Profile and History of Malioboro
Profile and History of Malioboro
Profile and History of Malioboro
In its earliest incarnation as a part of the Javanese town concept, Malioboro Street
was laid out in an imaginary axis running north-south and correlated with the
Sultans Palace to Mount Merapi in the north and the South Sea as a symbol of the
supernatural. In the colonial era (1790-1945), the urban pattern of Yogyakarta city
seemed to be interrupted by the Dutch as a strategy to maintain their domination
by building Vredeburg Fort (1790) at the south end of Malioboro Street near to the
existing traditional market, followed by the Dutch Club (1822), the Dutch
Governors Residence (1830), Java Bank and the Post Office [2]. The rapid
economic development during this period caused by trading between the Dutch
and Chinese also led the Sultan to allot lands in a sub-segment of Malioboro street
to the Chinese Community, which became known as the Chinese District. The
development of Yogyakarta during this period was dominated by the activities of
the Dutch in building facilities to bolster their economy and power, such as the
Nowadays the street is at the centre of Yogyakarta's largest tourist district, with
historical Dutch colonial-era architecture mixed in with the Chinese and
contemporary commercial districts. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are
crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening several openair restaurants, called lesehan, operate along the street. The street was for many
years two-way, but by the 1980s had become one way only, from the railway line
(where it starts) to the south to Beringharjo markets, where it ends, not far
from Fort Vredeburg, a restored Dutch fortress. The largest, oldest Dutch era
hotel, Hotel Garuda, is located at the street's northern end, on the eastern side,
adjacent to the railway line. It also houses the complex of the former Dutch era
Prime Minister, the kepatihan, on the eastern side, which has now become the
Provincial Government offices.
Group 1 did field trip on Monday, 13 April 2015. Before leaving the group had a
pact to gather on campus at 16:00 pm. Then after that went to malioboro on a
motorbike. After arriving there around 16:30 pm looking for a tourist group to be
interviewed directly, but currently there are several tourist quest that refuses to be
And finally at 18:36 pm The new group find a tourist who is willing to be
interviewed. The interview process lasted for 6 minutes 5 seconds. After
completion of the interview on the first tourist group then look for another tourist
to be interviewed. And found the first tourist group who are willing to be
interviewed again but seeing as a documentation tool problematic because the
battery runs out. Thus, the documentation on the tourist to 2 no and just do the
interview only.
After completion of the interview, at around 20:00 pm the group decided to return
to their homes
1. Dialogue
Nurcholish: excuse me, good afternoon. May you help us Mr?
MrMarco : yes, of course.
Nurcholish : whats your name before?
MrMarco : My names Marco Van Gael
Nurcholish :oke my names Kholis. And this is my friends
Ana : my names Ana
MrMarco :oke
Hapsiani : my names Chia
MrMarco :ya
Sri Rizki : my names Kiki
MrMarco : Kiki? Your real name if using for me
Nurcholish : so what do you think during stay in here?
MrMarco : I like it, good nature, nice people and very much more
Nurcholish : How long you stay here?
MrMarco :we stay here recent 3 days.
Ana :whats your plan to visit?
MrMarco : we will visit Borobudur temple, Pramban temple, maybe Bali
also. And we will visit Plato, East Java. Do you know Plato?
2. Paragraph
The tourist name is Marco Van Gael, he is from Netherland. He was visited
Yogyakarta with his girlfriend. He was stay in Yogyakarta recent 3 days ago,
and he have planning for visit Borobudur and Prambanan temple, Bali also.
He think that Indonesian people is nice and good nature. He want to visit
Plato, at East Java. But we are dont know about thats place.
3. Obstacle
The tourist too fast in a conversation and he in a hurry because there are other
purposes.The group members a little awkward and less preparation
4. Impression
After was doing conversation, very nice to conversation with native speaker of
English. Make we excited and we hoping to speak English well and smoothly
1. Conclusion
Malioboro is one place which is visited by many foreign tourists who
come to Yogyakarta. Malioboro also has a history and culture that is
uniquet oattract tourists to visit.One of them is Mr.Marco who came to
Yogyakarta along with his girlfriend in Yogyakarta. He said that nice
people and good nature.
2. Suggestion
Field trip can be one of the tasks that are required for students because it
can facilitate the students to be more interestedin learning English, and
also can be one of the way sthat can beused to correct errors
inpronunciation. And the group hopes that this task is always afield trip in
each semester.