Moon Orchids

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Orchid months ( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) is one of Indonesia's national flower , moon orchid

( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) defined as Puspa Pesona Indonesia accompanying jasmine ( Jasminum

sambac ) is defined as the lotus flower of Indonesia and the giant ( Rafflesia arnoldii ) as a rare
flower of Indonesia.

Orchid months ( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) is a member of the genus Phalaenopsis , a genus which
was first discovered by a Dutch botanist , Dr . C.L. Blume . Phalaenopsis itself consists of at
least 60 types ( species ) with about 140 varieties of which there are 60 varieties in Indonesia .

The charm of orchids month

In Indonesia , moon orchid ( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) was first discovered in the Moluccas .
Orchid moon has some regional names such as orchids quarterly ( Java and Bali ) , fly orchid
( Maluku ) , and orchids menur ( Java ) . Government set orchid flower charm accompanied
month as jasmine ( flower of the nation ) , and a giant lotus ( flower rare ) by Indonesian
Presidential Decree No. 4 of 1993 .

Moon Orchid charm . Orchid months ( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) is a species of orchid

( Orchidaceae ) which has a characteristic broad petals and white . Although it's been many
months from crosses orchid ( orchid hybrids months ) who have diverse types of patterns and
colors .

Orchid months ( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) included in monopodial orchids are like little sunshine
to support life . The leaves are green with an elongated shape . White moon orchid roots are
round and elongated fleshy feel . Moon orchid has little luster and long bloom time and can grow
up to 10 cm in diameter .

Orchid months ( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) grows wild and wide spread ranging from Malaysia ,
Indonesia , Philippines , Papua , to Australia . Epiphytic orchids months of life clinging to the
trunk or branch of a tree in the woods . In wild orchids were able to thrive months to a height of
600 meters above sea level .

Because of its beauty it is reasonable if it is then set as the moon orchid flower charm , one of the
three national flower of Indonesia . Orchid moon set as the accompanying jasmine flower charm
( national flower ) and a giant lotus ( flower rare ) .

Although many orchid hobbyists who grow orchids month . Also many who do cross that led to
new varieties of hybrid orchids month , but the charm of flower preservation in the wild remains
increasingly pressured by habitat loss due to deforestation as well due to illegal logging or forest
fires .Reason Orchid Month Selected Being Puspa Pesona
Why Puspa Pesona title falls on the moon orchid ? , Including perhaps you are curious and have
a similar question . Determination moon orchid ( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) as one of national
interest with a degree Puspa Pesona has its own history and its history . Actually Indonesia with
abundant natural wealth is not having any kind of flower with captivating charm but due to some
excess was orchids month finally receive the title .

flower is the national flower charm

Puspa Pesona - Moon Orchid ( Phalaenopsis amabilis )

Soon we will be commemorating the Love Puspa and National Wildlife , one day ie every 5
November dedicated specifically to raise awareness , protection and love for animals typical of
Indonesia . Special day was first celebrated in 1993 this is the moment for all Indonesian people
to re- evaluate and improve the system of protection and concern for the flora and fauna of this
country .

Determination of Phalaenopsis amabilis ( orchids months ) as Puspa Pesona

Among the many animals who owned the land, 3 animals has been established as a mascot or
national identity . Three animals were determined to be the national animal , Komodo or
( Varanus komodoensis ) as National Wildlife , Fish or Arowana Red Siluk ( Sclerophages
formosus ) as Animal Charm , and Eagle Java ( Spizaetus bartelsi ) as the Endangered Wildlife .

Reason Consideration election as Puspa Pesona Orchid Month

As for flowers , has defined three types of flowers as the national flower of White Jasmine
( Jasminum sambac ) with Puspa Nations title , Moon Orchid ( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) with the
title of Padma Puspa Pesona and Giant ( Rafflesia Arnoldi ) , with a degree Puspa Rare

Each fauna and flowers in the set into a national mascot and the story certainly has its own
process , the following is a process or a history of electoral considerations and some orchids
Month As Puspa Pesona .

Phlaenopsis amabilis has been set as the national flower ( flower charm ) in accordance with the
presidential decree . This determination on the proposal of Mrs. Tien Soeharto and Boediardjo
the VI congress PAI ( Indonesian Orchid Association ) in 1983 Granadi Building . Both argue
national interest should be selected from specific rare specimens Indonesia , and Moon Orchid
( Phalaenopsis amabilis ) is the most fit these criteria .

Some of the considerations that make orchids month was chosen as the national flower

1 . Orchid months has been made the symbol of the Indonesian Orchid Association Organization
founded since 4 November 1956.

2 . Orchids month is the forerunner of Phalaenopsis orchids and has been recognized by the
ancestors of the Indonesian nation since long .

3 . Orchid genus Phalaenopsis months is kind of the first researchers flora found in Indonesia in
1918 .

4 . Spreading evenly because it can grow and almost setap found in the Indonesian archipelago .

5 . Indonesia is a genus Phalaenopsis spread of the richest areas in the world . Of the 70 species ,
26 of which exist in Indonesia . While the Philippines is in second place with 15 species

6 . In the review of the structure of interest , form and color symbolizing the moon orchid
meaning contained in the philosophy of Indonesia , Pancasila .

7 . Of five petals and flower petals overlap that can be interpreted as a symbol of unity and
national unity .

8 . Endurance flowers on the tree durable than other flowers , flowers can reach more than 60
florets and stems give every impression of softness ( OrchidsIndonesia ; 1 April 2010 )
conservation of orchids

With the diminishing of this orchid in nature , said Rinaldi Rinaldi Sjahrir , researchers from the
University of Hasanuddin orchid , found in the office at the same laboratory in the Department of
Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture, University of Hasanuddin , July 16, 2013 estimates , the
population of natural orchids of Sulawesi , South Sulawesi particular continued to decline . It
may even one day become extinct if no rescue efforts . , Conservation becomes inevitable .
Either through natural breeding orchid tissue culture laboratory technology or tissue culture .

Actually , there is another way of breeding orchids , more conventional , reproduce by cuttings
or saplings separation . Only , in this way would require substantial time and expense to obtain
seeds in large quantities .

Tissue culture is a technique of plant propagation through tissue micro- propagation of plants .
He was grown in vitro into a perfect plant in unlimited amounts .

In orchid tissue culture technology is not new . In Hawaii and Singapore , for example , these
efforts have long done , even into the industry with the support of large -scale and high
technology costs . In Indonesia , there have been attempts household scale tissue culture
technology with simple equipment .

Rinaldi has done jarinngan orchid culture since 2008. Some species of orchids were cultured by
Rinaldi , among other celebensis Phalaenopsis , Phalaenopsis amabilis and Phalaenopsis

Today, orchids








( Grammatophyllum speciosum ) .

This orchid is also rare because the time to grow old . The population was further reduced due to
the exploitation of orchid collectors . " It is difficult to find orchid cane this time . "

Another uniqueness of this orchid , great shape , virtually even the largest and most severe
among the types of orchids . In a mature clump , these orchids can weigh over one ton with
panicle length of up to three meters .

Breeding orchid through tissue culture is a gamble . Not all processes could run well . Because
there are many procedures to be carried out strictly . Cause Failures culturing include
contamination , browning , vitrification , genetic variability , and others .

For tissue culture , all parts can be used as explants orchid or plant parts as part of the initial
propagation . Young shoots of the plant parts can , young stems , young leaves , cotyledons , and
others . Part of this plant is cut into small pieces about the size of 0.5-1 cm , must be in place
with sterile air . Could use a tool called a laminar air flow cabinet is a high -tech or simple

technology with entkas . The process includes the crucial part , should not be contaminated with
microbes or fungi or other contamination that may mix with air .

For breeding process requires a solid growing medium but made such use of agar gel . He was
placed in a sterilized jar either heated or administration of a particular dose of alcohol . At the
beginning of the breeding process this jar orchids occur .

According to Rinaldi , it takes three months or more to shoot this orchid is planted in the form of
sprouts outside the jar . Regular , grown in the green house on the container that contains enough
nutrients . He could manure or the remains of a tree that was already obsolete . At this time , the
plants should ditungkup advance for a week , as the climate adjustment process for plants .

After a few weeks of this aklimitasi crops can be moved in containers , which adjusted the orchid
habitat . This is what will bloom in certain periods .

Growth orchids vary for each type . For orchid cane , it took two years to grow and bloom . "
And that should be in a warmer environment and pot holes. This orchid flowering lot and can last
up to two months . After that , he will come back a year later flowering . "

Rinaldi orchid tissue culture has largely been restored in the universe . Hundreds have been
planted in the forest - Bengo Bengo Unhas Education Maros 8-9 June 2012 .

Rinaldi with students of Department of Agronomy Unhas some orchid tissue culture training
times for household in Maiwa Enrekang and Malino Gowa .

Rinaldi believes , through the conservation of natural resources in- situ can only be successful
and sustainable by involving the community in the surrounding forest area . " Exploitation of
orchids by citizens without regard to forest conservation problem. But we also can not
necessarily blame them . "

During this time , looking for orchids in the forest has become a source of their income . One
that could be offered , he said , by showing how people could take advantage of this natural
resource with regard to sustainability.

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