the higher discrepancies in
both dicentric frequency and dose results. The possibility of a small decrease on the number
of accepted metaphases in telescoring can be balanced by increasing the number of images
generated. In the Japanese network exercise the images sent were 470 and 190 for 1 and 5
Gy, and the required images to be analysed were 200 and 50 respectively [8]. It has been
demonstrated that when dicentrics were scored directly with the microscope usually fewer
cells were rejected compared to image analysis, as it was possible to adjust the focus and to
localise isolated chromosomes [19]
The aim of the second exercise was to test the fast response capability of each laboratory of
the network. The delay obtained for some laboratories was related to the number of scorers in
each one. However, taken into account that it was an exercise, it should be certainly expected
that in a real situation daily work will be stopped for a quick response.
For both exercises the coefficient of variation was lower for the estimated doses than for the
reported frequencies (data not shown). This agrees with the idea that scoring differences are
minimized when each laboratory uses its own dose-effect curve [9,14] In our exercise the
dose effect curves where those previously established in each laboratory by conventional
microscope analysis. So, the intercomparison only addresses the CV of dicentric scoring, not
the experimental conditions of blood culture and metaphase acquisition by different
laboratories. The obtained results stress the possibilities to use such calibration curves in dose
estimation by telescoring.
The z-test values and the global coefficient of variation and trueness were highly impacted by
the number of cells scored. Large variations in the estimated doses are expected whenever
they are based on the observation of dicentrics in a small number of cells such as 50 cells. In
E2 the increase of the number of cells from 50 to 500, resulted in a division by a factor of 2
of the coefficient of variation on the dose while trueness remained stable. The impact of the
low number of accepted cells was higher at the lowest dose; in E1, after 0.5 Gy irradiation
there were only 3 z-scores considered as satisfactory whereas after 3 Gy the number of zscores considered as satisfactory were 8 of 10. This agrees with the previous intercomparison
where participating laboratories received a set of slides [14] in which the three parameters
analysed (z-score, coefficient of variation and trueness) improved with the number of cells
analysed, and were better at the highest dose. Contrasting the two intercomparisons, the one
using slides showed better results than the one presented here, because all laboratories
reached to score 50, 100 or 500 cells under the microscope. The Japanese network obtained a
good agreement between the real doses and the estimated ones transmitting electronically
more images than required [8]
The results here obtained support the feasibility of networking using electronically
transmitted images. However, in order to improve this methodology, future intercomparisons
should consider: a) the transmission of a higher number of images than required, to avoid
dose-estimations based on a low number of cells; b) a homogeneity of the sample, to ensure
that each participant receives comparable test items; and c) an appropriate resolution in
capturing and uploading images should be determined. Additionally, a global website able to
be used for the different regional networks, like Share Points, will be desirable to permit a
world-wide communication.
The exercise was supported by the IAEA in the frame of the TSA5 Strengthening National
Systems for Preparedness and Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies. The
authors would like to thank Dr E. Buglova and Mr R. Salinas from IAEA who has
encouraged the organisation and the activities of the Latin-American network.
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