Decrement Curve
Decrement Curve
Decrement Curve
Figure 1. Breakdown of Generator Relays Tripped during 2003 East Coast Blackout [1]
1. In-feeds: Apparent impedance due to multiple in-feeds will require larger reaches to cover
long lines and will overreach adjacent shorter lines. The apparent impedance effect occurs
because the generator is only one of several sources of fault current for a line fault. This
causes the impedance value of the faulted line to appear further away and requires a larger
impedance setting to cover faults at the remote end of the line.
2. Transmission System Protection: If the transmission lines exiting the power plant have proper
primary and backup protection, as well as local breaker failure, the need to set the 21
generator backup relay to respond to faults at the end of the longest lines is mitigated since
local backup has been provided on the transmission system.
3. 21 Relay Loadabiltiy Test (IEEE): Settings should be checked to ensure the maximum load
impedance (ZLoad =kV2/ MVAG) at the generators rated power factor angle (RPFA) does
not encroach into the 21 relay setting. A typical margin of 150-200% (50 to 67% of
capability curve) at the rated power factor of the generator is recommended by IEEE
C37.102-2006 [2] to avoid tripping during power swing conditions. A second criterion is a
margin of 80 to 90% under the generator capability curve at the relay maximum torque angle
setting of the 21 relay. Due to recent blackouts caused by voltage collapse, the 21 distance
setting should be checked for proper operating margins when the generator is subjected to
low system voltage. Note that the impedance is reduced by the square of the voltage. System
voltage under emergency conditions can reduce to planned levels of 90 to 94% of nominal
ratings. Utility transmission planners should be consulted for worst-case emergency voltage
levels. In almost all cases, the loadability considerations limit the reach of the generator 21
backup relay setting.
21 Relay Loadability Test (NERC): The NERC white paper, however, suggests a more
restrictive loadability test based on data obtained and analyzed for the 2003 blackout where
the impact of field forcing by the generator AVR control resulted in a high Var output during
system low voltage. Modern AVR control allows field current above rating (160-230%) for a
short period of time (5-10 seconds) in an effort to raise system voltage. This results in a
relative high output of reactive power (Mvars) at the same time the generator real power
(Mw) is near normal and results in an impedance angle that tends to move into the 21 relay
trip characteristic. The NERC white paper suggests two setpoints that should be used to
check the 21 setting during Bulk Power System extreme stress when field-forcing is taking
place. These two load points are:
#1) MVA = 1.0 pu Mw + J (1.5 pu Mw) Mvars
#2) MVA = 0.4 pu Mw + J (1.75pu Mw) Mvars
Note that the reactive power (Mvars) is defined in terms of generator MW rating where 1.0
pu is the MW rating of the generator. The methods outline in Figure 3 can be used to convert
the Mw and Mvar values to impedance and they can be plotted on an R-X diagram of the 21
relay setting.
Figure 4 shows the plot of both IEEE and NERC loadability tests on an R-X diagram for a typical
large generator. It can be seen that the NERC loadability test is much more restrictive and results in a 21
setting that will be more restrictive in responding to fault on the power system. With very limited backup
for transmission system faults, the transmission system line protection will need to have delineated
primary and backup as well as local breaker failure. This is so no single contingency failure will require
remote backup tripping by the generator 21 protection which has limited response to remote transmission
faults. Both IEEE and NERC require that the time delay for the 21 relay should be set longer than the
transmission lines backup and breaker failure protection with appropriate margin for proper coordination
and be set so that it does not operate on stable power swings.
IEEE C 37.102 Reach Less then 80 to 90%
of Capability Curve
NERC Low Power Operating
Limit - Operating Condition #2
NERC Low Power Operating
Limit - Operating Condition #1
IEEE Guidelines - 21 Distance Relay Setting
NERC Guidelines - 21 Distance Relay Setting
Undervoltage Protection (27): Undervoltage (Device 27) tripping of generators was the single
biggest identifiable cause of generator tripping during the 2003 blackout. The device 27 measures
generator terminal voltage. IEEE Standard C37.102 IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection [2] does
not recommend use of the 27 function for tripping, but only to alarm to alert operators to take necessary
actions. Undervoltage alarms as experienced by hydro, fossil, combustion and nuclear units are an
indicator of possible abnormal operating conditions such as excitation problems and thermal issues within
the unit. Other alarms from RTDs and hydrogen pressure are better indicators of thermal concerns. If
function 27 tripping is used for an unmanned facility, the settings must coordinate with the stressed
system condition of 0.85 per unit voltage and time delays set to allow for clearing of system faults by
transmission system protection, including breaker failure times. The recommended time delay is 10
seconds or longer.
Manufacturers recommend operator action up to and including reduction in unit output rather than a
unit trip. Generators are usually designed to operate continuously at a minimum voltage of 95% of its
rated voltage, while delivering rated power at rated frequency. Operating a generator with terminal
voltage lower than 95% of its rated voltage may result in undesirable effects such as reduction in stability
limit, import of excessive reactive power from the grid to which it is connected, and malfunctioning of
voltage-sensitive devices and equipment. Low generator voltage can affect the plant auxiliary system
supplied from the generator auxiliary transformer. Auxiliary systems at steam plants contain a large
number of motors, which are constant KVA devices that can be overloaded due to low voltage. The lower
their operating voltage, the more current the motor draws. Thus, plant auxiliary system motors can trip,
and have tripped, via their thermal protection for low generator terminal voltage. Generator undervoltage
relays should not be used to protect these motors. The thermal protection on the motors should be the
protection element that protects these motors from overload.
At nuclear plants, the voltage on the I-E busses is typically monitored by undervoltage relays. If the
1-E voltage drops to a point where the plant cannot be safely shut down, the diesels are started and the I-E
loads transfer to the diesels. The plant then must be shut down if system voltage does not return to
normal. The nuclear plant should provide the transmission system operator the level of the1-E separation
voltage so that planning studies can recognize the possible tripping of the nuclear plant due to low system
Inadvertent Energizing Generator Protection (27/50): Inadvertent or accidental energizing of offline generators has occurred often enough to warrant installation of dedicated protection to detect this
condition. Operating errors, breaker head flashovers, control circuit malfunctions, or a combination of
these causes has resulted in generators being accidentally energized while off-line.
The problem is particularly prevalent on large generators that are commonly connected through a
disconnect switch to either a ring bus or breaker-and-a-half bus configuration. Figure 7 illustrates this
type of bus configuration. These bus configurations allow the high voltage generator breakers to be
returned to service as bus breakersto close a ring bus or breaker-and-a-half bay when the machine is
off-line. The generator, under this condition, is isolated from the power system through only the highvoltage disconnect switch. While interlocks are commonly used to prevent accidental closure of this
disconnect switch, a number of generators have been damaged or completely destroyed when interlocks
were inadvertently bypassed or failed and the switch accidentally closed. When a generator on turning
gear is energized from the power system (three-phase source), it will accelerate like an induction motor.
The generator terminal voltage and the current are a function of the generator, transformer, and system
impedances. Depending on the system, this current may be as high as 3 pu to 4 pu and as low as 1 pu to 2
pu of the machine rating. While the machine is accelerating, high currents induced into the rotor may
cause significant damage in only a matter of seconds. If the generator is accidentally back-fed from the
station auxiliary transformer, the current may be as low as 0.1 pu to 0.2 pu. While this is of concern and
has occurred, there have not been reports of extensive generator damage from this type of energizing;
however, auxiliary transformers have failed.
induced eddy currents in the rotor. The high reactive current drawn by the generator from the power
system can overload the stator windings.
There are two widely-applied methods for detecting a generator loss-of-field condition. A two-zone
distance relay approach is used in both schemes to provide high-speed detection. Figure 9 illustrates both
approaches. The zone 2 impedance circle diameter is set to equal to the generator synchronous reactance
(Xd) (or 1.1 times Xd in one approach) and is offset downward by half of the generator transient
reactance (Xd). A directional element is used in one approach so the zone 2 unit will not operate for
forward direction faults. The operation of the zone 2 element is delayed approximately 30-45 cycles to
prevent misoperation during a stable transient power swing. The zone 1 used in both approaches has a
slight time delay of 5 to 6 cycles and is used for high-speed detection of more severe loss-of-field
conditions. The loss-of-field setting must be checked for coordination with the generator capability curve,
AVR under-excitation limiter setting and should not trip for stable power swings. Figure 9 illustrates this
coordination on an R-X impedance diagram.
- Xd
Heavy Load
Light Load
1.0 pu
Zone 1
Impedance Locus
During Loss of Field
- Xd
Zone 1
Zone 2
Under Excitation
Limiter (UEL)
Under Excitation
Limiter (UEL)
Overvoltage Protection (59): The device 59 overvoltage protection uses the measurement of
generator terminal voltage. Over-voltage protection is for preventing an insulation break-down from a
sustained overvoltage. The generator insulation system is capable of operating at 105% overvoltage
continuously. Beyond 105%, sustained overvoltage conditions should normally not occur for a generator
with a healthy voltage regulator, but it may be caused by the following contingencies: (1) defective AVR
operation, (2) manual operation without a voltage regulator, and (3) sudden load loss. Figure 10 shows the
connection of the 59 relay on a typical generator.
Figure 10. Overvoltage Relay with Surge Devices Shown Connected to Stator Windings
There are no coordination requirements with the transmission protective relays for system faults given
the high voltage setpoint and long delay of tens of seconds or longer. Additionally, most system fault
conditions would cause a reduction in voltage. The misoperation that occurred during the 2003 blackout
appeared to be caused by setting the relay with too short a time delay such that short time system
overvoltage conditions during the event triggered the trippings. The following is a NERC example of
setting the 59T and 59I function time delays.
Step 1 VNominal = 120V
Step 2 59T =105% of 110% of VNominal =1.05x 1.10 x 120V =139V (1.155 pu),
with a time delay of 10 seconds or longer.
Step 3 59I=105% of 130% of =1.05 x 1.30 x 120V=184V (=1.365 pu) with no time delay
It is suggested that, for creditable contingencies where overvoltage may occur, all shunt reactors near
the generator be placed in service or all capacitor banks near the generator be removed from service prior
to the 10 second-trip limit on the generator. Overvoltage can also occur when EHV transmission lines
exiting the plant are tripped only at the terminal remote from the generating station. These unloaded lines
have high-shunt capacitance that can raise generator terminal voltage.
Figure 11 provides an example of a voltage regulator response to load rejection where transmission
line protection has tripped to cause a sudden loss of generator load. The regulator causes the generator to
operate back near nominal voltage in about two seconds, well before any action by the overvoltage
Figure 11. Typical Example of Load Rejection Data for Voltage Regulator Response Time
Generator Step-up
improper operation of Power Load Unbalance (PLU) controls as well as gas turbine lean blowout
Power Load Unbalance (PLU) Trippings: PLUs are applied on large steam generators to avoid
over-speed tripping during full load rejection by closing, and then opening, steam valves to reduce
mechanical energy and avoid over-speed unit tripping. The PLU control scheme automatically initiates
closing of intercept and control values within 10 ms. The scheme is triggered by an unbalance of steam
and electric power, which exceeds 40%. During system fault conditions, system voltage is reduced. The
reduced voltage results in a reduction in the electrical power (MW) output of the generatorunbalancing
the electrical and steam power. PLUs have improperly operated for these system conditions. These
improper generator trippings have resulted in a Midwest near-blackout and a blackout in New Mexico.
The manufacturer states the PLUs are not designed to operate for system fault conditions. A PLU setting
restricts operation through a rate of change of power setting, which can discriminate between load
rejection and system fault conditions.
There is also a software problem in the GE MKVI turbine control PLU. It has improperly operated for
system faults. Once activated, it closes both the control and intercept valves but fails to open the control
value which results in a unit trip. GE has issued a technical information letter (TIL 1534-2) to upgrade the
scheme to prevent misoperations. NERC may also issue an alert letter to make generator owners aware of
the problem.
Gas Turbine Lean Blowout Tripping: An operating error resulted in a transmission system
138KV fault in south Florida remaining on the system for 1.7 seconds. During the protracted fault,
voltage locally went to near-zero, which effectively reduced the area load and thereby caused area
generators to accelerate. Indications are that six combustion turbine (CT) generators within the region that
were operating in a lean-burn mode (used for reducing emissions) tripped offline as result of a
phenomenon known as ''turbine combustor lean blowout.'' As the CT generators accelerated in response to
the frequency excursion, the direct-coupled turbine compressors forced more air into their associated
combustion chambers at the same time as the governor speed control function reduced fuel input in
response to the increase in speed. This resulted in what is known as a CT ''blowout,'' or loss of flame,
causing the units to trip offline. Generator owners and operators are encouraged by NERC to consult their
CT manufacturers to understand and identify the plants susceptibility to turbine combustor lean
blowout as a result of a system over-frequency transient and work with them to identify steps that may
mitigate this issue.
V. Conclusions
Recent misoperations of generation protection during major system disturbances have highlighted the
need for better coordination of generator protection with generator capability, generator excitation control
(AVR) limiters and transmission system protection. This paper provides a brief summary of the NERC
white paper recommendation for coordinating generator and transmission system protection and compares
it to existing IEEE guidelines. In most cases, with a few notable exceptions, the recommendations are the
same. In a few areas, however, the NERC document suggests more stringent requirements based on
analysis of data from the 2003 East Coast blackout.
This paper also discusses in detail the important role the generator AVR and turbine control play
during major system disturbances. Since most recent major power system disturbances are the result of
voltage collapse, generator protection and turbine control must be secure during low-voltage system
conditions while still providing generator protection. In addition, the generator AVR needs to properly
control VAr support to rapidly stabilize system voltage during major disturbances.
VI. References
Power Plant and Transmission System Protection Coordination, NERC Technical Report,
Revision 1 July 2010. (available on the NERC website).
[2] IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection, ANSI/IEEE C37.102-2006.
[3] Protective Relaying Theory and Applications edited by Walter A. Elmore, ABB Power
T&D Company Inc. Coral Springs, FL, 1994.
[4] Final Report on the August 14, 2003 Blackout in the United States and Canada: Causes
and Recommendations, U.S. Canada Power System Outage Task Force, April 5, 2004.