Does The Complete Living Food Remain A Mystery? February 1, 2012
Does The Complete Living Food Remain A Mystery? February 1, 2012
Does The Complete Living Food Remain A Mystery? February 1, 2012
February 1, 2012
I hoped this title might direct our attention and thoughts as we continue to examine
Christs words concerning His beingbeing our true food.
There is a growing awareness in this nation that eating rightly demands the eating of
whole, living foods. Raw organic vegetables, grains, fish, and meats can supply our
bodies with the necessary nutrients needed for growth and health. However, overprocessed, over-cooked, canned, packaged, and additive filled foods do not fully supply
to us what is needed. Much more can be added concerning this, but our real focus is
the spiritual, and we are using these natural things to point to a spiritual reality.
Again, we look at John 6:53-58 even more carefully so that Christs words concerning
Himself may be better understood. Here He declares Himself to be true food, and as we
look more closely at His proclamation, He states that the one who eats His flesh has
eternal life. In verse 51, He proclaims Himself to be the living bread that came out of
the heavens. Thus we see Him as the complete living bread, or every word that
proceeds out of Gods mouth, which gives true eternal life to all who will eat of Him.
Eternal life is the giving to us of Him who is life eternal.
Now, this is the positive side of His words, but the negative side of these matters must
also be realized, because what we eat determines the life that is within. It is either
natural, created life, or the eternal life of the Lamb.
There is food which actually gives little or no spiritual health benefits. In fact there are
health dangers in many or most of these foods. Canned food represents what is not
living, not fresh, but what can be contaminated by its container and is lifeless due to the
processing. Thus we see the distinction between giving to others the living one Himself
or Christian food filled with tradition, fillers, filters and lifeless truths that carry no
transformational benefits. We must eat the living One in order to be living by His life,
and we must offer others the same living One if they are to experience and know Him
as New life.
Weve been given the living heavenly manna, the whole loaf, the eternal complete
Lamb, therefore let us come and dine of Him and invite all the others to this feast. If we
are not experiencing full, vibrant, joyful life, let us now begin to dine on and with Him. He
is the One cure for all spiritual deficiencies. This may seem over-stated, yet if we taste,
we will discover that the Lamb is just what the doctor has ordered. A balanced diet is
the eating of the whole Lamb of God, not the Lamb mixed with traditions, doctrines,
theology, and fables. Yes, there is sound biblical doctrine, and it absolutely is the
person of Christ, the Son of the living God for He is the Truth!
Terry Bennett
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The scriptures are given as a testimony to and of the One, (John 5:39-40), and must be
understood as such. This demands the Holy Spirits revealing of the person who is the
living word who preceded this written testimony. May the Holy Spirit, through the
scriptures and by the beholding and eating of Him, direct our hearts and focus out of the
land of type and shadows and into our promised land, life, and dwelling place, the being
in Christ. May the mystery be replaced by veils being removed and the Lamb being
revealed in us as believers. And may we forever eat of Him who is fullness as our
John 6:26-27
Jesus answered them and said, Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not
because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled. Do
not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal
life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set
His seal.
Terry Bennett
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