Elements of Economic Analysis I: Problem Set 1: 1 True or False
Elements of Economic Analysis I: Problem Set 1: 1 True or False
Elements of Economic Analysis I: Problem Set 1: 1 True or False
Santiago Caicedo
Pablo Robles
Quiz on Monday October 5th
We encourage you to work in groups to solve all the problem set. First try them on your own, then discuss
your answers with others. The quiz will be a subset of these questions (randomly chosen at the beginning
of every TA session).
True or False
q d = a bp
q s = c + dp,
1. Use the demand q d (p) and supply q s (p) functions to solve for the equilibrium price p and quantity
q .
2. Calculate the inverse demand pd (q) and inverse supply function ps (q).
3. Calculate the equilibrium price p and the equilibrium quantity q . Show that they are the same as
the ones you calculated before.
4. Plot the inverse demand function and the inverse supply function in a graph with p on the y-axis and
q on the x-axis.
I. Elasticity and comparative statics
and the elasticity of supply s =
1. Calculate the elasticity of demand d = dq
dp q
for different values of p and q? What happens to d when q 0?
dq s p
dp q
2. Suppose that scientists discover that apples are good for your health and the demand for apples doubles
(for a given price there is twice more demand). Which is the new demand function q d (p)? What is the
new equilibrium? Plot the new and the old inverse demand and supply functions showing the change
in equilibrium.
II. Taxes
1. Suppose a quantity tax (a tax levied per unit of quantity bought or sold) of t > 0 dollars per apple.
Suppose that the tax is imposed to the suppliers such that pd = ps + t. Show that the equilibrium
demand price is pd = ac+dt
and supply price ps = acbt
using the market equilibrium equation
d d
s s
q (p ) = q (p ).
2. Show that the equilibrium quantity with tax is qt = c + d acbt
3. Would it make any difference if the tax is charged to consumers instead of suppliers?
4. Sketch the demand and supply functions with the tax for the two cases on separate figures.
5. How does the pd and ps depend on b and d? Give some intuition in terms of the elasticity of demand
and supply.
III. Welfare
1. Calculate the consumer surplus and producer surplus in equilibrium without tax p , q .
2. Calculate the consumer surplus and producer surplus in equilibrium without tax pd , ps , qt .
3. What would be the deadweight loss DW L ?
4. Illustrate your results graphically.
a. g(x) = 3 log(x)
b. g(x1 , x2 ) = x
1 log(x2 )
c. g(x1 , x2 ) = log(x
1 x2 )
Constrained optimization
x1 ,x2
p1 x1 + p2 x2 = m.