ACCA Booklet
Continuing its innovative and dynamic approach, taking full advantage of its position and connections
and with the enduring passion to serve the community, Jeddah Community College (JCC) is launching
its International Professional Qualifications Program.
To accomplish this, JCC has entered into a strategic collaboration with Ernst & Young, an internationally
Dates and
renowned name inCommencement
the fields of Assurance, Accounting
and Consulting
Our initial focus is on Accountancy and Finance starting from Association of Chartered Certified
Accountants (ACCA). Our existing courses at Business Information Technology (BIT) department are
instrumental for us to start from ACCA as our curriculum for Associate Degree in Accounting is largely
based on ACCA structure. ACCA, acknowledging our efforts and recognizing the quality of our study
and examination structure is already giving our graduates exemption of four papers.
We are confident that our venturing into the main stream ACCA qualification will provide the
community unrivalled opportunity of excellent learning experience, best results, highest level of
professionalism and increased employability, all leading to a vibrant society and stronger nation.
To be the first choice for all international professional qualifications aspirants being recognized for
provision of all necessary business skills and knowledge needed by the community.
To provide excellent quality study programs, focusing on best results for the top accounting and finance
professional qualifications worldwide.
Offer well-structured tuition solutions for candidates of different professional qualifications
Committed to excellent and the best teaching resources
Achieving highest results
Assisting candidates in their career pursuits and mentoring
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and Venue
02. Dates
06. Exemptions
07. Assessment
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What is ACCA?
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is the largest and fastest growing global professional
accountancy body. There are over 428,000 students and 162,000 members in 173 countries.
In the Middle East region there are more than 7,500 students, affiliates and members. ACCAs reputation and
influence are respected worldwide by employers, governments and the profession itself.
Examination subjects
Students will have to complete 14 papers in total. Nine Fundamentals and Five Professional level papers.
Fundamentals level (nine papers in total)
Knowledge module
Essential module
Paper F1
Paper F2
Paper F3
Paper P1
Paper P2
Paper P3
Accountant in
Governance, Risk
and Ethics
Business Analysis
Foundations in Professionalism
Skills module
Paper F4
Paper F5
Paper F6
Paper P4
Paper P6
Corporate and
Business Law
Advanced Financial
Advanced Taxation
Paper F7
Paper F8
Paper F9
Paper P5
Paper P7
Audit and
Advanced Performance
ACCA member
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Entry requirments
For entry to ACCAs professional qualification, students must meet at least one of the criterion shown below:
Degree ( from a recognized institution)
2 UK A levels and 3 GCSEs (5 separate subjects including English and Mathematics), or equivalent.
How to apply
Step 1
Step 2
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Registration deadlines
ACCA UK (initial registration)
Students previous qualifications may entitle them to exemptions from certain ACCA examinations (a maximum
of 9 papers in the fundamentals level are available for exemption). This will ensure that their point of entry is the
most suitable for their level of knowledge and skills and will prevent them from repeating areas with which they are
already familiar.
Students who have completed the AAT/CAT qualification/FIADiploma in Accounting and Business are exempted
from the Knowledge module in full.
ACCAs exemption policy is subject to change and assessments may be revised without prior notice. Students are
strongly advised to obtain written confirmation of their exemption status from ACCA before embarking on any
course of study. Students will be required to pay an exemption fee for each paper awarded. Exemption fees are the
same as examination fees.
Key Exemptions
SOCPA member
CMA member
F1F5 and F9
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8 March
9 March to 8 April
9 April to 8 May
8 September
9 September. to 8 October
9 October. to 8 November
Online only
Online only
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Experience requirements
To become a Chartered Certified Accountant, students must complete the Ethics module and satisfy ACCAs
practical training requirements, in addition to passing the professional examinations.
Professional Ethics Module
As part of their ethical development, students are
required to complete a Professional Ethics Module,
developed by ACCA. Students will be given access
to the Professional Ethics Module as soon as they
become eligible to take Paper P1, Governance, Risk
and Ethics. It is recommended that students take
the Professional Ethics Module at the same time as,
or before, the Governance, Risk and Ethics is taken.
While students have the flexibility to complete
the ethics module at their own convenience, it
must be completed before applying for full ACCA
membership, and before finishing the Oxford
Brookes University BSc Degree.
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Professional level
* The fee is inclusive of tutorials and study materials only. Initial registration, annual subscription and exam fees should be paid directly to ACCA UK
The study text and revision series have to be purchased separately
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Student warranties
Offers of admission are made on the basis of information supplied by the applicant. Students warrant that
such information is accurate. The JCC is entitled to terminate a students admission, without refund of tuition
fees, if the information supplied by an applicant is proven to be false or misleading.
Course cancellation
Courses offered are subject to a minimum number of students and tutor availability. If a course has less than
the minimum number of students desired by JCC or has no available tutor, then JCC is entitled to cancel such
a course, at its absolute discretion, without liability. In such instances, the JCC can offer the student an alternative
course of the same level or standard.
Tuition fees
Students are required to pay the relevant tuition fees prior to commencement of the course. All tuition fees
or deposit must be paid to JCC.
Cheques and bankers draft must clear before the commencement of classes.
The JCC accepts no responsibility for any tuition fees deposit paid to any person other than the admin staff
of JCC against a valid receipt.
Where a student cannot pay full tuition fees in one payment, a part payment can be made and the student shall
pay the balance upto maximum of 3 installments within 3 months, at the discretion of JCC. Installments can be
made for enrolling in more than one paper of a course. Any student failing to comply with an installment plan
may lose the right to pay by installment and the JCC has the right to demand full payment of the outstanding
If a student defaults twice in his payments, the JCC may terminate his admission.
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Fees quoted are the tuition fees only and exclude fees payable to professional or awarding bodies in respect
of registration, membership, exemption, examination, entry and other fees.
An admin charge of SR100 will apply where cheques are not honored.
Failure to attend classes does not relieve students of responsibility to pay the tuition fee.
Registrations will only be confirmed upon receiving the full course fees (prior to the commencement of the
Any incidental costs incurred on behalf of the students shall be charged to them, for example medical charges,
fax costs and taxi fare.
Additional photocopies made to students, on their request, will be charged at SR1 per page.
A student repeating a course must pay the full course fee.
Deferrals/no shows
All deferral requests should be made within two weeks of starting the course. Any requests after this date will not
be entertained.
When an enrolled student wish to defer his admission, tuition fees paid will not be refunded.
Course fees can be carried forward only for one semester.
Deferral requests will only be accepted, if the student shows exceptional circumstances. What is exceptional shall
be determined by JCC. An example: the student is seriously ill and is not in a fit mental or physical state to attend
classes (In this case, the deferral request should be accompanied with a medical report from a doctor who is
registered with a recognized hospital).
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Deferral requests entertained do not give the right to attend a different course, subject or paper.
There will be no refund of tuition fees paid, where the student does not turn up (no shows) for training sessions.
Merit scholarship
For CAT and ACCA students who secure a score of 8089% or 90100% in paper based exams, JCC offers a merit
scholarship of 50% and 100% of the tuition fee, respectively.
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Course progression
Students are accepted into JCC on the strict understanding that progression through the course is conditional upon
satisfactory and required attendance and successful attainment of prescribed performance targets. Students are
formally assessed by the internal tests and the mandatory external assessment from the professional body. The
internal assessment will take into consideration:
Course work assignments
Internal examination results
Commitment to study
The student shall have to comply with the relevant requirements of the professional body and sponsor (if
Course material
Course teaching materials will be provided by JCC
Students are to arrange their own extra study materials, although JCC will provide lectures handouts, library
resources, and e- resources (this may vary course wise).
These resources are for the use of student only and it is not allowed to share them with anyone else in print,
electronic or any other form
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JCC updates its website regularly. However, before acting upon any information on the website, the student must
confirm it from any admin staff of JCC.
Sponsored courses
JCC shall be sending a progress report to the Parents/Guardians/Sponsor
JCC shall be requiring the sponsor to pay the fees for the sponsored candidate
Professional conduct
Students shall be punctual and prepared for the classes and exams
Students shall do all the assignments given by the lecturer
Students are not allowed to swap or change their classes unless they are permitted by the admin staff at JCC.
Students should always observe a decent dress code worthy of professional studies students.
All students are expected to behave in accordance with commonly accepted rules of good behavior and to
abide by the rules and regulations applicable on them, including this terms document. Students are expected to
conduct themselves at all times in a manner which demonstrates respect for fellow students, JCC, its staff and
the local culture.
Food and beverages of all kind are not allowed in the class rooms.
Smoking is strictly prohibited to be used on campus
Students shall not engage in disruptive conduct in and around the training premises
Students shall comply with all oral or written instructions made by staff at JCC
While the JCC takes all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and security of students on the Center, JCC
cannot accept responsibility, and expressly excludes liability, for loss or damage to students personal property
(including computer equipment and software), including any financial or other consequential loss, where such
loss or damage is as a result of theft, fire, flood, computer virus or any cause relating to JCC computing facilities,
or any other cause.
Any student found guilty of theft or damage to the property at JCC (including trespassing) will be held liable to
pay the fair amount of damages and subject to disciplinary action
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Student communications
The preferred method of communication with JCC is the email or fax.
The students are required to send an email or fax of all its queries and updates to JCC
Students are also required to keep their contact details updated with JCC, at all times.
Students are strongly recommended to observe the official Notice Board on a regular basis for important
information displayed.
For all the inquiries, students must contact at JCC during regular office hours i.e. 8 am till 5 pm during the
business days.
Students (and their parents or guardians where applicable) agree that their images, details and achievements may
be used for promotional purposes without written consent or notification.
Data protection
Any information provided to JCC may be held on computer and shall be used by the JCC in accordance with its Data
Protection policy. Information provided to JCC is held and processed for the purpose of administering your studies,
and may be carried forward to your official student record, which holds data in electronic and paper form on your
personal details, academic and administrative history and on relevant financial transactions. In this regard, JCC
might be needed to provide your data to government and professional bodies.
Grievance procedure
All grievances shall be directed to the Associate Dean (AD) and it must be in writing. Grievances will be handled with
utmost care and JCC will maintain strict confidentiality. The decision of the A.D. shall be final in this regard.
JCC reserves the right to make changes in certain fees, faculty assignments, procedures and time schedules,
to cancel classes where necessary, and to set maximum limits for enrollment in certain classes. Notice of such
changes will be given where possible. Should your class be canceled, you will be notified of through your email
address and/or SMS.
JCC accepts no liability for the actions of students, Al-Moayyed Tower, Professional Bodies, sponsors and
government. We further exclude the liability for all the actions and issues beyond our control, such as students not
getting visas and a professional body not accepting an application and so on.
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I declare that I understand and agree to the abovementioned policies and procedures which are a prerequisite for
my enrollment at JCC.
Student name:
ID no.:
This declaration will remains valid for all ACCA papers studied with JCC and may not be required to be submitted
with every session.
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Registration form
Full name
: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date of birth
: ____________________________________________________________________________
ID no.
: ____________________________________________________________________________
: ____________________________________________________________________________
Registration form
Preferred class timing
Sponsorship details
Feb _____
Aug _____
Contact details
Residential address
: ____________________________________________________________________________
: ____________________________________________________________________________
Mobile no.
: ____________________________________________________________________________
Office no.
Email address
: ____________________________________________________________________________
If company sponsored
Company name
: ____________________________________________________________________________
: ____________________________________________________________________________
Your position
: ____________________________________________________________________________
Your department
: ____________________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that all the information provided on this form is correct.
Signature: ...........................
Date: ............................
*Please note that the registration is considered incomplete if the candidate fails to agree and sign to the terms and conditions.
Refer terms and conditions.
Please return this registration form along with the following supporting documents to JCC.
ID copy
2 Passport size photographs
Sponsorship letter (sponsored candidates only)
Signed terms and conditions
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