Importance of Algebra in Psychology

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Social science needs to use basic math and algebra. Psychology breathes statistics
and the manipulations needed to solve problems in statistics are algebraic. You will need
college algebra in Psychology fields. That is a prerequisite for Statistics and Psychological
Statistics. Without college algebra, you won't be able understand statistics.
Math shows a large role in psychology. Psychology is the scientific study of the
relationships between mental processes, emotions, and behavior. Mathematics and psychology
are linked in three major ways. First, psychologists study mathematical cognition, i.e., the
brain's development, acquisition, and application of mathematical skills. Second, psychologists
investigate people's feelings and attitudes regarding mathematics. Third, psychologists use
mathematics, particularly statistics, as a professional tool to quantify and analyze their scientific
findings. Many psychological tests are interpreted as number such as percentiles, averages,
median, and means. If you've ever heard a statement claiming results are accurate within plus
or minus a certain number, that accuracy has been computed using probability and statistics. IQ
is measured mathematically, as well as child development and learning in humans and some
animals. Math is an integral part of psychological research and experimentation. Psychologists
is working in the field of mathematical cognition, it study how the humans process information,
interpret mathematical symbols, and develop and uses strategies to solve mathematical
problems. For example, these skills are particularly important for so-called "word" problems,
where written descriptions must be translated into equations. I will sight a situation wherein
algebra and human behavior is correlated. My rooms wall needs scraping and painting, and Im
pretty sure I can do the whole job in six hours. My friend Ed had experienced in painter; he
wants me to hire him. He promises he can have a new coat of paint on the room in four hours.
Im tempted, but Im wondering? What if Eds painter and I work together? If he does the trim
and other detail work, and I do the easy brushing, we should be able to wrap up this job by
noon, easy. But how long will it take, exactly? This is what, in algebra, we call a word problem.
they seemed connected to natural situations that actually occur in real life. Walls do need
painting, and room owners may indeed want to make everyday calculations like this one. Such
problems are also appealing because they are expressed in natural language, with familiar
linguistic sentence structure, rather than abstract symbols. In fact, I read an article that one
influential psychological theory holds that everyday language and algebra share a common
cognitive foundationand may actually be processed in the same part of the brain. According
to a Psychological scientist Martin Monti of UCLA, The reigning theory of human thinking
argues not only that algebra and language share a neurological foundation, but that
mathematical reasoning co-opted the evolved machinery of language for non-linguistic tasks.
Indeed, Algebra has a relevant factor in our studies. There are significant reasons why
Algebra matters so much in life. The mind develops new ways of thinking through the process of
learning algebra. It helps us understand and make sense of patterns in life. As student, without
the knowledge of Algebra, I will not be able to understand the things being discussed not only
psychology but also in chemistry, physics, the earth science, philosophy, business, and many
other areas.

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