IMPACT Precast Software

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IMPACT Precast

IMPACT Precast


IMPACT is an advanced software application for designing precast concrete building

elements. IMPACT Precast is specifically developed to handle different types of concrete
elements and the connections between them. The user is able to design the entire
building and create a three dimensional model (the Building Information Model BIM)
from which data for the elements can be extracted in order to automatically generate shop
drawings, assembly drawings and reports.
The information includes reinforcement, cast-in material, joints, electrical- and other
components for slabs, hollow core- and form slabs, walls, sandwich and double walls and
columns and beams. The user can choose from working in 2D, 3D or directly on the shop
drawing. Standard components are stored in the BIM Standard Library.
All information is interlinked between the model, the drawings and the reports. One
"Central Database" - BIM, collates all project information, allowing changes in the
drawings to be immediately taken back to BIM, with a possibility of exporting data to
Material and Planning Systems (ERP) and Machine Control Systems.

Key Features

IMPACT Precast

IMPACT is developed to be used with AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture, Revit.

IMPACT creates the building information model (BIM) consisting of slabs, hollow core
and form slabs, walls, sandwich, double walls and columns, and beams. including
standard components such as reinforcement, cast-in material, joints, electrical and
other components.
IMPACT is used as a tool for effective and industrialized production of concrete
building constructions to reduce man-hours in design and production, reduce lead-time
and to increase the quality.
IMPACT automatically generates shop drawings, assembly drawings and related
reports for production.
IMPACT imports data (drawings) from architect systems and output data can be
interfaced to Material and Planning Systems (ERP) and Machine Control Systems.
IMPACT has tools for web-based project collaboration and information sharing of
standard data.
IMPACT has integrated planning system for Cast Production, Transportation and

Technical Features

IMPACT Precast

Easy to use.
IMPACT Precast is easy to use and is built on the most common software in the
building industry, AutoCAD and Revit Structure.
Reduced design time.
By using IMPACT Precast, the design time is reduced a lot compared to using
standard AutoCAD. This leads to that lead-time is reduced as well and increased
quality of Produced elements. IMPACT Precast generates all shop drawings
automatically including dimensions and control of changes.
Small and big models.
IMPACT Precast can handle both small and big projects (models).
Element marking and unique ID.
For each project it is possible to select how the element marking shall be done. The
elements ID is unique and is automatically set by the system. This is important when
integrating IMPACT Precast to Planning Software.

IMPACT Precast

Technical Features

Multi user system, several users can work on the same project.
The users can share the whole or part of the projects elements, components,
drawings, etc. between each other. This is mandatory to be able to exchange
information on the same project between consultants, and precast factories.

User 1 Walls

User 3 Sandwich

3D BIM Database

User 2 Slabs

User 4 Columns & Beams

Technical Features

IMPACT Precast

The Factory Standard is easy to setup and distribute.

The Factory Standard is a complete set of templates, set-ups, rules, etc. The
Company Standard also includes information of components (beam types, electric
pipes, etc.), symbols and cranes.

Configuration Tools (Administrative Tools).

In Administrative Tools, the configuration
of the factory standard is setup.
standard can be distributed to consultants or others working in the same project.

Technical Features

IMPACT Precast

IMPACT Precast has an Open Database; it is easy to integrate IMPACT Precast to

other systems.
The IMPACT server is easy to install and is built on Microsoft SQL Server. Access
the database with ODBC data source for exporting the data to other systems.

System Overview

IMPACT Precast

System CAD Platform

IMPACT Precast

Modelling & Detailing


IMPACT Precast

IMPACT is developed to be used with AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture or Revit.

IMPACT creates the model in these platform using the different modules. IMPACT
consists module of
Wall panels
Solid, Sandwich and insulated walls are defined using the floor plan or the elevation
drawing. Components are inserted from the standard libraries. The weight and centre
of gravity is calculated, and lifts and bracing anchors are placed based on the position
of the centre of gravity.
Column & Beam
A library of standard parametric sections for columns and beams is available as well
as user-defined sections based on any polyline. Corbels can be added to columns
and beams as well as walls.
Hollow Core Slabs
Hollow core slabs are defined by an arbitrary area. Saw zones can be defined to
control where cutting is allowed. Lifts and core filings can be inserted for each
element. With the use of the Prestressed Calculation Connection it is possible perform
a structural analysis of the slab.

Modelling & Detailing


IMPACT Precast

Solid Slab
Solid slabs with or without pre-stressing. The slabs are defined by an arbitrary area
and can be split into several elements by input of the width of each element.
Double Wall
Double walls consist of two thin concrete panels separated by girders. They are
quickly defined and can also be standardized to minimize the input for each wall.
Walls can be connected to each other using joints or T-connections with
Form Slabs/Filigree
Filigree slabs with lattice girders that act as permanent formwork for in-situ cast
concrete. The form slab definition is setup with reinforcement, lifting points and girders
and can be standardized using rules for lattice girders and reinforcement alternatives.
Complex reinforcement can be defined in an easy and intuitive way. Templates can
be used to ensure that detailing is presented according to national standards. The
Reinforcement module is integrated with the other modules or can be used standalone.

Modelling & Detailing

Walls in the Model

IMPACT Precast

Connect Walls

Add Cast in Materials & MEP

Automatic Lifting & bracing
Automatic Element marking
Generating Shop drawings &

Active Drawings.

Change on the drawing and

transfer changes back to floor plan and
other drawings.


Modelling & Detailing

Columns & Beams in the Model


IMPACT Precast

Model tool
Based on definitions
Automatic shop drawings
Corbels, Column footing..
Multiple Sections
Advanced beams
Add Cast in materials

Modelling & Detailing

Hollow Core Slabs in the Model

Preview of layout
Automatic Shop drawing andlist

IMPACT Precast

Use predefined polyline

Lifts, Core fillings, End caps

Strand patterns & Cut zones
Predefined Shafts

Design & Analysis

IMPACT Precast

IMPACT has a integrated design and analysis tool for Hollow core slabs. Analysis and
design of Hollow Core elements can be done with PRE-Stress which is fully integrated
to IMPACT Precast.

Add loads to Model

Quick overview over all stages
Fast and accurate presentation
Detailed results


Project Management

IMPACT Precast

In Project Manager, a full view of the project from early design to delivery and
assembly is given. The DWG-Viewer shows the 3D-model and shop drawings.
Properties for each element can be viewed and material lists can be generated for
each building, floor, and assembly sequence. Reports and drawing can be generated
for approval.
Easy Counts
Number of elements
Follow up


Planning & Follow up

IMPACT Precast

IMPACT has a integrated planning tool and a model viewer with graphical tool to view
and manage your projects with Cast planning, Bed planning, Setting Erection
sequences, Transport planning and simulate.


Planning & Follow up


IMPACT Precast

Set dates, erection sequences, status in Project Manager/Model Viewer

Planning & Follow up


Simulate the progress with IMPACT Live

IMPACT Precast

Planning & Follow up

IMPACT Precast

Follow up

Warnings will be shown when elements are delay in the process.


Planning & Follow up


Status of elements

IMPACT Precast


IMPACT Precast

IMPACT Precast has been developed in close collaboration with precast plants, with
a unique focus on delivering quality material to the production.
With IMPACT Precast, production issues are handled from the early stages of project.
Production lines are stored in the factory-level of the database with information about
geometry and weight limits. Building cranes for erection with lift capacity curves and
restrictions are placed in the model.
Elements are continuously checked against the production and crane capacities. If
limits are exceeded, elements are clearly marked in red and tooltips contain extended
information on the error.
Through automatic synchronization between IMPACT and planning systems,
scheduling of elements through the phases of delivery of drawings, casting to erection
gives the users control over precast process.

IMPACT Precast supports a number of export formats to production planning systems

(ERP) and production atomization systems including Unitechnik, BETSY and



Mass and size check

Produciability control
Machine limitations
Handling of reinforcement Robot
Crane capability
Export to Unitechnik (Machine files)
Export to ELiPLAN, BETSY..

IMPACT Precast

Transport & Erection

IMPACT Precast

IMPACT Precast has a transport module for transportation and stacking of precast
elements. According to the erection sequences from the site, the elements will be
stacked and unloaded to the site in reverse order. Transport lists for each loadings will
be generated.


Transport & Erection

Add Stack types

Add Vehicle types
Auto Transport
Transport Overview
Erection & Stack Sequences

Transport List
Stack Usage%
Transport Status

IMPACT Precast

IMPACT Precast

Key Users

StruEngineers is a wholly owned subsidiary of Structural

Design Software in Europe AB (StruSoft); a Swedish
company operating since 2002 providing structural
design software. The company was initially supported
and owned by SKANSKA, one of the biggest
construction and contracting company in the world.

With best regards,

Biney Bhat
Mobile: +44 2033710563

Suite F-19, Maxet House |Liverpool Road | Luton LU1 1RS | Bedfordshire | United Kingdom


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