Cambridge English Starters Reading and Writing Part 4

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YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 4 Teachers Notes

This activity gives students practice in gap fill activities, with a focus on sentence-level reading for

15 minutes.


Students Worksheet, one copy for each student in the class

YLE Sample Papers can be downloaded from the Cambridge English website

Please download the Sample Paper for this lesson.


to introduce students to Part 4 of the Starters Reading & Writing paper and to the
task type

to give students practice in using a model to write a short text.

1. Introduce the activity
Introduce the activity by telling students they are going to find out some information about a girl.
Hand out a copy of the Students Worksheet to each student. Ask students to quickly find the
girls name (Jane).
Ask children to read the instructions and check their understanding of the instructions by asking
some questions.
For example:
How many words are there in the box?
Where do you write the words?
Do not read the instructions, the text or the words aloud.

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2. Students Worksheet complete the activity

Now ask students to cover the words in the box with a book or piece of paper.
They must read through the whole text once.
With a partner, they should try to guess what the words in the gaps might be.
After a few minutes, ask students for their guesses and the reasons for them.
This is a good approach for children to take in the test, as it will help them to select the
right answers.
Now students work individually, looking at the words in the box and writing them in the
Remind students to make sure they copy the words correctly they must spell
correctly in the Reading & Writing test.
When they have finished, tell students to read the whole text through to themselves to
make sure that it makes sense before they check their work in pairs.
It is important for children to practise checking their work for the test.
3. Checking answers
Check answers with the class, making sure students understand the reason for any
mistakes they made.
Focus on important words in the sentence if necessary.
For example:
for giraffe the key word is animal
for rice the key words are eating / chicken.
4. Sample Task introducing the task
Hand out a copy of the Sample Task to each student. Ask the following questions:
How many spaces are there? (5)
How many words are there in the box? (8; one is used for the example)
How many extra words are there? (2)
What is the title of the text? (A horse, also the picture and the last sentence of the
text give this information).

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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

Ask the following questions, in the students own language if necessary. These questions will advise
them on how to complete the task.
What do you do first? (read the text and think about possible answers)
What do you do second? (read the words in the box and decide which words go where)
You have to be careful to ...? (copy the words correctly)
Whats the last thing to do? (read the whole text again).
5. Sample Task complete the task
Give them 57 minutes to do the task.
For the Reading & Writing test, its important to train students to get used to a
limited amount of time for each part, as in the test they need to manage the time
Check the answers with the class.
6. Important information to give to the students
At the end of the activity, tell students that in the test:
they must not leave any answers blank. If they are not sure of an answer at the end of the
test, they should guess. They may be right and they wont lose any marks for a wrong
the children have to write their answers clearly, so that in the test they are easy to
understand, (its best if they print words rather than use joined-up writing). If they change
their mind, they should put a line through their first answer out and write the new answer
next to it.

Suggested follow-up activity

Use the text about Jane as a model for your students to write a text of their own. If necessary,
write the text in gapped form on the board for students to copy and personalise.
(This is the second task on the Students Worksheet)
My name is _______ . I live in a ________ with my family. Ive got __________________. My
favourite colour is ______ and my favourite animal is a/an ____________. I like eating
_________ and ___________. I love playing _________ but I dont like ______________.

UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 4 Answer Keys

Key to Students Worksheet










Key to Sample Task











UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 4 Students Worksheet

Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to the
numbers 15. There is one example.






My name is Jane. I live in a flat with my family. Ive got two (1) _______.


favourite (2) _______ is green and my favourite animal is a (3) _______.

I like

eating chicken and (4) _______. I love playing (5) _______ but I dont like

Now write some sentences like this about yourself. Use Janes information to help

My name is ______________________________________________________

UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 4 Sample Task

Original can be found in the Cambridge English: Starters Reading & Writing Sample Paper, which
can be downloaded from the Cambridge English website.

UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

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