pg. 83
pg. 109
pg. 130
pg. 145
ABOUT THE COVER: Emeralds typically contain numerous fractures when recovered,
and yet consumers have high expectations for their clarity as well as color. As a result,
the overwhelming majority of emeralds on the market today have undergone some form
of clarity enhancement. The proliferation of filler substances in recent years has raised
widespread concern in the trade about their identity and durability. The lead article in
this issue reviews the history of emerald clarity enhancement and the current situation
in the trade. It then focuses on possible methods of distinguishing among different clarity-enhancement substances.
The emerald cabochon in this Sabi-finish gold necklace weighs 77.68 ct. Courtesy of
Henry Dunay Designs Inc., New York.
Photo Harold & Erica Van PeltPhotographers, Los Angeles, California.
Color separations for Gems & Gemology are by Pacific Color, Carlsbad, California.
Printing is by Fry Communications Inc., Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
1999 Gemological Institute of America
ISSN 0016-626X
Nothing Is as
Simple as It Seems
Alice S. Keller
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Gems & Gemology mourns the loss of Vince Manson,
who passed away on July 3 following a year-long battle
with cancer. At the time of his death, at age 63, Dr.
Manson was an associate editor of Gems & Gemology (a
position he had held for 19 years) as well as
GIAs director of strategic planning. Most
recently, he was chairperson of the Third
International Gemological Symposium,
which was held in San Diego on June 2124.
Although Dr. Manson was not able to attend
the 1999 Symposium because of his illness,
he learned from his many visitors of the
overwhelming success of the event he had
spent three years planning. He originally
established the concept of the International
Gemological Symposium, and also chaired
the first and second Symposia in 1982 and
Vince Manson received his Bachelor of Science and
Masters degrees in geology from the University of
Witwatersrand in South Africa. He subsequently spent
two years at the De Beers Diamond Research Laboratory
in South Africa and six months doing geochemical
prospecting in Nova Scotia. In 1964, he earned his Ph.D.
in geology from Columbia University. For the next 12
Summer 1999
By Mary L. Johnson, Shane Elen, and Sam Muhlmeister
Criteria for distinguishing emerald filling substances were investigated. Thirty-nine fillers
were divided into six substance categories
three presumed natural (essential oils
[including cedarwood oil], other oils, waxes)
and three artificial resin (epoxy prepolymers, other prepolymers [including UV-setting
adhesives], polymers). Regardless of their
composition, fillers with R.I.s of 1.54 or above
show flash effects in emeralds. On the basis of
Raman and infrared spectroscopy, the fillers
could be separated into five spectral groups, A
through E. Most, but not all, commonly used
artificial resins have spectra distinct from that
of cedarwood oil. However, the detection of
one substance in a fissure does not imply that
all others are absent.
Summer 1999
Clarity Enhancement in Emeralds. Emeralds from
all sources generally contain fissures, and emerald
processing (e.g., mining, fashioning, and jewelry
manufacturing) can add fractures as well. The filling
of such surface-reaching features (hereafter called
fissures) to make them less visible has been practiced for centuries. The first description of oiling
of green gems (probably turquoise, but possibly
emeralds) was made by Pliny the Younger in about
55 AD. At least by the 14th century, reference was
being made to the oiling of emeralds in particular
(Nassau, 1994).
The first references to emerald treatments and
their detection in the gemological literature are
much more recent. Nassau (1994) cites the sixth edition of Liddicoats Handbook of Gem Identification
(1962) as the first gemology book to mention oiling,
although it was occasionally mentioned earlier in
Gems & Gemology (Crowningshield, 1958,
19601961; Benson, 1960). Subsequently, Gems &
Gemology published two comprehensive articles
describing some of the techniques and substances
used to clarity enhance emeralds (Ringsrud, 1983;
Kammerling et al., 1991). Hnni (1988) described
the detection of filled fissures.
Disclosure. We examined records from two major
auction houses, Christies and Sothebys, and found
that disclaimers regarding filling substances in
emeralds were first published in November 1992
(Sothebys, 1992a, 1992b) and November 1993
(Christies, 1993). The clarity enhancement of a par-
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Kammerling et al. (1991) and Johnson et al. (1998a),
as well as in several Gems & Gemology Gem Trade
Lab Notes (see, e.g., Fryer et al., 1984; Hurwit, 1989;
Kane, 1990; Kammerling, 1993; and Kammerling et
al., 1995). One distinguishing feature is the flash
effect seen with magnification in some filled emeralds, which is similar to that seen in fracture-filled
diamonds (Kammerling et al., 1994).
Two relatively recent technological advances
have made possible the characterization of specific
filling materials within gemstones. The first was
the development of a Raman spectrometer designed
for gemological use (the Renishaw laser Raman
microspectrometer; see, e.g., Hnni et al., 1996a).
The second was the adaptation of Fourier-transform
infrared (FTIR) reflectance spectroscopy to probe
within an emerald (see, e.g., Zecchini and Maitrallet, 1998).
In 1994, the Asian Institute of Gemmological
Sciences (AIGS; Bangkok, Thailand) was among the
first gemological laboratories to use a Raman
microspectrometer for gemological characterizations. The Raman spectra of Opticon 224 prepolymer and polymer, and several other fillers, were presented at an ICA-organized meeting in Bangkok in
1994 (K. Scarratt, pers. comm., 1999). Mr. Scarratt
currently offers filler identification services at the
AGTA Gemological Testing Center, in New York
The SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute has
been particularly open in sharing the criteria that
they use for filler identification (see, e.g., Hnni et
al., 1997; Hnni, 1998; SSEF Swiss Gemmological
Institute, 1998; Weldon, 1998b). The techniques
employed by SSEF include microscopy, observations of fluorescence, reflectance infrared spectrometry, and (since 1995) Raman microspectrometry.
Hnni et al. (1996a) described four substances that
are used to fill emeralds: cedarwood oil, an artificial
resin, universal oil, and a wax. Since 1988, SSEF
has examined at least 13 different artificial resins
(seven epoxy and other hardening resins, and six
UV-setting resins; Chalain et al., 1998).
Zecchini and Maitrallet (1998) have used
reflectance infrared spectroscopy to characterize
eight potential emerald-filling materials and two
related substances, both as loose materials and as
fillers in emeralds. This research team represents a
collaboration between the Universit de FrancheComt and the Service du Contrl des Diamants,
Pierres et Perles of the Paris Chamber of
R.I. = 1.500
R.I. = 1.517
R.I. = 1.531
R.I. = 1.550
R.I. = 1.570
Figure 2. These before-and-after photographs illustrate that the fissures in emeralds become less visible as the R.I. of the filling material increases.
Shown are fillers with R.I.s of 1.500, 1.517, 1.531,
1.550, and 1.570. The refractive indices of the five
emeralds ranged from 1.569 to 1.580. Photos by
Maha DeMaggio.
Summer 1999
Oil originally meant olive oil, which is not generally used in emeralds today. Its common meaning is
one of numerous unctuous combustible substances that are liquid or at least easily liquefiable
on warming, are soluble in ether but not in water,
and leave a greasy stain on paper or cloth
(Websters, 1987). However, oil means one thing to
petroleum chemists, who use it to refer to longchain hydrocarbons of a certain weight (e.g., paraffin oil); something else to cooks and nutritionists,
who use it to refer to triglycerides (e.g., olive oil,
sesame oil); and something else again to perfume
chemists, who use it to refer to essential oils (e.g.,
cedarwood oil, clove oil; see below).
Essential Oils. Some compoundssuch as cedarwood oilare essential oils. These compounds
Resin originally meant pine sap. Today, resin can
mean (at least) three different things: natural plant
exudates (i.e., saps), either hardened or unhardened;
hardened manufactured polymers; or the unhardened prepolymer building blocks that can be
used to make manufactured polymers (Websters,
1987; Stecher et al., 1968; Alger, 1989). Natural
resins can harden (polymerize) over time (e.g.,
amber, copal). The emerald filler Canada balsam is
generally considered a natural resin, and the essen-
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
we sought to establish categories of related materials (e.g., oil, resin). However, when we looked into
the definitions of these categories, we found ambiguity, both in the meanings attributed to specific
Summer 1999
Figure B-1. The five cedarwood oils we examined had slightly different infrared and Raman spectra.
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Summer 1999
TABLE 1. Description and gemological properties of the emerald-filling materials examined for this study.
Filler a
Source b
Used in
the trade? c
Clove oil
Long-wave UV
yellowish white
Moderate white
Weak yellowish
Weak yellowish
Very weak
yellowish green
Weak yellowish
Weak yellowish
Weak yellowish
Very weak
Very light
Very light
Short-wave UV
viscosity e
C, 11l
C, 12l
C, 11n
C, 12n
C, 11n
C, 12o
C, 11n
C, 12o
C, 11n
C, 12o
C, 11n
C, 12n
D, 11p
D, 12q
D, 11p
D, 12q
D, 11p
D, 12q
D, 11q
E, 12r
D, 11p
B, 11f
B, 12f
B, 11f
B, 12f
B, 11g
B, 11g
B, 12g
B, 11g
B, 12g
B, 11g
B, 12g
B, 11g
B, 12g
B, 11h
B, 12h
Clove stem
Cinnamon oil Sigma
Cinnamon oil Spectrum
Mineral oil
Colorless 1.478
Paraffin oil
Colorless 1.478
Colorless 1.449
greenish yellow
Very weak
greenish yellow
Colorless 1.479
Real Gems
yellowish green
yellowish green
Very weak
yellowish green
Weak yellowish
Colorless About
Mineral oil
Azeite de
Dende (palm
[tree] oil)
Castor oil
Joban oil
oil plus vegetable(?) dye
Paraffin wax
a Fillers
in boldface type have R.I.s greater than 1.54 and should show a flash effect; fillers in italics have R.I.s less than
1.500 and should not enhance clarity as effectively as others in the table.
b Sources: Baker (Mallinckrodt Baker Inc., Phillipsburg, NJ); Buehler (Buehler Ltd., Lake Bluff, IL); Centro Gemolgico (Centro
Gemolgico para la Investigacin de la Esmeralda, Bogot, Colombia); CIBA-GEIGY Corp., Hawthorn, NY; Conservators
Emporium, Reno, NV; Epo Tek (Epoxy Technology, Billerica, MA); Health Valley Co., New York City; Hughes
(Hughes Associates, Victoria, MN); Liquid Resins (Liquid Resins International Ltd., Olney, IL); Malavrio (Indstria de Productos
Alimentcios Malavrio Ltda., Proporinha, Brazil); Merck (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ); Negueruela (Antonio Negueruela S.A.,
Madrid, Spain); Norland (Norland Products Inc., New Brunswick, NJ); Real Gems (Real Gems Inc., New York City); Schroeder
J. Schroeder Pharm., Geneva, Switzerland); Shell (Shell Oil Co., Houston, TX); Shemen Tov (Shemen Tov Corp.,
West Orange, NJ); Sigma (Sigma Chemical Corp., St. Louis, MO); Spectrum Chemical Manufacturing Corp., Gardena, CA;
Treatment World (Treatment World Emerald Gemolgico Universal, Bogot, Colombia).
c N.R. = not reported.
d The R.I. of the filler increased (by about 0.03) on curing for the three cases we examined (Opticon 224, Epo Tek UVO114,
Norland type 65).
e Flows easily = flows like water; flows sluggishly = flows like honey. These were evaluated at room temperature (21.5C).
Summer 1999
TABLE 1 (contd). Description and gemological properties of the emerald-filling materials examined for this study.
Filler a
Epo Tek 314
Long-wave UV
Weak yellowish
Very weak
yellowish green
Very weak
yellowish green
Weak greenish
Weak yellowish
Weak yellowish
Weak yellowish
Weak yellowish
Weak yellowish
Very weak
yellowish green
Short-wave UV
Conservators N.R.
Epo Tek
Resin 224
Opticon Resin
Araldite 506
Araldite 502
Araldite 6005
Very light
Araldite 6010
Epon 828
Epo Tek
Very light
Epo Tek
Weak greenish
Strong blue
Very light
Very light
Strong bluewhite
Strong bluish
Strong light
Moderate blue
Epo Tek
Strong blue
Liquid Resin
(green cap
UV-setting Epo Tek
type 65
type 63
Super Tres
Resin 224
Norland Optical
Adhesive type
65 (cured)
Epo Tek
Epo Tek
Used in
the trade? c
Source b
viscosity e
C, 11m
C, 12m
B, lli
B/C, 12i
A, 11c
A, 12a
A, 11c
A, 12c
A, 11c
A, 12c
A, 11c
A, 12c
A, 11c
A, 12c h
A, 11c
A, 12c
A, 11c
A, 12c
A, 11c
A, 12c
A, 11b
A, 12b
C, 11o
C, 12p
A, 11c
A, 12a
C, 11j
C, 12j
C, 11j
C, 12j
Weak blue
A, 11e
A, 12e
grayish blue
light blue
A, 11e
A, 12e
A, 11d
A, 12d
Weak green
C, 11k
C, 12k
Moderate blue
A, 11a
A, 12d
Very weak
yellowish green
Strong yellow
Weak greenish
S.G. is reported relative to water: floatsS.G. less than 1.0; sinksS.G. greater than 1.0. Both Permasafe and Super Tres had hydrostatically measured S.G.s of 1.11.
groups as discussed in text; individual spectra shown in figures 11 and 12. None means that the sample was too
fluorescent to get a Raman spectrum with the 514.5 nm argon laser source.
h Plus two additional Raman peaks.
g Spectral
Summer 1999
TABLE 2. Emeralds clarity enhanced for R.I. tests of presumed natural and artificial fillers.
of filler a
Not notable
Not notable
Not notable
Microscopic features of
filled fissures in emerald
Fluorescence to longwave
UV in emerald
Raman spectrum of
filler in emerald
Not seen
Very weak yellowgreen in fissures
Very weak yellowgreen in fissures
Not seen
Very weak yellowgreen in fissures
Not seen
the emeralds for this experiment had R.I. values of 1.571 ( 0.002) to 1.577 ( 0.003).
Fluorescence. As indicated in table 1, not all cedarwood oils fluoresce and those that do fluoresce do
not all fluoresce alike. Similarly, although most
epoxy prepolymers fluoresced very weak yellowish
green to short-wave UV, or were inert, Araldite 502
fluoresced strong yellow and Epon 828 fluoresced
weak greenish yellow.
Summer 1999
TABLE 3. Properties of emeralds filled with cedarwood oilAraldite 6010 mixtures for spectroscopy.
Composition of the filler
Baker cedarwood
oil (%)
Color of the
loose filler
R.I. of the
Predicted R.I.
of the filler a
Light yellow
Light yellow
Very light
Very light
Flash effect in
stone? b
Unmixing of
fillers in bottle?
Weak blue
Weak blue
Very weak
orangy brown
Weak brown
darkfield, blue
IR result
(in emerald)
Raman result
(in emerald)
Cedarwood oil
(reference spectrum)
Cedarwood oil
Cedarwood oil
(reference spectrum)
Cedarwood oil
Cedarwood oil
Cedarwood oil
Cedarwood oil
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Features of both
Araldite 6010
Araldite 6010
Araldite 6010
(reference spectrum)
Araldite 6010
(reference spectrum)
R.I. predicted by: R.I. = [(% cedarwood oil) 1.517 + (% Araldite) 1.572] / 100. Where the measured R.I. and predicted R.I.
differ by more than 0.002, this indicates that the two components are not mixing ideally.
The emeralds in this test had the same refractive indices, 1.5711.578.
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
the presence of a flash effect. Because most materials that show flash effects in emeralds are artificial
resins, and the high-refractive-index essential oils
we examined are extremely volatile, it is likely that
an emerald showing this effect contains an artificial
resin. However, there are many artificial resins with
lower R.I. values, so the absence of a flash effect
does not mean that the substance should be considered natural. For instance, the early formulation of
Arthur GroomGematrat had a lower R.I. value
than other commonly used artificial resins, as evidenced by the greater prominence of the filled fissures and the lack of a flash effect (see, e.g., Johnson
et al., 1997).
Fluorescence. Most of the fillers we studied were
inert, or fluoresced very weak or weak yellow-togreen to long-wave UV. However, two of the five
cedarwood oils fluoresced moderate white or strong
yellowish white, and most of the cured (hardened)
polymers fluoresced strong white to blue, so strong
fluorescence in fissures may be useful for distinguishing cured and surface-hardened fillers from
liquid fillers. (Of course, one risks hardening the
UV-setting adhesives by exposing them to UV
radiation.) Recent formulations of Arthur
GroomGematrat are said to contain a fluorescent
tracer (Weldon, 1998a). We were not able to study
the Arthur GroomGematrat filler as an isolated
material; however, all five polymer samples we
examined fluoresced blue to bluish white to longwave UV, and all but the cured Norland Optical
Adhesive 65 fluoresced blue to short-wave UV
(again, see table 1).
Viscosity. All filling materials are liquid when they
are emplaced in emeralds, but some are hardened
once in the fissures (e.g., UV-setting adhesives), others are frequently surface hardened (Opticon:
Kammerling et al., 1991), and others slowly solidify
over time (e.g., Canada balsam: Kammerling et al.,
1991). It is also possible that certain internal characteristicssuch as gas bubbles, flow structures, and
incomplete filling of fracturesare related to the
viscosity of a filling material, but we have not tested this hypothesis.
Before the viscosity of a filler in an emerald can
be inferred, its presence must be established.
Johnson et al. (1998a), among others, have described
procedures for finding evidence of clarity enhancement in emeralds. Using a microscope at low magnification with reflected light will reveal the trace of
the fissure on the surface; switching to darkfield
illumination will show the extent of the fissure
inside the stone. Higher magnification is then used
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
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Summer 1999
Figure 13. The infrared and Raman spectra of mixtures of (Baker) cedarwood oil and Araldite 6010
show features characteristic of both; mixtures with much more of one filler than the other are hard
to distinguish from the pure compounds.
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
atic. At this time, we recommend the following procedure to identify individual fillers (or at least a substance category or spectral group): first, estimate the
fillers refractive index (based on the presence or
absence of a flash effect), and then obtain IR
and/or Raman data. Other properties, such as fluorescence, also may be useful.
New filling materials and mixtures will continue to be discovered or adapted from other branches
of science and technology. Competing factors make
it unlikely that one best filler exists, and filler development continues. Kammerling et al. concluded
their 1991 article with the comment: It would,
therefore, seem both inappropriate and misleading,
in describing a filled fracture, to use wording that
implies that the filling substance has been conclusively identified if in fact it has not. We must keep
these uncertainties in mind as we try to identify
specific substances.
However, the issue of filler identification is not
the only one that must be addressed to understand
fully the use of fillers in general, or of a specific filler
in a particular emerald. Key questions remain: What
is the effect of the degree of enhancement on an
emeralds appearance? How does the enhancement
change with time, normal wear, and other typical
events in the life of a piece of jewelry? Given these
questions, we are focusing on two main topics as
we continue our research: (1) determination of the
extent to which any particular emerald has been
clarity enhanced; and (2) durability testing of several
common emerald treatments.
Summer 1999
Alger M.S.M. (1989) Polymer Science Dictionary. Elsevier
Applied Science, London.
Benson L. (1960) Highlights at the Gem Trade Lab in Los
Angeles. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 36, 3031.
Bleumink E., Mitchell J.C., Nater J.P. (1973). Allergic contact dermatitis from cedar wood (Thuja plicata). British Journal of
Dermatology, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp. 499504.
Bower D.I., Maddams W.F. (1989) The Vibrational Spectroscopy
of Polymers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
England, 326 pp.
Brady G.S., Clauser H.R. (1986) Materials Handbook: An
Encyclopedia for Managers, Technical Professionals,
Purchasing and Production Managers, Technicians,
Supervisors, and Foremen, 12th ed. McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 1038 pp.
Chalain J.-P., Hnni H.A., Kiefert L. (1998) Dtermination des
substances de remplissage dans les meraudes. In D. Giard,
Ed., Lmeraude: Connaisances Actuelles et Prospectives.
Association Franaise de Gemmologie, Paris, pp. 107115.
(Translations where cited are by Mary Johnson.)
Christies (1993) Magnificent Jewels. Auction catalog for
Christies Geneva, November 16 and 18, 1993.
Christies (1997a) Magnificent Jewels. Auction catalog (in two
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
he Kalalani area in northeastern Tanzania hosts several primary deposits of sapphire and the largest primary deposit of pyrope-almandine in that country. In
19891990, two significant discoveries of reddish orange
(Umba padparadscha; see figure 1) and yellow-brown sapphires were made in desilicated pegmatites that cross-cut a
small serpentinite massif. In 1994, a primary deposit of tsavorite was discovered in the surrounding graphitic gneisses,
and two pieces of gem-quality tanzanite were found in alluvial sediments adjacent to the Kalalani serpentinite massif.
This article is based on field research by the senior
author, who acted as a consultant in the exploration and
mining of the sapphire deposits in 19891990, and also
mined the large pyrope-almandine deposit in 1994. The second author visited the Kalalani area in 1993, and provided
the laboratory data on the samples.
The Kalalani gem deposits are located approximately 100
km northwest of the town of Tanga, and 6 km (or 14 km by
dirt road) south of the Umba camp, at coordinates 4 34 S,
38 44 E (figure 2). This flat terrain is characterized by redbrown lateritic soil that is covered by thick bush vegetation
and grasslands. The mining area, called Vipigoni by locals,
lies about 5 km northwest of Kalalani village, from where it
can be accessed by a rough dirt road. During the rainy season (DecemberMarch), access to the area may be difficult.
Regional Geology. The gem-bearing districts of both the
Umba River and Kalalani areas are hosted by rocks of the
Usagaran System, a part of the Mozambique Belt. These
rocks underwent several episodes of metamorphism, plutonism, thrusting, and folding during the Late Proterozoic to
Early Paleozoic Pan-African orogenic event (Malisa and
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
involved in drilling, blasting, and operating a backhoe. The main pit (figure 3, location 11) measured
100 m 50 m 20 m, and followed a mineralized
zone that was concordant with the graphitic gneisses. A single lens found at 15 m depth produced
about 6 kg of predominantly light green tsavorite.
About 1% was gem quality (see, e.g., figure 13); the
remainder showed abundant white oval inclusions
and dark impurities. The faceted stones rarely
exceeded 2 ct. Official production figures are confidential, but local miners indicated that a total of
about 20 kg of tsavorite were recovered from the
Abdalah claim in 1994. The mine closed in 1995,
and we know of no further mining activity.
Following the discovery of tsavorite at Abdalah,
exploration was launched at the adjacent Ruvu
Gem and Maluki C. claims (figure 3, locations 12
and 13, respectively) with the help of a bulldozer
and backhoe. Many signs of primary tsavorite mineralization were detected, but none of these was of
economic interest.
Tanzanite. Miners recovered two pieces of gemquality tanzanite in 1994, while searching for garnet
and sapphire in the alluvium at the Kwendo N.
claims, about 1 km south of the Kalalani serpentinite (figure 3, location 14). The larger tanzanite was
deep blue as found, and weighed over 10 ct; it was
cut into two pieces and sold in Dar es Salaam.
News of the discovery brought hundreds of local
villagers into the area. The soil covering the naturally pitted bedrock was loosened by picks, commonly
to depths of 2 5 m, and shoveled into sieve boxes at
the surface. Limited mining of the alluvial deposits
has continued, but no more tanzanite has been
The gem material studied was collected by the
authors at the mines, and consisted of rough, polished rough, cabochons, and faceted samples of sapphire and garnet. The sapphires studied were: three
polished flattened crystals of reddish orange sapphire (0.46, 0.91, and 1.16 ct) from the Cham-Shama
claim; 10 cabochons (up to 10 ct each) and about
800 grams of rough yellow-brown sapphire from the
main pit of the Sumai claim; and four color-change
sapphire crystals (up to 5 cm long) in matrix from
the Ruvu Gem claim. About 1 kg of rough pyropealmandine and 12 faceted stones (up to 5 ct) from
Summer 1999
Figure 13. Tsavorite from the Kalalani area is typically light green, although material showing a range
of tone and saturation has been produced (shown
here, 1.193.94 ct). The tsavorite in the platinum
and diamond ring weighs 3.44 ct. Courtesy of
Varujan Arslanyan; photo GIA and Tino Hammid.
the Peter A. claim were available for the investigation. A parcel of rough containing seven polished
pieces of tsavorite (up to 1 gram each) from the
Abdalah claim was obtained later from P.
Pongtrakul of Dar es Salaam for examination.
Gemological testing was performed on all polished samples, except for five cabochons of yellowbrown sapphire which were not tested for R.I. and
S.G. Refractive indices were measured with a
German Schneider refractometer with a nearmonochromatic light source. Specific gravity was
determined hydrostatically (an average of three sets
of measurements). Fluorescence to ultraviolet radiation was observed in a darkened room using a shortand long-wave UV lamp. A polariscope was used to
observe the polarization behavior. Internal features
were examined using an immersion microscope and
a standard gemological microscope in conjunction
with brightfield, darkfield, and oblique fiber-optic
illumination, as well as polarizing filters.
The visible spectra of one reddish orange sapphire, one yellow-brown sapphire, and two pyropealmandine garnets were recorded using a PerkinElmer Lambda 9 spectrophotometer, in a range
from 350 nm to 800 nm. The chemical composition
of two polished reddish orange sapphires and three
faceted pyrope-almandines (five measurements each)
was determined quantitatively using a CAMEBAX
electron microprobe at Charles University of Prague.
Refractive index
Specific gravity
UV luminescence
Distinct reddish
orange to yellow
Lines at 700, 693,
557, and 490 nm;
bands at 450, 388,
and 376 nm
1.761.77 (spot)
Not determined
Weak yellow-brown
to yellow
Lines at 550, 453, and
421 nm
Isotropic irregular
plates oriented
parallel to the
basal plane
Brownish red
1.763 1.770
Bands at 571, 523,
508, 460, 425, and
366 nm
Not determined
Apatite, rutile,
microprobe analyses of two samples showed 0.9 wt.% Fe2O3 and 0.15 wt.% Cr2O3 ; other trace elements were below the detection limit.
Summer 1999
The mineralogical identification of some surfacereaching inclusions was made using an X-ray
diffractometer (DRON II) at Charles University.
The properties of the sapphires and garnets are
reported in table 1. None of the sapphires showed
evidence of heat treatment.
Corundum. The reddish orange Cham-Shama sapphire that we studied formed tabular crystals with
no pyramidal faces; only prism and basal pinacoid
faces were present. The dichroism was reddish
orange (parallel to the c-axis) and bright yellow. The
greatest range in the R.I. values was 1.768 and
1.777, yielding a birefringence of 0.009. The average
S.G. of the three samples was 3.98. Electron microprobe analyses showed the presence of 0.9 wt.%
Fe2O3 and 0.15 wt.% Cr2O3; other trace elements
were below the detection limit. The absorption
spectrum showed lines at 700, 693, and 557 nm;
bands at 450, 388, and 376 nm; and a fine line at 490
nm. The samples did not exhibit any fluorescence.
Microscopic observation revealed inclusions of very
small (up to 0.05 mm), pale, isotropic irregular plates,
oriented parallel to the basal plane {0001}. Their R.I.
was higher than that of corundum, as verified by the
Becke line. Some of these plates had an incomplete
hexagonal outline, and some had twin lines.
The yellow-brown sapphire crystals were opaque
to translucent, and tabular to rhombohedral. They
showed weak pleochroism, with a notable orange
tint seen parallel to the c-axis and yellow perpendicular to the c-axis. The R.I. values were 1.761.77
(spot method), and the S.G. varied from 4.00 to 4.05.
No fluorescence to UV radiation was observed. The
absorption spectrum showed two major lines at 550
and 453 nm, and a minor line at 421 nm. The samples contained many cracks and dark inclusions.
The most common inclusions were very thin redbrown and yellow-brown flakes (figure 14) oriented
parallel to the basal plane, which produced a schiller
effect in the samples. These flakes are probably
hematite, as seen by Hnni (1987) in Umba sapphire. Similar-appearing inclusions in some samples
were identified as vermiculite by X-ray diffraction
analysis. Some stones showed a network of rutile
needles oriented at 120 to one another. Also noted
were tiny zircon crystals and very rare fingerprints
consisting of two-phase inclusions (liquid and gas).
The samples of color-change sapphire were only
slightly translucent. They consisted of a hexagonal
Summer 1999
TABLE 2. Physical and chemical properties of pyropealmandine from the Peter A. claim.
Refractive index
Specific gravity
Oxides (wt.%)a
1.64 ct
1.28 ct
0.76 ct
39.23 0.99
0.06 0.01
22.20 0.55
21.66 0.37
0.80 0.02
38.12 1.36
22.73 0.40
23.90 0.18
0.64 0.05
39.63 0.72
23.53 0.27
19.05 0.24
0.81 0.08
Tsavorite. The tsavorite samples revealed R.I. values of 1.7371.740, and S.G.s of 3.633.65.
Moderate anomalous double refraction was seen
with the polariscope. The samples were inert to UV
radiation and appeared pink with the Chelsea filter.
Microscopic observation revealed planes of irregular
anisotropic white inclusions and negative crystallites, often in parallel rows. Several inclusions consisted of a flaky anisotropic substance together with
a small bubble. One sample contained an unusual
multiphase inclusion that was mostly filled by a
fluid in which floated a small bubble and three
isotropic crystals (cubes?); all of these were attached
Figure 18. Rarely, opaque black plates were
observed as inclusions in the Kalalani tsavorite;
they were probably graphite. This crystal measures 0.5 mm in diameter, and appears light colored due to reflections off its shiny surface.
Photomicrograph by J. Hyrsl; oblique brightfield
aFor each sample, the average of five analyses (by electron microprobe) is provided together with the standard deviation.
bna = not analyzed.
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
The Kalalani area has never been systematically
prospected, but there is some evidence that additional sapphire-rich pegmatites exist. Except for the
old Papas pits, mining generally has extended to
an average depth of only 57 m. Below this depth,
there is a high potential for the discovery of additional sapphires, and efforts should be made to
reach the deeper zones of abandoned deposits that
were formerly productive.
The remaining reserves of pyrope-almandine ore
at the Peter A. deposit may be roughly estimated at
up to 100 tons, to a depth of 25 m. Also, the abundant surface signs of primary tsavorite mineralization southwest of the Kalalani serpentinite should
be explored more thoroughly. In both cases, a large
Dirlam D.M., Misiorowski E.B., Tozer R., Stark K.B., Basset A.M.
(1992) Gem wealth of Tanzania. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 28,
No. 2, pp. 80102.
Gbelin E.J., Koivula J. (1986) Photoatlas of Inclusions in
Gemstones. ABC Edition, Zurich, Switzerland.
Hnni H.A. (1987) On corundum from Umba Valley, Tanzania.
Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 278284.
Hartley E.W., Moore W.R. (1965) Quarter Degree Sheet 91 and
110, Daluni (scale 1:125,000), Geological Survey of Tanzania,
Henn U., Bank H., Bank F.H. (1990) Red and orange corundum
(ruby and padparadscha) from Malawi. Journal of
Gemmology, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 8389.
Henn U., Milisenda C.C. (1997) Neue Edelsteinvorkommen in
Tansania: Die Region TunduruSongea. Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp.
Summer 1999
By Vladimir S. Balitsky, Taijin Lu, George R. Rossman, Irina B. Makhina,
Anatolii A. Marin, James E. Shigley, Shane Elen, and Boris A. Dorogovin
Gem-quality synthetic ametrine has been produced commercially in Russia since 1994, by
hydrothermal growth from alkaline solutions.
Faceted synthetic ametrine has many similarities to its natural counterpart from Bolivia. For
the most part, however, the synthetic ametrine
obtained for this study could be identified by a
combination of characteristics, including
growth features such as twinning and color
zoning. EDXRF chemical analyses revealed
higher concentrations of K, Mn, Fe, and Zn
than in natural ametrine. IR spectra of the synthetic citrine portions showed more intense
absorption in the 37002500 cm1 range compared to natural ametrine; the synthetic
amethyst zones showed a weak diagnostic
peak at 3543 cm 1 .
methyst is one of the most popular colored gemstones because of its color, availability, and
affordability. Citrine is less often encountered in
nature, although large quantities are produced by the heat
treatment of amethyst. In the 1970s a spectacular combination of amethyst and citrine, commonly referred to as
ametrine, became available (Hehar, 1980; Koivula, 1980;
Vargas and Vargas, 1980). Although there was early speculation (stimulated in part by observations of Nassau, 1981)
that such ametrine was synthetic or the effect was produced
by treatment, the source of natural, untreated ametrine was
eventually revealed to be the Anah mine in Bolivia (Jones,
1993; Vasconcelos et al., 1994). In fact, efforts were underway in Russia in 1977 to understand the fundamental mechanisms of synthesizing ametrine (Balitsky and Balitskaya,
1986). By 1994, the growth technology was successfully
established, and the first commercial batch (on the order of
100 kg) of synthetic ametrine crystals was produced.
Currently, a few kilograms per month of synthetic
ametrine crystals and polished slabs are being sold. Faceted
synthetic ametrine is also available (see, e.g., figure 1). Batch
capacity has now grown to more than 300 kg. If necessary to
meet demand, several tons of synthetic ametrine a year
could be produced by a single laboratory (the Russian
Research Institute for Material Synthesis [VNIISIMS] of the
Ministry of Geology of the Russian Federation, in
Alexandrov, Vladimir District). Most of the synthetic
ametrine is sold in Russia. Recently, however, synthetic
ametrine (of unknown origin) has appeared in the Bolivian
market (Rivero, 1999).
Although at least three morphological types of synthetic
ametrine crystals can be grown, this article reports on the
most abundant commercial type. The cause of color, growth
conditions, crystal morphology, gemological properties,
internal features, spectra, and chemical composition are
described, and key tests to separate this synthetic ametrine
from its natural counterpart are summarized.
Summer 1999
Synthetic quartz with the distinctive amethyst-citrine bi-coloration was first mentioned in the
Russian scientific literature in the late 1950s and
early 1960s. In particular, Tsinober and Chentsova
(1959) reported that, after X-ray irradiation, certain
crystals of brown synthetic quartz developed purple
(amethyst) coloring in the rhombohedral growth
sectors. This treatment phenomenon was revisited
in the course of research into synthetic brown
quartz and synthetic amethyst (e.g., Balakirev et al.,
1979; Balitsky, 1980; Balitsky and Lisitsina, 1981;
Nassau, 1981).
The first investigations aimed at producing synthetic ametrine on a commercial scale began in
1982 at the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of
the Russian Academy of Science (IEM RAS) in
Chernogolovka, Moscow District. These experiments investigated how physical, chemical, and
growth factors affected the capture and distribution
of color-causing iron impurities during the growth
of synthetic ametrine (as well as other iron-bearing
varieties of quartz; see Balitsky and Balitskaya,
1986). In 19931994, the research was transferred to
VNIISIMS, also near Moscow, although colleagues
at both institutions continued to collaborate. Later,
VNIISIMS organized a special company named
AMeT p N H (Ametrine) to market synthetic ametrine. Today, almost all synthetic ametrine is produced at VNIISIMS.
Iron Impurities in Colored Quartz. As previously
established by several researchers (e.g., Hutton,
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
The elongate, tabular crystals of synthetic ametrine
are first cut perpendicular to their length into several slabs (see, e.g., figures 4 and 5). A 200-mm-long
tabular crystal typically yields 20 slabs. The slabs
contain both amethyst- and citrine-colored portions, except for those cut from near the ends of the
crystals. Each slab yields about 810 faceted gems
with an average weight of 1015 ct (see, e.g., figure
5), although gems exceeding 50 ct can be cut. Some
of the faceted gems will be almost entirely purple or
yellow, depending on the portion of the slab from
which they were cut. Rectangular, cushion, and
oval shapes are most common.
Approximately 180 faceted stones are obtained
from a typical rough crystal, for an overall yield of
about 50%. No noticeable differences in physical
properties, such as brittleness and hardness, have
been reported for synthetic and natural ametrine
during cutting and polishing.
All of the synthetic ametrine samples included in
this study were grown on tabular ZX-cut seeds.
About 300 synthetic ametrine crystals (80 20
10 mm to 250 80 50 mm) and 150 faceted gems
(140 ct) were examined by the Russian authors and
their staff. The GIA and Caltech authors studied
seven crystals, six polished crystal fragments, and
10 faceted samples of synthetic ametrine. The
largest crystal studied at GIA measured 207.1
64.5 30.2 mm and weighed 1.1 kg. The faceted
samples examined at GIA were cut in oval and various fancy shapes, and ranged from 7.53 ct to 46.44
ct (figure 6). To explore the dependence of physical
and gemological properties on crystallographic orientation, we had 12 rough samples cut and polished
in specific orientations (e.g., parallel and perpendicular to the optic axis). The resulting slabs weighed
10.3065.80 ct and were studied by authors from all
three institutions.
In addition, the GIA and Caltech researchers
documented the gemological properties of the following samples of natural ametrine from the Anah
mine: seven crystals (5056 grams), three slabs cut
parallel to the optic axis (25.8848.55 ct), three slabs
Summer 1999
Figure 7. Natural ametrine was obtained for comparison with the synthetic material. The largest
faceted ametrine shown here weighs 21.93 ct.
Photo by Maha DeMaggio.
by the rhombohedral faces r {1011} and z {0111} (figure 8). In some crystals, both of these rhombohedra
are equally developed, so that the terminations
resemble hexagonal pyramids; a small, rough c
(0001) face is occasionally present (Vasconcelos et
Summer 1999
Figure 9. This schematic diagram illustrates a synthetic ametrine crystal that has been grown on a
ZX-cut seed. The crystal is elongated along the
seed (indicated here by dashed lines), and is
bounded by r, z, m, and +x faces. The +x faces are
not visible in this diagram, because they are located on the back of the crystal, behind the m faces.
crystals are best seen when the they are sliced parallel to the x and m faces (figure 10). As noted earlier,
the c sectors are synthetic citrine (orangy yellow to
moderate orange), and the r and z sectors are synthetic amethyst (moderate to strong purple). The
purple coloration is somewhat more intense in the r
sectors than the z sectors. The samples exhibited
moderate dichroism (violet purple to violet) in the
amethyst-colored portion, and very weak to weak
dichroism (orangy yellow to orange) in the citrinecolored portion.
In the synthetic ametrine samples we examined,
the synthetic citrine portions were often more
intensely colored than those in natural ametrine of
similar thickness (see, e.g., figure 1). In general, we
observed that the synthetic amethyst portions in
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
Figure 12. Brazil twins were observed only rarely in the amethyst portion of the faceted synthetic ametrines.
They were composed of polysynthetic twin lamellae (thin, straight parallel lamellae showing various interference colors), as shown in the 12.42 ct faceted synthetic amethyst on the left (photomicrograph by John I.
Koivula, magnified 15). In contrast, the Brazil twins in the amethyst portion of the 11.47 ct natural ametrine
in the center (photomicrograph by Taijin Lu) form complex curved patterns; the citrine portion is demarcated
by the untwinned area on the far left side of the stone. Although the twinning in these two examples appears
somewhat similar, the striated appearance of the twinning in the synthetic sample is diagnostic. Some natural
samples show distinctive curved classic Brazil twins that may be accompanied by the darker Brewster
fringes, as shown by the amethyst on the far right (photomicrograph by Shane McClure).
Summer 1999
Figure 14. Some differences were noted in the mid-infrared spectra of the natural and synthetic ametrine.
Compared to natural material, the synthetic citrine zones exhibit a more intense, broad absorption band in the
37002500 cm1 region (A); weak peaks at 3555 and 3528 cm1 were diagnostic features in one darker synthetic
citrine section (B). The spectra of the amethyst zones in both synthetic and natural ametrine are similar (C),
but a weak 3543 cm1 peak is usually seen in the synthetic material (D). The spectra are presented normalized
to 1.0 mm thickness.
Summer 1999
Summer 1999
tiple criteria, since some of the distinguishing characteristics may be absent, and some features overlap. Positive identification may not be possible in
all cases.
By 1994, the technology was available to produce
synthetic ametrine commercially. To date, several
hundred kilograms of this material have been grown
and are being distributed in the jewelry marketplace.
Although there are many similarities between
natural ametrine and the hydrothermal synthetic
ametrine grown in Russia that was examined for
this study, most faceted samples can be separated
by a combination of standard gemological methods,
especially by observation of internal features such
as color zoning and twinning. Advanced techniques
TABLE 1. Distinguishing properties of natural ametrine and the Russian synthetic ametrine obtained for this study.a
Crystal morphology
Color boundary
Growth and
color zoning
IR absorption
Trace elements
detected by EDXRF
materials share the following properties: R.I.nw=1.5401.541, ne=1.550; birefringence0.0090.010; S.G.2.65; UV fluorescenceInert to
both short- and long-wave UV; UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrumamethyst portion: bands at 270, 350, 540,and 930 nm; citrine portion: very strong
absorption at 400500 nm and weak lines at 540 and 930 nm.
Summer 1999
(infrared spectroscopy and EDXRF analysis) can provide further useful data for the separation of these
two materials. Note, however, that the diagnostic
features presented here are specific to ametrine and
are not necessarily applicable to either amethyst or
citrine in general.
It must also be noted that the technology of synthetic crystal growth is constantly evolving.
Prismatic synthetic ametrine crystals are now being
commercially produced, and these are very similar
in crystal morphology and color distribution to natural ametrine. It is, therefore, especially important
Balakirev V.G., Keivlenko E.Y., Nikolskaya L.V., Samoilovich
M.I., Khadzhi V.E., Tsinober L.I. (1979) Mineralogy and
Crystal Physics of Gem Varieties of Silica. Nedra Publishers,
Moscow. [in Russian].
Balitsky V.S. (1980) Synthetic amethyst: Its history, methods of
growing, morphology and peculiar features. Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.
Balitsky V.S., Khetchikov L.N., Dorogovin B.A. (1970) Some specific geochemical conditions of amethyst formation. In V.P.
Butusov, Ed., Trudy VNIISIMS, Synthesis and Experimental
Investigation, Vol. 13, Nedra Publishers, Moscow, pp. 7582
[in Russian].
Balitsky V.S., Lisitsina E.E. (1981) Synthetic Analogues and
Imitations of Natural Gemstones. Nedra Publishers, Moscow
[in Russian].
Balitsky V.S., Balitskaya O.V. (1986) The amethyst-citrine
dichromatism in quartz and its origin. Physics and Chemistry
of Minerals, Vol. 13, pp. 415421.
Brewster D. (1823) On circular polarization, as exhibited in the
optical structure of the amethyst, with remarks on the distribution of the coloring matter in that mineral. Transactions of
the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. 9, pp. 139152.
Crowningshield R., Hurlbut C., Fryer C.W. (1986) A simple procedure to separate natural from synthetic amethyst on the
basis of twinning. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp.
Garrels R.M., Christ C.L. (1965) Solutions, Minerals and
Equilibria. Freeman, Cooper & Co., San Francisco, CA, 450 pp.
Hehar W.C. (1980) The discovery of golden amethyst. Lapidary
Journal, Vol. 34, pp. 582583.
Hutton D.R. (1964) Paramagnetic resonance of Fe3+ in amethyst
and citrine quartz. Physics Letters, Vol. 4, pp. 310311.
Jones B. (1993) Is ametrine for real? Rock & Gem, Vol. 23, No. 9,
pp. 4652.
Summer 1999
ongratulations to the many readers from all over the world who demonstrated their dedication to education by participating in the 1999 Gems & Gemology Challenge, which tested their knowledge of articles
published in the 1998 volume year. Participants who earned a score of 75% or better will receive a GIA
Continuing Education certificate. Those who scored a perfect 100% are also listed below.
UNITED STATES Alabama Gadsden: Jerome Denson Thomas Arizona Fountain Hills: Hank T. wodynski. Oro
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McIntyre, Jana Miyahaara-Smith, Lynn L. Myers, Duncan L. Pay, Diane H. Saito, Laura Small, Abba R. Steinfeld, Ric
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RUSSIA Chernogolovka, Noginsk, Moscow Province: Vadim I.
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SPAIN Madrid: Maria Isabel Cerijo Hierro, Shahrazad
SCOTLAND Edinburgh: James W. M. Heatlie S
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SWEDEN Jarfalla: Thomas Larsson S
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Basel: Christina Dahlstroem. Geneva: Jean-Marie Duroc-Danner. Lucerne: Marisa Zachovay. Zollikon: Adrian
VIRGIN ISLANDS Christiansted: Karin Ann Exposito
Meister V
Answers (See page 61 of the Spring 1999 issue for the questions):
(1) b, (2) a, (3) d, (4) a, (5) c, (6) b, (7) c, (8) c, (9) d, (10) b, (11) c, (12) d, (13) a,
(14) c, (15) d, (16) a, (17) d, (18) b, (19) b, (20) a, (21) b, (22) c, (23) c, (24) b, (25) b
Summer 1999
A Rare Faceted Example
We seldom see rare-earth carbonates
fashioned as gems, for several reasons:
These minerals typically do not
occur in large transparent crystals,
they are usually brown, and they have
low hardness. Recently, staff members in the West Coast laboratory
examined an unusual 19.64 ct orangy
brown oval modified brilliant (figure
1), which the client represented as the
rare-earth carbonate bastnsite. The
following gemological properties were
determined by senior staff gemologist
Dino DeGhionno and staff gemologist
Phil Owens: diaphaneitytransparent; refractive indices1.722 and
greater than 1.81 (over the limits of
our standard refractometer); pleochroismlight and dark orangy brown;
optic characteruniaxial positive;
specific gravity (measured hydrostatically)5.16; inert to both long- and
short-wave UV radiation. These properties were consistent with those
Figure 2. A large negative crystal
was present in the bastnsite
shown in figure 1. Magnified 15.
Lab Notes
Summer 1999
Figure 7. Note the width variations within this single etch channel, which abruptly narrows and
turns back on itself, looping in
tight curves. Magnified 33.
mixture of blue and green fluorescence to strong visible light (transmission luminescence). These properties indicate two optical centers in
this diamondthe N3 and H3
which are composed of three nitrogen
atoms, and two nitrogen atoms with a
neutral vacancy, respectively (A. T.
Collins, Colour centres in diamond,
Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 18, No. 1,
1982, pp. 3775).
The diamond also showed medium-to-strong phantom graining, with
pale brown color along two sets of
graining planes; such colored graining
is believed to form from dislocations
between octahedral planes in the diamond (again, see the A. T. Collins reference given above). However, all colored diamonds contain some crystal
defects, and many show defect combinations similar to those observed in
this diamond, but relatively few show
any etch tubes. The presence of such
extensive etching suggests that the
original crystal (1) was full of dislocations and other weaknesses, and (2)
had an unusually prolonged exposure
to the caustic geologic fluids that can
chemically oxidize diamond.
The etch features in this diamond
formed in a number of interesting
shapes (see, e.g., figures 5 and 6), as
well as in a range of sizes (see, e.g., figure 7). They serve as a reminder of the
many differences between laser drill
holes and natural etch tubes or channels (see, e.g., M. L. Johnson et al.,
When a drill hole isnt, Rapaport
Lab Notes
Summer 1999
Figure 10. These two synthetic diamonds (0.59 and 0.63 ct) illustrate the range of color, from orangy yellow to greenish yellow, that
was displayed by a group of 18 synthetic diamonds submitted to
the laboratory at one time.
Lab Notes
Summer 1999
Lab Notes
Summer 1999
band, a 490 nm band, diffuse lines at
510 and 520 nm, and a 570580 nm
band. With magnification, we saw
indistinct white inclusions, pinpoint
inclusions (possibly gas bubbles), tiny
needles, and stringers (figure 13).
On the basis of the refractive
indices and strong pleochroism, in
particular, we suspected that the
material was synthetic forsterite,
Mg 2SiO4. An EDXRF analysis performed by GTL research associate
Sam Muhlmeister on the 6.15 ct
cushion mixed cut confirmed this
identification. EDXRF revealed major
amounts of magnesium and silicon,
and traces of cobalt, vanadium, and
iron, with the cobalt much more
prominent than the other trace elements. A Raman spectrum showed
strong orientation effects (i.e., spectra
Figure 13. The 6.15 ct synthetic
forsterite contained indistinct
white inclusions that resemble
dust particles, as well as pinpoints, tiny needles, and
stringers. Magnified 11.
Lab Notes
Summer 1999
Orangy Pink Padparadscha
A narrow range of pinkish orange to
orangy pink sapphires are commonly
referred to by the trade term padparadscha. Although such sapphires
have long been highly prized by collectors, the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory does not issue a report using
this trade description because of the
subjectivity of the term (see R.
Crowningshield, Padparadscha:
Whats in a name? Gems &
Gemology, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1983, pp.
30 36).
A client recently submitted the
approximately 9 ct slightly orangy
pink cushion mixed cut shown in figure 15 for identification and color
description. The client was disappointed that we could not verify if the
stone qualified for the term padparadscha, but agreed to an identification
report that would give an appropriate
color description.
The R.I.s of 1.761.77, uniaxial
optic character, and absorption spectrum (three lines in the red due to Cr,
and a doublet at 460470 nm) verified
that the stone was indeed corundum.
In most cases, we can easily determine whether a fancy-colored sapphire is natural or synthetic by the
internal features (e.g., the presence of
straight or curved color banding).
However, this attractive stone was
Figure 15. This approximately 9
ct orangy pink cushion mixed
cut, which might be called padparadscha by the trade, was
identified as a synthetic sapphire.
Lab Notes
Vincent Cracco took photos 5, 6, and 7. Maha
DeMaggio photographed figures 1, 8, 10, 11, 14,
and 15. John King provided figure 16. John
Koivula was the photographer for figures 2, 3, and
4. Shane McClure photographed figures 9, 12,
and 13.
Summer 1999
Gem News
Summer 1999
Gem News
Summer 1999
Gem News
Summer 1999
1970s. Although GE has not provided details of the process being used, many people have expressed their opinion that HPHT is involved (see, e.g., K. Schmetzer,
Behandlung natrlicher Diamanten zur Reduzierung
der Gelb- oder Braunsttigung (Treatment of natural
diamonds in order to reduce the yellow or brown color),
Goldschmiede Zeitung, Vol. 97, No. 5, May 1999, pp.
4748 [in German]), so it is clearly important to know
what the starting features of such treated diamonds are.
Mr. Yonelunas stated the belief that at least a portion
of the GE-processed diamonds will be recognizable
gemologically. In fact, a parcel of GE-processed diamonds
from which the inscriptions had been either partially or
completely removed had already been resubmitted to the
Gem Trade Laboratory, and the diamonds had been
noticed using archived data from the laboratorys HORIZON system. A GIA press release dated July 6 indicated
how such diamonds would be handled: The company
submitting the diamond will be asked to immediately
authorize re-inscription of that diamond. Should the
company choose otherwise, GIA would be obligated to
report this to the appropriate authorities, including the
Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC).
At the World Federation of Diamond Bourses meeting in Moscow in early July, a resolution was proposed
regarding the GE-processed diamonds. As quoted on the
Internet in Rapaport News (and, at our press time, scheduled to appear in the July 30 issue of the Rapaport
Diamond Report), the resolution states the following:
1. If a diamond has been treated or processed in order to
alter or enhance its color, other than by generally
accepted procedures of cutting and polishing, this fact
must be disclosed in writing when such a diamond is
offered for sale or submitted for certification.
2. The removal of a lasered inscription which identifies
a diamond as having been treated or processed as
above, shall be considered a deceptive process.
3. Any violation of Articles 1 or 2 above shall be regarded as fraudulent and shall be referred to the applicable
Bourse for disciplinary action as the Bourse sees fit.
4. If such a treated or processed diamond is sold without
disclosure in breach of the above rule, even in good
faith, the buyer shall be entitled to cancel the sale,
return the diamond and obtain a refund of the purchase price.
International Colored Gemstone Association Congress.
More than 20 countries were represented by 173 participants at ICAs eighth biennial Congress, which was held
in Abano Terme, Italy, May 1619. Dona Dirlam,
Director of GIAs Library and Information Center, provided the following report.
The keynote speaker was Rashmikant Durlabhji of
India, a founding organizer of ICA, who spoke on the role
of colored gemstones in the 21st century. He reminded
the audience that ICA is the only organization devoted to
Gem News
Summer 1999
a recent article (B. S. Wilson and W. Wight, Gem andradite garnet from Black Lake, Quebec, Canadian
Gemmologist, March 1999, pp. 18 19) and include: R.I.
of 1.880; S.G. of 3.833.94; no horsetail inclusions; and
low chromium content (less than 0.01 wt.% Cr2O3),
based on microprobe analysis of a sample for which the
color was not specified.
Figure 5. The Gate of the 2000 Gems, an artistic replica of the Lions Gate of the old city of Jerusalem, symbolizes the crossing from the second to the third millennium. Designed by Ninni Verga, it is made of gold, silver, and platinum and set with 2,000 colored gems
weighing 253.13 ct. The sculpture, which stands 36 cm
tall, has a 49 37 cm base. Photo courtesy of ICA.
Congress in 2001 in Sydney, Australia. The final location
will be decided later this year.
Dona Mary Dirlam, GIA
Andradite (including demantoid) from Canada. At the
1999 Tucson show, Brad Wilson, of the Kingston,
Ontario, office of Coast-to-Coast Rare Stones, showed
G&G senior editor Brendan Laurs a 5.8-mm-diameter
(0.78 ct) round brilliant andradite garnet that was reportedly from Black Lake, Quebec. Because the color was in
the yellow-to-green range, and possibly achieved the
green hue necessary to be called demantoid, Mr. Laurs
requested the loan of two additional pieces so that their
colors could be observed under more controlled conditions. These samples (figure 6) were examined with daylight-equivalent fluorescent lighting in a MacBeth Judge
II viewing environment. Using Munsell color chips as
comparators (see, e.g., J. M. King et al., Color grading of
colored diamonds in the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory,
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 30, No. 4, 1994, pp. 220242),
we found that one was yellowish green (green enough to
be demantoid), but the other was greenish yellow and so
not demantoid.
Limited quantities of this andradite were found in
1995 and April 1998 in an asbestos mine at Black Lake,
Quebec; this locality was described in the 1940s (J. D. H.
Donnay and C. Faessler, Trisoctahedral garnet from the
Black Lake region, Quebec, University of Toronto
Studies, Geological Series, No. 46, 1941, pp. 1924).
Although most of the stones cut thus far are smaller than
0.5 ct, larger ones have been faceted (e.g., 1.08, 1.38, and
2.74 ct). The properties of this material were reported in
Gem News
Trapiche cats-eye emeralds. Most gemologists and jewelers are familiar with trapiche emeralds and their sixspoke, wagon-wheel appearance. What is less well
known, however, is that the pie-shaped sections in some
of these emeralds may lend themselves to the fashioning
of chatoyant gems.
Chatoyancy in emeralds is typically the result of light
reflection from fine parallel growth tubes elongated in
the c-axis direction. Less commonly, the chatoyancy
results from the accidental parallel to subparallel bunching of fibrous mineral inclusions such as amphiboles.
Instead of being aligned parallel to the c-axis, as are
growth tubes, the fine bunching structure that produces chatoyancy in trapiche emeralds is oriented at 90
to the c-axis. This results in cats-eye cabochons with the
optic axis direction oriented through the dome (i.e., perpendicular to the girdle), rather than through the long
side, as would be the case in a cats-eye created by reflection from growth tubes.
Although fine-scale structure has been recognized as
a characteristic of trapiche emeralds for many years (see,
e.g., K. Nassau and K. A. Jackson, Trapiche emeralds
from Chivor and Muzo, Colombia, American
Mineralogist, Vol. 55, 1970, pp. 416427; Spring 1981
Gem Trade Lab Notes, pp. 4344), the Gem News editors could find no mention of chatoyancy in such gems.
At the 1999 Tucson show, however, Michael Gray of
Coast-to-Coast Rare Stones, Missoula, Montana, showed
Figure 6. The 0.39 ct pear shaped andradite garnet
from Black Lake, Quebec, Canada, is yellowish
green, and therefore the variety demantoid; the 0.34
ct oval from the same locality is greenish yellow,
and should be referred to simply as andradite.
Courtesy of Brad Wilson; photo by Maha DeMaggio.
Summer 1999
Gem News
Summer 1999
Figure 10. These natural pearls (4.55.0 mm) and polished shells (2.53.8 cm) are typical of Pinctada maculata, a small mollusk native to Penrhyn Lagoon in the
Cook Islands. Pearls courtesy of Bergman & Sons,
and shells courtesy of the Beachcomber, Rarotonga;
photo by Maha DeMaggio.
Twelve-rayed star sapphire from Madagascar. Star sapphires from northern Madagascar are frequently fashioned from crystals with colorless transparent cores that
Gem News
Summer 1999
Orangy pink
Purplish pink
Pinkish purple
Weight (ct)
Purple pink
Orange pink
Reddish orange
Purplish pink
Orangy pink
Reddish orange
Weak pink
Violetish blue
Greenish blue
1.760 1.768
Moderate to strong
Very weak orange
Weak red
Chalky, uneven,
mod. yellowish green
Ruby spectrum +
450 Fe line
Tiny transparent
near-colorless birefringent crystals,
stress haloes, lamellar
twinning, residues
in surface cavities
Color filter
Specific gravity
Refractive indices
UV fluorescence
Melted crystals,
discoid fractures,
cloud, fingerprints
Gem News
Summer 1999
Gem News section (pp. 133134). These similarities suggest that the gems may have been derived from a geologically similar source that existed while Madagascar was
still attached to the African continent (see, e.g., C. B.
Dissanayake and R. Chandrajith, Sri LankaMadagascar
Gondwana linkage: Evidence for a Pan-African mineral
belt, Journal of Geology, Vol. 107, 1999, pp. 223235,
which includes a map showing a possible reconstruction
of East Africa, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka).
Gem News
Summer 1999
Gem News
Summer 1999
Gem News
Summer 1999
Gem News
Figure 18. This 24.55 ct block of Kyocera polymerimpregnated synthetic fire opal, introduced at the
April 1998 Basel Fair, has properties that are significantly different from those of natural fire opal. The
block measures about 16.5 mm in maximum dimension. Photo by A. Cossard.
means) was about 1.8, which is low for natural gem-quality opal. The sample fluoresced strong yellow-orange to
long-wave UV radiation and very strong orangy yellow to
short-wave UV; the orange appearance of this luminescence might be influenced by the samples bodycolor.
The luminescence was evenly distributed (whereas some
natural opals have uneven luminescence) and was not
followed by phosphorescence (many natural and some
synthetic opals, including fire opals, do phosphoresce).
With magnification, many small fractures perpendicular to the top and bottom surfaces were visible; these
extended about 1 mm into the block. The resulting small
brownish patches (figure 19) on the top and bottom sur-
Summer 1999
Gem News
Pearl Branding: Utopia cultured pearls. One of the latest entries in the branding of gem materials is the
Utopia pearl. According to Claudio Pagani, international promotion manager for the South Sea Pearl
Consortium, each cultured pearl that is branded and marketed as a Utopia pearl has not been either treated or
polished, and is considered the finest-quality white
South Sea cultured pearl. In the patented system, a
minute (1 mm 1 mm) alphanumeric code (figure 21) is
placed on each pearl by a gold vaporization method.
Although a special sealant is laid over the code for protection, the customer can still remove the code without
damaging the nacre. All Utopia pearls are accompanied by a certificate that includes a digital photo as well
as the dimensions, weight, and form. To date, Mr. Pagani
reports, approximately 10,000 cultured pearls in virtually
all sizes have been branded Utopia pearls.
Noted U.S. designer Henry Dunay of New York is
creating a special jewelry collection of rings, pendants,
earrings, and bracelets fashioned from Utopia pearls.
This collection will be introduced nationwide at the
Neiman Marcus department stores this fall.
Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch Fair 99. This show will
be held from September 23 to 27 at the Hong Kong
Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Specialized
Figure 21. Magnification reveals the alphanumeric
code that has been placed on this Utopia pearl by a
gold vaporization method. Courtesy of Henry Dunay.
Summer 1999
Gem News
1. On page 19 of the Schmetzer and Peretti article
Some Diagnostic Features of Russian Hydrothermal
Synthetic Rubies and Sapphires, published in the
Spring 1999 issue, the photographer of the main
photo in figure 3 was Maha DeMaggio.
2. In the Spring 1999 Gem News entry Cats-eye
andradite from San Benito County, California, the
large cats-eye andradite in figure 4 (p. 48) and the
two orangy andradites in figure 5 (p. 49) were courtesy of Rick Kennedy.
Summer 1999
$500 to $999
All That Glitters
Ashland Press, Inc.
William E. Boyajian, G.G., C.G.
Carlsbad City Library
Constellation Colombian
Emerald Co.
Eddie Buscher, G.G.
Frances & Roger Drezek
The Golden Cache
Archie Henderson, G.G.
Henderson Jewelry
Institute of Experimental
Mr. Robert E. LaPrad
Mr. William F. Larson
William Lerner, III, G.G.
Pala International, Inc.
D. Poynter & Co., Inc.
Provockative Gems, Inc.
Mr. William C. Reiman
Ronald H. Ringsrud, G.G.
Mr. Till Schoeffel
Ms. Cri Cri Solak-Eastin
Thomas Hunn Co.
$100 to $499
Christopher Amo, G.G., F.G.A.
Antique Gas & Steam Engine
Mr. K. C. Bell
Under $100
Ms. Jo Anna Agle
Allerton Cushman & Co.
Boxlee - Applachian Gems &
Brundage Jewelers
Capalion Enterprises
The Charles Cecil Collection
Jo Ellen Cole, G.G., F.G.A.
Companhia Real Dc Metals
Mr. Vincent Dahlgren
Ms. Jan David
Del Time
Nun Durucu, G.G.
Exclusive Merchandisers, Inc.
Fine Jewelry, LLC
Gemming International Co.
Houston Imperial Crystals
Mr. Richard M. Knox
Mr. Nickolai B. Kuznetsov
Mr. Richard J. LaForge
Brendan Laurs, G.G.
Lawrence Welk Country Club
Mr. Donald B. Lee
Glen Lehrer, G.G.
MB Enterprises
Nebula Stone
Ms. Rene Newman
Ms. Susanne S. Patch
Pearl Museum
Mr. David L. Peterson
Mr. Bill Pinch
Charles R. Richmond Fine Gems
Howard Rubin, G.G.
Ms. Elizabeth Scherer
Jim Shigley, Ph.D.
Mr. Neil A. Sims
Dr. David R. Soller
Elisabeth Strack, G.G., F.G.A.
Tahiti Perles
Thai Lanka Trading Ltd.
Mr. Randy Thill
Daniel E. Weddle, G.G.
In its efforts to serve the gem and jewelry industry, GIA can use a wide variety of gifts. These include natural untreated and treated
stones, as well as synthetics and simulants, media resources for the Richard T. Liddicoat Library, and equipment and instruments for
ongoing research support. If you are interested in making a donation, and receiving tax deduction information, please call
(800) 421-7250, ext. 4155. From outside the U.S. call (760) 603-4155, fax (760) 603-4199. Every effort has been made to avoid
errors in this listing. If we have accidentally omitted or misprinted your name, please notify us at one of the above numbers.
Summer 1999
Book Reviews
Susan B. Johnson & Jana E. Miyahira-Smith, Editors
By Charles I. Carmona, 427 pp.,
illus., publ. by Gemania Publishing, Los Angeles, CA, 1998.
US$59.95* (softbound)
The Complete Handbook for Gemstone Weight Estimation is a compendium of formulas, tables, and
other pertinent data for estimating
the weight of mounted gemstones of
all sizes, shapes, and typesfrom the
mundane to the arcane.
The author has devised a clever
methodology for organizing and presenting his approach to weight estimation. He first assigned gemstones
into eight categories based on specific gravity. This premise allowed for
the presentation of voluminous
information in a relatively compact
set of tables that are conveniently
indexed by the 24 most common
shapes encountered in the trade
today. Weight calculation formulas
for an additional 48 less-common
shapes are also provided. These formulas, combined with the authors
explanation of applicable correction
factors, allow the reader to estimate
weights for even the most esoteric
gemstone shapes. Because diamond
cutting criteria and pearl shapes are
unique among gem materials, separate sections detail weight estimation information for diamonds and
The value of this handbook, however, extends far beyond a rote system of tables, charts, and formulas, as
the author provides special insight
into the effect of gemstone shape on
weight variations. His premise is that
gemstone shape is not limited to a
Book Reviews
7th Edition
By Robert Webster, revised by
E. Alan Jobbins, 240 pp., illus.,
publ. by N.A.G. Press, London,
The seventh edition of the Gemmologists Compendium continues
the excellent tradition of earlier editions by enabling quick and easy
access to a vast amount of valuable
gemstone data and information that
even the most experienced gemologist will appreciate.
The first part of the Compendium
is an extensive alphabetical glossary
of names and terms that covers several subject areas rarely offered in other
compilations, such as testing liquids
and plastic gem simulants. Minor
problems include the fact that some
minor, past, or non-gem localities are
listed, while other very important
current localities (e.g., Afghanistan
for spodumene and tourmaline) are
conspicuously absent. Also, the book
describes tourmaline species according to their color: Brown tourmaline
must be dravite, and green, blue, yellow-green, honey yellow, or palecolored tourmaline must be elbaite.
What about liddicoatite with its
palette of colors, or uvite in red and
In addition to standard tables such
as refractive index and specific
gravity, the second part of the
Compendium contains information
on such subjects as transparency of
gemstones to X-rays, liquids for
refractive index determination, and
the important current topics of gemstone treatment and disclosure. One
page covers country name changes.
The 32 color plates show microscopic features of various gems, as well as
timely illustrations of Russian
hydrothermal synthetic emerald,
heat-treated Mong Hsu ruby, diffusion-treated sapphire, heat-treated
Thai ruby, and fracture-filled diamonds. These are complimented by
old favorites such as byssolite in
demantoid and lily-pad inclusions
in peridot. Mr. Jobbins took many of
these excellent photos specifically for
this edition.
Summer 1999
By Mary Morrison, 158 pp., illus.,
publ. by Schiffer Books for
Collectors, Atglen, PA, 1998.
Ms. Morrison provides an intimate
journey into the pleasure of small
details that only a dedicated collector
of Christmas jewelry would notice.
Page after page of crisp photos cover
an unbelievable array of holiday
themes. On the surface it looks like
jumbled kitsch, but nine orderly chapters soon dispel that apprehension.
A chronicle of costume jewelrys
little-known history, which started
in the 1940s, provides unexpected
depth. The chapter on signed Christmas tree jewelry is particularly helpful, as it places these pieces in the
context of the early years, when costume jewelry was in its heyday. The
thumbnail biographical sketches of
major and minor manufacturers,
however, leave you wanting more.
The conversational tone, personal
notations, and observations within
the body of the explanatory paragraphs introduce the reader to characteristics that make these pieces collectible. Small details are given to
help differentiate a pieces time period and manufacturer. Unfortunately,
jewelry items in the photos are not
numbered to coordinate with the
text, which created minor frustration. A glossary of costume jewelry
terminology would be immensely
helpfulI still dont know what
japanned means.
The prices cited are, in the words
Book Reviews
By Jeffrey de Fourestier, 442 pp.,
illus., Special Publication 2 of The
Canadian Mineralogist, publ. by the
Mineralogical Association of
Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1999.
With this book, the author has succeeded in compiling a glossary of
undeniable utility for his intended
audience of private collectors, museum curators, researchers, and those in
the gem trade. The more than
35,000 entries include an eclectic mix
of synonyms, variety names, names
of discredited minerals, names for
synthetics, trade names, and morea
much-appreciated resource for those
of us who have had to deal with cryptic mineral or gem names that eluded
all of our deciphering efforts.
Entries are organized in alphabetical order. In most cases, the synonym
is linked to the currently accepted
mineral species name, occasionally
with brief modifying or explanatory
information. The author has made a
conscientious effort to follow the
nomenclature guidelines of the
Commission on New Minerals and
Mineral Names (CNMMN) of the
International Mineralogical Association (IMA). The book is well printed
and bound, and nicely (though sparingly) decorated with attractive
black-and-white drawings of miner-
Summer 1999
Developed by Anthony R. Kampf
and George Gerhold, produced by
The Gem & Mineral Council, Los
Angeles County Museum of Natural
History, Los Angeles, 1998.
The Photo-Atlas of Minerals is a
thoughtful, sophisticated product, in
CD-ROM format, that uses the capabilities of computer technology to
provide exciting features. To put the
Photo-Atlas in perspective, I spent
$40 on the Encyclopedia of Minerals
by W. L. Roberts, G. R. Rapp, Jr., and
J. Weber (Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York) when it was first published in 1974. It was an extravagance for a struggling graduate student, but I bought it for two reasons:
First, it had entries for 2,200 mineral
species, the most comprehensive reference then available. More importantly, the Encyclopedia was the first
standard reference in mineralogy to
be extensively illustrated in color,
with almost 1,000 color photographs
of an unusually wide variety of
species. Now, a generation later, The
Photo-Atlas of Minerals serves the
same purpose even better, and at a
much cheaper price.
The Photo-Atlas is easy and fun
to use. Clear instructions are provided, but they really are not needed.
The core of the product is 6,500 color
images of more than 800 mineral
species. Most of these are the work of
Wendell E. Wilson and Louis Perloff,
two of the very best mineral photographers. Some species, especially the
gem minerals, are represented by
dozens of illustrations. There are
occasional images of gemstones, as
Book Reviews
Gemological Institute of America
Carlsbad, California
Summer 1999
A. A. Levinson
University of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada
Troy Blodgett
GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, Carlsbad
Anne M. Blumer
Bloomington, Illinois
Peter R. Buerki
GIA Research, Carlsbad
Jo Ellen Cole
GIA Museum Services, Carlsbad
Maha DeMaggio
GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, Carlsbad
Michael Gray
Coast-to-Coast, Missoula, Montana
R. A. Howie
Royal Holloway, University of London
Mary L. Johnson
GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, Carlsbad
Jeff Lewis
San Diego, California
Margot McLaren
Richard T. Liddicoat Library, Carlsbad
Jana E. Miyahira-Smith
GIA Education, Carlsbad
Carol M. Stockton
Alexandria, Virginia
Rolf Tatje
Duisburg University, Germany
Sharon Wakefield
Northwest Gem Lab, Boise, Idaho
June York
GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, Carlsbad
Gemological Abstracts
This section is designed to provide as complete a record as practical of the recent literature on gems and gemology. Articles are
selected for abstracting solely at the discretion of the section editor and his reviewers, and space limitations may require that we
include only those articles that we feel will be of greatest interest
to our readership.
Requests for reprints of articles abstracted must be addressed to
the author or publisher of the original material.
The reviewer of each article is identified by his or her initials at the
end of each abstract. Guest reviewers are identified by their full
names. Opinions expressed in an abstract belong to the abstracter and in no way reflect the position of Gems & Gemology or GIA.
1999 Gemological Institute of America
Summer 1999
Gemological Abstracts
Summer 1999
modulations depend more on the partial pressure (fugacity) of the sulfur dioxide (i.e., SO2) gas phase than on the
temperature at the time of crystallization. In the experiments, the lazurite was transformed into complex sulfate
and oxide phases at high SO2. At low SO2, sodalite was
formed. The lazurite that formed at moderately high
SO2 showed a modulated structure. The blue lazurite
color is attributed to the fugacities of sulfur and hydrogen
gas phases during formation, as well as to the size of the
Is opal . . . ? S. Frazier and A. Frazier, Lapidary Journal,
Vol. 52, No. 5, August 1998, pp. 1625.
This article, which answers 12 commonly asked questions about opal, establishes the distinction between the
different types, including precious (has play-of-color),
common (lacks play-of-color), boulder (cut with matrix as
part of the gem), and fire (has a fiery body color). The
distinction between play-of-color (a flash of different colors) and opalescence (a milky body color) is explained.
The formation of fire opal requires an unusual combination of geologic conditions, hence the rarity of fine specimens, with the most valuable coming from Quertaro,
Mexico. Although Australia is the best-known source of
precious opal, gem-quality material is also found in
Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, the U.S. (Nevada, Idaho, and
Oregon), Canada (British Columbia), and Slovakia.
Particular attention is paid to Brazil as a source: Six types
of opal (precious, green, black, hyalite, greenish yellow
cats-eye, and fire) are mined there, though none in large
quantities. Historical aspects of opal, such as its appeal to
the Aztecs and Mayans, and practical aspects, such as
crazing of opal from some localities, also are noted.
Like other gemstones, opal has simulants (e.g., plastics introduced in the 1970s, which are easily detected). In
1964, John Slocum produced what is known as Slocum
Stone, a glass showing apparent play-of-color that imitates precious opal. It is harder, tougher, and much more
stable than natural opal. Pierre Gilson of France perfected
the manufacture of material marketed as (Gilson) synthetic opal. Today, synthetic opals are produced in Japan
and Russia.
Marketing high quality Chinese freshwater pearls. B.
Sheung, Jewellery News Asia, No. 169, September
1998, pp. 124, 126.
Of the companies that supply Chinese freshwater cultured pearls, a few now seek to upgrade the products
image by focusing on quality rather than quantity. By
concentrating on pearls that have been cultivated over a
longer time period and selecting only the largest, highest
quality specimens, these dealers are able to sell loose
pearls and strands at prices closer to those usually seen
for Akoya and South Sea cultured pearls.
Chinese freshwater cultured pearls can be as large as
15 mm, but the ones sold by high-end dealers typically
range from 9 to 11 mm. Among these are treated black
Gemological Abstracts
freshwater cultured pearls that offer an affordable alternative to natural-color Tahitian cultured pearls. Natural
colors in Chinese freshwater cultured pearls include
white, champagne, orange, and purple. The article
includes several company profiles; some Chinese freshwater cultured pearl processors in Hong Kong and Japan
focus on the favored pinkish tint rather than a bleached
yellowish white.
Doug Fiske
Mined in America: Five stones to watch (Part Two). D.
Yonick, American Jewelry Manufacturer, Vol. 43,
No. 12, December 1998, pp. 1819, 21.
Part two of this series focuses on Arizona Anthill garnet and Montana sapphire. (Part one, published in October 1998, featured Oregon sunstone, California benitoite,
and Utah red beryl.) Red pyrope garnet is mined from an
alluvial deposit on Navajo land in northeast Arizona,
with 90% of the material marketed by Tucker Gems of
Homedale, Idaho. The mine could produce about 1 million carats of rough a year. However, there is a limited
supply of cut material over 1 ct. Meanwhile, American
Gem Corp. (AGC) of Helena, Montana is expected to
achieve full-scale production of Montana blue and fancycolored sapphires from its alluvial deposits in southwestern Montana in 1999. Once plagued by financial difficulties, environmental liabilities, and internal problems, the
company restructured in 1997. By the end of 1998, AGC
had processed about 2 million carats of rough, which is
expected to yield approximately 200,000 carats of cut
Models of corundum origin from alkali basaltic terrains:
A reappraisal. F. L. Sutherland, P. W. O. Hoskin,
C. M. Fanning, and R. R. Coenraads, Contributions
to Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 133, 1998, pp.
Corundum from basalt fields, particularly in Australia
and Southeast Asia, has been the subject of numerous
geologic studies. Two types, magmatic and metamorphic, are recognized based on their trace-element characteristics, mineral inclusions, and likely geologic origin
within the earths crust and mantle. This paper is concerned only with magmatic corundum, designated as
BGY for the dominant blue, green, and yellow colors.
BGY corundum shows distinctive trace-element contents
(up to 0.04 wt.% Ga2O3 and low Cr/Ga and Ti/Ga ratios);
20 different primary mineral inclusions, including several reported here for the first time, have been identified
within them.
Detailed examination was made of the crystallization
characteristics (e.g., temperature of formation and intergrowth relationships) of several primary inclusions, particularly zircon, columbite, and feldspar. The authors
evaluated these data in light of the tectonic setting of the
deposits, and performed thermodynamic modeling of the
crystallization of igneous melts of various compositions,
to reach the following conclusion: The BGY corundum
Summer 1999
Gemological Abstracts
that has bright metallic inclusions of undetermined mineralogy (they may be pyrite). Worldwide, nephrite is
much more abundant than jadeite.
The history and uses of jade, and the differences
between nephrite and jadeite, are reviewed. Value factors
for the different colors and physical properties (e.g., ability to take a good polish) of both types of jade are noted,
along with the high esteem in which jade is held in Asia.
A brief market overview is presented for all major
nephrite and jadeite producing countries (China, Russia,
Canada, U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Guatemala, and
It is encouraging that in this age of ever-diminishing
deposits and reserves, a gem of such historical importance and renown continues to be discovered in exciting
new forms.
Of diamonds, dinosaurs and diastrophism: 150 million
years of landscape evolution in southern Africa.
T. C. Partridge, South African Journal of Geology,
Vol. 101, No. 3, September 1998, pp. 167184.
This article chronicles and interrelates the geomorphologic and geologic history of southern Africa starting with
the breakup of Gondwanaland 150 million years ago,
which led to the separation of Africa, South America,
Antarctica, Australia, and India. At that time, southern
Africa had a high elevation, but 13 km of the surface was
subsequently eroded. Also, from 150 million years ago to
the present, southern Africa has experienced extreme
and/or rapid climatic changes (ranging from desert to
tropical rainforest to grassland), fluctuations in sea level,
volcanism (including two episodes of diamondiferous
kimberlite emplacement at approximately 120 and 9060
million years ago), and the enormous meteorite impact at
the CretaceousTertiary boundary that caused major
extinctions of plant and animal life (most prominently
the dinosaurs). During this time, the major rivers in
southern Africa (Orange and Vaal) carried gem diamonds
from their kimberlite hosts in the central part of South
Africa to the sea.
Using details from all these geomorphic, geologic, climatic, and biological events, the continually changing
landscape of southern Africa is reconstructed. One aim of
this review is to explain and predict the locations of the
important secondary (alluvial, beach, marine) diamond
deposits of South Africa and Namibia.
Diamonds from kimberlite diatreme 50, Liaoning
Province, China: Microtextural, mineralogical, geochemical, and genetic characteristics. S. F. Vinokurov, A. I. Gorshkov, Y. N. Bao, I. D. Ryabchikov,
L. V. Bershov, and M. I. Lapina, Geochemistry
International, Vol. 36, No. 8, 1998, pp. 676683.
Diamonds from pipe 50 in Liaoning Province show several textural, mineralogical, and geochemical features
Summer 1999
Gemological Abstracts
Summer 1999
The problem of the diamond potential of the northwestern Russian Plate. A. A. Konstantinovskii and T. E.
Shcherbakova, Lithology and Mineral Resources,
Vol. 33, No. 3, 1998, pp. 226 234.
A potential new diamond-producing region has been
recognized in Russia. Located in the Latvian Saddle,
on the northwestern part of the Russian Plate, it is centered in the vicinity of Borovichi (about halfway
between St. Petersburg and Moscow). Although kimberlite pipes have not been located, a few octahedral diamonds and numerous kimberlite indicator minerals
mainly pyrope garnet, but also chrome spinel and
picroilmenitehave been found in alluvium and stream
sediments in the region.
The diamond indicator minerals have been traced to
two specific Devonian and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary formations (secondary sources), in which they
occur as accessory heavy minerals. These heavy minerals arrived at their present sites as a result of the weathering of a primary (presumably kimberlite) source that
has yet to be found. By plotting the distribution of the
indicator minerals in alluvium and in stream sediments
eroded from the sedimentary formations, and determining that these minerals did not travel far from either
their primary or secondary sources, geologists have
identified a relatively small potential kimberlite area
(the Borovichi Uplift). The favorable potential of this
area is confirmed by geophysical data (e.g., the earths
crust is thick in this area, and basement faulting is present) and geologic features (e.g., an Archean-age basement, regional folding, and local dome-shaped uplift).
Rare and unusual mineral inclusions in diamonds from
Mwadui, Tanzania. T. Stachel, J. W. Harris, and
G. P. Brey, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 132, No. 1, 1998, pp. 3447.
Diamonds form in the earths mantle and have a complex
history of crystallization. Mineral inclusions in diamonds
can give insight into the conditions under which the diamonds formed. One hundred diamonds from the Mwadui
mine in Tanzania were crushed, and 91 of these yielded
inclusions that were analyzed for geochemical data. Most
of the inclusions were minerals common in the upper
mantle, such as olivine, garnet, and pyroxenes. However,
rare mineral inclusions also were found, such as ilmenite
with an unusual chromium content, magnetite with a silicate exsolution phase, native iron, and dolomite.
The associations of minerals that formed under different conditions in the same diamond suggest to the
authors that strong and variable geochemical compositional gradients were present during diamond formation
at Mwadui. Different oxidation states of coexisting iron
minerals (magnetite, wstite, and native iron) imply that
the diamonds grew along oxidation boundaries. On the
basis of these data, the authors conclude that the Mwadui
Gemological Abstracts
Summer 1999
Arizona andradite debuts. Jewelers Circular Keystone,
Vol. 169, No. 12, December 1998, p. 28.
Fine-quality andradite garnet, including a limited amount
of demantoid, is being mined near San Carlos, Arizona.
The recently discovered deposits are located near the
well-known peridot mines; they are mined by hand, as
the gems are found near the surface. The andradite ranges
from golden yellow to greenish yellow to reddish brown.
Compared to the highly regarded Russian demantoid, the
Arizona material has lower saturation, attributed to its
lower chromium content, but also higher dispersion.
Similarly, the other colors of andradite from this locality
are not overly saturated and also are highly dispersive.
Thus far, the San Carlos production has yielded only
small faceted gems that have been used as side stones to
accent larger gems.
Gemological Abstracts
Summer 1999
Gemological Abstracts
hedral growth zones on a resorbed surface. Fine blue sapphires are produced with a medium to dark hue, but
greenish blue, yellow, and green varieties also are found;
color zoning down the c-axis is a prominent feature. Beryl
with emerald stripes perpendicular to the c-axis is
illustrated. Colorless (rarely blue) topaz occurs in alluvium derived from the granitic rocks of the area. Zircon
in yellow, brown, and pinkis derived from basalts and
often is encountered in the sapphire workings.
A note on Buttala and Okkampitiya gem fields in Sri
Lanka. R. Chandrajith, C. B. Dissanayake, and H. J.
Tobschall, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 47, No. 2, June 1998,
pp. 6976 (in English with German abstract).
The adjacent Buttala and Okkampitiya gem-producing
areas in southeastern Sri Lanka are relatively small and
have received little geologic or mineralogic attention.
Geologically, they are located near the boundary
between two metamorphic terrains, the HighlandSouthwest Complex (which contains most of the gem
deposits in Sri Lanka) and the Vijayan Complex. This
preliminary report indicates their present gem production and future potential.
Both areas produce a wide variety of fine-quality gems,
including blue, yellow, and pink sapphires, as well as
spinel, hessonite and other garnets, and tourmaline.
There is also some geuda (heat-treatable) sapphire. The
gems are mined from residual deposits that are characterized by layers of alternating sands, clays, and laterites
containing large boulders of marble. The authors note
that expansion of mining activities for such residual
deposits has increased the damage to forest reserves on
the island.
Philippine pearl report: The Philippines gathers strength
for 21st century. B. Sheung, Jewellery News Asia,
No. 169, September 1998, pp. 112122 passim.
Mastery of oyster hatchery techniques should allow
Philippine cultured pearl producers to increase their
annual volume from the present estimate of 100150 kan
to more than 200 kan by the year 2000 [1 kan = 1,000
momme; 1 momme = 3.75 grams]. Of the 23 pearl farms
in the Philippines, most of which are in Palawan
Province, 15 are of commercial scale. Neither the number
of farms nor the number of pearls cultivated is restricted
by the government.
The cultivation period for Philippine South Sea pearls
ranges from 18 to 24 months. Sizes range from 9 to 16
mm, with most falling between 10 and 12 mm. Colors
vary from silver, white, cream, champagne to golden
for pearls from white-lipped oysters, and blue to black
for pearls from black-lipped oysters.
A prominent pearl industry figure predicts that South
Sea cultured pearls, including those produced in the
Philippines, will play a major role in the jewelry scene in
the 21st century.
Doug Fiske
Summer 1999
Gemological Abstracts
Fabulous fakes. L. Grant, Antiques & Collecting, Vol.
103, No. 12, February 1999, pp. 38-43.
The use of fakes or costume jewelry as inexpensive alternatives to fine jewelry dates back to the ancient
Egyptians, who first coated glass beads to make them
resemble precious stones. Subsequent milestones include
the production of glass beads in Czechoslovakia in the
14th century and the advent of a clear glass known as
cristallo (crystal) in the 15th century, at a locality near
Venice. In 18th century France, George Stras developed a
high-quality lead glass known as paste or rhinestones, which he cut and set into spectacular jewelry
creations. Late in the 19th century, Swarovski produced
small brilliant-cut crystal stones of exceptional quality; the company remains the premier manufacturer of
crystal used by costume jewelers today. During the same
era, Ren Lalique created imaginative pieces using colored stones and a variety of unusual materials, including
The golden era of costume jewelry was between 1930
and 1970, with fashion designers such as Schiaparelli and
Coco Chanel developing their own styles. Whereas
Schiaparelli captured the market with unexpected and
humorous pieces (including earrings shaped like telephones and bracelets made with porcelain vegetables),
Chanels fashions reflected timelessness and elegance.
She broke all conventions by mixing real gem materials
with fake ones and made it acceptable to wear jewelry on
informal occasions. Today, Coco Chanels stylish designs
continue to look contemporary, and they are widely
sought by collectors. Other designers who have embraced
costume jewelry include Miriam Haskell, Cartier, Trifari,
Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, and Donna Karan.
While costume jewelry was first accepted in Europe, it
Summer 1999
Thermal and microchemical characterisations of CaSO4SiO2 investment materials for casting jewellery alloys. G. M. Ingo, G. Chiozzini, V. Faccenda,
E. Bemporad, and C. Riccucci, Thermochimica
Acta, Vol. 321, No. 1/2, 1998, pp. 175183.
The decomposition of calcium sulfate in the commonly
used calcium sulfate-silica (CaSO4-SiO2) investment (an
investment is a material, such as plaster of paris, that
is used in casting gold-based alloys in jewelry) method
can cause what is known as the gas porosity defect. This
defect, seen in gold alloy jewelry as tiny surface pores, can
reduce the value of the piece. The authors simulated
numerous temperature and atmosphere (e.g., air, argon)
casting conditions to assess the potential for CaSO4
The decomposition temperature of pure anhydrous
CaSO4 determined in this study ranged from 1240 to
1450C. In conjunction with silica, the decomposition
temperature was lowered to a range of 990 to 1260C.
The decomposition temperature is lowered further in
reducing or inert atmospheres, or with oxides of other
alloy metals, especially Cu2O and ZnO. Since the melting
Gemological Abstracts
Consumers seek gems that change colors. C. Fenelle,
National Jeweler, Vol. 42, No. 22, November 16,
1998, pp. 16, 18.
Color-change gemstones are experiencing an increase in
popularity, especially as color-change synthetics become
more available. The most popular are alexandrite, sapphire, and garnet. The most valuable color-change stones
are those in which the change is to a completely unrelated color, such as from red to blue or green, when
viewed with fluorescent (sun) versus incandescent light.
The attractiveness and saturation of each color are also
factors that should be considered. Many gemstones commonly show a slight difference in color when examined
under different lighting conditions, an effect known as
metamerism. Such stones have been labeled as colorshift, but they do not justify a premium over their regular gem counterparts.
Designing a successful business. M. Z. Epstein, American
Jewelry Manufacturer, Vol. 43, No. 6, June 1998,
pp. 4043, 4548.
Jewelry designers may get noticed for their artistic talent,
but their companies grow only when they combine artistic skills with financial planning and acumen. This article presents seven ways to turn a design shop into a successful business:
1. Be nice to people. The importance of interactions
with manufacturers, other designers, and retailers is often
underestimated. As much as their jewelry, it is the artists
themselves who are on display anywhere they meet other
professionals or the public.
2. Do your market research. Knowing what customers
want is critical. A large component of market research is
determining customer demographics. Such information
can help you choose the materials for designs, and possibly the way you design.
3. Pinpoint profitable price points. Jewelry has to be
sold at a profit, which means that the pricing must be correct. This requires accurate knowledge of material, manufacturing, and overhead costs. The suggested retail selling price of custom jewelry is 1.52.5 times total costs;
for designer jewelry, the factor is 2.2 3.0.
4. Give your jewelry wow power. Educating retailers
to be enthusiastic about your jewelry is necessary to
increase sales. This is accomplished in several ways, such
as using a combination of rare stones in designs, or creating pieces with cultural significance.
5. Build a cohesive image. Name recognition is crucial
for developing a cohesive image. Press releases are a good
first step. Establishing a working relationship with editors of trade and consumer publications, attending trade
Summer 1999
shows, and using direct mail for niche markets are three
more ways to build an image.
6. Hire and keep good employees. Hiring the best people, treating them well, and giving them the skills they
need (whether it be order filling or selling) will be profitable in the long term.
7. Develop a business plan. Financial consultants can be
of great value in assisting with a business plan. There is
no substitute for professional advice from someone experienced in business, especially your business.
Lorrie Ames
Fixed flaws. D. A. Yonick, American Jewelry Manufacturer, Vol. 43, No. 9, September 1998, pp. 6269,
71, 73.
Todays gemstone treatments enhance clarity, increase
durability, reduce porosity, improve and stabilize color,
and produce colors not found in nature. There is nothing
wrong with using treatments to improve on or fix what
nature has produced, provided consumers are advised of
the enhancements and their stability/durability characteristics. This article admonishes jewelry manufacturers
to require full disclosure of treatments from their suppliers and to pass this information along to retailers, who
ultimately inform the consumers.
To help the manufacturer understand the most common treatments being used today, this article explains
the following terms: heat treatment, irradiation, diffusion
treatment, fracture filling, infilling, stabilization, oiling,
impregnation, infusion, lasering, bleaching, dyeing, and
coating. Examples of each process are given, along with
the gemstones that are likely to be enhanced by that
process, the improvement that usually results, and the
stability or durability of each enhancement.
Technology and the retail jeweller. J. Lawrence, Diamond
International, No. 55, September/October 1998,
pp. 6768.
Many consumers are confused by the subtle differences in
the 4Cs that affect the price of diamonds. To explain
these differences and instill confidence in the jewelers
explanations, affordable instrumentation is readily available to jewelers. In the hands of trained staff, these instruments are very effective.
The microscope is the essential instrument, and
recently it has become especially important for reading
laser-inscribed certificate numbers. A TV camera attachment enables the retailer to explain clarity, at least in
qualitative terms. Effective for unmounted stones are TV
image processing systems, such as the Brilliant-Eye
produced by Sarin, which measure the proportions of a
polished stone and compute its weight to within 0.01 ct
(1 pt). Some of them also have the ability to print a customized certificate with a proposed cut grade. Color also
can be graded by attaching a colorimeter to a port on some
proportion machines. It is reported that such systems are
selling at a rate of more than one a day in the U.S.
Gemological Abstracts
A sterling moment for silver. C. Soucy, National Jeweler,
Vol. 42, No. 13, July 1, 1998, pp. 28, 30, 3233.
The growing popularity of white metals has stimulated
the sales of platinum, white gold, and sterling silver. Sixty
million pieces of silver jewelry were sold in 1997. A longtime favorite in boutiques and fashion-oriented retail
stores, sterling silver jewelry now appears alongside platinum and gold jewelry at the high-end jewelry stores.
Lower-priced pieces targeted to the teen market are also
selling well. The hottest item in white metals is neckwearespecially chokersfollowed by earrings, rings,
and bracelets. Silver is easily worked into intricate filigree
and cut-out designs, and it offers the option of using its
oxidation characteristics in the creation of designs.
Because it is lighter than platinum or gold, larger pieces
can be designed (especially earrings), without the added
Summer 1999
cence is less intense to short-wave UV. Colorless netlike inclusions are reported. The synthetic rubies have
R.I. values of 1.7591.769, and an S.G. of 4.01. They are
incorporated into gold rings, pendants, earrings, and
Growth conditions and real structure of synthetic diamond crystals. Y. N. Palyanov, A. F. Khokhryakov,
Y. M. Borzdov, A. G. Sokol, V. A. Gusev, G. M.
Rylov, and N. V. Sobolev, Russian Geology and
Geophysics, Vol. 38, No. 5, 1997, pp. 920945.
This comprehensive article describes the growth of synthetic diamond crystals at the Institute of Mineralogy and
Petrography in Novosibirsk, Russia. The authors are leading researchers in the area of diamond synthesis at high
temperatures and pressures using the multianvil apparatus (also known as the split sphere or BARS apparatus). Synthetic diamond crystals have been produced at
this institute since the early 1990s.
The article begins with a review of the ways to grow
single-crystal synthetic diamonds, and explains details of
the growth of crystals from a molten metal alloy flux by
the temperature-gradient method. The types of inclusions and other kinds of growth defects, as well as the
crystal shapes and surface features of these synthetic diamonds, are described and photographically documented.
Last, the article reviews the physical conditions under
which the various diamond types (e.g., type Ib, type IIa,
etc.) are produced. An extensive reference list is provided.
James E. Shigley
Behandlung natrlicher Diamanten zur Reduzierung der
Gelb- oder Braunsttigung (Treatment of natural
diamonds in order to reduce the yellow or brown
color saturation). K. Schmetzer, Goldschmiede
Zeitung, Vol. 97, No. 5, May 1999, pp. 4748 [in
This brief article, written for a German trade journal,
identifies nine patents that involve changing the color of
diamond. These U.S. patents (4,124,690; 4,174,380;
4,399,364; 5,523,071), as well as German (2 732 793),
European (0 014 528; 0 638 670; 0 668 377), and Japanese
(63-291895) published patent applications, all available
publicly, are from the period 19781996, and involve
research work on both natural and synthetic diamonds.
They were filed by General Electric Company, De Beers
Industrial Diamond Division (Pty.) Ltd., and Sumitomo
Electric Industries Ltd. The General Electric patents
describe treatments at high pressure and high temperature, whereas the De Beers and the Sumitomo patents
describe two-step treatment processes: (1) irradiation and
(2) high-pressure and high-temperature annealing. The
experimental conditions outlined in these documents
show that atomically dispersed nitrogen atoms (i.e., type
Ib) are forced to migrate and form clusters or aggregates
Gemological Abstracts
(i.e., type Ia), thereby reducing the influence of the colorcausing (yellow or brownish yellow) type Ib nitrogen
atoms. Although other decoloration mechanisms (e.g., for
brown diamonds) are imaginable, they are not discussed
in these patent documents.
This article is a response to the recent announcement
by Lazare Kaplan International Inc. of a new General
Electric process that improves the appearance of certain (presumably brown) natural diamonds. This
announcement, along with uncertainties regarding the
identification and disclosure of GE-processed diamonds,
have produced great concerns in the jewelry trade. While
GE has not revealed the details of their process, the
patents cited here suggest that various kinds of color
change can be produced by treating natural diamonds at
high temperatures and pressures.
James E. Shigley
Belgium diamond report: Enhancing low quality coloured
diamonds. Jewellery News Asia, No. 169, September 1998, pp. 320, 322.
Russian scientists are using BARS-autoclave technology
to enhance the color of low-quality, fancy-color diamonds. The treatment involves hyperbaric heating (i.e.,
at pressures high enough to prevent conversion from diamond to graphite). The effect of the heating on color
depends on two factors: the original color of the diamond
and the duration of treatment, which determines the
number of former color centers that are destroyed and
replaced by new ones.
Characteristics of these treated fancy-colored diamonds include: a greenish overcast effect visible in daylight; a strong green fluorescence related to growth lines;
color zoning; greenish, yellowish, or brownish body color;
prominent graining; cracks and cleavages at the rim of the
table and around the girdle; and corrosion marks, particularly around the girdle. Photos of treated diamonds
showing many of these characteristics are provided.
Ein neuer Typ farbbehandelter Diamanten (A new type of
colour-treated diamonds). U. Henn and C. C. Milisenda, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen
Gesellschaft, Vol. 48, No. 1, 1999, pp. 43-45 [in
German with English abstract].
A new type of color-treated greenish yellow to brownish
yellow fancy-color diamond, with a saturated yellow
body color and a strong green fluorescence partly related
to growth lines, is described. Other identifying features
seen under magnification include strong graining, fine
cracks and cleavages under the table and at the girdle, as
well as burn marks. The absorption spectrum shows lines
at 415, 495, 503, and 985 nm, and a broad band between
450 and 500 nm; this spectrum is distinctly different
from natural colored or irradiated diamonds of these colors. An important feature of these heat-treated diamonds
is their fluorescence to long-wave ultraviolet radiation.
Natural-color greenish yellow diamonds have a chalky
Summer 1999
Gemological Abstracts
Reach for the sky. M. Z. Epstein, American Jewelry
Manufacturer, Vol. 43, No. 10, October 1998, pp.
Jewelry manufacturers, like other workers subject to
repetitive stress injuries, are aggressively taking steps to
apply the science of ergonomics (the study of human abilities and characteristics) to eliminate workplace injuries.
This article describes nine steps to improve the ergonomic efficiency of the jewelry manufacturing environment,
where there is high risk for repetitive stress injuries:
acknowledge the problem(s), evaluate work positions,
analyze tool design, improve workspace layout, check
environmental conditions, develop ergonomic solutions,
train workers in safety, perform ergonomic checkups and,
if necessary, seek out ergonomics experts. Companies
that have taken proactive measures have benefited from
fewer injuries and illnesses. For instance, one company
found that simply providing employees with $5 wrist
supports reduced the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome. A list of body parts and the repetitive motions
that can injure them is included.
The right image. G. Dawson, American Jewelry
Manufacturer, Vol. 43, No. 5, May 1998, pp. 9296.
Photographing jewelry and gemstones is especially difficult because of their highly reflective surfaces and the
problems associated with capturing subtle colors. To overcome these challenges, the author (a goldsmith-photographer) has developed several photographic techniques. He
recommends using interchangeable lenses and a camera
body that allows complete manual operation. A long
macro lens permits a greater working distance, which is
useful in avoiding reflections from metals or gemstones. A
diffusion tent can also be helpful in this regard. Another
suggestion is to use an off-camera flash with a warming
filter to bring out the richness of gold. A light meter is
essential, and several exposures bracketing the meter reading in half-stop increments should be taken. A multitude
of shots of the same object, with subtle variations in lighting or angle, is recommended for important pieces. MD
Summer 1999