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Telling Stories……….....

1 ISSUE 4 VOLUME 1 March 14, 2010

Growing Closer When

We’re Apart………..…2 A weekly publication to encourage and equip
Group Leaders

News & Notes for

Telling Stories
Everyone loves a good story...right? What stories do you know that you can
Do you have a favorite story that was share? What is your story? Ask group
read to you growing up? Maybe one members to complete any one or all of
that you read to your kids? the following statements:

Stories stimulate our imagination, our What I like about my group…

mind creates pictures and we can What my group means to me…
relate to what the characters are
experiencing. We use stories to teach What I want people to know about
our children about positive character groups…
traits, qualities we want them to
Why I think people should join a
embrace. Jesus used stories to teach
timeless truths about the Father, His group…
kingdom and the world.
These stories, your story, demonstrate
Through stories we also demonstrate God in the business of changing lives—
and we want to share them with others
how God is working in the lives of the
people around us. God demonstrates A form with these questions on it will be
His love, grace, faithfulness, concern e-mailed to you, it can also be found at
and involvement in our lives as we hear and
copies can be made in the office to
stories of what He is doing for people.
handout to group members.
We see glimpses of an Almighty, All-
powerful, All-knowing God involved in Please have your groups answer these
the details of our life—transforming our questions in the next two weeks.
lives. Completed forms can be dropped off at
the Connection Center or to the main
office. These stories will be used to
We need stories. We need to hear demonstrate God’s work in the lives of
them, we need to tell them. His people.

You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable
witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to
pass them on to others. 2 Timothy 2:2

Pray this week for new Leaders. Ask God to show you who you can teach his truth
to so they in turn can pass it on to others. Have you sensed God’s nudge to build
into someone, encourage someone, give opportunity to allow God to use them? Pray
that God will use you to raise up new leaders, teachers, and workers.
Growing Closer No matter what I did to make our meetings dynamic, it
When We’re Apart didn’t guarantee people would attend or interact...

...But then I discov- around. When I show interest in time to be alone, go shopping, and Intercede for them. A key to effec-
ered that whenever I their work, people seem more will- so on. tive intercession is to identify with
made a midweek con- ing to share other parts of their those for whom we pray. What’s
nection with a group lives as well. Write them. Personal, handwritten going on in their lives? Are they
member, be was sure notes are becoming a rarity—and lonely? Stressed out with parent-
to attend and partici- Socialize with them. It’s often while thus precious. I do four things to ing? Struggling in a shaky mar-
pate in our next meet- playing and laughing together that make the most of my notes to riage? Tempted to work to do
ing. Here are some we let our guard down and allow group members. I pray for God to something unethical? Put yourself
things my wife and I our real selves to come out. Play guide my words. I focus on encour- in their place as your pray
have done to help our sports together. Attend a retreat. agement. I include a verse of -Brian Mavis
group grow closer Go to a concert. Camp overnight. Scripture. I tell them I have prayed Best Small Group Ideas (vol. 2)
when we’re apart. Take a day hike. Play laser tag. for them. Compiled by Susan Nikaido

Visit them at work. I’m Serve them. There are obvious Call them. Many times my wife calls
interested in what people times when people need help— other women in our group just to
do for a living—and people during illness or when facing a big connect briefly—and to have a
are usually eager to show move, for example. But don’t over- same adult conversation after God takes full
me this part of their lives. I look opportunities to be kind in hours of dialoguing with children. responsibility for the
ask when is the best time small ways as well. My wife some- Casual phone calls communicate,
life wholly devoted to
for me to visit them at work, times offers to baby sit so that “You’re my friend.”
so they can show me young mothers in our group have Him.

- Charles Stanley
Nuts & Bolts for
Group Leaders
people interacting with one together? For better? if you have suggestions, ways
another? we can equip you or communi-
What stories can we tell? cate with you better, please
Is there anything I can do to share these with your Team
improve the interaction What will happen at the end of Leader.
between members of the April?
group? Are members caring • Do I want to continue to May God continue to
for each other, praying for lead? encourage you, strengthen
We are past the half-way each other? • Does my group want to you and direct you in ways to
point of this first semester stay together? make a difference in the lives
of Groups! Wow, it’s gone Are group members learning, of someone else.
fast, but we’re hearing making friends, enjoying being
• Is there someone in my
group that could lead a
GREAT things! together? You are the salt of the earth
group of their own?
and the light of the world.
Most groups will end the last Am I encouraging members to
Our hope is that your group
week of April. May will be take next steps in their spiritual
has been a positive
promotion month for Summer journey?
experience for you so far.
groups and the week of June 6
Your Team Leader will be
our Summer Groups will begin. Are we accomplishing our
contacting you soon to talk
purpose as a group—lifegroup,
about your future plans as a
Questions to ask yourself or to studygroup, playgroup?
leader and as a group.
talk about with
your coordinator? Did the group dynamic change
We are always wanting to
after we did something fun
improve what we are doing, so
How well are together? After we served

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do,
but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:25

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